How to understand that you are a talented person. How can you easily identify your talent and make money from it? How to reveal your talent: methodology

Many people, from time to time, are concerned about the presence of talents in themselves, and the main difficulty is to figure out what exactly. My recipe is always the same: don’t guess, but take on everything and do it. There is no need to be afraid, no need to argue whether it will work out or not. This is exactly what I have been doing all my life, and every time I am surprised at how much I can do, how much I can like, and how much I still want to try.

There is only one difficulty here - any hint of talent needs to be turned into a skill, and this requires a large number of time. But not so much compared to the results that can be obtained when developing these skills.

My colleague Sergei Marchenko shares his thoughts about talent with you.

Now I know my talent...

For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in different areas: I went to different sports sections, creative clubs, studied various subjects in depth at school and university... In general, I was looking for “my thing,” I think like you.

And then one day, while actively engaged in personal development and increasing awareness, I realized that for this I needed to identify my talent. I looked for various methods, methods, techniques... But nothing suited me.

Then I, as a professional systems engineer, decided to combine the methods known to me and create my own method. And this is what I got...

For a full life, a person needs to determine its main aspect as early as possible - direction.

If a person has chosen the wrong direction, for example, doing anything just for the sake of money, then he can bring himself to stress and depression, because his activities will only cause irritation. Ultimately, a person will have to change direction in order to become happier and enjoy their activities and their results.

To find out in which direction you should develop, you need to identify your talent.

Talent- these are the unique characteristics of a person, formed at his birth and determining the subject area and specialization in which he must engage in activities, develop and bring the greatest benefit to our world, realizing his destiny.

Every person has talent from birth. They are a kind of “seed” from which a successful and useful person. But to become one, a person must work hard - “success consists of 10% talent and 90% labor.” From this follows one of the signs of talent: a job that you can do for a long time, successfully and without coercion corresponds to talent.

To find such a case, you need to get experience in various subject areas. With its help, you can determine what works better, what gives you more satisfaction, what brings more benefit to people. Experience will tell inclinations a person to perform certain tasks.

True talent can be discovered at any age, even if some success has already been achieved in completely different areas. For example, the great American mathematician John Nash did not like mathematics as a child. But later he was called a genius and awarded Nobel Prize for scientific works in game theory.

In some countries, there are traditions on how to determine a child's talent. For example, in India, various objects are laid out in front of the baby, for example, books, money, weapons, etc. What he crawls to and starts playing will be his area of ​​activity in the future.

To independently determine your personal talent, you can use the following method.

Write down the question “What are my tendencies?”, focus on your thoughts and write down absolutely any answers that arise in your head. The result should be a list of things you enjoy doing or would like to try.

Next you need to concentrate on emotions. Slowly reread the list of inclinations and imagine yourself doing it. Some items will evoke pleasant emotions. Write them down in a separate list, “Tendencies with Emotions.”

Next you need combine the resulting list into a single whole. You need to find connections between individual points and formulate what they have in common. The result should be a chain that cannot exist without one of the links.

The resultcombining inclinations that cause emotions into a single system will be the formulation of personal talent. It may consist of several abilities (organize, manage, control...) and subject areas that will complement each other. Write “My talent” on the sheet of paper and write down the resulting wording below.

For example, after applying this method, I received the following formulation of my talent:

Systematize knowledge about the world to create tools and organize processes that increase the efficiency and success of achieving goals, development and self-realization.

I will tell you more about talent and the new method of determining it in my free webinar “ How to determine your talent" To visit it go toNOWHERE.

Sincerely, Sergey Marchenko.

Professional coach and expert in systematic personal development

Boring job? Can't wait for the work day to end? When you learn how to identify your talent and use it, everything in your life will change!

1. How to determine your talent?
2. How to use your earning talent? Practical steps!

How to determine your talent?

You probably already know roughly about your talents, but don’t give them the importance they deserve. But in vain! After all, this is what distinguishes you from other people, this is your chance to break out in this life and achieve not only material well-being, but also inner happiness.

To determine your talent, answer just 2 questions:

1) what do you do really well?
2) what process gives you pleasure?

It will be better if you write down all the options that come to your mind. The more answers there are for each item, the better.

The answer to the first question is your “arsenal”, those means with which you can “promote your achievements”. For example, you can be really good at math, or analysis, or you are really good at computers, or you can speak beautifully, run fast, make the right decisions on the fly, etc.

The answer to the second question is the urge of your soul, what you are internally drawn to. Let's say you like to read detective stories, or you like to do some things with your own hands, or maybe you feel the excitement and inspiration from trading? Or you like to make people beautiful, or you like to tinker with cars, you love speed and drive a car masterfully, or maybe you like to take care of animals...

Now it remains to combine the first and second and find an area in which you can show your talents.

This will be your life purpose! And when you realize it, you will be able to show your talent to the fullest. What is talent?

According to Wikipedia, “Talent is an extraordinary ability that is unlocked through experience, creating a skill beyond the reach of most people that allows one to achieve the greatest success in its area of ​​expression.”¹.

To make it easier for you to choose your field, analyze which group (below) you include your hobbies and your “arsenal”.

These are people who know how to work physically and efficiently. They say about such people that they have golden hands. Some create brilliant paintings and sculptures, some carve wood, some create masterpieces from plastic bottle caps on the walls of their own houses, some are the best in decoration and construction, some sew designer items, make hand-made toys . And someone is able to disassemble and reassemble a car, after which even an old wreck will rush like new.

What activities can you choose for yourself in this category?

The most different ones, which are related to the actual (physical) result. This could be construction, agriculture, handicrafts, individual orders, art, painting, music...

These are people inclined to commerce, marketing, trade. Everything related to sales arouses their keen interest and excitement. As they say, such people have a commercial streak, they feel at home with the buyer like a fish in water, their task is to “sell at any cost.”

Professions in this area are sales consultant, trader, stock broker, network marketing specialist, etc.

Such people are prone to a variety of military and human rights activities. They feel comfortable when they have responsibility; their own status and the opportunity to interact with a large number of people are important to them. This is the police, military service, security, medical activity, various inspections, officials, diplomats and rulers. This also includes charitable activities– protection of animals, children, nature, the elderly, disabled people, etc.

The sphere of these people is intellectual activity. Teachers, educators, psychologists, programmers, coaches, detectives, etc. If you like to impart to others some knowledge that you possess, if you help people with this knowledge and feel satisfaction from it, this is your field.

Now just put all the data together!

Let's look at examples...

Let's say you're good with your hands, you can create beautiful things, and you enjoy working with animals. Which niche can you choose for yourself? As an option – services for cutting, hair styling, and decorating animals.

What if you are good at analysis, can work with your head, are you attracted to social activities, but also like to tinker with animals? In this case, you will become an excellent employee (or even organizer) of an animal relief fund.

As you can see, love for animals, if you have a different arsenal, can be shown in different ways.

You can become an animal hairdresser, you can treat animals, you can breed elite breeds, you can create nurseries for homeless cats and dogs, or you can catch these same homeless animals...

But this is just an example. Just collect all the variables and you can easily choose the direction to realize your talents.

How to use your earning talent? Practical steps!

To really start making money from your talents and turning them into a profitable business, and not just being content with a hobby during your vacation, do the following.

1. Think about what you can offer in your field that is not yet on the market? What zest can you add to your business? Write down as many options as you can think of.

2. Determine what actions you need to take to make your talent marketable. Write them down.

3. Think about what knowledge you need to implement the actions you have written down? Write it down.

Now comes the fun part! 15 minute rule!

Spend exactly 15 minutes every day learning what you need. In just a month you will see how far you have come in your direction.

And one more important point!

Take one action every day, even a small one, that will move you towards what you want. For example, one day look at what is offered online in your area. The next day, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your competitors. On the third step, study your target audience; to do this, you can visit thematic groups on social networks. Fourth, start studying marketing...

One small but daily action and 15 minutes devoted to the task will do more than you think. By the end of the first month, the results will amaze you!

What benefits will you get from this approach?

  • you won’t need to immediately leave your job and lose your source of income, you can do it when you see fit!
  • You yourself choose the most suitable pace of movement and growth for yourself!
  • You will quickly begin to move towards doing your job and being the best at it!
  • you will have inspiration and a surge of strength, a feeling of satisfaction and joy.
  • your business will slowly begin to bring you income! At first it will be additional income, but then nothing will stop you from turning it into permanent income.

And remember! Success comes only when a person follows his mission and fulfills his life purpose. Then it seems that fate itself picks you up and carries you in the right direction. These are the ones they talk about - the lucky ones. But now you become one of them!

And to make it even easier for you to identify your talent...

I will help you discover your life purpose, life mission and personal gift that will help you realize yourself! This will be your personal diagnosis! Follow the link now to

Very often we come across references to someone’s talent: the ability to sing, dance, paint, speak beautifully. Even just to love requires remarkable talent.

Often, when you look inside yourself in moments of thought and introspection, you come to the distressing conclusion: “I don’t have any special talents!” And this is completely wrong, because every person is talented in some way. How to find your talent, recognize your abilities, which to this day lie dormant in the depths of your soul and body?

What is talent

Initially, this word meant a measure of the weight of some valuables: gold, precious stones, coins. The expression “bury talent in the ground” came to us from the biblical parable of the three servants. Their owner left them a talent of gold and invited them to use these funds as they saw fit.

Two enterprising guys put their talents to work, however, one of them went bankrupt, but the other succeeded significantly and multiplied the owner’s capital tenfold. But the third, the most fearful and indecisive, simply buried his talent in the ground. He, of course, subsequently dug it up, but got nothing from it, having failed to take advantage of his talent.

Since then, those who were unable to discover their talent and use it are said to have buried it in the ground. How to determine your talent, and does it even exist in each specific case?

There is a lot of debate about the nature of abilities and many copies have been broken in various scientific discussions. Are our abilities innate or acquired? Most likely, we are given only the prerequisites for talent, and how we use them depends on the person and his environment.

Think for yourself, it doesn’t take very long for a tiny and helpless creature to transform into an adult! We learn to walk, talk, write, play ball, do somersaults, cook, derive formulas, drive a car, give birth to our own kind, invent a perpetual motion machine - and all this in less than 20 -25 years! This means that, if desired, you can develop other abilities in yourself.

We are looking for talents

Why do we come into this world? In order to do something that anyone else could not do, in order to leave, albeit small, but our own mark. When a person has been able to understand why he was born, he experiences a second birth. This is the discovery of talent, when abilities blossom and a powerful engine begins to operate within.

Our society’s stereotypes about human abilities:

  • If talent is not given from birth, it is useless to do anything. It is fundamentally wrong, because what is innate in us is only the ability to change, everything else is acquired abilities. The talent is not visible now - maybe it’s just dormant.
  • You can't make money from talent. And this statement is incorrect; it must be read from the end. Money comes by itself when you do something from the heart, investing your abilities in the matter.
  • You can immediately see a talented person - he is special and out of this world. No, these people are the same as everyone else. The only difference is that most often they live longer than others, because life is interesting for them and not boring.
  • It’s too late to start something at 30 (40, 65, 70...) years old. This is also a misconception; there are many examples where people at an advanced age discovered remarkable abilities in drawing, writing, and photography.

    Writer V. Voinovich, at the age of 66, unexpectedly began to write talented paintings, exhibited even in the Russian Museum. World-famous photojournalist Sergei Maximishin began to engage in photography only when he was 40 years old. Now he is a leading Russian photo reporter.

Stages of talent discovery

How to discover talent in yourself, is it possible to develop abilities practically from scratch? There is a certain path that all talented people go through at a different pace:
  1. A person with certain inclinations becomes interested in a certain area of ​​our life. He is simply interested in this topic, tries to learn something new, accumulates material and knowledge.
  2. At this stage, a person tries to copy other people's work; this is a deeper immersion.
  3. The next stage is characterized by attempts to create something of your own, something that no one has done before. It doesn’t matter in what area this happens: in computer design or felting felt boots, in blacksmithing or in growing new varieties of raspberries - if the soul is put into the process and as a result, original things appear, then talent has been born.

There are studies that have led researchers to the conclusion that three years is enough for a person at any age to develop competence in a new specialty. The only condition is that you need to actively engage in self-improvement and work on mastering new activities. In a word, you need to be passionate about this idea.

Step by step

How to determine your talent, how to know which direction to move in? Most often, it is recommended to look into your childhood and remember what you liked to do most then. In contrast to this advice, we can recall examples famous people who developed their talents when there was not the slightest hint of their existence.

The stuttering Demosthenes, who made speeches with pebbles in his mouth on the seashore and became a great orator, the frail boy Arnold Schwarzenegger, who became a famous bodybuilder, the sickly Sasha Suvorov, who became a great commander - they all put their souls into what later brought them fame and left them in history as very talented people.

Apparently the recipe is quite simple. How to reveal your talents - you need to put your soul into what you do, and the recognition of others will not keep you waiting. Psychologist K. Sheremetev proposed his own method, which he called “5 steps to your talent.” Here are its main provisions:

  1. You need to think about what brings great joy, and the process of doing this is more important than the result obtained.
  2. For creativity, to realize this joy, you need to set aside time every day.
  3. By attending master classes, clubs of like-minded people, studying the methods and techniques of their creativity, you can recharge yourself with inspiration.
  4. This step suggests copying elements and parts of the solutions and creative insights of recognized experts in the chosen field.
  5. At the last step, it is proposed to create not copies, but an interpretation of your own vision of the world.

In general, they say that the components of the formula for talent are ten percent of inclinations and ninety percent of work.

Talent test

How to discover your talent by passing a test, and is this even possible in principle? There is an opinion that talent cannot be measured or determined by offering a test to the subject. The argument is this: talent is non-standard in everything, and what test can measure non-standard approach using standard methods?

You can measure intelligence and memory, observation and the ability to think logically, but measure the ability to act in new ways this moment nothing yet. There is no such line, no such template.

Moreover, a person who wants to pass a talent test most likely has stereotyped thinking and is still far from demonstrating his abilities in full. A test that measures talent is an insoluble contradiction, a problem without a solution.

Talent can be measured by the novelty of ideas and solutions, and an equally talented person can feel this, but not a test compiled according to a template.

Let's not be like that limited character in the biblical parable, and let's try to fully realize what the soul tells a person. Talent can prolong life and give it meaning if it is systematically developed.

There are eight principles for determining all your unique abilities, callings, and talents.

How to identify your talents?

First principle. You will always be among the best, provided that you do what you love. If you had the opportunity, you would probably make it your hobby. Such work contributes to the revelation of the best and true pleasure.

Second principle. You are good at something. It feels like this job was specially created for you.

Third principle. Thanks to your talent you can get success and happiness. Also in early childhood you loved doing things and were rewarded for your success with high grades and praise from others.

Fourth principle. It comes easy to you. The training is so simple that you no longer remember how it all began. It’s just that one day you realized what exactly you can do well and freely.

Fifth principle. The activity you choose has your full attention. You just lose yourself in it. You love to think about it, read and learn something new. Like a moth flies to a flame, you are drawn to your favorite activity.

Sixth principle. You enjoy the process of improving in your business and learning something new and interesting.

Seventh principle. You devote all your time to your occupation, and you may not even eat or drink, or even do what you do day and night with this activity. This is because you are completely absorbed by it and seem to be transported to another reality, not noticing anything around you.

Eighth principle. You have real admiration and respect for those people who were able to achieve certain heights in what is your favorite activity. You strive to be like them, and even become better. If everything described above relates to your business, which you are either currently engaged in or have been engaged in in the past, then this can become a kind of guideline for your purpose in this world.

Remember, your talents are given to you from birth, and they can be developed. They are written in your subconscious. You were born to realize them all. Your task is to find all these abilities and talents within yourself, and develop them throughout your life.
Most skills can complement each other. It follows that you need to improve one skill so that you can then use another, already at a higher level. high level. Sometimes you will need to learn skills that you don't enjoy, but they are the price you pay for achieving excellence in your craft.

Usually, one skill may not be enough for you to increase productivity, productivity and profits several times over. You should probably perfect a given skill in a certain area so that you can then use other skills to their fullest potential. Please know that all business skills and abilities cannot be passed on genetically, but can only be developed by the person himself. And if you have any skill, then through it you can reveal your creative potential, and it can be developed with the help of long-term practice.

When you are asked what personal resources you have, what do you answer? Are you listing material goods - cars, apartments, amounts in accounts? Are you talking about your wonderful job or excellent health? Or maybe about your good friends and relatives who are always ready to help? Or start listing yours positive traits and skills? Are you sure that you know about all your talents and abilities, much less use them all?

My talents and abilities turned out to be almost the only resource that helped me overcome my midlife crisis. They are very important, especially in financially difficult times, when there is nothing else to rely on.

I offer you an exercise that will help you collect your abilities in a chest like treasure. If you are aware of all of them and you see them, you will be able to take out any of them as needed and use them to your advantage.

Exercise “Talent Chest”

By completing this exercise, you will assemble your identity, your “Self,” not only from what you know about yourself, but also from the opinions, observations, and projections of those around you. The exercise consists of four stages.

1. Make a list of your talents and abilities, dividing them into two parts: those you use and those you don’t use.

I use public speaking, literary, artistic and other skills. I hardly use my pedagogical and organizational skills. Because until recently I didn’t notice that I had them. And also because an internal critic prevents you from recognizing organizational abilities, prohibiting you from being powerful and dominating. For this internal critic, organizing something means commanding and managing people - there is an internal prohibition on this.

This exercise helped me see these abilities, and working with my inner critic helped me to appropriate them.

2. Send your friends a list with questions about you.

I suggest the following questions:

  1. If you were asked who (your name) is, what would you answer?
  2. What do you see as mine? strengths?
  3. What strengths am I not using? How could I use it?
  4. What are my weaknesses? What do you see as my zone of proximal development (talents that are felt and asking to be realized)?
  5. In what situation would you turn to me for help? Why? How could I help?
  6. What makes me unique?

The questionnaire must be sent to at least three friends. But the more people you know answer the questions, the better: you will learn more about yourself.

Some respondents should know you for more than 10-15 years - they will help you collect those talents that you showed in your youth, and then, perhaps, forgot.

Part - from one year to 10 years. They will discover those talents that exist now, but are poorly manifested.

And another part - new acquaintances. They don’t know you well yet and create an idea of ​​you from their projections. They will notice new talents that have appeared not so long ago and that are not visible to the “blurry” eye.

3. Analyze the information received.

Collect all the information received in an Excel spreadsheet and analyze it. You will see how third parties' opinions of you will enrich your self-image.

Answer these questions yourself too. The most important questions, in my opinion, are about untapped talents and the zone of proximal development. I had many valuable insights. For example, about the fact that I don’t use my acting skills or ability to achieve goals much. Or about my zones of proximal development - the ability to defend my boundaries and inner peace.