How to make water healing. How to prepare melt water at home

For the normal and full functioning of the body, it is impossible to do without water. In an adult, water makes up about 70% of the total body weight. The daily dose of liquid for a person is 2–2.5 liters. Many people know about this, but only a few adhere to this regime. And the reason is not a lack of water, but a careless attitude towards one’s health. In order not to harm your health, but, on the contrary, to improve it, you need to learn to drink good quality water and adhere to the rules for its intake.

Organic indicators

For water to be healthy, its quality must meet the following criteria:

  1. The degree of acidity and alkalinity (pH) should not exceed 8.5. The alkalinity of the water should not be less than 6.5 mEq/l. Otherwise, such an aquatic environment is an excellent place for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
  2. Healthy water is soft. This criterion is influenced by the amount of salts, metals, calcium and magnesium in it. To get rid of hardness, just boil the water.
  3. All water contains chlorides, the high content of which indicates that the water is polluted and unsuitable for drinking. The normal level of these substances in water is 250 mg/l.
  4. An increased content of sulfates in water (the norm is 250 mg/l) leads to disruption of the digestive system and, as a result, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. The presence of such dry residue in water as iron and manganese should not exceed 0.05 mg/l.

It is impossible to check the above indicators of drinking water standards without special equipment. But you can always ask the seller in the store for a quality certificate with a detailed marking of all the constituent elements in the water.

Taste and color...

You can use your senses:

  1. The color should be transparent. If the water is slightly cloudy or a white precipitate appears, do not drink it. This indicates a high content of salt, primer, peat bogs and even the remains of flowering reservoirs.
  2. The taste and smell should be neutral. A salty, bitter or sweet aftertaste may indicate poor water quality.

Purifying drinking water at home, popular methods

Filtration and settling

This is the most common a method that is best suited for rural areas where river water is used. There are paper, fabric and porous filters, which can be made independently from cotton wool, a sponge, filter paper or gauze folded in two or three layers. To do this, pass the water through a filter to remove heavy organic substances, sand and clay impurities, and leave for about 6 hours. After which a small sediment will definitely appear. Pour clean water into a separate bowl.


This method has been known to us since childhood. Indeed, boiled water is safe. But then the liquid will lose all its beneficial substances, which die under the influence of high temperature.

Peter the Great's method

By order of the emperor, back in 1720, every soldier was required to carry with him a “slate stone” or, more simply, shungite. Research in 1717–1719 showed that this stone disinfects water and prevents the occurrence of such serious diseases as anemia, dropsy, scurvy, liver disease, etc. And already in the 60s of the twentieth century it became known that shungite is capable of purifying water from helminth eggs, chlorine, excess copper and other harmful substances.

To prepare shung water, just put a few stone pieces (300 grams) into a jug of water (3 liters) and leave it for 72 hours. Then carefully drain 2.5 liters of liquid without stirring. Dispose of sedimentary water.

Mechanical method using a household filter

This is the easiest and simplest way to purify water. To do this, you should purchase a special filter device from a hardware store. For example, a filter jug ​​that purifies running water using a nozzle. Don’t forget to ask sellers for quality certificates confirming its effectiveness.

How to prepare the right water

You may have already heard that water should not only be purified and safe, but also structured. Many scientists argue that water carries both positive and negative information, which naturally affects the structure of the cells and membranes of the body. Properly structured water filled with positive information has a beneficial effect on human health and prevents many serious diseases. But we will tell you how to prepare the right water easily, simply and affordably at home.

Option 1 - Melt water

Due to the fact that melt water is very similar in structure to the structure of human membranes and cells, the body does not have to expend additional energy to process it. This naturally has a beneficial effect on overall well-being and helps quickly cleanse the body of waste and toxins, increases the protective functions of the immune system, and promotes cell rejuvenation processes.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take 2 liters of tap water and heat it without bringing it to a boil, cool it quickly by placing a container of hot water in a bowl of cold water.
  2. Place the cold water in the freezer.
  3. Check your freezer regularly. When you see the first dense ice near the edges of the container, remove it. It contains dangerous impurities such as clay, sand, soil, etc.
  4. Place the remaining water back in the freezer for 12 hours.
  5. Once the time is up, take it out and leave it at room temperature for about 5-7 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the first liquid under running water.
  7. Thaw the remaining ice.
  8. The melt water is ready; it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

With daily consumption of melt water in an amount of at least 3-4 glasses, the functioning of the heart, muscles, blood vessels is normalized and the blood is cleansed.

Option 2 - White Key Method

Using this method of preparing tasty and healthy water, you will learn how to structure the water yourself, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your health.

Cooking steps:

  1. 5 liters of water must be left to stand for 48 hours.
  2. Drain the settled liquid within 5 cm of the bottom of the dish.
  3. Heat the water to 95 degrees. If you do not have a special thermometer, rising bubbles will indicate the desired temperature.
  4. Cool the water quickly by covering the container with a lid under running water.
  5. Place 5-7 medium pieces of black silicon on the bottom of a bowl of water and leave covered for 2 days.
  6. Carefully pour the flint water into another container and place it in the freezer, and discard the bottom 2–4 cm layer.
  7. When the first ice appears, remove it and freeze the water again.
  8. Wait until light ice 1-2 cm thick appears on the surface and make a hole in it, drain the still unfrozen liquid through it.

The resulting silicon melt water can be consumed. It cleanses the body and, with long-term use, relieves a person from a whole list of dangerous diseases. Store the water in a cool place for about 3-5 days.

Melt water is considered very beneficial for the body. Preparing melt water is quite possible at home.
There are two main theories explaining its positive effects. The scientifically based theory is that melt water is purified from salts and heavy hydrogen isotopes (tritium and deuterium).

Thawed water recipe

To prepare melt water at home we will need:

  • container for water (preferably a glass jar, but you can also use ordinary plastic containers for drinking water);
  • ordinary tap water;
  • freezer with a freezing temperature of -18 degrees (in winter frosts you can freeze water on the balcony).

You need to pour regular tap water into the container. Some advise using purchased still water or pre-boiled and cooled water.
Cover the container with a plastic lid and check it from time to time.
So, you are preparing melt water: how to make it as purified as possible from harmful impurities? As soon as a thin ice crust forms on the surface, it must be removed. This is where the harmful heavy liquid contains deuterium in its chemical formula. It freezes at a higher temperature (approximately +3.7 degrees).
Next, you need to wait until the water freezes by about two-thirds. When frozen, the salt solution freezes later than ordinary water. Therefore, the “water brine” gradually moves towards the center. It is necessary to drain the remaining unfrozen liquid into the sink, and defrost clean transparent ice at room temperature.

Advice: if you were not careful and the liquid froze completely, you need to place the cloudy center under a stream of hot water.

When all the cloudy islands have melted, you can use the remaining ice.
To make preparing melt water easier, proceed as follows. When the container has been in the freezer for about 3-4 hours, the unfrozen liquid should simply be poured into another container. Then, similar to the recipe described above, leave the water until it freezes 2/3 and drain the “water brine”.

Important: you cannot make melt water on ice or from snow taken from the street. Especially if you live in the city. After all, many harmful chemicals settle from the air onto the snow. If you are in a rural area, far from any roads, you can thaw clean snow or ice and use the product only to wash or rinse your hair.

Before preparing melt water, you can boil or filter it.

IN enamel dishes Do not freeze, as the enamel may crack during freezing. As a result, harmful substances will enter the water. For the same reason, the use of iron and aluminum containers is prohibited.

How to use melt water?

Thawed water retains its positive traits for 16-18 hours, and during this entire time it gradually loses its value. Therefore, it is necessary to consume it as quickly as possible after preparation. Melt water can be used for washing and washing hair. As a result, your complexion will improve, your skin will become smoother and more well-groomed, and your hair will become shiny and silky. After all, ordinary tap liquid contains a lot of salts, especially in areas with hard water.
If you want to improve your overall well-being or get rid of some diseases, then you need to know how to drink melt water correctly. Firstly, it is recommended to drink it as soon as it melts.
It is best to consume it in small sips as it thaws throughout the day, and you should hold the water in your mouth a little before swallowing. You can also cook food using melt water, but still when heated medicinal properties are decreasing.
For medicinal purposes, freshly prepared melt water should be taken orally, half a glass, 30 minutes before meals. Thus, you need to be treated for 30-45 days. In general, you can drink thawed water with virtually no restrictions. In the first few days, you need to accustom your body to purified water by drinking 100 ml per day. Then gradually increase the volume, eventually reaching 750 - 1500 ml per day. There are many cases where treatment with melt water improved the condition of people even with serious illnesses.

Advice: if you work, it is convenient to take melt water with you to work in a plastic bottle. In this case, you can immediately prepare it in a bottle or pour already thawed water into it.

After thawing, the water must be kept at a temperature no higher than 22 degrees, and heating above 37 degrees turns it into ordinary water. In order for water to bring maximum benefit after defrosting, it is recommended to prepare it twice a day and always drink it fresh.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

There is serious debate about the benefits of melt water. We drink water every day; it is an irreplaceable part of human life. Is it possible to improve the quality of water to get the most from it? useful substances? Let’s try to figure out what the benefits of melt water are and how to prepare a healing elixir of health.

The benefits of melt water

Any water consists of three parts - deuterium (dead), protium (living) and impurities. Deuterium water is heavy water in which hydrogen is replaced by deuterium. There is no benefit in such water. Deuterium water freezes at a temperature of about +4 degrees. This means that in settled water, when cooled slowly, deuterium first freezes. Protium (pure) water is living, purified water that we need for normal life. Fresh water freezes at 0 degrees.

The third component of water is various impurities, substance compounds, and organic components. Depending on the purity of the water, impurities account for 0.05-2% of the total mass of the liquid. Impurities freeze at a temperature of -7 degrees, which allows them to be separated from the total mass.

As you understand, clean water without deuterium and impurities is our goal. This is why we freeze and defrost liquid. But what is the benefit of protium (melt) water?

  1. Melt water prevents the aging process, allowing you to maintain youth and health of the body longer.
  2. Regular drinking of melt water improves well-being, increases performance and resistance to stress. Improvements in brain activity and memory were also noted.
  3. Melt water promotes blood renewal and lowers cholesterol levels.
  4. Drinking melt water can speed up metabolism, that is, improve metabolic function.
  5. A glass of melt water in the evening ensures a calm, healthy and restful sleep.
  6. Frequently drinking melt water cleanses the intestines, improves digestion, relieves food allergies and strengthens the immune system.
  7. Constantly drinking melt water reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

An excellent example of the benefits of melt water is the Hunza tribe, which lives in the foothills of Pakistan. The population of the tribe numbers more than fifty people who drink melt water from glaciers all their lives. Scientists studying this tribe have noted that the health of the people is very poor. high level. Few members of the tribe suffered from serious illnesses, and the women, even in old age, were beautiful and slender. None of the tribe suffered from obesity or chronic diseases. Most of the old people exceeded the life threshold of 120 years.

To get closer to the health of the residents of Hunza, you need to drink melt water at least sometimes. Here is the recipe for making it.

  1. Tap water contains a large number of chlorine To get rid of it, you need to pass the water through a filter. If you don't have a filter, you just need to let the water sit for a few hours. When the water sits, the chlorine will rise to the surface and some of it will evaporate. Drain off the top layer of water and use the remaining water. Liquid from the very bottom of the container should also not be used - small debris that gets into the water supply accumulates in it.
  2. Then the water needs to be disinfected. To do this, it needs to be heated, but not boiled. Everyone knows that living water contains minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. However, when boiling, all useful elements are destroyed. Therefore, you need to put the water on the fire and watch it carefully. When the water just starts to boil, it will turn whitish. This is the preliminary boiling point. At this stage, all microbes and bacteria die, but beneficial elements are still alive. Bring the water to this state and remove the container from the heat.
  3. After this, let the clean water cool until room temperature so as not to place the container hot in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour water into a convenient container (preferably enamel) and put it in the freezer. Please note that you should not fill the container to capacity. Everyone knows that water increases in size when it freezes. Therefore, she can simply break glassware filled to the brim.
  5. After a few hours the water begins to freeze. As you remember, deuterium freezes first, already at +3 degrees. Before the water completely freezes, the first ice should be removed. To do this, make a hole in a frozen mold and pour it out clean water and throw away the first ice that freezes. All. We have purified the water from deuterium.
  6. After this, return the deuterium-cleaned water back to the freezer. Fresh water freezes first at the edges, pushing harmful impurities into the middle. After the water has completely frozen, you may notice that the ice is clean and transparent at the edges, but white and cloudy inside. These are impurities that should also be removed. This can be done in two ways. The first is to simply chip away the cloudy area with clean tools. The second method is to pour hot water on the impurities and they will quickly melt.
  7. Place the remaining clean ice in a bowl and let it melt. After this, you can enjoy purified and healthy melt water. It is not recommended to use such water for tea or coffee - when boiled, it loses all its beneficial features.

When preparing melt water, pay attention to the fact that the freezer power should not be at maximum. The water must freeze slowly so that it has time to settle. During rapid freezing, deuterium does not have time to collect at the edges.

It is better to drink melt water immediately after defrosting. A glass of melt water, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, is especially beneficial. Melt water is not a medicine, so there are no contraindications to taking it.

The modern world of genetically modified products does not leave us fresh food without dyes, pesticides, flavoring additives and preservatives. Water is practically the only natural product, which remained with modern man. Purify water at home and restore your body naturally. Be healthy!

Video: the easiest way to prepare melt water

Our body consists of 60% water. It is no wonder that he so needs to replenish its reserves throughout his life. Dehydration, especially in severe forms, can lead to death. And for those losing weight who follow low-carb diets, doctors even recommend drinking twice the recommended healthy amount per day.

But water is different, as everyone knows. If you start drinking technical liquid from the tap, you are unlikely to achieve recovery, rejuvenation and weight loss. Rather, on the contrary, you will acquire a lot of chronic ailments, and perhaps even serious poisoning.

Therefore, any drinking water should be made distilled, passing it through a special filter for home use. But what is healing water, the use of which is so zealously promoted by adherents of a healthy lifestyle?

What makes water healing?

Healing water is usually called a liquid that is independently released from underground sources. It has unique healing properties not only due to the minerals, trace elements and gases dissolved in it. Its special, specific structure, which artificially obtained mineral waters do not have, is extremely remarkable.

Due to its structure, the liquid has a lot of nutritional and life-giving qualities, and in this regard is significantly superior to artificially obtained mineral water, despite the identical composition of natural salts.

True, the structure of the contents of healing springs is preserved in its original form for a very short period of time. Literally - to achieve specific effects, you should drink water directly near the reservoir.

The incredibly beneficial properties of living moisture, as we have already noted, are determined by its structure. Within 24 hours after taking water, snowflake-shaped clumps of molecules are observed in it.

Its consistency is identical to the liquid that fills the cells of absolutely healthy babies. “Snowflakes” also predominate in the cells of adult humans, but their concentration noticeably decreases over time. Especially if the person does not lead completely healthy image life.

The older a person is, the less structured fluid is present in his blood (the exception is those who practice yoga and martial arts - in their case, the number of “snowflakes” may even increase with age).

Researchers at the American Institute have proven that in every healthy cell of the human body there is at least one “snowflake”. When such a structured molecule enters an environment with dangerous chemical elements, it instantly surrounds itself with a protective shell, drawing internal resources for nutrition and resisting negative influences from the outside.

If we talk about sick or old cells, they are predominantly dominated by destructured moisture, which is unable to protect them from the influence of harmful influences.

When exposed to an unfavorable environment, such cells die almost instantly. That is why replenishing such fluid reserves is an important step towards achieving long-term good health.

The healing and strengthening properties of melt water are especially noteworthy here. It is in the melt liquid that the highest concentration of the desired “snow” structures is observed. Despite the fact that many ordinary people seriously cannot understand the principle of action of this moisture, some drink it with pleasure throughout their lives... and at the same time enjoy truly good health!

How to prepare healing water at home

The examples we have given are not recipes for preparing healing water in the full sense of the word. As we have already said, true life-giving liquid can only be obtained from certain sources, and its benefits last only for a day, and this is subject to maintaining the optimal temperature.

But people are increasingly resorting to methods of making mineral liquid by infusing it on certain stones. Healing properties such mineral water is also extensive. It is able to balance the amount of glucose in the blood, normalize cholesterol concentrations, stabilize blood pressure levels, and quickly renew liver and kidney cells.

The mineral elixir has cleansing, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and detoxifying properties, depending on which specific stones you use to obtain it.

The following types of stones can be used:

  • Rose quartz;
  • Smoky Quartz;
  • Calcite;
  • Marble;
  • Magnetite;
  • Citrine;
  • Rhinestone;
  • Aventurine;
  • Amber;
  • Sugilite;
  • Trachyte;
  • Lemesit.

Don't worry - water won't dissolve these stones, so you can safely use them to make a special elixir.

To prepare an infusion of water, you need to melt it, and this is quite accessible at home. For the method of producing such a simple, and at the same time, powerful medicinal product, it is worth thanking the famous hydraulic engineer Alexei Labza.

So, to prepare protium liquid for preparing your life-giving elixir, proceed as follows:

Properties of healing water

The properties of the resulting mineral elixir are extensive. Water infused on stones is used for various purposes:

  • Drinking and cooking - for treatment, strengthening, healing and toning the body;
  • Spraying - for healing wounds, burns and fistulas;
  • Enema – for deep cleansing of the intestines;
  • Compresses - to reduce pain and accelerate tissue regeneration in case of injuries, bruises, sprains, inflammations;
  • Washing - for improvement appearance skin, hair and nails, stimulation of local metabolism and blood circulation.

The human need for life-giving moisture is great. The need for its regular use in each sphere of life forces us to look for new sources with pure drinking water. Talaya is one of them. To use it as drinking water, it is important to know the rules of purification and preparation for use.

Structure and beneficial properties of melt water

According to the formula known since school times, water consists of one hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, but the molecules can be connected to each other in different ways. In ordinary water, they are located chaotically and, when entering the human body, they form new bonds with molecules of other substances just as chaotically. In melt water, they create a clear crystal lattice, interact more intensely and quickly with other substances, forming new bonds.

The unique structure of melt water does not contain any impurities, there are no calories, fat and cholesterol. This is due to its beneficial properties. This liquid helps:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • losing weight and cleansing the body by removing toxins from it;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • blood purification, which allows nutrients to be distributed faster;
  • improving well-being and increasing human performance;
  • increasing the activity of human brain activity;
  • improving sleep quality.

Drinking melt water also helps in the prevention of certain diseases, in particular:

  • helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • gives an excellent effect in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • solves endocrine problems;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Cooking at home

One of the simplest and most accessible ways to prepare melt water is the following:

To purify water at the first stage, you can also use special filters or dishes equipped with a filtration function.

In a water molecule, hydrogen can be represented in different ways: by isotopes of protium (light, clean and healthy water), deuterium (“dead” and heavy, saturated with heavy metal compounds) and tritium (water with radioactive properties). Only protium water is suitable for human consumption. There is a method by which melt water can be given protium properties so that it becomes light and useful for the human body.

Unlike protium water, heavy water freezes at a temperature of 4 degrees, so after freezing it requires special treatment:

  1. Remove the water from the freezer an hour after the first ice appears. Percentage of heavy water in total volume is only 3%, it freezes first.
  2. Remove the first ice from the container using a spoon or tongs.
  3. Place the released water back into the freezer.
  4. Wait until the entire volume of water freezes.
  5. After the ice is ready, you can turn it into melt water using the method described above.

There is another unique way to make light and crystal clear melt water:

  1. Purify and prepare the water according to the algorithm described in the first method and place it in the freezer.
  2. After an hour, take out a container of water and remove the first ice.
  3. Then place the container back in the freezer.
  4. After 50-60% of the water has frozen, remove it from the refrigerator, pierce the ice and drain the part of the water that is not frozen in the center into the sink.
  5. Leave the remaining ice in the container to thaw at room temperature.

Turbid areas in frozen melt water are a sign that it contains remaining harmful impurities and heavy metals. Such ice must be removed.

Video: How to make melt water at home

Method of use

Melt water is consumed immediately after defrosting in small portions, warmed to room temperature. After 16-18 hours, it loses its beneficial properties and does not differ from ordinary settled tap water. In addition, its use for cooking does not make sense, since melt water loses its beneficial properties at temperatures above 37 degrees.

Ice of pure melt water is ready for defrosting and consumption

Precautionary measures

Any clean container is suitable for settling water: a bottle, a deep plate, a bowl, a jar, a saucepan, a can.

During the heating and boiling process, it is better to use an enamel container, glass (thermal glass) if it has heat-resistant properties or is suitable for use in a microwave oven, or made of stainless steel. It is not recommended to use dishes made of iron, because this metal easily enters into chemical reactions with melt water.

In addition, freezing water in a metal container is inconvenient because it quickly and tightly freezes to other objects. For freezing, it is better to choose a plastic container - it will not allow the water to absorb a specific smell freezer and will prevent random debris and excess frost from getting into the ice. You should not use an enamel container, because over time it may lose its attractiveness; cracks and chips may appear on the enamel (both inside and outside). Glassware is also not suitable because it may not withstand the pressure of ice in the freezer and may crack or burst.

It is believed that melt water, as a pure and structured substance, should only bring benefits.