Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev: biography, political activities and family Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

Heydar Aliyev, the son of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, has long been known for his modesty in everything.

An exemplary pupil and student, a respectable and talented young man, an educated and well-mannered son of intelligent parents, a wonderful brother - this is the opinion of him among ordinary people.

He has never been seen among the “golden youth”, his name has not appeared in scandals, he does not drive around the city in expensive cars. He just lives the life of an ordinary, humble young guy.

This week it became known that Heydar Aliyev has been serving his homeland since the summer draft of 2018. This happened during the ceremony of taking the military oath at the N-th military unit of the State Security Service of the Azerbaijan Republic. Despite the fact that, among other soldiers, the son of the President took the oath, the ceremony itself was absolutely no different from those held in other military units throughout Azerbaijan. Everything was dignified, modest, without pomp. Just as the head of state himself usually does everything.

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The head of the State Security Service, Lieutenant General Madat Guliyev, gave a report to the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, the young soldiers took the oath, and then marched solemnly in front of the stands.

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This modest action is strikingly different from the comedy in several parts called “Pashinyan’s son goes to serve in Karabakh,” which the Armenian media has been presenting to us throughout recent times. But the PR campaign of Pashinyan, this quasi-democrat, who, by sending his son to serve in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan, thereby destroying the myth of his commitment to the ideals of peacekeeping and democracy and showing that rabid Armenian nationalism and the occupation of Azerbaijani lands is more important to him, clearly failed...

Press Secretary of the President of Azerbaijan Azer Gasimov has already commented on the absurd statements of the Prime Minister of Armenia regarding the service of the son of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Heydar Aliyev, in the Armed Forces.

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The Azerbaijani side is well aware that Pashinyan’s son serves 50 kilometers from the front line and spends most of his time in Khankendi, and not at all in the trenches.

In contrast to this, Heydar Aliyev serves in a unit where he has no concessions, and there are several logical explanations for this.

Firstly, we must always remember that Heydar Aliyev bears the name of his great grandfather, national leader Heydar Aliyev, and is the continuer of family traditions. And the national leader was a state security officer for many years; he is one of the founders of the state security of Azerbaijan, and rose to the post of chairman of the State Security Committee of Azerbaijan.

And to continue the work of his grandfather, Major General of State Security, is an honor for young Heydar Aliyev.

It should be emphasized that sending Heydar Aliyev to serve directly at the front would be very dangerous. We all know that Armenians regularly shell peaceful Azerbaijani villages, so such a decision would only lead to the fact that Heydar Aliyev’s colleagues and civilians in the villages surrounding military units would be in constant danger. After all, the Armenians, in their desire to provoke Azerbaijan, could target the son of the head of state.

The second important point is that Heydar Aliyev, due to his natural modesty, did not ask for any concessions and serves on a general basis in an ordinary military unit.

This shows once again that President Ilham Aliyev, using the example of his family, again demonstrates to officials, rich businessmen, and the powers that be how to raise their children. Unlike the so-called “majors” - children of wealthy or high-ranking people - who organize races in expensive cars, knock people to death, etc., young Heydar Aliyev goes to serve in the army. Is this not an example for other officials who hide their sons from service?

Heydar Aliyev is an exemplary grandson and son of prominent statesmen. He is absolutely devoid of any pride, simple and sincere towards others, and treats people very warmly. For example, during his years of study at ADA University, Heydar Aliyev was remembered for his academic success and the fact that he did not stand out from the general mass of students. This desire not to attract undue attention to oneself, the ability to focus only on what is important - studies and simple human relationships - is what distinguishes him from so many young people who are nothing of themselves, but behave arrogantly towards others...

All of this is a great example of how you should raise your children and what values ​​you should instill in them.

Timur Rzaev

We can say that this man has been moving towards his presidency since his youth, and he inherited the most important post in the country from his father. And no matter how much criticism may be poured into his address, one thing remains obvious: Ilham Aliyev - the son of Heydar Aliyev - did a lot of good for his country as president of Azerbaijan. This is recognized not only by Azerbaijanis, but also by foreign politicians.

Childhood and early adolescence

Aliyev Ilham Heydarovich was born in the capital of the Azerbaijan SSR on December 24, 1961. His father at that time was already a fairly large official - he served as deputy head of the city department of the KGB. And soon he became the boss. After some time, Heydar Aliyev was elected First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Republic.

In 1967, the son of the main figure of Azerbaijan became a student at Baku Secondary School No. 6, from which he graduated in 1977. No one in the family had any particular doubts about the further development of events. Moscow and, of course, one of its most prestigious institutions awaited Ilham.

In the very first summer after graduation, Ilham Aliyev, whose biography began so successfully, became a student at MGIMO. At the time of admission, he was only 15 years old, and the admissions committee gave the go-ahead only after receiving a certificate stating that Aliyev would turn 16 in a few months.

According to the future president, studying in the capital was not easy. But he made every effort and did not disgrace his father. In 1982, the young man’s parents moved to Moscow, and at the same time, after graduating from the Institute of International Relations, he entered graduate school there. In 1985, Ilham Aliyev defended his doctoral dissertation, which gave him a candidate's degree in historical sciences.

Start of work

Domestic policy

During his debut inaugural speech, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev promised bright prospects for the country. And he didn’t lie.

Literally from the very first steps in power, the head of state placed the main emphasis on the development of the oil industry. Internal investment was also stimulated, jobs were created and private business was encouraged, and socio-economic policies were pursued in the regions. And all this very quickly gave good results.

By 2007, the republic's gross domestic product reached three thousand dollars per capita, and Azerbaijan was recognized as one of the fastest growing countries in the world.

The level of medical care in the state was rapidly increasing, housing was being built, and roads were being repaired. And people were imbued with more and more confidence in their president.

Relations with Russia

As soon as Aliyev Jr. took the main post of the country, he went to Moscow, where he concluded with the President of Russia (Vladimir Putin) After this, trade and economic relations between the countries significantly revived, which benefited both sides. In addition, Azerbaijan supported the Russian Federation in the fight against Chechen terrorists.

Relations with Armenia

The most problematic point of Baku's foreign policy has become relations with Armenia. Ilham Aliyev made attempts to restore order in this area, for which he held a number of meetings and negotiations. But none of them brought success.

In April 2005, the President of Azerbaijan stated that Baku does not rule out a military confrontation with its neighbor and is ready for it. And after yet another unsuccessful negotiation in May of the same year, the leader of the republic put at the forefront the issue of building an oil pipeline along the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan route. It ran through the territory of Karabakh and could have made Yerevan more accommodating.

As a result, this project brought even more benefits than expected. Its launch put an end to Moscow's oil hegemony, and Azerbaijan began to rapidly grow rich.

Relations with the USA

Aliyev Jr. also inherited a difficult legacy in the sector of Baku-Tehran-Washington relations.

The United States was increasing the confrontation with Iran, which, contrary to the wishes of the world community, was developing nuclear potential, and considered Azerbaijan as a platform for attacking this country. And Tehran, in turn, promised to bomb the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline if this option becomes a reality.

Going to negotiations in Washington in 2006, the President of Azerbaijan stated that the territory of his state would never become a springboard for military operations.

Relations with Europe

But Azerbaijan’s relations with Europe from the very beginning of Aliyev’s presidency have been much kinder.

The mutual understanding was based on the energy issue, which became especially acute during the conflict between Gazprom and the Ukrainian authorities, which resulted in a sharp decrease in supplies of blue fuel to the territory of the European Union.

In addition, Europeans have repeatedly expressed admiration for the relatively rapid pace of development of Azerbaijan and provided it with support.

Aliyev and the opposition

Not a single government, even the most durable and authoritative, can do without opposition. Ilham Aliyev encountered protest sentiments in society in the very first “minutes” of his presidency. The very next day after the 2003 elections, people came out to the capital square and did not recognize the outcome of the vote. The protests were brutally suppressed by the authorities - not even without casualties.

The next “attack” of the Azerbaijani opposition happened 2 years later. And he was also mercilessly “cut off”. To do this, troops had to be sent to Baku. Thousands of people were arrested. The situation in the country was truly explosive, but Aliyev was supported by then US President George Bush. And gradually the situation leveled out.

Personal life of the President of Azerbaijan

The President's marriage is an example of strong and harmonious marital relations. Ilham Aliyev's wife, Mehriban, has supported her husband in everything since 1983, when their wedding took place. Being a national standard of beauty, a very smart, active and educated woman, she tries not to “exhibit” her assets and in public keeps herself in the shadow of her husband.

For more than thirty years together, the couple managed to “make” three children. And in 2008, the eldest daughter of Ilham Aliyev and his wife, Leyla, gave her parents two grandchildren at once - she gave birth to twin boys. The couple's youngest daughter, Arzu, is also already married.

But as for the president’s third child, Azerbaijanis are seriously wondering whether Ilham Aliyev’s son will become his heir as head of state, as he himself once became. Wait and see. It's too early to talk about this yet. The father is full of strength, and Heydar, named after his grandfather, is still too young - he was born in 1997.

Ilham Heydar ogly Aliyev (Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev) is the fourth president of Azerbaijan. Son of the third president. He was elected president three times (2003, 2008, 2013). The time of his leadership of the country is characterized by relative stabilization of the economic and political life of Azerbaijan. However, Aliyev is often accused of establishing a regime of dictatorship and authoritarianism in the country.

Childhood and youth

Ilham Aliyev was born in Baku (Azerbaijan SSR) on December 24, 1961. Ilham's father, Heydar Aliyev (May 10, 1923–December 12, 2003), at that time headed the counterintelligence of the KGB of Azerbaijan. Mother Zarifa Aliyeva (April 28, 1923 – April 15, 1985) - leading ophthalmologist of Azerbaijan, professor, member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. Sister - Sevil Aliyeva (October 12, 1955).

Ilham Aliyev with his parents and sister

The future president studied at secondary school 6 in Baku. After graduation, Ilham Aliyev entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Heydar Aliyev at that time already held the post of first secretary of the Central Committee of Azerbaijan. After graduating from the institute, in 1982 he continued his studies in graduate school. In the same year, the Aliyev family moved to Moscow (on November 24, 1982, he appointed Heydar Aliyev as First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR).


After graduating from graduate school, Ilham defended his dissertation and remained a teacher at MGIMO. With his coming to power, Heydar Aliyev fell out of favor. After his father's resignation, Ilham was denied a teaching position. He went into business. In 1991, Ilham Aliyev became the general director of Orient and moved to Istanbul. He returned to Azerbaijan when his father became president of the country.

In the period 1994-2004, Ilham Aliyev served as vice-president of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan SOCAR. He embodied the geopolitical interests of Heydar Aliyev in the oil sector. He actively participated in the conclusion in 1994 of an agreement on the development of deep-water fields of the Caspian Sea on the territory of Azerbaijan. The agreement between 13 companies from 8 countries was called the “Contract of the Century” and became the beginning of the “New Oil Strategy” of Azerbaijan

In 1995 and 2000, he was elected as a deputy of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan. He actively promoted the construction of sports facilities and the opening of sports schools in the country. Ilham Aliyev was an active participant in the program for the development of traditional sports in Azerbaijan. In 1995, he was elected chairman of the Azerbaijan Olympic Committee. For his personal contribution to the Olympic movement, he was awarded by the IOC the highest order of the International Olympic Committee, the Order of Glory “Great Cordon” of the International Military Sports Council.

In 1999, Ilham Aliyev was elected one of the five deputy chairmen of the New Azerbaijan Party. In 2001, he became the first deputy head of the party. In the period 2001-2003, he was the head of the delegation from the Mejlis to PACE. In 2004, Aliyev was awarded a diploma of an honorary member of PACE and a PACE medal.

In July 2003, Ilham Aliyev, together with his father Heydar Aliyev, became a candidate for the presidency of Azerbaijan. And in August of the same year, the Mejlis appointed him prime minister. Two months later, on all television channels in Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev announced the withdrawal of his candidacy from the elections in favor of Ilham Aliyev.

President of Azerbaijan

In the presidential elections on October 15, 2003, Ilham Aliyev won with 79.46% of the votes. The elections were accompanied (according to international observers) by numerous violations and caused mass protests by opposition supporters. Clashes between protesters and internal troops led to casualties.

Both the country and the West did not expect drastic actions in politics and economics from the young head of Azerbaijan. Ilham, according to popular belief, was not interested in politics, had no experience and depended on the ruling political power. However, the new president of Azerbaijan adopted a tough leadership style, preparing for a complete change in the country's ruling elite in two years. The majority were not happy with this state of affairs. In 2005, the “old guard” attempted a coup.

The instigators were Ilham’s uncle, Minister of Economy Farhad Aliyev, and Ali Insanov, Minister of Health. 12 conspirators were arrested. These included Finance Minister Fikret Yusifov and President of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences Eldar Salayev. The arrest of the leader of the Erazov clan, Insanov, meant the end of the distribution of power in the country according to clan affiliation. From now on, Azerbaijan's policy was determined only by the president.

The next presidential elections took place in Azerbaijan on October 15, 2008. Ilham Aliyev won with 88% of the votes. The government continued to work with virtually unchanged composition. In 2009, a referendum was held in Azerbaijan, one of the issues of which was the election of the same candidate for president more than twice. This allowed the opposition to declare the arrival of a “monarchy” in the country. The European Commission announced a setback on the path to democracy.

During the reign of Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan experienced economic growth. This is due to increased sales of energy resources. Even at the start of Ilham’s presidency, oil export pipelines bypassing Russia were launched: Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum. During the first two years of the presidency, Azerbaijan's GDP increased by 16.4%. Now the country's economy is completely dependent on the sale of hydrocarbons.

The country's poverty rate has fallen to 11%, according to government data. However, this is mainly due to government social benefits.

In the international arena, Ilham Aliyev pursues a flexible policy. In 2005, he signed a non-aggression pact with Iran. A winning agreement for Baku was signed with Russia on a 390-kilometer demarcation line on the state border.

After a new round of aggravation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in April 2016, the Russian President initiated a meeting in Yalta between the heads of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan. The leaders of the warring parties to the conflict made an attempt to “give additional dynamics to the settlement.”

All transformations in the country are reported on the presidential website and social networks.

Personal life

In 1983, Ilham married. Mehriban is from an intelligent Azerbaijani family. Studied at the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute named after. N. Narimanov, First Moscow Medical Institute named after. I.M. Sechenov. She graduated from the latter in 1988. While studying in Moscow, she met and married Ilham Aliyev and managed to give birth to two children.

The Aliyev family has three children: (born in 1985), Arzu (1989), Heydar (1997). On April 30, 2006, daughter Leila became the wife of the vice-president of the Crocus Group, a musician. Leyla Aliyeva has three children: sons Ali and Mikail and adopted daughter Amina. In May 2015, Emin and Leila divorced.

Another daughter of the Aliyevs, Arzu, married the son of businessman Aydin Gurbanov, Samed, in 2011. After graduation, Arzu worked at the Research Institute of Eye Diseases in Moscow until 1992. In 1995, she founded and became the head of the Friends of Azerbaijan Culture charity foundation. In 1996, she became the founder and editor-in-chief of the “Heritage of Azerbaijan” and “Azerbaijan-Irs” magazines, published in Azerbaijani, Russian and English. The purpose of the publications is to popularize Azerbaijani culture in the world.

In 2002, Mehriban Aliyeva was elected president of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation. She initiated the holding of the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Azerbaijan in 2005. And in 2015, Aliyeva headed the national committee for holding the “First European Games” in Azerbaijan. In 2008, she initiated the burial of the singer who died in Moscow in his homeland, Baku, on the “Alley of Honor.”

It is interesting that President Aliyev was among the three tallest presidents in the world. Ilham Aliyev’s height, like that of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, is 190 cm. Only Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic is taller (200 cm).

Ilham Heydar now

As a result of a referendum held in Azerbaijan in 2016, a new position was established: first vice president. Since then, in the event of an untimely resignation from the post of the country's president, power in Azerbaijan passes to the vice president, and not to the prime minister.

In February 2017, by decree of President Ilham Aliyev, Mehriban Aliyeva was appointed to the post of Vice President of Azerbaijan. The appointment received favorable reviews in the Azerbaijani press, which is completely controlled by the authorities. However, world experts were wary of the new post of the first lady of Azerbaijan. The future of the country is now in the hands of one family, and this is a step towards neo-monarchical rule.

In the summer of 2016, the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan approved amendments to increase the presidential term to 7 years and reduce the age of a presidential candidate to 25 years. The opposition suspects that Aliyev is preparing a successor in the person of his son Heydar. He will be 28 years old at the time of the next presidential election in 2025.

The Aliyev family is accused of corruption. The European Parliament, by resolution of September 10, 2015, demanded an EU investigation into accusing the Aliyev family of large-scale corruption. Thus, the catalyst was journalistic investigations about the receipt by the Azenco construction holding (owned by the Aliyevs) of millions of contracts financed by the budget of Azerbaijan.

In addition, from an investigation by The Washington Post journalists, it became known that 9 luxury villas in Dubai were purchased in the name of the president’s minor son for $44 million. In addition, the property was purchased for the president’s daughters. The total cost of housing is $75 million.

The president’s children own a cellular communications company, a holding company bank that owns the service departments of the state-owned AZAL airline, etc.

At the beginning of April 2017, a popular Russian TV presenter conducted a 2-hour interview with President Aliyev. According to the TV presenter, despite the opposite opinion on a number of issues, Ilham Aliyev was extremely correct.

Ilham Heydar ogly Aliyev(Azerbaijani: İlham Heydər oğlu Əliyev) is an Azerbaijani statesman and political figure, President of Azerbaijan (since 2003), son of Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev (1993−2003). Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev was elected president of Azerbaijan three times (2003, 2008, 2013).

Early years and education of Ilham Aliyev

Father - Heydar Alievich Aliev(1923−2003) - President of Azerbaijan (1993−2003).

Mother - Zarifa Aliyeva- ophthalmologist.

Older sister - Seville (1955).

From 1967 to 1977, Ilham studied at secondary school No. 6 in Baku. After school he entered MGIMO, from which he graduated in 1982. Aliyev Jr. immediately became a graduate student and in 1985 defended his PhD thesis in history. For some time, Ilham Aliyev taught at the Institute of International Relations (1985−1990). Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev is fluent in Russian, English, French and Turkish, as stated in his biography on the official website of the president.

Since 1991, Ilham Aliyev’s biography as a scientist has been transformed into a career as a businessman. At that time, Ilham’s father Heydar Aliyev resigned, not working well with Mikhail Gorbachev. At MGIMO they hinted to Ilham that he was no longer welcome. Young Aliyev went to work in business. Ilham Heydarovich returned to Azerbaijan and headed a number of industrial and commercial enterprises (1991−1994).

Business and first steps in politics

From 1994 to August 2003, Ilham was vice-president, then first vice-president of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR). He took an active part in the implementation of “Heydar Aliyev’s oil strategy”. Ilham Aliyev continued to engage in science. He is the author of several research works on the geopolitical aspects of Azerbaijan's oil policy. Ilham Heydarovich defended his doctoral dissertation.

Ilham Aliyev was elected to the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1995 and 2000.

In 2003, Ilham Heydarovich resigned from his parliamentary powers in connection with his appointment to the post of Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Also in 2003, Ilham Aliyev was elected chairman and member of the PACE Bureau. In April 2004, for his active participation in the work of PACE and commitment to European ideals, he was awarded a diploma of an honorary member of PACE and a PACE medal.

After the death of his father (2003), Aliyev the son was elected president of the Republic of Azerbaijan. More than 76% of voters voted for him. Further, in all subsequent elections, Ilham Aliyev was elected to the post of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008 and 2013.

Ilham Aliyev as President of Azerbaijan

At first, many perceived the figure of Ilham Aliyev as transitional. They called young Aliyev weak and lacking his father's charisma. But they underestimated Ilham Heydarovich. Aliyev Jr. immediately realized that he was threatened not by a weak opposition, but by the ruling elite led by the president’s uncle Jalal Aliyev. They wanted to be governed by a young and, as they believed, inexperienced president.

However, in 2005, Ilham was able to get rid of the “tutelage” of political opponents. Minister of Economic Development Farhad Aliyev, Minister of Finance Fikret Yusifova, Minister of Health Ali Insanova arrested, along with other politicians, on charges of attempting a coup. The government cracked down on the opposition following parliamentary elections in November 2005. These measures helped erase the perception of the president as weak, but they also damaged his image as a reformer.

Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev, in the opinion of many compatriots and international media, has stabilized the political situation in the country. However, the same media often say that Ilham followed in his father’s footsteps and established an authoritarian dictatorial regime in Azerbaijan.

Under Ilham Aliyev, the main export pipelines were launched, and economic growth was observed in Azerbaijan, primarily due to the export of energy resources.

By 2008, per capita income had reached US$3,830, although most of the population in 2010 was subsisting on government benefits and the economy remained overly dependent on oil and gas exports. In 2015, according to official data, the oil factor in the country's economy was 30%.

President Aliyev conducts foreign policy competently. A non-aggression treaty was signed with Iran in 2005, prohibiting, in particular, both countries the right to place military bases of countries hostile to the other side on their territory.

In September 2010, the heads of Azerbaijan and Russia signed an Agreement on the State Border between the two countries, formalizing the 390-kilometer line of the Russian-Azerbaijani border on conditions favorable to Baku.

At the same time, there is virtually no progress towards resolving the conflict around Karabakh.

At the beginning of April 2016, the armed forces of Azerbaijan took offensive actions in a number of directions in the Karabakh conflict zone. At the same time, the Azerbaijanis used artillery, armored vehicles and aviation. After this, Armenia sent volunteers to the Karabakh conflict zone. On April 5, the parties reached an agreement on a ceasefire in the Karabakh conflict zone.

Negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement took place in June at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna (St. Petersburg). They were attended by the President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan - Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev.

Before this, the head of the Russian state held two separate meetings with his colleagues, with whom he also discussed the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.

In July 2917, the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia, Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin, discussed the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at a meeting in Sochi.

The leaders of the two countries once again confirmed the existence of strategic partnerships between Azerbaijan and Russia and emphasized the successful development of bilateral relations in political, economic, humanitarian and other spheres. The news noted that Putin and Aliyev expressed confidence that friendly and strategic partnerships between Baku and Moscow will continue to develop.

Personal life of Ilham Aliyev

In 1983, Ilham Aliyev married Mehriban Pashayeva(since February 2017 - First Vice-President of Azerbaijan). Aliyev explained the appointment of his wife as first vice president by her role in the life of the country. The President of Azerbaijan recalled that Mehriban Aliyeva is the deputy chairman of the country's leading party, and that she has worked as a deputy of the Milli Majlis since 2005.

On September 26, 2016, a constitutional referendum was held in Azerbaijan, as a result of which a number of reforms were adopted. Among them is the establishment of the positions of the first vice-president and two vice-presidents of Azerbaijan. According to the reform, if the head of state fails to cope with his duties, his powers will transfer to the first vice president.

Ilham Aliyev’s family has a son and two daughters, Leila(born 1985) and Arzu(1989) and son Heydar (1997).

Daughter Leila married an entrepreneur and musician in 2006 Emina Agalarova. On December 1, 2008, their two twin sons were born. In 2015, Emin and Leila announced their divorce. “None of us betrayed the other, did not offend, we did not do anything bad to each other at all,” Emin Agalarov was quoted as saying about his divorce from Leyla Aliyeva.

Arzu's daughter married in September 2011 Sameda Kurbanova, son of one of the founders of the All-Russian Azerbaijan Congress, entrepreneur Aidyna Kurbanova.

Ilham Aliyev is a believer. The president performed the hajj, a ritual pilgrimage to Mecca, three times, first with his father, Heydar Aliyev, and then while already serving as president. In 2015, Ilham Aliyev, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and members of their family performed the minor hajj in Mecca.

Ilham Aliyev is considered the most active Caucasian leader on social networks; he has many followers on his Facebook and Twitter accounts, and runs a Russian-language page for the president and on the VKontakte network. Ilham Aliyev is not on Instagram, but his daughter often posts photos there Leyla Aliyeva.

Ilham Aliyev on Wikipedia

Official account of Ilham Aliyev in

1. Ilham Heydar ogly Aliyev(Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev) was born in Baku into the family of the future President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, who at that time served as head of the Counterintelligence Department of the KGB of the Azerbaijan SSR.

2. Ilham Aliyev is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Having defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences, he remained to work at MGIMO as a teacher.

3. In 1997, Ilham Aliyev became president of the National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan. On his initiative, sports schools were actively built, national teams were formed in those sports that were traditionally strong in Azerbaijan. For his great contribution to the development of sports and the Olympic movement, he was awarded the highest order of the International Olympic Committee.

4. Ilham Aliyev became president of Azerbaijan in 2003, succeeding his father, Heydar Aliyev. Aliyev Jr. won presidential elections three times - in 2003, 2008 and 2013.

Ilham Aliyev near the portrait of his father, former President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

5. Ilham Aliyev has been awarded state awards from a number of states, international organizations and associations. Among Aliyev’s unusual awards are the Honorary Gold Badge of the General Confederation of Trade Unions “For Merit to the Trade Union Movement” and the Order of Merit to the Party from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

6. Ilham Aliyev speaks Azerbaijani, Russian, English, French and Turkish.

Ilham Aliyev with his wife Mehriban and Dmitry Medvedev. 2008 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

7. In 2010, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev visited the V.I. Lenin House-Museum in Ulyanovsk, where he left a note in the guest book: “I got acquainted with the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin House-Museum with great interest. The museum exposition clearly demonstrates the life of the Ulyanov family. All family members had extraordinary qualities and showed their talent in different areas. Vladimir Ilyich left a huge mark on the history of mankind. His memory lives in the hearts of millions of people on the planet.”

8. In 2011, in honor of the 50th anniversary of Ilham Aliyev, a cake 50 meters long was made in the city of Sumgait. The initiator of baking the cake was Head of Sumgait Eldar Azizov. This was already the second cake baked on Azizov’s instructions for the president’s birthday. The first was created on Aliyev’s 49th birthday in Ganja, which Azizov led before Sumgait. The tradition continued - in 2012, a 51-meter cake was baked for the president’s birthday. The sweetness weighing 11 tons took 22,000 eggs, about 2 tons of flour, 1.5 tons of granulated sugar, 310 kg of peeled nuts.