How to seduce a married Libra woman. How to win over a Libra girl

The Libra woman is distinguished by her elegance. Her beauty will captivate the stronger sex at first sight.

How to win a Libra woman

Many people strive to win the original and unpredictable Libra woman. However, only those who know her subtle nature can achieve success. A man must be prepared for the changeable temperament of a potential partner. Sometimes she herself doesn’t know what she wants. Her whole life passes in search of inner harmony and balance.

Such a lady approaches the choice of a partner carefully. She has a number of requirements that he must meet. Only a man who is attractive in appearance, respectable and makes a favorable impression can win a Libra woman. A socially active young lady needs a worthy companion. He should be her beautiful “frame” in society, delight and arouse the envy of others.

Durable social status the chosen one plays an important role for the representative of this zodiac sign. The Libra woman cannot be conquered by castles in the air and picturesque promises. She needs stability here and now. In the person of a man, she is looking for a reliable and firmly standing companion. Such a lady gravitates towards everything expensive and luxurious. Expensive gifts and extraordinary surprises will help the gentleman win her heart. For dates, it is better to choose elite establishments. For such a young lady, the atmosphere is important. If she feels “at ease,” then it will be easier for a man to win her over. At the same time, the lady will take even the most expensive gifts for granted, so they are only a small part of the plan in conquering the unpredictable young lady.

To arouse the interest of a Libra woman, a man must be balanced, tactful, self-confident, active, cheerful and possess inner strength. If the lady of the heart feels uncomfortable or gets bored with the new gentleman, then he has no chance of a future together with her. A brawler also has no place next to such a woman.

It is important for a representative of this zodiac sign to find an interesting interlocutor in a man. If the gentleman can maintain a conversation on any topic, then she will certainly want to get to know him better. In a conversation, you must definitely express your admiration for the young lady and do not spare compliments. She will also appreciate your interest in her life and hobbies.

How to keep a Libra woman

The Libra woman is amorous and quickly makes contact. But she can quickly lose interest in her companion as soon as she satisfies her curiosity. Therefore, it is quite difficult to keep an unpredictable young lady next to you: she changes her decision with lightning speed. In this case, the reason for the separation may be insignificant.

From her admirer the lady longs to receive a solid foundation for coexistence. A man who wants to keep a Libra woman will have to take upon himself the solution to most everyday issues. Such a young lady will not “burden” the house, work, raising children, and household trifles.

A balanced and calm partner has every chance of a happy future with a representative of this zodiac sign. He will be able to provide her with emotional comfort in the relationship. At the same time, a man could use a little ardor and passion. Such a woman is in dire need of love and admiration. Sometimes she looks for them on the side. The chosen one will have to come to terms with periodic flirting and the expression of interest of his beloved in other representatives of the stronger sex. In this way she asserts herself.

The partner of such a young lady should always remain an interesting conversationalist. He needs to develop in order to be on the same level as his chosen one. The Libra woman does not stop the process of learning about herself and the world around her throughout her life.

For a representative of this zodiac sign it is important appearance gentleman throughout the entire period of the relationship. Therefore, a man should take care of himself and satisfy the delicate aesthetic taste of the lady of his heart.

The Libra woman is sweet and friendly. But in relationships, she puts her interests above the needs of her partner. By taking this trait for granted, a man will have every chance of a happy future with such a lady.

How to get a Libra woman back

The Libra woman is extraordinary and ambiguous. Since she herself sometimes does not know what she wants, it can be difficult for her chosen one. The cause of the conflict is often the lady’s hurt pride, because she takes a lot personally. A typical quarrel with a representative of this zodiac sign has nothing to do with a stormy showdown, screaming and scandals. The Libra woman will prefer to quickly end an unpleasant conversation and not develop a conflict.

It is not difficult to make peace with such a young lady if the cause of the conflict was not too serious. She herself often initiates reconciliation. If the lady is in no hurry to take the first step, then the man can push her to do so. Having felt sincere love and tenderness from her partner, she will willingly resume her relationship with him. A pleasant surprise or other beautiful gesture on the part of the chosen one will help speed up her decision.

A serious mistake by a partner will force the Libra woman to approach the issue of reconciliation more thoroughly. In this case, it will be more difficult to regain the lady’s recognition. She will scrupulously analyze every step of a man and may come to the conclusion that further relations with him are inappropriate. Such a young lady will not live in the past and will confidently take a step into a bright future, towards a new relationship.

Your chosen one according to the Libra horoscope? And you are wondering how to conquer a girl? Temperamental and ambitious, practical and rational, changeable and indecisive, but smart, friendly and beautiful. All this is about a woman under the sign of Libra. This contradiction develops under the influence of the most changeable elements - Air, Venus, the symbol of beauty, and the wise Chiron. All these ambiguous qualities are balanced, forming a whole, harmonious personality.

How to conquer a girl according to the Libra horoscope

Despite her practical mind, “masculine” logic and ability to persuade, coupled with a firm belief in her own rightness, the Libra woman can show charm, tenderness and elegance of manners, which, of course, disarms any man, most of whom are instinctively afraid of smart women. An important role in this is played by Libra’s innate tactfulness, which does not allow her to clearly show her superiority over a man. Therefore, such a woman is always surrounded by fans.

Advice for men whose girlfriend is Libra

Despite all the complexity of this nature, it is possible to conquer it. The Libra woman is “captive” of her rationality: before making any decision, she must weigh the pros and cons. Decision making is often accompanied by uncertainty and indecision. Therefore, she is always ready to rely on a confident man, shifting some of the responsibility onto his shoulders. Conclusion - next to such a woman there should be a strong, intelligent and self-confident man.

She loves to look beautiful, dress and surround her life expensive things, therefore, an important factor for her chosen one will be his social status.

The equal status of their relationship with a man is very important for a Libra woman. Her voice in major decisions is as important as his. He must always consult with her, and not just to maintain formal equality, but also for practical reasons - her advice will be balanced and thoughtful.

And of course, to conquer a girl according to the Libra horoscope, you need love. A woman under the sign of Libra is not able to resist a person who is truly in love with her, even if she herself does not have the same strong feelings for him.

And here we must remember that the external form of manifestation of love is very important for her - she is very partial to all signs of attention. A girl will be captivated by expensive gifts, beautifully arranged dates and frequent communication. At this stage of communication, a man should always take the initiative and be a leader.

The primary role in starting a long-term relationship with a Libra woman is played by acquaintance and first impression, and here external data and demeanor are the decisive factor that opens (or vice versa) the path to her heart.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are, as a rule, very charming, always tastefully dressed, friendly and do not like scandals and quarrels. It would seem to be a very attractive option, however, before you start conquering, you should take special care of your appearance.

It is worth biasedly assessing your appearance. This applies to clothes, shoes, and stylish hairstyles. The Libra woman can sometimes be very critical of little things. Secondly, you should not count on altruism on her part. Many representatives of the sign are very favorable towards expensive gifts, luxurious bouquets of flowers, trips to exotic exhibitions, restaurants and fashionable clubs. It will be better if your finances are ready to satisfy all the whims of this charming person. In general, try to move in the society in which she is used to moving. This is exactly what will help you win a Libra woman. And she loves entertainment very much, she loves to be constantly given attention. By the way, the Libra woman takes praise addressed to her very favorably. Don't deny her this little weakness.
The Libra woman is not very attracted to a career, so if you are making serious plans for the future, you should take care of the material side of your union. For such a woman, a breadwinner man is important, behind whom she will be like behind a stone wall; only such a man will she allow herself to be conquered. She is like a beautiful flower that will decorate your life, but will also require a lot of self-care. A craving for beauty, a thirst for fun and communication, and amazing sociability will not allow you to get bored in her company. She finds it well mutual language with people. If you go on a trip together, it will probably be unforgettable.
Household chores attract her little; she will clean and cook, but without much enthusiasm. If you plan to make her a housewife, then she will quickly get tired of such a role and wither away. This person must constantly experience new sensations; the monotony depresses her terribly.
At a young age, some women of this sign are prone to cheating. Therefore, it will be almost impossible for jealous men to win the heart of a Libra woman. On the other hand, they themselves sometimes treat their partner’s adventures surprisingly calmly. When communicating, do not try to make trouble with her. You can win a Libra woman only with understanding and delicacy. She knows her worth and will not allow her inner sense of harmony to be violated. She can easily leave the brawler, without even informing him and without trying to overcome the contradictions that have arisen. She stores all her experiences deeply, so sometimes it is simply impossible to predict the moment when her patience will run out.
She perceives her partner's problems with polite attention. She should not “cry into her vest”, she will listen, sympathize, but it is rare to find real empathy from representatives of this sign. All of the above is often characteristic of young representatives of Libra. Later, after about thirty years, they become calmer and try to plan their future lives with greater pragmatism. Their craving for luxury and fun changes to a desire to find an understanding person whose care and affection they can count on. Often very strong, stable marriages are created at this time.

A man of the Libra sign is characterized by changeable moods. He is thrown from one emotion to another. But despite the instability of character, the representative of this sign strives for stability in relationships. He is quick-tempered, but easy-going. It may throw a stormy scandal, but soon it will begin to reconcile. He is very contradictory and picky, so it is difficult to please him. Usually he is forgiven for all his shortcomings, since he is able to admit his mistakes. He is honest and straightforward, somewhat of an idealist. He is an esthete and erudite, so a Libra man will be able to win over an outwardly attractive and intelligent woman.

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How to conquer Libra?

Despite his difficult character, the Libra man is always surrounded by a crowd of vibrant fans. He charms women with his eloquence, elegance and openness. He is an extrovert by nature, so he gets along with people easily. True, it is easy to disappoint him, because not every girl meets high standards.

This zodiac sign is not difficult, but getting a serious relationship from him is not an easy task. He tends to constantly analyze, weigh the pros and cons, ohHe will take a long time to decide whether the lady is worthy of his attention.

To interest him, in no case should you go for a quick rapprochement. Moderation helps maintain intrigue and attractiveness without alienating Libra. You need to lure him, and not rush headlong into the pool of feelings. Men love the candy-bouquet period, when a couple is just getting closer. The anticipation of intimacy excites Libra's imagination; he is in no hurry to put the woman into bed. A girl who immediately ends up in bed with him will lose his affection and respect.

He needs only the best and most extraordinary lady who shines in society, is able to carry on a conversation on any topic and subtly senses his mood. The chosen one must understand fashion trends, be able to take care of herself and dress impeccably. He will be conquered by a witty, non-vulgar person, well-read, with a promising profession. It is advisable to own several foreign languages and understand technology, because Libras are greedy for knowledge and constantly improve their intellectual level.

If a woman does not meet his expectations, you can only count on a short-term romance.

He is not a hunter by nature. Rather, it is the woman who will have to fight for his attention. You need to be able to carry on a conversation and pamper him with a romantic message. Knowledge of poetry is welcome. At the same time, his chosen one must have analytical thinking and be ready for any adventures. Libra, as has been noted, is a contradictory sign. It combines talkativeness and silence, seriousness and carelessness, responsibility and detachment. This is an adult child in a good way words.

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Libra man in bed

He is more interested in the aesthetic side of intimate relationships. He is unlikely to agree to quick sex, because the surroundings are of great importance to him. Romantic people are delighted with the behavior of Libra, because this particular sign, unlike most men, loves long foreplay, role-playing games, lace lingerie, candles, and a bath with roses.

You need to be ready to experiment, because your partner will not tolerate boredom and monotony. If something turned him on yesterday, this does not mean that today he will be delighted with the same caresses and poses.

If problems arise, you can not be afraid to openly discuss any issues with him. He won't hide anything. If there is something that doesn’t suit him about his partner, he will say so in plain text. He does not skimp on expressions. But don’t be offended by Libra - he is pursuing a good goal. Constraints and understatement in love matters, according to the guy of this Zodiac, are evil.

The undoubted advantage of Libra is that he is not prone to betrayal. He prefers a varied intimate life with one girl rather than experimenting with different ladies.

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How to keep it for a long time?

Any smart and intelligent woman can attract Libra and make him like him. beautiful girl who will be interested in his tastes and inner world. It is comfortable to be around a man of this zodiac sign if you accept his impulsiveness. You should respond to outbursts of anger with iron calm. If a scandal cannot be avoided, you should not express everything that is in your heart in the heat of rage. Even in quarrels with Libra, you need to skillfully select every word, because he has an excellent memory, and he remembers every insult for a long time.

A positive feature of Libra is that they quickly move towards reconciliation, often taking the first step themselves.

They can surprise any woman. You can never say with certainty what is going on in his head. You need to be prepared for any surprises. It is Libra who can wake up his wife one fine morning and inform him that in an hour they are flying to Venice or to a conference of animal rights activists. A wife must enthusiastically go on a journey with her husband, otherwise she risks disappointing her partner with her dryness and excessive sanity.

But Libras are not frivolous spenders. They simply believe that there should be just enough finances to be enough to live on, but they can always make money. These men know how to make money. They will never work in low-paid jobs. It is easier for Libra to learn a new profession than not to take risks and lead a modest office existence.

They are attracted to everything new in life. They are childishly able to enjoy everything unusual. A like-minded person, an optimist and an active person, will be able to keep them. Dull young ladies may not count on success.

What kind of partner does Libra need:

  • non-conflict;
  • collected and neat;
  • cheerful and cheerful;
  • hardworking and ambitious;
  • tactful and polite;
  • sensual and feminine;
  • gentle and caring;
  • stylish and fashionable;
  • loving children and animals.

Libras are purposeful and ready to do a lot for the family, sometimes even the impossible. Their spouse should invest no less in the relationship, be a friend, a partner, a lover, and a sister. Only such a multifaceted nature will be able to conquer Libra for life.

How to seduce your husband

general characteristics

Perhaps this is the most feminine sign of all the zodiac signs. In fact, it is generally accepted that Libra women are the very essence of charm and attractiveness.

They are considered the most seductive. This is achieved both due to natural beauty, but no less due to the peculiarities of their character and style of behavior. By nature, Libras are classic, very attractive egoists. For them, it is simply necessary to constantly be the center of attention so that men constantly admire them. This is facilitated by their heavenly patron, the goddess of beauty and love, Venus.

Note that Libra walks a fine line between complete openness and complete mystery. They are the only sign in the zodiac that is in love with Love itself.

Libra girls are generously endowed with masculine character traits, hence their dislike for everyday life and materialism. They do not become hysterical and know how to think logically. They are less interested in material things than in spiritual things.

They are distinguished by an inquisitive mind, they are far from excellent students at school, but they have more wisdom than any other sign of the Zodiac. Being the element of real air, Libra is fickle and changeable. They are always looking for adventure. They do not always give themselves an account of their actions.

What are they like in a relationship?

Libra girls are unsurpassed masters of flirting. It's second nature to them.
But at the same time, if they fall in love, others simply do not exist for them. So these are potentially very faithful life partners. It can be said about them that they are infinitely true to their hearts. Although in this case, flirting is not alien to them. But it will not have any continuation.

It is very important for Libra to constantly feel that they are loved. When a girl falls in love and feels all the warmth and sincerity of her lover’s feelings, she can even be content with a platonic relationship. Having achieved the desired result, Libra needs a feeling of stability. Therefore, they are aimed at long-term, strong relationships with their partners.

What do Libra girls like?

Libra girls have unsurpassed taste. They love everything original, beautiful, elegant. Generally speaking, Libra represents intellect and intuition embodied. This could potentially be a very powerful and dangerous zodiac sign. But so that they would not direct all their intellectual power to evil, they were not given sufficient energy for this.

This is why Libra needs constant energy supply, which can be provided by representatives of fire signs. They are intuitively drawn to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Although relationships with them never go smoothly, in the main they complement each other.

You won't find any in Libra girls. positive quality, which would not be balanced by something negative. One person sometimes combines enviable efficiency and hopeless laziness, courtesy and rudeness, strength and weakness.

Libras are born psychologists. They feel other people well, get along with them easily, and are very sociable. However, at the same time they remain internally independent and keep their distance, not allowing unwanted contacts to develop. They are quite easy to offend, but they quickly move away. They are disgusted by vulgarity and rudeness. Very delicate - they will never invade where they shouldn’t without permission.

How to make her fall in love?

If you want to conquer a woman of this sign, remember not to be too assertive; they may get scared and run away. They need to be tied to you very gently and gradually. Libra women can, in principle, get along with any man, since being psychologists, they select behavioral tactics individually, instinctively sensing a person.

Libras are perfect romantics; it is very difficult for them to compare the world born of their internal perception with the realities of the real world. Therefore, they often run away from reality, escaping in a dream world accessible only to them. Hence their frequent desire to be alone so that no one will disturb them. Left alone with themselves, they love to dream, and this quality persists throughout their lives. Too idealistic natures, Libras are prone to frequent depression.

Libra girls are especially attracted to smart and kind men. This must be a person with a mysterious smile and fire in his eyes, a lone wolf, accustomed to relying only on his own strength. Hardy and strong, calm and passionate at the same time. But the most important thing for Libra is beauty. When choosing a partner, they try him on, how she would look with him. Therefore, a man must certainly be, if not handsome, then at least handsome.

They love to listen. Libras simply adore interesting stories and well-delivered speech. A man who cannot express his thoughts or put together a few words is uninteresting to them. They are the ones who truly love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears. This is why it is so difficult for them to truly fall in love.

Very high demands are placed on a potential life partner.
By the way, even love at a distance is typical for representatives of Libra. It fits perfectly with her dream world, with so much time to daydream between meetings.

Libra is a sign that loves foreplay in everything. A well-prepared and organized action is doomed to success. Be quite persistent, but not annoying. Libras sometimes themselves do not realize what they want. If you fit into her idea of ​​a potential partner, if you are well-groomed and neat, handsome and courageous, with good manners, a little tough, an intelligent interlocutor, a good storyteller - then success will accompany you in winning the heart of a Libra girl.

In this case, everything will begin with her, as always, with ordinary flirting. However, she herself will not notice how Love grows. Then you are lucky, this is truly a gift from Fate.