From the experience of a kindergarten speech therapist teacher with a presentation. From the experience of a speech therapist teacher Experience from a speech therapist

highest qualification category

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 25 "Teremok"

Volsk, Saratov region"

Volsk, 2010

1. Formation of children’s knowledge at the letter and syllable level………………….. 5

2. Formation of knowledge in children at the word level……………………………….7

3. Formation of knowledge in children at the level of phrases, sentences..... 9

4. Use of individual cards in literacy classes for children……………………………………………………………………………………10

Conclusion. Bibliography ……………………………. 15

Project activities with children of senior preschool age


Stage 1. Goal setting………………………………………………………..….18

Stage 2. Project development……………………………………………………... 19

Stage 3. Ways of implementation………………………………………………………... 19

Table “List of fairy tales and cartoons for use when covering lexical topics in classes on the development of connected speech”…………….. 20

Stage 4. Project presentation …………………………………………………… 22

2. Notes:

1. Thematic final lesson in a preparatory school group on fairy tales “Reading Pushkin” …………………………………………... 23

2. Speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group “Pinocchio and Donut learn sounds. Differentiation /B/-/P/” ……………………………………………………… 26

3. Logorhythmic lesson in the older group of children with special needs “Meeting with Fedora”……………………………………………………………………………………….. 28

4. Quiz for children in the preparatory school group and their parents “Fairy tale - sourdough for a good day” ………………………………………………………………... 31

5. KVN in the preparatory school group “What a delight these fairy tales are!”.. 35

6. Speech entertainment in the preparatory school group “Journey to the Flower City” ………………………………………………………………………………… 44

7. Final lesson in the senior speech therapy group “The Magic World of Flowers”………………………………………………………………………………………………... 49

8. Lesson with parents of pupils of the senior speech therapy group “Meeting in the land of childhood” ……………………………………………………………….. 53

teacher - speech therapist of the highest qualification category, MDOU "Kindergarten No. 25 "Teremok" Volsk, Saratov region", Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.

Tatyana Nikolaevna is a competent, creative, qualified teacher who is fluent in the methods of correctional teaching and raising children with speech disorders.

Tatyana Nikolaevna takes an active part in the work of the regional methodological association of teachers - speech therapists of preschool educational institutions, is a member of the regional psychological - medical - pedagogical commission, a creative group of teachers - speech therapists of preschool educational institutions.

Tatyana Nikolaevna uses her work experience in municipal and intermunicipal pedagogical skills competitions. She is an active participant in regional seminars, the All-Russian methodological conference “Methodological support of the national educational initiative “Our New School”. The materials of this teacher are published in the collections of the Municipal Educational Institution “UIMC” in the city of Volsk, Saratov Region,” and the Information Center “Science” in Saratov.

Tatyana Nikolaevna has a website on the Bibigon information network, where she shares her work experience with colleagues, and is an active participant in the online community of teachers and speech therapists Open Class.

Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children

in literacy classes

« Learning must come first

development and lead it with you"

Preparation for learning to read and write is one of the main tasks of a teacher-speech therapist in kindergarten. Many years of experience working with preschool children allows us to state that about half of preschoolers experience difficulties in mastering literacy, and these difficulties arise not only in children with speech pathology, but also in children with clear speech.

Following the recommendations of a famous psychologist, literacy training should begin during the formation of the mental functions of a preschooler. The most effective age for using a child’s rich capabilities in mastering literacy is the age of 4-5 years, the so-called period of “linguistic giftedness,” a preschooler’s special sensitivity to speech. It is necessary to satisfy the child’s cognitive interest in a timely manner and direct his desire and will to master skills important for school education: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and thinking logically.

To increase the effectiveness of literacy teaching in kindergarten, it is recommended to use various types of activities that stimulate children’s mental activity. Psychologists have proven that what was interesting to him is most fully and clearly perceived and remembered by a child. Knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, does not become useful. In classes, children should not just learn something, but try, experiment, and gain knowledge on their own. As practice has shown, entertaining speech material, interesting games and exercises, and surprise moments contribute to the development of children’s cognitive abilities and create a positive emotional mood during classes.

In speech therapy classes, it is advisable to use a variety of exercises and games with a clearly organized feedback system: cards, symbols, numbers, sound lines, diagrams, actions with a ball, movements, etc., which helps children not only learn to read, but also prevent disorders of written speech (dysgraphia).

Activities-games contribute to the development of phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis, replenishment and activation of the dictionary, the formation of correct sound pronunciation, coherent speech, and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts.

1. Formation of children's knowledge at the letter and syllable level

To develop children's knowledge at the letter and syllable level, games, tasks and exercises are used:

1) laying out letters from counting sticks with fixation of attention on the location and number of elements (using poems by A. Shibaev);

2) reconstruction of letters (add, move, remove a stick);

3) designing letters from various materials (pebbles, braid, pencils), the game “Letter Patterns”;

4) modeling letters according to the model and independently from the elements: oval, semi-oval, long and short sticks;

5) drawing or coloring associative pictures, the game “What does a letter look like?”;

6) determining the correct letter among the “mirror” contours of letters superimposed on each other, the game “Upside Down Letters”;

7) finding the missing element of a letter, the game “Grandfather Letter Eater”;

8) finding letters in geometric figures, in drawings, in isographs, the game - “Find the letter”;

9) tracing letters using a stencil or template, shading or coloring letters, the game “Let’s Dress Up the Residents of Bukvograd”;

10) coming up with words starting with a given letter in a certain position, the game “Who is bigger?”;

12) composing syllables based on the first sounds of words (with and without pictures);

13) coming up with words for a certain syllable, the game “Syllable Auction”.

Game – “Residents of Bukvograd”

Stage 2. Project development

1. Inform project participants of the importance of this topic.

2. Conduct a consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution “The fairy tale is our friend and assistant.”

3.Select methodological, fiction, and illustrative material on the topic of the project.

4. Select toys, make attributes, puppet characters for play and theatrical activities.

5.Select material for visual and productive activities.

6.Draw up a long-term work plan

Stage 3. Project implementation

Program section

Forms and methods of work

Play activity

Didactic games “Teremok”, “Turnip”.

Role-playing games “Doctor Aibolit”, “Visiting Little Red Riding Hood”, “Lessons of Malvina”, “Library”; board and printed games: “Fairytale Lotto”, “Visiting a Fairytale”, “Pushkin’s Fairy Tales”, “Educating with a Fairytale”, “Puss in Boots”, “Little Red Riding Hood”

Cognitive development

Familiarization with



Reading and discussion of Russian folk tales and fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Reading and discussion of author's fairy tales (see table).

Looking at illustrations. Book exhibitions:

“Russian folk tales”, “Tales of the peoples of the world”, “Tales of Russian and foreign writers”. Thematic collections of books: “Tales about Animals”, “Fairy Tales”. Quizzes. Excursion to the library.

Speech development

Retelling fairy tales. Memorizing and reading excerpts from fairy tales. Learning proverbs, sayings about fairy tales and folk wisdom. Writing creative stories. Composing your own beginning or ending to famous fairy tales. “Whoever comes up with the ending will be a great guy.” Writing fairy tales (individually and collectively): “Unprecedented and unheard of,” “We are wizards,” “I am composing a fairy tale.”

Using animation media (see table).



Staging and dramatization of the fairy tales “The Three Bears”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Tale of the Stupid Little Mouse”, the puppet show “At the Order of the Pike”. Speech entertainment “Journey to the Flower City.” Competition for the best performer of the role. Going to the drama theater for children's performances.



Drawing “My favorite fairy tale”, “My favorite fairy tale hero”, “Drawing a fairy tale together” (collectively in a group and at home with parents).

Asphalt drawing competition “On the roads of fairy tales.”

Listening to songs and music from fairy tales and animated films. Russian folk round dances and games with singing and musical accompaniment: “Teremok”, “Wolf and Kids”, “Hares and Foxes”, “The Fox Walked Through the Forest”, “Forest St. John’s Animal”, “Visiting Winnie the Pooh”, “Lion Cub” and a turtle."

Physical development

Russian folk outdoor games based on the plot of fairy tales: “The Lifesaver”, “Swan Geese”, “Two Frosts”, “By the Bear in the Forest”, “Burn - Burn Clearly...” etc.

Working with parents

Individual consultations “A fairy tale in a child’s life.” Design of information folders and stands: “Our children’s favorite fairy tales”, “Reading together”, “Drawing a fairy tale together”, “Don’t forget folk games”.

Involving parents in participation in exhibitions, entertainment, speech therapy activities, quizzes, KVN, in the manufacture of costumes, game attributes, crafts, and dolls for the theater.



Making scenery for a tabletop theater from paper, natural and waste materials, caps for the bibabo theater, origami. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials - “Deeds of bygone days, deep legends of antiquity.” Competition: “Fairy Tale on the Sand”, “Magic Castle”

Mogritskaya V.M.,
teacher-speech therapist of MBDOU No. 49, Amursk

At the present stage of development of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the main feature of the organization of educational activities is the departure from educational activities (classes), increasing the status of play as the main activity of preschool children; inclusion of effective forms of working with children in the process.

Considering the above, the question arises: what can be done to increase the efficiency of the learning process in a correctional group? So that strictly regulated classes really fall into oblivion. How to properly organize specific children's activities, which imply their activity, business interaction and communication, and the accumulation of certain information by children? But at the same time, the learning process must remain!

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are based on the works of domestic scientists and teachers who at different times turned to children's play as the leading activity in preschool age: L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, L.A. Wenger, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.A. Korotkova, A.I. Sorokina, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, R.I. Zhukovskaya, P.S. Bure and others.

The study of these sources allowed me to conclude that play is of great importance in the development of a preschooler and contributes to his harmonious development. In the game, mental processes develop faster and more successfully, personal qualities are formed, intelligence develops, and communication skills are taught. Playing together, children begin to take into account the desires and actions of the other child, they gain a lot of experience in this in the sandbox, playing with sand is free: children build, rebuild, and fantasize as they want. Pedagogical practice shows that the use of sand games in traditional classes gives a greater educational effect than standard forms of education. Firstly, the child’s desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases significantly. Secondly, when playing with sand, tactile sensitivity develops as the basis of “manual intelligence”. Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), as well as speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively. Fourthly, object-based play activities are improved, which contributes to the development of role-playing games and the child’s communication skills.

Thus, the natural need of children to play with sand led to the idea of ​​​​transferring part of the educational material to sand, due to which it is possible to make the traditional methodology for the formation of phonemic processes in children with general speech underdevelopment (hereinafter referred to as GSD) more interesting, exciting, and productive.

Goal of the work:
Formation of phonemic processes in children with special needs development based on the active use of sand games.

1.Create a content-rich environment for the implementation of productive, exciting, educational and creative joint activities between the teacher and children in the process of forming phonemic processes;
2.Develop and implement a variety of tasks, games with sand for consistent work on the formation of phonemic processes in students;
3. To increase the effectiveness of the learning process through the use of games with sand, which contribute not only to the formation of phonemic processes in students, but also to the development of cognitive and research activities, play and creative activity;
4.Promote student independence and cooperation during individual and subgroup work, thereby improving positive communication skills.

To work more effectively with children at the initial stage, it was important to organize an educational space, with a variety of equipment for sand, which would comply with the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: information content, accessibility, variability, multifunctionality - and would provide playful, cognitive, research and creative activity for children, and help them in self-expression. For this purpose, the following equipment was manufactured according to our own design:

"Merry Men"

This equipment has a number of advantages over factory equipment: it is portable, lightweight, and a child can work with it individually at any time in any part of the group room.
Phonemic processes include the development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, and phonemic representations. I include work on improving these processes in every lesson.

To show how to play with sand and the equipment created
increase motivation to complete a task, thereby arousing interest in children’s mastery of phonemic processes; I’ll give an example: a lesson on the topic “Sound F” in a correctional group.”

At the organizational stage, I interest children with the help of game motivation - “Give the hedgehog his sound back.” Let's hit the road, I propose to “walk” on the sand separately with each finger of the right and left hand in turn (finger gymnastics). This promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands and tactile sensations.

We are starting to work on improving phonemic analysis. First of all, we need to determine what kind of sound we are looking for. I invite the children to go to the “Light Boxes” - this is a large matte container, where the role of a screen is played by a lid with sides, I use lanterns as light, the lid is covered with sand. They add mystery, thereby making children want to solve this mystery. I ask the question: “How can you find out what is hidden under the sand without touching it?” At the same time, I offer children various objects as a hint: a stick, a tube, a stone, a string, etc.

Pupils, through reasoning, come to the conclusion that dry sand is light and can be blown away through a straw. They deflate, thereby producing correct exhalation. At the bottom they find the silhouette of objects: a lantern, an apron, a flag. By saying these words out loud, children find the sound “F” repeated in them. I ask: “Why do you think the hedgehog lost this particular sound?” They answer that hedgehogs snort. They pronounce the sound, imitating hedgehogs, and give a description of the sound - it is consonant, hard, dull.
Next, children are asked to turn these objects into three-dimensional ones, that is, to make an imprint on the silhouette. They try it with dry sand, it crumbles and the outline becomes blurred. They come to the idea that they need to wet the sand, then it will stick together and an object can be sculpted. Each child does a practical activity. At this stage, students learn a system of scientific concepts, acquire experimental ways of understanding the surrounding reality, which allows the child to become a subject of learning, learn to learn, develop his intellectual activity, cognitive culture and value attitude to the real world.

We move on to determining the presence or absence of a sound from a number of other sounds with the help of “Merry Men”, which are a latex ball filled with sand, due to which it can take different shapes. I give the children a task: when they hear the sound “F”, make a smile, when there is no sound - sadness (the corners of the lips are lowered). So, with the help of facial expressions, they convey the emotions of “little people” and at the same time develop auditory memory.

I teach students the skill of syllable synthesis. I display the “little men” in pairs (the first blue one next to the red one with the symbol for the sound “A”, in the form of a mouth - a large circle). The child connects the sounds and receives the syllable “FA”. Similar work is carried out with other vowel sounds.

In the next part of the lesson, we learn to identify the position of sound in a word. I offer children the game “Color Parallels”, which consists of 16 cells of primary colors, each cell is half filled with sand. Pupils are divided into pairs, they are given a plan diagram in which, using symbols, it is indicated where the objects are located. The guys agree on who reads the diagram (for example, the first object is in the yellow row, in the second cell from the top, etc.), and who finds the objects using a brush. Next, the pairs determine and pronounce where the sound is hidden. Objects are placed in different sections of the sand table: objects with sounds at the beginning of the word are placed in the right, and at the end of the word in the left. Thus, I cultivate the ability to feel my partner, develop cooperation skills, and ensure the child’s ability to interact productively with the people around him. In this period, there is a parallel development of spatial concepts, which increases the effectiveness and quality of activity (productive, creative, cognitive).

The final stage is aimed at developing phonemic awareness: come up with words with the hedgehog’s favorite sound, draw these objects on the “Light Box” to make the hedgehog happy. With the help of drawing in the sand, I develop the sensory-perceptual sphere and creative potential in preschoolers.

In general, playing with sand has a positive effect on emotional well-being, which makes it an excellent tool for child development.
Development of phonemic processes in children with special needs development.

The diagram shows that this method of work gives good results.

Thus, the use of games with sand becomes an important condition for the self-development and self-affirmation of pupils, as they perceive them as a play activity. It is valuable that in independent games, children are included in forms of communication that contribute to the development of speech activity, verbal thinking and intelligence. This method makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child’s personality.

Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments for preschool educational institutions specialists, Speech therapist
Title: Experience of a speech therapist teacher “Using sand games to form phonemic processes in children with general speech underdevelopment”

Position: speech therapist teacher
Place of work: MBDOU No. 49
Location: Amursk, Amursky district, Khabarovsk region

Natalia Popova

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Popova Natalya Valerievna, teacher speech therapist, kindergarten No. 40 "Brigantine", city o. Balashikha.

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Dear jury, dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention experience on the topic: « Innovative methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist teacher».

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Currently, one of the urgent tasks of correctional pedagogy is to increase the efficiency of the correctional educational process in kindergarten.

Innovative methods, without requiring much effort, optimize the process of correcting children’s speech, contribute to the improvement of the whole body, which is confirmed by my pedagogical experience.

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Beautiful, clear speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of preschool children, which is the goal of my work.

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Through use innovative methods and techniques I solve the following problems. A exactly:

developing: linguistic components of speech (phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic) and the ability to apply them in practice;

Articulatory, fine and gross motor skills;

VPF (speech, imagination, thinking, memory);

Activity, independence, creativity;

Mimic and pantomimic skills;

Non-verbal communication skill;

Formation of a positive psycho-emotional state of the child;

Reducing possible fatigue, relieving muscle tension.

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In my practice I use the following innovative methods and techniques:

Creative play therapy (peskoterpiya);

Marbles Pebbles;

Vocal therapy;

Fairytale therapy;

Puppet therapy;

Speech therapy massage;

Rhythmic declamation;


Su-jok therapy;

Information technology of education.

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But today I want to focus on the brighter ones methods and techniques which I use in my practice.

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In individual lessons, each speech therapist teaches classical methodology and techniques for the development of articulatory motor skills. I developed an author's manual"Live" mirror" where method demonstration and explanation is most effective, since the child concentrates his attention on clearly performing the articulation exercise.

Here you are, here I am

Look at me!

This is a mirror

It is your reflection!

Let's play fun

Repeat the exercises!

And in order to arouse interest, the desire to practice, the desire to perform the exercise correctly, I use magic figures as a surprise moment.

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Vocal therapy.

Children love to sing. I believe that when singing pure sayings and nursery rhymes to musical accompaniment, the general psychophysical condition of children improves. The method develops rhythm, expressiveness, stimulates speech functions, normalizes the prosodic side of speech.

Nursery rhyme "Bug" (E. Zheleznova).

Bug, bug, buzz.

Show me how you fly.


- I fly and buzz:


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Rhythmic declamation.

I use rhythm declamation in combination with vocal therapy. IN work With children I use wooden sticks and texts for speech games. I choose simple texts so that they are easy to remember. Most often these are examples of oral folk art - songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, jokes.

The simplicity of the selected text allows you to devote more time not to memorizing it, but to developing rhythm, diction, clear articulation, and correct sound pronunciation.

Legs, legs, did you walk?

We walked, we walked.

Legs, legs, were you running?

We ran, we ran.

Legs, legs, are you tired?

We are tired... We are tired...

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One of the most effective methods for speech development I use syncwine method.

Sinkwine helps to find the most significant element in a large information material. Draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. It develops speech, thinking, memory, and interest in the world around us.

Cinquain is a small verse of five lines, without rhyme.

Now let's play cinquain.

Time of year is winter. Let's make a cinquain about winter.

1. Let's start with the subject. What? Winter.

2. What kind of winter is it? (Fierce, crackling).

3. What does winter do? (Circles, howls, sweeps).

4. Now let’s draw a conclusion and briefly formulate it in one sentence. (Fluffy snowflakes are falling).

5. The word is an association. (Magic).


1. Winter. 2. Fierce, crackling.

3. Circling, howling, sweeping. 4. Fluffy snowflakes are falling.

5. Magic!

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And to develop coherent speech, I use Marbles pebbles. They help you plunge into the world of games, fairy tales, miracles and magic.

They form the correct grip of a pebble with their fingers, develop mental function, orientation on a plane, in space, and develop imagination.

We talk and relax

We sort through the stones,

Different - different:

Blue, red,

Yellow, green,

Light, heavy.

I use an artistic word on a lexical topic, the children use magic pebbles to lay out the plot of a fairy tale. This helps them construct their story.

I want to demonstrate to you the use of this method in practice.

Story "Bullfinches".

End of winter. The most difficult time has come for birds. All the berries, all the grains in the forest have already been eaten! And the birds fly closer to the person. Kind people. They will take pity on the unfortunate birds and feed them their: some with crumbs, some with grains, and some with lard and butter.

Now the bullfinches have come to you. Beautiful birds bullfinches: there is a black cap on the head and a red chest.

Bullfinches love berries. But there were almost none left on the branches. The bullfinches ask you to help them - fill these branches with berries.

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My practice is not limited to working with children. I include parents in the correctional and developmental process. I act as a partner, mentor, consultant.

Optimism, patience and determination help me establish emotional contact, unite parents into a team, and relieve communication tension. For this I use master classes, consultations, and surveys.

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I am happy to share my professional experience at seminars, methodological associations, round tables.

My articles are published on various Internet resources and magazines.

I strive to ensure that in my communication and interaction with colleagues there is always joy, creativity, a constant desire to change something, to move forward, to look for new approaches to solving difficult problems of teaching practice.

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Innovative methods and techniques which I use in my work efficiently, because I see positive results.

Thank you for your attention. All the best!

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Image library:


We chose this topic for a reason, since computers have taken a strong position in many areas of modern life, including in kindergartens. Computer technology, being the most modern tool for processing information, can play the role of an indispensable assistant in the upbringing and education of a child, as well as in the formation of the speech and general mental development of preschoolers and serve as a powerful technical teaching tool.

The topic of using a computer in the work of a speech therapist is an in-depth topic that I work on in my daily practice. Why her? Firstly, I am interested in this, and secondly, I dared to assume that my students should like it and have a positive impact on the process of correcting speech disorders. And thirdly, I, as a young specialist, was faced with a lack of methodological material for my work and small spaces in the log center office for storing various paintings, illustrations, numerous card files, etc. Hence the decision - to use computer technology in all aspects of their practical activities.
I regularly use computer technology in my work.– when building a correctional process directly with children, in working with parents, as well as when maintaining reporting documentation at the logo center.

I would like to especially focus on the point that the process of teaching a child with a speech disorder requires a long time and takes a lot of energy from him. The child loses interest in classes with a speech therapist over time, since such correctional activities are often monotonous in nature, and the desire to speak “correctly and beautifully” is lost. And if we take into account the fact that currently the number of children whose speech disorders are accompanied by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has increased, we can state that a special individual approach is required when working with such children. They need constant emotional support in the classroom, which is facilitated by the use of ICT.

One of the current trends implementation of information technology in the work of a speech therapist teacher is the use of multimedia presentations. They allow you to bring a visual effect to the lesson and increase the motivational activity of children. Each thematic week of kindergarten is reflected in my activities, so that the child receives the necessary amount of knowledge on this topic in a whole week. Such themes suggest which hero will ask us for help or who we will go to visit. With the help of presentations, we go on a journey with the main character, encounter obstacles along the way, and overcome them. Thanks to the sequential appearance of images on the screen, children are able to complete the exercises more carefully and fully. The use of animation and surprise moments makes the correction process interesting and expressive.
Children receive approval not only from the speech therapist, but also from the computer in the form of prize pictures accompanied by sound design. At the end of each journey we always receive rewards! This delights the children.
Presentations also allow you to show children something they have never seen - for example, the lands of Africa, their inhabitants, national clothes, etc. With the help of presentations, abstract concepts such as friendship, mutual assistance, feelings and emotions of people, etc. can be explained to children.

One of the means of process optimization Computer games can serve as correction. I look for some flash games on the Internet. But mostly I create such games myself. The themes of the games are suggested to me by daily practical activities. The latest games I created: this is the game “The Fourth Wheel”; Game for the development of word formation “In the kitchen”; “What first, what then”; “Generalizing concepts”, and labyrinths for various sounds for their automation.
I also create card indexes in various areas in the multimedia presentation program. At the present time, this is very important, since the card system of various didactic materials in the work of specialized specialists again occupies a strong place. These include cards for automating sounds, a series of plot pictures, cards for the development of phonemic awareness, etc. Such already laminated cards look aesthetically pleasing, bright and will serve any specialist for a long time.

It is impossible not to note the importance of ICT as a means of helping to organize one’s professional activities. All diagnostic data, speech cards of pupils, monitoring, lists of children who need speech therapy help, etc. are stored in the computer memory. Accordingly, all documents at the logo point look aesthetically pleasing, neat and comply with the standards for maintaining reporting documentation. Also, using various computer programs, I create the design for the speech therapy stand “Merry Taratorki” and the speech therapist’s office as a whole.

The speech therapist gives the instruction: “The New Year is coming. All the guys are ready to celebrate, but here’s the problem: the tree is not decorated with toys... What’s New Year without a decorated tree? Santa Claus needs to set off along a winding path so that the Christmas tree will shine with lights and the holiday will begin. To do this we need to help him. As soon as objects appear on the path of Santa Claus, we need to correctly and clearly name these words. Only then will he be able to move on. Ready? Go".

Thus, competent use of a computer, in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations, leads to increased motivation of children to study with a teacher - speech therapist, to an adequate assessment by the child of his actions, to the formation of cooperation between the child and the speech therapist. At the same time, a form of communication is formed between the child and the teacher, which is necessary for both preschoolers and junior schoolchildren to study at school. At the same time, the speech therapist also has an incentive to work and an interest in further organizing his activities. The interest becomes mutual, and this is the key to successful work.

The connection between speech therapy and the Russian language is obvious and does not require special evidence. Working in a special correctional school of the seventh type for children with mental retardation (now GBSKOU for children with disabilities) for more than 15 years as a speech therapist and Russian language teacher once again confirms this.

Speech is the main concept connecting the two sciences. Speech disorders are a common problem for teachers and speech therapists in special correctional schools. Speech development (in the broad sense) is a common task.

Dozens of words, concepts, and terms are equally important and frequently used. For example: language, norm, oral and written speech, dialogical and monologue, speech development, speech correction, formation, education, speech skills, sounds, letters, words, sentences, vocabulary, grammar, text, retelling, reading, writing, communication, speech games, puzzles, correctness, beauty of speech, culture, mastery, understanding, language sense, dictionary, etc.

The areas of work also overlap. Speech therapy and the Russian language (as a school subject) are pedagogical sciences designed to educate and develop personality through the development of speech (in the broad sense). In both classes, teachers set the tasks of enriching vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech, developing logical thinking, various types of analysis and synthesis, spelling vigilance, communication skills, developing a feeling of love for the native language, and the concept of beauty of speech. Great importance is attached to the development of listening skills, the development of auditory attention, and learning to speak coherently.

A Russian language teacher and a speech therapist require correct, clear, moderately loud and slow speech, a complete answer to questions, and they themselves must be a model for speech imitation.

Speech therapy intervention (as well as exposure to Russian language lessons) is carried out using verbal, visual and practical methods. In the process of forming correct speech, specialists from a correctional institution take into account general didactic and methodological principles of teaching (the connection between mental and speech development, a communicative-activity approach, stimulation of speech activity, the formation of an elementary awareness of linguistic phenomena) and rely on the principles of speech correction.

Both specialists need knowledge and understanding of the practical meaning of the basic principles of Russian orthography (phonetic, traditional, morphological).

Many topics are common to speech therapy classes and Russian language lessons: “Stress”, “Vowels and consonants”, “Sounds and letters”, “Period and capital letter in a sentence”, “b”, etc. Speech therapists work in their classes with combinations of “shi-zhi”, “chu-shu”, with unstressed vowels, prepositions and prefixes. When planning lessons, the speech therapist determines not only the speech therapy, but also the grammatical topic (combining the material with certain vocabulary).

Speech therapy work is carried out taking into account program material in the Russian language. In the middle classes of correctional schools, when correcting dysorthography, planning includes all the main (practical significance) topics of the corresponding class. Russian language teachers can use speech therapy exercises in their lessons to consolidate certain skills and develop various aspects of speech.

Teachers - speech therapists and Russian language teachers often use the same games, exercises, tasks, the same literature with speech development games, entertaining material on the Russian language (for example, the well-known books by V. Volina). Puzzles, crosswords, riddles, entertaining stories about the phenomena and secrets of language are rich material for Russian language lessons and speech therapy classes.

Some types of tasks are similar:

Find, underline (letters, words, etc.)

Insert missing letters, words

Match or pair

Speak to yourself, out loud, one at a time, in chorus

Distribute into groups

Make up a word (from letters, syllables), a sentence

Find the error

Write out

and many others.

Personal experience allows us to talk about greater efficiency, higher performance among students in such an organization of work, when Russian language lessons in secondary school are taught by a teacher who deals with speech therapy with the same children in primary school (if necessary, in secondary school). Of course, this option is an exception to the rule. Then it is very important for speech therapists and Russian language teachers to work in close cooperation.

Speech therapists and teachers teaching Russian can organize various forms of interaction:

Creation of “speech therapy minutes” by speech therapists for use in Russian language lessons.

Inclusion of Russian language material in speech therapy classes.

Conducting integrated correctional classes

Conducting joint meetings of the Ministry of Defense.

Mutual attendance at lessons.

Maintaining relationship notebooks.

Creating stands and folders with information useful to each other

Joint examination of written work and reading techniques.

Individual conversations and consultations.

In this article, we did not touch upon the fundamental differences in approaches to influencing students in Russian language lessons and speech therapy classes, in programs, in requirements, in assessing student activities, in forms of implementation. In a brief summary of the basis of the work of the above teachers, we tried to show the common thing that connects these two sciences - the formation of correct speech as a common task of the work of specialists in speech therapy and the Russian language.

One of the main conditions for the successful education of a child with speech disorders in a comprehensive school is the close interaction of all specialists working with him: speech therapist, teacher, psychologist. The approach to working to eliminate speech disorders should be comprehensive.

Currently, many children come to school with a low level of speech development. An analysis of the oral speech of first-graders shows that only 30% of students have accumulated sufficient speech experience necessary to master literacy. Many schoolchildren beginning their education experience a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, an insufficiently formed grammatical system, a poor and undifferentiated vocabulary, and an inability to compose a coherent statement. They turn out to be insufficiently prepared for language observations, comparisons, generalizations and experience difficulties in mastering literacy. Such children require special attention from the teacher and need the help of a speech therapist. Unfortunately, a speech therapist teacher is not able to provide assistance to every student. Under these conditions, he can use advisory support technology in his work. Technology is used to organize close collaboration with the teacher. Whether students with speech retardation will be able to overcome learning difficulties largely depends on this cooperation.

Conditions for effective cooperation:

· establishing partnerships in the process of accompanying the child;

· the teacher accepts the help and support of the speech therapist, trusts him, and the speech therapist helps the teacher take an active position in solving the child’s educational problem;

· a speech therapist teacher must know well the content of the curriculum in which schoolchildren are taught in order to take into account the level of program requirements in their classes;

· the teacher masters speech therapy techniques so that his work becomes more qualified and effective;

· in the process of interaction there is an exchange of experience and mutual enrichment.

Forms of cooperation:

· consultations that are devoted to the analysis of educational problems, the development of programs and the choice of means for implementing programs of comprehensive individual support for each student with speech disorders;

· individual conversations and consultations conducted on a regular basis;

· thematic consultations;

· round tables and seminars for teachers;

· Mutual attendance at classes and lessons.