What is the real name of the Christmas tree singer? Yolka's difficult sex life Yolka is married to Sergei Astakhov

“Elka” is the creative pseudonym of the Ukrainian singer and artist Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv, who entered Russian show business as the “Discovery of the Year” and r’n’b singer immediately after the release of her first studio album and flagship song “City of Deception.”

The performer's childhood and youth

Little Lisa was very creative child, which with early years was drawn to the world of music. But it is not surprising, since the father of the future singer was a music lover and collector of jazz records, and her mother played three musical instruments.

At the age of 8, she began studying in the school choir, then began singing solo in the vocal circle of the Palace of Pioneers.

After graduating from the 19th comprehensive school in the city of Uzhgorod, Yolka decided to enter the music school in the choir department. Despite her bright personality and excellent vocal abilities, she did not find the approval of vocal teachers and left educational institution already after the first session. In the future, in all interviews, she will explain this act by “strong pressure from the outside and the youthful maximalism inherent in all teenagers.”

The beginning of a creative journey: recordings and concerts

Having moved to Moscow, the girl tried to establish herself as a “talented artist and performer,” but her talent remained unnoticed by producers and composers. For a long time, Lisa was forced to earn her living by performing in a restaurant and washing dishes in the kitchen, until one significant day when she was noticed by the owner of a major music label, Vlad Valov. Elka couldn't believe her luck.

Signing a contract with a major music agency gave impetus to the development of her talent. She released an album called “City of Deception” in 2005, several individual singles and began touring the country.

The opinion of the public and other representatives of the media industry regarding its creativity, differed, but despite all this, Elka’s tracks occupied the first lines of the charts for a long time, and since the beginning of 2005 she has received many prestigious prizes and awards. In particular:

  • MTV Europe Music Awards for Best Rap Artist;
  • “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Handsome Boy”;
  • Countless MUZ-TV awards for best songs, videos and in the “Artist of the Year” nomination.

Her further creative path was marked by the termination of the contract with Vlad Valov in 2009 and cooperation with Konstantin and Valery Meladze. Recording new songs and videos, actively promoting his own solo career and, of course, a wedding.

Personal life

For a long time, the singer was married to her school love, Sergei Astakhov. But their “boat of love” crashed on the sharp rocks of harsh reality. Elka’s husband earned significantly less than her, did not strive to support the artist in her creative activity (although he was her concert director) and showed all the behavioral traits of a simple gigolo. Close friends and acquaintances of this couple also confirmed this fact, sympathizing with the girl, and speaking contemptuously about her life partner.

Despite the strong affection and vivid feelings that existed between the spouses at the very beginning, they did not have children together. Even after the breakup, Elka repeatedly asserted that “it’s too early for her to become a mother. For this, first she must find a person who would be close to her in spirit».

Concert group

Yolka tours with a permanent lineup of musicians, who are bound only by a written agreement, and not by a contract, as in most cases. These people are her trusted partners and participate in the process of creating new songs.

  1. L. Trofimov - keyboards;
  2. A. Kulkov - drums;
  3. V. Tsaler - bass;
  4. D. Tyuse - guitar;
  5. DJ Lenar – disc jockey, mixer;
  6. E. Subbotin - concert manager;
  7. O. Ostapchuk - saxophone;
  8. A. Bondarenko - sound engineer, sound engineer, sound producer;
  9. K. Kulikov - trumpet, percussion.

Filmography of the singer

Elizabeth is not only popular singer, but also an artist. She starred in several episodic and even leading roles, proving herself with unexpected creative side for fans and colleagues.

List of paintings:

  • “The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood” 2005 release - Little Red Riding Hood;
  • “Gentlemen, good luck!” 2012 - star at a corporate party;
  • “Sasha-Tanya” 2013 - Star, Tanya’s friend;
  • "This is love!" 2013 - Star, singer at a concert;
  • “A Gift with Character” 2014 - Cameo;
  • “Fight” 2014 - General Director of an art company;
  • “About Love” 2015 - cameo.

Album list

The singer's most popular albums released throughout creative life, are represented by the following list:

  1. “City of Deception” - 2005;
  2. “Shadows” - 2006;
  3. “It’s a Wonderful World” - 2008;
  4. “The dots are in place” - 2011;
  5. “#SKY” - 2015.

The musical repertoire of singer Elka is extensive and has an unusual sound. A girl with excellent vocal abilities quickly won the love of the public. Today Christmas tree - Russian singer, which does not stop there, is constantly improving and delights fans with songs performed in different musical genres: from classic rock to reggae and pop.


The present full name singers of the Christmas tree - Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. The girl is interested in music for a reason. Her father, Waldemar Ivantsiv, is a collector of jazz music records, and her mother, Marina Ivantsiv, can play several musical instruments.

Singer Elka with mom

Father of the singer Yolka

The older generation of the Ivantsiv family, grandparents, sang in the folk choir. Therefore, Lisa has been associated with music from an early age and attended a vocal club at the Palace of Pioneers.

Singer Elka as a child

The place where the singer is from is Uzhgorod in Ukraine. Her birthday is July 2, 1982, she is now 36 years old. Elizabeth is Ukrainian by nationality.

With a height of 162 centimeters, Lisa weighs 51 kilograms. Attractive and bright external features and a beautiful voice made Elka one of the most sought-after singers on the domestic stage.

Childhood and youth

In Uzhgorod, where the girl was born, many knew who she was already from the age of 14.

At that time she participated in the KVN team “Ward No. 6”. Elka often attended various music festivals, improving her musical skills and knowledge. In her youth, she was fond of soul and rap styles.

After graduating from school, the girl entered a music school, but studied there for only six months. The singer said that her tastes and preferences did not coincide with the teachers’ rules. She was very extraordinary, constantly experimenting with her appearance, applying tattoos, bright and catchy makeup, and getting piercings. At one time she walked bald, without any embarrassment about it.

Today, few people know the real name of the singer, since she herself rarely responds to her passport name. The nickname “Yolka” appeared in childhood. When she was 11 years old, a friend once called her that, after which all her friends and even her mother got used to the nickname.

Love for music

The path to the stage at Yolka was thorny and difficult. The singer began her musical career by participating in the group “B&B”, which existed in the mid-90s. The group's repertoire included Russian-language rap tracks; it was little known and not popular.

A great desire to conquer the stage brought the group to Moscow for the RAP MUSIC festival in the early 2000s. Here they took one of the prizes and were noticed by the famous producer and rapper SHEFF (Vladislav Vadimovich Valov).

However, no fateful changes occurred then, and Elka returned to her hometown, deciding to end music. She got a job as a dishwasher, and then as a barista at a local cafe.

After 3 years, a ticket to Moscow was sent to her name from the company of Vladislav Valov. Arriving in the capital, she sang the song “Bitch Love” at a concert, dedicated to memory Micah.

After this, the singer performed a musical composition at the Megahouse rock festival.

Valov noticed that Elka sings with particular ease, and the sound of her voice is unusual. Soon they signed a contract. Despite Vladislav’s persuasion to change her pseudonym Elka to Elizaveta Ivantsiv, the singer decided to keep it.


The singer's first steps immediately brought her success and popularity. Elka’s talent and vocal abilities were discussed in the media and they predicted a great future for her. The audience noted the original style of singing, memorable intonations and powerful expression of performance.

At concerts, Elka most often sings live, fully experiencing every emotion, mixing tracks in different configurations.


After concluding a contract with Valov, the singer’s busy work began. The first one appeared in 2005 debut album"City of Deceit" The tracks that were performed were released under the 100PRO label.

Fans of Yolka’s work heard songs of different styles: from rock to hip-hop. The singer called the style of music “heavy guitar R&B. In the same year, she became a nominee for the MTV RMA awards in the category “ Best Rap" The album included the first songs “Girl in a Peugeot” and “Good Mood”.

The following year, Yelka’s hit “Student Girl” appeared in the Russian radio chart in 17th place, after which the second album “Shadows” was released.

For the track “Handsome Boy” in 2007, the singer was awarded the Golden Gramophone award. And the very next year she recorded her third album, “This Magnificent World.”

It traced the internal changes in the singer’s character - she became peace-loving, less expressive and transferred these emotions into her creativity.

In 2008, Elka together with Al Solo released the song “Happiness”. It was included in the experimental album “Yolka. Duets." His list included 15 musical compositions recorded together with Russian hip-hop/R&B artists. In the fall of this year, the girl presented the Ukrainian-language song “Freedom” to the audience.

The fourth studio album, “The Points Are Placed,” was first written under the production of Valov, but soon the contract expired, and Elka stopped collaborating with him. This album did not include the song “Your Words,” for which a video clip was filmed. The track “I would like in your dreams...” was included in the list of songs on the fourth album, but in a new arrangement.

The informal singer’s attitude was influenced by her meeting with Alla Pugacheva at her rock tribute. Yolka performed the ballad “You exist in the world.” The singer listened to the advice of the Diva. The girl seriously thought about not only changing her musical style, but also about her appearance. Soon fans saw Elka with her hair down, in a dress and heels.

Since 2010, the singer has been a judge on the Ukrainian show “X-Factor”. In 2011, she performed on the stage of the show with the song “Provence,” which was popular at that time. The producer of the track was Konstantin Meladze. The girl began to perform pop music.

Elka named her next album identical to the famous track “Provence”. The author of the song is Egor Solodovnikov. The girl began to be invited to performances and competitions, and in 2011 she received an award at the Muz-TV awards in the categories “Best Singer”, “ Best Song" and "Best Video". She was also awarded the Golden Gramophone for her performance of the song “Provence.”

The number one hits on the Russian radio chart in 2011 were the songs “On a Big Balloon” and “About You.” According to Glamor magazine, Elka was named “Singer of the Year.” In the fall, she recorded a joint track “Boy” with Pavel Volya. And soon she participated in the filming of the video “Make Dreams” performed by Vladi.

Due to workload, Elka had to stop judging on The X Factor.

Soon the singer gave a solo concert at the Olimpiysky sports complex. Here she performed 2 new songs “I Want” and “Higher”. The first appeared as a single for the film “Love with an Accent.” After this, the singer went on a tour of Russia. She performed Valery Meladze’s track “Midsummer” on “New Wave”.

In 2013, the song and video “Body went nuts” was released. Fans of the singer heard a new interpretation of the song “Higher” called “Fly, Lisa.”

Elka likes to perform tracks together with other artists. With Noize MC they released the song “We Don’t Understand.” And with the rapper Zhara they shot a video for the joint song “New World”.

In 2014, Elka sings with Burito. The video clip for the song “You Know” was filmed on iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. In the same year, she gave a solo concert, where she presented new compositions to listeners.

The famous soundtrack of the film “A Gift with Character” - “Everything Depends on Us” also belongs to the talented performer Elka.

The singer’s latest album, “#SKY,” was released in the winter of 2015. The name comes from posting many photos of the sky on your Instagram page and other social networks. The singer’s albums differ strikingly in genre and style of performance.

“Song of the Year” in 2015 was the composition “The Sea Inside”. The singer released a song with Lagutenko, “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones,” which became the soundtrack of the film “Yolki.”

In February 2017, Elka gave a big solo concert at Crocus City Hall in Moscow.


Elka is recognized as a worthy musical performer who has won numerous awards. Her songs have become soundtracks to many films.

However, in addition to her singing career, she is mastering the acting profession. The girl played small roles in the films “Gentlemen, Good Luck!”, “Fight”, and in the television series “SashaTanya”.

Stage image

The first image of Yolka, in which she appeared on stage, is radically different from the current one. In her youth, the girl preferred an informal style in appearance. She appeared before the audience with short hair, in jeans and sneakers, with a plush toy in her hands.

This image allowed the girl to stand out from the rest of the artists and attracted the attention of the public. The singer claims that on stage she gives her all and experiences a storm of emotions. Unlike her stage image, in life the girl is calmer and more reserved.

In 2010, the performer changed the musical direction of her work. At the same time, the appearance. Elka rethought her previous values, matured, and on the X-Factor project for the first time appeared before the audience in an image thought out to the smallest detail: her hairstyle accurately emphasized her facial features, her clothing style acquired femininity.

A new round in her stage image began with the video for the song “Provence,” where the singer appeared in an elegant white dress with heels. The girl began to be called a model of style in Russian show business.

Elka emphasizes that her favorite fashion designer is Lilya Litkovskaya, who creates the singer’s concert outfits.

Personal life

The opposite sex pays enough attention to the singer Elka, since there are many men among her fans. But a busy schedule, busyness, desire to work and develop does not leave time for personal life.

At one time, the girl was considered gay because she carefully hid her relationship. Despite touring and being constantly busy, love and family idyll were still present in Yolka’s life.

Vasily Krainyai

The girl met her first love back in adolescence. The 22-year-old captain of the KVN team “Ward No. 6” Vasily Krainyai won the heart of 14-year-old Lisa, and they began a relationship that lasted 7 years.

Vasily did not become the girl’s husband because she went to Moscow to conquer big stage. Now Kraynyay is the chief director of the KVN Association of Ukraine.

Husband Sergei Astakhov - the reason for the divorce

At a young age, the performer began a romantic relationship with Sergei Astakhov, the namesake of the famous actor. The romance was fleeting and ended quickly. 6 years later, Sergei and Lisa met again, feelings flared up with renewed vigor. As a result, they got married and began life together in Sergei’s house in the Moscow region.

Elka worked hard, strived for success and earnings, Sergei did not see this. In 2010, the performer hired him as her administrator, but this did not save the marriage.

The couple divorced due to the fact that Astakhov gradually turned into a gigolo. In 2016, the pop singer fired her husband from his position as an administrator and filed for divorce. Friends of the couple claimed that Sergei actually lived at the expense of his wife and did not try to change the situation.

The Internet contains photographs of the joint house of Elka and Sergei in Sergiev Posad, which they did not complete. A lot of plans and effort were invested, but the girl’s dreams of a happy family life were not destined to come true.

Viewers are concerned with the question of whether the singer is married or not now. According to the singer's latest comments, she is not dating anyone and devotes herself entirely to work.

Are there children

News often appears in the media and social networks claiming that the singer is pregnant or has given birth to a child. Today, Elka has no family and no children. The singer says that she is not ready for family life and the birth of a child, since she has not yet met her love.

In the “You’re Super” program, it is clear that the singer sincerely loves children and admires their talent, so the audience has no doubt that Elka will become an excellent mother.

Singer now

The Russian pop singer is quite secretive and rarely communicates with media representatives. She doesn’t tell where she lives, what’s going on in her personal life, or how she’s coping with the breakup with her husband. But fans have the opportunity to observe the singer’s everyday life on social networks, where she does not hesitate to appear real, often posting photos without makeup, in a swimsuit, and so on.

In 2018, the performer was awarded the Golden Gramophone Award for the track “The World is Opening Up.” The concert schedule is scheduled for a year in advance; in addition, she often appears in various shows and television programs.

The latest news surprised fans. This is due to the star’s next experiment with her appearance. Lisa expanded the boundaries of her own image and on her Instagram page appeared before her fans as a blonde. Many considered her similar to the singer Lady Gaga.

Elka is a sincere and cheerful girl. She claims that she does not want to live her life falsely, so she excludes hypocrisy from it. The singer travels a lot and at the same time participates in various projects, recording compositions that become real hits.

The singer Yolka’s date of birth is July 2, 1982. Many people are interested in the name of the singer and her last name. Her real name is Elizaveta Ivantsiv, age is 37 years old, nationality is Ukrainian from Uzhgorod. The songs of this performer have won recognition as smart and modern. Her fans are peaceful and calm, unlike the fans of many other performers. The artist ignores the yellow press, due to her dislike of gossip and shaking up “dirty laundry.”

Love for music - since childhood

The biography of the singer Yolka is inextricably linked with music. Lisa was instilled with a love for this type of art from childhood. While still very young, she followed in the footsteps of her grandparents and began singing in the choir. folk art, then went to study vocals at the local Palace of Culture.

In her early youth, Lisa became interested in rap (including English), and since she lived near the border, she managed to attend concerts quite often in Eastern Europe. The singer first tried herself on stage back in school, when she performed for the local KVN team. Thanks to the success of the team, Ivantsiv began to be recognized by local residents.

After graduating from school, Lisa continued her music education at the school, but six months later she withdrew her documents due to conflicts with teachers. In fact, she was never ashamed of her unconventional appearance; she could easily shave her head, get piercings or spectacular makeup that caught the eye. The girl was very different from her peers, most likely for this reason she had to leave the school.

Stages of a performer's career

Wikipedia reports that in the mid-90s, Elizaveta was invited to sing in the B&B group, known only in narrow circles of the professional community of musicians. Elka initially positioned her image as “boyish”. Her parents, especially her father Waldemar, supported her in experimenting with her appearance, despite the fact that this was unacceptable for their hometown. They didn’t scold her for her first tattoo, or for dyeing her hair red, or for having her head shaved bald, no matter how many experiments Elka tried on her appearance. Most likely, thanks to their support, the informal Lisa became a favorite of the public.

In 2001, the group took one of the prizes at the Rap Music festival in Moscow. It was then that the young soloist was noticed by the famous producer Vladislav Valov, but did not immediately invite her to collaborate. Three whole years passed before he called the artist and invited her to Moscow.

She could not immediately believe that her situation had changed. After all, Elka had already left the group and began to forget about her career as a professional singer. But having received an interesting offer, she still took the risk of going to conquer Moscow.

First landmark performance took place at a concert dedicated to the memory famous performer Micah. There she performed Micah’s popular composition “Bitch-Love”. The next time Elka appeared at the Megahouse rock festival. The tree became a favorite of the public and Valov decided to sign a contract with her.

The singer flatly refused to change her pseudonym, because even her parents called her Elka since childhood, and she did not always respond to her real name. The steps to success were rapid:

  1. In November 2005, the singer presented her first album entitled “City of Deception.” It received this name from the hit of the same name, thanks to which Elizaveta received the title of “Discovery of the Year” according to Radio Maximum. The words, music and arrangement of most of the songs were composed by its producer Vlad Valov.
  2. The second successful track, which brought Elka enormous popularity, is called “Girl Student”; it was played on many popular radio stations.
  3. To consolidate her success, the singer releases another album - “Shadows”. It didn't receive as much hype as the previous one, but nevertheless contained quality musical compositions, the author of which was also the singer’s producer.

In 2007, Elizabeth released her video album, her only one so far. The singer also continued to shoot videos for her songs. In 2007, she became a laureate of the prestigious Golden Gramophone for the popular track “Handsome Boy.”

In 2008, the next album “This Magnificent World” was released, in which fans noticed that she had changed her musical style and repertoire. The singer herself said that she wanted to make this album more tender than the previous ones. The departure from the already traditional image was due to the fact that she did not intend to continue collaborating with her producer. The singer wanted to develop and work with new authors.

Later, Elka noted that Alla Pugacheva helped her change when, in a radio interview, she advised the singer to change her style and try to go on the big stage.

New image, new horizons

In 2010−2011, the singer was a judge on the popular show “X-Factor,” where fans were able to see their idol in elegant evening dress, thanks to which she became more feminine.

In 2011, Elka began collaborating with the Velvet Music group., in particular, with Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova. Under the sign of this cooperation, an album is being released with the categorical title “The Dots Are Placed.” The style of the songs was as close as possible to pop music. The compositions “Provence” and “Near You” took the first steps of the charts. The performer received many awards for them, in particular, the second Golden Gramophone.

This album also included a track sung in a duet with Pavel Volya, and the famous composition “On a Big Balloon,” which topped many charts. Thanks to this album, Elka becomes very popular, and she is invited to numerous tours in Russian cities.

In 2012-2013, the actress starred in small roles for the remake of the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”, as well as in the comedy “Sasha-Tanya”.

In 2014, Elka released another album, “Unreal Love,” which contained songs created by her first producer, but not published in previous albums, as well as new tracks recorded on Velvet-music, and a common track with the group “Burito,” received many awards.

In February 2015, the album “#Heaven” was presented. The singer explained this strange name by saying that it is her favorite hashtag on social networks when she posts photos related to the sky. Critics praised the new work as high-quality, with a unique style characteristic of the singer.

2016 also turned out to be a busy year. The list of the performer’s achievements is quite extensive:

  1. She won another victory at the Golden Gramophone thanks to the song “Warming Happiness.”
  2. Another achievement is the title “Singer of the Year” according to the RU Prize. TV" and "Russian Music Awards".
  3. Despite her appearance not at all like a model (the singer’s height is 162 cm, her weight is 51 kg), she was invited to appear in a Coca-Cola commercial.
  4. The end of the year gave the singer a long-awaited event: she recorded the soundtrack to the film “Yolki” in a duet with Ilya Lagutenko called “Don’t part with your loved ones.”

In the winter of 2017, Elka held a solo concert in the Russian capital. She recorded the soundtrack for the film “Optimists” by Alexei Popogrebsky, entitled “And I’m Not You.” It came out in the fall new job"The world is opening up." In her comments, Elka noted that each person talks in their own way about each day they live. In the same year, the NTV channel invited her to participate in the jury of the “You are Super!” competition. for orphans and children living in orphanages.

Secrets of family life

Of course, fans are interested in the personal life of the singer Yolka - children, husband, family. But avoiding gossip and the yellow press, Elizabeth does not like to talk about her personal life. The performer once joked that she lives with a cat. It is only known that the singer became the wife of Sergei Astakhov, who is impossible to notice at elite parties. The wedding remained a secret to everyone for a long time, as well as whether she gave birth to children from him.

Until recently, their union seemed strong, but in 2016, rumors began to circulate about the singer’s imminent divorce: supposedly the spouses could not finish building a house outside the city, and financial issues were ruining their marriage. Many of the singer’s acquaintances claimed that the singer Yolka’s husband is an ordinary gigolo, and all financial costs fall on her shoulders. The artist also removed her husband from the position of her personal administrator. Elizaveta Ivantsiv herself avoids commenting on this matter.

If you study the star’s personal page on Instagram, you can see that she is very concerned about homeless animals, constantly publishes posts asking for help and shelter for them, and encourages them to take part in one or another charity event. Here Elka publishes a schedule of upcoming concerts, photos from rehearsals or from travel.

According to the artist, one should not expect photos of people dear to her to appear here, this will remain outside the zone social networks. The only thing the singer actively shares is experiments on her appearance. Changing her hair color or coming for the next award with a new hairstyle is quite in her style.

Works in film and television

Audiences fell in love with Yolka’s songs as soundtracks to many film projects. The singer’s most famous soundtracks:

  • “I Want” (film “Love with an Accent”);
  • “The Sea Inside” (film “Without Borders”).

Elka not only sings, but also acts in episodic roles, and also voices characters in animated films. So, in 2005, the singer voiced for Russian film distribution main character animated film"The True Story of Red Cap."

According to the Kinopoisk resource, in 2014 the performer played herself in the project “A Gift with Character.” She was also seen in an episode of the miniseries Heat. In 2015, Elka starred in a cameo role in the film “About Love.” The singer often appears on television and takes part in various television projects.

Singer Yolka is an extraordinary person. Everything about her is unusual - from her image to the way she performs songs. Bright, interesting, not like everyone else - this is precisely why she catches the viewer, it is precisely with her unformatted and originality that she stands out from the crowd. But how did she come to her success and how did she develop? music career? What kind of person is this? What are your hobbies besides music? How old is the singer Yolka? We will deal with all these questions in our article today. However, it’s worth mentioning right away that the material in the opus is just a small fraction of what can be told about this mysterious and charming girl, so talented and efficient.

Singer Yolka: biography

Today the singer Yolka is a famous person. Her songs, familiar to a wide audience, are heard in numerous concert “hodgepodge” programs and occupy the top lines of various charts on domestic radio stations. Although there was a time when no one had heard of an extraordinary girl with good vocal abilities.

The real name of the singer Yolka is Elizaveta Ivantsiv. This is exactly what the heroine of our story is called in real life. She was born in the small Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod, it happened in the summer, July 2, 1982. And, probably, the girl’s creative path was destined from above, since she was born into a family with musical history. My parents had a direct connection to music: my mother played several instruments, my grandparents sang in the Transcarpathian folk choir. Lisa also started her musical path from the choir, though from school. By the way, the nickname Yolka appeared in childhood, when a boy from a yard company called the future singer that as a joke. No one could have thought then that this name would soon glorify Elizabeth and bring her success, but for now...

Lisa studied at a secondary school and was, in general, an ordinary girl, although very brave. She was not afraid to experiment with her appearance and, in general, was distinguished by ease of communication and an excellent sense of humor. She always knew how to laugh at herself.

After school I entered a music school and honestly tried to get an education. But... it didn’t work out. There was no contact with the teachers. They could not discern in the girl the individuality that lived in her. Relations with teachers can only be characterized as a complete lack of mutual understanding and the presence of constant conflicts. Lisa left the school six months later.

Working with Vladislav Valov

In the mid-1990s, Liza Ivantsiv began working in the Ukrainian music group“B&B” as a backing vocalist and for some time tried to develop in this direction. However, the idea failed. The team broke up, and the girl, whose dreams collapsed without having time to come true, decided to give up her intentions and... went to work as a waitress.

But, apparently, fate had other plans for her; she prepared a different path for Lisa. To confirm this, Vlad Valov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, soon appeared in the singer’s life. Lisa had known him before. They met at one of the music festivals, when the girl was still working as part of the B&B group.

The man invited Lisa to Moscow to “experiment” and try to make a joint project. As Yolka later admits in a conversation with journalists, she for a long time I thought that she was being played, and did not believe that such proposals could be something serious. However, she took a risk. I took a risk and didn’t make a mistake. In 2001, the girl signed a contract with her first producer, Vlad Valov. It was then that the singer Yolka was “born”; the biography of her work begins exactly from this moment. It must be said that the project bore fruit almost immediately, and the result of the joint work was not long in coming. Over the course of several years, Yolka recorded an impressive number of songs, which were later included in her debut collection “City of Deception.”

First successes

It should be noted that musical genre, in which Yolka worked, was designed for a narrow circle of listeners. The songs she performed combined the styles of hip-hop, heavy guitar R&B and rock. That is, her music was not popular, but more alternative. However, the fans liked the album, music critics were also not stingy in their assessments, and Yolka received her first success. She became a popular person. The songs received rotation on radio stations, and the singer herself became an RMA Award nominee on MTV. Further more. A year later, Yolka’s second album, “Shadows,” was released. In 2007, the song “Handsome Boy” was awarded the Golden Gramophone Award.

Over the next two years, the singer continued to work actively. She released her third music collection, “This Magnificent World,” and was actively searching for musical material for the fourth.

2009 was a landmark year for Lisa. The contract with Vladislav Valov ended, and the joint work of the singer and producer was put to an end. At the same time, there was a slight decline in Yolka’s work. The girl could not shake the feeling that she had reached a dead end. The moment of rethinking has come, a turning point in my career.

New style in creativity

In 2011, the artist decided to change her course and focus on popular music. The girl plunged headlong into the process. What is most interesting is that working in a new genre did not affect the singer’s musical abilities. The voice is a musical instrument that Lisa masterfully masters, and the performance of songs that were different in style did not in any way worsen the impression of the artist, it’s just that the music that poured out of her like a magical stream began to sparkle with completely new colors. The songs “Provence”, “On a Big Balloon” and “Near You”, which became hits, confirm all of the above.

In one of her interviews with the Russian music site “Zvuki.ru”, which closes the top three most visited and cited portals on the Runet, Lisa admitted: she does not regret at all that a completely different singer Yolka appeared before the listener. The biography of the pop singer does not make her unattractive in the eyes of her fans. This is not at all shameful, but very cool.

The performer’s new musical creations received awards from various musical events, and thanks to this, the singer herself found herself in the tabloids of glamor magazines and lists of successful figures in Ukrainian show business and simply popular and recognizable people.

In general, Lisa is an open person. Often journalists are afraid of meeting her, thinking that she is a sarcastic and caustic girl. However, during the conversation it turns out that this is not the case at all, and you can talk to Lisa on any topic. She has a great sense of humor and is not shy about answering a variety of questions, such as: “What kind of men does she like?” or “How old is the singer Yolka?”

It must be said that the changes in the artist’s life did not come out of nowhere. Not only a creative crisis, but also one important meeting served as an impetus for development in a new direction. One day, Lisa was invited to an interview on a program on Alla radio, where the singer, in fact, had the opportunity to talk with Pugacheva. The meeting of two creative women was not in vain for Yolka. Of course, nothing special happened there, just a conversation with the prima donna of the Russian stage made the girl, as she herself would later tell, rethink some things and look at everything in a new way. This conversation set a new vector for the singer’s movement towards her goal.

Creative biography

After Yolka stopped working with Vlad Valov, she found new producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova from Velvet Music.

It must be said that, in addition to playing music, the singer led a very busy and active life - she took part as a jury member in several seasons of the television project “X-Factor”, starred in the video for the song “Compose Dreams” by her colleague Vladi, member of the group "Casta". And, by the way, Red Cap in the Russian dubbing of the cartoon “The True Story of Red Cap” also speaks in the voice of Yolka.

In April 2012, an important event took place in the musical life of Lisa Ivantsiv, as for any ambitious artist - the singer gave a concert at the Olimpiysky sports complex. A lot of work was done and the concert was a great success. In September of the same year, singer Yolka began her concert tour of Russian cities. The biography of her work expanded through collaboration with rappers Noize MC and Zhara, the groups Megapolis and Burito. In addition, the girl’s life included filming episodic roles in the film “Gentlemen, Good Luck!” and the TV series “Fight”, the sitcom “SASHATANYA”, the films “This is Love!”, “A Gift with Character”, “About Love”.

Singer Yolka: personal life

I must say that today the singer has a lot of work and even more plans for the future. Yolka constantly tours with a group of musicians, including a guitarist, bassist, keyboard player, drummer and DJ. The singer’s performances also involve the dance group Loonyband, whose members choreograph dance routines and help with stage design.

In the personal life of Lisa Ivantsiv, everything is also good. Since 2010 she has been married to Sergei Astakhov. He is a non-public person, just a good guy from the Moscow region, although the young people met in Moscow. The singer’s friends say that the artist’s family is a matriarchy, and that’s all important decisions Yolka accepts. The singer, for whom children are still only in the plans, tries to work hard. By the way, Lisa is the main breadwinner in the family. Recently the guys acquired real estate in Moscow, as well as a plot of land outside the city where they plan to build a house. The couple has a very touching relationship, permeated with care for each other. And this is noticeable from the outside even with the naked eye.

Singer Yolka is an extraordinary person. Everything about her is unusual - from her image to the way she performs songs. Bright, interesting, not like everyone else - this is precisely why she catches the viewer, it is precisely with her unformatted and originality that she stands out from the crowd. But how did she come to her success and how did her music career develop? What kind of person is this? What are your hobbies besides music? How old is the singer Yolka? We will deal with all these questions in our article today. However, it’s worth mentioning right away that the material in the opus is just a small fraction of what can be told about this mysterious and charming girl, so talented and efficient.

Singer Yolka: biography

Today the singer Yolka is a famous person. Her songs, familiar to a wide audience, are heard in numerous concert “hodgepodge” programs and occupy the top lines of various charts on domestic radio stations. Although there was a time when no one had heard of an extraordinary girl with good vocal abilities.

The real name of the singer Yolka is Elizaveta Ivantsiv. This is exactly what the heroine of our story is called in real life. She was born in the small Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod, it happened in the summer, July 2, 1982. And, probably, the girl’s creative path was destined from above, since she was born into a family with a musical history. My parents had a direct connection to music: my mother played several instruments, my grandparents sang in the Transcarpathian folk choir. Lisa also began her musical journey with the choir, although at school. By the way, the nickname Yolka appeared in childhood, when a boy from a yard company called the future singer that as a joke. No one could have thought then that this name would soon glorify Elizabeth and bring her success, but for now...

Lisa studied at a secondary school and was, in general, an ordinary girl, although very brave. She was not afraid to experiment with her appearance and, in general, was distinguished by ease of communication and an excellent sense of humor. She always knew how to laugh at herself.

After school I entered a music school and honestly tried to get an education. But... it didn’t work out. There was no contact with the teachers. They could not discern in the girl the individuality that lived in her. Relations with teachers can only be characterized as a complete lack of mutual understanding and the presence of constant conflicts. Lisa left the school six months later.

Working with Vladislav Valov

In the mid-1990s, Lisa Ivantsiv began working in the Ukrainian musical group “B&B” as a backing vocalist and for some time tried to develop in this direction. However, the idea failed. The team broke up, and the girl, whose dreams collapsed without having time to come true, decided to give up her intentions and... went to work as a waitress.

But, apparently, fate had other plans for her; she prepared a different path for Lisa. To confirm this, Vlad Valov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, soon appeared in the singer’s life. Lisa had known him before. They met at one of the music festivals, when the girl was still working as part of the B&B group.

The man invited Lisa to Moscow to “experiment” and try to make a joint project. As Yolka later admitted in a conversation with journalists, for a long time she thought that she was being played, and did not believe that such proposals could be something serious. However, she took a risk. I took a risk and didn’t make a mistake. In 2001, the girl signed a contract with her first producer, Vlad Valov. It was then that the singer Yolka was “born”; the biography of her work begins exactly from this moment. It must be said that the project bore fruit almost immediately, and the result of the joint work was not long in coming. Over the course of several years, Yolka recorded an impressive number of songs, which were later included in her debut collection “City of Deception.”

First successes

It should be noted that the musical genre in which Yolka worked was designed for a narrow circle of listeners. The songs she performed combined the styles of hip-hop, heavy guitar R&B and rock. That is, her music was not popular, but more alternative. However, the fans liked the album, music critics were also not stingy in their assessments, and Yolka received her first success. She became a popular person. The songs received rotation on radio stations, and the singer herself became an RMA Award nominee on MTV. Further more. A year later, Yolka’s second album, “Shadows,” was released. In 2007, the song “Handsome Boy” was awarded the Golden Gramophone Award.

Over the next two years, the singer continued to work actively. She released her third collection of music, “This Wonderful World,” and was actively searching for musical material for the fourth.

2009 was a landmark year for Lisa. The contract with Vladislav Valov ended, and the joint work of the singer and producer was put to an end. At the same time, there was a slight decline in Yolka’s work. The girl could not shake the feeling that she had reached a dead end. The moment of rethinking has come, a turning point in my career.

New style in creativity

In 2011, the artist decided to change her course and focus on popular music. The girl plunged headlong into the process. What is most interesting is that working in a new genre did not affect the singer’s musical abilities. The voice is a musical instrument that Lisa masterfully masters, and the performance of songs that were different in style did not in any way worsen the impression of the artist, it’s just that the music that poured out of her like a magical stream began to sparkle with completely new colors. The songs “Provence”, “On a Big Balloon” and “Near You”, which became hits, confirm all of the above.

In one of her interviews with the Russian music site “Zvuki.ru”, which closes the top three most visited and cited portals on the Runet, Lisa admitted: she does not regret at all that a completely different singer Yolka appeared before the listener. The biography of the pop singer does not make her unattractive in the eyes of her fans. This is not at all shameful, but very cool.

The performer’s new musical creations received awards from various musical events, and thanks to this, the singer herself found herself in the tabloids of glamor magazines and lists of successful figures in Ukrainian show business and simply popular and recognizable people.

In general, Lisa is an open person. Often journalists are afraid of meeting her, thinking that she is a sarcastic and caustic girl. However, during the conversation it turns out that this is not the case at all, and you can talk to Lisa on any topic. She has a great sense of humor and is not shy about answering a variety of questions, such as: “What kind of men does she like?” or “How old is the singer Yolka?”

It must be said that the changes in the artist’s life did not come out of nowhere. Not only a creative crisis, but also one important meeting served as an impetus for development in a new direction. One day, Lisa was invited to an interview on a program on Alla radio, where the singer, in fact, had the opportunity to talk with Pugacheva. The meeting of two creative women was not in vain for Yolka. Of course, nothing special happened there, just a conversation with the prima donna of the Russian stage made the girl, as she herself would later tell, rethink some things and look at everything in a new way. This conversation set a new vector for the singer’s movement towards her goal.

Creative biography

After Yolka stopped working with Vlad Valov, she found new producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova from Velvet Music.

It must be said that, in addition to playing music, the singer led a very busy and active life - she took part as a jury member in several seasons of the television project “X-Factor”, starred in the video for the song “Compose Dreams” by her colleague Vladi, member of the group "Casta". And, by the way, Red Cap in the Russian dubbing of the cartoon “The True Story of Red Cap” also speaks in the voice of Yolka.

In April 2012, an important event took place in the musical life of Lisa Ivantsiv, as for any ambitious artist - the singer gave a concert at the Olimpiysky sports complex. A lot of work was done and the concert was a great success. In September of the same year, singer Yolka began her concert tour of Russian cities. The biography of her work expanded through collaboration with rappers Noize MC and Zhara, the groups Megapolis and Burito. In addition, the girl’s life included filming episodic roles in the film “Gentlemen, Good Luck!” and the TV series “Fight”, the sitcom “SASHATANYA”, the films “This is Love!”, “A Gift with Character”, “About Love”.

Singer Yolka: personal life

I must say that today the singer has a lot of work and even more plans for the future. Yolka constantly tours with a group of musicians, including a guitarist, bassist, keyboard player, drummer and DJ. The singer’s performances also involve the dance group Loonyband, whose members choreograph dance routines and help with stage design.

In the personal life of Lisa Ivantsiv, everything is also good. Since 2010 she has been married to Sergei Astakhov. He is a non-public person, just a good guy from the Moscow region, although the young people met in Moscow. The singer’s friends say that the artist’s family is a matriarchy, and all important decisions are made by Yolka. The singer, for whom children are still only in the plans, tries to work hard. By the way, Lisa is the main breadwinner in the family. Recently the guys acquired real estate in Moscow, as well as a plot of land outside the city where they plan to build a house. The couple has a very touching relationship, permeated with care for each other. And this is noticeable from the outside even with the naked eye.