Ideological and artistic analysis of Kotsyubinsky’s short story “Intermezzo. The feeling and experience of the lyrical hero of the short story “Intermezzo” by Mikhail Kotsyubinsky Into a sinful world

The short story “Intermezzo” is one of best works M. Kotsyubinsky - written on the day of the greatest rampant reaction. Every day brought sad news to the writer. All this, together with hard work in the service and constant material deprivation, undermined Kotsyubinsky’s health. On June 18, 1908, Kotsyubinsky went to the village of Kononovka to rest. In his letters, he talks about how nature and loneliness influence him well. This period of the writer’s life, the impressions taken from Kononovka, formed the basis for writing the work.
This work was preceded by the philosophical and psychological short story “The Blossom of the Apple Tree” and the cycle of prose poems “From the Depths”, the theme of which was the vocation of the artist and his responsibilities to the people.

So, the short story “Intermezzo” is a natural phenomenon in the work of the great artist of words. It is a consequence of his reflections on questions about the purpose of literature, about the moral character of the artist. This is a bright and deep answer to those who sought to reduce literature to the role of lordly amusement and deprive it of great social and educational power.
"Intermezzo" is an Italian word that literally means "change." This is what they called a small musical composition, which was performed during a break between acts of tragedy, and later - opera. Over time, this term also began to be used to refer to independent piano pieces. Kotsiubynsky used the term “Intermezzo” in figuratively.
This is not just a break, a respite lyrical hero works in the lap of nature. During this respite, he listened to the symphony of the field, the choir of larks - the music of nature, which healed him, gave inspiration for new job and struggle.
Rich inner world the lyrical hero is revealed in his thoughts and feelings. “I hear someone else’s existence entering mine like air, through windows and doors, like the waters of tributaries into a river. I can't miss a person. I can’t be lonely,” he admitted sincerely.
The lyrical hero has autobiographical features, but he is not identical to Kotsyubynsky. He embodies the ideological and ethical qualities of all the best artists of his era.
The lyrical hero is imbued with the fate of the offended people, who throw to their hearts, “as if to their own hiding place, their suffering and their pain, their broken hopes and their despair.
The impressionable soul of the hero is filled with suffering. The patriotic artist loves passionately native land, subtly feels its beauty. The lyrical hero deeply loves nature, but man above all.
Kotsyubinsky's hero revels in the beauty of nature. “I have ears full of that strange noise of the field, that rustling of silk, that continuous pouring of grain, like flowing water. And the eyes are full of the radiance of the sun, because each blade of grass takes from it and returns the shine reflected from itself.”

In the natural world, the lyrical hero especially loves the sun, which sows a golden seed in his soul - love for life, man, freedom.
The sun is a traditional image of freedom, new life. This is precisely the meaning of the lyrical hero’s reflections on darkness and sun. Darkness is a symbol of oppression and violence. The sun is the hero's welcome guest. He collects it “from flowers, from the laughter of a child, from the eyes of his beloved,” creates its image in his heart and laments the ideal that shines for him.
The short story “Intermezzo” with its lyrical hero gave Kotsyubinsky a new glorious name - sun worshipers.
The image of the peasant is the embodiment of the people's grief. It is not for nothing that “through him” the artist saw all the horrors of the village in the era of the greatest rampant reaction - landlessness, chronic starvation, disease, vodka, individualism, provocations, the suffering of people in prisons and exile.
The peasant is a typical image of the rural poor, who during the 1905 revolution “wanted to take the land with their bare hands.” He spent a year in prison for participating in the revolution, and now once a week a police officer hits him in the face. In the green sea of ​​grain, the peasant has only a drop, a small piece of land, from which he cannot feed five hungry children.
The image of an “ordinary man” with all his suffering personifies the people, for whose happiness the artist must fight with his artistic words.
Kotsyubinsky’s short story “Intermezzo” denies the theory of the artist’s independence from society; it figuratively asserts that it is impossible to live in society and be free from it. This work clearly expresses the ideological and aesthetic views of M. Kotsyubinsky and all the leading artists of that time.
This work is one of the greatest in Ukrainian and all world literature.
“Intermezzo,” as L. Novichenko rightly noted, “occupies in Kotsyubinsky’s work, perhaps, the same place as we assign to “Monument” in the work of Pushkin, “Testament” in Shevchenko’s poetry, because in it we already find a strong and bright ideological -an aesthetic manifesto of the highest views on the artist and his attitude towards the people, on art and its social role.”

« There was so much warmth on the sea, so much light blue boundless joy, so much gentle splashing that my soul was laughing... Blue, unbearably blue, like the Crimean sky, it melted in the heat summer day, twitched with a haze, merging with the distant sky in gentle tones, enchanting and drawn into its pure, warm and joyful blue“- the wonderful writer, classic of Ukrainian literature Mikhail Mikhailovich Kotsyubinsky wrote so poetically and figuratively, so inspiredly and tenderly about the Crimean nature.

The young thirty-year-old writer’s first acquaintance with Crimea took place in the spring of 1895. Without work due to police persecution, Kotsyubinsky was forced to accept the position of inspector of the phylloxera committee and came to Crimea to work in the vineyards of the South Coast. Here, in the vicinity of Simeiz, his first acquaintance with Crimean nature takes place. " Crimea made such a strong impression on me that I walked here as if in a dream. The beauty of nature not only amazed me, but also overwhelmed me.“,” he wrote in a letter to the writer Komarov.

In 1896, Mikhail Mikhailovich was transferred to the Alushta Valley to fight phylloxera, from where he “migrated” to Kuru-Uzen, now Solnechnogorskoye.

In a letter to his young wife, he writes: “ Our life in Alushta is so-so; The places here are beautiful, there is a lot to read - but I don’t even have time to read. There is so much work that at times I can barely breathe». « The feet have the most impressions, and if the feet had the gift of words, they would tell a lot", he writes further.

In almost all his Crimean letters, Kotsyubinsky complains about his workload and the inability to devote himself to literary work. However, the writer absorbs the originality of life, morals and customs of the Crimean population, the unusualness of the Crimean landscape: narrow, crooked streets of cities, houses on the rocks, like honeycombs, the ruins of a Genoese fortress, medieval towers and, of course, the rich nature of Crimea, the constantly changing Black Sea.

« Today is our holiday, we didn’t go to work. I spent almost the whole day above the sea. Quiet, sunny. The air is so clear that Demerdzhi seems to be right behind his shoulders. The sea is blue to blackness, only hitting the shore with white foam. Very beautiful. Days like this only happen in Crimea, and then in the fall", he wrote to his wife.

Everything that Kotsyubinsky wrote down or preserved in his memory found its artistic reflection in his very first Crimean short stories, created, however, not immediately and not in Crimea, but much later - in Ukraine. These are the short stories: “In the Nets of Satan” and “On the Stone”. In them, the writer sings a hymn to everything beautiful, young, freedom-loving, rebelling against inertia and violence.

Kotsyubinsky, in his second short story “On the Stone,” talks about the bitter lot of a Tatar woman. If a Russian woman was given the right to freely communicate with people, if she “climbed mountains and forests, entered mosques, then the faithful daughter of Allah did not dare cross the threshold of the mosque, like an unclean creature,” Kotsyubinsky writes bitterly in his novella. The scenes of the tragic death of the novel's heroes are reminiscent of the plots of Crimean legends. Here, for example, is the picture of Fatma’s death. " Fatma was darting over the cliff like a seagull. On one side there was the sea, on the other - the hated, intolerable butcher. She saw his sheep's eyes, evil blue lips, a short leg and a sharp knife with which he cut sheep. She closed her eyes in despair and lost her balance. The blue robe with yellow crescents slid behind the rock and disappeared among the cries of frightened seagulls».

The short story “On the Stone” is replete with picturesque descriptions of the landscape and exoticism. " On the bare gray ledge of the rock lay Tatar houses, built of wild stone, with flat earthen roofs, one above the other, as if made of cards. No fences, no gates, no streets. Everything was black and bare. Women sat in groups on the flat roofs and, like colorful flowers, decorated the gray background of the bare village with festive dresses.».

In addition to the high artistic merit of both Kotsyubynsky's short stories, the social motives that are so characteristic of all his work are clearly perceptible.

Kotsyubinsky’s next visit to Crimea took place 8 years later, in 1904. Over the years, the writer has grown as a citizen and artist. He created such subtly psychological works, diverse in themes, as “The Duel”, “The Doll”, “At a Great Price”, “The Witch” and others, reflecting pre-revolutionary sentiments in all classes of society.

This time the writer came to Crimea in search of new relevant topics, taking advantage of his summer vacation. After a short stay in Sevastopol and Alupka, he and his wife headed deep into the Crimean protected forest, where the convent of Kosma and Damian nestled at the source of the Alma River in a cramped and wild gorge. The sharp contrast between the majestic beauty of the Crimean forest and the morals of the monastery served as the reason for the creation of the short story “Into a Sinful World.”

The description of nature in the short story matches the setting: “ For whole days and nights the snow fell and fell and finally filled up the gorge. It filled up the roads, filled up the forests, the valley and Alma. Cut me off from the whole world. And when the clouds broke and settled on the mountains, cold fell from the sky, like the wrath of God. The trees crackled in fear, the church crackled, the sisters withered... Secretly, at night, falling deep into the cold snow, they collected branches in the forest and warmed the cells».

And the ending of this most poetic of Crimean short stories sounds like a contrast to the gloomy scenes of monastic life. The harmony of colors and sounds of the morning forest is revealed to four novices expelled from the monastery. The culmination of this episode is the panorama of the sea and the Alushta Valley. " They suddenly stopped. Blinded. A sea of ​​light flooded their eyes. Before them lay that distant sinful world from which they had once fled - tempting, cheerful, all in radiance, like a dream, like sin itself. The distant sea opened its wide arms to the green earth and trembled joyfully, like a living blue sky... And this whole wonderful land floated somewhere in a sea of ​​warm light in a wide, boundless expanse».

After leaving the Kosmodamianovsky monastery, Kotsyubinsky went to Bakhchisarai “to look for nature,” in his own words. The creative result of the writer’s short stay in Bakhchisarai was his journalistic, poignant story “Under the Minarets.” In it, he decisively opposes the obscurantism and fanaticism of that time. His sympathies are with the young teacher Rustam, a supporter of an alliance with the Russians. " It is necessary to show, says the hero, how other peoples live, that they are not infidels, but older brothers, we must awaken consciousness" Kotsyubinsky saw that the Tatar nation was heterogeneous, that there was a struggle among various social groups, that a new progressive consciousness was being born. There is a struggle for life and death. That is why the passions in the story are so intense and its characters are so expressive.

These last Crimean works, “Into a Sinful World” and “Under the Minarets,” were included in the 1st volume of Kotsyubinsky’s stories, published by the Znanie publishing house, which was headed by Alexei Maximovich Gorky. " I read your book with great pleasure, with spiritual joy.", he wrote to the author.

Mikhail Mikhailovich made his last trip to Crimea in June 1911. This time the writer was brought to Crimea by a serious illness of his youngest son - pneumonia. The Kotsyubinskys came with the whole family and stayed in Simeiz, in the house of the merchant Gafurov. We lived secludedly, walked to Alupka and around the surrounding area. The writer felt a surge of fresh strength and reported in a letter to Aplaksina “ I feel good physically and have gotten stronger thanks to sunbathing. Blackened so much that you wouldn't recognize me. I walk through the mountains without much fatigue».

Kotsyubinsky’s spiritual connection with Crimea did not break even beyond its borders. Subsequently he wrote: “ These regions gave me a lot of impressions, and I remember with pleasure the time of my service in the phylloxera commission, although I also had to go through a lot of bitter things».

The popularity of Kotsyubinsky’s works over the years has crossed the borders of Ukraine and even Russia. It was translated into other European languages: Polish, German, Italian, Spanish. He became one of the progressive and educated people of his time.

« Among the prose writers of the 90s, Ivan Franko wrote about him, Kotsyubinsky comes first».

Having visited Italy for the first time, he compares the beauty of the Bay of Naples with the Crimean coast and gives a clear preference to Crimea.

2 years after the trip to Simeiz, Mikhail Mikhailovich died of severe heart disease. Difficult years of police persecution, hard work, and constant financial dependence took their toll. " Ukraine lost a great man, it will remember his good work for a long time and well", wrote Gorky. And he added in an article dedicated to Kotsyubinsky: “ Humanity, beauty, people, Ukraine - these are Kotsyubinsky’s favorite topics of conversation; they were always with him, like his heart, brain, his glorious gentle eyes... His Ukrainian heart of reds was always in his homeland - he lived in her sorrows, suffered from her torments».


"Cream became so hostile to me (the beauty of nature didn’t just impress me, but rotten me), that I walked here like I’m hanging...."

(M. Kotsyubinsky)

There are various reasons why people are drawn to Crimea. Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky was first brought here by the phylloxera, the vineyard mischief maker, who was especially unsafe at the end of the 19th century. In the midst of the campaign to combat phylloxera, the writer has drunk enough of the beauty of our God-shaken land. And, just as sweet grapes are recreated by the Yankevino, so the Crimean sensibilities of the writers were recreated by the consummate artist.
First, Kotsiubynsky arrived in Crimea at the warehouse of the phylloxer commission in the spring of 1895, after territorial work in Moldova. Having settled in Simeizi, which at that time had become a fashionable resort, he became surrounded by rich vineyards, most of which belonged to the magnate Maltsov.
The start of work in the Maltsovsky vineyards seemed awkward to Kotsyubinsky. At the same time, soldiers who were stationed with the Protestant sect of the Mennonites worked with him, among whom the writer considered himself to be his own. Nezabar Mikhailo Kotsyubinsky moved to Kastropol, but there he could not help feeling depressed: "... it’s boring for me, what’s wrong with me, why is it boring and boring in this luxurious nook?..." I felt the supernatural respect of the police agents for his person. Soon the selfishness became unbearable.

Fortunately, in the spring, Mikhail Kotsyubinsky was named Vira Deisha, after whom the dowkilla turned into a fairy tale. Particularly memorable for both was the walk in the tract of the Holy Trinity (24th spring), as the young people later remembered the important milestone in their dormitory. Vira Deisha went from Krimu on 29th spring, and I worked hard until the leaves fell. Day after day I got tired. the vineyards of Simeiz, Kastropol, Kuchuk-Koy, Kikeneiz. For the winter season, the members of the phylloxera commission received the end of the wine that had grown in their homeland in Vinnytsia. Wow, the squad is coming to 1896 fate.

The young friends of the Aluptsi ruled their temporary house, and settled in Alushta in the dark stench, the star Kotsyubinsky informs B. Grinchenkov: “It’s so normal for us to live in Alushta; the place here is garni, read more about (Moscow magazines) - but I can’t read enough. There are so many robots (not robots, like walkers) that I almost faint for an hour.” It’s true that every hour I had to walk up to 30 versts to the vineyard, so much so that the “African specie” had finished schooling. by turbo. All of this can be written today, the city’s sense of its own identity and half-ness, the mittivost’s were recreated for the young man eternity. A month without friends Kotsyubinsky (in the sheets signed Musya) called “his hero” “without Virya”, on the sheets he designated them like this: “day 1”, “day 2”, etc.

These messages reveal the tender, loving heart of the writer, his spiritual closeness with his friends. The cream had to be preserved in the memory of the Kotsyubinskys, and they decided to spend the summer of 1904 here, succumbing to the beneficial influx of these charming enemies, who had been forgotten for eight years. , and then the price increased along the Pivdennoe birch Crimea, among those familiar with the matter, where Since the phylloxera commission was working: in Aluptsia, Alushta. . The scribe intends to become a novice, “put on a cassock, go to church, eat and sleep together with the brethren,” in order to collect material for a story, a plot for which has already been born and draws on the living warnings.

After all, I realized that at that time the monastery had already become a wife. That’s why from his pen only the poem “Into the Sinful World” came out, written “with conviction.” Alepragneniy will replenish his treasure trove of enemies for the further creativity of the driven writer further, and will continue his searches in Bakhchisarai. The Crimean Tatar flavor of this place does not deceive the spirit of the writer, open to other cultures. The stay of M. Kotsyubinsky’s sustrich from the Pivdenny coast of Crimea was born in 1911. First of all, I spent three days in Sevastopol, one in Yalta, and then settled in Simeizi, which at that time had already changed, transforming itself into a possibly utopian place-garden. A positive infusion of the seaside climate The writer wanted to continue his retirement in Crimea, aka Roslinna “He was tired of life, he wanted to discover new things, for which he planned to go out at night with the fishermen in the open sea. Often choosing mountain routes for walks, the two of them went with their children to Alupka.

Unexpectedly, the creative plans of the writer were to deprive him of his family in Simeizia and leave by steamboat to Odessa, and leave the border in the Carpathians, which marked the beginning of the tension. And leaving the ancient Taurian land from Istyu until the sunshine. The repeated landscapes of the Crimean shore often came to life in memory. Mikhail Kotsyubinsky. The Crimean legends constantly accompanied his hour of foreign mandrivkas. It was at a resort in Italy, the writer told Simeiz, when in love with all the flower gorse, the palaces of Constantinople seemed similar we are in Bakhchisaraisky, the coast in Nice is in Alushta, and the sea in Crimea is considered beautiful, lower in Italy .

The name of Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky became a symbol of the high achievements of Ukrainian writing at the beginning of the twentieth century, and we should write, now that we have lost our gold traces on the Pivden birch Crimea, we need to create more richness unique flavor in his creativity.

Oleksandra Visich , Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Scientific Specialist of the YaILM.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kotsyubinsky(Mikhailo Mikhailovich Kotsyubinsky) - Ukrainian writer, public figure, classic of Ukrainian literature.

Born in Vinnitsa in the family of a minor official. Father - Mikhail Matveevich, mother - Glikeria Maksimovna Abaz; Besides Mikhail, they had four more children - two brothers and two sisters. The future writer spent his childhood and youth in the cities and villages of Podolia, where his father was transferred for service. He received his education in Barskaya primary school(1875 - 1876) and Shargorodsky religious school(1876 - 1880). At school, 12-year-old Mikhail fell in love with a girl 4 years older than him, this episode forced him to study harder in order to achieve something and attract her attention. During this period, Mikhail was greatly impressed by the books of Taras Shevchenko and Marko Vovchok, so that he himself wanted to become a writer.

After graduating from college in 1880, Kotsyubinsky went to Kamenets-Podolsky, intending to study at the university, but this dream did not come true. In 1881, the Kotsyubinsky family returned to Vinnitsa. Kotsyubinsky from a young age was active civil position, propagated revolutionary and liberation ideas and in 1882 was arrested for connections with Narodnaya Volya. Several searches were made at the Kotsyubinskys’ apartment, and after his release, the Podolsk Gendarmerie Department established secret surveillance over Mikhail.

Because of the heavy financial situation family, the young man was never able to continue his education: his mother became blind, and subsequently, in 1886, his father died. Responsibility for a family of four fell on Mikhail's shoulders. In 1886-1889 he gave private lessons and continued to study independently. In 1891, as an external student, he took the exam at the Vinnitsa Real School to become a national teacher, and continued to tutor.

In the early 1890s, part of the young Ukrainian intelligentsia, imbued with liberal educational ideas, formed the “Brotherhood of Tarasovites,” with whose members Kotsyubinsky maintained contacts for some time. In 1892-1896, Kotsyubinsky was part of the Odessa Phylloxera Commission, which fought the grape pest phylloxera. Rich in creative achievements, the five-year service in the phylloxera commission became a period of intensive growth for the writer: work in the villages of Bessarabia gave him material for writing a series of Moldavian stories, then the writer worked in the Crimea, which ignited the creative imagination of Kotsyubinsky, sensitive to the exotic.

Leaving work on the commission in 1897, Mikhail Mikhailovich made an unsuccessful attempt to get a job in Chernigov, where he hoped to get the position of head of a book warehouse in the Chernigov provincial zemstvo government. After this, Kotsyubynsky temporarily settled in Zhitomir, where from November 1897 to March 1898 he held various positions in the editorial office of the local newspaper “Volyn”. In 1898, Mikhail Mikhailovich finally moved to Chernigov, where he first held the position of clerk at the zemstvo government, temporarily headed the public education desk and edited the “Zemstvo collection of the Chernigov province.” In September 1900, he got a job in the city statistical bureau, where he worked until 1911. In Chernigov he married Vera Ustinovna Deisha, noble family, whom I met at the end of 1894 in Kyiv at the first congress of the Community. His children grew up here - Yuri, Oksana, Irina and Roman. Son Yuri - Ukrainian Soviet statesman and party leader, was a member of the first Soviet government Ukraine, repressed; the rest of the children are also somehow connected with the Soviet regime.

The literary youth of the city gathered weekly in the writer’s house. Such famous future writers and poets as Vasil Blakitny, Nikolai Voronoi, Pavlo Tychyna came here.

There was another woman in the writer’s life - Alexandra Ivanovna Aplaksina, 16 years younger than him. His numerous letters to her - more than 300 - became an important source of information for the writer's biography. Kotsyubinsky’s relationship with Aplaksina ended in 1907, when the writer’s wife learned about them from an anonymous letter.

Subsequently, M. Kotsyubinsky began to travel. He traveled throughout most of Europe, in particular he visited Austria, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. It was not only the “call of his soul”, but also the need for treatment; he was tormented by asthma and tuberculosis. He often visited the Italian island of Capri, where he underwent treatment.

In 1911, the “Society of Supporters of Ukrainian Science and Art” awarded M. Kotsyubynsky a lifelong scholarship in the amount of 2,000 rubles per year so that he could retire from service. However, the writer felt worse and worse. Last time While in the hospital, M. Kotsyubinsky learned about the death of his best friend, composer N.V. Lysenko. And soon, in the spring of 1913, the writer himself died. M. Kotsyubinsky was buried on Boldina Mountain in Chernigov, his favorite place for daily walks.

Kotsyubinsky is one of the most original Ukrainian prose writers. In addition to Ukrainian and Russian, he knew nine foreign languages, including Greek, Crimean Tatar, Gypsy; but he considered the main source of enriching the language of literature to be national speech. Kotsyubynsky was one of the first in Ukrainian literature to realize the need for its reform in the direction of modern European prose. His work has always been the subject of controversy literary critics. Until now, some researchers of Kotsyubinsky’s modernism cautiously call him an impressionist in literature.

Kotsyubynsky began to try his hand at literature early, taking up poetry, translations, essays, but soon the main field of his writing activity, his real calling, became fiction. From the first experiments of Kotsyubinsky as a prose writer, the stories “Andrei Soloveyko, or Learning is light, but ignorance is darkness” (written in 1884), “December 21, for introduction” (1885), “Uncle and Aunt” (1885) have reached us. Began publishing in 1890 - Lvov children's magazine“Dzvinok” (Call) published his poem “Our Hut”. In the same year, he visited Lviv, establishing creative contacts with local writers and publishers, in particular Ivan Franko. The trip marked the beginning of Kotsyubinsky’s constant collaboration in Western Ukrainian publications. At the beginning of 1891 he went to the village. Lopatintsy in Vinnytsia, where he combined the work of a home teacher in the family of a local employee (accountant of a sugar factory) with the beginning of serious literary work. In 1891 alone, the stories “Charitya”, “Yolochka”, “Pyatizlotnik”, the story “On Faith”, and the poetic fairy tale “Envious Brother” came out from his pen.

The author’s first collection, consisting of only three stories (“Charitya”, “Yolochka”, “Little Sinner”), was published at the beginning of 1985 in Chernigov. The story “On Faith,” due to the problematic moral and ethical background of the work at that time, the author initially signed the pseudonym Zakhar Kozub when submitting the manuscript to the publishing house.

Kotsyubinsky's years in government service in Moldova and Crimea provided vital material for his works “For the Common Good”, “The Ambassador of the Black Tsar”, “The Witch”, “In the Bonds of Shaitan”, “At a Great Price”, “On the Stone”, “In sinful world”, “Under the minarets”. One of the evidence that Kotsyubynsky, with his works of the Moldavian-Crimean cycle, went beyond local problems is that his story “For the Common Good” was published in translation into Russian in the magazine “Life” (1899, book 12).

An important moment in Kotsyubinsky’s ideological and literary evolution was the story “The Doll.” In “The Doll” Kotsyubinsky appeared as an outstanding master psychological analysis. Focusing on psychological conflicts becomes a defining feature of his work. A romantic, sublime, heroic tonality unites works on themes from the past of the Ukrainian people - “On the Wings of Song” and “At a Great Price”.

The short story “The Blossom of the Apple Tree” was innovative in Ukrainian literature

The short story “Intermezzo” is one of the best works of G. Kotsyubinsky. It can be considered a lyrical monologue of the author himself. The idea of ​​writing such a work arose in the writer while on vacation in the village of Kononivka in the Poltava region. The reason for writing and the theme of the work were the events of 1905. Artistically illuminating the theme of the revolution and its defeat, G. Kotsyubinsky expressed his ideological and aesthetic credo: literature is an aesthetic phenomenon, but it is called upon to depict a “true picture of different aspects of life” and its deep philosophical, social, psychological, historical understanding

The lyrical hero of the work is an artist, writer. Tired of numerous “musts”, endless “you need”, he tries to escape from the iron hands of the city, to run away from human pain, horror, dirt, from everyday banality. From the worldlessness of human pain and anxiety, the hero feels the increase in his emotional dullness and unnatural spiritual indifference. Human grief and horror filled his soul and he does not perceive them as evil. He's used to them. And this is unacceptable for a writer. Therefore, I want to “cover my ears,” “lock up my soul,” “shout: entry here is not free.” That is why he abandons the city, the people, their worries and goes to solitude, silence and purity. Among the luxurious nature, he has the intention (although he does not express it) to restore strength. Here the days of his “Intermezzo” (rest) pass. However, the horror of persecution does not immediately abandon the lyrical hero. Almost like psychological breakdown his behavior in an empty house is perceived. Even here he does not assure) that “the doors will not swing away... just a little, with a slight creaking and from the unknown darkness, so deep and endless, people will not begin to come out... all those who were in my heart , as to one’s own shelter, one’s hopes, anger and suffering, or the bloody cruelty of the beast.” And when all the hammered and hung ones pass before your eyes, that from them “blood leaked into a small hole from a soldier’s ball,” those that “were curled into white bags, swung on ropes in the air, and therefore put into poorly covered pits, from where you the dogs were raking it out...”, then he confesses to something that is unacceptable for an artist: “You see, I don’t even blush, my face is white, just like yours...”. The lyrical hero knows the reasons for his psychological pledge: “... horror sucked all the blood out of me. I no longer have a drop of hot blood for those dead men among whom you walk like a bloody ghost. Come on in! I'm tired!".

And time and the natural world, in which “the two halves closed at the edges - one green, the other blue - and locked the sun inside themselves, like a pearl” (complete isolation from people), gradually begin to heal his weary soul. A subtle connoisseur of the beauty of nature, its artist, he admires the “sable wool of barley”, “the silk of the spiked wave of hairy oats”, the “blue Lena River”, “the wavy spines of wheat”, “the white foam of buckwheat”. His soul absorbs all the privileges of the fields in June and is fulfilled positive emotions. With pleasure, the lyrical hero listens to the heavenly singing of birds all day long, watches how the larks “throw their drilling song from the sky onto the field.”

The beauty of nature is the most powerful force “And the song has something poisonous in it. Greed awakens. The more you listen, the more you want to hear,” says the lyrical hero about his sincere passion for bird choirs

We observe a philosophical understanding of the power of nature and beauty when we compare its greatness with the “needy bunch of straw wisps” of the village, which were “embraced and strangled by green hands.” Unfortunately, class subtext was often introduced into this comparison, which is not present in the work of G. Kotsyubynsky.

Having restored strength and peace of his soul, the lyrical hero catches himself thinking about the possibility of meeting a person, her grief. But this no longer scares him. And the meeting took place. It sounded like a dissonance to the wonderful days of short rest in the lap of luxurious nature. The peasant spoke, and the artist’s imagination completed the drawing of “a pile of black straw streaks,” “girls in a cloud of dust who are returning from someone else’s work,” “pale women..,” “... children mixed with hungry dogs.” This was a real picture of a Ukrainian village. The writer did not perceive it as someone else’s misfortune, and did not protect himself from it. On the contrary, the meeting with the peasant immediately ignited the soul with deep sympathy for human grief, for the hungry children who “for some reason were not taken away by the fever,” for the peasant, whom “once a week the guard hits him in the face” because he wanted to have land and in During the revolutionary events he declared his right to it. And most of all, the lyrical hero of “Intermezzo” is struck by corruption and betrayal: “You were a friend and like-minded person, and now, maybe, he’s selling you on the sly. You tear off the word like a piece of your heart, and he throws it to the dogs.” With a mind and heart filled with love, regret and empathy for people who “eat each other in the dark,” the lyrical hero wants change. He wants there to be “lightning and thunder.” “Let the sky and earth be refreshed, Let the sun go out and sow the Other.”

With such sentiments, the artist goes back to people

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