How to draw a stove with a pencil step by step. At the command of the pike Draw a picture from a fairy tale at the command of the pike

Surely, when drawing a pike, many will remember fairy tales where such river fish are found. Especially where it occurs in leading role- in the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.” The lazy boy Emelya did not think that he would be so lucky to meet a talking pike in the pond. Now all he has to do is say the cherished phrase and his every wish will come true. Even marry the daughter of the king himself!

Therefore, let's read the fairy tale and start drawing such a fish with an elongated, arrow-shaped body and a long mouth with many teeth.

Necessary materials:

  • - a blank sheet of paper;
  • - eraser;
  • - colored pencils (black, dark brown and green);
  • - a simple pencil.

Stages of drawing a pike:

  1. The most predatory fish in the river has an elongated body. Therefore, in order to get a drawing of a pike, you must first draw an oval in the center of the sheet and then divide it into two parts using a horizontal line.

  2. Now we begin to draw the outline of a pike in the middle of the oval, which has an arrow-shaped shape. On the left side there will be a head, which is also elongated. But on the right side we will leave space for the tail, where we should then draw the fin.

  3. Removing with an eraser horizontal line and an oval outline.

  4. On the right side we finish drawing the fin. We will also add small fins of different shapes and sizes along the lower and upper contours.

  5. Now you can go back to the front part of the muzzle, where you should draw the eye, mouth and gills. We define the outline of the entire drawing and, if necessary, remove unnecessary lines. Now the mouth immediately stands out against the general background. After all, it is oblong and the lower part protrudes forward.

  6. We draw detailed lines on each fin so that they look like real ones. After all, each line, using color, will create volume for the finished drawing.

  7. Many people know that pike can have different colors - from green to yellow and silver. But our river fish will have a gray-green color. So the first thing we do is take a dark green pencil, which we use to completely fill the space in the middle of the outline of the drawing.

  8. Next, we add brown tones to the pike’s scales using a dark brown pencil. This way we will get new shades on the fins, body, tail and head of the river fish.

  9. Finally, using a black pencil, we create shadow relationships on all objects in the drawing, and also add an outline. We do this with neat strokes.

  10. If possible, take a white marker or gel pen. Using this tool, draw the lightest parts of the picture. This creates a cute drawing of a pike with colored pencils. With the help of such an image, you can more clearly get acquainted with such a predatory fish and study its structure with all its subtleties.

there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya. Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything.

One day the brothers went to the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let’s send him:
- Go, Emelya, for water.
And he told them from the stove:
- Reluctance...
- Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts.
- OK.
Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.
He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and set them down, while he looked into the hole. And Emelya saw a pike in the ice hole.

He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:
- This ear will be sweet!
Suddenly the pike says to him in a human voice:
- Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you.
And Emelya laughs:
- What will you be useful to me for? No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook your fish soup. The ear will be sweet.
The pike begged again:
- Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.
- Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.
Pike asks him:
- Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?
- I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill...
Pike tells him:
- Remember my words: when you want something, just say:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wishes.

Emelya says:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go home yourself, buckets...

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets.

The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya walks behind, chuckling... The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.
How much or how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:
- Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.
- Reluctance...
“If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will return from the market and they won’t bring you gifts.”
Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, an ax, chop some wood, and the firewood, go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven...

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let’s chop wood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and into the stove.
How much or how much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say again:
- Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up.
And he told them from the stove:
- What are you talking about?
- What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

I don't feel like...
- Well, there won't be any gifts for you.
Nothing to do. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sleigh:
- Women, open the gates!
His daughters-in-law tell him:
- Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?
- I don't need a horse.
The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya said quietly:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, sleigh, into the forest...

The sleigh drove through the gate on its own, but it was so fast that it was impossible to catch up with a horse.
But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The people shout “Hold him! Catch him! And he knows he’s pushing the sleigh.

Arrived in the forest:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
axe, chop some dry wood, and you, firewood, get into the sleigh yourselves, tie yourself up...

The ax began to chop, chop dry trees, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. Sat on the cart:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, sleigh, home...

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her off the cart, cursing and beating her.
He sees that things are bad, and little by little:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
Come on, club, break off their sides...

The club jumped out - and let’s hit. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.
Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him to find him and bring him to the palace.
An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:
- Are you a fool Emelya?
And he from the stove:
- What do you care?
- Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.
- I don’t feel like it...
The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek.
And Emelya says quietly:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
club, break his sides...

The baton jumped out - and let’s beat the officer, he forcibly carried off his legs.
The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent his greatest nobleman:
“Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.”
The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.
“Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.
The great nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, and gingerbread and said:
- Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.
- I’m warm here too...
- Emelya, Emelya, the king will have good food and water, please, let’s go.
- I don’t feel like it...
- Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

Hello people of the 21st century! If you got here, then you are either from an older generation, or you were given a lesson in school fine arts topic of how to draw a stove. After all, a modern inhabitant of this planet would rather want to portray Spiderman, Dracula or a witch than a stove. Soon you will only be able to see it in a museum, or in the most remote village. So hurry up to see and touch it while you can. And for connoisseurs of this genre of art, I will show you another lesson about drawing a stove, from this picture we will copy: The stove is a magical multifunctional device that warms the hearts and souls of all living beings. It can be a bed, a stove and a heater. And in fairy tales he also drives cooler than anyone else. In the row of honor of the Russian person, he takes place immediately after, spectacles and. True, it is expensive to operate - you constantly need to carry firewood. Lazy Emeli will not be able to afford such a luxury, unless they have a magic spell. According to my will and at the behest of the pike. Or how was it?

IN modern houses Such a device is also not installed for rational reasons. Nowadays, a wood-burning stove is simply a beautiful element of the interior. And yet it will never lose its relevance. That's all I wanted to say in defense of the bright good eternal, and now we can get started:

How to draw a stove with a pencil step by step

Step one. Outwardly it will look like a house, let's sketch out the outline of the stove. The drawing is not complicated, and, to be honest, it is childish. But that’s okay, the main thing is to convey the essence.
Step two. Carefully outline the contours, add firewood, a ladder, a bench.
Step three. Let's erase the auxiliary lines and add details to the foreground.
Step four. Well, the final stage is, as always, beauty restoration. We correct all the lines, add shading, and you're done:
We have drawing lessons for other extravagant and not so extravagant things, at least try to depict them.

Hello people of the 21st century! If you got here, then you are either from an older generation, or you were asked a topic in fine arts school about how to draw a stove. After all, a modern inhabitant of this planet would rather want to portray Spiderman, Dracula or a witch than a stove. Soon you will only be able to see it in a museum, or in the most remote village. So hurry up to see and touch it while you can. And for connoisseurs of this genre of art, I will show you another lesson about drawing a stove, from this picture we will copy: The stove is a magical multifunctional device that warms the hearts and souls of all living beings. It can be a bed, a stove and a heater. And in fairy tales, it also drives cooler than any black boomer. In the rank of honor of the Russian person, he occupies a place immediately after bread, circuses and money. True, it is expensive to operate - you constantly need to carry firewood. Lazy Emeli will not be able to afford such a luxury, unless they have a magic spell. According to my will and at the behest of the pike. Or how was it?

In modern homes, such a device is also not installed for rational reasons. Nowadays, a fireplace and wood-burning stove are simply a beautiful element of the interior. And yet it will never lose its relevance. That's all I wanted to say in defense of the bright good eternal, and now we can get started:

How to draw a stove with a pencil step by step

Step one. Outwardly it will look like a house, let's sketch out the outline of the stove. The drawing is not complicated, and, to be honest, it is childish. But that’s okay, the main thing is to convey the essence. Step two. Carefully outline the contours, add firewood, a ladder, a bench. Step three. Let's erase the auxiliary lines and add details to the foreground. Step four. Well, the final stage is, as always, beauty restoration. We correct all the lines, add shading, and you're done: We have lessons in drawing other extravagant and not-so-extravagant things, at least try to depict them.