How to find out if you have cancer. Symptoms of cancer

According to statistics, almost 2% of all people living in the Russian Federation today are cancer patients. Every year, more than 500 thousand Russians are diagnosed with cancer. Despite the frightening statistics, experts say that cancer is not a death sentence.

“Oncology is certainly a dangerous and very serious disease. However, you need to understand that there are thousands of types and subtypes of cancer. And most of them are curable, subject to high-quality diagnosis and therapy,” says Founder and CEO of the cancer diagnostics service “UNIM” Alexey Remez.

According to the expert, the earlier cancer is detected, the higher the chance of recovery.

"Very good example serves as melanoma, a well-known aggressive skin cancer - when detected at stage zero, when germination is still very small, and with high-quality removal, recovery is achieved in 99% of cases, while when treating melanoma at stage 4, the chance of living for five years with such a diagnosis is about 15%,” noted Remez.

Find and neutralize

Treatment of cancer in any country is based on protocols developed by the international medical community, which are based on an analysis of collective medical experience. However, before starting to treat a person, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis.

A person should be wary and consult a doctor if he begins to rapidly lose weight for no particular reason, nausea, weakness and pain appear, he explained oncologist Andrey Koritsky.

“In addition, a person should be wary of unusual discharge (bloody, purulent, mucous), a prolonged causeless increase in body temperature, frequent exacerbations of a chronic disease and the appearance of a new formation,” the oncologist warned.

The first stage of cancer diagnosis is screening.

“Screening is a mass examination of people at risk for a certain type of disease in the absence of symptoms,” explained the doctor.

There are a series of screening measures that help detect cancer at an early stage. For example, women aged 20 to 40 years are advised to undergo an annual breast ultrasound, and after 40 years, replace the procedure with mammography.

“To exclude cervical cancer, women over 20 years of age should undergo a liquid oncocytological examination (smear) using the Papanicolaou method (PAP test) and testing for the presence of oncogenic types of human papillomaviruses using the polymerase chain reaction (HPV test) every three years.” , said Koritsky.

Men and women over 40 also need to have a colonoscopy every five years. And representatives of the stronger sex should additionally take a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to prevent the development of prostate cancer.

“Representatives of all groups of the population should also undergo an annual abdominal ultrasound and chest x-ray. IN Lately Also, periodic gastroscopy with biopsy of the mucous membrane to exclude stomach cancer is coming to the fore,” the oncologist noted.

If, after screening, the therapist suspects a malignant neoplasm or the doctor is alarmed by the patient’s complaints, the person is prescribed additional tests.

“These can be laboratory tests and instrumental studies - MRI, CT, endoscopic studies (FGDS, colonoscopy). If cancer is suspected, the patient is sent to an appointment with an oncologist, where the issue of conducting a histological examination is decided,” Koritsky described the procedure.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, the specialist first performs a biopsy - cutting out a piece of tissue or organ from the patient for examination. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia or during surgery. Next, the resulting material enters the pathomorphological laboratory, where it is processed and stored, making paraffin blocks and histological slides, which will then be examined by a pathologist under a microscope.

One step away from error

Having received the results of histological examination, the oncologist can select the treatment that is most effective for this type of cancer - surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, etc.

However, experts advise not to rely on the opinion of one specialist, but to seek advice from several centers with test results. In this case, the patient can independently send histological slides to another laboratory so that another pathologist can confirm or correct the diagnosis.

“One of our clients was diagnosed with an epithelial tumor, but the origin of the tumor could not be determined locally. She turned to us for research because the laboratory of the oncology clinic did not do the immunohistochemistry she needed. Based on the results of the study, a rare form of a dangerous lymphoproliferative disease was identified - myeloid sarcoma with monoblastic differentiation. However, due to the peculiarities of the form of this disease, the patient's blood test was ideal, and she did not fully appreciate the complexity of the situation. The pathological process was already developing, and in the absence of treatment, the prognosis would be sad - no more than a month of life. Ultimately, we managed to convince her to consult a specialist again and begin treatment for the disease,” Remez gave an example.

At the same time, according to the expert, according to the company’s internal statistics, more than 40% of incoming diagnoses turn out to be erroneous when reviewed.

Immunohistochemistry is a highly accurate diagnostic method that allows the detection of tumor antigens. It is widely used to establish a final diagnosis in oncological practice.

Lymphoproliferative disease is a group of diseases in which the cells that make up the immune system—lymphocytes—grow. If the tumor arises in the bone marrow, the term "leukemia" is used. Neoplasms that arise in lymphoid tissue outside the bone marrow are called lymphomas.

*** Myeloid sarcoma is a malignant tumor consisting of immature white blood cells of the bone marrow (leukemic myeloblasts).

Oncological diseases occupy a leading position in terms of patient mortality throughout the world. Complete cure of cancer patients is possible only in the early stages of the disease, but many types of malignant neoplasms at the initial stage of formation are practically asymptomatic. However, there are a number of common oncological signs by which you can independently suspect the presence of cancer.

General symptoms

Oncologists point to the existence of a so-called minor symptom complex, the detection of which is considered a reason for immediate consultation with an oncologist:

  • sudden fatigue and gradual deterioration of well-being;
  • headaches, dizziness, night sweats and progressive general weakness;
  • persistent low-grade fever, periodic fever in the evening;
  • prolonged itching of the skin, disruption of the structure and shape of birthmarks, nevi and moles;
  • asymmetrical enlargement of some areas of papilloma with the formation of a red rim, a sensation of “foreign body” and tingling of the skin;
  • symmetrical enlargement of a group of lymph nodes in the cervical region, inguinal or axillary areas;
  • chronic course of ulcers, cracks and erosions on the skin or in the oral cavity;
  • an increase in the volume of soft tissues, which is accompanied by an atypical color and pattern of the skin in this area;
  • frequent attacks of bone pain, pathological fractures and local hyperthermia.

Specific signs of the disease

Oncologists are wary of the following symptoms:

  • severe and prolonged pain when swallowing food. Such painful sensations can be repeated several times. Over time, the patient may experience tingling, scratching, and a “foreign object” sensation in the throat;
  • retention of food in the esophagus;
  • a constant feeling of fullness in the stomach with frequent belching during meals;
  • the presence of mucous and blood inclusions in the stool in combination with dull pain in the anus;
  • prolonged purulent discharge from the nasal passages, which are not associated with rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • persistent and recurrent attacks of dry cough, chest pain and bloody sputum;
  • changes in visual acuity and decreased field of vision;
  • constant headaches, lack of coordination of movements;
  • frequent urge to urinate, mucous-blood discharge from the genitals, chronic pain in the pelvic area.


Stool examination

Examination of a patient with suspected intestinal cancer necessarily includes a stool test for the presence of blood elements. Recent research by scientists at the University of Potsdam has led to the development of an innovative method for diagnosing intestinal cancer. The essence of the technique is to identify cancer cells that are released from a malignant neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract. It is noteworthy that such an analysis is capable of diagnosing early forms of cancer in the absence of specific cancer symptoms.

General urine analysis

It allows you to determine general state urinary system. Based on the color of urine and the inclusion of leukocytes and red blood cells, one can suspect oncology or inflammatory-destructive changes in the kidneys. Subsequent diagnosis requires additional diagnostic procedures and consultation with a doctor.

Recently, information has appeared in the press about successful scientific research by American scientists in the field of diagnosing bladder and prostate cancer based on the results of urine tests.

General blood analysis

The development of malignant neoplasms provokes an increase in the concentration of certain biologically active substances in the blood. These substances are called tumor markers. Determining the amount of a specific protein in the circulatory system is considered an integral part of the screening examination.

Cancer screening

A diagnostic technique that allows you to determine the presence of a cancer lesion in the preclinical stage of tumor development. Is it possible to detect cancer in blood by analyzing the number of tumor markers? The blood test has goals such as early detection of cancerous tumors, differentiation of malignant and benign processes, monitoring the results and effectiveness of anticancer treatment, as well as timely detection of disease relapse.

For diagnosis, blood is drawn from the patient on an empty stomach. The duration of laboratory testing is usually one day.

The traditional set of tumor markers includes:

  1. CEA marker, which indicates the presence of neoplasms and metastatic lesions of internal organs;
  2. CA 19-9 marker for identifying pancreatic tumors;
  3. CA-15-3 marker, which makes it possible to detect breast cancer;
  4. CA-125 is a marker of metastatic and cancerous lesions of the ovaries.

Is it possible to determine cancer independently by the level of tumor markers? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. The concentration of such substances may increase against the background of chronic inflammatory processes or viral infection of the body. Due to this An oncologist should analyze the results of laboratory tests, which in most cases recommends that the patient undergo additional diagnostic testing.

Useful video

Cancer is a serious disease during which a malignant tumor is formed in the body, which has symptoms characteristic only of it, as well as nonspecific signs. By listening to your body, you can diagnose the disease at an early stage and begin treatment immediately. After all, it is very important to recognize the disease when everything can still be corrected and saved. human life. Any sudden change in health should be a reason to consult a doctor. Sudden weight loss, fever for no apparent reason, or changes in skin color can be signs of cancer or another disease. You should not self-medicate, wait until it goes away on its own, it is better to consult a specialist and get tested.

Attention, cancer: symptoms and signs!

If diarrhea or constipation has become normal, and the color and volume of stool have changed, then these are the first signs of colon cancer.

If the process of urination has become frequent and painful, and there are traces of blood in the urine, then these symptoms indicate problems with the prostate gland.

Long lasting wounds and cuts that can fester and bleed are fraught with danger. Small ulcers in the mouth, vagina and penis that do not heal for a long time are also a cause for concern, as they indicate the presence of an infection in the body and, possibly, primary signs of cancer.

Purulent and bloody discharge indicates an advanced disease in the body. Coughing up blood often indicates signs of lung cancer. The detection of feces in the blood indicates, at best, colitis, and at worst, a malignant neoplasm. Discharge of blood from the nipples can be a symptom of breast cancer, and from the vagina - cervical cancer. One of the early manifestations of a cancerous tumor is lumps in certain parts of the body, such as the female breast and scrotum. You can diagnose them yourself by regularly examining your own body. Having felt them, you should immediately go to the doctor. Regular problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as difficulty swallowing food, are signs of stomach or intestinal cancer.

Signs of lung cancer usually appear in the form of hoarseness, a suffocating cough that does not stop for a long time. It is difficult to detect throat cancer, the first signs of which are similar to cold symptoms. This is a hoarse voice, perhaps its complete disappearance, inflammation of the lymph nodes, cough and putrid odor from the mouth.

Neoplasms in the form of moles and warts characterize a disease such as melanoma, which can be cured at the initial stage.

Nonspecific primary signs of cancer

There are a number of symptoms characteristic of the onset of various diseases, not as dangerous as cancer. People blame their illness on them, without thinking that everything is much more serious.

Sudden weight loss for no apparent reason. Almost all cancer patients lose a lot of weight, especially if we're talking about about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

An elevated temperature indicates that there is an infection in the human body that suppresses the immune system, and therefore the body devotes all its strength to fighting it. But, as a rule, an increase in temperature does not occur in the initial stages of the disease. So the involvement of temperature in oncology should be considered only if additional signs are present.

. Gradually increasing fatigue. Malaise and increased fatigue can result from blood loss, which occurs with stomach or intestinal cancer.

A formed tumor can cause pain. Pain indicates serious damage to an entire system in the body.

Changes in the skin in the form of manifestations of urticaria, jaundice, increased pigmentation.

What types of cancer are there, signs of organ damage

So, let's look at the main types of pathology and their symptoms.

Stomach cancer

It never develops suddenly in completely healthy tissues. It is preceded by gastric disorders such as gastritis and ulcers. Scientists have proven that each geographic area is associated with a specific type of disease. For example, where people often suffer from intestinal cancer, there are almost no cases of tumors being diagnosed in the stomach.

Causes of malignant tumors:

Consumption of products containing nitrates, as well as salted, pickled, smoked products, dishes cooked over an open fire;
. removal of part of the stomach through surgery;
. chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

Doctors discovered an interesting fact: people with the first blood group are most often susceptible to stomach cancer.

Symptoms of the disease:

Feeling of discomfort and pain in the stomach after eating;
. sudden weight loss and lack of appetite;
. frequent bloating, heartburn, regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence;
. low iron levels;
. fast fatiguability;
. black stool (due to bleeding inside the stomach).

The main problem is that small tumors that can be simply excised do not usually cause such symptoms.

Breast cancer

The main cause of breast cancer development is hormonal changes in the female body. Such changes occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding, after abortion, and at the onset of menopause. The hormone estrogen is most often responsible for the development of the disease, namely its increased concentration, which occurs during termination of pregnancy and menopause. When carrying and breastfeeding a child, this hormone is practically not produced. Therefore, it is believed that long-term breast-feeding is an excellent prevention of malignant tumors. Estrogen is produced in large quantities by the fatty tissues present in the body. Accordingly, the more there are, the more hormone is produced.

The first signs of breast cancer are discharge from the nipple and nodules that feel like stone, tightly fixed in the breast tissue. Their sizes can range from a couple to 10-15 centimeters in diameter. The skin over the nodule is pulled inward and wrinkles, resembling a lemon peel.

Skin cancer

The main cause of skin cancer development is long-term or short-term, but strong exposure to UV radiation on the skin. It has been noted that fair-skinned and fair-haired people are susceptible to this disease, as they are more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays.

You can independently detect skin cancer; signs of a mole turning into a malignant neoplasm are visible to the naked eye. It can grow both horizontally and increase in volume, become asymmetrical and uneven in color. Often the mole becomes wet, bleeds and itches, hair stops growing on it and existing hair falls out. The skin around it becomes inflamed, and it itself becomes covered with crusts and flakes off. The mole may develop small nodules and become loose and glossy.

To make sure that it is definitely cancer, it is not enough to identify the signs; you must immediately consult a doctor and take smears, scrapings, a biopsy, and, if necessary, conduct an ultrasound examination of the affected tissues and check them for the presence of metastases.

Lungs' cancer

Most often, in the early stages, signs of lung cancer practically do not appear. That is why people learn about the development of this disease in the body during routine medical examinations or too late to count on a positive outcome of treatment. It is difficult to identify it in yourself without the help of doctors, since the symptoms are similar to many other diseases. But there are still signs of lung cancer that you can identify yourself. This is a cough, bronchitis with pneumonia that occurs for no apparent reason. As the tumor grows, certain parts of the organ stop working, causing shortness of breath.

A common symptom that most people complain about is pain in the chest area, namely where the tumor is located, elevated temperature and an unclear heart rhythm. In the future, if the initial stage of the disease is not recognized, cancer will show more serious and characteristic signs, but you should not wait for them, as you may miss the moment when there is still a chance to be cured. In addition, lung cancer has pronounced symptoms only if it is located in the large bronchi.

Throat cancer

It is difficult to detect throat cancer at the initial stage; the first signs are very similar to a common cold. Until now, doctors have not come to a clear conclusion: where does this disease come from? However, there are statistical data that show that it occurs mainly in men, especially in smokers and drinkers. Old age, poor oral hygiene, work in hazardous industries, genetic predisposition, low consumption of vegetables and fruits, the presence of cancerous tumors in the neck and head - all this can cause the progression of cancer in the human body.

Diagnosing throat cancer, the first signs of which may differ depending on which area is affected, is quite difficult. The main symptoms include the following:

Hoarseness in the voice, its complete loss is possible;
. pain when swallowing, difficulty in this process;
. the smell of rot coming from the mouth;
. inability to cure dry cough that does not go away for a long time;
. expectoration of bloody sputum;
. the lymph nodes in the neck are inflamed and enlarged;
. breathing difficulties associated with tumor growth;
. loss of appetite, and with it rapid weight loss;
. hearing loss, ear pain.

If a malignant tumor develops in the upper part of the larynx, then the person’s teeth hurt, fall out, and there is a sore throat. If the cancer has affected the lower throat, then pain similar to a sore throat is felt.

Signs of cancer in women may differ slightly from the classic ones, since the disease is more aggressive due to increased levels of estrogen. They become irritable, get tired faster, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. They have recorded cases of bleeding from the upper respiratory tract and a higher content of blood in the sputum. Cancer in women is detected earlier, as they are more attentive to their body and seek treatment more often. medical care. Men make up 90% of the total number of people diagnosed with throat cancer; they can ignore the first signs, attributing them to general malaise and fatigue.

Uterine cancer

A very common disease that affects women over 40 years of age. What can contribute to its development? There are many reasons: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, nicotine addiction, the presence of human papillomavirus in the body, HIV, frequent changes of partners, early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular menstrual cycle, late onset of menopause. The risk group includes women with excess weight of more than 10 kg. Uterine cancer can be predicted in advance, since its precursors are erosive processes, the formation of ulcers and scars after childbirth, the growth of the endometrium and the presence of constant inflammatory processes.

The classic signs of uterine cancer that all women complain about are whitish discharge, bleeding and pain. But all this does not appear at the very beginning. In this regard, a number of difficulties arise in order to immediately recognize uterine cancer. Signs and symptoms of the initial stages of the disease are mucous discharge mixed with pus and blood, appearing after exercise and tension in the pelvic muscles. Very often the cycle is disrupted, and trips to the toilet become frequent and painful, which indicates the progression of the disease, which has already reached the bladder. If at first the discharge may be odorless, then in the final stages it acquires an unpleasant putrefactive odor. A good reason to consult a doctor is spotting, even minor, in menopausal women. The insidiousness of the disease is that it is impossible to identify such a woman externally, because she looks fresh and cheerful, only in the last stages is weight loss observed.

Cervical cancer

This cancer affecting the cervix is ​​the most common among other types of genital cancer. Women aged 35 to 55 years are at risk. According to statistics, this disease is more common in Latin women than in European women. This disease is predicted by the erosions and dysplasia that precede it, so it can be detected in the early stages, and therefore cured. If you do this on time, you can preserve the woman’s ability to give birth to children and lead a full sex life. The most important causative agent of cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus. It is transmitted sexually, even a condom does not serve as protection, since its cells are very small and penetrate through the smallest pores in the latex. In addition, the virus is located not only on the genitals, but also on adjacent areas of the skin. There are a number of other factors: smoking, frequent sexual intercourse with different partners, sexually transmitted diseases, constant stay in a state of weight loss, AIDS. They can cause cancer. Signs do not appear in the early stages. The woman does not experience any discomfort.

It is necessary to undergo routine examinations by a gynecologist and undergo tests annually. These procedures will help detect signs of cervical cancer earlier. Symptoms characteristic of this disease:

Bleeding that occurs after sex, examination by a gynecologist, between menstruation, and also after the onset of menopause;
. changes in cycle duration, color and volume of menstrual flow;
. increased volume of vaginal discharge. They become white, mixed with blood, and in later stages they take on the color and smell of rotting meat waste.
. feeling of pain during sex;
. pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
. weight loss;
. constipation and problems with urination, as a result of which the legs begin to swell;
. increased fatigue and general weakness.

It is worth noting that all these signs can appear not only with cervical cancer, but also with almost all diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from qualified gynecologists and oncologists.

Testicular cancer

This is a fairly rare, but still common male cancer. However, it is one of its most aggressive forms, affecting men under 40 years of age. The causes can be either congenital benign tumors, trauma, or infertility. The most main reason- cryptochism, when the testicle does not descend into the scrotum. Cancer is genetically transmitted and affects Caucasians more often than African Americans.

Symptoms of this form of cancer are local. You should pay attention to seals in the gland. You can feel them with your fingers. When they are squeezed, a man does not experience any discomfort. The pain is located in the lower abdomen, in the affected testicle, which over time swells, becomes heavier and sags. Some types of testicular cancer can provoke hormonal imbalance. In boys, this leads to an untimely change in voice and frequent erections. In adult men, on the contrary, sexual desire disappears, and cases of impotence are common. The body begins to produce female hormones to a greater extent, which leads to a change in the figure. Such men become effeminate.

To prevent the development of cancer in your body, you need to engage in prevention, conduct healthy image life, eat right. Nutrition plays a very important role in maintaining health. After all, the development of some forms of this disease, such as stomach or intestinal cancer, is facilitated by unhealthy fatty foods loaded with preservatives. The stomach is unable to digest it, and it begins to rot. It is very important to visit doctors regularly for preventive examinations. If cancer is nevertheless discovered, then you should not think that this is a death sentence and life ends there. Timely diagnosis leads to very high recovery rates.


What horror a person experiences when he is given this dangerous diagnosis! But the situation does not always end tragically. If signs of cancer are detected at the first stage of damage to the body, oncological diseases can be treated. What symptoms help to suspect malignant neoplasms, how they differ in men and women, with various types of pathologies - information, useful to people any age.

What is cancer

This disease is one of the most dangerous - it develops quickly and often ends in death. Cancer is an oncological pathology in which there is uncontrolled growth of cells that form a malignant tumor. Taking into account the stage of development:

  • on the first stage a cure is possible;
  • the second is characterized by the spread of cancer cells to neighboring organs and is eliminated with timely diagnosis;
  • the third and fourth have a low survival rate due to rapid metastases throughout the body.

Cancer develops from the epithelium; the disease can begin in any human organ. Due to metabolic disorders:

  • new cells acquire unusual functions;
  • tissues cease to form correctly;
  • require additional energy for growth;
  • affect healthy tissues of the body, destroying them;
  • invade blood vessels, lymphatic channels and spread throughout the body - metastasize.

How to detect

To achieve a positive treatment result, it is important to promptly identify the beginning of the process and engage in cancer prevention. Signs of oncology in the body can be detected during medical examinations, with mandatory mammography, fluorography, and urine and stool tests. The onset of the disease is determined by the results of a blood test when, for no apparent reason, the following is detected:

  • acceleration of ESR;
  • decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • changes in thyroid, sex, and adrenal hormones;
  • increased calcium levels in kidney cancer.

When there is a targeted detection of a tumor, use:

  • tests for tumor markers;
  • cytological examination of cells;
  • tissue histology - cancer is differentiated;
  • computed tomography - reveals the size and shape of the tumor;
  • ultrasound examination - changes in tissue density are observed;
  • magnetic resonance imaging – small tumors and metastases throughout the body are determined;
  • endoscopic methods - reveal the picture near the lesion.

How does cancer manifest?

In the initial stages, the symptoms of cancer are often indistinguishable from other diseases or do not appear at all. This leads to late initiation of treatment and reduced effectiveness of results. As cancer progresses, signs of infection appear different. Symptoms of malignant tumors depend on:

  • gender, age of the patient;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • stages of cancer;
  • tumor structures;
  • cancer localization;
  • growth rate.

In addition to the general signs characteristic of any type of oncology, the following are observed in the case of cancer:

  • brain - impaired memory, attention, seizures;
  • skin - depending on the type and shape - ulcers, penetration of cancer into the deep layers;
  • lungs – shortness of breath, cough with purulent sputum;
  • liver – development of jaundice;
  • organs of the genitourinary system - blood in the urine, problems urinating;
  • stomach - difficulties in digestion, stool disorders.

General symptoms

It is important to know the common signs of cancer. This will help to consult a doctor in a timely manner, begin examination, and initial treatment of the patient. Symptoms indicate cancer:

  • sudden, causeless weight loss;
  • fever, increased temperature - the reaction of the immune system, activation of forces to fight the disease, appears in the last stages.

The main signs of cancer include:

  • deterioration of health;
  • gradual increase in weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • the occurrence of pain is possible at all stages of cancer;
  • changes in the skin - the appearance of urticaria, erythema, jaundice, with skin melanoma - increased pigmentation, the formation of warts, a change in their color;
  • deterioration of hair quality;
  • feeling of discomfort in the affected organ;
  • the appearance of compactions, tumors.

First signs

It is very important not to miss the first symptoms of cancer. A dangerous disease detected in the early stages is successfully treated and provides a high survival rate. You can learn about your risk of cancer by looking at the common symptoms of cancer. The first signs of the presence of malignant neoplasms are characteristics, depending on:

  • localization of the cancerous tumor;
  • damage to female organs;
  • manifestations of the disease in men;
  • development of pathology in children.

The first signs of cancer in women

The female genital organs are often affected by cancerous tumors, which is associated with the developmental characteristics of the body. Other localizations of malignant neoplasms cannot be excluded. The first signs of a tumor in the female body:

  • bleeding during menopause;
  • spotting discharge after sexual intercourse;
  • heavy, prolonged menstruation;
  • change in the shape of the mammary gland;
  • discharge from the nipple.

Oncological diseases in women cause symptoms:

  • bleeding between periods;
  • soreness in the ovarian area;
  • watery discharge with ichor due to cancer of the inner wall of the uterus;
  • lumps in the chest;
  • nipple retraction;
  • discomfort in the labia area;
  • urine leakage;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • blood in stool;
  • urinary disorders;
  • increase in abdominal size;
  • bleeding from the rectum.

The first signs of cancer in men

In addition to common oncological diseases, cancer of the genitourinary system is not uncommon for men. Frequent smoking leads to the appearance of malignant tumors of the larynx and lungs. Signs of cancer in men include:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • back pain is a signal of a prostate tumor;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • inability to urinate;
  • change in the consistency of stool;
  • blood in urine;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • lumps in the chest;
  • lumps in the testicles;
  • cough with blood, mucus, pus.

In children

The onset of cancer in a child can be marked by signs of intoxication of the body - loss of appetite, vomiting, headaches, pale skin. With the development of cancer in children, tearfulness, moodiness, nightmares, and fears often appear. Depending on the type of pathology, the following are observed:

  • with leukemia – nosebleeds, aching joints, enlarged liver;
  • with brain tumors – loss of coordination, convulsions, loss of consciousness;
  • in the case of osteosarcoma – night pain in the joints;
  • with eye cancer - blurred vision, hemorrhages.

Back pain due to cancer

Often, especially in the later stages of cancer development, painful sensations in the back are observed. Symptoms occur in the form of spasms and are aching and tingling in nature. Pain in the lumbar region is observed with ovarian cancer and prostate tumors. Such signs of neoplasms in cancer patients appear as a result of the presence of metastases that have affected the spine. This is typical for the development of:

  • stomach cancer, when the process has invaded the pancreas;
  • tumors in the lungs;
  • lumbar spine cancer;
  • malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland.


Common symptoms of cancer include changes in temperature. This symptom manifests itself differently as the tumor grows. The rise in temperature is facilitated by the activation of the immune system, which tries to fight foreign cells. In the last stages of the disease, for many types of cancer it can be very high. At an early stage of development, a low-grade fever is observed, which lasts for a long time, sometimes up to several weeks, and does not exceed 38 degrees. These signs are typical for the appearance of:

  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • lymphomas;
  • lymphosarcoma.

Dramatic weight loss

Often, in a short period of time, a cancer patient changes appearance, looks different from his photo from six months ago. Dramatic weight loss - up to 5 kg per month - is a serious reason to consult a doctor. This is one of the earliest and most striking signs of oncology. Weight loss due to cancer is explained by:

  • production by the tumor of substances that disrupt metabolic processes;
  • psychological stress that deprives you of appetite;
  • influence of chemotherapy.

A cancer patient quickly loses weight, which is associated with:

  • poisoning of the body with metabolic products of cancer cells;
  • necessity large quantity nutrients for tumor growth and metastases;
  • disruption of food intake and digestion in case of esophageal cancer, gastrointestinal tract tumors;
  • radiation therapy to the head area, in which taste and smell are impaired, and an aversion to food appears;
  • removal of part of the stomach and intestines.


This sign characterizes oncology of the tissues of the lung and bronchi. Cough changes greatly as the cancer progresses. This symptom is distinguished by:

  • at the initial stage, a constant dry cough;
  • as the tumor grows, a small amount of clear sputum is formed;
  • with further increase in size, the vessels are damaged and blood appears;
  • gradually the sputum becomes purulent, profuse, with an unpleasant odor;
  • when blood vessels are affected, it looks like raspberry jelly;
  • With the destruction of arteries when coughing, pulmonary hemorrhage begins.

Weakness and sweating

With the development of a cancerous tumor, it is not uncommon to experience sweating and muscle weakness. These signs give the body a signal that serious problems have arisen in it. When the lymphatic system, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland are damaged, hormonal disruptions occur, leading to increased sweating. The causes of weakness during the development of cancer are:

  • blood poisoning from waste products of aggressive cells;
  • anemia due to damage to blood vessels;
  • inability to properly digest food due to gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • interception of nutrition by malignant cells from healthy ones.

Atypical symptoms

There are signs of cancer that are similar to symptoms of other diseases. To be on the safe side, if they are identified, it is better to contact specialists to clarify the diagnosis. Atypical signs of cancer:

  • mouth ulcers;
  • frequent infections;
  • painful cough;
  • feeling of bladder fullness;
  • skin signs - changes in the size and color of warts;
  • unexplained discharge of blood and pus;
  • severe migraine;
  • smell from the mouth;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • causeless swelling;
  • sore throat;
  • hoarseness of voice.

Symptoms of cancer of different organs

There are signs of oncology that are characteristic of certain organs. For example, tumors of the pancreas or prostate gland have their own characteristics. Signs of pathology are observed:


Breast cancer


breast density, swelling, redness

Paget's cancer

nipple ulceration

Colon tumor

bleeding, bowel dysfunction

Cervical cancer

bleeding from the genital tract

Lung tumor

hemoptysis, shortness of breath, purulent sputum


damage to deep layers of skin
