How to send damage to the person who did it. Prayer for damage - return to the one who did it

We will consider in detail the salt plot to return damage to the one who did it - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Every person can become an object of negative influence, even if he does not suspect it, leading a normal life and not thinking about any supernatural things. The one who did the negative thing may secretly wish you all the worst.

Returning damage to the one who did it - effective ancient conspiracies

It is important to recognize the damage in time, not to wait until the situation worsens, but to immediately take certain actions aimed at returning the damage to the ill-wisher, believing that magic will definitely help you. The effective rituals and conspiracies presented in this article will certainly help you with this.

Signs that you are damaged

Suddenly, without any objective reasons, a person who was previously happy and healthy begins to deteriorate in health or sharply worsen those diseases that have long been a thing of the past. Insomnia, confusion and other illnesses may occur. The person seems to begin to fade, he has a lack of energy, depression, some minor or major troubles, adversity begins to overcome him.

If the above events happen to you, then someone made a negative program for you. Magic is the only way out of this situation. In this case, you need to decide whether to remove the negative program from your energy or try to send it back to the one who caused your sorrows.

You need to approach this choice responsibly. The fact is that experienced magicians do not advise doing this for the reason that in this way you strike back at a person who has done damage due to ignorance or your ardor, which means you are committing a sin. It is extremely important to get rid of negativity, but how - you must decide for yourself.

How to find out who exactly damaged you?

There are three ways in which you can obtain information about the person who sent it. The first method involves reading a special conspiracy. The magic will work in such a way that this person will come to you.

Thanks to the second method, you can call upon the spirits to bring a sorcerer or witch to you. And you can, through your own ritual actions, attract this person to your house or draw attention to yourself in order to subsequently remove the evil eye.

Ritual with a nail

You will need a regular nail. Drive it near your house, at the threshold, saying:

All the magic lies in these simple but effective words. Expect your enemy to visit you soon.

Pouring wax

You need to stock up on the following things before reading the plot:

  • a bowl filled with bottled or filtered water;
  • beeswax (you cannot use paraffin instead).

Native beeswax will help diagnose the presence of spoilage

Melt the wax in a water bath. Gently, in a thin stream, immerse it in the liquid, pronouncing the spell. It is important not to wish something bad to the one who is guilty of your troubles, but to concentrate on the ritual itself so that the magic is activated:

The wax must take the shape of some figure; it must be interpreted correctly, using all your intuition and attentiveness. If you see a flower, the moon, or the figure of a stranger, then a woman has cast a spell on you. It was triggered by a man if symbols such as a tiger, bear, hog, raven, diamond or square appeared.

You can even, with some effort on your part, see an approximate image of your enemy, who “gave” you the evil eye, in miniature. The result appears very quickly, but if you are unlucky, repeat this ritual again.

Summoning Entities

When performing this ritual, you resort to the help of devils; there is black magic here. Be sure to find your seven old keys first. Pour boiling water into any container and throw the keys into it, saying the spell:

The next morning this person will come to you.

The process of returning damage to an ill-wisher

If the previous ritual did not work, then your assistant will be a special conspiracy that works regardless of whether you know the one who caused the damage or not. It is desirable that at the time of the ritual it is the twenty-seventh lunar day. A week before it, in order for you to better be able to send the damage back, it is recommended not to eat meat, fish dishes, or drink alcoholic beverages. Practice meditation, do not use foul language and work on your spiritual purity in every possible way.

You should not pay much attention to communication or experience any negative emotions, as all this pollutes the aura. Do what you think is right for you - maybe the thought of praying or listening to classical music will come to your mind - don’t resist it. Only in this case will you be able to be guaranteed to remove the negativity from yourself.

After a week of fasting, pick up a piece of raw meat and say the following spell:

“In a dead city, tears do not flow, they do not know melancholy, they do not suffer and do not suffer! Dead city! Take the damage of the Servant of God (name) for yourself, free me from melancholy and suffering, all sorts of ailments! Amen!".

Repeat the magic words twice. Then go to the crossroads - an energetically strong place - and bury the raw meat in the ground. Returning the damage should work. On the way back, you may have an irresistible urge to turn around - under no circumstances let that feeling overcome you!

Before you leave, throw a coin over your left shoulder with the words:

It is advisable to go to church the next day to light a candle for your health and, no matter how much you want, for the health of the one who “rewarded” you with damage. If you wish, you can donate to the church. After this, very soon you will no longer worry about how to remove the damage.

Now your question “How to return the damage back?” should be resolved. Be sure to make sure, before reading the plot, to avoid unpleasant consequences, who caused it. If you have faith in the power of magic, your idea will be crowned with success, and the evil eye will no longer bother you.

Features of damage: return of the evil eye

There are times when you feel like you have been spoiled. There is a way out of this situation and you can find it yourself. Damage is a kind of negative energy, and not a life sentence. There are more than one answers to the question of how to return damage. There are many methods that have been known since ancient times and passed down from generation to generation. Magicians who are specially trained know how to dissolve an energy regiment and ward off damage. But if there is no one to turn to, you can independently try to return it back to the one who sent the evil eye or simply leave it to chance.

Damage is a kind of negative energy, and not a life sentence.

There is a statement, but no one knows how true it is. The evil eye cannot be applied to someone who is completely energetically pure. This means that if they were able to do it for you, you need to reconsider your life path. When envy passes on or is passed on, this is also a kind of sin, because in this way you also hit the person back. You will have to answer for everything. But if this doesn’t scare you, and you are determined to strike back or simply teach a lesson for what you did, then the first thing you need to do is get in the right mindset. When returning the evil eye, you must not show your anger or harbor hatred and malice. Only with the right attitude and a pure soul can you return the evil eye. Be sure to find out who referred you so you can pass it back to that person.

How to find out who spoiled you

Magic is not to be trifled with, so before you make the damage return, you need to identify the person who initiated it. You can get as much information about a person using three methods. In the first option, you need to lament the conspiracy, and as a result, this person himself will appear before you. The second method will bring to you the person who cast the evil eye, a magician or sorcerer:

  1. Ritual with nails. You need to take an ordinary nail and hammer it in next to the house (near the threshold) and read the plot:

“Whoever spoiled me and harmed me, I call him a nail. If you don’t come in three days, then you’ll go to your grave in six months.”

These words activate the magic, and within three days you wait for your ill-wisher to visit.

  • This option is more complicated and will require additional preparation. You will need a bowl of filtered water and beeswax, not paraffin. The wax must be melted in a steam bath and slowly immersed in water while reading the plot:

    “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy.”

    Remember, you should not wish the person harm, but just concentrate on the process itself. Once the wax is in the water, it takes on a specific shape that you will need to determine. If as a result you saw the figure of a woman, flowers or the moon, this means that the one who cast the evil eye was female. If on the contrary, then in the water there should be wax figures in the form of a rhombus, square, raven or tiger. You can repeat the ritual if you were unable to see a clear figure the first time.

  • The third rite is associated with black magic, so it is better not to turn to it for help or only as a last resort. Find the old keys, there should be exactly seven of them. Next, bring some water to a boil, immerse the keys in it and at the same time read the plot:

    “Whoever harms the slave (your name), the devil will bring him tomorrow morning.”

    The next morning this person will definitely come to visit you.

  • After performing the ritual with nails, you wait for your ill-wisher to visit for three days

    Returning the damage (option No. 1)

    Envy is transferred or transferred back to the one who induces it with the help of a magical ritual, which must be carried out from the twenty-sixth to the twenty-seventh lunar day. Before carrying out it, you need to eat a minimum of food and fast for at least three days. After preparation, you will need fresh meat and read the plot on it three times with the following text:

    “Just as in a dead city they don’t know melancholy - they don’t know, and its inhabitants don’t dine, don’t suffer from melancholy, don’t shed tears, so I, the servant of God (my full name), will be freed from the black curse through this meat and blood!” .

    The meat must be buried in a cemetery and there must be a grave with your name on it. You must do this and mentally ask for forgiveness from the owner of the grave for disturbing his sleep. Be sure to bring some apples and candy as a memorial gift. When you leave a ritual after which the evil eye returns, you cannot turn back under any pretext. Just look ahead and walk straight. On the way home, at the first intersection, throw a coin and say the words:

    On the second day, you need to go to church and be sure to light a candle for the repose of the person whose grave you had to disturb, to carry out a ritual, after which the evil eye passes or is transferred. When leaving church, make a donation. You cannot tell the person who gave it to you that you are returning the evil eye. For three days from home, do not give your things to anyone and do not take anything from others.

    Returning the damage (option No. 2)

    You can return the damage to the person who brought it on you if you use another option. Take a frying pan and add salt until the bottom is completely covered. Draw a cross across the sprinkled salt across the entire surface with a kitchen fork. As a result, it will turn out that you will have the surface of the frying pan divided into four more parts. Draw four crosses along its parts. Start drawing crosses from the lower right corner counterclockwise. Afterwards, put it on low heat and heat for about fifteen minutes. The evil eye is transferred or transmitted when they continue to stir with a fork in a circular motion and read the text of the plot:

    “As this salt is fried, so let my enemy (name) be fried. Go away, my illness, my sorrows, go away, envy, hatred, evil witchcraft, to where you came from, to the slave (name). I do not burn salt, but my enemy. You did (did) to me, and I give it to you. Amen".

    The salt that you cast in order to return the evil eye must be poured along the route that the one who cast it on you takes every day.

    To return the evil eye, salt must be poured along the route of the ill-wisher

    Returning the damage (option No. 3)

    The evil eye passes or returns to the one who brought it if the following magical ritual of occult attack is performed. Before this, you need to buy or collect and dry thistle grass yourself. It is better to tear it and prepare it yourself, but if this is not possible, then buy it at the pharmacy. But there is a claim that its effect is not so strong. The next step is to pour a little of the prepared material into a wooden container on Friday, close to night, and then add a little salt. Mix everything and while doing this, think about your enemy and his future. You must send him misfortunes and hardships that bring him harm. The evil eye is transferred or transmitted when they come to the enemy’s doorstep and pour the mixture so that he is sure to step on it. While doing this, repeat the words:

    “The devil will pour salt into your (name) eyes, burn your thoughts like thistles! Everything you wished for others, you yourself will find. As soon as you step over the charmed salt!”


    Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about the ritual of removing damage with return. What is it, and should we literally understand the return of negativity to the original source? There are a number of purges, the mechanism of which causes strong damage to return to the one who did it; in addition, magicians have the opportunity to both correct the situation after a curse or theft, and magically take revenge on the offender. But this already smacks of a magical war if the enemy is strong and knowledgeable in witchcraft. Being drawn into such a war is extremely undesirable for a magician.

    Another interesting topic that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will touch upon in this article is how to regain your well-being after damage. If luck and good fortune have been stolen (many have already suffered from theft, and will suffer more), any cleansing is well suited, where the channel of magical damage is mainly cut off. Black cleaning on the knife is good, as well as casting and annealing.

    Cut off the thief - remove the damage and return it back to the one who caused it

    In general, there are several magical rituals for working with thefts and their consequences. It all depends on your personal experience - how and what you are used to working with. The magician helps to quickly return what was lost or stolen. And if you are in the mood and desire, you can punish the thief by returning the damage done, or making a steal on the same sphere, or, removing the damage and returning it, hit the enemy with such a good backfire.

    After magical cleansing of a person and application strong spells against damage with return, it’s good to put healing runes and energy on the victim. Immediately after the damage is removed, it is quite difficult to put normal protection on the patient, although powerful protection from negativity is necessary so that the client does not fall into the same networks again. But, you need to give him time to come to his senses so that strong protection from the evil eye and curses does not suppress him.

    Therefore, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise, while the patient is recovering his strength after removing the negativity, to use an alternative to protection - to seal the enemy in mirrors. This, of course, is not reverse damage, but the effect can be very convincing. After the victim recovers, he is given very strong, magical protection from black damage and energy negativity.

    Send damage back to the offender - drive the demon to the enemy

    The magical ritual is not associated with cleansing with the return of negativity. This is a different topic that requires a different approach. Not all damage is done by adding an essence. But, if you have such a resident, you can transfer it to your ill-wisher, and become clean yourself. It’s the same as putting the damage back on your own, although you can take revenge this way not only on an enemy who harms you magically, but also on someone who spoils your enemy physically.

    In the villages, all sorts of entities were called demons, and therefore the witchcraft ritual is suitable for binding black varieties of entities. It happens that a demon assistant, hired to work as a sorcerer, gets away with it and begins to do harm. So, such a demon can also be transferred to the enemy. But, diagnostics must be done before work. For a witchcraft ritual of transfer (if the curse was made with the introduction of demons, then the ritual can be used in combination with purges on removal of damage with return) you will need:

    1. photo of the enemy
    2. cup of chicken blood
    3. wax candle
    4. farmed chicken

    On the photo of the enemy, draw a church cross in blood, place a candle in the middle of the cross, light it and read the words of the conspiracy to return the damage caused:

    When the candle burns out, you need to bury the photo at an intersection, throw a chicken carcass there, read the words of the spell to return damage to the customer:

    Leave the place immediately. After completing the ritual, keep a strict fast for 7 days. In combination with cleansing with return, allowing the magician-performer send the damage back to the person who did it, this ritual will work as an additional punishment. You can use it both for the client and for yourself, getting rid of your own settlers.

    With this ritual you transfer harmful energies.

    This program is set initially. Some of the negativity goes away and everything returns to normal. However, if you yourself, or one of your clients, is severely cursed, then this re-roll alone will not correct the situation. You will have to work seriously, long and comprehensively. Here is another witchcraft ritual that allows you to do reverse damage. This is in case there is a desire or need to punish a restless pursuer or rival who puts negative pressure on you or steals your luck. You can do this kind of damage yourself and return the gift to the enemy. This ritual of removing damage and returning it to the person who caused it works well, even when done independently at home.

    Reverse damage - so that the enemy drowns in tears

    At funerals where people are mourning, you need to get the handkerchief of that mourner who is crushed by grief and shedding bitter tears. This handkerchief, soaked with tears, must be used in an independent ritual of returning damage to the enemy.

    And here is a description of how to return the negative to the person who sent it to you.

    You can carry out the ritual yourself on any day when you feel like it and have enough strength. A tear scarf needs to be spoken at the cemetery. And they talk like this.

    Stand at the cemetery intersection and read the words of the conspiracy to return damage to the one who did it three times:

    Then go through the cemetery and wipe 7 grave crosses with a handkerchief. Anyone you are drawn to. While wiping each cross, you need to read the text of the conspiracy to return the damage back to the one who brought it to you:

    The handkerchief is the one on which the plot against damage with return was read, for punishment for unrighteous deeds, toss to your enemy. And from then on he will be haunted by all sorts of disasters.

    How to return the evil eye to someone who cast the evil eye - a ritual through well water

    The evil eye is a type of energy damage. A person can be jinxed anywhere, anytime, by anyone. You need to get rid of this negativity as soon as you feel that something is wrong, that life has gone awry, and as if there is a splinter somewhere. Such negativity can be removed, there are ways, just as there are ways to return the evil eye to the one who brought it on you.

    How to return the evil eye to the person who sent it.

    Here is a DIY ritual with a bucket of well water. Place a bucket of water in front of you, scoop up a full ladle, and pour that water onto the ground.

    Scoop up the second one and pour it onto the ground on the other side. For the third time, scoop up water and wash yourself with it, read the words of the conspiracy to return the evil eye to the one who casts it:

    Throw the remaining water over your left shoulder. This ritual is good at removing the evil eye from a person, and those who envy you or wish harm receive the evil back. And here is another witchcraft ritual, if you need to return the evil eye back. Here they do magic with needles.

    Remove and return damage and the evil eye to a person through 9 needles

    The magical return of negativity, if it is the evil eye or black damage of medium strength, can be done independently, as a beginner, just mastering the practice of witchcraft. Here's what you'll need:

    1. fresh beef liver
    2. 9 new needles
    3. a piece of natural linen

    Liver pierced with needles, which was read a conspiracy to bring back the damage caused, you need to wrap it in linen, throw it in the trash or bury it in a dung heap. You can bury your enemy near your house if you know for sure that he is the culprit of your troubles.

    • When inserting the first needle, you need to say:

    Quickly return damage through salt to the one who made it

    In order to quickly return damage to the one who did it without large losses, as they say, with little bloodshed, you need to diagnose it in time, before the energy negativity takes root and the damage program begins to work out in full force. There are many ways to rid a person of induced damage; it is important to know what helps with what, and to choose the right magical cleansing. You also need to know the properties of the elements you will be working with. Let's say salt cleaning with negative return– the shift to salt, which I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already talked about in my materials, has proven itself well.

    There are positive results of getting rid of the induced witchcraft destruction, and positive reviews from practicing magicians and those who independently used this method of relieving negativity by transferring it to salt. Well, I’ll probably give this method here too.

    For you, an independent ritual of returning damage caused through salt.

    To do, on the waning moon. For this ritual you will need:

    Pour salt into the frying pan, and use a fork to draw a cross across the entire surface of the frying pan (bottom to top, left to right). 4 squares are formed, and a cross is drawn in each of them in the same way. Draw crosses counterclockwise, starting from the lower right square. After that, place the frying pan on high heat, starting to heat the salt. At the same time, stir the salt in a circle with a fork, saying a spell so that,

    • first, remove the negativity,
    • and secondly, to independently return the damage to the one who sent it:

    Let the salt cool and sprinkle it under your enemy’s feet. But this is the case if you know for sure that he is the culprit of your troubles, that it is he who harms you magically, and it is in his direction that you read a strong conspiracy in order to return the damage caused by him. However, if you are not sure about the author of your misfortunes, or there is no way to throw salt as a lining, then take it to a pedestrian intersection where people walk.

    A good spell against damage with return - flushing with living water

    But how can you remove the negative from yourself with living water, and return it back to the one who did the damage. This is how it should be done. On the third day after the full moon, get up at dawn and go to the spring. Scoop up a ladle of water and say:

    Immediately pour water on your head and say the strong words of a witchcraft spell to remove the damage from yourself with a return:

    With this water you can remove damage not only from yourself, but also from another person - from a close relative or from a client who comes to ask for help.

    Damage and the evil eye will return to the one who brought it.

    So, severe damage has been removed from the person. But don't expect to wake up to a new life tomorrow. It turns out that it is not enough to simply remove energy negativity. It is necessary to get rid of its consequences. And this takes considerable time, more than one lunar cycle, roughly speaking. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, think how to regain one’s well-being after damage is a question that is relevant for many, because people are often subjected to magical attacks.

    Getting yours back after damage - how to become prosperous and happy again

    Every sorcerer has various types of damage and curses in his arsenal. And, naturally, magicians use them in their practice. Kradniks are a type of destructive witchcraft. The thief does not destroy the victim’s goods; with his help, a channel is created through which the benefits of life flow to the magician - the performer, or the customer. They can steal or steal anything -

    How to restore your well-being after damage?

    We need positive work. What does it mean? There was a money grab -

    1. do rituals for money,
    2. well-being,
    3. business success,
    4. wish fulfillment at last.

    Beauty and harmony have been stolen - please yourself with beauty rituals. And so it is in everything. It will take time and hard work to restore what was lost and gain new benefits.

    Beginners often ask me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, the question: why does the evil eye go away after a simple cleaning, but the damage returns after removal? When a magician is engaged in purges, he turns to the Powers that patronize him with a request to clean out bad luck in fate, return stolen luck, health, etc. Here you need to understand that without a clear established contact with the Forces - be it Gods, Demons, the dead world, etc., the result will be insignificant. But, even with good contact, if the banner of life’s blessings was strong, initiated by a real magician, who has strong protections, and challenges, and troubles with locks, then cope with the negative, and even more so return the damage to the one who did it, it will be very difficult.

    Beginners cannot cope with such rituals; real magical help is needed here. The work of a strong magician has to be cleaned several times in a row. In particularly difficult cases, witchcraft is carried out in a complex manner using various rituals for the destruction of negativity. Yes, and keep in mind that when cleaning with return, for example, if you do rite of return of damage with the use of candles, bad luck and all the negativity return to the stealer. And here you run a very high risk of getting involved in a magical war.

    Experienced magicians try to avoid this. And newcomers should run away from the very possibility of a magical war, especially if the enemy is stronger. So, my advice from the magician Sergei Artgrom is that there is an opportunity to do translations, or there is a choice between purges with return and purges that simply burn the negativity, do better such rituals. Revenge is good in time. Don’t get into trouble, especially when you have little strength and experience. And, ending the article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will answer the question, why does the damage return after removal? It doesn't come back, you don't completely remove it. You may feel less negative for a while and feel relieved. But, if the damage caused has not completely gone away, the program will begin to work with renewed vigor.

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    Corruption is an energy disease. Therefore, like any disease, it can be cured. But this needs to be done correctly. Many people are interested in how to send damage back? Such methods are offered by black magic, but they must be used very carefully so as not to harm, first of all, yourself. That is, not to strengthen the effect of the damage sent.

    When wondering how to send the damage back, you should understand that the reason that you have absorbed a certain negative lies, first of all, within you and is associated with your incorrect attitude towards the surrounding reality. It is important to carry out the return of damage without negative emotions and anger. You need to analyze your own actions recently and try to be absolutely neutral before the ritual, and forgive the one who sent damage to you.

    There is a ritual that allows you to return damage without causing much harm to the ill-wisher. But at the same time he will feel spiritual discomfort and sincere repentance. The peculiarity of the ritual is that you must imagine the face of the person who caused the damage, and, therefore, you need to know him.

    For the ritual you need to buy 13 candles from the temple. Moreover, it is very important not to touch the icons while in it. You should leave the temple without looking back or crossing yourself. Then you need to concentrate on the flickering glare of the candle flames and imagine the face of your ill-wisher. The more clearly you see it, the more effective the ritual will be.

    Then you need to send him a mental vibration that will make him repent. This is quite difficult, so the process can take a long time.

    When establishing a mental connection with the person who sent the damage, the following conspiracy should be repeated many times:

    “At midnight, the church candles burn brightly, and the room is illuminated where I conduct a secret ceremony. My damage will return to the enemy. I see his face, I don’t send it at random, so my enemy won’t be able to resist and defend himself. I don’t wish him any bad cramps; let him answer for his bad deeds before God. But his negativity will return to him and he will feel it. It will be as it is said. Amen!"

    After you feel that everything has worked out, the candles need to be extinguished and thrown into the trash. You should not remember the ritual performed, much less monitor the well-being of your ill-wisher.

    Return of damage if you do not know who brought it on you

    If you feel that you have been damaged, but do not know who did it, then you can perform another ritual in order to return the negative. So that everything works out. You need to observe strict fasting for a week, renounce sinful acts and avoid negative emotions. The ritual is effective only on the 27th day of the lunar cycle.

    During the ritual, you need to retire to a separate room, where you need to recite the following plot on a piece of raw meat:

    “In a dead city, tears don’t flow, there’s no sadness to be seen, no languor to languish from, no grief to suffer from. Let my corruption go to the dead city, and let my ailments and suffering return to the enemy. Amen!"

    After this, you should immediately leave the house and go to the nearest pedestrian intersection where you bury the charmed meat.

    After this, you should throw a coin over your shoulder and say loudly:


    If the damage was caused through the lining

    Very often damage is caused through the lining. To do this, certain objects are used that are thrown by ill-wishers or enemies under the threshold or directly into the victim’s house. In any case, if you find bent needles or nails, earth of unknown origin, poppy seeds, ash, sulfur, pepper or candle wax under the threshold, you should conclude that someone is trying to harm you by sending damage. In such a situation, even if you don’t notice any changes in relationships with loved ones or deterioration of health, the damage should be returned to the one who tried to commit an energy attack on you. It is important to remember that under no circumstances should you touch the discovered lining with your bare hands. You need to clean it with a broom, bags or other household supplies. At the same time, it is better to carry out such manipulations with gloves. But before cleaning, when you see the lining near your door, you need to say the following magic spell:

    “Pure water, filled with the natural power of goodness, and filled with even rain, descends to the ground, and then returns to the clear sky again. Just as natural water flows in a circle, so the deeds of my enemies will not touch me, but they will return and will turn into their lives. Amen".

    After this, you can begin cleaning the lining and neutralizing it. If you are going to do this with a broom, then you should take it in your left hand. Say the following words over it:

    “Greetings, mother trouble. You came to me, sent by someone, so I open the gates for you, but for some reason you cannot enter them. it means I’m not nice to you, you’ll go away and not come back.”

    You need to get rid of the lining in front of the threshold after the front door is closed. The garbage should be collected in a bag, which should then be taken away from the house to a vacant lot, where it should be left along with a broom and gloves. It is very important, after the lining under the threshold is removed, to carefully inspect the entire house. You especially need to pay attention to the nooks and crannies of the house. You also need to clean the house using church candles and holy water. After any ritual aimed at returning damage, the next day you need to visit the temple and light candles for your own health and the health of the enemy who caused the damage. It is important that no one knows about the rituals performed. In addition, remember that you cannot do evil in response to damage caused to you. It is only allowed to return the negative, otherwise you will be no different from your ill-wishers and will take sin on your soul.

    Only with the help of a black magic spell will you be able to send the damage back to the one who did it. I will tell you how to perform an occult ritual.

    You are endowed with an evil negative program.

    The vile sorcerer fulfilled someone's order.

    You have a cruel and restless ill-wisher. Enemy and adversary.

    You can return the damage done not back to the instigator, but transfer it to the animal.

    But tell me, what was it guilty of?

    So, listen and remember!

    *Purchase a pack of table salt at any store. Don't take change. “Forget” a couple of coins at the cash register by paying with a slightly larger amount.

    * Buy thirteen candles from the Church. No more, no less. Don't touch the icons. Do not bow down to holy things.

    * If you have a photo of the person who did the damage. Now stop! Do not use it in an occult ritual. Because you absolutely do not know how guilty the one shown in the photograph is to you.

    * At exactly one o'clock in the morning, begin the black top.

    * Light the candles so that they form a closed circle. Well, I don’t know, put them in a jar, select the most suitable dishes for this purpose. Finally, take the pan.

    * Scatter a pack of salt inside the burning circle without saying anything.

    *Wait approximately 5 minutes.

    * To forever and ever send the damage back to the one who did it to you, itch heart-rendingly with a black magic spell.

    Conspiracy to return damage

    The culprit will find himself in vicious weakness, he will begin to writhe and suffer. Whoever did the damage will be absorbed by the mob, and will never know that he is ill. I send away everything that is not mine, let the crows circle above you. You will never be able to remove the damage; if you go to the right, trouble will come. If you look to the left, you’ll lose your strength, there are purulent scabs, you bastard, you stink. I send back heat and frost, cold, squabbles, fear and deafness. As soon as I bury salt in the ground, you will feel cancerous pain. Let it be done! Thirteen times done! Locked with keys! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    * Set fire to the sheet with the magic spell. Be careful with fire!

    * Place ashes, salt and candle stubs in a thick bag or thin bag. Tie it tightly.

    * Go outside and bury the package in the ground.

    * As a result of the ritual, you are unlikely to find out about the person who caused terrible damage to you. But rest assured that it will absolutely return back to the one who cruelly sent it to you.

    Often people who have suffered from a negative program come up with the question: can the damage return? It is quite reasonable.

    The point is this: people are faced with a situation where the damage does not go away. That is, during professional work, it retreats, but only for a while.

    It seems: here it is – the air of happiness! And after a while the problems come with renewed vigor.

    What the sorcerers say

    A man goes to another witch. And what does he hear? At your place, they tell him.

    He, of course, begins to prove: he just recently filmed it! And the sorceress only shrugs if she sees damage.

    Here you will inevitably wonder whether the damage can return. Or have the enemies brought a new one again? In reality, everything is not so simple. The damage does not return: oh, horror, it never left!

    The ritual resulted in her being inactive for some time. And then she started her dirty work again. This happens often. And you can't do anything about it. Not everyone is allowed to live without corruption.

    You know, experienced and honest (very important!) clairvoyants can even name the date for its complete disappearance. Some people have a year to work on problems, others – ten years.

    And there are such unfortunate people who have to fight damage all their lives. They are not supposed to become completely purified.

    It’s clear: provided they work on their energy, they have to decide whether the damage returns.

    But that's not all. For some people, the negativity really comes back. Let's look at just such cases.

    Namely, let’s take a person who “accidentally” contracted the disease. He was told off. Everything seems to be fine. And then everything begins with renewed vigor.

    What did he do wrong? Considering that the damage was actually removed, and not “pushed” into the far corner for a while.

    Can damage come back again?

    The negative that has been removed can actually begin to act again.

    Firstly, if the ritual is performed poorly. Imagine: damage is, say, a physical object. It is not enough to remove him from the victim field.

    A prerequisite for his absence is his “presence” in another place. That is, the damage must be sent, as experts say, somewhere. The latter also has serious, almost decisive, significance.

    Sometimes a person, performing a ceremony on his own, simply removes the negativity from the aura without sending it anywhere. He “hangs” nearby.

    As soon as suitable conditions are ripe, he will again enter the field, even without outside help. Or with her. Let's say that such a poor fellow, who tried and got rid of the damage, is jinxed.

    Here is a loophole for introducing damage back!

    Why again?

    There are other situations. Sometimes a very strong effect is produced on a person. It is, in a sense, multi-layered.

    Not every specialist has the gift of seeing what is aimed at the victim. In such cases, only one, in fact, the most visible one, is diagnosed and removed.

    The rest of the programs are “sleeping” and do not work. As soon as the top one is removed, the next one turns on. This way you can fight against complex damage caused once, ad infinitum.

    Well, the last case of the return of negativity is the fault of the victim himself. Should you remember what you yourself did for the first time after the damage was removed?

    A common mistake is to “check” this matter. Alcohol strengthens the position of dark egregors in the field. Consequently, the damage will return before it has even left.

    The second important mistake is to give yours into the hands of the enemy. This happens when you transfer something into the hands of another person in the first three days after performing a cleansing ritual.

    And the last thing you can do to harm yourself is negative thoughts. After the damage is removed, you will be provoked. Don't give in and lose your balance.

    It’s better to stay in prostration for several days. And it’s not recommended to communicate with just anyone. Then the damage will go away forever. Now about methods of overcoming such an unpleasant problem.

    What to do to prevent damage from returning

    You know, if a person falls into a vicious cycle of corruption, then it’s a disaster. You can only break free through willpower. To do this, you will have to concentrate and make the ritual of removing damage regular.

    This is what everyone who is faced with the return of damage should do. The issue here is the habit of a negative perception of the world. It needs to be broken.

    And doing this with a black program that dominates the aura is extremely difficult. If you start pushing it out regularly, there is a chance to begin to change during these bright periods.

    By the way, regular sincereness produces the same effect. It was not in vain that it was customary to go to Temple not only on Christmas and Easter. People went there every Sunday, and even listened to the entire service.

    But the ritual of removing pori should not be rejected either. For example, in ancient Rus', people were jumping over a fire for more than one year. This custom of “burning” negativity was widespread.

    We started this game when we were looking for a married couple. But they don’t often write about when they stopped taking part in it. In fact, they never stopped.

    Since they couldn’t jump, then they didn’t go to the holiday. But then other rituals were performed. This was done with great faith and often.

    They fed the brownie, and the like. To prevent damage from returning, you need, as they say now, to pump yourself up with light. She will have nowhere to stay.

    In what cases is damage returned?

    In conclusion, let's summarize. We will name those cases when damage will definitely return. And you shouldn’t worry too much about this. We need to work, then the situation will change diametrically.

    • Firstly, man is given a “task” from Above, to overcome and process part of the negativity that exists in the Universe. He won't be able to escape this lesson.
    • Secondly, if the damage was removed poorly, not dissolved or not returned to the customer. Then she again returns to the aura of the victim. She, like an orphan, feels uncomfortable in the world.

    She needs an owner who will feed her delicious energy. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of damage correctly.

    Namely: dissolve, annihilate, etc. Some find it more convenient to imagine that she is returning to hell. So be it.

    And the last thing: do not attract damage to yourself by sinning against your happiness.

    Enjoy every minute, smile, look for and emphasize any positive little thing.

    And you will forget that you had damage!

    In this article we will talk about how to return the damage back to the one who did it. People who decide to send damage to a person should not forget that in magic there is the concept of a backlash. This is inevitable retribution for the evil caused through witchcraft rituals. Let's find out how to repel the damage sent and direct it to the person who is the culprit of such influence.

    People who decide to harm their enemy with the help of magic must remember that any negative act will definitely come back. This happens due to the law of conservation of energy or karma. As a rule, a person who wants to cause damage turns to a magician for help. And he, not wanting to risk himself, transfers the retaliatory blow to the customer. Now it is the sender, and not the magician, who will bear full responsibility for his act.

    If a victim of damage suspects something is wrong and tries to return it with the help of special rituals, the customer will experience a negative impact threefold. Depending on what exactly the influence was directed at and what its strength was, the one who sent the damage faces illness, loneliness, problems at work, or even death.

    In any case, the customer will suffer more from his action than the victim, unless, of course, this magical effect is removed in time.

    Although the induced negativity always returns to the sender, there are also many rituals for returning damage.

    If you suspect that you have been struck by magic, you must act immediately. In order to get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer, special rituals can be performed.

    The main thing you need to remember when trying to return damage to the customer is that in no case do you try to harm him with the help of retaliatory magical influences. Otherwise, you will bear the same responsibility for your actions as he does.

    How to reflect damage when lining

    The role of a lining can be played by any objects: soil, salt, coals, drops of wax, needles, strange packages or liquid. They don't usually just appear that way. If you notice such suspicious things at your doorstep, do not touch them. You need to carefully collect them with a broom and burn them or throw them in the trash away from your home.

    Now you need to remove the damage and return it to the sender. Even if nothing bothers you for now and life continues to go on as usual. If you do not react to the lining immediately, then it may be too late.

    Having discovered suspicious objects at the front door or gate, you need to cross yourself twelve times and say:

    After reading the plot, you can remove the lining without touching it or bringing it into your home. All objects that you touched it with should also be thrown away or burned.

    Ritual of getting rid of lining using a broom

    Usually used in cases where you saw a suspicious object while leaving the house. You will need a broom, salt water or thistle infusion.

    When performing the ritual, proceed in this order:

    • Holding a broom with your left hand, read the words of the conspiracy:

    Hello, Mother Trouble. I’m opening the gate for you, but for some reason you can’t enter the house. That means I'm not nice to you.

    • Go outside and close the front door or gate behind you. Collect the lining with a broom and burn it or bury it in a vacant lot.
    • When you return home, start cleaning your home. Carefully inspect the room for other suspicious things, because there may be more than one lining.
    • Heat the water and add salt to it. The solution must be very salty. You can also use herbal infusions for this ritual, for example, thistle, thyme or nettle.
    • Go around the entire house clockwise, sprinkling salt solution on the walls, every corner and door, while reading the following plot:

    During this ritual, windows and doors should be wide open so that negative energy can freely leave the house.

    How to reverse damage caused by salt and pepper

    Very often, ill-wishers resort to spoilage made with salt and pepper. In this case, the victim may find these attributes of a magical ritual at his door or in his personal belongings. Such damage must be removed as quickly as possible before it begins to act. To bring the negativity back, perform this ritual.

    For the ritual, it is necessary to collect water from three sources, for example, a river, a lake and a well. But just don’t use water from dirty, standing ponds. Also take any pebble and proceed in this order:

    • Place the collected water in one vessel and throw a pebble into it.
    • Then you need to light a candle and read the following plot:
    • It is necessary to wash the place where the lining was found with enchanted water. The stone must be left at your door for three days. During this time it cannot be removed from its place.
    • After three days, the pebble must be taken to the place where you found it. The damage caused now has no power over you and will return to its sender.

    How to return damage if you know its sender

    If you are absolutely sure that a specific person has sent damage to you, you can return it with the help of such a ritual.

    • Prepare a fresh homemade egg.
    • Roll out your entire body with this egg clockwise, while reading the following plot: “I collect the spoilage and put it in the egg! I return good luck and forget trouble!”
    • After this, the egg must be placed under the door of the one who caused the damage. You can also come up with another way to make the person who ordered the damage step over the egg. The main thing is to prevent this step from being taken by an innocent person, one of his relatives or acquaintances.
    • After this, the egg must be cracked and thrown into the toilet. The negative impact will go to its sender.

    When performing rituals to return damage, you need to be sure exactly who is to blame for this effect. If you return damage to an innocent person, you yourself will become the orderer of the damage and will be responsible for the harm caused.

    Before performing the ritual, it is advisable to forgive your offender, suppress anger and hatred towards him in your soul, the thirst for revenge and not think evil.

    If you are not exactly sure who exactly damaged you, it is better to remove the negative energy from your biofield and leave it to the discretion of the Higher Powers. They know better than you who it is intended for.

    This video will help you learn more about returning damage to the person who did it: