How to roll out ready-made yeast pizza dough. Secrets of making pizza dough

A good dish for meeting guests, for a Saturday evening or just a tasty snack. Anyone can make delicious pizza using this simple recipe. And even more so to enjoy it in someone’s company while watching a good movie.

What do you need?
Dough 0.7 kg.
Sausage (2 types, boiled and served) 300 gr.
Tomatoes 3-4 pcs.
Bell pepper 1 pc.
Pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs.
Cheese 150-200 grams

How many servings can you get?
In our case, 12-15 pieces came out. Depends on the size of the piece, the amount of dough, the thickness of the dough layer, as well as the size of the baking sheet.

What can I add?
Greens - dill, green onions (just not too much), basil, marjoram, rosemary.
Spices and seasonings - salt, paprika, after the ingredients are laid out on the dough, but not yet covered with cheese.

Pizza making process

Considering that pizza consists of several global components, such as a dough base, filling, grated cheese. Then our pizza making process will be divided into the following stages.

Preparing the pizza base.

We have already written about how to prepare store-bought dough.
But you can repeat the main points.

The dough should be placed in a bowl/vessel, kneaded first and left to rise, after 1-2 hours knead again, after about an hour you can cook.

If the dough is frozen, you should wait until it melts, and then work as usual.

Preparing pizza toppings.

If you use the listed ingredients, then they do not really need preliminary heat treatment.

In this case, preparing the filling comes down to cutting all the ingredients. It is not necessary to follow the cutting order, except that it is better to cut the tomatoes last, otherwise they will give a lot of juice.

Cut the sausage into cubes. Since this is a simple recipe, you can get by with just one type of sausage. But several are more interesting, so we took boiled and smoked (almost any cervelat will do).

Before cutting the bell pepper, you should rinse it and remove the center with the seeds (either with a circular motion of the knife, or cut in half and remove from each half). It doesn’t hurt to rinse it with cold water again and after that you can safely chop it into cubes.

Grate the cheese, either on a coarse grater or finely. Coarsely grated cheese looks better on pizza, baked with a kind of mesh. And the smaller the chips, the more they will melt in the oven. Therefore, the choice here is for everyone.

If you spend a lot of time preparing the pizza toppings, then it is also advisable to grate the cheese towards the end. Because as usual it dries out.

Tomatoes, like any other vegetables, should be washed before slicing, and the crust should be removed at the point of attachment to the bush (with a triangular cut). And cut into pieces of the same size.

Let's cook the pizza in the oven.

Grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil to prevent burning.

At this point, you can already preheat the oven by turning on 180-200°C (flame slightly above average) 15 minutes before placing the baking sheet with pizza there.

Roll out the pizza base dough.

The risen dough should be kneaded before cooking. To roll it out properly you will need wheat flour. You should sprinkle it on the surface where you will turn the dough into a thin layer, as well as on your hands and rolling pin, so that it does not stick or tear.

After using longitudinal and transverse movements of the rolling pin, roll out our dough into a pancake 0.5-1 cm thick (preferably less than 1 cm). It is advisable not to make a thick pizza base. Otherwise, the taste of the dough will interrupt the taste of the filling.

And transfer our “pancake” to a baking sheet, for which you can wrap it on a rock and unwind it on the baking sheet. This way you will maintain its integrity and protect it from stretching and tearing.

Then, layer by layer, place all the components of our filling evenly on the rolled out dough, fold the edges and sprinkle with seasonings, herbs and grated cheese.

The recommended order is boiled sausage, cucumbers, peppers, smoked sausage, tomatoes and cheese on top. In fact, this is just called layer by layer, in fact, all the products are located approximately in the same plane, otherwise the pizza would be very thick.

The folded edge can be greased with oil.

Baking pizza in the oven.

After all the operations done, put the baking sheet with our pizza in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, until the dough is baked (the thinner the dough, the less time).

Once the pizza is ready, remove it from the oven and place it on a cutting board. Cover with waterproof paper and a towel on top. Let it sit for 10 minutes. This will make the crust softer. Then you can cut and enjoy.

Done, enjoy!

Video recipe from our Youtube channel.

What to serve with?

Pizza is well complemented with sauces or ketchup.

How can you diversify this simple recipe?

For vegetables, in addition to tomatoes and bell peppers, you can use onions, both onions and greens. Bell peppers can be used in red, orange, yellow to add color.

The shape of the cut can also enhance some aspects of the taste, for example, a tomato cut into plastic, or onions and peppers into strips or rings will change not only the appearance.

You can make pizza with mushrooms, for which you should first fry them, or even better, fry them with onions.

Instead of (or in addition to) sausage, you can make pizza with pieces of meat, which also needs to be prepared in advance.

There are pizzas with fish, in particular with anchovies. If you use canned anchovies, you do not need to cook them additionally.

Various minced meats and vegetables can also be used in making pizzas.

You can even see the ingredients of pizzas on the websites where you can order them. I looked at the ingredients and prepared it myself. It will be tastier and healthier.

We hope that the simple oven-baked pizza recipe was to your liking.

Over several years of making pizza, I have perfected the process to the point where the pizza always turns out delicious. My favorite dish of the day. It is always received with a bang, always liked and looks bright and summery on the table. I'll tell you about the small details that I came to during my experiments with cooking and baking. How to make pizza delicious? Read below the cut.

Pizza (for 2 pieces, diameter ~25 cm)

1/2 cup water
1 tbsp olive oil
1/3 tsp. salt
1 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp dry yeast (such as saffron and the like)
flour (baking type) how much dough will it take

2 large ripe tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
~ 200-250 g ham
~ 300-400 g mozzarella cheese (I use German mozzarella, which is sold in solid form)

Dissolve yeast in water, add salt, sugar, butter. Add flour little by little and knead into a medium-firm dough. Leave to rise for 3-4 hours, cover with a towel and grease the surface of the dough with olive oil (during this time, lightly knead a couple of times when it doubles in volume).

Place finely chopped tomatoes in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, cover with a lid and simmer them over medium heat for about 15 minutes, add a little salt, season with Italian herbs (I already have a ready-made mixture in the mill - rosemary, thyme, paprika, pink pepper, basil). Let cool.
Finely chop the ham.
Divide the dough into 2 parts.
Chip #1. Do not roll out the pizza dough, but spread it with your hands on the table into a flat cake, and then stretch it with your hands (in weight) into a pancake. Don’t make it super thin, 4-5 mm (but! aiming for 3m) is quite enough, it shouldn’t be transparent. Stretch it carefully, without tearing the dough. Here everything needs to be done calmly, gradually and meditatively :) Don’t be sad that your thickness is slightly uneven; after baking you won’t feel it. And over time everything will work out. If the stretched cake turns out to be lopsided and crooked, place it on foil and stretch it, adjust it. Pros do not recommend rolling out pizza dough for the reason that the airiness of the dough is disrupted, squeezing out all the air bubbles from it with a rolling pin, it becomes rough and lifeless. I tried it once and gave up on it, saying it was too painful.
After some time, I returned to this process after watching videos on YouTube (look for them, there are a lot of them). Below is one of them. The only difference is that first the person rolls out the dough with a rolling pin (in the case of pizza, this is not necessary, I repeat again!). Skip to 2:50 minutes and see the technology of stretching the dough in your hands.

You can see how to make a flatbread on the table with your hands here. Just don’t feel complex about your slow speed! I don’t do it as quickly and deftly yet, but I’m not as slow as before. In general, speed comes with experience. Comrade practiced this day and night, but now he probably quietly hates pizza)))

Place the prepared flatbread on foil greased with vegetable oil, spread half of the tomato sauce, squeeze the garlic through a press, distribute over the surface, lay out the ham and bake for about 15 minutes. (the sides of the pizza will begin to brown slightly (by the way, I make it without sides and edges at all, distributing the filling to the edges, but there is still a small part of the dough left somewhere, and I draw conclusions)).
Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, after 15 minutes, remove the pizza, sprinkle with cheese and place in the oven for another 5 minutes until the cheese begins to turn golden.
Chip #2 for those baking in the oven: bake in a very hot oven (up to 230 C) and on a wire rack lined with foil. In addition to the baking sheet (I don’t know about your ovens, I’m speaking for mine) there is also a wire rack. By the way, you can bake 1 pizza on a wire rack and 1 on a baking sheet and feel the difference. I had it and it was very strong. On the baking sheet: the dough has risen greatly and it turns out to be a pie, on the wire rack there is a crispy crust and a thin soft crumb.
Not everything is as scary-long-boring as described. For 3 weeks on weekends I did it this way, and then everything went smoothly :)
And also my favorite pizza topping: instead of tomato sauce, pesto (bake for 15 minutes) and then cheese. And even the most demanding boys, who don’t understand food without meat and ham, eat it first. I really didn’t expect it! Give it a try. But there is no photo of it (I’m telling you, they eat it instantly.

I won’t be mistaken if I say that absolutely everyone loves pizza - meat, mushroom, with white or red sauce, more cheese or vegetables, with or without sides. And, of course, many tried to make it at home. And if there are no questions at all with the filling, then the recipe for a good dough is like the biggest secret.

In two weeks, I tried more than 10 pizzas in search of the right dough that will turn out every time for anyone who tries to make it. Here it is, a simple recipe for the best pizza dough.

Water - 125 ml.
Yeast - 1.25 tsp.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Flour - 200-250 gr.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp.


An important point - flour matters! Use the best flour you can afford. The right flour is, of course, preferably Italian, grade 00 (zero-zero). But with the right approach, the dough will be good even from the simplest flour.

First we prepare the yeast. I used the regular ones in the bag. We dilute them in 125 ml of warm water. You can also add a spoonful of sugar there, so the yeast will start working faster.

After 10 minutes you can start preparing the dough. To do this, pour the flour into a cup (this makes it easier to cook and less cleanup later). First add 200 grams, if necessary it is better to add later than to dilute with plain water. Add a spoonful of salt. Make a well in the center of the slide and pour all the yeast liquid into it.

Mix the mixture well with a fork, and then begin to knead the dough with your hands, collecting lumps from the walls. Pass the dough between your fingers and fold it again and again.

Look here, the dough should be a little sticky, not dry. If necessary, add flour in pinches. When the dough comes together confidently, pour in the olive oil evenly. And mix the dough well again. Don't rush to add flour, the dough will seem liquid/sticky at first, keep stirring.

And now the most important secret, keep kneading the dough. 10 minutes minimum. Just roll it out a little with the palm of your hand, fold it in half and roll it out again. Without any extra flour or anything, it will become very elastic and very smooth. Look at the photo, see how it became smooth from the previous step? I didn't do anything except knead.

Cover with a damp towel and put in a warm place (maybe near a radiator) for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, the dough will approximately double in size and become even smoother and “fluffy” (airy).

Now just place it on a surface dusted with flour and roll out the future pizza to a thickness of 2-3 mm. If you like pizza with sides, just make small tucks around the perimeter. From the specified amount of ingredients you can roll out a pizza of about 30 cm or a couple of small ones.

The main rule of pizza is the maximum possible temperature, minimum time. Therefore, feel free to set the highest temperature available in your oven. It is best to bake on the lowest shelf - then the dough on the bottom will brown faster than the top, which is more tender due to the vegetables and cheese.

Pizza Margherita

I really love pizza! As they say in such cases, most likely in a past life I was Italian! I made about 6 pizzas last week. I was looking for the right dough recipe and filling. I promise there will be a lot of pizza recipes, but it's always good to start with basic recipes to understand how and why the ingredients interact.

Pizza dough
Mozzarella - 100 gr.
Basil - 6-8 leaves
Tomato sauce - 3-4 tbsp.
Tomato - 1 pc.


I’ll answer the very first question right away - use anything and in any combination. If we are not talking about Margarita, then use any products that you will have left over after the work week. These can be pieces of meat, sausages, herbs, vegetables, cheeses, mushrooms and so on.

Set aside the dough, tomato sauce and herbs.

Now let's prepare the filling. Cut the tomatoes into thin rings. And yes, cut all the ingredients thinner - after all, the pizza takes 3-4 minutes to cook and we don’t need half-cooked vegetables. But we cut the cheese into thick bars 1 cm thick. I always use Mozzarella, let’s say this is a cheese that is very resistant to temperatures - that is, it melts slowly and you have to wait a very long time until it starts to boil - this is to our advantage.

When all the filling is prepared, proceed to the dough. Dust the table with flour and roll out the ball into a thin layer, no more than 3 mm thick. I do this: I move the rolling pin in one direction, turn it over, sprinkle it with flour and move the rolling pin in the opposite direction. And so on several times. This way the shape will be round and not elongated (if you roll in one direction). You don't need a lot of flour, just run a dusty hand over the surface of the dough. Next, I use a plate to keep the pizza shape as round as possible. You can skip this step. Carefully transfer the finished dough onto parchment (or roll it out directly onto it).

Place spoons of tomato sauce in the center of the dough - here take whatever you like best, preferably, of course, with herbs, garlic, pepper and quite thick, you can take good quality tomato paste. And spread it with a spoon. If you like pizza with sides, fold the edges of the dough around the perimeter. In any case, do not go all the way to the edge of the pizza.

Next, randomly scatter the pieces of cheese. There are two classic ways - cheese on top of the entire filling and at the very bottom (on the sauce). The second option is better - the cheese, as it were, holds the filling together and connects the crust with the filling so that it does not slip off.

On top of the grass (half) and tomato rings. Pepper, spices and a couple more pieces of cheese on top.

Preheat the oven to maximum. Transfer the pizza with parchment to a hot baking sheet (let it sit in the oven for about 10 minutes before transferring the pizza onto it) and bake on the lowest shelf for 3-6 minutes. During this time, the cake will begin to become golden brown and the filling will be ready. The indicator here is cheese. It begins to melt and almost loses its shape, but has not yet turned into a puddle.

Let the finished pizza cool slightly, just a minute. Cut with a special knife (see photo). Don’t listen to anyone, no semicircular knives, much less simple kitchen knives, will cut pizza so neatly. But it is important for us that the filling does not fall apart or move out. I sprinkle fresh herbs on top (we didn’t use some).

And of course, pizza should be eaten with your hands (folding the triangle in half) with good wine and your favorite people!)

By the way, from the leftover dough you can make excellent rings that will remain tasty even the next day. Since you ask for the recipe, I’ll tell you, there’s nothing complicated here.

Roll the remaining dough into a ball and roll it out again with a rolling pin into a layer. Here, see for yourself, the principle is like pies - whatever size you want, make such layers of dough. I got it to be about 16 cm in diameter. Place the filling in the center of the layer - again, anything: sauce, cheeses, herbs, meat, and so on.

And fold the edges of the dough towards the center, pinching the seam. Look at the photo, everything should be clear. Bake the same as pizza on a baking sheet with parchment, but on the central shelf until a golden crust appears.

Let the finished ring cool slightly and serve. They will easily last overnight in an airtight container. They taste a little juicier than pizza because the filling simmers inside the dough, which is tender on the inside and crispy on the outside. A really good replacement for the usual pies.

Hi all! Have you tried making pizza at home? I cook it often for my family and they really like it. I usually make several small pieces at once with different fillings.

We, of course, are not Italians, but I think we can quite handle this type of pie. After all, in essence, it is also dough with various fillings laid out on top. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

I already wrote about how to cook, because there was nothing complicated about preparing the dough?

Here, too, it is quite easy and quick to prepare. So today I will tell you how to properly prepare this dough. And as usual, there are several recipes to choose from. See also recipes on how to cook.

It is advisable to sift the flour through a sieve before cooking, so it will be more loose. This tip is for making any dough made from flour.

The dough is very thin and cooks really quickly.


  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 4 teaspoons

1. Break an egg, add sugar and salt, stir.

2. Add vegetable oil there.

4. Mix this mass with the dough, slowly pouring and stirring.

It is better to take the highest grade flour.

5. Knead the dough with your hands. The dough should not be sticky.

6. Divide the dough into two parts and roll out. You can put the second part in the refrigerator for now and make pizza from it later.

7. Place the rolled out dough into the prepared baking dish.

Now you can put any filling on the dough.

Quick recipe for cooking with kefir

Try another recipe for five minutes.


  • Flour - 400 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add salt and soda. Let it brew for 5 minutes.

2. Break the eggs into it and mix.

3. Pour the oil into it and stir again.

4. Gradually add flour to the dough, stirring.

5. Mix it with your hands until it becomes thick.

6. Cover and let stand for 20 minutes.

Well, it’s ready, you can roll it out and add the filling.

Video on how to make delicious yeast pizza dough

I found this video on yuotube. The composition of the products here is selected for one serving.


  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • Dry yeast - 1 teaspoon
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt, vegetable oil

Now let's watch the video recipe

There are a lot of positive reviews, I think it's worth a try.

Classic step-by-step recipe for cooking with yeast

It is suitable for both thin and thick pizzas.


  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 25 gr.
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon

1. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk and add sugar. Then leave for 10-15 minutes. Foam should appear on the surface of the milk.

2. Then add eggs, salt and butter. Mix everything properly.

Olive oil works best for this test.

3. Then add flour there in parts, stirring.

4. Stir the dough with a spoon, and when it becomes thicker, knead with your hands until it becomes homogeneous.

5. Cover it with something and place it in a dry, warm place for an hour so that it does not rise to about twice its size.

6. This is how it should increase. Divide it into several parts and roll it out.

If you want to roll out thin pizza dough, then roll it out to a thickness of 1-1.5 mm, brush with sauce or olive oil, add the filling and place in the oven.

If you want a thick base, then roll it out to 3 mm; in the oven it will increase by half.

And you can choose any filling that comes to mind - with cheese, with sausage, ham, add cucumbers, tomatoes, with seafood, with different sauces - whatever your imagination requires.

I hope you found my recipes and recommendations useful. I look forward to your comments. And that's all for now. Good luck to you.

Pizza is an Italian dish. And Italians are jealous of the dishes of their cuisine and “suffer” very much when their national dishes are prepared in violation of the recipe. The “correct” pizza should be prepared taking into account certain basics of preparing Neapolitan pizza, because this city is recognized as the historical birthplace of pizza. Today, there are many recipes and descriptions of making pizza, various methods of processing the dough and the quantitative ratio of ingredients. We will tell you how to make delicious pizza.

There are three types of classic Neapolitan pizza:

  • Margarita
  • Margarita Extra
  • Marinara

The margherita is made with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil. Margarita Extra is prepared with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. And when preparing Marinara, tomatoes, oregano, olive oil and garlic are used.

Neapolitan pizza should be round in shape, with a diameter not exceeding 35 cm. The dough should not be thicker than a third of a centimeter, and the edges of the pizza should not be more than 2 cm. The type of flour from which the dough is made, the salt used, yeast and tomatoes are specifically specified. which are used in preparation. According to the recommendation of Neapolitan chefs, pizza dough must be rotated in your hands and tossed, but not rolled out. It is interesting to note that the rolling pin is declared a blasphemous tool, and cooking with it is declared a heretical method.

How to make the right dough and pizza pan?

Products for the test:

  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • yeast

Cooking sequence:

  1. Make a “well” of flour on a clean table surface, in the center of which place salt, olive oil and yeast, the amount of which should correspond to the instructions on the package.
  2. Pour water into the center of the “well” (if necessary, pour in parts), stir and begin to move the flour from the inner edges of the “well” to the middle, stirring constantly.
  3. When you have a still liquid, but already stable dough in the center, knead the rest of the flour into it from the edges of the “well”, and continue kneading for 10 minutes until the dough becomes firm and elastic. Cover it and let it sit for at least half an hour.
  4. Start preheating the oven to 250 degrees. It's best to bake your pizza on a stone stove; if you don't have one, at least put a couple of bricks in the oven to create a more "proper" heat.
  5. While the dough is gaining strength and the oven is warming up, it’s time to start filling.
  6. Divide the dough into 2 parts and knead each half thoroughly, and then begin to turn it - with your hands, without a rolling pin - into a round flat pancake about 5 mm thick or even a little less. It's not difficult, and you don't have to worry too much about getting the dough into a perfectly round shape—the jagged edges have their own charm.
  7. Then spread a layer of toppings over the pizza base, leaving an inch or so around the edges. Bake the pizza on the rack for 10 minutes. Ready!

Elements of a perfect pizza

Ideal pizza dough

To make pizza, Italians use special flour with a high gluten content. If you don’t find one, use first grade wheat flour. The famous Jamie Oliver recommends mixing wheat flour with a small amount of semolina. In his opinion, by resorting to this technique, you will get the ideal texture of the pizza base.

The authoritative organization AVPN (Associazione Vera Pizza Napoletana), which has taken on the mission of monitoring compliance with the real Neapolitan pizza recipe, allows only four ingredients in the dough: flour, water, salt and yeast. Outlaw turns out to be olive oil. If you are not a supporter of strict rules, then do not be afraid to add a little milk or vegetable oil to the flour - the dough will still be more elastic.

To knead the dough properly, press it well with your knuckles clenched into a fist. If the dough springs back, let it rest on the work surface for about five minutes, and then start kneading again. Many famous chefs suggest that pizza dough benefits from being kneaded in advance and left to rest, for example, the whole night. The risen dough, folded into a ball, must be pressed well with your palms. The dough is then stretched by hand or rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of approximately 0.5 cm.

Sauce for delicious pizza

The sauce is used to give pizza a special taste. The most commonly used sauces are tomato, mushroom, white and horseradish sauce. Garlic or sour cream sauce goes best with salty pizza. Tomato sauce should not be served with this pizza, since the basis for salty pizza is tomato.

Sauce based on sour cream or mayonnaise very well complements the taste of pizza with fish, vegetables or sausage. If the pizza is with mushrooms or rice, then soy sauce is best.

Pizza toppings

The filling for pizza can be almost anything: fish, meat, poultry, cottage cheese and other products. The only thing that cannot be excluded from pizza is cheese. Pizza without cheese will turn out to be a regular savory pie. A few words about choosing cheese for the filling: do not use cheddar or semi-hard cheeses with a low melting point. Mozzarella is ideal for pizza.

Make sure that the filling is evenly distributed over the surface of the base, do not pile everything in the center of the pizza - this affects the speed of its baking. Don't make the filling layer too thick. If you don't want to see burnt spinach, fresh basil leaves, pepperoni, ham, bacon or garlic, always place them under the top layer of grated cheese.

Ideal conditions

The main advantage of pizza is that in the process of preparing it you can give free rein to your imagination and the ordinary process of cooking can become creative. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment, because sometimes the most unusual flavor combinations can become a culinary masterpiece.

At home, pizza can be baked in a frying pan or baking tray. It is advisable to take a frying pan with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm. If you choose a baking sheet, do not forget to grease it with vegetable oil first. If you are making sweet pizza, you can grease it with cooking oil. And if you sprinkle the fat with flour, the pizza will not burn. It is not necessary to roll out the pizza base; you can simply stretch it over the surface with your fingers. Then let it stand for 7 - 10 minutes, after which the base can be put in the oven.

If you prefer a frying pan, then similarly, do not forget to grease it with oil and sprinkle with flour or semolina. According to the rules, the dough is first baked without filling. The cake should be baked so that there is a crust on top, but the cake itself is still raw inside. The crust can be thin or thick. A thin cake takes about half an hour to prepare, a thick cake takes almost twice as long. Cooking time also depends on the composition of the filling.

Making the Perfect Margarita

In real Italian pizza, the most important thing is the dough. And the filling depends on the wild imagination of the chef.

For the test you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of flour
  • 700 milliliters of water
  • 15 grams of yeast
  • 1 tablespoon ground sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons excellent olive oil (extra virgin)

Cooking sequence

  1. First you need a clean and dry table. It is best if it is made of stone. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with stone countertops. First of all, we pour the flour onto the table, sprinkle it with a spoon of sea salt and make a crater with the diameter of a small plate.
  2. We dilute yeast in warm water at room temperature. Temperature is very important. The best option is about 25 degrees. If the water is too cold or too hot, it will kill the yeast.
  3. As soon as the yeast has dissolved in the water, we pour it into the crater, add a spoonful of olive oil and start stirring with a fork, gradually scooping all the flour into the yeast slurry.
  4. When the dough becomes more or less dense and you understand that you can’t beat it with a fork, you need to start kneading with your hands. There are several secrets here:

First of all, dough loves your hands. And the more tenderly, lovingly and diligently you knead the dough, the tastier it will turn out.

Secondly, the dough needs to be kneaded like this: put a lump (or whatever you got) on the table, support the dough with your left hand from behind, lift it with your right hand, wrap it and roll it from your fist almost to your wrist. Then turn the dough clockwise and repeat the procedure.

Important: The dough must not be turned over. It needs to be turned constantly in one direction. Then it mixes evenly and creates a beautiful round lump. Which is exactly what we are trying to achieve.

  1. The dough needs to be kneaded for 7-10 minutes until it reaches an even consistency. If it starts to stick, then you dip your hands in flour, rub the dough with them and knead further. There is no need to add additional flour, otherwise you will make the dough too stiff.
  2. After 10 minutes of working out the hand and wrist, you need to form an absolutely round lump and divide it into pieces so that each piece weighs about 100 grams - this is enough to make a medium-diameter pizza.
  3. We again form each of the pieces into even balls and place them on the table at a distance of at least 5-7 cm from each other. Cover the balls with a damp towel and wait until the dough rises.

It's important to keep the towel damp, otherwise the dough will dry out quickly and crack when you try to roll it out.

  1. Meanwhile, prepare the ingredients for the “coating”. In our case, it's tomato sauce, green basil, grated mozzarella cheese, oregano and olive oil with garlic.
  2. Before you get ready to knead the dough, you need to prepare the “garlic butter.” We peel one clove of garlic, cut it into slices, pour in olive oil and leave for 30-60 minutes so that the oil absorbs the garlic spirit. If you are a spicy or lemon lover, you can use hot pepper or lemon.
  3. Once the dough has risen, you take it with a spatula and place it on a lightly floured countertop. First, you need to knead your ball with your hands and create a flat cake. Then the cake needs to be rolled out with a rolling pin until the thickness of the sheet is several millimeters.

Important: If you made a round ball, then carefully collected it with a spatula, transformed it with your fingers into a perfect flatbread, rolled it out evenly a couple of times throughout, turning it over and wiping the top surface with flour, then you will definitely get a perfectly smooth round pizza.

  1. Before you start coating, you will need to flour the top surface of the dough and turn the cake over. This will prevent your pizza from sticking to the table.
  2. Once the pizza base is ready, we spread 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce on it. We level it with circular movements, without bringing the sauce 1.5-2 cm to the edge of the pizza. Sprinkle all this red beauty generously with grated mozzarella, add a pinch of oregano, basil leaves and pour two tablespoons of “garlic olive oil” in a circle.
  3. By the time the pizza is ready, the oven should already be heated.
  4. Place the pizza in the oven. The temperature for baking is at least 220 degrees. The pizza is baked for 4-5 minutes and served hot.
  5. That's all! Enjoy your meal!

  • By wrapping a rolling pin in a cloth, you can roll out the cake as thin as possible;
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, rub oil into the skin;
  • Determining the readiness of pizza is quite simple: it should easily separate from the baking sheet;
  • remember that the right pizza is well baked, its edge is high and soft and at the same time crispy;
  • It is best to use medium-sized tomatoes for pizza: they have a richer taste;
  • It is advisable to use only fresh and natural products when preparing pizza: semi-finished products and freezing kill the taste of the dish;
  • always preheat the oven before baking pizza; if you start baking in a cold oven, the pizza will be raw, it will need to be baked longer, and it will lose its taste;
  • To bake a double-stuffed pizza with a diameter of 30 cm evenly and completely, preheat the oven to 200ºC;
  • always place the baking tray with pizza in the center of the oven;
  • don't forget about oven mitts;
  • Place the finished pizza on a flat horizontal surface, so you can cut it as evenly as possible, place it on a wooden board or kitchen towel;
  • To properly determine whether the pizza is done, make sure the cheese is completely melted and golden brown. The edge of the base should be slightly browned, and if you lift the bottom of the pizza a little, the dough should have a uniform brownish color;
  • To make the pizza taste as fresh as possible, use different herbs and spices: a mixture of Italian herbs, garlic powder, sesame seeds, etc.;
  • Pre-lubricate the base ready for baking with a small amount of olive oil, then it will absorb its aroma and taste very pleasant;
  • When rolling, do not forget to sprinkle the work surface with flour. Always control the thickness so that the dough is not too thin;
  • roll out the dough from the center to the edge, so it is distributed evenly;
  • Some vegetables, like carrots, zucchini, broccoli, require preliminary heat treatment, otherwise the dough will not bake and they will remain raw. Onions, mushrooms, spinach and bell peppers contain a lot of moisture and the dough can turn out sticky. Therefore, lightly fry these products (until half cooked) and drain the excess liquid.