When is Doctor's Day celebrated? Doctor's Day - the history of the holiday

Health is one of the main components modern society. The science of medicine deals with the preservation and restoration of the health of citizens.

Healthcare workers make a huge contribution to creating a healthy and strong society. Not a single country in the world can do without medicine, since this is the most important social element, without which the existence of a nation is simply impossible. Every third Sunday in June is celebrated annually under the banner of medicine. On this day, congratulations are accepted: doctors, paramedics, nurses, midwives, support staff and everyone who is somehow connected with this industry.


Several hundred years ago, the famous Roman scientist Gaius Pliny Secundus said: “There is no art more useful than Medicine.” This phrase fully embodies the level of significance of this science for humanity. It is to the employees of the medical service that we owe a long and healthy life.

Society has always valued and respected the work of health workers. Back in the days Soviet Union Medical Worker Day was officially approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Council. It is from those times that this holiday has been celebrated in Russia.

Medicine is one of the most ancient sciences in the world. Its main goals are:

  • restoring the health of the nation;
  • introduction of new technologies into treatment procedures for citizens;
  • development of modern drugs for the treatment of various serious diseases;
  • control over the birth rate, reducing the mortality rate of citizens;

Every year there are more and more people who want to connect their lives with this difficult activity. But in addition to a great desire to become a good qualified doctor, of course, you also need a huge amount of knowledge. Future health workers are trained in specialized educational institutions: universities, colleges and schools. During their studies, they undergo multi-level training, which includes: attending conferences, seminars, practicing in a hospital and studying all areas of medicine.

IN modern world A lot of attention is paid to training good specialists in this industry. After all, the prosperity and productive life of the entire nation depends on the level of medicine in the country.


Traditionally, on Medical Worker's Day, a lot of events dedicated to this holiday take place.

Concerts and performances are organized in specialized educational institutions to congratulate students and teachers. Also on the eve of this holiday, large-scale conferences and presentations dedicated to medicine are held.

Mine professional holiday doctors note both at work in the circle of the team and at home with friends and relatives. At the festive tables, with the clinking of glasses in their honor, the most best regards. In addition, health workers are also congratulated by officials from the Ministry of Health.

Do not forget to congratulate medical workers on their professional holiday, and wish them success and good luck in their difficult work.

A doctor is one of the two most unusual professions. The second is the teacher. Both play an important role in our lives. The mistake of each of them can be fatal for the body or spirit.

Therefore, we expect from representatives of these professions not only professionalism, but also a special level of morality and spiritual purity.

“I will conduct my life and my art purely and immaculately,” sounds the Hippocratic oath, which seals the official document on medical education with the seal of conscience.

Of course, there was a place on the calendar to express gratitude and appreciation to the doctors.

Doctor's Day is not the only holiday for doctors. Almost every medical specialty has its own professional holiday.

So, 12 May International Nurses Day is celebrated.
February 9th– International Dentist Day.
25th of April Veterinarians celebrate their professional day.
5 May- Midwife's Day.

There is also the Day of the Cardiologist, Psychologist, Otolaryngologist, and so on.

There are no uniform traditions in celebrating Medical Worker's Day. As a rule, ceremonial meetings, awards, and festive concerts are dedicated to this date.

By the way, doctors have two state awards: “Honored Health Worker Russian Federation" and "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation."

Both are recognition of the talent and dedication of a person who has devoted his entire life to this difficult task. But still, the most important reward for any real doctor is the health of his patients and their gratitude.

Of course, doctors celebrate this day with colleagues and friends cheerfully and with humor, as befits celebrating any holiday.

And doctors have an excellent sense of humor, although it seems specific to the uninitiated person. And what signs do doctors have! For example, all doctors are afraid of red-haired patients, anesthesiologists are especially “superstitious” in this sense.

But there is a completely scientific explanation for this - red-haired people do not have the same pain threshold as most other people, so they require a different dosage of anesthesia and medications.

But here is a girl who decided to be born in New Year's Eve- a good sign for obstetricians and gynecologists, promising good luck for the whole year.

I would especially like to remember the doctors who worked at the front. More than 700 thousand medical workers, without fear and rest, day and night, on the front line and in the rear, saved millions of people in the most extreme situations. More than 12% of them died.

And these losses are the highest among any single military unit. Let us not forget to remember these people while sitting at festive table on the third Sunday in June.

On this day we cannot ignore the father of medicine – the Greek philosopher, physician and reformer Hippocrates. He took the famous oath that all doctors take when entering their professional path.

“I direct the treatment of the sick to their benefit in accordance with my strength and my understanding, refraining from causing any harm or injustice.

I will not give anyone the deadly means they ask from me and I will not show the way for such a plan; in the same way, I will not give any woman an abortion pessary” - of course, the modern oath of doctors is somewhat different from this original text, but the principle of high morality and responsibility inherent in it remains unchanged to this day.

And finally, a little and, at first glance, not at all medical advice from Hippocrates the philosopher: “Idleness and doing nothing entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life.”

May our minds be directed every moment of life towards good and high goals!

To professionals who fight every minute for human life, marks one of the most significant holidays - Medical Worker's Day. When did they start celebrating the holiday in Russia?

Historical facts about the origin of the holiday

Medical Worker Day began to be celebrated in 1980, when at the official level, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the procedure for honoring employees of healthcare institutions. In the Russian Federation, the holiday is transferred from number to date, so it is celebrated differently every year. It is officially stated that the celebrations take place annually on the third Sunday of June.

The holiday once again confirms the importance of doctors who save lives and take care of the health of other people. The honor is dedicated not only to hospital staff, but also to healthcare workers, these include: laboratory technicians, engineers who invent medical equipment, chemists and biologists who study various strains of viruses and bacteria, etc.

Celebrating professional medical day in 2018

Russia will honor doctors in 2018 on June 17. It is celebrated in every federal district of the country without exception.

Honoring medical workers takes place not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Let's look at the dates on which Medic's Day is celebrated in countries that emerged from the USSR and some other countries of the world.

Neighboring countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania celebrate the professional holiday of doctors, as well as Russia, on the third Sunday in June, which falls on June 17 in 2018.

National Doctors Day is celebrated in the USA. holiday events are carried out on March 30. Other countries celebrate Doctor's Day. It was approved by the World Health Organization and is celebrated on October 1 every year.

The meaning of the holiday of a medical worker

The significance of the holiday of medicine is invaluable. There are many other days dedicated to specific medical workers (dentists, nurses). Medical Worker's Day is dedicated to all professionals who work in the field of healthcare.

This day is an official occasion to once again thank medical workers for their work. Medical Worker's Day serves as a small reminder that we must recognize the merits of the defenders of our body, who save us from diseases and bring the body out of a critical condition.

Traditions of the holiday of medicine

Traditionally, on Medical Worker’s Day, all healthcare organizations hold meetings, concerts, and conferences where they award awards to physicians who have distinguished themselves during the year and announce the main directions further development in improving the performance of institutions.

Local administrations hold ceremonial awards for employees who have made a great contribution to the development of medicine. As incentives, the heads of medical institutions issue bonuses to distinguished staff. They organize holiday concerts where all medical workers gather for general congratulations.

How to congratulate doctors?

Both current patients and those whose lives were saved express a desire to congratulate doctors on their professional holiday. Congratulations can be conveyed verbally, signed a postcard, come and personally congratulate, or leave congratulations on the hospital website. The main thing is to show attention to the employees of the medical institution. For each of the staff of the medical institution, your congratulations are of great value.

On the third Sunday in June, at the height of summer, people in the most humane and sought-after profession - medical workers - celebrate their professional holiday every year. On this glorious day they sound, and the most worthy professionals are awarded honors and awards - they receive them not only on the day of the holiday, but also on the last working day preceding it.

Importance of Medicine

The famous Roman and well-known writer and scientist Gaius Pliny Secundus uttered a phrase that is still relevant to this day. And he argued this: “There is no art more useful than medicine.” And indeed, people in white coats watch a person literally from birth and then, throughout his life, monitor his health, lending a helping hand at the necessary moments. And many people, some of whom rightfully consider the day of their salvation as their second birthday, owe their lives to doctors.

History of the celebration

It was decided to honor medical workers in 1980 - it was in that year, on October 1, that the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was released. Well, ceremonial events dedicated to the holiday and the glorious workers of the medical industry began, of course, in the next year, 1981. And this wonderful holiday is celebrated not only by residents Russian state. Residents of Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova also honor doctors.

Celebration traditions

Of course, one of the most significant traditions is honoring physicians who have received well-deserved awards. Russian employees The medical industry is awarded one of two titles: “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation” - it is awarded to physicians who have distinguished themselves with special achievements and have dedicated at least 15 years to the medical profession, and “Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation” - for a significant contribution to the development of medicine and work in this field for 20 years or more.

Thematic creative evenings are also timed to coincide with the celebration of Medical Worker's Day - during these events, congratulations are heard, readings are made, and medical workers are also delighted with songs (including bard songs that have a corresponding thematic focus) and funny skits.

Students who decided to devote their lives to a noble and very responsible cause - saving lives and maintaining people’s health at a decent level - are not forgotten on this day. For them, as a rule, parties are held in clubs, and themed weekends are held in country centers. For university colleagues themed parties are carried out within the walls of the educational institution.

Features of the celebration

A specific feature of the day dedicated to medical workers is that it is celebrated not only by doctors, but also by all people involved in saving lives and providing assistance to the sick and injured. And such people can include biologists and laboratory technicians, chemists and inventors, as well as engineers and technologists who invent new medical equipment. All of them share their experiences during the celebration and deservedly receive honors.

The profession of a doctor, physician, doctor has been valued from time immemorial. The professionalism of medical workers often gives a person a second life, so the medical profession is very difficult and extremely responsible. People who take the Hippocratic Oath at the beginning of their working career devote their entire lives to maintaining people’s health. Therefore, the importance of the work of medical workers cannot be overestimated.

Holiday traditions

For many, Doctor's Day is not just a holiday, it is equated to a day of solidarity, when every person tries to express their respect and respect to medical workers. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a doctor or an ordinary nurse - they work together for the benefit of our health. There are really few real doctors (from God), but they do exist. And if it weren’t for them, our world would not become more beautiful and healthier. In each medical institution, on the third Sunday in June, ceremonial meetings are held where particularly distinguished employees are awarded. After which, everyone goes to a festive banquet. The state provides each medical worker with a cash bonus, the amount of which is set at the state level. Thanks to this professional celebration in 2017, we emphasize the importance of the daily, painstaking and much-needed work of doctors and health workers. People try to congratulate everyone who decided to join such a responsible, and at the same time, such an important matter as saving human lives and lives. Despite many difficulties and obstacles, our doctors try every day to carry out their work responsibly. Many of them win the recognition of citizens for their selflessness, professionalism and compassion.

Doctors are not feared or feared only by those who have never been their patient. Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day - a holiday of one of the most formidable, but respected and in demand professions. I wish you to bear your honorary title with pride and never lose inspiration.

Nurses, shorter skirts,
Put on a suit, doctors,
On the day of the doctor I wish you from the night
Walk until the morning!

Let your health not fail you,
Salary will increase this year
Let the crisis pass by
And only joy awaits in life!

Today is an unusual day,
And it’s not like it’s a day off.
But on hospital beds
There is no soreness!

The patients are all healthy
Thank you doctors!
Do you need an injection? - No, what are you talking about!
They tell the nurses everything.

A solemn and important day,
Bringing peace to doctors!
May everyone be healthy now
Become body and soul!

Dear doctors! Happy holiday to you! Thank you for your unprecedented strength and resilience, great enthusiasm and optimism. Let your inner voice never fail, but suggest the correct diagnosis.