What two actions does the present perfect express? The Present Perfect Tense

Any verb in the present perfect tense consists of two elements: the correct form of the auxiliary verb to have (in the present tense), plus the past participle of the main verb. The past participle of regular verbs is the basis+ed, For example, played, arrived, looked. For irregular verbs, check out Table of irregular verbs In chapter "Verbs".

Affirmative form
Subject to have past participle
She has visited.
Negative form
Subject to have + not past participle
She has not (hasn't) visited.
Interrogative form
to have subject past participle
Has she visited?
Negative interrogative form
to have+ not subject past participle
Hasn't she visited?
To Walk, present perfect tense
Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form
I have walked I haven't walked Have I walked?
You have walked You haven't walked. Have you walked?
He, she, it has walked He, she, hasn't walked Has he, she, it walked?
We have walked We haven't walked Have we walked?
You have walked You haven't walked Have you walked?
They have walked They haven't walked Have they walked?

Functions of the present perfect tense

The present perfect tense is needed to denote the connection between the present and the past. The action time has already happened until now, but not specified exactly, and, as a rule, we are more interested in result than the action itself.

BE CAREFUL! Your language may have a similar verb tense with a similar form, but the meaning is probably NOT the same.

The present perfect tense describes
  • An action or situation that began in the past and continues in the present. I have lived in Bristol since 1984(= and I still do.)
  • An action that took place during a period of time that has not yet ended. She has been to the cinema twice this week(= and the week isn't over yet.)
  • A repeated action during an unspecified period of time between the past and present. We have visited Portugal several times.
  • An action that ended in the recent past and is expressed with "just". I have just finished my work.
  • An action in which time is not important. He has read"War and Peace".(= the result of his reading is important)
Actions that began in the past and continue in the present
  • They haven"t lived here for years.
  • She has worked in the bank for five years.
  • We have had the same car for ten years.
  • Have you played the piano since you were a child?
When the time in which the action took place has not yet ended
  • I have worked hard this week .
  • It has rained a lot this year .
  • We haven't seen her today .
Repeated actions during an unspecified period of time between the past and present.
  • They have seen that film six times
  • It has happened several times already.
  • She has visited them frequently.
  • We have eaten at that restaurant many times.
Actions completed in the recent past (+just)
  • Have you just finished work?
  • I have just eaten .
  • We have just seen her.
  • Has he just left ?
When the exact time of action is not so important or is unknown
  • Someone has eaten my soup!
  • Have you seen "Gone with the Wind"?
  • She"s studied Japanese, Russian, and English.

Find out more about

Present Perfect (Present Perfect Simple) – present perfect tense. It has no equivalent in the Russian language. It may be difficult for us to understand Present Perfect, because English-speaking people perceive the concept of time differently. From the point of view of the Russian language, an action in the present tense cannot end, that’s why it is present. If the action is completed (passed), then the time must be past. The English language adheres to a different logic: in it, an action in the present can end, and an example of this is Present Perfect.

How is the Present Perfect formed?


Predicate in Present Perfect consists of an auxiliary verb have (has) and the main verb. With pronouns I, you, we, they and plural nouns we use have, with pronouns he, she, it and singular nouns – has.

As the main verb in Present Perfect we use the third form of the verb. There are two ways to get it: if the verb is correct, we add the ending -ed to the base. If the verb is irregular, we take the form from the third column.


In order to construct a negative sentence in Present Perfect, we need to put a negative particle between the auxiliary verb and the main one not.

Verb to have (has) can take abbreviated forms. IN affirmative sentence have (has) is combined with a pronoun, in abbreviated form have looks like ' ve, has How ' s:

  • We've gone.
  • He's decided.

In a negative sentence have (has) combines with not, the abbreviated forms look like haven't, hasn't:

  • I haven't started.
  • She hasn't done.

In colloquial speech, abbreviated forms are more common than full ones.


Learn all the functions of time at once Present Perfect is almost impossible, so we decided to divide all functions into 3 convenient groups according to the level of English proficiency: beginner (green frame), intermediate (yellow frame), advanced (red frame).

Using the Present Perfect

First level

  1. We use Present Perfect, when we want to show the result of an action that has already been completed. By using Present Perfect we focus on the result and from it we see that the action has already been completed. It is much easier to understand what the result means using the example of the verbs “to do” and “to do”:
    • I did This - I did it. (Past Simple - the action was in the past)
    • I did This - I have done it. (the action is over, which means there is a result)

    An action with a result includes:

    • Action with adverbs already(already), just(just now), yet(already, yet). They indicate that an action happened recently and that something has changed as a result.

      I know Jane. We have already met. - I know Jane, we already met. (we met in the past, so as a result, I know her now)

      I don't want to go to the café, I 've just eaten. - I don’t want to go to the cafe, I I just ate. (I'm not hungry, it's a result of what I ate recently)

      Adverb yet used in questions and negatives. In a negative sentence yet translated as “yet”, in the question – “already”. Yet usually comes at the end of a sentence.

      – Is Jim here? – Is Jim here?
      – No, he hasn't arrived yet. - No he haven't arrived yet.

      Have you been to the new supermarket yet? - You already been in the new supermarket?

    • An action that happened in the past, no matter when, but the result is visible in the present.

      I have bought a new car. - I bought new car. (I have already made a purchase, we don’t know when this happened, but we see the result - a new car)

      They aren't at home, they have gone shopping. - They are not at home, they went shopping. (it doesn’t matter when they left, what matters is that they are gone now)

      Another result of an action can influence the present:

      She has lost her keys, she can’t get home now. - She lost keys, now she can’t get home. (because she lost her keys in the past, she cannot open the door in the present)

    • An action that occurred in an unfinished period of time. The words indicate to us the unfinished period today(Today), this morning/week/month/year(this morning/this week/this month/this year). Our action already has a result, but today, this week / this month / this year has not ended yet, that is, we will have time to complete the action or repeat it again during this period.

      Today he has visited two galleries. – Today He visited in two galleries. (today is not over yet and he can go to the third gallery)

      I haven't been at work this week because of sickness. - I was not At work this week because of illness. (but the week is not over yet and I can go to work this week)

  2. Present Perfect used when we talk about our personal experiences. This function is often called “life experience.”

    I 've been to England but I haven't been to Scotland. - I was in England, but was not in Scotland. (at this point in my life I have visited England and haven't had time to visit Scotland, but I still hope to visit there)

    • Such sentences do not indicate the exact time. But you can emphasize how many times the action happened:

      Have you read this book? - You read this book?
      – Yes, I have read this book twice already. - Yes I read this book twice already.

      I have eaten in this restaurant many times. - I ate in this restaurant many times.

      Or you can speak in general, without indicating the exact number of times:

      Have you read this book? - You read this book?
      – Yes, I have read this book. - Yes I read this book.

      I have eaten in this restaurant. - I ate at this restaurant.

    • Adverbs ever(someday) and never(never) often occur when we talk about life experiences. They show what we did or didn't do in our lives. note that never replaces a particle not.

      Have you ever seen this film? - You have you ever seen This movie?
      – No, I have never seen this film before. - No, I never saw this movie before.

      Has he ever been abroad? - He ever been Abroad?
      – No, he hasn't. - No, was not.

      I have never eaten mango. - I never eaten mango.

  • This is not the most complete list of words and expressions used in the Present Perfect. This time has a lot of satellites - read about them in our article “”.

When else is the Present Perfect used?

Average level

  1. In addition to the result, Present Perfect shows a continuous action that is still current: it began in the past, but continues in the present and may continue in the future. Usually in these cases there are prepositions for(during) and since(since, since). For indicates how long the action lasts, since shows that an action began at a certain point in the past and is still ongoing. You might say it's a function of time. It is true, but Present Perfect also used in this meaning in several cases:
    • C, which are almost never used with band tenses Continuous.

      We 've known each other since school years. - We we know each other since school.

      She has wanted to become an actress since her childhood. - She dreams become an actress from childhood.

    • With verbs that themselves convey a continuous action ( to live- live, to work- work, to study- study, to sleep- sleep, to wait- wait). In this case we can use like Present Perfect, so Present Perfect Continuous, but the meaning of the sentence will not change.

      I 've studied English for 5 years. - I I teach English for 5 years. (I started 5 years ago, I continue now and perhaps I will teach in the future)

      I 've lived in the suburbs since childhood. - I I live in the suburbs since childhood. (I started living as a child and continue to live in the suburbs now)

    • In negative sentences, when we report something that we have not done for some time.

      I haven't heard of him for the last 3 years. - I don’t know anything about him haven't heard the last three years.

      We haven't been to Rome since our honeymoon. - We were not in Rome since our honeymoon.

    For verbs to be And to go V Present Perfect There are additional shades of meaning: have been means that the speaker was somewhere, went or traveled somewhere and has now returned from there. A has gone means that the speaker has gone somewhere or left and has not yet returned.

    She has been to Madrid. - She was in Madrid. (but she's home now)

    She has gone to Madrid. - She left to Madrid. (she's still in Madrid)

  2. We use Present Perfect, when we want to emphasize how many times the action was performed. For this purpose the design is used it is (that is) the first/second/third time something has happened– this is the first/second/third time something happened.

    It is the first time I have driven a car. = I have never driven a car before. – I drove for the first time car.

    That is the fifth time Bill has telephoned his girlfriend this evening. = He has called his girlfriend five times this evening. – Bill called to his girlfriend for the fifth time already for the evening.

Complex cases of using the Present Perfect

High level

  1. Present Perfect used in conjunction with P ast Simple in complex sentences. In order to show the exact time when the action began, we use a subordinate clause with the conjunction since / ever since(since). This subordinate clause will be in Past Simple, the main sentence is in Present Perfect.

    He hasn't played the cello since he broke his bow. - He does not play on cello since then, How broke the bow.

    I 've lived like this ever since I moved to London. - I just I've been living since then, How moved to London.

    We can use Present Perfect in a subordinate clause if the action in the subordinate clause began in the past and continues in the present.

    Have you invited any of your friends since you 've lived in your new apartment? - You invited one of your friends since then, how are you in a new apartment?

  • The Present Perfect tense is often confused with the Past Simple tense. You can learn how to avoid such confusion from the article “”
  • Present Perfect used in subordinate tenses after conjunctions when(When), as soon as(as soon as), until(not yet) before(before), after(after). In this case, the entire sentence implies a situation in the future, so we will translate such a sentence into Russian in the future tense. In such sentences Present Perfect And Present Simple are equivalent, they can replace each other without changing the meaning.

    After he graduates from Harvard, he will find a promising job. = After he has graduated from Harvard, he will find a promising job. – After He will graduate Harvard, he will get a promising job.

    Present Perfect preferable Present Simple:

    • When we want to show that an action in the main clause can only be performed if the action in the subordinate clause is performed.

      As soon as I 've got to the station I’ll buy the tickets. – As soon as I I'll come to the station, I'll buy tickets. (I can buy tickets when I'm at the station, I won't be able to before)

      You can’t write the article on the subject until you 've read this book. – You cannot write an article on this topic, until you read it this book. (the book contains something important, without which it is impossible to write an article)

    • If we want to logically highlight or emotionally emphasize that one action will happen before another.

      I'll call you when I 've got home. - I call you, when I get there home. (I want to emphasize that I will come home first and only then call)

      Let's have a farewell party before you 've gone to Paris. - Let's have a farewell dinner, before You you'll leave in Paris. (we want to emphasize that we will not be able to give you a farewell dinner in Paris)

  • Present Perfect used to tell some news that has recently appeared. Group tenses are used to convey more information or give more details. Simple or Continuous.

    A pony has escaped from the zoo. Zookeepers were looking for it in the neighborhood, but with no luck. The police found the pony at the far end of the city. It was walking in the park and was asking the passers-by for some treat. – Pony ran away from the zoo. Zoo workers searched for him in the surrounding area, but to no avail. The police found the pony on the other side of town. He was walking in the park and asking passers-by for treats.

  • As you can see, Present Perfect It doesn’t seem so illogical and incomprehensible if you look into it. In addition, this tense has a lot of companion words - adverbs that help us recognize the present perfect tense. Yes, Present Perfect can be called the most difficult topic in studying English times, but if you have mastered it, then all other times will seem like a mere trifle to you.

    In order to consolidate the knowledge gained, we recommend taking the test and downloading a cheat sheet with the rules of education Present Perfect.

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    How is the Present Perfect formed and when is it used? What are the present perfect marker words? What is the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect? We will find answers to all these questions in today's article.

    Examples of affirmative sentences in the Present Perfect:

    I have bought a new car! - I bought new car!
    He has lied to me. - He told me lied.
    We 've agreed! - We came to an agreement!
    Sue 's come home. - Sue came home.

    Examples of negative sentences in the Present Perfect:

    They have not done they work properly. - They did not comply your work properly.
    Rachel has not met David yet. - Rachel yet I don't know with David.
    They haven't seen this film. - They did not see This movie.
    My teacher hasn't been checked the tests. - My teacher didn't check tests.

    Examples of interrogative sentences in the Present Perfect:

    Have we paid the bills this month? - We paid bills this month?
    Has Gloria delivered the package on time? - Gloria delivered parcel on time?

    When to use the Present Perfect

    Let's look at the cases of using the Present Perfect:

    1. Completed actions that have a result in the present

      If an action happened in the past, but it has a connection with the present, we use the Present Perfect.

      I can’t go to the mountains with you, I 've been broken my arm. - I can’t go to the mountains with you, I broke hand! (result in the present - I can’t go to the mountains)
      I'm so upset. You haven't done your homework again! - I'm so upset. You again did not comply homework! (result in the present - I'm upset)

    2. News

      I 've won in the lottery! - I won to the lottery!
      John and Lily have broken up. - John and Lily broke up.

      Please note that further details of the news are usually told in the Past Simple:

      I 've passed my English exam! (news)I scored 90%! (details) - I passed your English exam! I dialed 90% !

      Mark 's come back from Italy!
      - How long was he there? Where did he stay?
      - Mark back from Italy!
      - How long has he been there? stayed? Where is he lived?

    3. Actions that have been repeated many times before now

      I 've called you three times, where have you been? - I called three times for you, where have you been?

    4. Actions that started in the past and are still ongoing

      Usually this function uses Present Perfect Continuous, but with the Present Perfect.

      Mrs Baker has been being has been a teacher since 1995. - Mrs. Baker works teacher since 1995.
      I have been knowing have known the Smiths family for about a decade. - I I know The Smith family has been around for about ten years now.

      With the verbs to work, to live, to study, to play and some others, you can use both the Present Perfect Continuous and the Present Perfect. When translating into Russian, we usually use verbs in the present tense.

      I have lived / have been living in this house since my childhood. - I I live in this house since childhood.
      Susan has played / has been playing tennis for 10 years. - Susan plays tennis for 10 years.

    5. Experience

      To tell what happened or did not happen to us in the past, we also use the Present Perfect. In such a situation, it is not at all important to us when this experience was obtained, only the fact of its existence is important.

      I 've ridden an elephant! - I rode on an elephant!
      Mike has read the Harry Potter book series. - Mike read series of books about Harry Potter.
      We 've never gone skiing! - We never rode by ski.

    Marker words Present Perfect

    Let's look at the words that indicate the Present Perfect tense:

    • Already - already

      Usually placed between the auxiliary and main verb and used in statements.

      I 've already seen this episode! - I already saw this series!
      My employees have already completed their task. - My subordinates already completed your tasks.

    • Just - just now

      Usually placed between the auxiliary and main verb.

      I 've just finished working. - I just finished work.
      Wait, that's it? We 've just started! - Wait, is that all? We are just started!

    • Yet - already, yet

      Used in negative and interrogative sentences, usually placed at the end of the sentence.

      I haven't finished my homework yet. - I not finished yet my homework.
      Have you made the bed yet? - You already made the sheets bed?

    • Still - still

      Unlike yet, still is usually placed before the auxiliary verb.

      You still haven't washed the towels, have you? - You still haven't washed it towels, right?

    • Ever - ever

      Use to ask about your interlocutor's experience, usually placed before the main verb.

      Have you ever tried Japanese food? - You ever tried Japanese food?
      Has Rosa ever cheated in the exam? - Rose ever cheated on the exam?

    • Never - never

      Placed before the semantic verb. We would like to remind you that in English the word never is used with verbs in the positive form, without the particle not.

      I have never been here. - I'm here Never was.
      I have never played any musical instrument. - I never played on any musical instrument.

    • Before - before, before

      I have met John before. - I met Jonah before.
      Lucy hasn't tried ice-cream before. - Lucy I haven't tried it before ice cream.

    • Recently, lately - in Lately, recently

      We have missed too many opportunities lately. - We missed too many possibilities last time.
      It's the best film I 've seen recently. - This is the best movie I've ever seen seen lately.

    • Since - from some point

      I haven't seen a comedy since last year - I did not watch comedy With last year.
      We have been together since 2014. - We together with 2014.

    • For - throughout

      I 've worked here for 5 years. - I'm here worked 5 years.
      We haven't seen each other for months, it seems. - Looks like we haven't seen each other a few months.

    Difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect

    For many English language learners, the difference between these two tenses remains a mystery to this day. Let's figure out when the Present Perfect is used, and in what cases the Past Simple is used.

    1. We talk or don't talk when something happened

      In the Present Perfect, the fact of the action is important and it does not matter when exactly it happened. The Past Simple usually indicates exactly when the action occurred. Examples of marker words in the Past Simple: yesterday, in 2015, ago, when I was younger and others.

      I have ridden a horse! - I traveled on horseback! (doesn't matter when it was)
      I rode a horse yesterday morning! - Yesterday morning I traveled on horseback! (specific moment in the past)

    2. Completed time period or current

      If we are talking about a period of time that is still ongoing, we use the Present Perfect. Often marker words such as today, this week, this month and this year indicate the current period. If the period is over, we use the Past Simple; the following marker words indicate it: last week (last week), last month (last month), last year (last year).

      I haven't seen you in the office this week. - I did not see you in the office at this week. (the week hasn't ended)
      I didn't see Sofie at work last week. - I did not see Sophie at work last week. (last week is over)

    3. Connection with the present and a fact from the past

      The Present Perfect always has some kind of connection to the present, while with the Past Simple you can simply state facts about the past.

      We're so happy! We have learned English! - We are so happy! We learned English! (we are happy now - reference to the present)
      Ivan learned English at school. - Ivan learned English at school. (fact from the past)

    So that you can easily navigate the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect, we have prepared the following table:

    Present PerfectPast Simple
    We don't say when the action happened

    We 've traveled around the world! - We drove around the whole world!

    We say when the action happened

    We travelled to the South last summer. - Last summer We go South.

    Current time period

    I haven't eaten any meat this month. - This month I didn't eat meat.

    Finished period of time

    John didn't eat any meat last summer. - John did not eat meat last summer.

    There is a connection with the present

    That's great! I have done my homework! - How amazing! I did homework!

    No connection to the present

    I didn't do my homework yesterday. - I didn't homework yesterday.

    Have been or have gone?

    Students sometimes confuse the constructions have been and have gone. Let's look at their meanings:

    • Have been - visited, went/went and returned

      I have been to Spain. - I was in Spain.
      Have you been to the lecture? - You walked On the lecture?

    • Have gone - left/left and has not returned yet

      Sue has gone to London. - Sue left in London.
      My neighbors have gone to Turkey for summer. - My neighbours left to Turkey for the summer.

    Now we suggest you take the Present Perfect test.

    Test on the topic “Present Perfect - rules and examples”

    English grammar is often confusing. But a dead end does not mean hopelessness: you can always return to the starting point and start again. A clear explanation of the rules for the formation and use of the Present Perfect Simple tense - one of the most difficult sections of English grammar for children in grade 5 - will help you choose the right direction and avoid dead-end situations.

    General information

    Before moving on to explaining the basic rules and nuances of using the Present Perfect tense, it is necessary to understand how this tense form is translated into Russian and what it means: its basic differences from other tenses. Present Perfect Tense is the Present Perfect tense used to describe completed, accomplished actions that have a direct connection with the present, the result of these actions affects the present. The main impulse to use the tense form in question is marker words indicating the uncertainty of time. That's it in a nutshell. Now, in more detail on each point: how to understand what time and how to use it.


    The basic rules for the formation of affirmative, interrogative, and negation forms are presented in the following table. With its help, you can understand how the Present Perfect formula is formed and how it “works” in practice.

    Present Perfect Tense

    Present Perfect tense

    Subjects + have/has + main verb + -ed (3rd form of regular verbs)

    I have visited - I visited

    You have visited - you visited

    He (she, it) has visited - he (she, it) visited

    We have visited - we visited

    You have visited - you visited

    They have visited - they visited

    Subjects + have/has + main verb in 3rd form (irregular verbs)

    I have done - I did

    You have done - you did

    He (she, it) has done - he (she, it) did

    We have done - we did

    You have done - you did

    They have done - they did

    Subjects + have/has + not + main verb + ed (3rd form of regular verbs)

    I have not visited - I did not visit

    You have not visited - you did not visit

    He (she, it) has not visited - he (she, it) did not visit

    We have not visited - we did not visit

    You have not visited - you did not visit

    They have not visited - they did not visit

    Subjects + have/has + not + main verb in 3rd form (irregular verbs)

    I have not done - I didn’t do

    You have not done - you didn’t do

    He (she, it) has not done - he (she, it) did not do

    We have not done - we didn’t do

    You have not done - you didn’t do

    They have not done - they didn’t do

    Have/has + subjects + main verb + ed (3rd form of regular verbs)

    Have I visited? - I visited?

    Have you visited? - did you visit?

    Has he (she, it) visited? - did he (she, it) visit?

    Have we visited? - We visited?

    Have you visited? - did you visit?

    Have they visited? – did they visit?

    Have/has + subjects + main verb in 3rd form (irregular verbs)

    Have I done? - I did?

    Have you done? - did you do it?

    Has he (she, it) done - did he (she, it) do?

    Have we done? - we did?

    Have you done? - you did?

    Have they done? - they did?


    The Present Perfect Simple tense occupies a special place in English grammar.

    There are no analogues of Present Perfect Simple in Russian.

    Therefore, it is necessary to understand and remember in what cases given time used:

    TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

    • To denote an action that occurred in the near past, but its result is observed in the present. In other words, the speaker is not interested in the time when the action occurred, one thing is important to him - the result that connects this event that happened in the past with the present: She is not at home, she has gone to the library - She is not at home, she went to the library (She left and the result in the present is her absence);
    • To convey “life experience”.

      Such sentences often emphasize how many times the action took place: When have you been to Europe? I have been to Italy three times already - When were you in Europe? I've been to Italy three times already;

    • To denote an action that occurred in an unfinished period of time. To emphasize this incompleteness in the sentence, the phrases this morning (this morning), this evening (this evening), this month (this month), today (today) and others are used: This week she has come to his house twice - This week she came to his house twice.
    • Companion words

      The Present Perfect time usually cannot do without the help of its companions - time indicators that indicate that the action began in the past and ended not so long ago:

      • Never- never (I have never been to England - I have never been to England);
      • Ever- ever (Have you ever read a detective story? - Have you ever read a detective story?);
      • Already- already (She has already finished her work - She has already completed her work);
      • Just- exactly, just, only (He has just called him up - He just called him);
      • Before- before, before (We have heard this strange story before - We heard this strange story before);
      • Not...yet- not yet, still not (My mother has not heard news yet - My mother has not heard the news yet);
      • Lately- recently, a long time ago, recently (She has lately read many books - She has recently read a lot of books);
      • So far- for this hour, by now, up to this moment, already (Her temper has so far been good - Her mood has been good so far);
      • Of late- recently, recently, recently (This wonderful trip has been my dream of late - This wonderful trip has been my dream lately);
      • By now- by now (He has confessed by now - He confessed at the moment);
      • Recently- recently, recently (She has not had any difficulties recently - She has not had any difficulties recently);
      • Up to now- until now, until now (She has not believed people up to now - She did not believe people until now);
      • By now- by now (It always takes 5 minutes to get home after By now I have always been at home at 5 o’clock - The road home after work always takes 5 minutes. By now I have always been at home at 5 o’clock).

      In English, double negatives are excluded from sentences. Therefore, the adverb never (never) is used in an affirmative sentence. The adverb yet is placed at the end of interrogative or negative sentences. It is not used in affirmatives.

      What have we learned?

      We got acquainted with the Present Perfect tense - Present Perfect. We examined the basic rules of education, signs and cases of use of this tense. This summary on the topic “Present Perfect Tense” gives a clear explanation, and is an excellent guide for dummies, that is, for beginners learning English, and for advanced students.

      Test on the topic

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    As you know, in English, unlike Russian, there are several present tenses. You have already met some of them on the pages of our website -,. It's the turn of the Present Perfect Tense - the Present Perfect Tense.

    Formation of the Present Perfect Tense

    Present Perfect Tense is formed using the auxiliary verb have + (third column in the table of irregular verbs)

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    Pay attention to the formula for the formation of R.R.T. indicated in the table. As you can see, the Present Perfect Tense is formed with the help of a verb and a past participle, and the participle is a fixed, unchanging part of the formula, and the verb have changes depending on the person and number of the subject and acts as an auxiliary verb in a given tense.

    When forming the interrogative form, the auxiliary verb have (has) is placed before the subject. When translating interrogative sentences, follow the established word order of the interrogative sentence: 1 – question word (for example, who? when? what?), 2 – auxiliary verb (have or has), 3 – subject, 4 – predicate (in this case, participle)

    • Have you ordered pizza? -Have you ordered pizza? (there is no question word, so the question begins with have)
    • Where has he put my glasses? – where did he put my glasses?

    A question to the subject begins with the word Who?

    • Who has painted this picture? – who painted this picture?

    When is Present Perfect Tense used?

    The present perfect tense, although it belongs to the group of present tenses, denotes an action that has already happened and has completed by now. This time is used when oneself is important fact of action.

    • I have already bought bread - the action has already taken place, it does not matter when it happened - I have bought some bread

    The action expressed by the Present Perfect is translated into Russian perfect past tense verb (What did you do?)

    The time of the action is either not indicated at all, or covers a period of time that has not yet expired (that is, the period has not yet ended, but the action has already occurred ): Today ( today), this morning, afternoon or evening ( this morning/ afternoon/ evening), this week ( this week), this month ( this month), this year ( this year)

    • Peter has washed his car today - Peter washed the car today (still today, but the car has already been washed)
    • I have met her twice this week - This week I met her twice (the week is still going on, and I have already met her twice)

    Often adverbs are used with the Present Perfect:

    • I have already finished reading this newspaper.- I have already finished reading the newspaper
    • Have you posted the letter yet? —Have you already sent the letter?
    • The adverb already in questions conveys surprise and means not “already”, but “really... already.” Compare:
      Has your brother arrived yet? “Has your brother arrived yet?” And
      Has your brother arrived already? “Has your brother already arrived?”
    • Please note that the adverb yet always comes at the end of the sentence.

    The verb to be is used in the present perfect tense to mean “to visit, go, visit” and is accompanied by the preposition of direction to:

    • Have you ever been to London? -Have you ever traveled to London?
    • I have been to Japan twice - I visited Japan twice

    For and Since

    Verbs in the Present Perfect Tense can also denote actions that began long before the moment of speech, but have not yet ended. In this case, verbs are used with such tense adverbs as for - during and since - since (as long as)

    In this case, the verb is translated into Russian in the present tense:

      • She has known my brother for five years - She has known my brother for five years
      • I’ve known her sister since 1992 - I’ve known her sister since 1992

    Present Perfect or Past Simple?

    In Russian, verbs in both the Past Simple and Present Perfect are translated into past tense verbs, so it is sometimes difficult for English learners to determine which tense to use in a given situation. The following table will help you understand the difference between these two English tenses more clearly: