What colors to make yellow from? How to get red color when mixing paints

Every person who has ever held a brush and paint in his hand knows that you can get a lot of shades from two or three colors. The rules for mixing and matching colors are determined by the science of coloristics. Its basis is the color wheel known to many. There are only three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Other shades are obtained by mixing and are called secondary shades.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get brown?

Brown is considered complex; when creating it, you can use all the primary colors. There are several ways to get brown:

  • Classic: green + red in proportions 50:50.
  • The main trio: blue + yellow + red in equal quantities.
  • Mixing: blue + orange or gray + orange. You can vary the intensity of the hue by adding less or more gray.
  • Optional: green + purple + orange. This shade has a pleasant red or red tint. You can also mix yellow + purple - the color will have a yellowish tint.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get purple?

The easiest way to get purple is to mix equal proportions of red and blue. True, the shade will turn out a bit dirty, and it will need to be adjusted.

To make the tone cooler, take 2 parts blue and 1 part red and vice versa.

To achieve lavender and lilac, the resulting dirty purple needs to be diluted with white. The more white, the lighter and softer the shade will be.

Dark purple can be obtained by gradually adding black or green to the original color.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get red?

Red is considered a base color and is present in any artistic palette. However, you can get red by mixing violet (magenta) and yellow in a 1:1 ratio. You can also mix a carmine shade with yellow to create a more intense red. You can make it lighter by adding more yellow and vice versa. Shades of red can be obtained by adding orange, pink, yellow, and white to the base red.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get beige?

Beige is a neutral and independent color; it has many shades, which can be achieved by varying the amount of white and yellow shades added.

Most easy way get beige - mix brown and white.

To make the color more contrasting, you can add a little yellow.

Flesh beige can be obtained by mixing scarlet, blue, yellow and white. The ivory shade is created by mixing golden ocher and white paint.

Green color can be achieved by mixing equal parts yellow and Blue colour. The result will be a grassy green hue. If you add white color to it, the mixture will lighten. By mixing brown or black pigment, you can achieve emerald, marsh, olive, dark green shades.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get gray?

The classic tandem for getting gray is black + white. The more white, the lighter the finished shade.

  • You can also mix red, green and white. The color will have a slight yellow tint.
  • A blue-gray shade can be created by mixing orange with blue and white.
  • If you mix yellow with purple and white, you get a gray-beige shade.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get black?

Black is a basic monochrome color. It can be obtained by mixing magenta with yellow and cyan. Also, artists often mix green and red, but the resulting shade will not be jet black. Rich black color is produced by a mixture of orange and blue and yellow and violet. To get the shade of the night sky, you can add a little blue to the finished color, and a drop of white to lighten it.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get blue?

Blue is the main color in the palette and it is quite difficult to obtain it by mixing. It is believed that it can be obtained by adding a little yellow to green, but in practice the result is more of a blue-green tint. You can mix purple with blue, the shade will be deep but dark. You can lighten it by adding a drop of white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get yellow?

Base yellow cannot be obtained by mixing other shades. Something similar happens if you add green to orange. Variations of yellow are obtained by adding other tones to the basic one. For example, lemon is a mixture of yellow, green and white. Sunny yellow is a mixture of basic yellow, a drop of white and red.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get pink?

The easiest option is to mix red and white. The more white, the lighter the shade. It is important to know that the tone depends on which red you choose:

  • Scarlet + white will give a pure pink color.
  • Brick red + white - peach pink.
  • Blood red + violet give a fuchsia shade.
  • Orange-pink can be obtained by adding yellow paint to scarlet and white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get orange?

Orange color can be obtained by mixing red and yellow.

  • A less saturated shade will be obtained if pink pigment is added to yellow paint.
  • Terracotta orange is the result of mixing base orange with blue or purple.
  • Dark shades achieved by mixing red, yellow and black.
  • If you add brown instead of black, you get red orange.

We vary the intensity of the tone by adding more white or black.

Color mixing table

Primary colors (blue, yellow, red) are almost impossible to obtain by mixing other shades. But with their help you can create the entire color palette!

How to get a?



Green + red


Red + blue

Magenta (violet) + yellow

Brown + white

Blue + yellow

White + black

Magenta + yellow + cyan

Yellow + green

Green + orange

Scarlet + white


Red + yellow

Knowing the basic rules of color, it will be easier to understand the decoration and get the desired shade!

Mixing colors is one of the most difficult procedures that a person who decides to make repairs on their own may face the need to perform. The point is that it is very important to know what colors to mix to create a certain tone. It should be immediately noted that it is better to purchase white paint and tint it in a store using a special machine, so the tone will be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, then you can read more about how to mix colors correctly.

These materials are universal, they are used for many purposes: with their help you can simply paint walls, paint stained glass windows, apply designs on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited by imagination. The compositions are easy to use and adhere well to the surface. But if you decide to paint a multi-component image on the wall, then buying paint of all the necessary colors will be too expensive, and after completion of the work there will be a large number of unnecessary material. In this case, it is better to buy a basic series, and to create certain shades, mix acrylic paints.

Mixing base paint colors makes it possible to get many different shades, while you can save a lot on your purchase

Main color range

Everyone knows from school: when you combine yellow and red, you get orange, but if you add blue to the same yellow, you get green. It is on this principle that the table for mixing acrylic paints is built. According to it, it is enough to purchase only the primary colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints of these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Basics of mixing according to the table

To properly mix materials, you cannot do without a table. At first glance, it is easy to work with: to get the desired result, you just need to find the color and see what components are required. But the color mixing table does not indicate the proportions, so it is necessary to gradually add tinting material to the base paint and apply the mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, drywall, and so on. Then you need to wait until the material dries. If the color matches the required one, you can begin work on the main surface.

Coloring technique

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials, you can achieve the formation of two main tones: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create color, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  1. Light.
  2. In this case, the main material is titanium white, to which one or two tinting compounds are added. The less additional paintwork materials are used, the lighter the tone will be. This is how you can make most shades of a light palette.
  3. Dark.
  4. To create shades of this type, do the opposite. Before mixing colors, you need to prepare the base tone; black dye is gradually introduced into the base. When working with black paint, you need to be careful because it can make the color look muddy rather than dark. Green. This shade is not in the main palette, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. The exact ratio can only be determined experimentally. Violet. This
  5. Orange. To create this color you need to mix red and yellow. For a richer orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you need to create soft color, for example, coral, then you need to lighten the material with white. Can I add dark dyes? Yes, you can, but mixing colors may result in a muddy tone.
  6. Earthy. Here the main color is brown. By adding various shades to it, they get a color from beige to dark wood.

Rules for working with the palette

To get started, you will need a basic set of paints, brushes, a container of water and a palette (you can take any surface, including school supplies for drawing).

It is recommended to place white in the center, since it is used in creating most shades. Dyes of the main color range are placed in the recesses around (if any). You need to mix carefully, gradually adding tinting material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be rinsed in a container of water.

On a note! Working with materials based on acrylic resins using a table and palette is quite simple. The main thing is to practice more, the result will get better each time.

Oil paints

If you compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then oil is more fluid. Because of this, you need to mix compositions of different colors very carefully. On the one hand, this is a drawback, but on the other hand, this feature allows you to obtain the following effects:

  • Providing thorough mixing, a uniform tone will be obtained. This material is perfect for both complete painting of surfaces and partial decoration.
  • If you mix partially, then different colored veins will appear on the coating.


Now about how to mix oil paints. For mixing paint colors on oil based a table is also used. It indicates the colors obtained by combining various tinting components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a combination of shine. If you add a little gloss to a matte base, there will be practically no result, but if you do the opposite, the shine will be slightly muted.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case we're talking about about mixing two or more different-colored materials in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of compositions of bright shades. The desired color is created even before the wall or ceiling is processed.
  2. Color overlay. Gradual application of several strokes on top of each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most complex method, which is available only to specialists. It involves mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix paint colors only on the surface being treated, otherwise you will get a more even tone.


The first method fully corresponds to the data in the table. When it comes to applying color, the result is unpredictable. One of the simplest options for optical illusions is glazing: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after it dries, a little lighter paint is applied, and then a completely light one. As a result, each color will be visible through the top layers.

So there is no specific pattern. To find out which colors need to be mixed, it is not enough just to take and look at the table; it is important to constantly practice and not be afraid of experiments. This way you can create a new effect that will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that a mixed shade is very difficult to replicate, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question of how to mix paints correctly does not seem so difficult.

Modern interior design is full of original shades. Range finished products does not always contain the desired semitone. A color mixing table will help you get the desired result at home. The information will be useful not only when renovating an apartment. Knowledge about mixing colors is useful to a wide range of people: novice painters, auto repair workers, decorators and other creative people.

Mixing experiments: what you need to know in advance

The world around us is filled with a wide color palette, but all the colorful splendor is based on three primary colors: blue, red and yellow. It is by mixing them that the desired halftone is achieved.

To get a new shade, use base colors in different proportions. The simplest example of how to get green color. The answer is extremely simple: mixing yellow dye with blue. A visual table of primary, secondary and transition colors obtained by mixing is presented below:

This table will help you understand that the question of how to get yellow is in itself incorrect. It cannot be achieved by combining other components, since yellow belongs to the three main tones. Therefore, when the need for yellow arises, they purchase a ready-made dye or extract the pigment from natural products, which is not entirely advisable.

The same initial colors, taken in different proportions, when mixed, give a new result. The larger the volume of one dye, the closer the final result after mixing will be to the original shade.

Experiments must be carried out taking into account generally known rules. If you combine chromatic colors that are close to each other on the color wheel, after mixing you get a paint with a pronounced chromatic hue, although it does not have a pure tone. The combination of dyes located in opposite directions leads to the formation of an achromatic tone, in which a gray tint predominates. The chromatic circle will help you navigate the optimal combination of colors:

Attention! Mixing dyes does not always lead to a lasting result. Some paints, when combined, provoke a chemical reaction, due to which the decorative coating subsequently cracks. There are cases when the desired background turns gray or darkens over time.

For example, if you take red cinnabar and lead white, the resulting bright pink color will darken after some time. It is advisable to take the most limited amount of original paints to obtain the desired tone. When mixing, their compatibility must be taken into account. For example, oil-based dyes are sensitive to solvents. It is better to immediately exclude materials that darken or quickly fade. A table of combinations that should not be used will prevent errors in the creative process:

Variety of shades of red

Red consists of a trio of original colors that make up the base. Therefore, even a minimal set of paints cannot do without it. However, the question of how to get a red color when mixing paints sometimes still arises. This is due to the fact that magenta is used in printing, so creative search How to get red is natural. Everything is solved extremely simply: to obtain natural red, yellow is mixed with magenta in 1:1 volumes.

The color scheme of red is diverse, so there are many combination options:

Comment! A beautiful purple color cannot be obtained by combining violet with red. The only way to achieve a bright shade is to find red paint without yellow impurities and mix it with blue.

The variety of shades of red is demonstrated by the next circle. It is worth noting that adding white colors to any mixture leads to lightening of the tone, and black ones to darkening.

The table below will help you understand the names of shades of red:

Variations of blue

An equally rich palette of shades is obtained by mixing with blue dye, which is part of the basic triad. Therefore, its presence in any set is mandatory. However, even a set of 12 colors sometimes does not meet the needs for a true blue tone. The reason is color variations. The classic tone is called royal, and on sale it is often replaced by ultramarine, which is characterized by a bright dark shade with a slight presence of violet. Therefore, the question of how to get blue no longer seems absurd. The way out of this situation is to add white to the base color in a ratio of 3:1. Blue is obtained in the same way, only more white is used when combining.

An interesting color of blue with a moderately saturated result is obtained by combining darkish ultramarine with turquoise.

  • Equal volumes of blue and yellow dye will give a dark blue-green tone. The introduction of white promotes some lightening, but the brightness is reduced. The reason lies in the combination of three components, and the more there are, the duller the color turns out.
  • To get a turquoise color, mix cyan blue and add a slightly smaller amount of green. This shade is also called aquamarine.
  • The color obtained from equal volumes of blue and light green is called Prussian blue. When white is introduced, the saturation decreases, but the purity of the hue does not go away.
  • Blue and red colors in a 2:1 ratio produce blue with a hint of purple. The resulting color is lightened by adding white.
  • Mixing equal parts of blue and pink magenta will give a royal blue, which is characterized by unusual brightness.
  • Blue can be darkened by mixing it with black in a 3:1 ratio.

A table with the names of shades of blue will be an assistant in mixing experiments:

Variety of green

The original green is usually presented in all sets; if the required dye is not available, there are no problems obtaining it. Pairing yellow with blue gives the desired green background. But any direction of creativity, be it painting, interior design or another option for decorating objects, requires a wide palette of green. The basic principle of all experiments is to change the proportions of the base colors; white or black dye is used to lighten or darken the background.

  • The combination of blue and yellow with a small addition of brown represents khaki. Green with a small amount of yellow forms olive.
  • Traditional light green is the result of mixing green and white. Adding yellow or blue will help regulate warmth.

    Attention! The quality of the starting components affects the saturation of the green color. The more intense the base tones, the brighter the blending result will be.

  • A yellow-green effect can be achieved by combining yellow and blue in a 2:1 ratio. The inverse proportion will result in a blue-green tone.
  • Dark green color is achieved by adding half the amount of black.
  • A warm light green background is formed from a mixture of white, blue and yellow paint in a 2:1:1 ratio.

The circle demonstrates a variety of green colors. The base dye is located in the center, followed by the additional component, and then the result of mixing. The last circle is experiments of the resulting tone with the addition of white and black dye.

The next table will become an assistant when conducting experiments.

Other shade combinations

The color kaleidoscope is not limited to combining basic dyes. For example, gray is often required. Different proportions of white and black pigment will give a wide achromatic palette.

How to get ivory color? The base color will be white, with ocher and dark brown gradually added in small portions. Ocher promotes the appearance of warm tones, increasing brown leads to a cold background.

Another table shows the many mixing options:

How to get black? By combining cyan, yellow and magenta. They are not always available, so three basic dyes will help. Combining green with red will also give some semblance of black, but it will not be pure.


Even if you haven’t found a description for any question, tables that not only provide mixing recommendations, but also clearly demonstrate the results of the experiments will help. The results of your own mixing experiments may differ slightly from those stated above, it all depends on the composition of the dye and the surface on which it is applied.

Beginning painters and designers are often interested in how to mix paints to get the desired color. There are basic shades, when combined, a new one can emerge original version. In some situations, this task arises when one paint runs out and can be replaced by mixing several options. Two or more can be used for this purpose.

How to mix paints to get different shades?

I would like to note that such a task is difficult, since some paints, after being combined with each other, provoke reactions, which ultimately have a negative effect on the result, for example, the color may become dark or even lose its tone and become gray.

Understanding what paints can be mixed, it is worth saying that it is impossible to obtain yellow, red and blue colors by combining other paints, but they are actively used in different combinations.

Let's learn how to mix paints to get some colors:

  1. Pink. For this color to come out, you need to equal quantities mix red and white. By varying the proportion of white paint, you can obtain shades of different saturation.
  2. Green. To get this color, mix blue, cyan and yellow in equal proportions. If you want to create an olive shade, then combine green, yellow and add a small amount of brown. The light shade is obtained by mixing yellow, green and white.
  3. Orange. This beautiful color is achieved by combining red and yellow. The more red you end up with, the brighter the final shade.
  4. Violet. In this case, you need to mix the following paint colors: and blue, and in equal proportions. If you change the proportions and add white, you can get different shades.
  5. Grey. There are a huge number of options, so to get different shades, you should mix black and white in different proportions.
  6. Beige. This color is often used, for example, when painting portraits. To obtain it, you need to add white to the brown color, and then, to improve the brightness, use a little yellow.

It is worth noting that the closer the colors are to each other color wheel, the similar their tone is, which means the result will be cleaner and richer.

There can be many reasons for looking for the color green. For example, you want to paint the kitchen, draw a landscape, or make leaves for a plant out of plasticine, and buy required material no possibility. Then you have to look for the answer to the question of how to get

Color Basics

The science called coloristics studies colors, their features and combinations. Any artist, even a beginner, has an idea of ​​how to get a particular shade by mixing paints, and, naturally, knows how to get green.

You may not believe it, but all the objects around you are painted in only 3 colors. They are called basic. These are red, yellow and blue. By mixing these colors and using black and white, thousands of shades can be created: brown, purple, pink, orange and many more. By learning these basics, future artists will also learn how to produce the color green.

The color ring is used to visually study color. It is convenient to use it to determine which color needs to be mixed with which in order to obtain more complex shades. Moreover, changing the proportions of the initial colors also changes the final one. Paints from different companies may differ slightly in color - this also needs to be taken into account when mixing.

What should you mix?

We figured out that any color can be obtained by mixing red, blue and yellow. All that remains is to figure out what colors to mix to get green. For the answer, let's turn to the color ring. It clearly shows that the color we need is between yellow and blue. This means that they need to be mixed to get green. If you take paints in equal proportions, you will get a regular color, the kind you can find in a jar labeled “green.” But what happens if you change the amount of one of the colors?

Many shades

We have already talked about shades above, it remains to figure out what they are. This is what artists call colors that are very similar to the main one, but modified by adding other colors. Let's see what this looks like in practice.

We have already figured out how to get green by mixing blue and yellow in equal proportions. If the proportions change, the color will change. For example, adding blue to green will make the second “cooler”. This is the name of the shades that can be found on Adding yellow makes the color “warm”, for example light green. And if you add a lot of yellow paint, you get lemon.

How to change color correctly?

Often, artists are faced with a more difficult task - how to get a green color that is much more interesting than the standard one. To do this, you can experiment. For example, adding black - it will make the green darker, like a swamp or coniferous, but in some cases this is necessary. You need to work with black very carefully. Even the smallest drop can make the color look muddy, so add it a little at a time. And white will make the shade lighter. At the same time, the brightness will decrease - the green will appear as if in a fog. The same recommendations apply to other colors.

In pursuit of interesting shades, some begin to add all the colors in a row to green. This is not worth doing. Colors located on the other side can easily ruin everything. That is, if you mix yellow and blue, try not to add red and its shades to them. Only those who have sufficient painting skills can do this correctly.

Psychology of green

Knowing how to get green can be useful in many areas of life. But before actively using it in the interior, decide whether it suits you from a psychological point of view.

Experts have long noticed that furniture can greatly influence a person’s mood. For example, red evokes passion or aggression, soft pink is suitable for frivolous pastime, and orange adds energy and positivity.

As for green, a lot depends on its brightness and saturation. Lighter colors allow you to relax and have a pleasant rest after a hard day at work, while rich emerald shades or light green will add vigor. At the same time, dark colors make the interior more serious. But all psychologists are inclined to the same opinion - green is the most relaxing and calm color of all. If this is exactly what you need, actively use green in the interior.

How to get other colors?

Whatever your goals, it's unlikely that you can get by with just one color. Green can be successfully combined with many other shades, because in nature, leaves of this color serve as the background for irises, dandelions, forget-me-nots and poppies. Moreover, it all looks very harmonious. This means that green, if desired, can be successfully combined with any shades. But how to get them?

Red, yellow and blue are the main ones, as we found out above. They are complemented by black and white. A simple table will tell you what colors can be obtained by mixing.

The article gives a complete and detailed answer to the question of how to get green by mixing paints. This means that now you can easily cope with this task and create many amazing shades that are not in your paint palette.