What time period does war and peace cover? Identifying the features of the epic in the novel “War and Peace”

The novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy devoted six years of intense and persistent work. September 5, 1863 A.E. Bers, the father of Sophia Andreevna, Tolstoy’s wife, sent a letter from Moscow to Yasnaya Polyana with the following remark: “Yesterday we talked a lot about 1812 on the occasion of your intention to write a novel relating to this era.” It is this letter that researchers consider “the first accurate evidence” dating the beginning of Tolstoy’s work on War and Peace. In October of the same year, Tolstoy wrote to his relative: “I have never felt my mental and even all moral forces so much free and so much capable of work. And I have this job. This work is a novel from the time of 1810 and 20s, which has been occupying me completely since the fall... I am now a writer with all the strength of my soul, and I write and think about it as I have never written or thought about it before.”

The manuscripts of “War and Peace” testify to how one of the world’s largest works was created: over 5,200 finely written sheets have been preserved in the writer’s archive. From them you can trace the entire history of the creation of the novel.

Initially, Tolstoy conceived a novel about a Decembrist who returned after a 30-year Siberian exile. The novel began in 1856, shortly before the abolition of serfdom. But then the writer revised his plan and moved on to 1825 - the era of the Decembrist uprising. Soon the writer abandoned this beginning and decided to show the youth of his hero, which coincided with the formidable and glorious times of the Patriotic War of 1812. But Tolstoy did not stop there, and since the war of 1812 was in unbreakable connection since 1805, then he began the entire composition from that time. Having moved the beginning of the action of his novel half a century deeper into history, Tolstoy decided to take not one, but many heroes through the most important events for Russia.

Tolstoy called his plan - to capture in artistic form the half-century history of the country - “Three Times”. The first time is the beginning of the century, its first decade and a half, the time of youth of the first Decembrists who went through the Patriotic War of 1812. The second time is the 20s with their main event - the uprising of December 14, 1825. The third time is the 50s, the unsuccessful end of the Crimean War for the Russian army, the sudden death of Nicholas I, the amnesty of the Decembrists, their return from exile and the time of waiting for changes in the life of Russia. However, in the process of working on the work, the writer narrowed the scope of his initial plan and focused on the first period, touching only on the beginning of the second period in the epilogue of the novel. But even in this form, the concept of the work remained global in scope and required the writer to exert all his strength. At the beginning of his work, Tolstoy realized that the usual framework of the novel and historical story would not be able to accommodate all the richness of the content he had planned, and began to persistently search for a new artistic form, he wanted to create literary work completely unusual type. And he succeeded. “War and Peace”, according to L.N. Tolstoy is not a novel, not a poem, not a historical chronicle, this is an epic novel, new genre prose, which after Tolstoy became widespread in Russian and world literature.


“For a work to be good, you must love the main idea in it. So in “Anna Karenina” I loved the family thought, in “War and Peace” I love the people’s thought as a result of the war of 1812” (Tolstoy). The war, which resolved the issue of national independence, revealed to the writer the source of the nation's strength - the social and spiritual power of the people. The people make history. This thought illuminated all events and faces. “War and Peace” became a historical novel and received the majestic form of an epic...

The appearance of “War and Peace” in the press caused the most controversial criticism. Radical democratic magazines of the 60s. The novel was greeted with fierce attacks. In Iskra for 1869, M. Znamensky’s “Literary and Drawing Medley” appears [V. Kurochkin], parodying the novel. N. Shelgunov speaks of him: “an apology for a well-fed nobility.” T. is attacked for idealizing the lordly environment, for the fact that the position of the serf peasantry was bypassed. But the novel did not receive recognition in the reactionary-noble camp. Some of his representatives agreed to accuse Tolstoy of anti-patriotic tendencies (see P. Vyazemsky, A. Narov, etc.). A special place is occupied by N. Strakhov’s article, which emphasized the incriminating side of “War and Peace”. A very interesting article by Tolstoy himself, “A few words about “War and Peace” (1868). Tolstoy seemed to justify himself in some accusations when he wrote: “In those days, they also loved, envied, sought truth, virtue, were carried away by passions; it was the same complex mental and moral life...”


Roman gr. Tolstoy is interesting for a military man in a double sense: for his description of scenes of military and military life and for his desire to draw some conclusions regarding the theory of military affairs. The first, that is, the scenes, are inimitable and, in our extreme conviction, can constitute one of the most useful additions to any course in the theory of military art; the second, that is, the conclusions, do not withstand the most lenient criticism due to their one-sidedness, although they are interesting as a transitional stage in the development of the author’s views on military affairs.


Andrei Bolkonsky: “I wouldn’t believe anyone who told me that I could love like that. This is not the same feeling I had before. The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one - she and there is all the happiness, hope, light; the other half is everything where it is not there, there is all despondency and darkness... I cannot help but love the light, I am not to blame for this. And I am very happy...”

Pierre Bezukhov: “If there is God and there is a future life, then there is truth, there is virtue; and man's highest happiness consists in striving to achieve them. We must live, we must love, we must believe...”


Already during the years of Soviet power, Lenin more than once expressed his feeling of great pride in the genius of Tolstoy; he knew and loved his works well. Gorky recalled how on one of his visits to Lenin he saw a volume of “War and Peace” on his table. Vladimir Ilyich immediately started talking about Tolstoy: “What a lump, huh? What a seasoned little man! Here, my friend, this is an artist... And, you know what else is amazing? Before this count, there was no real man in literature.

Who in Europe can be placed next to him?

He answered himself:

No one"


On the one hand, a brilliant artist who gave not only incomparable pictures of Russian life, but also first-class works of world literature. On the other hand, there is a landowner who is a fool in Christ.

On the one hand, a remarkably strong, direct and sincere protest against social lies and falsehood, - on the other hand, a “Tolstoyan,” that is, a worn-out, hysterical wimp, called a Russian intellectual, who, publicly beating his chest, says: “ I am bad, I am disgusting, but I am engaged in moral self-improvement; I don’t eat meat anymore and now eat rice cutlets.”

On the one hand, a merciless critique of capitalist exploitation, exposure of government violence, the comedy of court and government, revealing the full depth of the contradictions between the growth of wealth and the gains of civilization and the growth of poverty, savagery and torment of the working masses; on the other hand, the holy fool’s preaching of “non-resistance to evil” through violence.


“In January 1871, Tolstoy sent a letter to Fet: “How happy I am... that I will never write verbose rubbish like “War” again.”

On December 6, 1908, Tolstoy wrote in his diary: “People love me for those trifles - “War and Peace”, etc., which seem very important to them.”

“In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors to Yasnaya Polyana expressed his delight and gratitude for the creation of War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Tolstoy replied: “It’s the same as if someone came to Edison and said: “I respect you very much because you dance the mazurka well.” I attribute meaning to completely different books.”


The Americans declared the four-volume work of Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace” to be the main novel of all times. Experts from Newsweek magazine have compiled a list of one hundred books that the publication has declared to be the best ever written. As a result of the selection, the top ten, in addition to the novel by Leo Tolstoy, included: “1984” by George Orwell, “Ulysses” by James Joyce, “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov, “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner, “The Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison, “On The Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf, "The Iliad" and "Odyssey" by Homer, "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen and " The Divine Comedy» Dante Alighieri.

1. during his arrival at his father’s estate
2. after the Battle of Borodino
3. after the surrender of Moscow
4. after being wounded at Austerlitz
5. after receiving a letter from Natasha Rostova

Indicate a number of favorite heroes of L. N. Tolstoy:

1. Anatol Kuragin, Boris, Berg
2. Nikolay Rostov, Dolokhov, Vera
3. Helen Bezukhova, Trubetskoy, Napoleon
4. Prince Andrey, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova
5. Julie Karagina, Pyotr Rostov, captain Tushin

“War is blood, suffering and death” (L.N. Tolstoy). These are words from:

1. novel “War and Peace”
2. “Sevastopol Stories”
3. story “Three Deaths”
4. "After the Ball"
5. novel “Resurrection”

L. N. Tolstoy considered the only means of correcting the world around him

1. revolution
2. moral self-improvement
3. reforms
4. education of the people
5. influence of the church

Which of the heroes of the novel “War and Peace” dies in the first battle?

1. Nikolay Rostov
2. Anatol Kuragin
3. Petya Rostov
4. Dolokhov
5. Tushin

What is the name of the estate where L.N. Tolstoy and his family lived?

1. Mikhailovskoe
2. Veshenskoye
3. Yasnaya Polyana
4. Shakhmatovo
5. Spasskoye-Lutovino

When did L.N. Tolstoy conceive the dream of universal happiness for people?

1. in childhood Yasnaya Polyana
2. while studying at Kazan University
3. during the Crimean campaign
4. during the period of teaching activity of L. Tolstoy
5. in the last period of life and creativity

L. N. Tolstoy calls the hero of his story (meaning “Sevastopol Stories”):

1. Prince Galtsin
2. the truth
3. Staff Captain Mikhailov
4. Kalugina
5. Proskukhina

The culmination of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is:

1. war of 1805-1807
2. Battle of Shengraben
3. Battle of Borodino
4. Battle of Austerlitz
5. Battle of Krasnenskoye

The wounded Prince Andrei Bolkonsky (Battle of Austerlitz) thinks: “How come I haven’t seen this before...”. What words are missing from the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy?
1. this horror
2. this suffering
3. these people 4. this
high sky

The “sages” in the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy include the following series of heroes:

1. Napoleon, Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky
2. Tushin, Kutuzov, Karataev
3. Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov, Pierre Bezukhov
4. Nikolay Rostov, Anatol Kuragin, Dolokhov
5. Speransky, Napoleon, Karataev

What poem by N. A. Nekrasov was a response to “Sevastopol Stories” by L. N. Tolstoy?

1. "On the Road"
2. "Knight for an Hour"
3. “Hearing the horrors of war”
4. "Prophet"
5. “Orina, mother of a soldier”

What pictures of Russian history are not reflected by L. N. Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace”?

1. Battle of Austerlitz
2. Battle of Borodino
3. uprising on Senate Square
4. Battle of Shengraben
5. war of 1805-1807

About whom we're talking about in this excerpt from the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy: “In the eyes of the world he was a great gentleman, a somewhat blind and funny husband of a famous wife, a smart eccentric who did nothing, but did not harm anyone, a nice and kind fellow "?

1. Prince Vasily Kuragin
2. Anatol Kuragin
3. Dolokhov
4. Andrey Bolkonsky
5. Pierre Bezukhov

Which of the heroes of the novel “War and Peace” loses a large sum to his friend Dolokhov?

1. Pierre Bezukhov
2. Nikolay Rostov
3. Staff Captain Tushin
4. Boris Drubetskoy
5. Petya Rostov

Who does Princess Marya marry in the novel War and Peace?.

1. Nikolay Rostov
2. Anatol Kuragin
3. Ippolit Kuragin
4. Pierre Bezukhov
5. Dolokhov

Name two of Tolstoy's favorites female images in the novel "War and Peace".

1. Natasha Rostova and Helen
2. Sonya and Natasha Rostova
3. Princess Marya and Mademoiselle Bourien
4. Princess Marya and Natasha Rostova
5. Julie Karagina and Helen

Which family in the novel “War and Peace” lives by the “mind of the heart”?

1. Bolkonsky
2. Kuragins
3. Bezukhovs
4. Drubetsky
5. Rostov

The last novel by L. N. Tolstoy:

1. "War and Peace"
2. "Resurrection"
3. "Anna Karenina"
4. “Kreutzer Sonata”
5. “Father Sergius”

In which work of L.N. Tolstoy was the “Napoleonic” theme first heard?

1. "War and Peace"
2. "After the Ball"
3. " Prisoner of the Caucasus»
4. "Raid"
5. “Sevastopol Stories”

The second part of L. N. Tolstoy’s trilogy different eras in human life is called:

1. "Youth"
2. "Adolescence"
3. "My Life"
4. "Confession"
5. “My Universities”

In the 1860s, L. N. Tolstoy became interested in:

1. theater
2. pedagogical activity
3. revolutionary activity
4. painting
5. architecture

The action of the novel "War and Peace" covers the period:

1. 20 years
2. 25 years
3. 15 years
4. 10 years
5. 30 years

Which work by L. N. Tolstoy reflects the events of the Crimean War, in which Tolstoy himself became a participant?

1. “Sevastopol in May”

2. "Raid"
3. “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
4. "War and Peace"
5. "Youth"

Among the toponymic realities of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is superfluous:

1. Nikolskoye

2. Bogucharovo

3. Bald Mountains

"black eyes, big mouth."

1. Natasha Rostova

2. Princess Marya

3. Prince Andrei's wife Lisa .

A distinctive feature of portrait painting by L.N. Tolstoy - assigning to a character some characteristic feature of external appearance. Identify the character in the novel “War and Peace” based on one or two strokes in the portrait:

"Radiant eyes, heavy gait."

1. Natasha Rostova

2. Princess Marya

3. Prince Andrei's wife Lisa

A distinctive feature of portrait painting by L.N. Tolstoy - assigning to a character some characteristic feature of external appearance. Identify the character in the novel “War and Peace” based on one or two strokes in the portrait:

"bare white, full shoulders."

1. Natasha Rostova

2. Marya Bolkonskaya

3. Helen Kuragina

A distinctive feature of portrait painting by L.N. Tolstoy - assigning to a character some characteristic feature of external appearance. Identify the character in the novel “War and Peace” based on one or two strokes in the portrait:

"bald head, flat face."

1. Vasily Kuragin

2. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

3. Pierre Bezukhov

Name to whom the letter is addressed, an excerpt from which is given (L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”): “Your son, in my eyes, with a banner in his hands, ahead of the regiment, fell as a hero, worthy of his regiment and his fatherland. To my general regret and that of the entire army, it is still unknown whether he is alive or not.”

1. To the father of Andrei Bolkonsky

2. To the father of Anatoly Kuragin.

3. To the father of Nikolai Rostov

In the office of which hero of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” should there be the following items: “a lathe with tools laid out and with shavings scattered around”?

1. Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

2. Marshal Davout

3. Pierre Bezukhov

Indicate unnecessary items for the office of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky:

1. lathe with tools laid out and chips scattered around

2. high desk for standing writing

3. A large table with bowls of fruit on it

Test on the novel "War and Peace"

Part 1

    determine the time when L.N. Tolstoy worked on the novel.

A) 1898-1910 c) 1863-1869

B) 1854-1861 d) 1865-1867

A) the novel “Resurrection” b) the story “Decembrists”

C) the story “Borodino Field” d) the story “Cossacks”

3. What is the very first title of the novel?

A) “All’s well that ends well” b) “Time of Troubles”

C) “1805” d) “Three Times”

4. Seven years of “incessant and exceptional work, under the best conditions.” Where did the author work on the novel?

A) Yasnaya Polyana b) Moscow

C) St. Petersburg d) Sevastopol

5.Which character is not found in the original plans of the novel?

A) Pyotr Ivanovich Labazov b) Count Nekhlyudov

C) General Volkonsky d) Prince Pyotr Kirillovich B.

6. Which magazine published the first chapters of the future novel at the beginning of 1865?

A) “Russian Messenger” b) “Sovremennik”

IN) " polar Star» d) “Literary heritage”

7. What time period does the novel “War and Peace” cover?

A) the period of preparation and conduct of the Decembrist uprising

B) Decembrist uprising

B) 1812-1825

D) 1805-1820

8. The action of Tolstoy’s novel takes place during the reign of

A) Alexander II b) Alexander I

C) Nicholas II d) Catherine II

9. What is the meaning of the title of the novel?

A) depiction of scenes from the war of 1812 and the peaceful life of the heroes

B) reflects the multi-valued artistic idea of ​​the work

C) “war” and “peace” are antonyms that reflect the basic principle of constructing a system of images

D) a story about military actions followed by victory and peace

D) war and peace are two opposite understandings of life

10. The genre of a work can be defined as:

A) philosophical novel b) historical novel

IN) psychological novel

D) epic novel

Test on the novel "War and Peace"

Part 2

1. The novel’s system of images is polarly split. What are the basic principles for dividing heroes into “loved” and “unloved”?

A) role in history

B) simplicity and naturalness

C) the desire for self-improvement, to realize one’s mistakes

D) desire for self-affirmation

D) true patriotism

2. What is the main principle of Tolstoy’s psychologism?

A) “iceberg principle” - secret psychologism

B) image of internal changes. A world of heroes in extreme situations

C) “dialectics of the soul”, i.e. internal image The human world in development

D) image of the part as a reflection of the internal Human world

3. characteristic features high society in the novel are (find the odd one):

A) extreme selfishness, careerism, greed

B) patriotism, pain for the fate of the Motherland

B) intrigue, secular slander

D) spiritual emptiness, hypocrisy and pretense

4. select the main qualities characterizing the Kuragin family:

A) selfishness and vain self-confidence

B) close connection with the people

C) openness and hospitality

D) lack of moral principles and moral traditions

D) love for one's neighbor, patriotism

E) intelligence and education

G) lack of family well-being

5. Why does Prince V. Kuragin come to A.P. Sherer’s salon first?

A) strive to find out the latest news

B) wants to make acquaintance with an emigrant viscount

C) trying to find a profitable place for his sons

D) looking for a rich groom for his daughter

6.Name the children of Prince Vasily

A) Boris b) Anatole c) Julie d) Helene d) Hippolyte f) Marie

7. For what purpose does Vasily come to the house of the dying Count Bezukhov?

A) support Pierre

B) tries to keep up appearances

B) tries to destroy the will

D) wants to take care of the three princesses living in the house

8. by brief description, identify the representatives of the family:

A) a restless fool

B) a calm fool

B) soulless beauty

Light, flat face expression

9. Which character did Prince Vasily “bless” his daughter for marriage with?

A) Pierre Bezukhov

B) Nikolay Rostov

B) Andrei Bolkonsky

D) Boris Drubetskoy

10. To which of the heroines did the youngest son of Prince Vasily Kuragin woo?

A) Natasha Rostova

B) Maria Bolkonskaya

B) Julie Katargina


Epic novel L.N. Tolstoy.

The novel “War and Peace” was written in 1863–1869. during the writer’s life in Yasnaya Polyana. The first chapters appeared in the magazine “Russian Bulletin” in 1865 under the title “1805”. In 1866 there is new option title, no longer specifically historical, but philosophical: “All’s well that ends well.” Then the novel was significantly revised and received the name under which it became world famous - “War and Peace.” The entire novel was first published in 1867–1869.
The action of the novel covers the period from 1805 to the 1820s. Last scenes epilogues date back to the creation of secret societies Decembrists. Events develop in Moscow, V St. Petersburg, in the provinces, as well as in Europe - on the sites of famous battles of the Napoleonic wars.
The novel shows all layers of society, people of different generations and beliefs. Characters- about 600: representatives of the capital nobility (cm.), simple peasants (cm.) and soldiers, many real historical characters, among them - the emperor, Napoleon, field marshal M.I. Kutuzov, famous generals of the Russian and French armies.
The main characters of the novel: Andrey Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, - fictional, but having real prototypes, characters whose characters and destinies are typical of the nobility of the first quarter of the 19th century. The lives of heroes who find themselves in the center historical events
, which largely determined their destinies, is inextricably linked with the history of the country and is part of it. Turning to history, the writer sought to find answers to the most important questions of social development and the moral state of modern Russia. All the characters in the epic novel are in moral quests , in search of the meaning of life. Tolstoy does not hide his sympathy for the heroes who express the so-called idea of ​​“non-resistance to evil through violence,” humility and acceptance of life as it is, awareness of oneself as a part of the Russian people. The main exponent of these philosophical views
in the novel - a simple soldier Platon Karataev. In this novel, according to the memoirs of the writer’s wife S.A. Tolstoy, Tolstoy loved"people's thought" : the people are depicted in peacetime and in war as a driving force army
The novel ends with an epilogue in two parts. The first part shows the heroes of the novel 7 years after the events Patriotic War of 1812 The second part is a historical and philosophical treatise, which expresses the writer’s understanding driving forces history, philosophical categories of freedom and necessity. Tolstoy offers the reader his own historical concept, which does not coincide with the official one: considering that the general course of history is guided by a higher divine principle, he completely denies the influence of individual individuals on the development of history and debunks the cult of Napoleon, long years existed in Russia.
The novel "War and Peace" has been included in schools for many years ( cm.) literature programs. Its heroes and events are well known and have entered the cultural and historical memory of the people, especially some episodes (the first ball of Natasha Rostova, the reflections of the wounded Andrei Bolkonsky on the Field of Austerlitz, the meeting of Pierre Bezukhov with Platon Karataev, etc.), as well as philosophical reasoning Tolstoy about the course of history, about war, about man at war.
Depicted in the novel the Battle of Austerlitz 1805, the Battle of Borodino ( cm.), the fire of Moscow in 1812, the expulsion of the remnants of the French army from Russia are the best artistic embodiment these historical events in Russian literature. Paintings dedicated to them are associated with Patriotic War 1812: panorama F. Roubaud“Battle of Borodino” (1911), “Episode from the War of 1812” THEM. Pryanishnikova(1874), “Council in Fili” HELL. Kivshenko(1880).
The novel has been filmed several times. One of best film adaptations- four-part film “War and Peace” directed by S.F. Bondarchuk(1968).
An opera of the same name was written based on the novel “War and Peace” S.S. Prokofiev(1942–1943).
Some quotes from the novel catchphrases, for example the expression club of people's war became figurative name guerrilla warfare.
"Natasha Rostova's first ball." Artist L.O. Parsnip. 1893:

"Pierre at Raevsky's battery." Artist D.A. Shmarinov. 1953:

Still from the film "War and Peace". Battle of Borodino:

Still from the film. Natasha Rostova - L. Savelyeva, Andrei Bolkonsky - V. Tikhonov:

Russia. Large linguistic and cultural dictionary. - M.: State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

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    War and Peace- War and Peace Literary album. "War and Peace", novel gr. L. N. Tolstoy. Painting by P. O. Kowalski, engraving. Schubler. Genre: novel epic

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    War and Peace (book)- War and Peace War and Peace Literary album. "War and Peace", novel gr. L. N. Tolstoy. Painting by P. O. Kowalski, engraving. Schubler. Genre: novel epic