How to put a solid line in Word. Drawing lines in Microsoft Word

As you probably already understood, the Word text editor is a multifunctional program, and, perhaps, at first it is very in vainly underestimated by many users. Of course, in some cases it is still better to use the same Excel, but, in general, Word is able to cope with many tasks.

With its help, you can always draw up a document beautifully, making it seem deliberately businesslike, or, conversely, making it informal. You can work with tables, change the text style, etc. In addition, the Word interface is thought out to the smallest detail; it allows you to find the necessary tool for the job in a matter of seconds. By the way, you can even draw a line in Word if you suddenly need it. Actually, we’ll talk further about how to draw a line in Word.

Method one

In fact, in almost any controversial situation that arises in Word, there are several options for getting out of it. And this is very good, because each user can choose what he likes and suits him best. So, let's start with the first method, in my opinion, very simple and understandable to everyone.

Let's imagine that you have typed some text and you need to highlight it with an underscore. To do this, we do this: select the text, then in the “Home” tab on the toolbar we find the “Font” block. There are three buttons: bold, italic and underlined, and if you also need it, you can do this through another menu. Accordingly, just click on the last button, as shown in the screenshot below.

Method two

This method is even more functional. It will come in handy in situations when you want to draw one or more lines in any area of ​​the sheet, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s horizontal, vertical, crosswise, or something else. Do this:

  1. There is an "Insert" tab in the toolbar, open it.
  2. There is an “Illustrations” block, which has a “Shapes” button.
  3. By clicking on it, find a straight line among the proposed ones. Click on it the moment you need to insert a line into the text. Note that you will have to specify two points: where it will start and where it will end.

Method three

This text editor provides another tool that is useful for quickly creating lines. To draw a line, place the cursor in the desired location, then click on the “Borders” button, which is again located in the “Home” tab. After this, a horizontal line should appear across the entire width of the sheet.

I hope you liked one of these ways to draw a line in Word. Choose any one and feel free to experiment!

The Word editor provides the ability to work not only with symbols, but also with graphic images, which can be created using the program itself.

To demonstrate the importance of a certain piece of text, illustrate inscriptions, or set text separators in Word, lines are used - they can be located under the written text, emphasizing it, be a continuation of the text line, or be placed on free space on the page. As an example, let's try to draw a line in Word in several ways.

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Using Shapes

When designing text documents, lines are often required that are not drawn at the text level, representing some kind of graphic objects. To draw a line going in any direction:

  • In the “Insert” menu, select “Shapes” (in Word 2003, in the “Drawing” panel, click on the desired type of line);
  • In the “Lines” group of the menu that opens, select the desired line type;
  • Drag the mouse on the page from the beginning of the line to the end, or click the mouse in the desired place in the document (after which the drawn line can be moved to another place, changed its size, and also rotated).

Underlining text

If you need a line under the already typed text, you can use the underline option:

  • You need to select the text that needs to be underlined;
  • In the “Home” menu, in the “Font” group, click on the icon with the letter “H”. If you expand the list of lines by clicking on the arrow to the right of the icon, you can select the line type: wavy, double, dashed (for Word 2003 and below: select the same icon in the Formatting panel).

Simple horizontal line

To create forms with horizontal lines with nothing written above them, or to separate one piece of text from another, it is easier to draw a line using an underscore:

  • Place the cursor at the beginning of the line;
  • Hold down the "Shift" key and press the "_" sign until a line of the desired length is drawn.

Horizontal and vertical lines

To make the text stand out with lines not only at the bottom, but also on all sides, use the “Borders” tool, which allows you to set lines of horizontal and vertical orientation. To do this you will need:

  • Select the required text;
  • In the “Home” menu, in the “Paragraph” group, select the “Bottom Border” tool;
  • In the drop-down list, click on one of the border types (top, bottom, left, right). The selected text will be framed.

When using Microsoft Word, you need to know how to draw a line in Word. For these purposes, you can use the Borders function in word.

word boundaries

You are typing text and there comes a time when you need to draw a line separating it in the document. How to make an underline in Word without text?

One way: place the cursor in the desired place, press, without releasing, the shift key and at the same time, press the dash. Here you can choose the stroke length you need. This can be done automatically using Word boundaries.

They can be used in tables. To do this, place the cursor in the required place. Next, you need to click on Borders (in the formatting panel). Here we select - Lower border.

If you click on the top border, the line will be below the text. You can also click on “Add horizontal line”, which will create a gray line in a horizontal position.

By selecting the Outer Border command, we will create a frame in which we can type text.

If you no longer need the frame, place the cursor inside it and click on “Remove borders”.

Lines can also be drawn in many other ways. Let's look at 2 more of them.

Option 1. How to make a line directly under the text in Word? You have typed the text and now you need to draw a line under it. In this case, select all this text and click on the Ch icon in the panel, all the text will become underlined.

Option 2 - here we will learn how to make a line in Word without text. If you need a line anywhere in the text, and it can be not only horizontal, but also vertical, oblique, etc., then you need to go to the tab - Insert and select “Shapes” there, select the icon with the image of a straight line and install it in the required place, specifying its starting and ending points.

How to write above the line in word?

The Microsoft Word office program is good because one task can be solved in different ways.

Method one: you need to go to Page Layout, then click on the function - “Horizontal Line” and select the one you need, there are many options: wavy, flat, bold or dotted.

The second way is to draw using the "Drawing" tab. Select - Shapes - Lines. We select the option we need and install the line in the place we need.

Also, the third method has already been described above - we use the underscore.

These simple methods will make your work in Microsoft Word easier.

As you know, working in Word mainly involves the use of office text documents, contracts, official forms and forms, in which sometimes you need to leave an empty underlined space for signature. In general, the user’s needs may not be limited to just this. The scope of application of such underscores is much wider. But now we will talk specifically about how to make a line in Word for a signature. In the editor itself, you can use several simple tools that every user knows about.

How to make a line in Word for a signature? The simplest method

Anyone who has at least once encountered the Word text editor knows that a regular line can be created using keyboard symbols.

To do this, you just need to hold down the Shift key and then the hyphen (“-”) key. In this embodiment, the line can have an arbitrary length. The main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise when you move to a new line, it will automatically be converted to a bolder one and fill the entire width of the sheet.

Using tabs

Another simple way to solve the problem of how to make a line in Word for a signature involves using the so-called tabulator, in other words, the Tab key.

To create a continuous line, you must first set the underline by clicking on the corresponding button on the main panel (it is marked with the underlined letter “Ч” in the Russian version of the editor), or use the combination Ctrl + U, which is the same thing. Now it's a matter of small things. You just need to hold down the Shift key, click on the tabulator several times and create a line of the required length. It is worth noting here that such a line has a fixed length (this depends on what setting for tabulation is set in the parameters).

How to make a line under text in Word using a table?

Although the above methods allow you to create the necessary components in the form of lines, it is nevertheless impossible to enter text above them.

To create empty underlined space, you can use tables divided into several cells. For example, in the case of three cells, text may be entered on the right and left, and there will be empty space in the center for a signature or for entering additional text.

To make it look exactly like a line, all table borders need to be removed, leaving only the bottom border on the desired cell. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that when inserting a table in the middle of the text (when it is located both above and below), the vertical indentation between the cells will automatically be increased, which can lead to deterioration of readability or appearance document. Therefore, it is recommended to make such inserts at the end or use empty lines by pressing the enter key (similar to the type of divided paragraphs).

Graphical tools

Finally, the problem of how to make a line in Word for a signature can be solved using the drawing tools that are available in any version of the editor. To do this, use the appropriate section in which you select the straight line drawing tool.

In the text, it is enough to place the cursor at the starting point, then move it while holding down the left mouse button to the final position and release the button. You can change the length of the line by highlighting the element you are looking for, with a four-arrow icon appearing, and placing the pointer on one of the dots until a double arrow appears. The change is then made by stretching or compressing.

Instead of a total

In principle, as you can already see, creating a continuous line for a signature is not that difficult. Some, however, try to use the usual “-” symbol without holding down the Shift key, which only leads to the fact that the line turns out to be dotted, is located in vertical positioning strictly in the middle and simply spoils the appearance of the document. Therefore, it is better to use the above methods. If you don’t need to enter text in the empty space, a keyboard symbol or tabulator for lines of the same length will work fine, but if you need to enter additional symbols or letters, you can’t do without a table.

In ordinary text in Word, lines are used quite rarely, but you cannot do without them when drawing up various forms or forms. It is quite simple to underline a ready-made text, but when composing forms, you need to underline the empty space, and given that this form will be filled out electronically, ordinary underlining will not be enough. Next we will look at how to make a line in Word different ways, from which everyone can choose the appropriate option.

The easiest way to make a line under text in Word is to use the text underline menu. You can underline text and tabs in this way. But use such an underline to place a line in an empty space, i.e. creating fields for further text entry using such lines is extremely inconvenient. When text is written on such a line, an underline will be applied to it, but all further text will move, which can immediately disrupt the structure of the document.

To do such a simple underlining of text, you need to go to the tab "Home" In chapter "Font" find icon "Underline text", and click on it. The previously selected text will become underlined, and all further text you type will also be underlined.

If you click on the down arrow, you can choose different underline styles and even line color.

The next way to make a line in Word is to use the underscore character found on your keyboard. To do this, you need to hold down the key "Shift" and clicking the underscore icon «_» draw a line of the required length. But this line is also far from ideal. You won't be able to write on such a line in Word, and it doesn't match the level of regular text underlining.

A more suitable way to make a line in Word for a signature is to use a table cell in which you need to leave only the bottom border visible. In this case, some problems may arise with the positioning of an individual cell, but for the sake of being able to fill in the underlined area of ​​the document electronically, you can try. You just need to insert a table from one cell and configure its placement, size, and borders.

Well, the last way to draw a line in Word on which you can write is to simply draw the line as a separate object. To do this, go to the tab "Insert" and find the point "Shapes" In chapter "Illustrations". In the shapes we find a regular line, click on it and draw in the right place on the sheet. If you hold down the key while drawing a line "Shift", then the line will be horizontal. If necessary, the line can be further configured in the corresponding menu.