An interesting scenario for a woman’s 70th birthday. Anniversary competitions

Scenario for 70th anniversary

"A cheerful, warm circle of friends"

The suggested option could be like 70th anniversary scenario for a woman, so scenario of a 70 year old man.

Guests are greeted at the doorstep by the hostess and the owner of the house, the hero of the occasion. They invite those who come to the table. After all the guests have taken their seats, the host enters the room.

Presenter: Hello! I am glad to welcome everyone present in this house! Today we have gathered here together on an unusual occasion. On this day our respected man turns seventy (names the name and patronymic of the hero of the day). The holiday opens with congratulations from children.

Children congratulate the birthday boy.
Presenter: Now let's hold an auction. Attention! I have things that belong to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a reasonable price. However, guests will have to pay not with coins, but with kind words spoken to our respected birthday boy. So, I consider the auction open!
Lot No. 1. This faded cloth is a diaper in which the parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and such a respectable birthday boy, it is difficult to even imagine that he once fit into an envelope folded from such fabric. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?

There is a “sale” of the hero of the day’s diaper. The winner and its owner is considered to be the one of the guests who said the most kind words to the birthday boy. Further, other things that at different times belonged to the hero of the day can be “sold” in the same way: a toy that he never parted with, shoelaces in which he went to first grade, a school diary for fifth grade, his first tie, etc.
After all items are “sold”, the winner of the competition is announced. He has the right to make a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine for the health of the birthday person. And the winner of the auction, who said the largest number of epithets, is awarded a prize, which can be used as a medal made of paper “For eloquence and strong friendship.”
Presenter: So we finally found out who should be considered a true friend of the hero of the day. Of course, this is the person who said to the birthday boy a large number of kind words. And now we find out the name of the person who, over many years of strong friendship and acquaintance with the hero of the day, was able to better know his character, habits, and is also aware of the events that took place in his life. We are holding a quiz called “The Most Informed.”

Quiz questions:
  1. When was the hero of the day born? Give the exact date and time of his birth.
  2. In what city was today's birthday boy born?
  3. What was the hero of the day's first toy?
  4. In what year did the hero of the day go to first grade for the first time?
  5. What was the first assessment of the birthday boy?
  6. What is the name of the hero of the day's first teacher?
  7. What is the name of the girl to whom the birthday boy first confessed his love?
  8. Who was the birthday boy's school friend?
  9. For what pranks was the hero of the day severely punished by his parents for the first time (summoned to a teachers' meeting, etc.)?
  10. When the birthday boy received his diploma higher education?
  11. When did the hero of the day receive his first salary?
  12. When did the birthday boy get married? Name the date and day of the week of the wedding.
  13. Where did the hero of the day first meet his future wife?
  14. How did the birthday boy meet his chosen one?
  15. What flowers did the hero of the day give to his bride?
  16. Name the dates of birth of the birthday boy's children.
  17. Who chose the names for the children: the hero of the day, his wife, mother-in-law or mother-in-law?
  18. Which dish prepared by the wife does the birthday boy prefer?
  19. Does the hero of the day like to wear a tie?
  20. Does the birthday boy use an electric or mechanical razor to shave?
  21. What is the birthday boy's hobby?
  22. Where did the hero of the day spend his first vacation with his family?
  23. Which song does the birthday boy like best?
  24. Which pop singer or singer does the hero of the day like?
  25. What brand of car does the hero of the day drive?
  26. Is there a house on the celebrant’s summer cottage?
  27. What vegetables does the birthday boy grow at his dacha?

After all the questions have been asked, the quiz should be summed up. The winner is the person who answers the majority of the questions correctly. He is awarded the “Most Informed and Inquisitive” medal.

Presenter(addresses the guests): And now, in honor of the holiday, let's perform the birthday boy's favorite song.

The guests sing a song in chorus.

Presenter: We hope the hero of the occasion enjoyed the choral performance of his favorite song. Let's continue our evening! What would a holiday be without reading poetry? But since our celebration is attended mainly by adults - independent people, it is necessary to complicate the task. (Addresses the guests.) You have to read a poem... (makes a significant pause) own composition. This should be an ode - a form of poetry praising the hero. Moreover, it must contain words such as birthday, glorious anniversary, birthday boy, student, builder, life.

Guests are divided into two teams, after which they are given some time to write a poem. At the end of the designated period, the presenter reads the essays aloud. Those present jointly choose the winner. Most often, friendship wins, and everyone raises a glass to the friendship and health of the hero of the day.

While the guests are writing, the hostess can, if necessary, change the dishes and bring additional dishes.

Presenter: Well, dear guests, aren’t you tired of having fun yet? No? Then let's continue our holiday! The next competition is the most fun. This is a ditty competition. To carry it out you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, a funny ditty should be heard, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

At the end of the competition, you need to sum up the results: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (this can be candy, fruit, souvenirs, etc.) and medals “For the best performance of ditties.” The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal “For resourcefulness and fun.”

Presenter: I see what's behind this festive table intellectuals and merry people gathered. And now I want to know if you can dance... in unusual conditions. You need to perform the dance without getting up from your chair. There must be four participants in the competition.

Four guests go out, taking chairs, to the center of the room. March, waltz, Latin American rhythms, twist, rock and roll are played alternately. Participants perform appropriate dances. The winner is chosen jointly and then given a medal “For the best dance performance.” After this, everyone can leave the table and perform the “Gypsy” dance. The best dancer receives the “First-Class Gypsy” medal.

Presenter: Attention attention! A charming and charming woman came to visit us for the holiday. Meet, master of magic and gypsy sciences, professor of divination, unpredictable and inimitable... Lyalya Black! Applause!

Gypsy: Wow, what warm company! Take Mpiy into your pleasant company. (Sits down at the table.) No wonder the girl called me a professor. Yes, I am a professor. I can predict the future. I know the fate of all the guests in this house. Come on, gild your pen, I’ll tell you everything, what is, what was, what will be, what you need to fear, what gifts to expect from fate...

Guests take turns approaching the fortune teller and find out their future: someone is expecting the purchase of a jeep, someone is expecting the arrival of a mother-in-law, someone is expecting the birth of another child, someone is moving, someone is getting a promotion, etc. After fortune telling everyone raises a glass to the future and health of the hero of the day. The gypsy then performs a gypsy dance, inviting the “First-class gypsy.”

Presenter: And I heard from one of my friends that gypsies have the ability to guess the thoughts of other people. (Addresses the gypsy woman.) This is probably not true?

Gypsy: Wow, your truth! It's all true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I’ll tell you the whole truth, who thinks and what... (He goes to one of the guests, a representative of the older generation.) That young man, handsome and handsome, is thinking about what delicious salad the mistress of this house has prepared, but his wife will not be able to do this... (Approaches another guest.) This young and ruddy one thinks about what a good person the owner is... (Approaches the third, etc.)

Presenter: I also know that you can predict fate by drawing a lucky or unlucky ticket.

Gypsy: And I know such fortune-telling! I have tickets. Padhadite, dear guests, kind people, pull out the great pieces of paper. What is written on them will certainly come true...

Can be used as tickets astrological forecast or newspaper clippings pasted onto small pieces of paper.

Gypsy(after the divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I’m going to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, doesn’t like it when I’m late at work... Hello everyone! And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity! I’ll drink a glass on the way to the hospitable owners of this house and to their guests!..

Presenter: Thank you, Lyalya, for coming to see us! We thank you, present you with a medal “For Honesty and Dedication” and want to perform a cheerful dance for you.

After the fortune telling is over, everyone sees off the gypsy.

In this case, you can turn on some gypsy melody or perform the corresponding song.

Presenter: And now let’s give the floor to congratulate the faithful friend of our dear hero of the day in grief and happiness, his wife (states the name and patronymic of the birthday boy’s wife).

The wife congratulates the birthday boy.

Presenter: The wife said good words to the hero of the day. And now it’s time to find out how she really sees her husband. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, and (says the name of the birthday boy’s wife) she will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a piece of paper.

The birthday boy’s wife draws a “portrait” of her husband. Upon completion, she is awarded a medal “For loyalty and devotion to the ideal.”

Presenter: Yes, our dear hero of the day got a good wife, attentive and faithful. And what about the birthday boy himself? Is he that attentive to his wife? We'll check this now. (Invites the hero of the day to go into the room.) Let's blindfold today's birthday boy, and let him find with his eyes closed, among five beautiful women, the only one with whom he once decided to throw in his lot.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must approach each one in turn and guess, without removing the blindfold, which woman is his wife. For the correct answer, the birthday person is awarded a prize - a medal “ Best husband millennium."

Presenter: I see that our guests are bored. I propose to raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day!.. We found out what kind of friend and husband the birthday boy is. Now you need to find out what qualities his faithful friends have. So, the first competition for men is announced, which is called “Who is faster”. I will give each man a piece of ice. It needs to be melted as quickly as possible. Whoever does this first will receive a prize.

At the end of the competition, the presenter presents the winner with a prize - the medal “The fastest and hottest man of the millennium.”

Presenter: We have determined the winner of the “Who is the fastest” competition. However, I am sure there are those here who could seriously compete with him. The next competition is called “The Most Dexterous”. There are apples in basins filled with water. You need to eat an apple without using your hands as quickly as possible.

At the end of the competition, the presenter awards the winner with a medal “For dexterity and resourcefulness.”

Presenter: The third competition will help us determine the most patient and persistent man. There are balloons on the floor. They need to be crushed by sitting on them. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, those representatives of the stronger sex who have self-confidence and consider themselves the most persistent are called to participate in this competition.

After the completion of the competition, the winner should be presented with a memorable gift - the medal “The Most Persistent and Patient Man of the Millennium.”

Presenter: With this, I declare the official part of the celebration closed. I wish our dear hero of the day for long years life, good health, happiness and prosperity in the home. The evening will continue with a cheerful feast and fiery dancing.

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Host: Let me take the floor today!
We gathered for the Anniversary
A dear person to you!
The age of wisdom is seventy years
It came, as always, unexpectedly.
There are still many victories ahead,
The book of life has not yet been read.
Let this world be for you again and again
Gives only the best!
Let love live in your heart,
Kindness, generosity, generosity!

You are not tired of being kind and gentle, you remain beautiful even at 70 years old,
You have achieved everything, raised your children,
And we wish you further victories.
Let your sunset be brighter than the dawn, and autumn warm you more reliably than summer.
A little seventy at all -
I say this for a reason:
After all, if you count from a hundred -
The result is only 0.7.
And life, outside and inside,
She can give you a lot.
Missing 0.3
You still have some catching up to do.
In short, the goal is clear - forward
The path is open and direct.
And then what awaits after a hundred...
There will be a hundred - we'll see!
So, friends, here's to the anniversary,
May everything come true and everything happen!
Years make us wiser -
Out of spite for enemies, out of mercy for friends!
Well, now that everyone is sitting at the table,
We'll pour more glasses.
And the first toast is ready:
We drink to the birthday boy!
Well, the Guests stood up in unison and raised their glasses cheerfully! Let's wish the hero of the day happiness and shout in unison three times: “Congratulations!” Let's drink the hearty toast to the dregs!
Name (...) – threefold: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! A toast to your birthday!
Host: Dear friends! As you know, between the first and second...
Well, while you have a snack and a drink, of course, there are those among you who adhere to the principle “there is not a big gap between the 1st and 2nd”, I would like to announce the forecast for today’s celebration:
Today is expected to be cloudy, anniversary hurricane with wine and vodka
The temperature above the table is 40, the air is filled with fun.

There is fog in the head at night, but it may clear up in the morning.

They also say that you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules, and that’s why I want to read out the rules of conduct for today’s celebration for some of the guests.
1. Uncle..., we ask you to have fun, otherwise we won’t let you get hungover.
2. ..., you must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without an invitation.
3..., after the 10th glass, it is advisable to start singing, but it is undesirable to put your elbow in your neighbor’s plate.
4. Aunt..., I ask you not to lose heart, dance until you drop.
5. ..., if you can’t dance standing, dance while sitting.
6..., put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor’s pocket
7. ... remember: drink to the bottom, but don’t lie down.
8. Aunt... undertakes to sing until she gets tired
9. ... it is strictly forbidden to meet under a table or on the roof.
So, while you and I were drinking, our pigeon mail brought us NEWS from the KREMLIN (a scroll with a message in it):
Anniversary Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
For great services to the Fatherland in the field of human relations, present (Protskaya Larisa Nikolaevna) a valuable gift in the form of a gold bar weighing 70g from the country’s gold reserves. Concerned about the safety of the hero of the day, I order:
1.Transfer the gift for safekeeping to a Swiss bank for a period of 30 years.
2.Give the celebrant a key to a Swiss bank vault.
3. Admission to the bank is allowed only personally to the hero of the day on the day of his centenary.
4. The gift is not inherited.
5. Taking into account the above, oblige (Prtskaya Larisa Sergeevna) to live to be one hundred years old and in good health to appear at a Swiss bank without the help of accompanying persons.
(Date of). Kremlin. The president.
(a drawn key is taken out and presented to the hero of the day on a string)
Host: Thank you to Mr. President for his congratulations, and I propose to drink to the last point of the decree: to live to be a hundred years old in good health. Toast.
Telegrams arrived today for the Anniversary. Read out.
Dear guests! We learned a lot today about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him.
I announce the anniversary roll call, friends. You are only allowed to shout “no, no, no” and “yes, yes, yes”
We gathered for the anniversary... (Yes, yes, yes). Be silent and be sad... no, no, no. For a drink, a snack……(Yes, yes, yes). We'll all have fun......(Yes, yes, yes) Let's try to get drunk... no, no, no. Let's show off a little......(Yes, yes, yes). Are many of you happy? ……(Yes Yes Yes). We will congratulate Nina………(Yes, yes, yes). And who will start?....(me, me, me).


The presenter writes a congratulation on a piece of paper in advance and, before the start of the competition, cuts this sheet into pieces. If the hero of the occasion is a man, then “pieces”

How we love you
How we appreciate you
And we sing about that
At this wonderful hour!

The gypsies and the bear, accompanied by appropriate music, approach the hero of the occasion and bring him a glass and bread and salt.

Gypsy. Ah, blue-winged dove, my clear falcon. Please us and your guests with a gypsy come out. And you, precious guests, clap louder, and don’t forget to fill your glasses!
The birthday boy dances the gypsy dance. Then the host involves the rest of the guests in this dance.

Gypsy. And now, dear guests, look how our little bear dances. And let everyone put some little thing in his hat and give him a treat, which is not a pity.
A bear with a hat goes around the guests and begs for tasty things: vodka, cucumber. And if it works out, then money. Guests put various little things in a hat: watches, pens, rings, and so on.
After this, a game of forfeits is played.

Gypsy. And I also have a hat, but not a simple one, but a magical one: it knows what your guests think about you, it will read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!
The guests pull the prepared pieces of paper from the gypsy, and the gypsy “voices his thoughts.”

1. You want, you want, I know for sure, you want, you want, but you are silent
2. The spool is small, but expensive.

9. You are my fallen maple...

13. Old age is not joy.
14. My bunny!
15. I will never forget you.
16. Sim-sim, open up, sim-sim, surrender.
17. I’ll take you to the tundra.

Other similar ideas can be found in the advice and predictions section.

The host thanks the gypsies for all the predictions, invites the “camp” to join the company and announces a competition for the best toast in honor of the birthday boy. They can be found in the "birthday toasts" section.
Competition "Sing the Song"
The guests are divided into 2 teams, the task is given to perform a song, whose team starts and sings faster is the winner.
Start a children's song...
Start the war song...
Russian folk song start...
Start a pioneer song...
Start the Komsomol song...
WITH female name start a song...
Start the New Year's song...
Start a song about your birthday...
Host: So that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,
We want you to have a little refreshment!
Host: Usually on such a big day,
Which is named birthday.
Friends with with an open soul
Congratulations are coming to you.
Host: And now a question for the birthday girl: What was your dream as a child?
Find yourself in a fairy tale? I think that we will help you realize your dream and show you our fairy tale.
TALE (Instant performance)
King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken
In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimist king. One day the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms and generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a colorful butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will stick out its tongue to him. Then he makes a face. In general, an indecent word will be shouted. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and it flew away into the thicket of the forest.
And the king laughed and rode on. Suddenly a little bunny jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the ostrich pose, head down, that is. The bunny was surprised by such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's legs began to shake. And the bunny screamed in an inhuman voice.
And just then the fox was returning from a night shift at the poultry farm. I took the chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, and in surprise he let go of the chicken. And the chicken turned out to be impudent. She cackled with delight and slapped the fox so hard that she grabbed her head in pain.
And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked him in a soft place. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of such fear, jumped onto the fox’s paws and grabbed her by the ears. The fox then abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.
And the king and the brave chicken still jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They galloped off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know that, but I think he’ll definitely pour it for her. As do all the guests present.
Presenter: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened... he pours!!!
Dancing, games, competitions. Competition: "Monkeys".
When the party is in full swing, you can move on to more daring competitions. For the “Monkeys” competition, 2 participants are called. Their hands are tied behind their backs, and an unpeeled banana is placed on a plate in front of them. The players' task is to peel and eat a banana without using their hands.

How many parrots do you have?
A man measures a woman’s height with “fives” or “fingers”. It’s most likely not worth multiplying the result by the length of the finger: that’s not what this fuss was started for. Moreover, a woman can either stand or lie down during the measurement.
Anyone who wants to receive a big prize lies down on the sofa and covers himself with a blanket. The rest wish for an object that the player will have to take off. He tries to guess what is hidden, and if he is wrong, he takes off the very thing he named. In the end, there is practically nothing left on it, because what was intended was a bedspread! At the initiative of the presenter, this word is written down on paper before the start of the game.
The couple is offered a glass of juice and a banana. The man should drink the juice and the woman should eat the banana. Moreover, the glass is clamped by the knees of a sitting woman, and the banana is clamped by the knees of a sitting man.
Make your wish come true
This is probably the most fun and joyful
contest. He prepares in advance. We take the most
regular balloons. We write on pieces of paper
tasks. The tasks may be different. The first one to eat first
ball, a piece of paper is poured onto it
task. The participant completes the task. Then
The guests are seated at the tables.
Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The presenter goes around the guests with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is gold, and offers to choose any one without looking into the bag. The owner of the “golden fish” has the right to voice his three wishes, choosing them from among the cards offered by the presenter But before that, he names any “performer” among the guests.)

1. I want a toast to be made in honor of the hero of the day, in which the word “Birthday” would appear three times.
2. I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.
3. I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
4. I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and jump on one leg to your place.
5. I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song to the guests, and they guess its name.

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday
You are an honest and wonderful boss!
We wish you a lot of joy in life,
Never be sad in vain.

May your ideas succeed,
Let your wishes and dreams come true!
Let your career only go uphill,
Life will be wonderful
like flowers!
1. You want, you want, I know for sure, you want, you want, but you are silent.
2. The spool is small, but expensive.
3. Drink, but in moderation.
4. I like that you are not sick with me.
5. I don’t know if I love you, but it seems that I do.
6. And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.
7. What should I give you, my dear man?
8. I got drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home....
9. You are my fallen maple...
10. We have already played the first half.
11. It’s not evening yet, it’s not evening yet, the road is still bright and the eyes are clear.
12. I don’t sleep well at night because I love you.
13. Old age is not joy.
14. My bunny!
15. I will never forget you.
16. Sim-sim, open up, sim-sim, give in.
17. I’ll take you to the tundra.
18. An old friend is better than two new ones.

Song for the birthday girl
Talent and beauty don't come together very often!
Oh, God, how your spring suits you now!
Let winter be upon us,
But you are in February
Still beautiful and slim!

We are watching Anna's life,
And we read in fascination
A beautiful, unfinished novel about love, without betrayal.
May your happiness never end!
We want to wish you now,
So that it is clear and cloudless in your family!

Today is your birthday, it’s hard for us to say which one!
We know you did great this part of the journey!
There is a friendly family
Colleagues and friends,
You look no older than thirty!

We congratulate you today,
And from the bottom of our hearts we give you
Beautiful symbolic envelope
From friends as a sign of love!
So that you choose the gift
And at the same time you remembered us,
All our meetings, our holidays,
And our C'est La Vie!

If your relative turns 70, this should be celebrated. Most of all, older people need the love and attention of loved ones. Therefore, any family gatherings where several generations gather is already a huge holiday for any grandmother. To ensure that a group of different ages enjoys the event and does not turn into a banal feast, it is important to think through the anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman in advance.

Celebration organization

Usually the 70th anniversary is celebrated in a close circle of close people. The hero of the occasion is pleased to see beloved relatives and faithful friends at the table, with whom they have experienced many happy and sad moments.

Most often, the anniversary scenario without a toastmaster is taken as a basis. For a 70-year-old woman, sincerity and sincerity are extremely important. A professional presenter has extensive experience in holding such events, but he does not know the birthday girl the way her family knows.

It is better for one of the relatives to take on the role of toastmaster. This will make it easier to collect information about the birthday girl’s childhood and youth, touching moments of her life, tastes and hobbies. You should not thoroughly follow the developed anniversary scenarios for a 70-year-old woman. New or old, they do not take into account the individuality of your mother, grandmother, friend. This is the case when a personal approach is required.


Creativity is encouraged at any occasion. The hero of the day will be pleased if the children and grandchildren decorate the room with homemade posters, balloons, and flowers. Photos should have a place of honor. Elderly people carefully keep them as a reminder of past times. Create a beautiful photo exhibition. Some photographs may need to be restored.

The next task is to choose interesting scenario anniversary for a woman 70 years old and adjust it to suit your situation. Behind every person is a unique life path. It's nice to remember him. Touching surprises will be appropriate. For example, a presentation of photographs from different years accompanied by excerpts from songs, or a video in which relatives, friends, colleagues of the birthday girl share their memories. Or perhaps it will be a romantic love story between grandparents.

In the anniversary scenario for a woman turning 70, you can safely include song congratulations performed by a family choir. With your children, learn beautiful poems by heart. The grandmother is moved to tears when she hears her younger grandchildren perform. An excellent gift would be for old friends. Some of them find it difficult to reach the neighboring area, so the help of the younger generation is required.

The beginning of the holiday

It is important to set the right tone for the entire event from the first minutes. Familiarity with this will help you ready-made scripts anniversaries Scripts for a 70-year-old woman most often begin with beautiful poems. Choose those lines that most closely match the character of the birthday girl. You can please her with fresh flowers, presented to loud applause from those gathered.

A happy anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman can begin with a solemn oath. Its text is read out by the presenter, and those gathered confirm with a timely “I swear.” Ask guests to stand and place their hand on their heart as a sign of sincerity.

Read the following lines: “This we solemnly swear:

  • have fun and joke;
  • don’t be sad for a minute;
  • eat and drink with appetite;
  • to love the birthday girl;
  • carry it in your arms;
  • say congratulations;
  • kiss and hug;
  • fulfill all desires;
  • sing and dance loudly;
  • and not get tired at all."

The hero of the day is introduced to her anniversary duties. Like a hospitable hostess at a holiday, she promises:

  • do not forget loved ones;
  • invite them to visit;
  • accept gifts from them;
  • set a rich table;
  • smile cheerfully;
  • always remain beautiful;
  • live up to 100 years;
  • say no to diseases!

Official part

An anniversary is unthinkable without compliments, congratulations and wishes. The host gives the floor to the guests, who delight the birthday girl with sincere words, heartfelt poems, songs, and ditties. It is appropriate to present certificates for high achievements in the field of gardening, cooking, raising grandchildren, and instructing children on the true path.

Guests share their memories of the hero of the occasion, accompanied by a display of photographs. It is best to choose an anniversary scenario with competitions. Is the woman 70 years old? So what! Even at this time, people do not refuse to have fun. Both the hero of the occasion and those present will surely enjoy the “Praise Auction” competition. The presenter invites those present to name as many as possible positive qualities birthday girls. In this case, the words should not be unfounded. We need to remember the case when the hero of the day clearly demonstrated this quality. Each praise is followed by a count of three. If during this time no one remembers the new quality, a winner is appointed. He is given the right to say a toast.

Young guests, full of enthusiasm, can prepare costumed congratulations. The latter will fit well into the anniversary scenario. For a 70-year-old woman with humor, this would be an excellent gift.

Scene "Little Red Riding Hood's Visit"

Young people love for a woman of 70 years old, it may well become like this if children and grandchildren show imagination.

The scene described below involves two people: a young girl playing the role of Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf. The latter needs a mask. To the song from the movie of the same name, Little Red Riding Hood runs into the room, waving her basket.

She says that she has come. Then the guest asks a series of questions, which she answers herself. “Grandma, why do you have such big eyes? Is it because you were happy to see me? Why are you so old? Probably so that no one will guess that you are young at heart. Otherwise, they will force you to go to work! Why do you so many guests? So that they give a lot of gifts, right?”

Then Little Red Riding Hood invites her grandmother to take any pie out of the basket. If it is with cabbage, the hero of the day will receive an increase in pension. If with potatoes - garden work. Jam symbolizes the increased attention of men, rice - a trip to China, meat - a life of abundance.

Suddenly a wolf runs in and demands to show him his grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood tries to block her, offering the predator pies from the basket and sausage from the table. The wolf stands his ground and eventually finds the hero of the day by smell. He says that he did not intend to eat her, but wanted to congratulate her. He shakes hands, wishes health and the absence of wolves on the roads of fate. The skit may end with the characters dancing or singing.

Congratulations "Italian Guest"

A home anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman may include visits from foreign guests. The scene described below involves an Italian and his translator, who came to congratulate the dear birthday girl.

Italian (I): Ciao cocoa, golden anniversary!

Translator (P): Hello, dear hero of the day!

And: Ciao cocoa, sluggish home-made drunk!

P: Hello, dear guests!

I: A particularly hard worker doesn’t get a damn thing.

P: My respect to the workers.

I: And señora lodirento.

P: And also for children, students and pensioners.

I: Italiano Senor the sun is shining.

P: I came to you from sunny Italy.

I: The document was lost in a diversionary manner.

P: Arrived on a special flight.

I: The body is wrapped up and the suitcase is confiscated.

P: I’m full of energy and brought a whole suitcase of gifts for the hero of the day!

And: Congratulations to brilliantly beautifully to lyubanto ravishanto (name of the hero of the day).

P: Happy anniversary to (name of the birthday girl).

I: Vlyublyanto at the feet of the served.

P: I express my respects.

I: Be energetic and colorful!

P: I wish you to remain as energetic and beautiful!

And: The back is not bolento, the mouth is not coughnto, the eyes are watchento, the legs are begento.

P: Be healthy!

I: Taskanto bags, well-mannered grandchildren, copanto garden, tidy room.

P: Young optimism, longevity!

I: All sorts of unnecessary junk was brought from Italiano!

A: I brought you some very necessary things from Italy!

The Italian gives gifts to the hero of the day, which can also be interestingly played out, kisses her hand and raises a toast to her.

Scene "The Inspector General"

The arrival of the inspector will easily fit into any cool anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman. A new interpretation of Gogol's famous work will amuse the gathered guests. Main actors become an auditor and 2-3 assistants who come to the holiday with an inspection.

Strict commission:

  • Measures the height of the table and determines that it meets the standards: three people can easily fit under it.
  • Using a construction angle, checks the evenness of the floor. The results are announced: you can dance, falling is not recommended, flying is prohibited according to SanPin.
  • Measures room temperature and states that the room is very hot.
  • He lowers the thermometer into a glass of alcohol. Its strength turns out to be increased.
  • Conducts examinations of guests using various medical instruments. The verdict is: the degree of happiness, joy and fun is significantly overestimated.

As a result, the order is issued:

  • keep having fun;
  • destroy strong drinks first;
  • do not gather under the table;
  • eating salads and praising them, sleeping in them is strictly prohibited;
  • congratulate the hero of the day every 5 minutes;
  • pronounce solemn speeches loudly, clearly, with expression;
  • go home on both feet, in unexpected cases it is allowed to turn on the autopilot;
  • The memory of the anniversary should be carefully preserved until the next holiday.

Table entertainment

Cheerful company You'll probably like the anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman with competitions. They are held in between congratulations.

Here are some games that will bring people together different ages:

  • "Sweet Nothing". Pieces of paper with letters of the Russian alphabet are placed in a bag. Guests take them out and say affectionate words to the birthday girl, starting with the pulled out letter.
  • "The Blind Artist" Players draw a portrait of the hero of the day with her eyes closed.
  • "The most knowledgeable." Guests are asked various questions about the birthday girl’s biography and hobbies. For each correct answer, a candy is awarded. The guest who has accumulated the most sweets by the end of the game is given the “Most Knowledgeable” medal, as well as a pass to see the hero of the day at any time of the day or night with her signature.
  • "Guess the prize." Small items are placed in the bag. There are as many of them as there are letters in the name of the hero of the day. Each gift begins with one of the letters of the name. For example, the hero of the occasion is called Marina. The bag contains a refrigerator magnet, an orange, a pen, a toy, scissors and ascorbic acid. Whoever guessed the next gift takes it.
  • "Feel." Participants in the game are blindfolded. Using two forks you need to determine what lies in front of you. Use familiar objects: fruit from the table, candy, pencil, comb, toothbrush. If the guest is confused, let him ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.”

Musical and song entertainment

Not all older people are ready to dance until they drop. Nevertheless, the anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman is unthinkable without musical accompaniment. The selection of compositions should be approached with special responsibility. Older generation sometimes he doesn’t understand modern music. Let melodies from the past, as well as the birthday girl’s favorite performers, sound at the anniversary. Perhaps she will again want to dance with her husband to the song that connected them half a century ago.

Among the older generation, the tradition of table gatherings with choral singing is still alive. Karaoke can be arranged. Or funny Games, forcing guests to be smart. For example, "Musical forfeits". You will need chocolate egg cases in which the tasks are hidden. They are put into a bag and passed from guest to guest to the accompaniment of music. The one on whom the song falls silent pulls out a task at random and completes it. It is acceptable to demand friendly help.

Tasks can be very diverse. Let guests guess tunes, remember birthday songs, or New Year's holidays. Invite them to perform one verse from any children's, military, folk, or Komsomol song. You can give a more difficult task - guess the name of the composition by reading its third line. Showing a song through gestures evokes a lot of emotions.

Comic lottery

Elderly people get tired quickly, and this must be taken into account when drawing up an anniversary script for a 70-year-old woman. Cool script may involve presenting final gifts to guests. It is convenient to arrange this part in the form of a comic lottery. Those gathered take turns drawing numbers and receive a prize. Gifts are accompanied by poetic comments:

  • Life is sometimes full of miracles. Get a Mercedes. (Toy car).
  • Your memory will not let you down as long as you have a notebook with you.
  • That's luck! Get your egg! (Kinder Surprise).
  • There is nothing more important than winning. Keep a garbage bag.
  • Go through life laughing! Let the candle light the way!
  • To run a hundred meters, eat a delicious carrot.
  • Well done today! Your gift is a lollipop.
  • Don’t be sad by chance, it’s better to drink this tea.
  • To avoid aging at all, get a miracle cream. (Hand cream).
  • Go through life more cheerfully! Something doesn't stick - here's the glue!
  • Fate has generously rewarded you! Keep the imported soap!
  • To add squiggles, get these pens. (Set of colored pens).
  • A refrigerator magnet will charge you with optimism. (Magnet with a life-affirming inscription).
  • Forget about strict diets! Life will become sweet like candy! (Bag with sweets).
  • Nothing is a pity for you! I'm tearing the washcloth from my heart!
  • What a joy, what a prize! Get your service! (Set of disposable tableware).
  • Everyone, however, will need toilet paper.
  • To while away the evening, you need to crack some seeds.

The anniversary scenario for a 70-year-old woman should be well thought out. Elderly people are sometimes capricious, but they all need care and attention. Show your imagination and try to create a cozy atmosphere at the holiday. If this is done from the bottom of your heart, the woman you love will feel needed and loved. For her, this feeling is much more important than a mountain of expensive gifts.

My years are my wealth

Scenario for a festive evening in honor of a woman’s 70th birthday. The script is designed for an audience of 70-100 people. (The hero of the day is a labor veteran, has awards, and raised several children with her husband)

Hall decoration: congratulatory posters, wall newspapers, balloons, flowers. In the most prominent place is a poster for wishes as a keepsake. Everyone can write their wish and subscribe.

Necessary equipment: musical equipment, microphones, laptop, video projector.

There are two presenters, but some of the heroes of the evening are guests.

Pleasant music sounds, the hostess greets the guests and invites them to the table.

(fanfare sounds)
Presenter1: Good evening, dear guests, today the family ……… held a council of the general meeting. At this meeting, an order was created: this evening everyone should give each other smiles free of charge, and several decisions were also made:
It's forbidden to be sad
eat more and drink more,
songs to sing and dance,
and not get tired at all!

Presenter 2: Those who agree with these decisions, those who are in favor, raise our right hand high, higher. Well, everyone is unanimously “for”, where we lowered our hands, we raise them back, now with these hands we fill the glasses and listen to the first toast

Ved. 1: We invite the head of the family, the husband of the hero of the day, to announce the first toast.
(approximate text) Husband: “My wife is simply a miracle, I once couldn’t even believe that she could love me, because she is the most beautiful, smart, hardworking, caring, thrifty, economical, well, just a miracle. I am infinitely glad that this miracle is with me, and now she is not only wonderful, she is the most beloved! So let’s drink to the fact that miracles will be with us and turn life into love.”

(while the guests are being treated, the video projector is turned on, a 10-minute video is shown about the life of the hero of the day, her family, her hobbies, a presentation video introduces the hero of the day in detail: favorite color, dish, flowers, song, etc.)

Ved. 2: And now her most beloved guests want to congratulate the hero of the day, don’t be jealous - these are great-grandchildren.
(The grandchildren read the poem and sing ditties with the great-grandchildren)
Poem: Our grandmother is beautiful
Most a kind person!
We won't be in vain
Sad her forever.
We congratulate grandma
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!
We wish her health
Yes, stronger. Don't bother
That older children
How the years fly by.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
Be forever young!

Ditties: We love grandma
We often help at home.
Wash all the dishes
So, fragments are everywhere!
Grandfather loved grandma
He gave her a bouquet.
Grandma - run to the window,
There is no flowerbed! Well well!
To grandma, grandma
I'm in a hurry to get some pancakes.
I lived for a week
The blouse is too small!
Our grandmother is angry:
We trampled down the garden bed.
Got angry, smiled
And she grabbed us!
(grandchildren hug grandmother, give their gifts, great-grandchildren can give crafts)

(a block of congratulations to the guests, the hosts announce a poster for wishes, and offer to write something later as a souvenir for the hostess about this evening)

(gypsy music sounds, the children of the hero of the day come in, having gone to change clothes, in gypsy costumes, the baron is the eldest son of the heroine of the evening)
Baron: Dear ladies and gentlemen, let me predict this evening and tomorrow morning. Today will be fun
There will be dancing today
The feast will be hearty,
Everyone will hug.
And tomorrow there will be tinnitus,
Lie down a little
With a smile, remember all the fun,
You'll want to come here!

Gypsy: Let me tell you fortune. So, look at each other, and now at yourself. Then we look in front of us, check whether the glasses are full, if not, we fill them, we do all this slowly, carefully, and now I’ll say - here are the glasses full, and now they will become empty. By the time I count to ten, the glasses will be completely empty. This is a correct prediction! 1, 2, 3….
Well, I’ll tell you another fortune, everyone who is under 30 years old here will be very lucky today. Let's see how many such lucky people there are here. They, who are under 30, will be so physically tired today, doing unusual exercises to cheerful music, but their soul will rest and be recharged with new strength.
And for those over 30, we raise our hands, how many of them there are, they will be doubly lucky. They will be lucky today to remember their youth, to plunge into youth. Interesting conversations await them with friends and family about how it is with you and how it is with us.
And the most pleasant surprise awaits those who most cheerfully shout today: “Congratulations to the hero of the day.” Exactly who is more fun. And so we compete, put on the most cheerful appearance, smile from ear to ear and shout in unison. Those who are under 30. And now those who are over 30. Wow, everyone here is funny.
(Baron congratulates the hero of the day, the whole team is presented with a gift)
(dance block: competitions are held for the best dancer in the oriental style, for the best dancer in the rock and roll style, for the best dancer of Russian folk dance)

Presenter1: We are all very interested in what kind of baby our heroine was, today, and only today there is such an opportunity.
(The hero of the day sits on a chair behind the screen, behind her is the husband. The screen has a cutout for the face of the hero of the day, she puts her head through the cutout, with a cap on her head, and a pacifier in her mouth. The screen also has holes for the hands of the husband and the hero of the day, the hands of the hero of the day will be the legs, and the husband’s hands will be the arms. The baby’s arms and legs will be dressed in a children’s overalls. That is, the audience will see the hero of the day’s head and dangling arms and legs under the overalls).

Presenter 2: But what she was like. In the mornings, she did gymnastics, one-two, one-two (at the same time, the spouses make movements with their hands that resemble exercises), and did not forget about running and walking. The heroine was sure to wash herself, wash her face, hands, feet well, and did not forget about her ears. Then, of course, she ate (it turns out that her husband feeds her porridge). Sometimes our baby was capricious and cried loudly (the hero of the day pretends to cry), and sometimes she laughed (the hero of the day laughs). Well, when she heard music, she immediately started dancing. This is what our Maria Ivanovna was like.
(the screen is taken away, there is a dance block, after the dance marathon everyone sits down at the table again)

Presenter 1: And now the time has come main point- a family choir performs. (Children, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren come out and perform a remade song to the tune of “We wish you happiness”).
Our house is always so warm
My soul is calm and light.
Because we have been very lucky in life.
You take care of us and love us deeply,
You can do everything and you won’t betray,
And you will never let discord and evil into your home.

We wish you to become more beautiful every day.
Like the sun in the morning, it warmed us with warmth.
We wish you good luck and that all your dreams come true!
Good health and may there be no trouble!

In a world where sometimes there is no peace,
Where the sun's light is dim,
That’s when I often dream about my parents’ house,
We need it in a thunderstorm and snowfall,
To see our mother's kind look,
Also see the father’s gaze, remember their lesson.

(Children congratulate mother and give gifts)
(block of congratulations to relatives and friends)

Competition 1. The presenters ask questions about the hero of the day, as discussed earlier in the videos.
Competition 2. The hero of the day closes his eyes, the guests congratulate her, the hero of the day must guess by his voice who it is.
Game 1. Theater game. Guests are given roles that are in the text. As the text is read, the actors perform their roles.
Game 2. The game is called “Friendship Signal”, everyone stands in a circle and holds hands, one leader squeezes the hand of his neighbor, the neighbor squeezes the next, and so on in a circle, when the signal begins to reach the beginner very quickly, a dance of friendship is announced - lambada.

At the end of the festive evening, an anniversary fireworks display is held - everyone takes 1 inflated balloon, and on command everyone begins to burst them. When there are many guests, more than 50 people, it really creates the feeling of fireworks.