How to damage internal modules. Module shooting tactics

We present to your attention another interesting option skins penetration tanks World of Tanks - textures with marked vulnerabilities from Tankagroh.

To destroy an enemy in battle, you need to break through his armor and inflict damage until the tank’s “health” points run out. Some internal modules - fuel tanks, engine and ammunition storage - can speed up this process through fire or explosion. Tank armor is not equally strong everywhere and is easier to penetrate in some places. Knowing these tricks allows you to play more effectively. But, given the number of combat vehicles in the game, remembering all penetration zones is unrealistic. You may remember how to defeat your main opponents at one level or another, but a rare or new combat vehicle can cause a lot of problems. It is in this case that penetration skins with marked vulnerabilities and internal modules will be especially useful.

Skins from Tankagroh are made bright and visible from afar. All penetration zones are marked with intuitive icons that clearly show which module is hidden behind the armor at a given point. For example, “shells” indicate the ammunition rack and the ability to destroy a tank with one shot if it is critically damaged. Such skins are especially convenient when playing tank destroyers, when in battle you have time to take a closer look and take aim. But even in the turmoil of close combat, due to the bright and contrasting color fill, you will always know where the vulnerable spots are - just shoot at the colored squares.

The skins archive contains all tanks from level 5 to level 10. An accurate and up-to-date list can be seen in the vehicles folder for each nation.

Texture with weak spots on the E 75, a tier 9 German heavy tank:

The penetration skin is installed on the Soviet Tier 8 heavy tank IS-3. Intuitive icons are clearly visible:

During the 9.19 General Test, many players put in a lot of effort in Ranked Battles, fighting against opponents whose power increased with each rank they gained. But before the heat of passions reaches its climax (and this will definitely happen when the beta season of Ranked Battles begins), you can relax and think about how best to spend the bonds earned in the new mode.

For bonds (and only for them!) you can purchase pre-battle instructions and improved equipment, which are used both in random and ranked battles, clan battles, tournaments, etc., increasing the efficiency of your vehicle and crew. And now more details.

Advanced Equipment

In update 9.19, 6 types of advanced equipment will become available. They will work similarly to standard equipment, but with some differences: improved equipment will give a greater bonus to the parameters of the equipment it is installed on, and improved equipment does not have classes. In addition, it will not be possible to install standard and upgraded equipment of the same type at the same time. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously install a Rammer and an Experimental Loading System on a vehicle. When preparing your car for battle, you will have to choose one thing.

  • Powder gas removal system increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty, as well as all skills and abilities of crew members by 7.5%.
  • Stabilization equipment complex reduces dispersion when moving and when turning the turret by 25%.
  • Reduces reload time by 12.5%.
  • Wear-resistant aiming drives increase mixing speed by 12.5%.
  • Adjusted optics increases the viewing radius by 12.5%, but not more than 445 m.
  • Extended set of spare parts increases repair speed by 40%.

To install advanced equipment, simply left-click on the equipment slot in the Hangar and select the “Advanced Equipment” tab. Installed advanced equipment can be dismantled for gold and reinstalled on any vehicle that can be equipped with regular equipment of this type. For example, C powder gas removal system cannot be installed on equipment with an open deckhouse, and Experimental loading system cannot be installed on vehicles with a magazine loading system, such as Bat.-Châtillon 25 t, etc.

Pre-battle instructions

In addition to improved equipment, bonds can be used to purchase special personal reserves called pre-battle instructions: six to strengthen equipment and nine to improve crew skills and abilities. One pre-battle instruction is valid for one battle. Depending on the type, the pre-combat instruction increases the vehicle’s performance characteristics, enhances the learned or activates the unlearned skills of the crew.

Pre-battle instructions for equipment enhance the effect of installed equipment. For example, you installed a Rammer, Stabilizer and Coated Optics. Then you activate the pre-battle instruction for any of the installed equipment - and in the next battle, the piece of equipment you have chosen will fulfill its role even more effectively.

To install pre-battle instructions, select the required one and click on it - if there is a sufficient number of bonds, it will be purchased. To avoid unintentionally wasting bonds on pre-battle instructions, the automatic replenishment option is disabled by default. If necessary, it can be activated - and after the end of the battle, the pre-battle instructions that were used in the battle will be automatically replenished.

Depending on the type, the cost of improved equipment ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 bonds, and pre-combat instructions - from 2 to 12 bonds. Bonuses will be awarded at the end of each stage (their number depends on the rank obtained) and at the end of the season (their number depends on the position taken in the ranking). For example, if you complete a stage at rank IV, you will receive 400 bonds. For rank III you will receive 300 bonds, for rank II - 200, and rank V will give you 500 bonds. If you remain at rank I, you will receive 100 bonds. If you are among the top 10% of players in the ranking, you will receive 5750 bonds. Players in the next 15% will receive 3,250 bonds. And those who fall into the next 25% will earn 1,500 bonds.

During the Ranked Battles beta season, we will be closely monitoring statistics and your feedback on improved equipment and pre-battle instructions. We will analyze the collected information and, if necessary, change their cost, effect and terms of use. Of course, as always, we will keep you updated on any changes.

Now, after reviewing the new products that can be purchased with bonds, it’s time to concentrate before the start of the Ranked Battles beta season. Gain ranks and earn bonds to use pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment to maximize your effectiveness in battle!

With each shot, you should understand where the fired projectile will hit. The hits should not only take away health units from the enemy tank, but also disable the modules one by one.

This is the essence of the module shooting tactics that we will talk about today.

Why is it important to shoot at modules?

To answer the question why aim at modules, let's give a simple example.

How much do you think the chance of winning in a single confrontation against an enemy tank that is two levels higher than your combat vehicle will increase if you disable one of the modules with the first shot? Disabling a gun barrel module with your first shot will automatically provide you with a chance of victory of at least 86%. Just think about these numbers. By hitting the tank module correctly once, you guarantee yourself victory. All further shots from the enemy will bring him practically no results.

Today World game of Tanks offers all players various opportunities to realize their own tactical advantage. The vast majority of players try to win by being the first to shoot as much damage as possible. In the fight against the same tankers, this type of tactics often brings positive results.

However professional tankers use modular shooting tactics enemy tank. As can be seen from the example described above, a single hit by a projectile in the right place is enough to prevent loss for yourself.

Which modules are easier to break through?

When playing hit-by-module tactics, it is important to understand which shots are effective and which are not for the current combat situation.

  1. So, if you have an enemy in front of you with a tank destroyer, the decisive factor in ensuring victory over him will be the defeat of the chassis module.
  2. For heavy tanks, it can be driven, thereby reducing the time it takes to turn. This will make it easy to spin the enemy into a tank carousel.
  3. Light tanks and self-propelled guns are best penetrated by high-explosive fragmentation shells. This will allow you to increase the likelihood of damaging modules even if you miss the point where the module is located, but hitting the tank itself, of course (although splinters from special damage can also damage the tank’s mods).
  4. As for medium tanks in World of Tanks and modules that are critical for them, the site recommends shooting at the crew locations. First of all, the driver and commander, and then target the ammunition rack.

How to get into modules

The given examples and small analytics show how important it is to have tactics for breaking through tank modules in your arsenal. Remember, knowing how to use tactics is a must, but using them is at your discretion. If you know perfectly placement of modules and crew leading combat vehicles in World of Tanks and be able to hit them with the first shot, this skill will come in handy sooner or later. You will begin to wonder how, in a seemingly hopeless game situation, you can win using module shooting tactics. Set a goal for yourself to play at least 5 random battles every day to improve this

Armor Inspector is an application for World of Tanks game, including PC, Blitz and Console versions. Armor Inspector is available online, on mobiles iOS/Android and on PC.

Armor Inspector can show you armor thickness models (World of Tanks collision models), displays crew and modules locations, including ammo racks, fuel tanks, engines. It has penetration calculator that helps you understand why and how you can penetrate the enemy tank.

There are also more functions in the app, besides just pen calculator and modules locations. The app can show World of Tanks visual models, complete tanks specs, can show and estimate damage from HE ammo, can estimate ramming damage and more. With the Armor Inspector you can compare WoT tanks and check the difference visually in armor and specs.

how to use armor inspector

There is a menu on the left where you can select the app mode.

X-ray allows you to see the WoT collision models, WoT modules locations and WoT visual models. Here you can check the thickness of every armor plate.

Confrontation helps you learn WoT penetration mechanics. Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point. The app shows all tank weak spots interactively.

Collision is for measuring how much damage you can deal (and take) by ramming.

Don"t forget to set the game version in the Settings, whether it"s PC, Blitz or Console.

is it free?

The basic tools can be tried for free. However we are two players and we"re not backed by Wargaming in any way and have to extract and find all the information ourselves. It cost us a tremendous amount of time and money to make this app for your and also it costs us money to operate this website and serve the HD data for the app.

X-ray mode is available to everyone for free. Confrontation has high tier tanks locked. Collision mode has some nations locked.