How to dye your hair red. Who suits red hair color: photos, tips.

This is the brightest and juiciest shade of strands that will make female image more expressive and noticeable to others, as before, is at the peak of popularity.

A red-haired woman is always the center of everyone's attention. Fashionable red hair color in 2017 is presented in several shade options, among which every woman who wants to look bright and attractive will be able to choose the right shade for herself.

Red hair color is incredibly popular in 2017. This season, fashion stylists suggest fashionable women to opt for light shades that look as natural and natural as possible. The mahogany shade, so popular last season, gave way to a more restrained red copper this year. This option is a combination of red, bronze and gold shades. Dyeing your hair this color makes the look natural, but at the same time gives it a discreet brightness. This technique, used by hair stylists, is based on the play of color and light, as a result of which the hair becomes more voluminous and mobile.

Is red hair color fashionable in 2017, and what shades are trending?

The 2017 trend also includes shades of cinnamon, copper and champagne with a slight reddish tint. Hairdressing experts also recommend that fashionistas dye their hair with dyes containing gold and copper; this choice will be an excellent option for girls with the “autumn” color type.

Red hair with burgundy highlights looks incredibly beautiful and stylish in 2017. However, to create an attractive and moderately discreet image, there should not be a lot of such glare.

In the winter of 2017, fiery red and carrot shades are in fashion, despite the relevance of restrained colors. However, only self-confident fashionistas can dare to use such coloring. This hair coloring is most suitable for owners of green eyes; it is a classic combination and always looks attractive and harmonious.

Combined coloring is another bright trend of this fashion season. When choosing this technique, you should give preference to darker chestnut roots and light or bright red tips. This coloring technique allows you to achieve the natural effect of strands that have faded in the sun.

With multi-tonal coloring in 2017, the combination of red with light chestnut or gray shades is relevant.

Color of autumn fallen leaves, aged cognac, pinkish-red, peach and copper in its various variations - fashionable shades red hair color 2017, which will be relevant throughout the year. For red-haired beauties, hair stylists have come up with a fashionable novelty - the Ronze coloring technique. She is a mixture of warm red and chestnut shades, resulting in a noble reddish shade of light chestnut. The Ronze style is new, which is why this year it is of particular interest to bright girls and women.

All the latest options for fashionable red hair color in 2017 are in this photo.

When painting red, it is important to take into account that such paints are not durable enough and very quickly lose their brightness and saturation. In order for colored red strands to look well-groomed and attractive, the dye must be regularly updated and also provided with proper care.

My sad story about dyeing my hair red from my old beauty blog. Discussion on LiveInternet

This post is a warning to all girls who will ever have the obsession of dyeing their hair red.

First, understand a few simple truths:

  • Henna for coloring dries the hair very much. You may not notice it after the first use, but if you use it constantly, your hair will become coarse and dry, like a washcloth. I am now talking about ordinary cheap Iranian henna in powder, without the addition of Basma and other evil spirits.
  • Hair dyes from the mass market are absorbed into the hair, gradually corroding your own pigment. If you just decide to stop dyeing your hair, your head will turn into an ordinary haystack.
  • The red color should NOT be COVERED with a dark color. Even after rinsing. At first they will stubbornly have a reddish tint, and then gradually wash out into red. If you wear makeup regularly, I don't mean tinting.
  • Red color does NOT suit girls with dark skin.
  • Cheap hair coloring tonic DOES NOT wash off completely. Never. Especially beware of girls with light color hair.
  • Never lighten your hair with Blondex to make the color “brighter”! The principle “I’ll apply it and immediately wash it off, just to lighten my hair a little” will certainly work, but after that, you can immediately say goodbye to your hair and get ready to cut it off after a while. For they will become like a washcloth.
  • If red really suits you, be prepared for the fact that even if you ever go back to your color, or change your color, you will DEFINITELY want to go back to red.
  • It's like a drug if it really makes you happy. If you want to get your color back after going red, no method other than cutting your hair will help.

The red color is unkillable.

Everything that was said above has been tested on myself. My natural hair color is brown. Neither dark nor light.

Let's move on to my example - look and learn from my mistakes. Get ready, it will be long and tedious. Lots of photos and explanations.

The beginning of my "red story". Hair dyed with henna:

Let the red tones blow your mind: strawberry, cherry, eggplant, red wine, chocolate and chili. Let's find the color that suits you best.

Experimenting with shades of red

Tinted, unstable paints will allow you to check whether this color suits you, provided that you do not choose a color lighter than natural. Experimentation will show whether it can become a permanent color or is just a way to express your creativity.

It is precisely because of the variety of shades that it is quite difficult to obtain the desired red color. In addition, after painting it quickly fades and loses some of its attractiveness much faster than other shades. Therefore, be prepared to carefully care for your hair and touch it up as the dye is washed off.


After some time, I painted Palett XXL Fire Phoenix and bangs again:

Painting with Palette again:

You can observe that each time the color became more and more thermonuclear, and without any lightening. The hair was lightened by the dye itself. The quality of the hair became worse, but only when without dye. After each new dyeing, the hair became smooth and began to shine. This is due to the fact that the pigment completely disappeared from the hair and the dye filled the porous hair. Afterwards, I got to Miss Yekaterinburg, where I was forbidden to dye my hair red, although before the casting I still managed to dye my hair, but this time Copper Titian from Londa

, which was mentioned above. After Miss Yekaterinburg I'm pretty for a long time I put up with it and didn’t put on makeup, and now I got the urge to quit the red color. Naive Chukchi girl. I painted myself with paint Estel Love, color like

As you can see, in the sun the hair turns red

How to dye your hair with henna

Henna colors your hair almost like dye and also adds shine to your hair. If you dye your hair with natural henna, you can never predict how intense the color will be. Hairdressers who work with tinting mixtures with henna and plant dyes have more predictable results.

If you don't know exactly what shade of red you want, use tinting products that wash off with water. When you find the right shade, use paint.

If you want to dye your gray hair red, you should turn to a professional. It will be difficult for you to choose a dye on your own, since getting rid of gray hair requires a completely different technology.

Beauty, isn't it?

And then I went to the south even before the heap and burned my bleached hair in the sun with improper care. I don’t have the most deplorable photo, because as soon as I returned from the south, I immediately dyed my hair, and again dark. But this time professionally Estel paint Essex, Estel Love, medium blond dark ash, something like that.

At first it was darker, without shine, but it washed off quickly enough.

That's all! From that moment on, I didn’t wear makeup anymore. But six months later my hair looked like this:

Tip 5: Hair dye with red and red tones is not a very successful anti-aging method. It’s not for nothing that stylists consider the color red to be an advertising tool. The eyes of others will be focused on the face, including wrinkles. Women who always want to look young should avoid red hair. This is especially true for artificial shades of red.

Tip 6. The colors of the palette between light brown and red seem very soft and natural. These tones are simply perfect for women with fair skin and green or blue eyes. Red hair looks especially harmonious on (naturally) brunettes with brown eyes.

Comb your hair thoroughly and lightly dampen it. Apply warm henna to your partings and distribute throughout your hair. Try to paint the roots and hair evenly. Then wrap all your hair in a plastic cap and cover with a warm towel. If you want a vibrant fiery hue, leave the henna on for at least 50 minutes. If you dream of a copper shimmer, leave the henna on your hair for only 20-30 minutes. Rinse the product from your hair with water and vinegar. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in water in advance. When the water becomes clear, stop rinsing. Unlike coloring, do not use shampoo on this day, or for 3-4 days after coloring. This is necessary to consolidate the result.

“Wow, what a fiery beast!” – this phrase can be heard by those who have bright red hair. But in fact, not many people hear it, because by nature this color of locks is found in 3-4% of all girls on the planet. But why limit ourselves to what nature has given us? You can change your appearance with the help of cosmetic procedures - go to the salon and dye your hair the color of fire, becoming the center of attention for many men. But let's figure out who suits red hair, what shades you can choose and what is important to know so as not to turn your appearance into something awkward.

Shades of red hair are very diverse:

1. Natural. A natural shade that is especially popular. It will fit perfectly on blonde hair. Gives the appearance brightness and tenderness at the same time.

2. Red-blond. An option for those who want changes, but not drastic ones. Red-blond hair color goes well with light eyes.

3. Auburn. Suitable for girls with the “winter” color type. Makes the image rich and mysterious. A woman with dark red hair looks aristocratic and sophisticated and always attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

4. Light red. For those with fair skin and eyes. Most often, light shades of red are chosen by young girls who do not want to attract special attention, trying to make their image soft and gentle.

5. Bright shades. These include: carrot, orange and copper. They are suitable for brave girls with brown or black eyes. But for those with light eyes, it is better to avoid bright fiery tones.

6. A hint of ginger. Cold tone, which is considered the most practical. It retains its original color for the longest time.

7. Terracotta. A red shade, close to red, suitable for girls with a “winter” or “autumn” color type.

Who is this color suitable for?

Changes in appearance are, of course, good, the main thing is that they are positive. After all, there are cases when a girl spontaneously decided to recolor her curls, and received a “disastrous result.” Not because the quality of the painting is poor or the strands are badly damaged. The whole reason is that new image absolutely not harmonious. That's why it's so important to consider your skin type, eye and hair color before deciding to make a change. Let's take a closer look at what features go well with red hair.

  • Eyes.

If a girl has green eyes, then any shade of red will only embellish her appearance. Brown-eyed ladies can experiment with dark shades of red and bright red. Gray eye color goes well with light tones. It can be honey, peach or carrot shade. The same goes for blue-eyed people.

  • Leather.

Skin color is the main criterion in choosing a red shade. If you have pink skin, then you don't have to be afraid of change. Any shade of fiery color will suit you. Those with dark skin should pay attention to dark tones. The ideal solution for such girls would be golden brown hair color. But the pale-faced ones are unlucky in this regard. They are contraindicated to dye their locks in dark fiery colors. It is worth giving preference to light colors that are as close to natural as possible.

  • Natural shade of curls.

If by nature you have dark hair, then in order to minimally injure them and not resort to lightening, it is worth trying cherry shades on yourself. But if you're not afraid of discoloration, you can experiment with lighter tones. But for blondes there are no barriers. Any tone will suit them and for them, becoming a redhead is an easy task.

The color of the sun, which pleases the eye, can significantly deteriorate your appearance. It turns out that it is not suitable for everyone. If you already have expression wrinkles, age-related folds on the face, then it is better to refuse this color. It will only highlight all these skin imperfections. Therefore, stylists do not recommend women over 40 to dye their locks red. If there are freckles or age spots on the face, then rich shades of red will focus attention on them.

In what ways can you dye your hair?

Using regular dye or resorting to natural materials are two options for making your hair red. On store shelves there are a whole bunch of paints with fiery shades that are suitable for both blondes and brunettes. To get a beautiful tone, you should pay attention to the table with transition colors (it is on every paint package). After all, the result depends on the initial hair color. If you want the color you see on the dye box, then you should lighten your locks. But it is worth considering the fact that such a procedure negatively affects the health of curls.

Henna is the product that will help you get a red hair color. It must be used according to the instructions (it is in the package). The disadvantage of this coloring is that the color does not last long.

By adding a little beet juice to henna you can give your hair greater brightness and richness.

A decoction of onion peels is another remedy that gives your hair a red tint. You should regularly rinse your hair with this decoction so that it becomes slightly red.

Nuances that are important to know about!

If you decide to paint it red, then it is important for you to know some nuances:

  • To get the “perfect” color, you should lighten it before painting. This is especially true for dark-haired girls.
  • Gray curls are a kind of obstacle on the path to “perfection.” Such hairs lack their own pigment, which complicates the tinting process. Therefore, the master must warn in advance about the difficulties that will have to be encountered. In this case, coloring will be carried out in several stages.
  • You will have to tint your hair regularly. After all, this color quickly loses its brightness, becomes dull and unsaturated. Plus, overgrown roots spoil the appearance a lot.
  • When you decide to go back to your previous color, it will be a very difficult task.
  • Red hair should not be combined with bright makeup.
  • The new color should be in harmony with the eyebrows.

How to care for colored hair?

Whatever shade of red you choose, in any case you will need special care for your hair. After all, it is very important to preserve the shine of your curls and the fire that they emit thanks to the new color. To do this, you will need to use special shampoos and conditioners, and hair masks. Pay attention to the composition of cosmetic products: they should not contain alcohol, ammonium or peroxide.

Natural hair care products prepared at home will be a great find and salvation for newly colored curls. They will help restore the structure of the strands, moisturize the scalp and maintain the brightness of the new color. Red-haired people should give preference to products based on pomegranate, chamomile, and cinnamon. By the way, these ingredients can be added directly to shampoo.

It’s an amazing thing: no matter how beautiful the hair color is, with rare exceptions, women are still unhappy with it. If your natural color is light brown, you want to dye your hair a burning brunette, while brown-haired women dream of light, soft hair. Hair color is a unique reflection of your soul and character, and the natural color does not always coincide with how you feel. But instead of giving in to despondency, you can bring the external in line with the internal. How to change your hair from brunette to red at home?

Where to start changing your hair color?
Red is the color of bold, bright girls. You must have heard more than once such phrases as “a red-haired beast”, “red is not a hair color, red is a state of mind” and many others. Before you give your hair a fiery color, you need to decide on the sequence of actions. If you are a natural brunette, there will be practically no problems - you just need to buy good paint a tone or two lighter than the desired color, and dye your hair. But if your hair has already been dyed, you will have to work hard: dyed hair does not accept dye, and the maximum you will get is a light shade, vaguely reminiscent of the one you are striving for. However, the problem can be solved: in order to change your hair color from brunette to red, you need to lighten your hair.

How to choose a lightening method?
There are two ways to bleach hair: bleaching and washing. Each method has its own individual pros and cons:

  1. Lightening is faster, but has a harsher effect on the hair, and turns it into a kind of “washcloth” - it becomes thin, “broken” and it is almost impossible to give it a healthy look if you do not use restorative balms and masks for a long time.
  2. The wash has a gentler effect on the hair, but it also has to be used up to ten times. Of course, it is best to wash it in the salon - this way you will be sure that the product best quality, however, even at home, with due patience, you can do it no worse than the professionals. The most common washes - Estel "ColorOFF" or Vitalitys "ArtColorOff" - can help achieve the desired shade in 3-4 uses.
Of course, any hair lightening is entirely individual: for some, after using such products, the risk of losing hair increases, for others, on the contrary, their hair becomes better and softer. That is why it is recommended to lighten your hair in a salon for the first time, and switch to home lightening when you know exactly what your professional did and in what order.

How to lighten hair at home?
For classic hair lightening you will need:

  • 9% hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • Bowl;
  • a brush for stirring and applying the mixture (do not use metal tools - when oxidized, they can give your hair an absolutely unexpected shade!);
  • gloves;
  • towel.
Prepare a mixture of peroxide and ammonia and apply it to your hair with a brush. After this, wrap your head in a towel and do not remove it for 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the condition of your hair. If the color is natural or the painting was done once, it will take less time to lighten. And if you wear makeup for a long time, you need to keep the mixture on your head as much as possible. After lightening, you should rinse your hair thoroughly and use a restoring balm or hair mask. It is better to do the coloring after a few days so that the hair has time to recover a little.

To lighten with a remover, you will need everything the same, except that the peroxide and ammonia are replaced directly with the remover. It’s better to use a professional one - its price starts from 250 rubles, but you have a much better chance of maintaining the structure of your hair. There are several rules to follow:

  • the remover is applied exclusively to dry hair;
  • the product works within an hour;
  • after using the remover, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer;
  • It is not recommended to use the wash more than 2 times a month, however, if urgently necessary, this amount can be increased to 3;
  • You can dye your hair after it no earlier than 3-4 days later.
If you are afraid to use chemical compositions, you can resort to folk recipes. Of course, their effectiveness is somewhat lower, but the results may pleasantly surprise you. All washes made from natural ingredients must be thoroughly rinsed until the water runs clear.
  1. Kefir wash. Mix fat kefir with a tablespoon of salt and vegetable oil, and apply to hair for one hour.
  2. Egg wash. The basis of this composition is castor oil - one of the most effective means in the fight against color. 4 tbsp of this oil should be mixed with 3 whipped egg yolks, then apply to hair for 45-50 minutes.
  3. Oil wash. Mix a glass of vegetable oil with 30g of margarine and heat over low heat to 30-35 degrees. This wash is considered the most gentle, since the use of oil helps restore the hair structure.
How to choose the right paint and repaint?
In order to correctly change your color from brunette to red, you need to choose the paint as accurately as possible. Of course, it is better to choose a product from well-known companies at an average price in order to protect yourself from purple or green hair - remover and cheap dye together can lead to unpredictable consequences. You also need to remember that the paint must be chosen a tone or two darker than the desired shade, so that instead of a fiery color, a clown color does not appear. And, of course, you should not abuse the frequent change of image with the help of improvised means - over time it may turn out that there is simply nothing to change.