How to take a cute selfie for a girl at home. How to take a beautiful selfie: poses and ideas

Super fashionable entertainment – selfie- has become firmly established in our lives. Millions of people saw it as an opportunity to demonstrate self-confidence, their own uniqueness and sense of style. And do it fun, with humor. This hobby has not escaped the greats of this world - politicians, actors, presidents and prime ministers. Let's talk about what a selfie is, how to make it attractive and what its rules are.

Selfie– this word finally established itself in our vocabulary in 2010. It means “taking a photograph of yourself,” if we say dictionary language, or “crossbow” and “yourself”, if you use Internet jargon. In a word, a self-portrait. A new word in “art”. Art is in quotes because artistic genre Selfies don't work at all.

The word was introduced into international circulation by Australians in 2002. In 2013, there was a real boom in selfies, when about 50 types of selfies emerged. Psychologists are not sounding the alarm yet, but are slowly beginning to publish explanatory articles about the consequences of excessive selfie taking.

Types of selfies

Selfie lovers are able to diversify their photos to such an extent that they had to give them separate names. A description of all types is a topic for a separate article. Let's look at the TOP 10 most frequent and interesting ones.


This is a selfie taken in front of a mirror in an elevator. The most common type, which even the most famous personalities have not ignored.


This is a man's selfie. Many men consider this hobby to be completely unmanly, women do not understand it at all, and psychologists tend to see hidden psychopaths in men who take selfies.


This is a group self-portrait.

Short for "farm selfie", but this does not mean that only farmers take them, although there are even specialized online communities of "selfies". This is also photographing yourself with your favorite animal - a dog, a cat, a lion, an elephant - it doesn’t matter.


The most lyrical type of selfie, though, depending on how you play it. This is a “self-photo” with loved ones. The Internet audience does not really welcome such pictures.

Extreme selfie

The name speaks for itself. These are self-portraits taken in conditions of extreme danger - on high-rise buildings, on the edge of a precipice, and so on.


This is a bikini selfie. The leader in the number of beefies is the notorious Kim Kardashian. Our stars also did not escape the craze for this type of selfie.

It’s as if he’s saying: “look how great I am! I'm leading healthy image life, training my body, looking great!” This is a photo in the gym with exercise equipment in the background.

“Wake up” or “just woke up” selfie

Called to show the world an awakened angel who has barely opened his eyes, but is already fresh and beautiful. Unfortunately, this happens infrequently, so the pictures do not always please both their owners and the vast audience of social networks.

Horror that appeared in 2014, thanks to Jim Carrey. Some excited American woman, after watching a film with an actor where he wraps tape around his face, decided to repeat this and immortalize her image in a photo. She gained many followers, and this selfie was singled out as a separate type.

To complete the picture, let’s add retro selfies, cat selfies, body selfies, toilet looks, in a supermarket bag and other creations of the wild imagination of young people.

Why and why do they take selfies?

The simplest answer is because they want to capture themselves, their beloved (beloved). Where before could you show yourself and look at others? That's right, at a dance, in a club, going to the movies, just walking down the street. Today, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there is no time to walk, dance floors are closed, clubs have a different purpose. Young people communicate mainly in the virtual space. Many scientific and non-scientific articles have been written on this subject, but the fact remains a fact. This is how you can show yourself to a huge audience, and very quickly - take a photo and immediately post the photo on Instagram, Facebook or another network.

Why do people post selfies on the Internet?

To be the center of attention or just to attract him to you. Ambition and ambitiousness are far from the last qualities inherent in us. Some people simply need to constantly be at the peak of popularity. These could be photos from famous people, photos in “pretentious” places, etc. It’s good if this is not the only way you attract attention to yourself.

A selfie may simply convey information. Show off a new suit, jewelry or a good haircut. You can consult with a friend at the stage of choosing a purchase. Communicate information not with words, but with pictures. The video sequence comes to the fore, pushing aside the verbal messages.

Choosing a selfie pose

Once we have decided that selfies are interesting, cool and even sometimes useful, let’s figure out how to make ourselves as beautiful and attractive as possible in them.

How to choose an angle

It is known that the human face is asymmetrical, its right half is different from the left. Try several angles and settle on the most advantageous one.

The main rule is never film yourself from below. This will give you a double chin, neck lines and a fuller face overall. Shooting from above will make you look older. Try not to take pictures of yourself from the front. Otherwise, the camera will enlarge the nose, and you will get a funny, but completely ugly photo.

The camera level is just above the eyes. This will emphasize their expressiveness - they will seem more open, wide open. In addition, viewing the face slightly from above will make its oval appear clearer. The head rotation relative to the camera should be 25-40°. This angle emphasizes the jawline.

Tilt your head slightly to the side. You don’t have to look straight into the camera; some people don’t like that look. Move him a little to the side. And smile, smile! Sponges with a bow are no longer fashionable!

The camera position from above will allow you to capture your chest in the frame. Do you want to draw the audience's attention to it? Press your elbows against it, this will emphasize the cleavage. The success of your bust and photo in general is guaranteed.

Selfies are taken not only to show off oneself, but also to renew oneself. Or a new hairstyle. You will have to work hard here too. To highlight your new hairstyle, you will again have to choose a favorable angle.

To demonstrate new glasses, you need to take a full-face photo, and to show new earrings, the view should be half-turned.

Forget about static and stern facial expressions. The pose should be lively and natural. If you're a budding selfie photographer, practice in front of a mirror. Norma Jeane would never be amazing Marilyn Monroe if I hadn’t spent hours rehearsing the naturalness of my pose in front of the mirror. The same goes for facial expressions. You can even learn to make funny faces.

Selfies taken with a good sense of humor are becoming increasingly popular online. Don't be afraid to be funny (or ridiculous). Use fun accessories.

To highlight one feature on your face that, in your opinion, is the most attractive, emphasize it with the help of cosmetics. Emphasize the beautiful shape of your lips with bright lipstick, without highlighting your eyes and cheekbones. Or vice versa, if you want to highlight your eyes, apply discreet lipstick and highlight your eyes with mascara and light shadows.

Full length photo

These photos are always taken from above. This makes your figure look taller and slimmer. There is no need to stand at attention, heels together, toes apart. Take a seductive pose with one leg slightly bent. Lean slightly to the side, towards the camera. Move the shoulder opposite the camera slightly forward. Simply lower your free hand or rest it on your waist. This pose will also make your figure slimmer. The most successful full-length selfies are taken in front of a mirror.

This is another “prank” among selfie fans. There are also rules here. Never remove your legs from the ankles only. Take your legs into the chamber from the middle of the thigh or from the knee. Then they will look slimmer and longer. Experiment with camera position, keeping one thing in mind: it should be looking straight down.

In order to capture your own buttocks (belphie), you need to arch your back and lean forward a little. It's better to shoot from behind and a little from the side. Then even a not very impressive “fifth point” will look beautiful.

Fashionable poses and stories

Naturalness and ease are in fashion now. “Cozy” selfies in a chair under a blanket, hugging a pet, are welcome. Photos with wild animals, especially on vacation and especially with exotic ones. Photos taken as if by chance, that is, not staged.

The newest trend in selfies is when hands are raised towards the face, showing off a flawless manicure.

What's no longer trendy?

It’s not at all fashionable to do a “duckface” - lips folded like a duck’s beak and big eyes. You won’t get anything other than a contemptuous “ewww” from the audience. Unless, of course, you let her know that you are joking like that.

There was such a fashion to pretend that you were taking a selfie and their smartphone was taken away from you. It was and is over. Try posting a photo like this and they will laugh at you.

Impressive butts and selfies in front of the mirror in the elevator are gradually becoming a thing of the past. It is not fashionable to pretend to be asleep, tense your muscles and pretend that you were taken by surprise.

How to take a selfie correctly?

There are several rules that must be followed, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste. This is the choice of gadget, lighting, background and the use of special auxiliary devices.


Poor lighting can ruin your entire photo shoot. The best lighting is natural. The light should fall on your face, and not shine from behind your back. It's the same as taking a photograph against a window - only the silhouette will be visible.

The best time to take pictures is morning, evening or cloudy day. In this case, the clouds will naturally scatter the light.

If you're taking selfies under artificial light, curtain the light source with a thin cloth, which will make it softer and more diffuse. This is important because this way the photograph will convey color and halftones more accurately.

Using flash for selfies is not advisable. It gives too bright light, which is almost impossible to adjust. The result will be a shiny forehead, red eyes, and a face that looks too bright against a darker background.

What to shoot with?

Anything – ordinary cameras, tablets, smartphones, in short, anything that has a camera. The most convenient way to do this is with a smartphone that is equipped with two cameras – front and main. Plus, it’s easier to shoot with a smartphone. It is easier to hold it in one hand; this can be done very quickly, as soon as the opportunity or desire arises to photograph your loved one.

Front and rear cameras

Usually the front camera has a lower resolution than the main one, but it is with it that selfies are taken, because it is more convenient to frame the frame.

To take satisfactory shots, a resolution of 2 MP is sufficient. Manufacturers, catching the trend, began to produce smartphones with an enhanced front widescreen camera. Moreover, in Lately the largest of them, for example Sony and HTC presented selfiephones.

The main camera is equipped with a flash, which usually has several modes, as well as autofocus. Taking selfies with it is more difficult; it requires skill and experience in creating a composition. Usually it has a higher resolution (from 5 to 8 MP) and the pictures are of high quality.

Using a monopod

It is a stick with a gadget mount at the end and a power button on the handle. A monopod expands your shooting options. With its help, it is convenient to take group photographs, extreme selfies, and shooting when you need to capture the surrounding nature or urban environment in the frame. Monopods can be of three types:

  • With Bluetooth function. With its help, it connects to a smartphone. Convenient because it runs on battery power. On the other hand, if the battery is dead, you will no longer be able to take photographs. This is the most expensive option
  • A monopod with a headset resembling headphones and connecting to a smartphone via a connector for them. The other end of the wire is connected to the activation button located on the handle. This tripod is a little cheaper than the previous one.
  • Without a power button, in this case voice control of the smartphone is used. This is the cheapest option.

Ambient background

Imagine a lyrical shot taken in front of a garbage container, and you will understand how important the surrounding background is for photography. If you're taking selfies at home, make sure your room is tidy. You shouldn’t take a photo of a new modern outfit against the backdrop of an old wall with dangling doors. The result will be terrible dissonance.

Choose a suitable background, because it will be seen along with your face. A large indoor plant may be a good option. If you are an intellectual who likes to read, a bookshelf with books can be the background.

Nature is considered the most successful background; it will not let you down at any time of the year. Forest, river, mountains, sky - everything is impressive.

The most popular types, against which tourists and travelers are photographed are world-famous monuments and attractions, for example, the Eiffel Tower, London's Big Ben, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, etc.

Selfie in the mirror

One of the first selfie trends was photographing yourself in an elevator mirror - the elevator look. They still make it now, but it is already considered boring and few people are impressed.

But photography in front of a mirror is not limited to this genre. This could be a photo in full height or a photo of just the face. There are two unshakable rules:

  • do not obscure your face with your smartphone, keep it at chest level;
  • don’t look at your smartphone, look at yourself in the mirror, that’s how you’ll be seen in the photo.

Selfie - a photo with a loved one - is considered one of the most annoying types of selfies, but, nevertheless, one of the most popular. To get a good photo, you need to consider the following:

  • avoid grouping in the photo;
  • ensure that faces are at the same level (as far as possible);
  • choose a photogenic angle for faces (if you are already an experienced “selfer”, then you know in which angle your face looks most attractive);
  • before pressing the shutter, make sure that the eyes of all participants in the shooting are open;
  • diversify your selfies by inviting friends;
  • remember focus and take into account the minimum shooting distance for your camera;
  • check in what form the surrounding objects appear in the frame (are there branches sticking out from behind the partner’s head, etc.);
  • find an interesting background.

You are not taking a photograph for the public, but for memory, so you do not strive for high artistry. The main thing is that the photo warms your soul.

They can ruin any photo. If you're taking a selfie at home, choose a time when you won't be interrupted by small children suddenly appearing in the background. If this is not a selfie with your favorite cat, then put it out of the room during the shooting.

When taking photos on the street, choose a place where a random passer-by cannot appear. So that there is no sports or children's playground nearby, from where a ball could fly in or playful horns appear over your head.

Keep an especially close eye on unwanted neighbors in the frame while on vacation, especially on the beach. Otherwise, your pretty face may end up in close proximity to the hairy legs of a sunbathing tourist nearby.

Image processing

To make a photo more interesting, cooler and funnier, there are special applications for processing them. All you have to do is download them to your smartphone, or maybe they are already there.

Filter overlay

You can enhance your photography by applying light filters. Typically, these options are already included in smartphones. The simplest and most common of them are Sepia And Black and White. Try to conduct an experiment and use all the options available for this on your phone. Using a light filter, you can take a photo in a retro style and play with the brightness of the image. Choose what suits each specific photo.

One of the powerful photo editors is Afterlight. With its help you can change the illumination, brightness, sharpness and contrast. It's ideal for fixing bad shots.


There are many apps available to correct or enhance images. In particular, these are programs:

  • Cymera for Android will improve the quality of the photo, make an interesting frame for it and provide it with a funny sticker;
  • PicsArt is a photo editor with which you can remove unwanted defects, make a collage and apply various effects;
  • By using Mextures you can change the texture of the photo;
  • LensLight adds spectacular highlights to the photo;
  • VSCOCam allows you to add effects in real time, that is, while photographing.

Company Instagram released a new program for creating collages Layout. It is good because it automatically sorts the photos accumulated on your smartphone. A collage can be formed from 9 photos, and the application will offer you several options.

Effects overlay

Don't like boring photos and have a good sense of humor? There are several applications for you that will bring your creative ideas to life:

  • Fantimate– you can choose a fun animation effect, make a collage or video clip;
  • Cam Up– you can add funny “tricks”, do hairstyles and add a variety of effects to your photo;
  • SnapDash– offers more than one and a half thousand scenarios for your photos;
  • Masquerade is an application that allows you to overlay various masks on an image - animals, horror stories, clowns. Now there are only about 15 of them in the application, but the developers promise more. It allows you to create animation. It's very fun to send a video message to a friend with this animated mask applied.


Agree, we cannot always look perfect in photographs. And I want to appear before the public in all my glory. To ensure that the photo is not scary, there are editor programs:

  • YouCam Perfect– this application will help even out your complexion, remove pimples and age spots that appear inappropriately in the photo, wrinkles and generally make you look younger;
  • Facetune designed specifically for mobile platforms and is capable of retouching photos, including changing skin and eye color, facial geometry and hairstyle. And even more so to remove the hated bags under the eyes;
  • Perfect365- another miracle editor that automatically finds places of application - the contour of the face and its key points.

Where and how to upload selfies

The most visited by young people are Facebook And In contact with. Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir are a hangout for older people who, of course, also take and post their selfies, but much less often.

Application for instantly sending and viewing selfies - Snapchat- designed to allow you to share pictures in real time. They will be visible on the recipient's screen for only a few seconds and then will be deleted. Intended solely for displaying photos; your friends will not be able to save them.


Instagram is a social photo network. Officially owned by Facebook, it is intended for use on mobile devices with iOS and Android platforms. Users talk about themselves in pictures – photographs, including selfies. People like them and comment on them. In order to post selfies in it, you need to download the application, install it and register.

Inside it there is an application that allows you to upload a photo from the gallery or take it right there. It also has an editor in which this photo can be improved. This network constantly hosts competitions for the best themed selfie.

Be trendy

It is very fashionable to take photographs of yourself while traveling. There is this type of selfie - "follow me"- follow me. When one character pulls another along with him against the backdrop of different tourist places. Filmed using the main camera on a smartphone.

The extreme selfie never goes out of style. But the risk must be reasonable, and it is advisable to use a monopod so that the surrounding environment is captured in the frame, showing what the extreme is.

Retro selfies are becoming fashionable. Many smartphones are equipped with special programs to take an “antique” photo. All you have to do is choose an outfit and accessories - and you are on trend.

Fitness selfie – photo in the gym. Be sure to pay attention to the surrounding background so that there are no legs around you doing push-ups on a machine or sweaty puffing fat men in the background. Our Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also noted in this genre.

The “just woke up” selfie is also gaining traction. You shouldn't take a photo just after opening your eyes; usually we all don't look very good at this moment. It’s better to get up, wash your face, comb your hair, giving your hair a somewhat careless look and apply very light makeup, which will be invisible in the photo.

Emphasize femininity

Girls want to look attractive in photos; this can be done by emphasizing their femininity.

Start with clothes. One-shoulder tops look very seductive; avoid button-down blouses or turtlenecks. If you have beautiful arms, open them; if you are full, wear a blouse with ¾ sleeves.

Emphasize your bust. If you are the happy owner of beautiful high breasts, raise your hand and place it behind your head. Lift your hair slightly with your hand. If your breasts are small, move your shoulders forward slightly and lower them a little, so your bust will look more erotic.

If you are photographing while sitting, do not put your feet in the foreground, it is better to pull your knee towards you so that in the picture it is near your head. A very exciting pose.

Technical recommendations remain the same as for women. But the plots... This is a topic for another discussion. In a nutshell, men's selfies really irritate women. How to make it to please beautiful ladies?

Avoid trivial subjects - the gym, I'm in the car, I'm with friends at a pajama party, I'm sleeping, and the like.

If you want to make something “yourself”, choose the appropriate background and take on the appropriate appearance. For example, against the backdrop of a cool car with slight unshaven hair and stylish clothes that suit the moment.

This could be a courageous selfie, for example, during mountain trekking.

To take a selfie at home, you don’t need to take graceful poses; the simpler the better. Choose simple, understated clothing. The pose looks good when you throw your jacket over your shoulder. In the office, you can take a photo in a relaxed pose, sitting in a chair.

If you're a big fan of selfies, practice in front of the mirror just like women do. After all, no one sees you at this moment!

Selfie etiquette standards

Selfies are not always appropriate. In order not to offend anyone's feelings, remember the situations when selfies are taboo or can only be taken with permission:

  • It's bad taste to take pictures in the toilet;
  • don’t shoot yourself when surrounded large quantity people - not everyone wants to remain in the memory of your friends, but they can accidentally get into the frame;
  • refrain from taking photographs during funerals, mourning ceremonies, or in church;
  • visiting - only with the permission of the hosts;
  • In a group of friends, first invite everyone to take a selfie, and only then take an individual photo
  • And, of course, it is important to follow safety rules - remember how many extreme selfies you have seen that ended tragically. After all, that’s not why you’re taking pictures!

Good luck and good stylish photos!

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Selfie. Over the course of several years, this word has become part of our daily vocabulary. It is now even in the dictionary. In 2013, “selfie” was declared word of the year by the Oxford Dictionaries.

What is a selfie from a technical point of view? Usually under this word in modern world we understand a photograph of a person taken by the same person using a smartphone. In other words, at the same moment the photographer is also the subject of the photograph.

Most people take a photo of their face and then upload it to their page. in social networks. There is nothing wrong with this if everything is done tastefully. To do this, we have prepared 15 creative selfie ideas for you.

Before you start implementing the ideas from this list, buy yourself a high-quality selfie stick, which today costs from 200 to 1000 rubles and your selfie pictures will look much better. Selfie sticks, or monopods as they are also called, make your photos more natural and you can create more interesting photos myself.

So, let's get down to the actual ideas.

#1 You and your pet

Of course, many people often post photos of cute (not always) pets. But why don't you take it up a notch? Place your dog or cat in front of you so that the animal's face covers part of your face. Try to catch a moment when you look like you're part human and part animal.

#2 Selfie in selfie

Take a selfie while your friends or family are also taking selfies with their smartphone cameras.

#3 Add accessories

Next time you go for a selfie photo shoot, bring an accessory like a cool hat or aviator sunglasses. Alternatively, wear a few bracelets, a new watch, or your favorite fitness tracker. Tie a scarf around your neck or wear a beautiful necklace.

#4 Create mystery

Create a sense of mystery by covering part of your face or one of your eyes.

#5 Tell your own story

Instead of just snapping your face at the camera, sit down and think about what you're passionate about and how you can convey it through photography. One way to do this is to include several objects in the frame that tell a story about you. Share a hobby you love - be it basketball, ballet, karate or painting.

#6 Share your shoes

Of course, not in the literal sense. Thank God, nowadays everyone has several pairs of their own shoes. It’s just that today taking selfies of your stylish shoes has become quite a popular trend.

It's nice to aim the camera straight down while grabbing your shoes. But why not get creative and take a photo of your feet with a word next to it?

You can also write a message with chalk on the asphalt or with your finger on the sand of a midday beach.

#7 Focus on the floor

If you're going to photograph your shoes, first find a really cool rug or tile floor to serve as a backdrop. Hotels and historic buildings are known for their unique flooring. Look for a floor that isn't too bright to draw attention away from your shoes, but still interesting enough to grab your follower's attention.

#8 Emphasize your strengths

In this photo, the girl took a selfie of only the right side of her face, which creates a certain mystery, which we talked about in point #4. But it also attracts the user's attention to its beautiful blue eyes wearing a blue hat. The neutral background color with its amazing texture also emphasizes this advantage.

#9 Include bright colors

Color grabs people's attention, so use bright colors to help your next selfie stand out. When we talk about bright colors, flowers, summer clothes, brightly colored walls, fruits at the market and, of course, balloons immediately come to mind.

#10 Mirror on the wall or car

Film yourself in front of a mirror at home or in the car.

You will get a double selfie or a simultaneous selfie from different angles, which is also unusual.

It is important to remember that while driving it is better to forget about your phone altogether. Also, before taking a photo, check that the mirror is clean and there are no unwanted objects in the background.

#11 Use reflections

There are also many surfaces that can give you interesting reflections. Can use shower head, cover wristwatch or sunglasses.

#12 Increase details

Zoom in and capture small details: your eyelashes, your new tattoo, or your wedding ring. For macro photography, you can use special smartphone lenses, which can be found in any store.

#13 Show your fingers

Have you just painted your nails or do you have beautiful masculine fingers? Give your friends a thumbs up on social media.

#14 Take down your shadow

Shadow shots work best when the sun is directly behind you. Try to find a surface that will show your shadow clearly. Cement works well for this purpose, but if you want to be more creative, try a different location, such as a lake or sandy beach.

#15 Fool around in front of the camera

Find a funny mask or an unusual wig. Wear trendy sunglasses. Stick out your tongue. Make a stupid face. If you are at a wedding and taking a group photo, then after the professional camera takes the photo, take out your smartphone, make a funny face and take a photo of yourself in front of others.

As you can see, there are many ideas for selfies and it’s up to you how unusual and interesting your photos will look. If you have other creative selfie ideas, please share them in the comments.

Many people of all ages and social status are wondering how to take a beautiful selfie? A bright, successful photo is fashionable and relevant. Some spend several hours to achieve the desired effect, but still fail to get the coveted number of likes and positive comments. Finding favorable angles, backgrounds and other details can take just a minute. Follow our tips on how to take beautiful photos!

How can a guy or girl take beautiful pictures of themselves?

For a cool picture, it’s not enough to stretch out your hand with your phone/camera or use a special stick. Details and intent are important. Their absence, unnaturalness, and bad taste become the reasons for unsuccessful photographs.

How should you take a beautiful photo to highlight your style and personality in a selfie?

1. Theme of the future photo.

Popular trends include extreme selfies. For example: a photo with a gun while hunting (for guys), skydiving, on a motorcycle or near a race track, in a paintball suit, on top of a mountain, etc. The theme could be a meeting of friends - grufi, showing off a new dress - liftouk, demonstrating abs - sports selfie, a romantic dinner with your loved one - selfie. Any photo should have a story, a thought.
A win-win option for a boy or girl - photos with animals. This will definitely cause laughter, tenderness and a desire to like.

Very important:

  • Interesting, multi-layered background;
  • View from above or at an angle of 40 degrees;
  • Bright natural light to avoid glare and unevenness;
  • Slight tilt of the head;
  • Using holiday attributes: with a garland and a Christmas tree on New Year, with flowers on March 8, in a costume for Halloween, with pancakes on Maslenitsa;
  • Maximum naturalness, humor, creativity and imagination.

2. Appearance.

It is important to know a good angle. You should take the photo while holding the phone at eye level. Swelling, pimples, and cool eyes can be easily hidden with hair or sunglasses.

  • Using makeup;
  • Styled hair, neat appearance;
  • It’s worth taking a picture of yourself in several positions in advance to find a good angle and take many pictures in it to choose the best one for social networks;
  • Emphasizing your advantages, highlighting accents - large breasts, slender legs, red plump lips, expressive eyes;
  • Duck lips are not on trend and should not be used;
  • Sunlight or bright shades;
  • The naturalness of the photo should appear in everything: facial expression, glance to the side, smile.

3. A good camera and photo editor.

A lot depends on the front camera of the phone. You can shoot correctly on a soap dish, and even on a DSLR. The main thing is that the face is not distorted, imperfections are hidden, and everything looks natural.

Important tips for guys and girls on how to take beautiful selfies at home?

At home you can get gorgeous photos, capable of attracting the attention of thousands of strangers.
In order not to suffer all day taking pictures, you should resort to simple tips:

  • A slight tilt of the head will add charm. Experiment beforehand;
  • Shouldn't be in the background extra people, disorder, garbage;
  • Beautiful photos will be taken in natural bright lighting, for example, near a window;
  • Natural facial expression, pleasant smile, sincere laughter;
  • Invisible makeup that emphasizes strengths and hides flaws;
  • Loose hair will add femininity and charm.
  • You should immediately take several photos in a row in order to choose the most attractive one from several.

Most girls are interested in how to make an intimate photo for Instagram not vulgar. To make your lips look sexy, it is no longer a trend to pout them like a duck. It is better to bite them a little in advance so that natural swelling appears. The chest can be discreetly lifted with your hand to add volume. Another secret to a chic bust is the view from above or in a lying position. Such a photo will hide extra pounds and present your figure favorably. For erotic selfies, you need a timer or a full-length mirror.

Any photo should be processed in editors. Even if it was made on the latest model iPhone, you will need cropping, emoticon effects, contrast editing, etc.

The main rule for a beautiful selfie is naturalness and a good mood!

26.12.2016 22:31:23

In one of the articles we looked at how to set up the Internet on a Fly phone.

Today, selfies are the most common photo genre. Open the user’s page on a social network, on Instagram. 8 out of 10 photos will probably be taken in the selfie genre. The selfie genre is considered to be the simplest of all. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: he extended his hand, focused, and took a picture. But even here there are many pitfalls, due to which a huge number of initially successful shots turn out to be hopelessly ruined. Let's try to figure out how to take a selfie correctly so as not to disappoint yourself and others.

A selfie (from the English selfie, self, oneself) is essentially a self-portrait taken using a smartphone or camera. The selfie genre began to gain popularity in 2000, when mobile phones and smartphones began to come with good cameras. This word first appeared in 2002 in Australia on the ABC Online forum. The first self-photo portraits began to be taken at the beginning of the 20th century, when Kodak released the Kodak Brownie portable camera. So for more than 100 years, everyone has been taking selfies, regardless of gender, age or social status. In 2013, it became so common that it was included in the Oxford Online English Dictionary.

Selfies can be divided into several types:

Wifi – the most touching photo with friends.
Relfie – a selfie with your loved one.
Groofy – group photo. You can do this using a special selfie stick.
Beefy - selfie in a swimsuit.
Belphie - photo taken from the back. As a rule, girls do it to show off an expressive figure.
Liftlook - a photo taken in an elevator mirror.
Hot dog selfie - a shot of tanned legs.
Extreme selfie – photography in an extreme situation.

Basic rules for selfies

Just holding out your hand and taking a photo is not enough for a good selfie. Several important conditions must be met:

Choose a good camera. More often, selfies are taken using the front camera, which, as a rule, has a lower resolution than the rear one. If the front camera doesn’t have enough megapixels, but you can take a great shot, it’s better to turn the phone around and take a photo using the main camera. It's better to take selfies in good lighting. In twilight or semi-darkness of the room, the front camera may not capture the frame and the picture will turn out “noisy” and blurry. Try not to use wide-angle lenses. Pictures taken this way are stretched and distorted.

Correct angle. The ideal angle for a selfie is when the camera is slightly above eye level, with the head slightly tilted. If you take a full-length selfie, it is better to stand slightly half-turned. This is especially important for girls who like to photograph a chiseled figure. Don't lower the camera too low if you don't want your face to blur, appearing like a double chin and giant nostrils. It is not recommended to take a selfie strictly from the front - the image turns out too flat and inexpressive. Don’t tilt the horizon too far so that you don’t get the feeling of a falling frame.

Correspondingly, the correct angle is associated with the correct posture. The number of selfie poses is almost limitless. You need to start from what you want to emphasize or, conversely, hide in the photo.

Watch the lighting. Competent photographers advise choosing diffuse daylight for photographs, not standing in front of the sun, and using fluorescent lamps in the room. You need to make sure that there are not too many bright light sources in the frame.

Correct background. Even if you choose a good camera and take the right pose, you can ruin your selfie if you don’t think about the right background. When taking a selfie at home, pay attention that the frame does not include the mess in the apartment, unwashed dishes in the kitchen, or dull wallpaper. When taking photos on the street, make sure that there are no passers-by in the frame who could attract the viewer’s attention. Of course, the ideal background for a selfie is natural. It’s difficult to ruin a photo taken against the backdrop of mountains or a waterfall, even if you’re completely inept at photography.

Facial expressions. The best facial expression for a selfie is a sincere smile, which can reap a “harvest” of likes on social networks. Don't be afraid to experiment, show your acting talent. Try to portray sadness, fear, disappointment - the main thing is that the facial expression is natural. Falsity in the photo will not be forgiven.

Pets. A pet in the frame will, in any case, provide an excellent selfie. Animals do not need to “play” on camera; they are already as natural as possible. All that remains is to play along slightly for a greater “cuteness” effect.

Assistive devices. To get as many details as possible into the frame, for example, when taking a selfie with friends, or against the backdrop of landmarks, it is better to use a special selfie stick - a monopod. How to choose a selfie monopod, as well as about special applications for selfie sticks, read our article. Since the smartphone is fixed, the photo comes out clearer than one taken at arm's length. You can add some zest to your selfie using filters, for example, making the photo black and white or sepia for the effect of an old photo.

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How to take the right selfie for girls

Remember to tilt your head slightly. Don't bend too low so that your neck appears to be crooked. It is better to choose selfie poses in such a way as to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and the contours of the figure. For example, turn around 30 degrees. The chest can be slightly raised, just make sure that it does not look vulgar and vulgar. Watch the lighting so that it doesn’t turn out that one part of the body in the photo is well lit, while the other is in the shadow. Don't overdo it with makeup. It is better to slightly tint your eyelashes and apply a light lip gloss. By the way, do not overuse false eyelashes. Please note that the picture can also easily be ruined by thick shadows and sloppy eyebrows.

Here is an example of good photos:

But you don’t need to do this:

How to take the right selfie for guys

Men, unlike girls, rarely bother taking a selfie correctly. Guys are better off not trying to take pretentious poses. Guys take winning selfies hugging animals, celebrities, and in nightclubs.

Pumped up powerful biceps in the gym? Take a selfie in the mirror, and an influx of likes and new subscribers is guaranteed.

If you don’t have special muscles, you shouldn’t portray them. The spectacle will be pathetic:

For lovers extreme species sports, you should take a monopod and a GoPro camera with you. Nothing attracts attention like photos taken during a skydive several kilometers high, under or above water, on a roller coaster at an amusement park, or over a raging river or waterfall. Don't overdo it - taking an extreme selfie involves risking your life.

The main rule for a good selfie is your sincerity. This applies to both boys and girls. The more natural you look in the frame, the more viewers will appreciate the photo. Forget duck lips. Not only is this an unnatural grimace, but it has not been trendy for a long time. Don't be afraid to try different angles, choose backgrounds, and invite your best friends into the frame.

If you are interested, you can read the article where we reviewed the main

Of course, any bouquet will look beautiful in the lens. Omsk is full of beauties, in whose hands bouquets acquire even greater charm. But in order for the photo to be effective, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the lighting in the room. Mobile phone cameras are not so advanced to take a high-quality selfie in a dimly lit room, so it is better to take a photo in sunlight in a well-lit room or outdoors.

If you are returning from a date in the evening, where you were given a luxurious bouquet of flowers, then it is better to take a selfie near illuminated shop windows or lanterns so that there is enough light.

At weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, selfies with friends and, of course, with flowers are also popular. It is worth remembering here that slefi is best done by the person in the center. The camera lens should be looking straight ahead. At the same time, if the phone is positioned vertically, then the eyes of those taking pictures will be directed to the center of the picture, but if the phone is taken in a horizontal position, then the eyes will be directed to the side. This almost always happens and it’s worth taking this into account. At least you can warn your friends about it.

It is very important to take into account your own proportions when taking a selfie. For example, girls with a long face should not be photographed from above, and if they have rounded cheeks, it is better to be photographed half-turned. A triangular face will appear harmoniously in the picture when the camera is held up from underneath.

In addition, some features of the face and body can always be hidden or emphasized with a bouquet of flowers. A selfie in the mirror with flowers in your hands is very popular. The most modest beauties prefer to focus on the bouquet, covering their face with their hand or turning it away from the lens. Also, fashionistas often take photographs with a bouquet of flowers while lying down, when the bouquet is simply lying next to them.

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