How to lighten dark hair a little. How to lighten dark hair at home

All girls love to change, experimenting with their appearance. Brunettes are interested in how they will look with blond hair, and vice versa. Only black paints have one drawback: after using them it is often impossible to repaint them in any color. This is where the question arises of how to lighten black dyed hair. What the fair sex can come up with to get their blonde locks back without being left completely without them.

Lightening methods

In order to lighten your hair, you need to wash off the dye. For this purpose, the coloring pigment is oxidized, for example, using hydrogen peroxide. This method is very harmful to curls, so it is mainly used when the hair is pure black.

A more gentle method is etching. It consists of degreasing the top layer of curls with the help of special substances, opening the central part of the hair, and accelerating metabolic processes. The effect of the product on the hair in this method occurs in less time than in the previous one.

Lightening masks can be bought in stores or made with your own hands from natural products. In the first case, the color of the curls changes dramatically, in the second - by only 1-2 tones. You can use the mixture at home, following the instructions. Of course, it is better to lighten strands in a salon, since a specialist is more experienced in these matters and knows all the intricacies. But it will cost extra money.

It must be remembered that the darker the hair, the more difficult it is to lighten it. The degree of lightening also depends on the amount of substance applied to the hair, its temperature and duration of exposure.

How not to cause harm

Any bleaching negatively affects the hair structure. Before choosing a lightening method, you need to assess the condition of your curls, namely their density, thickness, color, fat content, porosity. After this, it is advisable to consult a specialist on how to lighten your black hair without harm.

Before bleaching your hair, it must be prepared for 3-5 weeks. During this time you need to follow some rules:

  • use shampoos only based on natural ingredients;
  • make sure that there are no sulfates in detergents;
  • do not change or maintain the color of the strands with any dyes;
  • try to restore the curls as much as possible with various nourishing and moisturizing masks; it is good to use coconut oil for this purpose;
  • do not use curling irons, straighteners or hair dryers (you can use cold air drying);
  • refuse varnishes, foams, styling gels;
  • do not perm;
  • rub placenta or aloe products into the scalp to strengthen and stimulate hair growth.

If henna has ever been applied to your curls, the shade may turn out unpredictable. Therefore, it is better not to plan serious meetings in the coming days after the procedure.

You don't know how to lighten black hair correctly and not make a mistake with the dye? Here is the solution: you should cut off a small part of the strand, apply the mixture to it, dry it and evaluate the result. If the color turns out disgusting, you should buy another product and check it in the same way. If you like the result, you can safely lighten all the hair on your head with this dye.

Lighten curls natural products at home, it is recommended for those girls who do not want to cause severe harm to their locks, as they are safer. This method will also be good in the case when there is no desire to radically change the color of your hair. All that remains is to find out how to lighten black hair at home.

Chamomile tea

One of the cheapest methods to lighten strands at home without harming them is a chamomile decoction. You can buy dried flowers of this plant at a pharmacy or store. healthy eating. Boil chamomile in water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon (or one tea bag) of flowers per 200 ml of water, let it simmer over low heat for half an hour. After this, the broth is cooled and then filtered.

There are two ways to use chamomile tea. The first is to rinse your hair with it at the very end of washing. The second is to add about two tablespoons of tea to the shampoo or conditioner, mix and wash your hair with this mixture. If possible, you should let the strands dry outside in the sun - this will enhance the effect.

Cinnamon mask

How else to lighten black dyed hair yourself at home? Try cinnamon. She is able to make curls 1 or 2 shades lighter after each procedure. But it is necessary to take into account that the strands may acquire a slightly copper tint due to the specific color of cinnamon.

Before using a cinnamon mask at home, you should make sure that you are not allergic to this product. To do this, apply a little of the prepared product to the inner surface of your hand. If redness, rash, itching or other unpleasant sensations appear, it is better to abandon this procedure and try another lightening method.

To prepare the mask, you need to grind cinnamon sticks or buy ready-made powder. Then add it to your hair conditioner (1 tbsp cinnamon per 2 tbsp conditioner). Apply the mixture to the roots, then, using a comb, distribute along the entire length of the strands. A burning sensation may be felt on the surface of the head, but it should go away after 2 minutes.

Homemade paint recipe

This paint does not contain peroxide, which is its main advantage. You will need the following products: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile, honey and calendula (flowers), 1.5 tbsp. spoons of well-chopped rhubarb root, 50 ml of 70% alcohol, half a liter apple cider vinegar, 4 medium-sized lemons.

Pour vinegar into a saucepan, add rhubarb and put on fire. Bring to a boil and let simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then add chamomile and calendula to the mixture, squeeze in the juice from two lemons, and let simmer for another 5 minutes. Set the pan aside and after the product has cooled, strain it. Add honey and juice of the remaining lemons, stir.

The dye is applied to the hair evenly along the entire length with a brush, left on for half an hour and washed off. But, since the dye is natural, it will not last long and will not give a strong effect. Therefore, periodically before washing your hair, you should reapply the mixture (it can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of three weeks).

Chemicals for lightening

It is good to use natural paint at home, the main thing is to do it carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes. But this method will only gradually change the shade. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to immediately lighten black hair so that it becomes 6-8 tones lighter. Yes, this can be done using special hair coloring kits at home. But still, it is better to dye your hair with chemicals in a salon.

Only a specialist can tell you which dye is best to lighten black hair. When purchasing the product yourself, make sure that it is intended specifically for dark shades, and not for fair-haired people.

In addition to paint, you can find brightening shampoo or spray in stores. They are mainly designed for light strands, but some dyed brunettes use them instead of masks with lemon juice. Which method to use depends both on the condition of the hair and on how much the girl would like to lighten her dyed strands.

There is another chemical (but not gentle) way to lighten black hair - this is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Pour the liquid into a dark glass container with a spray bottle. Every day the product should be sprayed onto the strands, that is, used as a spray. For a stronger result, peroxide (2 tablespoons) is mixed with liquid soap (2 tablespoons), applied like paint and kept on the head for 15 minutes. After this, the substance is washed off and finally rinsed with water mixed with apple cider vinegar.

Knowing the main ways in which you can lighten black strands, proceed to the one that is most suitable for you, the main thing is not to harm them on the path of change.

You can lighten colored hair with citric acid shampoo.

The duration of the procedures and the quality of hair lightening depend on the dye applied. You can speed up color removal using some procedures:

  • Wash your hair immediately after unsuccessful dyeing with a deep cleansing shampoo, which washes off some of the dye from your curls.
  • Do not use cosmetics for color fastness.
  • Apply oil compresses to the curls, which eat away the coloring pigment.

In addition, conditioner with lemon juice will help to gradually lighten dark, dyed hair. To do this, add the juice of one lemon to any suitable conditioner and apply the product as needed.

How to lighten dark hair at home?

Hot oil compresses will help lighten your hair without harming its structure. To lighten dark hair, burdock oil is used, which is evenly distributed throughout the strands. To improve the effect, during the procedure, wear a shower cap and then wrap your head with a towel. You can leave this mask on overnight, and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

Soda masks will quickly and effectively lighten your hair by one tone. Baking soda is mixed with water until it turns into a paste and applied to the hair, being careful not to get it on the skin. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. After the soda mask, the hair is softened with balm.

A mask based on lemon juice and chamomile infusion gives a quick and noticeable result. Pharmaceutical chamomile is brewed in a glass of boiling water, combined with the juice of one lemon and a couple of tablespoons of castor oil.

Naturally dry hair can be bleached with kefir. It will not only remove the coloring pigment, but also improve the structure of the curls. To prepare the mask, use 2 tbsp. l. kefir, cognac, juice of one lemon, egg yolk and a spoonful of shampoo. All components are mixed and applied to dry, clean hair. During the procedure, the head is insulated with a towel. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.

A woman is bored of remaining unchanged; she always needs to change (or at least sometimes), attracting the attention of men. This can manifest itself in different ways: a new, neat manicure, something new in clothes, or even a complete change in image.

And when it comes to changing a haircut or hair color, women have no equal here! What could be more pleasant than leaving the salon with a new, fashionable haircut that is so suitable for the oval of the face or with a new, so unusual, but so sparkling with golden highlights hair color?

Yes, such changes are always a joy, especially when it comes to hair color.

But is hair dye as safe as we would like? Even if it does not contain ammonia, it always contains other substances that can harm the hair structure, scalp, and can also cause a severe allergic reaction.

There are methods that are much more gentle and even useful, capable of transforming even the most demanding young lady.

One of the methods for more or less safe lightening of strands at home is. It's very affordable and effective remedy, compared even to salon paints. This method works as follows.

Each of our hairs is covered with scales that lie tightly one to the other. They are called the hair cuticle. The cuticle is responsible for hair shine, integrity and strength. In ideal condition, all the scales fit tightly to each other, which makes the hair shiny, and there are no delaminations or sections at its end. Hydrogen dioxide, when it gets on the hair, strongly lifts the cuticle scales and interacts with the hair pigment, lightening it.

How to lighten dark hair, procedure

· hydrogen peroxide concentration 3%. It is difficult to find a higher concentration of peroxide, but it is good, because concentrated peroxide will not only burn the pigment, but also damage the hair structure, which will lead to instant hair loss and brittleness. Also, such peroxide can cause burns to the scalp, hands, and mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

· Water. Boiled and cooled water will be needed for coloring at least for the first time, because it is after the first procedure that you will understand how susceptible your hair is to this product.

· A container with a spray bottle (pulvellizer) - will be needed to evenly distribute the composition throughout the hair.

· A shirt or jacket that is not really necessary - so as not to worry too much about light stains from peroxide accidentally getting on your clothes.

· Plastic film, bag or shower cap - to create a thermal effect.

· Towel - to maintain warmth throughout the dyeing process

· Comb - to thoroughly comb your hair before dyeing.

Pour one part of peroxide and one part of water into the container, tightly screw the lid with the sprayer so that the peroxide has as little contact with the skin as possible, even if its concentration is half the standard.

Put on the prepared clothes and comb your hair well, dividing it into sections. Spraying peroxide, thoroughly treat each sector from roots to ends, then wrap your hair with film or put on a cap and cover your head with a towel.

Some argue that for the best effect you need to wrap the strands in foil, but this is not the most useful option for an already traumatic process. Foil is metal. During coloring, the cuticle scales are raised, and by wrapping your hair in foil, you expose your hair to harsh metal, which simply scratches it, destroying the structure.

You need to keep the composition on your hair for half an hour to one hour. Here, a lot depends on the original hair color and what shade you want to achieve. The darker your natural color, the longer the peroxide will etch the pigment, but keeping it on your hair for more than one hour is still not recommended.

Hair care after bleaching

After the coloring procedure, be sure to use a hair mask or conditioner. This will help cover the cuticle and protect your hair from damage. From the moment you first dye your hair, get into the habit of treating your hair with care - don’t comb it when it’s wet, don’t braid it into tight hairstyles, take enough vitamins and protein.

Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile or chamomile after each hair wash will help - their composition slightly lightens the strands with prolonged use.

And before washing, oil products will be a good help - it also helps lighten the hair, but is a much more gentle method than peroxide, albeit longer in terms of the results.

Taking care of yourself and changing is great, because only by changing do you remain truly true to yourself!