Books about ancient Rus'. The best books on Russian history History of Rus' fiction

Best books on the history of Russia allow Russian people to find out the fate of their state and become imbued with the spirit of those times. The most important military, religious and political events associated with one of the world's great powers. The list includes not only scientific works, but also works of art historical genre, which are no less significant from a historical point of view. This is confirmed by many critics who analyzed these colossal works.

10. Russian history | A. S. Trachevsky

(A. S. Trachevsky) opens the top ten books dedicated to the history of Russia. The author's scientific work is a two-volume work, which was created according to all the canons of those writers who were his predecessors. Among them are Karamzin, Soloviev and others. A carefully thought out and written monumental work tells about the main and historically significant events that took place in the Russian state. The first part covers the history of ancient times until the mid-17th century. The second part tells about events up to the end of the 19th century.

9. Peter the Great | A. N. Tolstoy

(A.N. Tolstoy) is a historical novel that was not completed by the author due to his death. However, this fact does not deprive this work of historical significance for the Russian people. The writer managed to finish only the first two books, the third was started and completed before the events of the very beginning of the 18th century. The novel was written in the spirit of socialist realism and was the standard of the historical novel in Soviet times. In his work, Tolstoy tries to draw parallels between Peter the Great and Joseph Stalin. He is trying to justify all the violence that happened under these two greatest rulers in the entire history of Russia. The writer begins the story with real historical events of the 17th century.

8. Bayazet | V. S. Pikul

(V.S. Pikul) is one of the best historical novels, which is dedicated to the tragic events that took place in Russia during the Russian-Turkish War. The Bayazet fortress, which went down in history under the name “Glorious Bayazet Seat,” was under the defense of a small Russian garrison. The work describes the most significant political events of that time, as well as the courage and patriotism of the soldiers who stood in defense of their homeland.

7. Great Russian plowman and features of the Russian historical process | L. Milov

(L. Milov) - one of the best books on the history of Russia. The work highlights large-scale issues concerning the historical fate of our state. The peculiarity of this historical work is, first of all, its structure and way of considering the problem, which are not typical for this type of scientific monographs. The first part of the work includes a frontal study of peasant farming. The work is based on scientific material from the 18th century. It took the author more than a decade to collect the necessary, reliable information and study it.

6. From Rus' to Russia | L. N. Gumilyov

(L.N. Gumilyov) is one of the most significant works of the writer, in which he covers the ethnic history of his Fatherland. The work is actually a continuation of his previous work “Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe). In his enormous work, he makes generalizations that allow us to take a fresh look at historical factors. Events from the first century to the 18th century are described in a vivid and very interesting language. The main task of the author was to captivate the reader, to understand main idea and make you read the book to the end. Gumilyov’s voluminous work includes three parts: “The Kiev Power”, “In Alliance with the Horde”, “The Kingdom of Moscow”.

5. Great Rus' | V. D. Ivanov

(V.D. Ivanov) is a chronicle novel in which he narrates the historical events that unfolded in Russia in the 16th century. This period is marked by the time of development of the Slavs and the emergence of Kievan Rus to the European political level.

4. Sovereigns of Moscow | Balashov D. M.

(Balashov D.M.) - includes a series of books dedicated to the history of Russia. The first of them, called “The Youngest Son,” tells the story of the struggle for power that unfolds between two brothers Dmitry and Alexander Nevsky. The book also tells about the strengthening of the Moscow principality, which was facilitated by the youngest son of the throne, Daniil Nevsky. The second book, entitled “The Great Table,” describes the confrontation between Moscow and Tver in the first half of the 14th century. This is one of the most controversial periods in Russian history. In total, Balashov’s multi-volume work includes 11 books.

3. Ice House | Lazhechnikov I. I.

(Lazhechnikov I. I.) - fiction novel, which incorporates many historical facts related to the history of Russia. The book takes place in the early 40s of the 18th century in the city of St. Petersburg. One of the main characters Volynsky has reverent feelings for the Moldavian princess Marioritsa Lelemiko. At the same time, quarrels occur between him and the favorite of Empress Anna Ioannovna, Biron. In the course of the unfolding intrigues, Volynsky’s beloved dies, and then he himself. After his death, a child is born, whom Volynsky’s wife gives birth to. She returns from exile again to St. Petersburg. The erected ice house, on the orders of Anna Ioannovna, collapses, and local residents take the surviving ice floes to their cellars.

2. Princess Tarakanova | G. P. Danilevsky

(G. P. Danilevsky) is a novel in which there are many historical facts related to Russia. At the center of the work is Princess Tarakanova, who declared herself heir to the Russian throne. The first part of the artistic work is the diary of a naval officer who became a participant in the arrest main character novel. Danilevsky describes the “political impostor” and her life, but does not give a clear answer to who this woman really was: the daughter of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna from her secret marriage or simply a foreign adventuress.

1. History of the Russian state | N. M. Karamzin

(N. M. Karamzin) - the best book on the history of Russia. In a multi-volume work, the author describes the history of our state, from ancient times to the “time of troubles.” It was this essay by Karamzin that was taken as a basis by other authors when writing books on Russian history. The writer worked on his work until his last breath, but never managed to finish it. The work includes 12 volumes, the last of which ends at the chapter entitled “The Interregnum 1611-1612.” Karamzin planned to finish his work until the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty, but the writer’s plans were never destined to come true.

The history of our country is complicated, but interesting. This is a story of exploits and victories, discoveries and overcomings. We lived through a period of atheism and the heyday of the Russian Orthodox Church, participated in world wars and defended themselves from attacks. Pravmir has collected for you the best books on Russian history that will help you learn important historical facts, rethink certain events and draw conclusions for yourself about why many historical processes were inevitable...

“Historical inevitability?” Anthony Brenton

Our list opens with precisely the book that asks the question: were the events of the revolution historically inevitable, or could Russia have taken a different path?

Have there ever been moments when an unforeseen incident, a shot that hit the target or, conversely, was inaccurate, could change the course of Russian, and therefore world history? If the assassination attempt on Stolypin in Kyiv had not been successful, if in April 1917 the Germans had not transported Lenin to his homeland, if the royal family had been saved? These questions are asked by the author and contributor to the collection, a British diplomat, former ambassador Great Britain in Russia Sir Tony Brenton. As part of the project he organized, well-known historians examine in detail the turning points of the Russian Revolution and assess the possibility of alternative developments. And summing up the work of historians, Tony Brenton tries to answer the most important question for us, Russian readers of the book: what awaits Russia in the 21st century?

“History of the Russian State” Nikolai Karamzin

This is a classic historical literature, which everyone should read. From the ancient Slavs to the Time of Troubles, Nikolai Karamzin describes in detail the events of the distant past, analyzing them and helping the reader to understand the essence of the history of his native country. This is a monumental work and not a one-night read, but it will be useful for anyone who wants to know the history of Russia.

“From Rus' to Russia” Lev Gumilyov

The book of the outstanding Russian historian and geographer L.N. Gumilyov is dedicated to the history of Russia from the time of Rurik to the reign of Peter I, and all events and actions historical figures explained from the standpoint of the passionary theory of ethnogenesis developed by the author.

The book is written in lively, figurative language, very exciting and intelligible, so the volume factual material is absorbed without much effort on the part of the reader. It is thanks to these qualities that the book was recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education as a textbook for high school students.

True lovers of Russian history will also receive considerable pleasure from getting to know this extraordinary work.

“Illustrated Russian History” Vasily Klyuchevsky

The great Russian historian, academician and professor at Moscow University considered history to be a taskmaster, severely punishing people for not knowing their lessons. The course of lectures presented in the book was first published in 1904. The author not only clearly and interestingly describes the main milestones of Russian history, but also offers a convincing analysis, and also expresses own opinion about events.

“Invented in Russia” Tim Skorenko

In numerous reference books and lists of Russian inventions, three quarters of the wonderful ideas born of Russian inventive thought are most often not mentioned, but it turns out that we invented an airplane (of course, no), a bicycle (also no) and a ballistic missile (by no means). This book has two objectives: the first is to tell about inventions made in different time by our compatriots - as objectively as possible, without belittling or exaggerating their merits; the second is to dispel numerous myths and historical falsifications associated with the history of invention.

“History of Russia since ancient times” Sergei Solovyov

In his work, S.M. Solovyov covers the period from the birth of statehood to the reign of Catherine II. This book is the first, but an important step towards getting acquainted with the legacy of the greatest historian of Russia. Its pages lead the reader step by step along the path once outlined for himself by its author: “Learn yourself in order to be able to read a somewhat worthy university course on Russian history and give a means to others to know their history thoroughly.”

"The Moscow Sovereigns" Dmitry Balashov

“The Sovereigns of Moscow” is a series of books dedicated to the history of Russia. The first of them, called “The Youngest Son,” tells the story of the struggle for power that unfolds between two brothers Dmitry and Alexander Nevsky. The book also tells about the strengthening of the Moscow principality, which was facilitated by the youngest son of the throne, Daniil Nevsky. The second book, entitled “The Great Table,” describes the confrontation between Moscow and Tver in the first half of the 14th century. This is one of the most controversial periods in Russian history. In total, Balashov’s multi-volume work includes 11 books.

"Slavs" Valentin Sedov

The monograph “Slavs” explores the history of the Slavs during the period when they formed an ethnic and linguistic unity. The work covers a significant period of time - from the 1st millennium BC, when the Slavs, having left the ancient European community, began an independent path of development, to early Middle Ages inclusive, when Slavic unity disintegrated in conditions of widespread settlement and cross-breeding with other peoples, separate Slavic ethnic groups and languages ​​began to form. In studying the problem of origin and early history Slavs, the author focuses on an interdisciplinary approach, while the outline of the presentation is formed by materials from archeology and history.

“Between Asia and Europe. History of the Russian state. From Ivan III to Boris Godunov" Boris Akunin

This book covers an important period, from the reign of Ivan III to Great Troubles. The author points out the mistakes of the rulers, which ultimately turned tragic and led to a split in power. Deep historical analysis allows us to take a fresh look at the events of the past.

In the destinies of great commanders and conquerors there will always be contradictions and secrets that can fuel the doubts of descendants for centuries, excite the imagination of historians and demand more and more compromises.
Timur, Tamerlane, the Great Khromets (1336-1405) –

the clearest and perhaps the most characteristic confirmation of this. His rise to power, military campaigns and rule are the essence of contradictions. On the one hand, constant attention to the sciences and scientists, patronage of the arts, the desire for beauty, and on the other hand, cruelty, so furious that it sweeps aside any thought about the ability to show mercy.
What there is no doubt about is Tamerlane’s genius as a commander and military organizer. There is no need for compromise on this issue - historians are unanimous. Only a genius knows how to rally unconditionally devoted people around himself, to create a core that, like a magnet, attracts and holds people in its orbit, no matter what their roots and faith. This is how Genghis Khan, Tamerlane’s idol and role model, created his empire.
Timur's army had no equal on the battlefields, although his opponents were by no means “whipping boys.” And the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh, who ravaged Moscow, and Sultan Bayazid I the Lightning, who increased his possessions in a few years Ottoman Empire more than twice, both fell under the blows of Tamerlane’s hordes. And the empire he created lasted for several centuries.
But still the question has not been resolved. So who is he – Tamerlane? Historians have never reached a compromise. Some consider him a fiend of hell, others justify him, fitting him into the common formula of “the son of his era”... Let historians argue!
And for us, Timur the Lame, like any genius, does not need excuses. He himself believed that he was acting on the orders of the Higher Powers: “The unequaled God, who is the master of fickle fate, put a bridle in my hands so that I could control the movement of the kingdoms of this world.” And, believing in his destiny, he entered into a struggle for power with a detachment of three hundred warriors and rose to the top - he became the Thunderstorm of the East and West, and did not lose a single battle. And with this he forever inscribed his name in History...
"Autobiography of Timur", " Heroic tales about Genghis Khan and Aksak-Temir" and "Tamerlane's Code" are three unique written sources telling about the life of an invincible commander whose conquests redrew the world map and changed the course of history for a significant part of the earth. “To my children, happy conquerors of states, my descendants - the great rulers of the world,” - with these words begins the famous set of laws of Timur - “The Code of Tamerlane”. The great emir had something to tell about himself and the vast world created entirely by his own efforts, because he not only conquered and destroyed, but also built; possessed not only the courage of a warrior and the talent of a commander, but also the wisdom of a ruler. That is why he is called “the last great conqueror in history,” who managed to assemble the greatest state in the world by force of arms, hold it and pass it on to his descendants.
The electronic publication includes the full text of the paper book and a selected portion of illustrative documentary material. And for true connoisseurs of gift editions, we offer a classic book. Like all publications in the “Great Commanders” series, the book is provided with detailed historical and biographical comments; The text is accompanied by hundreds of illustrations, many of which the modern reader will become familiar with for the first time. Excellent printing, original design, the best offset paper - all this makes the books in the “Great Commanders” gift series the best gift a man for all occasions.

The history of Russia is no less exciting, important and interesting than the world. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Why do we study Russian history? Who among us did not ask this question as a child? Not finding an answer, we continued to study history. Some taught it with pleasure, some under pressure, some did not teach it at all. But there are dates and events that everyone should know about. For example: October Revolution 1917 or Patriotic War 1812...

Knowing the history of the country in which you were born or live is vital. And it is precisely this subject (history), along with the native language and literature, that should be given as many hours as possible in school education.

Sad fact - our children today decide and choose for themselves what books to read, and often their choice falls on well-promoted brands - literature based on the fruits of Western fantasy - fictional hobbits, Harry Potter and others...

The harsh truth — books and textbooks about the history of Russia are not so promoted, and the circulation is not so huge. Their covers are modest and their advertising budgets are usually non-existent. Publishers have taken the path of maximizing benefits from those who still read something. So it turns out from year to year that we read what is inspired by fashion. Reading is fashionable today. This is not a necessity, but a tribute to fashion. The trend of reading with the aim of learning something new is a forgotten phenomenon.

There is an alternative in this matter - I don’t like it school program and history textbooks, read fiction, historical novels. Today there are not many truly cool, rich and interesting historical novels, largely based on facts and reliable sources. But they exist.

I will highlight 10, in my opinion, the most interesting historical novels about Russia. It would be interesting to hear your lists of historical books - leave comments. So:

1. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

  • It’s difficult to call it a novel, but I simply couldn’t not include it in this list. Many people think that it will be very difficult for a “newbie” to read Karamzin, but still...

“History of the Russian State” is a multi-volume work by N. M. Karamzin, describing Russian history from ancient times to the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the Time of Troubles. The work of N. M. Karamzin was not the first description of the history of Russia, but it was this work, thanks to the high literary merits and scientific scrupulousness of the author, that opened the history of Russia to a wide educated public and contributed most to the formation of national self-awareness.

Karamzin wrote his “History” until the end of his life, but did not have time to finish it. The text of the manuscript of volume 12 ends at the chapter “Interregnum 1611-1612,” although the author intended to bring the presentation to the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty.

Karamzin in 1804 retired from society to the Ostafyevo estate, where he devoted himself entirely to writing a work that was supposed to open up national history for Russian society...

  • His initiative was supported by Emperor Alexander I himself, who, by decree of October 31, 1803, granted him the official title of Russian historiographer.

2. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"Peter I"

“Peter I” is an unfinished historical novel by A. N. Tolstoy, on which he worked from 1929 until his death. The first two books were published in 1934. Shortly before his death, in 1943, the author began work on the third book, but managed to bring the novel only to the events of 1704.

This book contains such a powerful impulse of pride for the country, such strength of character, such a desire to move forward, not giving in to difficulties, not giving up in the face of seemingly insurmountable forces, that you inevitably become imbued with its spirit, join its spirit so that it is impossible to tear yourself away.

  • In Soviet times, Peter I was positioned as the standard of the historical novel.

In my opinion, Tolstoy did not lay claim to the laurels of a chronicler-historian. The novel is magnificent; whether it corresponds to historical reality is not a primary issue. Atmospheric, incredibly interesting and addictive. What else do you need for a good book?

3. Valentin Savvich Pikul


“The Favorite” is a historical novel by Valentin Pikul. It sets out a chronicle of the times of Catherine II. The novel consists of two volumes: the first volume is “His Empress”, the second is “His Tauris”.

The novel reflects major events national history second half of the 18th century. In the center of the story is the image of the favorite of Empress Catherine II Alekseevna, commander Grigory Potemkin. Many pages of the novel are also devoted to other major historical figures that time.

  • Work on the first volume of the novel began in August 1976, the first volume was completed in November 1979. The second volume was written in just one month - in January 1982.

Palace intrigues, the decline of morals at the Russian court, great military victories over Turkey and Sweden, diplomatic victories over almost all of Europe... the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev, the founding of new cities in the south (in particular Sevastopol and Odessa) - an exciting and rich plot of this historical novel. Highly recommend.

4. Alexandre Dumas

Fencing teacher Gresier gives Alexandre Dumas his notes made during a trip to Russia. They tell how he went to St. Petersburg and began teaching fencing lessons. All his students are future Decembrists. One of them is Count Annenkov, the husband of Gresier’s old friend, Louise. Soon a rebellion breaks out, but is immediately stopped by Nicholas I. All the Decembrists are exiled to Siberia, among them Count Annenkov. Desperate Louise decides to follow her husband and share the hardships of hard labor with him. Gresier agrees to help her.

  • In Russia, the publication of the novel was prohibited by Nicholas I due to its description of the Decembrist uprising.

In his memoirs, Dumas recalled what Princess Trubetskoy, a friend of the Empress, told him:

Nicholas entered the room while I was reading a book to the Empress. I quickly hid the book. The Emperor approached and asked the Empress:
- Did you read?
- Yes, sir.
- Do you want me to tell you what you read?
The Empress was silent.
- You have read Dumas’s novel “The Fencing Teacher”.
- How do you know this, sir?
- Here you go! This is not difficult to guess. This is the last novel I banned.

Tsarist censorship especially closely monitored Dumas's novels and prohibited their publication in Russia, but despite this, the novel was widespread in Russia. The novel was first published in Russia in Russian in 1925.

Imperial Petersburg through the eyes of foreigners... - very worthy historical work, especially from such a master storyteller as Dumas. I really liked the novel, it's easy to read - I recommend it.

5. Semenov Vladimir

This book was written by a man of unique destiny. Captain of the second rank Vladimir Ivanovich Semenov was the only officer of the Russian Imperial Navy who, during the Russo-Japanese War, had the opportunity to serve on both the First and Second Pacific squadrons and participate in both major naval battles - in the Yellow Sea and at Tsushima.

In the tragic Battle of Tsushima, while on the flagship of the Russian squadron, Semyonov received five wounds and, after returning from Japanese captivity, lived only a short time, but managed to supplement his diaries, which he kept during the hostilities, and publish them in three books: “Reckoning”, “Battle” at Tsushima", "The Price of Blood".

During the author’s lifetime, these books were translated into nine languages; they were quoted by the triumphant Tsushima himself, Admiral Togo. And at home, Semenov’s memoirs caused loud scandal– Vladimir Ivanovich was the first to dare to write that the battleship Petropavlovsk, on which Admiral Makarov died, was blown up not by a Japanese mine, but by a Russian one, and, contrary to public opinion, he highly assessed the activities of Admiral Rozhestvensky.

After the early death of V.I. Semenov (he died at the age of 43), his books were undeservedly forgotten and are now known only to specialists. This novel is one of the best memoirs about the Russo-Japanese War.

6. Vasily Grigorievich Yan

"Genghis Khan"

“To become strong, you must surround yourself with mystery... boldly follow the path of great daring... not make mistakes... and mercilessly destroy your enemies!” - this is what Batu said and this is what he, the great leader of the Mongolian steppes, did.

His warriors knew no mercy, and the world was choked with blood. But the iron order that the Mongols brought was stronger than the horror. For many centuries he shackled the life of the conquered countries. Until Rus' gathered its strength...

Vasily Yan’s novel “Batu” not only gives a broad idea of ​​the historical events of the distant past, but also captivates with a fascinating narrative about the destinies of different people, among whom are princes, khans, simple nomads, and Russian warriors.

The cycle “Invasion of the Mongols” by Vasily Yan is for me the standard of a historical epic. Well, “Genghis Khan” is a brilliant start to the trilogy.

The personality of Genghis Khan is incredibly attractive for a historical novelist. One of the many Mongol princes, who was a slave in his youth, created a powerful empire - from the Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea... But can a man who destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives be considered great? It should be noted right away that the author is of little interest in the formation of Mongolian statehood. And Genghis Khan himself appears in the novel somewhere after the 100th page. And for Ian, he is, of course, a person, and not the Dark Lord from fantasy. Kulan Khatun loves his young wife in his own way. Like most people, he is afraid of senile infirmity and death. If he can be called a great man, then he is, of course, a genius of evil and a destroyer.

But by and large, Vasily Yan wrote a novel not about a great tyrant, but about time, about people who happened to live in an era of great upheaval. There are many colorful characters in this book, grandiose battle scenes, an amazing atmosphere of the East, reminiscent of the fairy tales of “1001 Nights”. There are plenty of bloody and even naturalistic episodes here, but there is also hope, age-old wisdom that allows you to believe in the best. Empires are built on blood, but sooner or later they fall apart. And even those who consider themselves the ruler of the world cannot escape from death...

7. Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov

"Ice House"

I.I. Lazhechnikov (1792–1869) is one of our best historical novelists. A.S. Pushkin said this about the novel “The Ice House”: “... poetry will always remain poetry, and many pages of your novel will live until the Russian language is forgotten.”

“The Ice House” by I. I. Lazhechnikov is rightfully considered one of the best Russian historical novels. The novel was published in 1835 and was an extraordinary success. V. G. Belinsky called its author “the first Russian novelist.”

Turning to the era of Anna Ioannovna’s reign—more precisely, to the events last year her reign - Lazhechnikov was the first of the novelists to tell his contemporaries about this time. In a fascinating narrative in the spirit of Walter Scott...

8. Yuri German

"Young Russia"

“Young Russia” is a novel by Yu. German, telling about the beginning of changes in the era of Peter the Great. The time described in the book is dedicated to the struggle of the young power for access to the Baltic Sea. The novel was published in its first edition in 1952.

The novel takes place in Arkhangelsk, Belozerye, Pereslavl-Zalessky, and Moscow. The author describes historical events through the lives of the main characters - Ivan Ryabov and Sylvester Ievlev, reveals the relationship between the state and the church, shows the character of the era through detailed descriptions of the life and way of life of the Russian North and the capital.

A very historical and very relevant novel for all Russian patriots.

9. Sergei Petrovich Borodin

"Dmitry Donskoy"

One of best novels Sergei Borodin.

“Dmitry Donskoy” is the first work in a series of historical novels on the history of medieval Moscow about the struggle of the Russian principalities under the leadership of Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich against the yoke of the Tatar Golden Horde, the end of which was marked by the decisive battle on the Kulikovo Field in 1380.

One of those historical books that I read as a child, anticipating game battles on relevant topics. It is clear that now it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out how it really was there; history is not an exact science, but, nevertheless, aesthetic and artistic value cannot be taken away from the book in question. One of distinctive features of this work, stylized as Old Russian, the language of the narrative and, in particular, the language of the characters’ dialogues. This simple technique helps the author create the effect of a more complete and deeper immersion of the reader into the historical context of what is happening.

10. Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov

"The Living and the Dead"

K.M. Simonov’s novel “The Living and the Dead” is one of the most famous works about the Great Patriotic War.

The work is written in the genre of an epic novel, story line covers the time interval from June 1941 to July 1944. One of the main characters is General Fedor Fedorovich Serpilin (according to the novel, he lived in Moscow at 16 Pirogovskaya Street, apt. 4).

I enjoyed reading this masterpiece. The book is easy to read and makes a lasting impression. This is undoubtedly a brilliant work that teaches you to be honest, believe in yourself, and love your Motherland...

My list of historical fiction is not that long. However, I chose some of the most striking and memorable works that I personally liked. History will always be the most interesting genre of fiction, and historical novels will always be the most interesting bookshelf in my library. I look forward to your lists in the comments. Love the history of your country, read the books you need.

The famous Russian archaeologist Valentin Sedov made a huge contribution to the study of the ethnogenesis of the Slavs. In this publication you will get acquainted with two of the most famous works of the Slavic scholar. They cover the time period from the first century BC to the early centuries. From the book you will learn when the independent path of the Slavs began and how individual ethnic groups and languages ​​were formed.

The great Russian historian, academician and professor at Moscow University considered history to be a taskmaster, severely punishing people for not knowing their lessons. The course of lectures presented in the book was first published in 1904. The modern edition is accompanied by colorful illustrations based on ancient engravings and drawings.

For the novel, which deals with the conquest of Central Asia, Vasily Yan, Russian and Soviet writer, received the Stalin Prize in 1942. The Mongol ruler Genghis Khan defeated the rich and strong Khorezm kingdom, coming close to the Polovtsian steppes, and later to the borders of Rus'. Thus began a confrontation between the two strongest opponents, which lasted for hundreds of years.

Vasily Yan's novel has become a classic of Soviet historical prose and does not lose popularity in our time.

This greatest monument literature of Ancient Rus'. The plot is based on the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian princes led by Igor Svyatoslavovich against the Polovtsians in 1185. The most famous part of the work is the cry of Yaroslavna, the young wife of Prince Igor. The episode reflects the pain of all Russian mothers and wives for the soldiers who left on the battlefield.

“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is a work that gives an idea not only of historical events, but also of the character of our distant ancestors.

The historian and writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin dedicated more than 20 years of his life to this work. The essay describes the history of the country from ancient times to the Time of Troubles and the reign of Ivan the Terrible (1613). The book is adapted for the modern reader and is equipped with rich illustrations that give a vivid idea of ​​the events and people described by the author.

Valentin Savvich Pikul is a famous Russian and Soviet writer, author of many works on historical topic. The “Historical Miniatures” series is a kind of portrait gallery. In very short novels and stories, according to the writer’s widow, biographies of personalities who played a significant role in the history of Russia are compressed.

The miniature could have been born overnight, but its appearance was preceded by years painstaking work and careful collection of information. In total, the series includes more than 50 works.

Film scriptwriter and playwright Yuri German wrote a novel about the beginning of changes in the era of Peter the Great for more than 10 years. The author shows historical events through the fate of the main characters Ivan Ryabov and Seliverst Ievlev. German spent four years in Arkhangelsk, where the Pomor and feedman Ivan Ryabov were from. The author studied archives and worked in libraries.

The novel attracts with a clear depiction of the characters' characters and a detailed description of the life and way of life of the inhabitants of the Russian North.

This is a series of books of nine volumes dedicated to different periods in the history of Russia: from the Mongol invasion to the collapse of the empire. The author's goal is to retell the story objectively, while maintaining the accuracy of the facts, but at the same time freeing himself from any ideological influence. Professional historians classify the series as folk history (pseudo-scientific works), but fans of the writer will definitely appreciate the signature style of presentation, which seems to revive the heroes and events of the past.

Especially for those who love historical riddles and puzzles, the author has released the “History” series Russian state in stories and novels." This is a real pleasure for the mind and soul.

“Dynasty Without Makeup” is a series dedicated to outstanding representatives of the Romanov dynasty, including the last Emperor Nicholas II. The Russian writer, playwright and screenwriter has been writing books about Russian history since the 90s. Radzinsky approaches his work with special care: he visits archives, studies documents and collects all kinds of details that will increase the viewing angle.

History is interesting to Radzinsky from an educational point of view. The author often gives his own assessment of certain events, and also tries to show the human side of famous historical figures.

Evgeniy Anisimov is a historian, doctor of sciences and professor at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2000 he was awarded the prestigious Antsiferov Prize for his contribution to modern local history. The book outlines the history of the country from ancient times to the present day. Additional sections are devoted to famous historical figures and major dates.

Richard Pipes is a famous American political scientist, former director of the Research Center for Russian Studies at Harvard University, author of dozens of articles on the history of the USSR. In the new book, the author expresses his point of view on possible ways of development modern Russia. Pipes examines the two options in detail, offers solutions and points out the uniqueness of our country's historical chance.

12. “The entire Kremlin army. A Brief History of Modern Russia”, Mikhail Zygar

Book Russian writer, director and political journalist, immediately became a bestseller. In 2016, she was a two-time winner of the Runet Book Prize in the categories “Bestseller” and “Best Digital Book”. The book is based on documents and interviews that the author took from Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.

Russian historians Igor Kurukin, Irina Karatsuba and Nikita Sokolov present a collection of essays about multiple historical forks that have appeared on the country’s path over many centuries. These are not versions of what could have been, not an alternative history, but discussions about the problem of historical choice, about the philosophy of the spirit of the people and about what events this very spirit and the famous Russian soul led and is leading to.

We can say that this is a work about the education of a nation by history and the ability of people to draw conclusions from different situations and lessons.