What Yakovleva's son looks like. Elena Yakovleva’s son - his tattoos, photos from the wedding

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Elena Yakovlev viewers remembered her for the films “Intergirl”, “Retro Threesome”, “What a Wonderful Game”, as well as the television series “Kamenskaya” and “Sklifosovsky”. The 56-year-old actress has been happy with her second husband Valery Shalny for more than 32 years, of which 27 years have been legally married.

The actress's only son, 25-year-old Denis, often shocks others with his appearance. The young man is engaged in bodybuilding, and his face and body are covered with tattoos.

In a recent interview with the portal 7days.ru, Elena Alekseevna said that her son still has not been able to decide on a profession. Denis studied at the directing department of the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, but did not complete his education.

Son of Elena Yakovleva Denis Shalnykh

According to the actress, her son’s admission to the directing department was a mistake: “The institute where my husband and I persuaded Denis to enroll turned out to be a waste of time. It turned out to be very difficult, almost impossible, to find a job in your specialty. We sent Denis to London for a year, but he said: “It’s interesting to study there, of course, but what will I do with it when I return to Russia?”

After dropping out of school, Denis took up bodybuilding and participated in competitions, achieving noticeable results. At the same time, the young man worked as a fitness trainer, but after he “built” himself an ideal body, he became bored with sports.

Elena Alekseevna is sure that Denis could make an excellent doctor: “Once I accompanied Denis to his ear, nose and throat. When he began to talk in vague terms about his assumptions about his illness, the doctor asked me: “What year of medical school is your son studying?”

Son of Elena Yakovleva Denis Shalnykh with his wife Victoria Melnikova

The actress expects that her son will soon decide on his life’s profession: “Now he is passionate about becoming a specialist in plastic makeup. True, to obtain the appropriate certificate, you need to fly to Los Angeles, only such courses exist there. In general, he throws the boy...”

Elena Yakovleva hopes that Denis will find his place in life: “But he must do it himself, he can’t help but decide on this issue himself.”

Let us recall that in July last year Denis Shalnykh married journalist Victoria Melnikova. The newlyweds called only witnesses and a photographer to the registry office, choosing informal outfits: a black shirt and jeans for the groom and a white blouse with a black skirt for the bride. The parents gave the young family an apartment. Elena Yakovleva recalls that before meeting Victoria she was worried about Denis, and then she thought: “Calm down, what difference does it make who she is if the son is happy?”

The son of actors Elena Yakovleva and Valery Shalnykh, Denis, covered from head to toe with tattoos, has somewhat ennobled his appearance.

Famous actress Elena Yakovleva has long been accustomed to the fact that the appearance of her 25-year-old son is criticized and discussed. The heir to the movie star, Denis, loves tattoos that even cover his face. In addition, the young man is known for his love of piercings and controversial statements.

Yakovleva herself has repeatedly noted that she loves her son for who he is. For for long years Denis also did not intend to change, but recently he nevertheless made adjustments to his appearance. So, Shalnykh grew a beard and changed his hairstyle. This led to Denis’s overall appearance becoming softer and his eyes looking more expressive. In the photo on his Instagram it is noticeable that the actress’s son spends a lot of time in the gym. At the same time, stylists report that after changing the image, the tattoos covering almost the entire body of Crazy began to look quite organic.

The heir to the actress began to increasingly choose clothes in restrained, neutral tones, which his subscribers really liked. According to fans of the star family, the changes that occurred benefited the young man.

However, Shalnykh himself noted that these changes are not the result of social pressure. Moreover, Denis said that he does not care at all about the opinions of strangers.“ Dear subscribers. If I don’t know you, then I won’t look at what you write to me in direct messages 99% of the time. Therefore, you can not move in this direction and do not try to contact", Denis said.

Elena Yakovleva herself has long been accustomed to her son’s extravagant antics. According to the actress, Denis has the right to express himself the way he wants, and there is nothing reprehensible in his unusual appearance.

By the way, recently the star mother had a new reason for concern. The fact is that Shalnykh received a hand injury, which is why he was forced to go under the surgeon’s knife. Denis himself admitted that in a difficult situation he was supported by friends, family and his beloved cat. Now the artist’s heir feels great, and his health is now not in danger.

One way or another, Yakovleva’s fans do not lose hope that one day Denis will follow in his mother’s footsteps. Moreover, he had experience studying at the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. However, for now the young man is not thinking about working in cinema, preferring not to advertise his career successes in other areas.

IN in social networks he prefers to share his thoughts and observations, but tries to protect his personal life from public attention. Despite his mother’s incredible popularity, Denis himself lives modestly, and this absolutely suits him.

Emptiness, Antichrist and the tomb. How do you like the wedding and tattoos of the son of actress Elena Yakovleva? July 19th, 2017

The son of the famous “intergirl” was legally married. 24-year-old Denis Shalnykh is seriously interested in tattoos; he covered about 70% of his body with images.

“When Denis wanted to get his first tattoo, he told me about it. Like, I want to paint a portrait of Dick, our dog, the family’s pet,” says the actress. “I was surprised: “How’s the portrait?” Is that possible?" It turned out, perhaps, from the photograph. And Denis did a great job beautiful portrait Dikuni on hand. So the first tattoo turned out to be cool and touching. I remember back then I asked: “Did it hurt?” The son admitted that he was very much.”

The inscription Hollow above the right eyebrow translates as Emptiness.

On the neck there is an inscription - Antichrist. There is some kind of coffin on the face.

Recently, a young man began to decorate himself with scars.

“I don’t like to scold or teach him - I myself am too careless due to my profession,” says my mother, Elena Yakovleva. “Even because of his tattoos all over his face, we don’t make trouble.” I have already accepted that this will be the biggest misfortune that will happen to Denis in his life. Thank God, he doesn’t use drugs, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, plays sports, well, the boy has one flaw - tattoos.”

Denis Shalny’s first tattoo was an image of the dog Dick, made from a photograph of his beloved dog on the inside of his right arm.

The inscription “Winter is coming”, located along the hairline, translates as “Winter is coming.” This is exactly the motto of the Stark family in the book “A Song of Ice and Fire” and the worldwide symbol of the “Game of Thrones” series.

A symbol that looks like a sword blade speaks of fortitude, struggle, and the desire for victory. The Odal rune, located on the left side of the face, means separation, retreat. The symbol in the form of three 6s depicted in the corner of the right eye can mean love, balance, stability, happiness.

Actress Elena Yakovleva said that her son Denis considers his tattoos a mistake and dreams of removing them.

The 25-year-old son of Elena Yakovleva is now almost more popular than his famous mother, and all thanks to his bright appearance. About 80% of body surface young man covered with various tattoos. The artist’s heir is often condemned for such a love of body art, but the star always defends Denis.

The other day, 57-year-old Yakovleva gave an interview in which she admitted that her son has long dreamed of getting rid of tattoos, considering them the mistakes of his youth. However, he cannot do this yet. The artist also compared Denis with rapper Timati.

« Compared to what Denis has, Timati is resting. He still has to work and work. So much has been said about painting my son's body that I'm even tired of talking about it. Both Denis and I repented long ago that this happened in his life. Now he regrets getting those tattoos. But every person must grow up and become smarter himself. I couldn’t give him my brains at that moment. Let's do something. We want a medicine to be invented that doesn't eat away tattoos as painfully as it does now.", said the artist.

Denis got his first tattoo back in adolescence, and then his mother was completely okay with it. However, Yakovleva hardly expected that her son would go to the master again and again.

Now only the lazy don’t discuss Denis’s appearance. The young man himself is not shy about drawings on his body. Moreover, he got a job at a school, where he tries to convince the younger generation of the need to think about their actions.

« Children listen with such interest to his stories about tattoos, including how he regrets having gotten them. He immediately developed a rapport with the children. Since my son works at a school where children come from all over the world, there are tribes where tattoos are considered a terrible sin. And when these guys saw him, they immediately became friends and still correspond to each other", said Yakovleva.

The 57-year-old actress herself dreams of her son communicating with children not only at work, but also at home. Elena does not deny that she wants to become a grandmother and hear the patter of little feet in her house.

However, Yakovleva’s heir is in no hurry to give her grandchildren. Let us remember that in July last year, the actress’s heir married his longtime friend Victoria.

Speaking to Sobesednik.ru, Yakovleva noted that her son is happily married. The artist hopes that now Denis will stop experimenting with his appearance and find his true calling.