What will your wife's name be? test. How to find out the future

Fortune telling in the name of your future wife will help you determine which girl is sent by fate, how soon you will meet her and what your future life will be like. Such simple rituals will help dispel all doubts about your future companion.

  • Fortune telling for the future wife

    Not only girls want to know the name of their future partner, but also men want to lift the veil of secrets and determine who was sent to them by fate. Such fortune telling will give you the opportunity to find out what your soulmate’s name will be or at least what letter her name will begin with.

    For example, a very simple ritual has survived from the Middle Ages to the present day. To do this, it was necessary to prepare a large vat of water. The main magical attribute could be apple peels, sticks, and spruce branches.

    In the Middle Ages, apple peels were used to find out the name of a future wife.

    Next, it was necessary to throw the prepared attributes into a container of water. After this, it was necessary to thoroughly mix the entire contents of the vat with a large stick. When the water calmed down, the magical attributes formed a letter of the alphabet. It was believed that she would be the first in the name of your future wife.

    Like girls, guys could find out the name of their significant other using . For example, you should have gone out into the yard late at night and listened. The first name you hear will be your spouse's name. There is a slightly different version of this fortune telling. It said that you need to wait for a passerby, and then ask him any woman’s name.

    Among the simplest fortune telling for the wife, there is one more. However, to carry it out you will need the help of your comrades. On different pieces of paper you need to write female names. Now they are mixed in a bag, hat or some kind of vessel. Next, each participant in the ceremony must take out one note while blindfolded. The name you got will be the name of your wife.

    Many sorcerers are convinced that people actually know everything that awaits them in life. However, such knowledge is securely hidden in the subconscious. However, you can get them from there. The dream is used for most of the various rituals.

    By using it, you can really get answers to many questions. So, to find out the name of your wife, on the full moon, at exactly 12 o’clock at night, light a candle on the window and say:

    My betrothed, come to me, show yourself.

    The most important condition for this fortune telling: under no circumstances should you imagine a girl who will appear to you in a dream.

    In this case, it will be unreliable information, and the brain will show you the image that you have already imagined. It’s better to go to bed right away and drive away any thoughts. In your dream, you will see the image of a woman and you may ask her name.

    This method was previously used only in Norway. It is believed that it makes it possible not only to determine what your future spouse will be called, but also what your future life will be like. The ceremony is performed only on Christmas Eve. It is best to carry out the ritual in the company of friends.

    Norwegian method to find out your wife's name blindfolded

    Place the main participant in the manipulations at the table blindfolded, and place three identical glasses in front of him. One should contain milk, the other should contain beer, and the third should contain water. The guy should say:

    Betrothed, come to me.

    All strangers must leave the room where the ritual is being performed. In just a few seconds you will feel how everything around you begins to shake. This suggests that the girl is going to her betrothed. As soon as everything calms down, the participant in the ritual must remove the blindfold.

    • A spirit will stand before him in the form of a girl who will become his wife. The spirit will immediately take a glass and start drinking. While he's doing this, you can ask for the first letter of your future spouse's name. The spirit will not be able to refuse you. Also look at what exactly the guest chose. If this water
    • , then you will have to live in poverty, making ends meet will be difficult. If milk
    • , then you will live an average life, your wife will be hard-working, but you will not acquire wealth. If the choice fell on beer

    , then you will live in abundance, money will flow like from a cornucopia, there will always be harmony, harmony and comfort in the family.

    This method of divination was inherited from our distant ancestors. It is believed that it can only be carried out on Christmas Eve, as this is a guarantee of an accurate result. However, this does not prevent young people from guessing at other times of the year.

    Now place all the magical attributes in cups of water. After exactly 7 days, measure the length of the seedlings. It is believed that I will “call” my wife in the same way as the onion with the longest feathers.

    Such rituals will make it possible to determine what the future spouse will be called and what she will be like. But do not regard such rituals as an axiom, because you yourself are able to change your destiny and, perhaps, you will be happy with another girl.

  • In this article:

    Fortune telling about the groom is an ancient prediction technique that has been used by women for many thousands of years. In fact, little has changed since then; girls still want to know in advance what kind of man they are destined to meet and when.

    Fortune telling options

    If you believe in the possibility of knowing your own destiny, then you should definitely try to carry out the ritual of fortune-telling; fortunately, our ancestors, who sincerely believed in this possibility, invented a huge number of options for such fortune-telling.

    The traditional time for ceremonies for grooms is the eve of the Nativity of Christ. At this time, a variety of fortune-telling was carried out in Rus', many of which can be easily repeated today.

    Fortune telling with mirrors

    This is an ancient magical ritual, for which you will need two mirrors of different sizes. Mirrors must be installed on a flat surface, with their reflective sides facing each other, while the smaller mirror should be located as close as possible to the performer of the ritual.

    Two wax candles are installed between the mirrors. When all these conditions are met, you will only have to look at the candles through a smaller mirror. You will see a kind of corridor that will become darker and darker. It is believed that if you peer into this resulting darkness long enough, you can glimpse your own future.

    This prediction technique is best carried out in an uninhabited or abandoned room, but any dark room in your house will do. When all the conditions are met, you will need to cast a special spell:

    “My betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner. Amen".

    It is better to say these words with your hair down and without belts.

    Soon after this, a vision should appear in the mirror - the image of your future groom. As soon as the image appears, look at it carefully to remember it, and then quickly say the words: “Beware of me” to drive away the vision. It is believed that if this is not done, something may get out of the mirror and cause some harm to the fortuneteller. The veracity of this belief is difficult to verify, but experienced esotericists advise not to tempt fate and perform fortune telling according to all the rules.

    The ritual part of these methods helps the performer get in the right mood

    Fortune telling by 6 matches

    This is another ancient prediction technique that can be used to tell fortunes for your betrothed. Prepare 6 matches in advance and, when night falls, place them at the head of your bed, in a structure like a well. Then carefully cover the matches with a pillow and say the following spell:

    “My betrothed, my mummer, come to my dream to drink some water. Amen".

    Immediately after this, you should go to bed and think that your betrothed will appear to you in a dream. Try to concentrate on his image, imagine him the way you want to see him.

    The well of matches can be replaced with another attribute, namely a mug with a lock. Take your own mug and put a lock on its handle. The lock must be locked with a key. After this, the mug is placed in a dark place, and the key is placed under the pillow with the words:

    “My betrothed, mummer, come to me, take the key, unlock the well. Amen".

    The most difficult thing in this technique is remembering the dream. If you quickly forget what you dreamed at night, place a piece of paper and a pen next to you as soon as you wake up - immediately write down all the details of the dream on paper so that later you can remember all its details.

    These methods are considered the simplest, but can show good results.

    How to tell fortunes about your wife

    Contrary to popular belief, Christmas fortune-telling was used not only by women and young girls, but also by men who want to receive some information about their future wife in advance.

    Fortune telling for the future wife

    There are many simple methods of Christmas fortune telling with which you can find out the name of your future wife. Below are the simplest and most popular of them.

    First option

    Exactly at midnight in the period from January 7 to January 13, you need to go out into the street, stand near the entrance to your house and wait for the first woman passing by. A woman's age is not that important. When the woman appears, you need to approach her and ask her name. It is believed that this is what the fortuneteller’s future wife will be called. It is also worth noting that women can also use this technique, but they will need to ask the name of the first man they meet.

    Second option

    Take several small sheets of paper and write different women's names on them, one sheet - one name. The more sheets with different names will be prepared, the more effective the ritual will be. All sheets will need to be placed in an opaque container or bag, where they must be thoroughly mixed. After this, you need to put your hand into the container and pull out the first sheet you come across. The name that is written on it is the name of your future wife.

    Even those who do not believe in various fortune-telling and predictions sometimes find themselves in difficult everyday situations when it is very important to do right choice. Therefore, most of us, deep down in our hearts, in such cases, think about how to find out the future and try to prevent possible problems and troubles. Also, any person, especially female representatives, no matter how emancipated they were, has always been concerned about the issue of their personal life, namely: who will become their future spouse, etc. So below we will consider the most common ways to find out the future.

    How to tell the future by your hand

    Even the ancient sages knew the secrets of how to recognize a predetermined future by reading one’s hand. After all, the shape of the palm and fingers, as well as the pattern on it, differ from person to person. different people. Let us reveal the main secrets of palmistry:

    • Carefully examine the skin of your hand. If it is dense and rough, this speaks of the spontaneity and directness of a person, and delicate thin skin speaks of the sophistication of nature;
    • The heart line originates under the little finger at the very edge of the palm and in the form of a concave curve stretches to the middle or index finger. If its end is between the middle index finger, it means that the person is ready to compromise, open and friendly. If the heart line is straight and short in length, its owner is closed and incapable of open expression of feelings;
    • If you have been thinking about the possibility of knowing the future in terms of how successful your career will be, you need to consider the line of mind. It testifies to a person’s intellectual abilities and how he manages them. If the line is very long and well drawn, this indicates the person’s scrupulousness and passion for his work. If the line of the mind is short and straight, you tend to trust logic more than imagination;
    • The life line shows a person’s attitude towards himself and the world, as well as his state of health. The further it is located from the thumb, the greater the resistance a person exhibits to the blows of fate and the greater the love of life he has. Proximity to the thumb may indicate nervousness or depression, that is, a lack of vital energy;
    • The line of fate reveals a person’s purpose in this life, so not everyone has it. An even and straight line indicates that you have found your calling, and its distance from the line of life indicates that you love solitude and achieve everything through your work.

    Thus, if you are wondering how to know the future, all you need to do is look at your hand.

    How to find out the future by date of birth

    But there is an equally interesting way to find out the future - by date of birth. To do this, you should carry out the following simple calculations:

    • Write your full date of birth on paper and sequentially add up the numbers of your birthday, then the month and at the end of the year;
    • Now add up the three resulting numbers. The sum usually turns out to be two digits, so its digits also need to be added until you get a single digit number, for example, 5 or 8;
    • This number indicates the properties of your character, which determine your life path. Thus, 1 speaks of a desire to make a career, high efficiency, and a tendency to lead; 2 speaks of sociability, a tendency to self-sacrifice, and a desire to help people. If your number is 3, you are a gifted, cheerful, sociable person, 4 - you are responsible and hardworking, 5 - you are fickle and have poor self-control. 6 indicates calmness, balance, love of learning, 7 - a desire for mysticism and secret knowledge, 8 – about stinginess and love of material goods. Well, if your number is 9, you are a little out of this world and strive for spiritual self-improvement.

    Now you know how to find out the future by date of birth in the simplest way, try to put it into practice.

    How to find out the name of your future husband

    If you are concerned about the question of how to find out the future in that part that concerns your personal life, for example, the name of your future spouse, you can resort to the following fortune telling:

    • You will need several pieces of paper and a large bowl of water. On each piece of paper write something male name and attach them to the inner surface of the pelvis at a distance of approximately 2-3 cm. Place a candle stub in the nut shell, light it and lower the shell into the water. Look at what name she floats to, that’s what your future husband will be called;
    • Instead of looking for ways to find out your future using cards or other even more complex fortune-telling, just New Year's Eve go out into the street and ask the first man you meet about his name, which should coincide with the name of your future spouse;
    • On Christmas night, you should comb your hair and place the comb and mirror next to your pillow. When you go to bed, say: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me, comb me and name yourself.” You will dream of a man who will tell you the name of your chosen one.

    There are many other fortune telling that will help you find out the future, but these are the simplest and most reliable.

    How to find out the name of your future wife

    Many men are embarrassed to guess, but they are also interested in the question of how to find out the future, in particular, what the name of their future soulmate will be. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

    • Place the frying pan on a tuft of straw and place a small pebble on the bottom. The fortuneteller needs to pull out the straws one at a time. The stone will move at this time and produce a certain sound. In it you should hear the name of your future wife;
    • Before you find out the future name of your beloved, write any women's names on pieces of paper and put it all under the pillow. When you wake up, take out a piece of paper with the first name you come across - that’s what your chosen one will be called;
    • When you go out at midnight, stop the first woman you see and ask her name. This name will be the name of your soulmate.

    Thus, even if you had no idea how to find out the future, after reading this article you will be able to use any indicated method and lift the veil of secrecy over what awaits you in the near future.

    People often experience emotions, feelings, antipathy, sympathy. They find themselves in various situations, wanting to know more, better for their destiny.

    This article will help reveal some of the meaning of fortune telling by date of birth.

    Fortune telling: how many children will I have by date of birth

    Let's consider an example: Anfisa was born on October 17, 1990. We count: 1+7+1+0+1+9+9+0 = 28+4 = 32 = 3+2 = 5. It turns out that the number is 5. Now calculate the number of personal birth .

    8. Adopt a foster child. Just don’t pay less attention to your own children, expected by the age of 35.

    9. Become a mother of two children, maybe one or even three. Everything depends on material well-being. Most likely, exit several times.

    Fortune telling for the future husband by date of birth

    The numbers believe that the future husband has already been determined by fate. At the beginning of the fortune telling, an example of calculating the numerological code is given (for Anfisa it was 5). There are 9 of them in total.

    The name of the future husband begins with nominal letters:

    1. A – Anton, Artem, Andrey, I – Igor, Ivan, Ilya, S – Sergey, Semyon

    2. B, T, Y. This is Bogdan, Taras, Boris

    3. V, K, U. Vlad, Kirill, Ustin

    4. G, K, F, E

    5. D, M, X, Y

    6. E, N, C, Z

    8. F, L, P, W

    Numerology fortune telling by date of birth is a proven way to learn more about yourself: to calculate your fate, determine what is good and what should be avoided, or just have fun.

    Most often, girls make fortunes about their grooms and wish to see their betrothed in a dream. But it is not always the case. Sometimes young people also want to tell fortunes for their betrothed and see their future wife in a dream.

    Anton Makarsky is no exception. He claims that he first saw his wife Vika in a dream, and only then met her in reality. The artist’s wife admits that she herself saw Anton in a dream for almost six months until she met him. This is in the tradition of her family - this is how Vicky’s grandmother met her husband.

    Method one

    How to have a dream about your future wife? This is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. There are several ways to see your betrothed in a dream. For example, a young man may eat something salty and concentrate on thoughts about his future wife.

    He must really want her to dream about him, come to him in his dreams and give him something to drink. You can also place a saucer with sweets at the head of the bed and invite the future bride to try dessert.

    Method two

    How to see your betrothed in a dream? Everyone knows when girls tell fortunes at Christmas time using candles and mirrors. Such fortune-telling is also not prohibited for young people. You can use a mirror to see your betrothed in a dream. How to do it?

    On Christmas night, place a mirror so that the moonlight from the window is reflected in it, and look in the mirror three times, and then go to bed without talking to anyone. The future wife will definitely appear in a dream if the young man believes it. The most important thing is to be confident in yourself and your own abilities.