Knyazhenika is a royal berry. Description, useful properties, application

One day, while visiting relatives, we discovered a new product. We were treated to small, but very fragrant and sweet berries. At first I thought it was just a small raspberry, and was very surprised when I found out that it was a princely raspberry. When we left home, we took a couple of bushes with us. And although they all took root, they soon disappeared. Tell us what the princeberry berry is and where it grows? Probably, our southern climate was not to the plant’s taste, because we brought it from the northern region. I would like to know more about the princess, and whether there is a chance of raising her in our area.

Do you think that raspberries grow only in our warm regions? But nature intended that residents of northern latitudes could also enjoy this berry. True, it looks different there, and is called differently. Knyazhenika or Arctic raspberries are one of the most delicious delicacies, almost unknown to residents of warm regions. However, breeders did not stand aside and did not forget about this frost-resistant berry. Today you can already find hybrid varieties on sale that are adapted for cultivation in the warmer part of the country. What does the princely berry look like and where does it grow?

Description of the plant

The appearance of the princess combines several cultures at once. Its carved light green leaves with triple plates look like crimson, and in the fall they acquire a beautiful crimson blush. But the raspberries have not caught up with the height of the prince: the maximum height of the bushes is 50 cm. Creeping thin roots go far into the soil, spreading in different directions and releasing root shoots, like raspberries.

Princeberry berries with sweet pulp, but with an unusual taste of pineapple or caramel, also have a raspberry taste. But in their size and shape they are more like cloudberries, but only red.

The princesses have very beautiful blooms. Dark pink large inflorescences begin to bloom in early summer. The bushes bloom for more than a month, simultaneously setting berries. While some are ripening, others are just appearing in the form of buds. Therefore, princesses are characterized by a long harvest, from August to the end of September.

Due to its northern character, the ripening of princesses is more uniform in cool climates. At high temperatures, the berries can dry out before they have time to ripen.

Where does the princeberry grow?

In its natural, wild form, the real princess grows in the Northern Hemisphere. These are cool tundra, wet swamps and forests. In other words, this crop prefers a cool climate, light or partial shade, but sufficient moisture in the soil. But hybrid varieties obtained by crossing princesses with raspberries are able to grow and bear fruit in warmer latitudes. At the same time, they retain the frost resistance of princely, but many reach the size of berries, like those of.

When you decide to have a princess on your property, make sure that the conditions meet her requirements, namely:

  1. It is better to allocate a site that is illuminated or semi-shaded, but with moist soil.
  2. The soil should be nutritious and loose. Before planting, it is worth adding sand, humus, ash and a little peat to the beds.
  3. It is advisable to plant different varieties in one bed for cross-pollination.

In conclusion, I would like to add: choose hybrid varieties of princesses. They are more adapted to growing in “non-native” conditions for the plant.

What is princess and how to grow it - video

Knyazhenika, or arctic princess, is a relative of the raspberry and belongs to the genus Rubus, family Rosaceae. Another name for the plant is arctic or nectar raspberry. Popular names for the princess include mamura, raspberry, drupe, polyanina, midday and khokhlushka. Previously, berries were a real delicacy; village girls went to the forest to collect fruits, then brought them to the master’s table. The children of princes especially loved the prince, which is where the name of the plant came from. In some regions of Russia, a basket of berries was valued on par with sable fur, hand-embroidered fabrics and jewelry self made.

Where does it grow

The plant is distributed in temperate and cold zones Northern Hemisphere, in America, Japan, Mongolia, Europe, Siberia, the Urals, the Caucasus, the Far East. The princess grows in the forest, in meadows, on the banks of rivers and streams, in swamps, in the tundra, in thickets of bushes and even at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. Knyazhenika is considered the best berry of the north and is the official flower emblem of the Swedish province of Norrbotten.

What does it look like

Knyazhenika is a perennial herbaceous plant, the bush grows up to 30 cm. The roots of the plant are long, creeping and thin, located in the ground at a depth of 15 to 25 cm. The leaves of Knyazhenika are trifoliate and green. The flowers are dark pink and bloom in late May. Flowering of the princess lasts 25-35 days. In July there are both fruiting and flowering plants.

The fruits are juicy multi-druplets, sweet with a slight sourness when ripe. The berries are similar in shape and size to raspberries, but the color is more complex. The aroma of ripe princess is reminiscent of pineapple. The fruits taste similar to strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, only even more tasty and aromatic.

The berries ripen in July-August; they need to be picked very carefully, since the structure of the fruit is very delicate and they can easily be crushed in your hands. It is better to store the harvest in small and wide containers.


There are 100 known genera of princesses and about 3,000 species. In Finland, plants have been cultivated for more than 30 years. Most of the princely varieties were bred in this country. Most often, the bred varieties are hybrids of princeberry with other berries of this species - cloudberries and raspberries. The varieties are characterized by high yield, high resistance to frost and improved taste. The most popular plant varieties in the world are Hayes and Heya. They are distinguished by tall bushes for this species, which grow up to 1 meter in height and bear fruit until mid-October.


Princeberry fruits contain tannins and aromatic substances, vitamin C, glucose, fructose, malic and citric acid, and anthocyanins. The leaves contain a lot of phytoncides and ascorbic acid. 100 g of berries contain 26 kcal. Knyazhenika is a strong plant antioxidant that slows down the aging of the body, cleanses the body of harmful toxins and radicals.

Princess juice quenches thirst well, tones and strengthens the body, which is especially useful after illnesses, when the body is weakened. An infusion of dried leaves is used to gargle and wash the nasal cavity; the decoction is useful for indigestion. Fresh leaves are a good antiseptic, quickly heal tissue and relieve swelling. They are used as a plaster and applied to bruises, wounds and abrasions. The paste from the leaves relieves allergic skin reactions.

In cosmetology, berries are used for the skin of the body and face, and princess extract is added to nourishing and moisturizing creams. Products prepared from the fruit tone the skin and promote its rejuvenation. Masks are made from the berries, which help with chapping of the skin, relieve inflammation from the face and refresh. Such products are recommended even for children.


There are no contraindications to eating princess berries, except for individual intolerance. Eating fruits in large quantities is not recommended during exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, due to their high content of vitamin C.

Application in medicine

Knyazhenika is highly valued in medicine and is successfully used as an antipyretic, antiseptic, antiscorbutic, and tonic. Dried fruits and leaves help in the treatment of dyspepsia and diarrhea and strengthen the immune system. Since ancient times, the juice of the berries has been drunk to reduce high fever; the dried leaves of the plant are brewed and drunk as tea to strengthen the immune system. Various diseases are treated with remedies prepared from fruits and leaves:

  • angina pectoris
  • upper respiratory tract diseases
  • bronchial asthma
  • cough
  • tonsillitis
  • avitaminosis
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • obesity
  • metabolic disease
  • renal failure
  • urolithiasis disease

Use in cooking

The berries and young leaves of the princess are used in cooking. Fresh berries are served with cream and milk, jam, marmalade, jelly, juices, fruit drinks are prepared from them, and added to baked goods as a filling. Knyazhenika is used as an aromatic seasoning and added to compotes, jelly, liqueurs, liqueurs and tinctures. The berry, ground with sugar, retains its beneficial features. The fruit goes well with other fruits and berries, ice cream and dairy products. Very popular are aromatic desserts and pies with berries, Mamurovka jam, exquisite liqueurs and liqueurs. The leaves are added to multivitamin infusions, dried and brewed as an herbal drink.

Semolina pudding with princess


  • 1 liter of cream 22%;
  • 3 vanilla pods;
  • 3 tbsp. l. poppy;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. and 1 glass of sugar;
  • 1 stack semolina;
  • 300 g princes;
  • 1 tsp. starch.


  1. Soak poppy seeds in water for 30 minutes.
  2. Bring the cream to a boil, cut the vanilla pods lengthwise and remove the seeds, add to the cream.
  3. Reduce heat and add poppy seeds, cook, stirring, for 25 minutes.
  4. Add a spoonful of sugar and salt, add semolina and cook until tender.
  5. Remove the mixture from the heat and beat with a blender, leave to cool.
  6. Combine the prince with a glass of sugar and cook over low heat.
  7. Mix starch with a little water and add to berries.
  8. Pour the jam into the molds and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  9. When the mixture thickens, place semolina on top and sprinkle with sugar.

Muffins with princess


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 140 g butter;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 2 tsp. citric acid;
  • wheat flour;
  • 0.5 stack. princes.


  1. Combine sugar with eggs and stir well.
  2. Melt the butter and add to the egg mixture.
  3. Mix baking soda with citric acid and add to the mixture until it foams.
  4. Add flour to the mixture until you get a dough that has a consistency similar to very thick sour cream; a spoon should stand in it.
  5. Place the berries in the dough and beat with a blender.
  6. Pour the dough into molds and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.


Knyazhenika is prepared in canned form, ground with sugar, frozen and dried. Dried leaves are also prepared for future use.

Drying leaves and fruits

The berries are laid out in one layer on pallets; you can use a layer of thick paper or fabric. Take it outside and place it in the sun, in a place protected from drafts. But the raw materials must be brought indoors at night to prevent them from getting damp. The drying process takes 7 days; the fruits need to be stirred occasionally. You can dry the prince a little in the sun and put it in an open oven preheated to 60 degrees for 4 hours.

The leaves are laid out on a baking sheet in a thin layer and dried in the fresh air under a canopy, turning over periodically. Dried berries and leaves are stored in a dry and dark place for about 3 years.

Freeze princes

Sort the berries and remove the stems, rinse carefully in water, place on one towel and cover with another. When the fruits are dry, you can spread them in one layer on a baking sheet and put them in the freezer. Pack the finished princess into bags and tie tightly. Another method is to freeze the berries in batches in small plastic containers with lids. You can sprinkle the fruits in the container with sugar before freezing.


Growing princesses on a plot can be done in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bush. In the first case, the bush will produce a harvest only after 3 years. The second growing option is simpler and more convenient. Planting of a bush is carried out at the end of April or at the beginning of May and consists of several stages:

  • separate the princely bush (delenka) along with a lump of earth. It is important that it has shoots and roots;
  • prepare a hole, the depth of which should be 2 shovels;
  • disinfect the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • when the soil dries, place drainage and a mixture of soil, 80 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt, compost (1 bucket per 1 m2) and wood ash (0.5 l per 1 m2) at the bottom;
  • plant the division to a depth of no more than 5 cm;
  • cover the seedling with soil and compact it well with your hands, water;
  • mulch the top layer of soil around the bush with sawdust, lay a layer of moss so that the soil does not dry out on hot days.

It is better to plant in the morning or evening. So that princely flowers can be pollinated, two varieties of plants are planted on the site. When planting, the distance between seedlings should be 25 cm, the distance between rows should be 0.8 meters.

Fertilizers are applied every other year, 1 tbsp is added to the water. spoon of ash and water the bush with the solution. Mineral fertilizers are applied once a season. Bushes aged 2 years and older are fed immediately after the snow melts, with the onset of spring, using mineral complex fertilizers containing nitrogen. Fertilizer is applied to the soil and dug up.

Sometimes the prince is affected by infections and viruses, the most dangerous of which are the following:

  • Brazeau mottle, a viral disease, is transmitted to all garden species of the Rubus genus;
  • striped curl of raspberries is transmitted from other infected carrier plants through nematodes. The first signs of infection are spots on leaves and flowers in a mosaic pattern, which later lead to deformation. The disease cannot be treated, it is necessary to remove the bushes along with the roots and burn them;
  • anthracnose, this disease affects the entire plant, including the roots. The disease manifests itself as white heels on leaves and trunks;
  • Tobacco necrosis, a fairly common disease, manifests itself as necrotic spots on the leaves and deformation of the plates, the bush begins to grow poorly.

At the first manifestations of diseases, the affected parts are removed and the plant is treated with fungicides. After working with infected bushes, metal equipment must be calcined and treated with alcohol.

The plant is susceptible to attack by pests, which can be gotten rid of with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Treatment should be carried out before the first leaves appear on the bushes. Spray only the soil under the bush, but not the plant itself. It is recommended to use insecticides:

  • Karbofos
  • Nitrophen
  • Aktellik

It is useful to spray the princess in the fall for prevention after picking berries.

Often, princely plant is used as an ornamental plant on the site. During the flowering period, the plant looks very beautiful and is simply strewn with small and beautiful flowers. Plant the prince along hedges or borders.

Northern berries have long been known to many. Take at least the same cloudberry. But why then do we ignore another wonderful berry - princely? Its taste and aroma are in no way inferior to cloudberries, and it is also incredibly healthy. Knyazhenika is a perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which is relatively small. It is also characterized by a long creeping rhizome, lying at a depth of 10 to 25 centimeters, and branched stems. It’s not typical for a princess formation of branched antennae. The leaves of the princess are very reminiscent of strawberry leaves, while the fruits are very reminiscent of raspberries. The aroma is even difficult to describe. And the taste of berries can hardly be distinguished from the taste of pineapple.

By the way, knyazhenika is also popularly called raspberry. This is due to the fact that in nature it grows in damp clearings and meadows. The homeland of the princess is considered to be the Far East, Kamchatka, Siberia, as well as the northern regions of the European part of Russia. There, the princess has even more affectionate nicknames: they call her princess, mamura, Khokhlyanka, midday, and also moss raspberry. It is known for certain that residents Ancient Rus' were very familiar with the unique properties of this wonderful berry, using it not only as food, but also as a medicine. Residents of Karelia were even engaged in the targeted cultivation of princesses. This is largely due to the fact that the princess does not require special care, while taking root well.

The use of princely fruits in food It is possible not only in fresh form - it is used for making compotes, marmalade, fruit drinks, wine, and jam. In addition, princesses make excellent juice. If you decide to add knyazhenika to jam, its taste will resemble both peach and pineapple, and the aroma will become more pronounced.

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Fertilizer Berry bushes Fasco 1kg

Fertilizer Berry TerraSol 2.5 kg

Healing berry contains a large number of fructose, glucose, malic and citric acid, as well as vitamin C, not to mention organic dyes. Knyazhenika fruits can also be dried or soaked. Young princess leaves can be dried in the sun, and then brewed into tea, to which you can also add some dried berries. If you like teas with interesting flavor shades, in addition to princesses, add currant leaves to your tea, as well as leaves of Ivan tea. Princess juice is a very good tonic and thirst quencher. When you have a cold, it can reduce your temperature.

Raise a princess?

If you are interested in the princess, we hasten to inform you that raising her at our sites It’s quite possible, but you’ll have to spend a little time creating appropriate conditions for it that would be as close to natural as possible. Therefore, rule number one is to select the most humid place on your site and then constantly water it abundantly. Please note that princely plant needs cross-pollination, so at least two varieties of plants must be planted in one area at a time. However, be sure to fence each variety so that you can figure out what grows where.

Flowering of princesses begins at the end of May. The flowering is painted in a beautiful crimson color. And the first sweet red berries with a bluish tint of blackberries will appear in July. And in autumn the above-ground part of the princess begins to die off. Please note that the perennial root continues to grow, so you should be especially careful when digging up the area. The root segments are equipped with buds, which in the spring will give birth to new flowering shoots. Receipts stable harvest You can get berries only two years after planting.

Knyazhenika, as a garden crop, is not familiar to all modern gardeners, since under natural conditions it is closer to northern latitudes. However, this berry was well known in the times of Ancient Rus', when it was used as food and as a medicine.

Landing dates and location selection

Planting dates for princes: in spring - the first ten days of May, in autumn - the second ten days of September. For planting clearings, mamura or arctic raspberries, as they are also called, the best place would be a well-lit, lightly shaded area with well-drained, moist soil. The crop develops well on loams; soils flavored with humus and peat are suitable for it. Under natural conditions, in the places where the princess grows, well-moistened soil predominates: on the outskirts of swamps, in the tundra, and coniferous forests. Therefore, when planting a plant, you should moisten the soil as much as possible, while avoiding stagnation of moisture at the root system. As for the selected area, it should be well sheltered from strong winds.

Preparatory work before planting

Before planting princesses, you should prepare the soil in advance. If autumn planting is planned, the soil is prepared in the spring. When digging, add a bucket of peat, humus and sand, adding 0.5 kg of wood ash. You should also remove all plant debris and weeds that have managed to grow. Before planting, the soil in the clearing bed is disinfected by watering it with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Planting begins as soon as the soil dries.

Did you know? To the northern counties Russian Empire people came from Moscow itself for mamura, and they paid any money for the plant. The berry was in price since selection had not yet developed at the proper level, andquantityThere were few plants grown.

Planting princely seedlings

The princess, if planted correctly, will be easy to care for. Seedlings or divisions are planted in strips, with a distance of 15 cm between them (a distance of 20 cm is left between the seedlings themselves).

Important! It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning or evening, when the sun is less active.

Having placed the seedling in the hole and sprinkled it with soil, gently press the soil around the trunk with your palms. After planting, the bed is watered. The best varieties for planting princelings in the garden are those bred in Sweden.: "Linda", "Anna", "Beate" and "Sofia".

How to care for a princess in the garden

After carrying out the basic procedures: watering, fertilizing and loosening with weeding, the bushes are hilled, thus stimulating active flowering.

Watering, loosening and weeding the soil

On hot days, at temperatures above +25°C, watering is carried out daily, and to prevent the plant from getting sunburn, the soil between the rows is covered with moss. During other periods, the plant should be watered as needed, so that the soil is always moist. The royal berry does not tolerate the presence of weeds, so loosening and weeding the soil is also a must.

When to fertilize

Fertilizing begins when the plant is one year old, fertilizing it twice in the summer season. Wood ash is used as fertilizer. One tablespoon of fertilizer is poured under each bush, combining this procedure with watering. Adult plants, after the snow melts, are fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, embedded in the soil.


Pruning Arctic raspberries is mainly of a sanitary nature, since dried and broken shoots are removed from the bush. In the fall, two-year-old shoots are also removed, which helps stimulate the growth of the strongest young branches for the next season. With the arrival of spring, too much growth of young shoots is cut off to prevent the bush from thickening.

Important! In early spring, general cleaning is carried out on the site: frostbitten or broken branches and stems growing inside the bush are cut off and carrion is collected.

Prevention and protection from diseases and pests

As a preventive measure against diseases, princely bushes are treated with Bordeaux mixture, but not on the plant, but under the bush. The procedure is carried out before the formation of the kidneys. After harvesting, the soil and plants are sprayed with Nitrafen. In summer, treatment is carried out as needed.

Knyazhenika is not a difficult berry to grow, but sometimes pests cause problems. Therefore, before the buds swell, spray the plant with Karbofos or Actellik. This procedure is also carried out after harvesting. Appropriate treatment plus pruning of unusable shoots or densely growing branches will prevent insect attacks.

Interesting! Despite the fact that princely berries are similar to raspberries, they have an unusual aroma. Thanks to citric, malic and ascorbic acid in the composition, their smell resembles the smell of pineapple, and the berry itself is very sweet.

Harvesting and Applications

A bountiful harvest of berries can be harvested in the third year after planting. From 1 m² you can collect up to one and a half kilograms of berries. All fruits are carefully picked from the stalk as they ripen. Already in July the berry is ripe enough and has a blackberry color.

Polanica berries are tasty not only fresh, they are harvested for the winter and used to make various drinks: fruit drinks, juices and compotes, wine and tinctures. Knyazhenika jam is incomparable in all descriptions, aromatic, has the smell of pineapple and the taste of peach. The fruits of the crop are dried and dried for the winter, and in addition to the berries, the leaves are also prepared for tea. The juice of the fruit is used as an antipyretic, although the plant itself is often grown as an ornamental crop: as borders or framing flower beds.

Reproduction of princesses

Knyazhenika has no difficulties in propagation, and it can be grown either with seeds or by dividing the bush.

The princeberry is a member of the rose family. This is a plant that prefers cold and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Because of its location and appearance, the crop is often called Arctic raspberry. You can see what the garden princely berry looks like in the photo below.

Princeberry: general characteristics

Knyazhenika grows in the form of a bush, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm. Flowering begins in late spring and continues until mid-summer. The leaves consist of three symmetrical parts, light green in color.

The leaves are often used to brew tea because they have many positive qualities.

Other names for princeberry berries:

  • Khokhlushka;
  • raspberry;
  • clearing;
  • drupe;
  • mamura.

At the end of flowering, fruits are formed, which are collected at the end of August. Princess berries resemble raspberries or cloudberries. The harvest is always small, about 150-250 g per square meter.

Based on the fact that the plant is northern, the princely plant ripens better in cold regions than in the southern regions.

Since ancient times, knyazhenika has been in demand among the northern peoples as a remedy against scurvy. In addition, the berries were used to treat colds, rheumatism, and also if there were liver problems.

For coughs, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, the most effective is a decoction of dried or fresh fruits. A similar product is also used to rinse the mouth and throat.

All parts of the plant are valuable. The leaves of the princely plant are used to prepare compresses. They are effective in combating allergies.

Knyazhenika has also found its application in cooking. It is included in numerous desserts and is also used to make drinks.

Soil for planting

An important step for the full cultivation of princesses is the choice of planting site. The area should be well heated by the sun and also be dry, because the plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • make a recess for two bayonets of a shovel;
  • lay drainage at the bottom of the hole (mix crushed stone with sand);
  • then put a small layer of soil and water;
  • after laying the drainage, place the seedling in the hole and sprinkle with soil;
  • then mulch with fallen leaves.

The composition of the soil should be loose and rich in nutrients. For these purposes, garden soil is mixed with peat, sand,... It is also recommended to add a little wood ash to saturate the substrate with potassium. This component is very important for this plant.

Time and landing pattern

The plant is best planted in a checkerboard pattern. There should be a distance of about 25 cm between specimens. As for the length of the bed, the optimal indicator is 50 cm.

It is best to plant several varieties of princelings in one bed so that they cross-pollinate.

Princes carry out planting both in spring and autumn. But, before starting this procedure, you should remember that the air temperature should not be lower than +5 0 C. Even with minimal frost, the seedlings will not take root.

Growing and caring for the plant

In order for the bush to quickly please with flowering and berries, it is necessary to plant it correctly. It is also recommended to pay special attention to care.

Weeding the soil, loosening it and watering it

Regular weeding, watering and loosening the soil is the key to a beautiful and healthy plant.

As for irrigation, it must be carried out regularly, especially during the hot season. If the thermometer readings are moderate, then watering is carried out only when the top layer of soil dries well. Weeding and loosening should be done every three days.

Top dressing

They begin to fertilize the plant only a year after planting. Various compositions are used as fertilizers. This type of berry responds best to organic and nitrogen preparations.


Like any shrub, princess needs pruning. Damaged and dried branches should be removed. This procedure will help new shoots develop faster. It is best to carry out pruning activities at the beginning of March or at the end of November.

Preventive measures against diseases and pests

Diseases and pests often attack the princess. They have a detrimental effect on its development and growth. Therefore, you need to monitor very carefully appearance and the condition of the bush. To prevent pest attacks and the occurrence of diseases, the plant is sprayed with special compounds that are sold in any specialized store.

The berries are harvested when they acquire a red tint. Often, such a procedure is carried out in several steps. The fruits are harvested in mid-summer until early September.

It is necessary to pick berries in the afternoon, when it is warm and dry outside.

Plant propagation

You can grow a young plant by dividing the rhizomes or by seeds. The second option is more complicated. However, if you know all the subtleties, you will be able to grow a beautiful and healthy bush.

Rules for planting seeds:

  1. Grains are sown in special containers in winter. To ensure rapid germination, the flowerpots should be kept warm for some time and then taken to a cold room. These actions are carried out over the course of a month.
  2. Planting of grains is carried out in containers that are buried in the ground under the trees. This way the seeds will pass through the winter natural selection, and in the spring you will get even and high-quality shoots. The most important thing is to monitor the soil moisture.

To grow a young plant by dividing the root system, it is necessary to separate a part from the mother bush and then plant it in a new hole.

Knyazhenika or Arctic raspberry is a very beautiful bush that is distinguished by its original color. The berries of this plant have high taste qualities, are rich in various vitamins and microelements. If you follow all the rules for growing and caring, you can reap a bountiful and high-quality harvest.

Princess in the dacha garden - video