How to get your twin to follow you. How to win a Gemini man from A to Z? Compatibility: which zodiac signs are most likely to captivate a Gemini

It is impossible not to fall in love with a Gemini man. The representative of this zodiac sign is a model of harmony appearance and internal content. He is smart, handsome, well-read and sociable. Always in the center of women's attention.

How to win a Gemini man

Only a bright, luxurious, daring, independent and slightly mysterious woman can conquer a Gemini man. This is the kind of lady he will instantly “snatch” with his gaze from any crowd. The lack of clear preferences in appearance both simplifies and complicates the task. For a Gemini man, the inner world of a woman is important, or more precisely, the presence of points of intersection with it in the intellectual and spiritual fields. Social status, age and material security do not matter to him.

The unpredictable Gemini man appreciates mystery and originality in a female person. To please him, a girl must stimulate a sense of excitement and not be an easy prey. At the same time, the representative of this zodiac sign needs to feel reliability in his future chosen one.

A positive attitude, erudition, erudition, and diverse interests will help a woman win the heart of a Gemini man. Knowledge of purely male hobbies will come into play. A grateful listener and a pleasant, cheerful interlocutor has every chance of falling into the soul of a charming and sparkling chosen one.

A lady who has decided to tame a representative of this zodiac sign should be tolerant of some of his antics. The Gemini man will not tolerate the slightest encroachment on his freedom. You need to awaken the hunter's instinct in him and become his desired prey.

How to keep a Gemini man

It will not be difficult for a literate woman to get close to the elusive representative of the air sign of the zodiac. It is much more difficult to keep him close to you. First of all, you will have to accept its variability and reconsider your attitude towards change. To do this you need to have flexibility and developed imagination. Only in this way can a lady learn to quickly and correctly respond to the actions, vividness of thought and emotions of her chosen one.

The Gemini man needs the opportunity to show his intellectual abilities. Only an intelligent and erudite young lady who is capable of conducting worthy verbal duels can hold him back.

In a relationship with a representative of this zodiac sign, you need to remember: it is impossible to become one with him. Some part of the Gemini man's soul will forever remain inviolable. You cannot throw tantrums about this or any other reason. A rude and grumpy young lady risks being left alone with her criticism forever.

On long years Only a patient woman who agrees to constantly surprise, change and adapt to the mood of her chosen one can count on a happy family life with a Gemini man.

How to get a Gemini man back

Gemini is a zodiac sign that knows how to “adapt” to people and circumstances. In the event of a quarrel or breakup with him, this trait can play into a woman’s hands, since for such a person it’s easier than ever to change his mind. An easy-to-communicate Gemini man goes into conflict if people categorically refuse to understand him.

When the chosen one only “threatens” the lady with separation, another tactic of behavior can make him change his mind. A woman needs to stop nagging and sorting things out, try to make a man fall in love with her again.

If the breakup has taken place, then you need to make peace as soon as possible, before the flighty and fickle Gemini man tastes the joy of loneliness. You should not delay reconciliation and try to plunge your partner into the abyss of depression and thoughts. A representative of this zodiac sign does not tolerate negative emotions and long-term experiences. Any conversation with him must be conducted in detail, but in a positive way. This will push the Gemini man to a positive decision and help win him back.

People born under the sign of Gemini are attractive to the opposite sex. Men have a light and cheerful character, they have great feeling humor and extraordinary creative abilities. There will never be a dull moment around a Gemini. Becoming the only one for such a man is not easy. He is loving and gladly accepts signs of attention from women. And if there is a break in the flow of fans, he will immediately go hunting for the beauty’s heart and, most likely, will succeed.

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If representatives of most zodiac signs have very specific preferences in choosing partners, in the case of Gemini, everything is more complicated.

Gemini men love all women. In each they know how to find an attractive feature, a unique highlight. Any girl in the eyes of such a fan will be, if not a queen, then at least a princess. And it’s not at all difficult to interest him in your person. The trouble is that this man generously distributes his sympathies to almost all the ladies who come into his field of vision. Not everyone will accept this state of affairs, but attempts to force Gemini to maintain consistency in relationships may fail. Feeling pressure from his girlfriend, the man will break up with her.

Representatives of this zodiac sign love comfort: both physical and mental. Therefore, a connection that disrupts the usual course of life will quickly be broken. A woman who gives him care and affection and will sincerely admire him will forever take a place in the heart of a Gemini man. In all their adventures, such men want to be the center of attention. The one who manages to accept this can claim the place of life partner of this cheerful and sociable person.

The attention of a Gemini man is attracted by bright, cheerful girls. Boring bores, neat girls who are unable to distract themselves from business and relax will never touch his heart. It is unlikely that you will be able to seduce a Gemini into conversation on intellectual topics. He is not stupid, but it will not be possible to charm him with his rich erudition. In a potential partner, he is looking for a friend for entertainment, since he is ready to perceive any relationship only as a holiday. Therefore, a fun party with loud music, laughter and a lot of people is ideal for a first date. If in such an environment you managed to attract the attention of a Gemini guy, no one else will be interested in him that evening. But to make him fall in love, you will have to make more efforts.

In the presence of a Gemini man, you can always behave naturally, without being embarrassed by anything. This is a very valuable condition, for the sake of which you can put up with his eccentric habits. But such a partner will immediately recognize falsehood and pretense - and this will be the reason for breaking off the relationship.

Somewhat selfish, the Gemini man loves to be the center of attention and enjoys communicating with those who are not afraid to be in the public eye. These guys are very proud of their girlfriends when they make a splash at parties. They like other men on the street to look at their companion. All this pleases the pride of the Gemini man, because such a charming girl made a choice in his favor. Although such a partner’s specific ideas about relationships and marriage deprive him of possessive feelings. He will find it funny to watch his girlfriend flirt with someone else.

These sexually inventive and taboo-defying partners are hard to surprise. Therefore, you should expect proposals for non-traditional relationships that involve more than two people. For those who are supporters of classic love relationship, communicating with Gemini will be difficult. But it will be easy for liberated lovers of experiments to fall in love with a Gemini man. The fire of passion will also be fueled by the partner’s desire to communicate with other men - provided that she will always return to her one and only chosen one, not forgetting to generously scatter praises and compliments towards him.

Zodiac and eastern horoscopes will tell you how to win his heart

Information about his character, which is obtained by combining the zodiac (by date of birth) and eastern (by year of birth) horoscopes, will help you choose an unmistakable tactic in the fight for the heart of a Gemini man.

Character of Gemini born in the year:

  • Tiger- a master of diplomacy with acting skills. He appreciates everything only of the highest class. Very demanding of himself and people. Tends to hide his feelings, fearing failure. A girl can safely take the first step towards.
  • Dogs- loves with his eyes. Will appreciate a spectacular appearance, an unusual and stylish outfit, taking into account the latest fashion trends.
  • Rooster- honest and straightforward. He values ​​these same qualities in other people. Simplicity and sincerity are a direct path to his heart.
  • Boar- a fighter, defender of the weak, has a keen sense of justice. The one whom he saves from trouble and gives a helping hand in a difficult situation has a great chance of becoming the friend of his life.
  • Monkey - does not tolerate routine and monotony. His whole life - gambling. He is easily carried away by adventures and joint adventures, in which he will definitely appreciate the wit, sense of humor and intelligence of his partner.
  • Horses- poorly understands the emotions and feelings of other people, because he is too self-absorbed. He is not attracted to easily wounded natures and ladies with a fine mental organization. Conversations on intellectual topics, especially global and philosophical problems, will help you get closer to a potential partner.
  • Rats- a homely, economical and slightly boring moralist. You cannot demand from him an account of his deeds and actions. Such a man is impressed by ladies with a strong and independent character.
  • Cat (Rabbit)- hardworking and persistent, strives to subordinate everything to his will. He will appreciate the support of a like-minded woman who will share his ideas and show readiness to support all his endeavors.
  • Goats (Sheep)- an unrecognized genius who is often prone to depression. He will be happy to pay attention to a muse and inspiration who will be enthusiastic about his hobbies.
  • Bull- Values ​​his freedom most of all. Only a girl who will never even try to limit her chosen one in anything can build a relationship with him.
  • Snakes- takes creating a family and long-term relationships very seriously. He will prefer a partner with a similar value system who leads a measured lifestyle.
  • Dragon- a leader always and in everything. He will be glad to see in his companion a partner and a good friend who will remain in the shadow of his brilliant spouse. In return, he will provide her with the fulfillment of almost any desire.

5 tricks he will definitely fall for

A flighty and loving Gemini man can be distracted from the kaleidoscope of connections and become the only one for him using one of the following methods:

  • Jokes and laughter. Praise for funny story and thanks for great mood- the best compliments. Only on condition that the laughter is sincere. In order to see the smile of the girl he likes again, he will be ready to do anything. By coming up with new funny things, Gemini will gradually get used to communication. And if a girl knows how to tell something funny, is artistic and cheerful, this is a win-win option in seducing a Gemini.
  • Joint adventure. This could be an adventure game, a quest, a joint country trip to a little-explored place, or an accident that created a situation where resourcefulness and speed of thinking are required. The element of risk will pleasantly tickle your nerves and cause mutual attraction. The main thing is that it is fun and interesting, and that in the final there will be a prize for all participants.
  • Unpredictability. When communicating with a Gemini man, you don’t have to be shy about being a little intriguing. Mysterious motives for actions, unpredictable developments of events, and an atmosphere of mystery tease and attract him. The feeling of a game, riddles, searching for keys and deciphering ciphers - here the guy will be happy to show his ingenuity. Moreover, these merry fellows and jokers are by no means stupid, but just being smart is boring for them. It’s another matter when intelligence is needed for a problem, the solution of which will be an exciting adventure, and the reward will be the admiration of a charming girl.
  • Exotic. Unconventional relationships in any form, unusual interests, strange habits, and a unique style of clothing act like a magnet on Gemini. Snakes, lizards or any other exotic pet will help attract and keep the attention of a Gemini man. Moreover, unusual interests - good topic for an exciting conversation.
  • Matching details. Gemini is a dual sign, so its representatives subconsciously look for a soul mate, a soul mate, an astral double. The discovery of matching details and facts has a simply fascinating effect on such men and can conquer them. Similar events, significant dates in life, the same tastes and interests increase attraction and attract attention to such a partner. But such coincidences should not be allowed to be fictitious. If the deception is revealed, the man will feel insulted in his deepest feelings and will interrupt communication.

Careful observation of behavior and interests will help you find common ground and become the basis of a strong connection.

Attractive features of girls born under different zodiac signs

Depending on the horoscope, the girl should focus on certain features that Gemini considers the most important.

  • Aries- You can win a man instantly, but keeping him is much more difficult. You should enter into a relationship with a Gemini in two cases: initially considering this relationship as a temporary affair or planning a long union, during which you will have to change. Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep your partner.
  • Taurus- you should surround a man with care and affection, creating home comfort. If he can become a safe haven where he is always welcome, the flighty reveler will return. And his woman will have to learn to forgive and not ask unnecessary questions.
  • Gemini- It is known better than everyone else that most of all in relationships, representatives of this sign love themselves. Therefore, you will have to constantly please your partner’s egoism.
  • Cancer- observation and sensuality will help you quickly understand what a man loves and values ​​most. The amazing ability to guess secret desires and satisfy them always delights and intrigues, maintaining such a union for a long time.
  • Leos- you will have to come to terms with the fact that the Gemini man will never be anyone’s property. The regal habits, universal admiration and feigned indifference of the Lioness will awaken the fire of passion and force you not to look away to the side.
  • Virgos- the ability to read between the lines, guess hints, unravel symbols and signs will come in handy. If you manage to master this art, then the Gemini man who loves games and riddles will be delighted to be carried away by such an interesting option.
  • Libra- pragmatism and intelligence will help you find a winning and promising one among the many ideas and projects of a creatively gifted man. And then you can start the game according to your own rules - as long as your partner doesn’t get bored.
  • Scorpios- the inconstancy, inconsistency and mystery of the representatives of this sign are unusually attractive to men. If you season them with sensual passion, no one can refuse such a combination.
  • Sagittarius- it is important to awaken a man’s curiosity without revealing anything about past experiences, disappointments and victories. This will awaken interest and draw you into a whirlpool of passions. And let him always think that his chosen one has at least 5 aces up her sleeve.
  • Capricorns- practicality and intelligence, the ability to quickly find solutions in difficult situations incredibly amuse and attract the Gemini man. All that remains is to create conditions in which all these wonderful qualities will manifest themselves most clearly.
  • Aquarius- honesty and straightforwardness, willingness to wait and the ability to forgive are valued very highly by a partner.
  • Pisces- dream and have fun together, travel and come up with fantastic projects - this is how you can charm, seduce and hold on to someone born under the constellation Gemini for a long time.

The dual nature of the sign of Gemini requires balance in relationships: while trying to get something, you must be ready to part with something.

And a little about secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

Have you met a man who changes his appearance like a mask? On the one hand, he is the soul of any company, and on the other hand, he is a secretive, unrestrained tyrant? It's safe to say that you are dealing with a representative of the sign Gemini. What other secrets does this multifaceted nature have in store for you, and how to win a Gemini man forever?

Gemini does not tolerate boredom, so unpredictability, independence and reliability are the best traits for his future chosen one. Source: Flickr (kacey_oesterreich)

Gemini man: what should you pay attention to?

Describe characteristics This zodiac sign is quite difficult: many personalities simultaneously coexist inside them, each of which has its own desires. And what is most interesting is that despite the internal contradictions, all these images coexist harmoniously with each other.

Geminis never sit still, constantly looking for new adventures, planning their next route, because they are already bored with the local environment.

This zodiac sign is considered one of the most intellectual. Geminis are well aware of their intelligence and eloquence, so they use this weapon 100%. And if you are looking for ways to attract a Gemini man, then under no circumstances get into verbal altercations with him. They will spend maximum effort to defend their point of view, and then lose all interest in you.

Representatives of this sign do not recognize any schedules or schedules. Being hostage to deadlines is a real nightmare for them, so they do their best to miss any deadlines. They are literally physically unable to eat, sleep, work and play sports “on call”.

Geminis do not admit defeat; they are attracted to active, bright life where they occupy last place, feel significant and needed.

Geminis are also known for their inconstancy, and this also applies to the love front. With them you can never be completely sure of anything. Even if right now a Gemini man seems madly in love with you, this does not mean at all that in a couple of minutes he will not decide to part with you forever.

What kind of woman can charm a Gemini man?

It is very important for Gemini that the girl does not limit his freedom and does not invade his personal space. There is no point in trying to cut off his oxygen in any direction; he is unlikely to tolerate it.

Men born under this sign prefer smart and versatile girls, who also combine these traits with external attractiveness. It is very important that the lady of the heart knows how to maintain an interesting conversation, switch to different topics, be cheerful and open.

Gemini does not tolerate boredom, so unpredictability, independence and reliability are the best traits for his future chosen one.

Compatibility: Which zodiac signs are most likely to captivate a Gemini?

The originality of Gemini is so great that they can easily transform a friendly relationship with someone from their social circle into a love relationship. But for such a step, the partner must be equally easy-going: for example, Libra, Aquarius or Gemini. Being representatives of the same air element, in these relationships they can be not only lovers, but also friends and creative partners.

Fire signs also have a chance for an unforgettable union with Gemini: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo. The breath of an airy Gemini man can light a real fire in the soul of fire signs. But, despite the presence of compatibility, it is important for both partners to maintain the fire of the relationship with mutual understanding, bright events and passion.

How do Gemini men show their love?

To understand how to conquer a Gemini man, you need to learn how to correctly interpret his signs of attention.

Gemini's love is multicolored and multifaceted, just like their character. All his eloquence and seductiveness come into play when he sees a girl who interests him. Subtle humor, multi-layered compliments, original dates - Geminis can be very inventive in romantic relationships. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be surprised when suddenly before your date he tells you that he can’t come because he was abducted by aliens.

Sometimes representatives of this sign in love can look completely opposite - withdraw into themselves, not show off their emotions. Do not worry that your chosen one has lost interest in you - if this were the case, he would have said it to your face with his characteristic directness.

Constantly moving in society, flirting with strangers, having a huge number of pretty girls in the circle of acquaintances - all this is absolutely normal for Gemini. Source: Flickr (Thanasis_Zovoilis )

How to interest a Gemini man

Being comprehensively developed, constantly changing and being able to surprise – these are the main qualities with which you can interest a Gemini man.

This is interesting! Being close to the changeable Gemini, their partners unwittingly fall under this influence. Therefore, when entering into such relationships, it is important to clearly understand in which direction you are moving and what you are striving for, so as not to lose your true values.

If your partner suspects that you strive for constancy and stability, are conservative and do not accept novelty, then even physical attractiveness will not be able to save your relationship.

Such men really like all sorts of difficulties, ambiguous situations, lack of stability in relationships - here is another tip on how to keep a Gemini man.

Do not try to deprive such a man of his freedom - with his restlessness and versatility, this will be tantamount to death. Accept him for who he is: disorganized, fickle, forgetting to do what he promises, leaving things halfway. Only when he sees in you not only a charming face, but also a true like-minded person and friend, will he be 100% faithful to you.

Want to know another way to win the heart of a Gemini man? Even if you are madly in love with him, don’t even think about showing it to him. For such a sign, it is important to achieve a woman’s favor, to win her like a trophy. He most often shows off his lady to others like a diamond that he got for a fabulous sum. Would a jewel that just came into his hands be so interesting? How then to seduce a Gemini man?

Be easy to communicate, flirt and don’t be too intrusive. Be a mystery to him, try to maintain the zest in your character for as long as possible. Do not demonstrate humility and devotion - this is too boring for Gemini. Only constant novelty and unexpected turns in your relationship will help you achieve the true affection of a flighty partner.

Do not forget that this sign is characterized by excessive sociability. Constantly moving in society, flirting with strangers, having a huge number of pretty girls in the circle of acquaintances - all this is absolutely normal for Gemini. Therefore, before you win the heart of a Gemini man, you need to decide for yourself whether you agree to put up with this. Because hysterics and scandals will not have any effect on him - he will simply see these as attempts at control and restrictions that will make him run from you like fire.

Men born under this sign are very enthusiastic in nature. They constantly jump from one hobby to another, unleashing the potential of their creative soul. And it is extremely important that Gemini’s chosen one supports and shares his hobbies in every possible way. Only by getting a creative ally and partner as his soulmate will this man be able to develop genuine feelings for her.

In bed, Geminis strive not only to satisfy their physiological needs - for them it is a real dance, a merging of souls and bodies. Therefore, the sensuality, grace and passion of a partner are very important for such men. But don’t forget - no matter how much you experiment, you will never be able to finally guess the preferences of your chosen one. As soon as it seems to you that the key to the secret door is already in your hands, do not rush to relax - tomorrow Gemini may like completely different things. Therefore, either constant self-development and discovery of new facets, or your partner may soon lose interest in you.

This is interesting! Creating a romantic atmosphere is very important for Gemini, for this they can tell their chosen one everything that she wants to hear. But it is not at all a fact that they really think so.

How to attach a Gemini man

Never try to bring your relationship with Gemini to a critical point. Quarrels and scandals with such a partner are a completely inappropriate way to convey your thoughts and defend your boundaries.

Gemini is the sign to which the phrase “you can’t mend a broken cup” is ideally applicable. If, in a fit of passion, your chosen one slams the door and leaves, you don’t have to wait for him to come back. He will always find temporary shelter with one of his many acquaintances, and in a week, perhaps, he will start a new passion, without even thinking about you.

No matter how unpleasant or offensive it may be to you, never bring down your emotions on your partner. It’s better to discuss all the grievances with your friends, because scandals with a Gemini will immediately send him into the arms of another girl.

Do not expect that he will try to sort out the relationship, find out who was wrong and where, miss and be sad about you - such principles are completely uncharacteristic of him.

Of course, the Gemini man is not the easiest partner to live with. Family realities with him can be so unpredictable that after going to the nearest store for bread, he may return home only tomorrow. Such things do not fit into many women’s ideas about life and happiness.

However, only with Gemini you can get an incredible charge of vivid impressions. Life with them will always be a whirlwind and whirlpool that will not subside even after 50 years of living together. In family life, they also manage to retain all their lightness and airiness, which is more typical for a bachelor’s existence. But in most cases, if you manage to adapt to your chosen one, this will work to your advantage - regular outings, get-togethers with friends, travel and new hobbies greatly contribute to family happiness.

Video on the topic

Do you love a Gemini man? You will definitely never be bored with him! This sign is characterized by amazing duality, changeability, and instability. Your loved one is a bright, extraordinary person. But the eternal play of colors and unpredictable behavior can sometimes not only tire you, but also lead to a real dead end. You will have to become a female player, watch his transformations calmly and show fortitude. Accept your Gemini man for who he is. It’s really interesting to be with him, and at the same time he is able to give you true love and tenderness. Have you already thought that your beloved Gemini has decided to leave you? Have you not felt anything concrete yet, but want to take measures just in case to keep a Gemini man next to you forever? Then delve into his inner world, character traits and remember simple tips.

Gemini man: who is he?
You probably managed to notice after talking with your Gemini man that this person is extraordinary. Yes, it is almost impossible to predict his actions. Consider your relationship with him as a kind of game: leave him main role, but don’t forget about your moves. Manipulate your loved one a little, just don’t let him notice your efforts. First of all, understand the nuances of his character and find out how serious his intentions are. Did he really decide to leave you? Or are you worried in vain? Try to unobtrusively find out everything. And don't forget about the extraordinary inner world your twin. Standard requirements do not apply to it.

So what is the character of this mystery man?

  1. Volatile. Variability for Gemini is not a manifest character trait, but a permanent state. Essence. It is completely natural for him to constantly come up with new ideas, set unexpected goals, express opposing opinions within two hours and change his mind ad infinitum. Get used to it and take it into account this fact. Change with him, otherwise you will fall behind and he will become bored with you.
  2. Love does not love. Are the eternal transformations of the Gemini man boring you? Agree that they also have a positive side. For example, today your loved one has already shown some indifference, he was homesick in your company and was looking at a pretty girl. You even managed to hear him compare a stranger to you - not in your favor. Not scary. Wait a bit. It is quite possible that tomorrow your Gemini will forget about the lovely nymph, and will praise you precisely for what he recently called a shortcoming.
  3. Overly sociable. Did your loved one come home very late? Two days after leaving, without warning? And does he smell like women's perfume? Don’t worry and don’t rush to make far-reaching conclusions! When a Gemini man explains to you that he was just “chatting and chatting and having a few drinks” in the company of “perfectly decent girls,” this should not shock you. Your chosen one is really able to just relax, albeit in such an original way. No romances or intimate relationships.
  4. Connoisseur of trust in relationships. Do you want to keep a Gemini man? Be sure to remember: you cannot offend him with suspicion. If he himself has not yet announced to you that the relationship is breaking up, you should not show distrust, try to ask leading questions and find out something. Your loved one will be mortally offended. Probably, such an attitude on your part can generally push Gemini away and make him think about stopping communication.
  5. Freedom-loving. Your loved one simply amazingly values ​​freedom. This representative of the zodiac signs, like no other, strives to gain independence in everything. He will not tolerate control, any ties are unpleasant to him. Try not to put pressure on him, don’t try to track his activities or create a schedule. A simple phone call and a question about whereabouts, so familiar to many, can infuriate a Gemini and plunge him into a bad mood. Better not do that. Otherwise, he will find himself a less curious woman.
  6. Idea's generator. Get used to Gemini's never-ending projects and plans. There is no need to question him, to find out why he never finished what he started, but is already starting something new. This is quite traditional for a Gemini man. He is a creative person and enjoys the process of “generating ideas.” Incarnation is usually beyond his power, and generally does not interest him very much. Dream with him and don't worry. His habits should not irritate you, and any comments you make will offend him.
  7. Intellectual. You were talking with your Gemini man, but the conversation was suddenly interrupted, and he looked at you strangely? Recently he directly told you that you are not very smart? You should take action urgently. Intellectual discussions, arguments and endless conversations are extremely important for your chosen one. He loves to spend time like this, relax, exchange puns and surprise with his intelligence and awareness. He needs an interesting interlocutor. Be consistent in this matter to keep your Gemini man.
Despite his inconstancy, daydreaming and external carelessness, your beloved Gemini man is able to make you truly happy. It's worth fighting for. Just be very careful and circumspect so as not to frighten off your chosen one. After all, Gemini is such a gentle, caring, generous, wonderful father and often does not experience financial problems. With it you will be safe and warm.

How to keep a Gemini man? Your strategy
You will need to become a real rainbow-colored diamond in order to firmly tie your Gemini man to you. He combines several personalities, changes easily and never stands still. Be a worthy “soul mate” for him. You should not try to remake it, “put it in the right direction,” but make every effort to harmoniously complement its riot of colors and emotions. You will get used to it and quickly forget how you lived differently before. With a Gemini, you will always be interested.

What should a Gemini man think an ideal woman should be like?

  1. Energetic. Become energetic, unstoppable, enchanting. In general, match the Gemini man in everything. You cannot lag behind him, otherwise another woman will instantly take your place. Your loved one will definitely always be in demand.
  2. Independent. And in this you need to complement Gemini, to form a harmonious whole with him. Did you miss him, were you waiting for him after work? They immediately rushed to his neck, and he frowned? Don’t be offended, it’s just that your loved one has already felt the “bond.” He doesn't like that. Show your feelings, but don’t forget – you are also a person. It’s better to do something in the absence of your loved one, come up with an interesting hobby. He will be happy to discuss your activity and appreciate your creative aspirations.
  3. Delicate. Your Gemini man desires emotional comfort. Do not violate it, do not invade the personal space of your loved one. Refrain from questions, comments and criticism.
  4. Reliable and independent. Yes, Gemini wants to see a woman as support. He dreams of a smart, far-sighted lady who combines dreaminess and practicality. Be like that. To keep a Gemini man, try not to ask him for advice or ask for help. He definitely won't like it.
  5. Sane. If your loved one openly announces cheating or separation to you, you will have to show maximum self-control. Don't show him that you are shocked, offended, and cannot live without him. Don't reproach or get personal. He does not accept criticism.
    • Did he say he cheated on you? Don't ask direct questions. React softly, perhaps with irony. You have a negative attitude towards the fact of betrayal - let Gemini understand this. But don't insult him personally.
    • Has your loved one announced that he has decided to leave? Suggest waiting a bit. Think of any reason. For example, you want to adapt to a new situation. Let it stay for at least a couple of days. It's easy for him. He will probably agree. It is quite possible that he will change his mind the very next day. But you also use your time effectively: continue to surprise your loved one.
  6. Intelligent interlocutor. You will have to constantly educate yourself. The Gemini man is versatile, talented, and loves to talk.
  7. Various. Be different. Remember that one woman will never be able to satisfy a Gemini. He is always striving for something unknown. Combine several different women, play with your character, habits and tastes. Let your loved one become interested in you. Maintain in him affection for you, curiosity, the desire to discover your new hypostasis.
Match your loved one, change with him. Don’t manage him, don’t give advice, don’t allow yourself to be reproached. Support him and treat him with respect. Be playful, changeable, independent, and an interesting conversationalist. Behave with restraint and prudence after learning about the betrayal. Then you will be able to keep a Gemini man. And you will become happy with him.

Conquering a Gemini man is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you are lucky enough to fall in love with a Gemini man, then most likely you don’t even know how to behave in his presence and how such a representative of the stronger half of humanity will like it. In this article we will talk about how to win such a man and make him want to be with you.

To win a Gemini man, you first need to understand his character. After all, without knowing his preferences and tastes, it is difficult to judge a person’s character. In addition, knowing what he is like will help you understand whether a relationship with him will be interesting or not.

The distinctive features of such a person are an easy-going character, sociability, wit and leadership. The Gemini man is attracted to noisy companies, in which he feels great, because he simply cannot live without large crowds of people. In addition, he is always the center of attention, attracting admiring as well as envious glances.

Geminis fit well into any company and always feel comfortable, regardless of the interests and preferences of others. A sense of humor and a lively mind make such people everyone’s favorites and excellent conversationalists. You definitely won’t be bored next to such a man.

During the evening, the Gemini man can be seen on all areas of the dance floor and it may seem that he is everywhere: he joked here, he told an anecdote there. Everyone will be delighted by his charm and activity.

As a rule, a Gemini man has a slightly casual, conservative style, since he manages to look free and sophisticated at the same time. If someone points out shortcomings in his attire, then you can be sure that he will respond in kind, colorfully talking about the shortcomings of his opponent.

Since such a person is always the center of attention, he really likes when people pay attention to him. Luck often becomes his constant companion, but he considers it something ordinary and normal.

If you are one of those girls who perfect their flirting with their eyes and love to shoot sparkling and meaningful glances towards the chosen representative of the stronger half of humanity, then you will not be able to win a Gemini man.

Why? It's simple. He already has a lot of such fans, but he wants something different. For a Gemini man to make a woman stand out from the crowd, she must be unusual and different from everyone else.

Therefore, in order to win a Gemini man, you should stand out from the general background of your rivals, or better yet, stand out in principle. Then he himself will notice you and become interested.

Try to show off your personality and highlight your individuality. It will be great if someone introduces you as a talented and unusual girl. However, in the future we will have to comply with this.

If you decide to conquer a Gemini man, then you will have to completely forget about all the standard methods of seduction that could work perfectly with other representatives of the stronger half of humanity. He is different, you need to work with him differently.

Hackneyed phrases and vulgar flirting will only repel a Gemini man. Why? Yes, because they are already popular with women and all these standard feminine tricks will not cause anything but a grin and thoughts of another lady in love.

You should also not play with him with coolness and arrogance, since this will not lead to love.

Your ideal case is witty and unpredictable behavior. Surprise will emphasize your individuality and elevate you in the eyes of Gemini. And this will arouse interest. In addition, you must have a sense of humor and a sharp mind, otherwise you will not be interested in him.

If you decide to talk to him, then think over topics for conversation so that you do not seem like a silent bore who is afraid to open his mouth. After all, if only he speaks, then you will have little chance. He will support any conversation and any topic, in general - you won’t be bored.

Variety and intrigue

Try to change the topics of conversation and not focus on just one thing. Genuinely laugh at his jokes and be surprised if he actually surprises you. And then comes the most interesting part.

When you have won his attention and shown your individuality, it’s time to leave, and on your own. This is necessary so that the man begins to look for a meeting, wants to see you again. This is such a unique move that is mandatory for those who want to conquer a Gemini man.

After leaving him, you can continue to communicate with other people, sometimes returning to him to exchange a few words. He should feel free, and you should feel at ease.

Often he talks to a person in a position where only half of the body is turned towards the interlocutor. You may get the impression that he is about to leave. And only when it turns completely will it be evidence of interest.

The technique of enigma and enigma is perfect when you promise to tell him something, often a secret or secret, but you don’t tell him. It is important that after the story he is not disappointed. And this can happen if your secret is empty and not worth attention. In this case, Gemini may lose any desire to continue communication.

Since representatives of the stronger half of humanity born in this sign are distinguished by erudition, they expect the same from a woman. Therefore, if you surprise him with your knowledge in some area, he will admire you.

Since the sign of Gemini belongs to the air element, his interest can appear very quickly and pass just as quickly. And if the lady becomes uninteresting to him, he will simply disappear. He loves to be listened to. You should not listen silently and nod, you need to react violently to his words, emotions, ask questions and participate in dialogue. This is the only way you will maintain his interest.

Seeing you as a grateful listener who is interested in communicating with him, he will become interested in such a woman, and on an intuitive level will strive for you. You can slightly adjust the topic, directing it in the right direction. At the same time, you need to try to show him that it is he who is having a conversation with you, and not vice versa. You must give him visible freedom in everything, and he will idolize and adore you.

During the conversation, Gemini will periodically ask you questions and give you the opportunity to speak out in order to understand what is on the lady’s mind and whether she is playing with him. If you show a little mystery and erudition, you can win him over.

Please also take into account that the plans of a Gemini man can change very often, so you will have to stock up on remarkable patience and try to understand him in everything. If you listen to him and inspire him, looking at him with adoration and admiring his intelligence, he will fall in love with you and will never leave you.

To be with him, you need to be the same active and active person, because he is always on the move, searching and always in a hurry to somewhere. If you prefer to relax at home and do not like to spend time outside the home, then you will not be interested in him, and he will feel at home as if in a cage.

You must be an easy-going and active woman who will accompany the Gemini man on his travels and follow him. By the way, this must also be done because, due to frivolity, he may become carried away by another representative of the fair half of humanity.

Important! Remember that this needs to be done subtly so that the Gemini does not develop a sense of control.

In this case, you can not only conquer a Gemini man, but also make sure that he never leaves you.

How to win a Gemini man in sex

If it seems to you that this is your person, then try it, go for it and you will understand that you simply will not find a more interesting and exciting companion, with whom it will be fun and entertaining. And following the recommendations from this article, winning him and making him fall in love will be as easy as shelling pears!