Hen party contests for bridesmaids are cool. A picnic in nature is an interesting idea for a bachelorette party. The most vulgar scenario for a bachelorette party with words

A bachelorette party is a very important event for the bride. Usually, invited bridesmaids are involved in its preparation, but the bride can completely plan the holiday program herself.

IN modern world bachelorette party options so varied that almost any group of friends can choose entertainment according to their preferences, from fiery dancing in a nightclub to home “pajama” gatherings.

Regardless of who has taken on the responsibility of organizing the bachelorette party, first of all it is worth choosing the location and format of the event.

If you have planned cheerful company go to a nightclub, cafe, restaurant, bowling alley and other public places, then most likely no one will have to worry too much about organizational issues. All you need to do is pay for the services of the chosen bachelorette party venue and enjoy your vacation.

Important! In this case there are certain restrictions. If the company is too noisy, it is unlikely that the other guests will be pleased to hear every minute about “who is getting married tomorrow.” It makes sense to rent a separate room. If you are celebrating in a cafe or restaurant, take into account the specifics of the location - establishments in residential buildings usually do not work after 23:00 or after this time it is prohibited to make noise in them.

It's worth remembering that The “pearl” of the bachelorette party is the bride, and the entire event is organized just for her, and in some cases – by her. Of course, a good hostess and friend takes into account the wishes of all guests and will not drag friends who hate sports to the football field. However, her preferences should come to the fore, taking into account the wishes of the other invitees.

In the warm season, you can organize a picnic or just a trip to nature with props for playing outdoor games - a volleyball, badminton. Especially if there is a clean body of water nearby in which you can swim.

Those who like to relax at home can easily just chat over a cup of tea or coffee, or a glass of something stronger, but for those who want their bachelorette party to be original and memorable for a long time, you can add a note (or even more than one!) of variety to standard bachelorette get-togethers .

A great option to combine the above options. Start the day with a walk, later visit an entertainment venue, and get ready at home in the evening. Or vice versa - during the day, socialize, take a walk, swim in a river or lake, and at night have fun in a nightclub. The second option is not very preferable for hen parties, which are held right the day before the wedding, otherwise at the wedding itself, both the bride and her bridesmaids may look tired and exhausted and will not be able to attend on the main day.

Carefully! It is advisable to hold a bachelorette party in such a way that no one changes their mind about getting married. Therefore, you need to take the chosen entertainment responsibly.

Competitions will be an excellent addition to any bachelorette party.

Cool competitions

Forfeits for the bride

Suitable for holding in a public place or outdoors. The main condition is the presence of other people around.

Tasks are written on cards (for example, cut out of cardboard) - the more varied, unusual and fun, the better. The received cards are put into a bag, then each girl in turn takes out a card and completes the task that comes to her. If he refuses to comply, he is eliminated from participation in the competition. The winner is the one who remains last after all the eliminations.

Examples of tasks:

  • Collect a certain number of phone numbers from strangers;
  • Sell ​​any female accessory to a stranger - a hairpin, lipstick, inexpensive earrings or a bracelet - for a symbolic price;
  • Collect a certain number of autographs from strangers. You can complicate the task with restrictions: ask for autographs only from red-haired people, or only from young people, or only from unmarried people;
  • It’s beautiful to confess your love to a stranger;
  • Kiss a stranger (with his permission);
  • Take pictures with strangers, collect a series of photos with different people;
  • Persuade a stranger to kiss your hand;
  • Take an unusual photo in an original pose or using cool props;
  • Shout something out the window;
  • Sing a funny song;
  • Tell a funny poem or a serious poem in a funny way.

Carefully! Make sure that tasks, as well as methods for completing them, do not contradict moral standards and do not violate the administrative and criminal codes.

Princess on the Pea

Suitable for indoors, mainly at home. The number of participants is unlimited (one or two girls can participate).

Instead of a pea, whatever is available is used, but the selected items should not be fragile, brittle, sharp, or traumatic. Various small things are placed on a chair and covered with an opaque napkin.

The girl sits on a chair and, based on tactile sensations, tries to guess what kind of object is under the napkin.


The number of participants is not limited. The participants stand in a circle, one of the girls throws a handkerchief, and while it flies, everyone should make noise: laugh, have fun, sing songs. As soon as the handkerchief fell to the ground, everyone fell silent. The friend who continued to make noise loses. She will have to fulfill the wishes of the bride or friends.


This game can be played both indoors and on a picnic. The main thing is to find a surface on which you can spin the bottle without effort.

There must be at least five or six participants.

The game "Spin the Bottle" is quite famous. General rules such: they spin the bottle and after it stops, those to whom the improvised “top” pointed the neck and bottom kiss.

For a bachelorette party before the wedding, the competition can be slightly changed. The girl pointed to by the neck of the bottle is asked various tricky questions, and she answers. And here options are possible: questions can be asked either by the one pointed to by the bottom of the bottle, or by each one in turn. You can also prepare a list of questions in advance and simply ask them in order.

Attention! Preparing questions in advance is generally a good practice to avoid any hitches during the game. In addition, the questions chosen matter. Sensitive topics should be avoided so that no one quarrels and no one is left with unpleasant impressions.


The number of players does not matter, but it is better if there are few of them. This competition can be held anywhere, even in a cafe (depending on the specifics of the place and the atmosphere in it).

You need to prepare small gifts in advance and wrap them in several layers of paper. Write different riddles on each layer. If desired, you can decorate the prize - wrap it in sheets of multi-colored, corrugated paper, foil, to each of which securely glue an ordinary piece of paper with riddles.

The prize is passed from girl to girl. If the first friend guessed the riddle, then she removes the wrapper and reads the next riddle on another wrapper. And so on until she solves all the riddles (then the prize goes to her) or until she comes across a riddle that she cannot guess or answers incorrectly (then the prize in wrappers is given to the next girl).

The prize goes to the one who removes the last wrapper from the package.


A game familiar to many since childhood. The presenter thinks of words, and the participants take turns depicting this word with facial expressions, gestures, movements - in any way, but without using words. You can write the words in advance on cards and put them in a bag, and then take them out one by one. Or the person showing makes a new word for the person who guessed it, while he himself does not give any hints to anyone during the guessing process and does not participate in the guessing process.

One option is to limit the words being asked to a wedding theme - “wedding”, “rings”, “registry office” and so on.

The number of players is not limited. The one who guesses the most words wins.

Who am I?

Characters are made up for each participant, the character's name is written on a piece of paper and attached to the forehead with tape. At the same time, no one sees what is written on their piece of paper. IN as a last resort You can write directly on your forehead with a washable marker or makeup pencil.

Each participant must use leading questions to guess what kind of character she is. Examples of questions: “Am I an animal?”, “Am I a person?”, “Am I jumping?” Questions must be formulated in such a way that they can be answered “yes” or “no”. They guess one by one. The one who guessed his character faster than the others wins.

Penmanship lesson

Each girl is given sheets of paper and markers. You need to write a phrase on a piece of paper, holding the marker with your toes. The one who does it better than the others wins.

How to drink correctly

Plastic glasses with a volume of 500 ml with some drink are placed on the table. The task is to drink the contents without using your hands.

Catch taxi drivers

  • those who live close to the location of the bachelorette party and intend (and are able) to walk;
  • those who have agreed in advance with someone to be taken home;
  • those who call a real taxi.

The rest call male friends in search of someone who will take the girls home. At the same time, it is impossible to disclose the reason for the “delivery” in every sense of the word.

The girl who managed to “catch the taxi driver” wins.

You can complicate the task by finding your own taxi driver for each of the girls.

Useful video

The final preparations for the wedding have been completed, the script has been chosen, and today you can break away and relax. Watch the video to see how to have a fun bachelorette party:


A bachelorette party is an informal event that serves as a symbolic farewell to the bride’s unmarried life. Nowadays, it has adopted the format of a holiday of congratulations to the bride on her upcoming marriage, therefore the form of its implementation is absolutely arbitrary.

Competitions for a bachelorette party are good not only for entertaining guests, but also for bringing together those who do not know each other well.

There are cases when the bride invites all her friends to the event who have not met before or have met extremely rarely.

It is worth choosing wisely based on the preferences of the bride and her guests, so as not to confuse anyone, and, most importantly, not to spoil the impressions of the bachelorette party by holding it too loudly and complaining from neighbors. A bachelorette party is the day before the wedding, on which the bride meets with her bridesmaids last time

as an unmarried person. A girls' holiday differs from a traditional friendly get-together in that a script is written for it, in which a significant place is given to competitions. Traditionally, the script is very funny, with jokes and gags.

The girlfriends become the hosts of the bachelorette party, replacing from time to time the main organizer - the bride's witness at the future wedding.

Everyone should try, because it’s up to the bridesmaids to ensure that the bachelorette party competitions are not only fun, but also useful: for example, those that will check whether the bride is ready for family life. To make the holiday wonderful, think over the program and composition of the participants. Let the winner of each competition receive a small gift. And the undisputed leader is a bottle of champagne.

  • A few nuances of holding a bachelorette party Organizing everything festive event
  • the witness is engaged, she also thinks through the scenario (with the help of all the expected guests). The bride will appreciate the very fact of organizing the holiday and the help of a close friend.
  • Contests for the bride's bachelorette party should be short.
  • Their number should be optimal, because the bride will want to have a sincere conversation with her friends and take pictures with them.
  • It is also advisable to think about the theme of the celebration. And ask guests to come in themed outfits.

If we talk about the competitive and gaming program, then first the script should include competitions that are suitable for a bride at a bachelorette party, and then competitions for bridesmaids.

Get to know the groom

Before the bachelorette party, you need to photograph some part of the groom’s body: for example, the little finger of his left hand. And take pictures of the little fingers of several friends. Give the pictures to the bride. Will she recognize her own little finger?

Competition "Proximity"

This is a very insidious test from girlfriends. Ask 15-20 questions (any) to the groom. They should concern the sphere of his preferences. Write down the groom's answers. And let the bride at the girl’s party quickly answer the same questions. Compare the answers. The scenario suggests a lot of fun here, since not all the answers will match.

Funny notes

Competitions for the bride at a bachelorette party can include manipulations with funny notes in their script. The friends write down the same number of qualities of their future spouses, the leaves are placed in balloons, and the balloons are inflated. The bride makes three balloons burst, then says that she is marrying her chosen one because... and reads a written word with a characteristic from a piece of paper. If the note indicates a feminine quality, you will not end up laughing.


All girlfriends write one word related to family life. The bride can ask questions about each word, the girlfriends can only answer “yes” or “no”. See how long it takes the hero of the girls' holiday to guess. It's usually very funny.

“What if my betrothed turns out to be...”

Bachelorette party competitions simply have to be funny. And during this test everyone will laugh. Girlfriends write down the most disgusting male qualities (chomps, throws socks around, doesn’t put clothes away, is greedy, etc.). Leaflets with creepy characteristics written are placed in a bag. The bride pulls out ten leaves and does not just read out loud the designation of the next masculine quality, and says something like this: “Suddenly it turns out that my husband is greedy, then I...” and now the bride must quickly come up with a funny answer on how she will fight this character trait in her future husband.

Divine touch"

A very funny action in which both the bride and bridesmaids participate. The presenter will blindfold everyone and place on the table plates or jars containing liquid or bulk products: various spices, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, buckwheat, millet, kefir, beer, shampoo, etc. Everything is felt and named. The winner is the one who correctly identified everything!

And now - with the tongue

Such competitions for a bachelorette party are real jokes. Everything is very similar to the previous version, but now we “try” not with our hands, but with our tongue. Just don’t use shampoos and washing powders anymore. Exclusively products: grated chocolate, pieces of fruits and vegetables, again spices, and so on - even boiled potatoes. The product can only be touched with the tip of the tongue.

"Assembly" of men

Such competitions for a bachelorette party require materials that are prepared in advance. Here you will need photographs of men (as many as girlfriends). Pictures must be the same size. The photographs are cut so that the body parts are separated. All the fragments are mixed, from which each girl assembles her male ideal. You can do modeling (plasticine, clay) ideal man: everyone will have cool figurines as a souvenir.


The script should also emphasize creativity. Two teams are being created that will create themed clothing options from various accessories, fabrics, etc. Take any topic: clothing from the jazz era, the eighties, or fashion Ancient Greece.

“Sew” a wedding dress

A wedding dress for the bride is constructed from scrap materials. The bachelorette party scenario is also designed for design skills. Pieces of cloth, paper, ribbons, candy wrappers, plastic bags - everything will come in handy.

Match in a circle

One of the girlfriends lights a match, the lit match moves in a circle from hand to hand. In whose hand it went out, she answers any questions from her friends.

I'll have to go outside

Competition script can sound like a very sweet chord. The future newlywed is looking on the street for the main points of her past, present, and future. If she worked, say, as a saleswoman in a store, she would have to find a colleague by asking questions to the girls she met. The present is the groom, and he has a name. So the bride is looking young man, whose name is the same as his beloved. The future is a child. This element of the competition is simpler - you need to find a mother, father, child on the street.

Catch a taxi driver

Cool competitions for a bachelorette party can also be extremely useful. The bride's friends call their good male friends who have a car. The essence of the competition is to persuade the owner to deliver girlfriends home. It is clear that the winner will be the one who has the highest gift of persuasion. This competition should be held late in the evening (but not in the dead of night!). The benefit is undeniable: the girlfriends will be taken home free of charge.

Think of the suggested fun challenges as sketches. Come up with your own games and competitions, because the pre-wedding party scenario should be varied, original, fun, really get the company going, then both the bride and her friends will experience wonderful emotions.

In good weather there is no point in having a party at home. After all, you can take advantage of the moment, enjoy the surrounding beauty in the company of your favorite girlfriends and have a bachelorette party in nature. There are different options for holding a party, ranging from relaxing walks to active recreation, so you can find a suitable solution for any company. The bride will need to not only choose a venue for the event, but also think about the theme, entertainment, dress code and other details.

Features of the event

By choosing an outdoor party, the bride and her friends will be able to take a break from the bustle of the city, talk and have fun in a calm, private environment. Such a bachelorette party will not require large financial expenses - you will only need to spend money on food and travel to the place of celebration.

At the same time, the bride needs to take into account the possible vagaries of the weather. Preferablytake umbrellas or a general awning with you so that possible rain and wind do not ruin your mood. You can have a bachelorette party outdoors not only in the summer. In late spring and early autumn it is warm enough for a walk in the fresh air, albeit in jeans and long-sleeve sweaters.

If the weather is not slushy, then this party option is quite appropriate. The only exceptions are early spring and late autumn, when you can’t have a picnic and the time is not suitable for active recreation. Outdoors, in winter, you can have a bachelorette party on skates, skis or snowboards. Girls can build ice forts and play in the snow – even serious business women can’t help but have a lot of fun in the cold.

Interesting! Consider a party option. It is well suited for an outdoor celebration.

Let's look at the most interesting ideas for a bachelorette party in nature.

Relaxing on the lawn

Girls can have a picnic in nature - a forest or field lawn. First of all, you should take care of sun protection. You can immediately choose a place under the canopy of trees or pull up an umbrella or awning.

When thinking about how to have a bachelorette party outdoors, you need to prepare the following things:

  • blankets that you don’t mind spreading on the ground;
  • cushions on which to sit comfortably or folding chairs;
  • low folding picnic table (optional);
  • insect repellents.

It is advisable to decorate the party place. For this, bright camp tablecloths, paper garlands, ribbons and lanterns, balloons and wildflowers are used. You can have a tea party with a beautiful tea set at a small round table. When it gets dark, you can make a fire or light candles. This is perfect for a boho bachelorette party.

At a picnic you can not only talk, so it is advisable. Girls can sunbathe, dance (to do this, it is advisable to take a portable smartphone speaker with you) or weave wreaths from wildflowers. Extreme lovers can play football or volleyball, as well as archery at targets.

Leisure at the dacha

If the bride has a garden with a house, holding a bachelorette party there is one of the best ideas. In this case, even bad weather is not a problem - in case of its whims, you can simply go indoors and continue the celebration there. At the same time, girls do not have to go home late in the evening - they can stay overnight and safely leave in the morning.

At the dacha, you can have a barbecue or barbecue in a cozy atmosphere, and then sit in the gazebo or on the veranda. After lunch or dinner, you can dance right in the open air or in the house, and at night you can talk, remember the past or tell interesting stories, like in a pioneer camp.

Wedding planner

The advantage of celebrating a bachelorette party at the dacha is that in the summer you can pick vegetables and fruits for cooking directly from the beds, if you have them. And in the evening, girls can arrange an impromptu spa salon, using the gifts of nature to prepare masks or scrubs.

Elena Sokolova


If the party will be held outside the city, it is not necessary to invite a professional photographer; it is enough to find a good camera from someone you know or rent. Even better, if you can find a Polaroid, then the pictures will turn out alive and unusual.


Holiday on the beach in summer

In the summer, if the weather is sunny and hot, you can arrange it, be it on a lake, pond, river or sea. It is advisable to choose an unpopular beach so that others do not interfere with a fun and relaxed bachelorette party. A beach party can also be organized in the form of a simple picnic, or you can give it a personal touch.

Ideas for a hen party outdoors in the summer.

  1. The holiday can be planned in a certain style - sea, pirate or even in the form of a mermaid holiday. In the first case, to create the right atmosphere, you will need vests and sea caps, and you can even find fishing nets, life preservers and large rubber boots. Pirate girls can dress in leggings, tight-fitting dark T-shirts and bandanas on their heads. Mermaids will not need anything other than swimsuits and wreaths on their heads, and scales can be painted on their legs.
  2. On the beach you can not only sunbathe and swim. Girls can have a sandcastle competition, play beach volleyball, or take a ride on a catamaran or speedboat. You can spend time doing good for your body - playing Frisbee or badminton, or having a race on air mattresses.

Theme parties

In any corner of nature where the bachelorette party will take place, you can arrange it. It can coincide with the theme of the wedding itself or differ from it.

The following options are considered the most popular.

  1. Shabby chic. The bride and her bridesmaids can wear light sundresses in pastel shades and complement the look with vintage jewelry. The decor of the celebration place should also show notes of antiquity.
  2. Country. Girls can wear denim shorts or jeans, simple T-shirts or plaid shirts, and complement the look with a cowboy hat. For a picnic, you should choose a wicker basket, a checkered blanket and wooden dishes. The surroundings will be created by wildflowers and straw.
  3. Long summer skirts, short tops, flat slippers and thin headbands are suitable clothes for an outdoor bachelorette party. To decorate the picnic area, bright blankets and pillows with ethnic motifs are used, as well as paper garlands and carelessly arranged bouquets of wildflowers.
  4. For girls, outfits with a tight-fitting top and a flared skirt in the style of the last century are suitable. Checkered rugs, garden furniture, and perhaps even an old record player will create the right atmosphere.

Outdoors, you can organize a bachelorette party in almost any style, the main thing is that everyone present likes it. In images and decorations, you can use elements characteristic of the theme. In this case, you will get bright and original photographs.

Scenarios for games

In addition to active games, competitions and quizzes can be held at the bachelorette party.

The bride will need to create a script for the event and prepare prizes in advance. And together with your friends, you can come up with fines - what a girl who loses in any competition should do.

You can choose scenarios for a bachelorette party outdoors from the following options.

  1. The game "until the match goes out." The competition is suitable if there is a trusting relationship in the company, and only a box of matches is needed as a prop. All the girls stand in a circle, one of them lights a match, which is passed around the circle. The girl in whose hands it went out must answer the question, and it is asked by her friend who gave her the match.
  2. Bartender competition. All girlfriends are tasked with preparing a cocktail from scrap materials; it can be alcoholic or not. The winner is the one who makes the most delicious drink, but you can also give another prize for the original design.
  3. Widespread appetite. The girls are divided into several teams of 3 people each. Each team is given a vegetable or fruit with skin. One participant must quickly peel the fruit, the second must grate it, and the third must eat it. The team that does this faster and more accurately than the rest wins.

Competitions at a bachelorette party in nature can diversify the party, make it livelier and brighter. It is recommended to conduct them with lively music to warm up the excitement of the girls and add fun. You can come up with competitions on the go, using the existing environment, the main thing is to stock up on a sufficient number of prizes.

Choosing clothes

If the party is not tied to a specific style, the dress code can be free. In hot weather, girls can wear shorts and T-shirts, and in cool weather, jeans and long-sleeve sweaters or a tracksuit. For shoes, it is better to choose sneakers if active games are planned, or flip-flops, which will be comfortable.

If you wish, you can make the bachelorette party original and choose the same clothes. This could be a piece of clothing of a certain color or an identical style. Girls can order T-shirts with the words “I am the bride” and “Bride’s Gang” for the hero of the occasion and her bridesmaids, respectively. You can choose a colored tulle veil for each participant in the bachelorette party.


In order for the event to remain not only in memories, but also in material form, it is advisable to take as many photographs of the bachelorette party outdoors as possible. Ideas for photos depend on the venue and style of the event.

When holding a bachelorette party on the lawn, in the country house, or there will be no problems with choosing a suitable place for a photo shoot - nature itself will create the necessary surroundings. Girls only need to depict original poses, or they can take photographs in motion, that is, during games, competitions, conversations, etc.

For ideas for a photo shoot at a bachelorette party, you can find interesting accessories in stores with party attributes - wigs, hats, masks.


The menu for an outdoor bachelorette party may include barbecue. You can ask the groom to prepare a delicious marinade and fry the meat on the grill so as not to cut himself on the skewers.

If you wish, you can replace the kebab with sausages, it will be even easier. You can bake potatoes in a fire, just like in childhood - this will leave warm memories of the holiday. In addition to this, light snacks and meat or cheese cuts are suitable.

It’s worth considering desserts, because many people crave sweets in nature. These can be homemade waffles or cookies, muffins, buns, pies and other baked goods. Sliced ​​fruits - apples, pears, bananas, oranges - are good for a picnic. You shouldn’t give up the seasonal gifts of nature - apricots, cherries, melons and watermelons.

Suitable drinks include sparkling water, juice, lemonade, iced or hot tea. If a girl has culinary skills, she can first make a compote or fruit drink. When it comes to alcohol, it is better to choose soft drinks – wine, champagne or well-brewed beer. For all this, it is better to grab a portable refrigerator.

Important! In nature, especially after active games and competitions, many will have an appetite, so you shouldn’t skimp on food.

When organizing a bachelorette party outdoors, the bride must weigh all the pros and cons and make sure that all her girlfriends will be comfortable with this option.

When planning a party, you should consider the following nuances.

  1. You need to decide how the girls will get to the celebration place and back. If there is no alcohol at the bachelorette party, you can come in your own cars, but otherwise, take a taxi. The ordering service should make sure in advance that the driver will go to the designated place.
  2. It is not recommended to choose places separated from the city for celebration - it is more difficult to get there.
  3. If you plan to have a bachelorette party until late, you need to stock up on warm blankets or clothes. Even a fire will not save you from the coolness of the night.
  4. You need to think about a backup party plan in case of bad weather.


Girls will remember a bachelorette party in nature as no less a bright event than an event in a club or an expensive restaurant. If you approach the organization with soul, you can arrange a real holiday for everyone present. The bride should make sure that everyone is comfortable, then she herself will enjoy organizing the party.

Nowadays, it has become a “fashionable feature” to hold a bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding. No, this is not a new tradition at all - as a ritual, it is many tens, or even hundreds of years old. But this ritual has become a fashionable tradition only recently.

What girls can’t come up with to say goodbye to their friends in an original way before getting married! What places they don’t go to, what cafes and bars they don’t visit, what outfits they don’t buy! Every bride tries to surprise with a scenario, an extraordinary decision, an unconventional execution. They come up with party favors, no matter the cost.

Sometimes even the costs of bachelorette parties are almost equal to the costs of a wedding, and they drag on so much that they smoothly “flow” into the general celebration. But let’s not count the newlyweds’ money now. Let's not talk about bachelorette party ideas. And we won’t lecture anyone either.

We will offer our own scenario, which is not similar to the classic one. He is economical, extraordinary and cheerful. Here, the bridesmaids, and the bride herself, will fulfill not only a women’s mission. Even, let’s say, completely unfeminine.

For reasons that the wife - trusted friend to my husband, We offer to “taste” men’s hobbies, hobbies, and pastimes right at the bachelorette party. Let the man then try to say that the woman does not understand him and does not share his interests!


Location: Beer bar, pub, billiards, bowling, recreation center, etc. (where men usually like to relax)

Decor: Several posters like “Bathhouse, sauna and beer - we will be beautiful friends!” live beautifully!”, “Dedicated to football fans...”, “Sport is our trump card!”, “Living together is more fun,” “Guys, we are with you, we are like you!”, “We have a dress code: dresses and skirts are prohibited!”, “Feel cheerful: have fun until you drop!!!”

Cloth: jeans, T-shirts, plaid shirt on top, boots (sneakers)


A month before the wedding, you tell your friends that you are going to have a cool bachelorette party. The funny thing is that all the girls will be in the role of boys. (That you are going to a men’s club, that you will wear men’s clothes and play men’s games).

1. Find out who wants to participate in the preparation of the script. Make a plan (music, dishes, colors, decoration, entertainment, etc.).

2. Hand out invitations to event participants. You can make a postcard with your photo with a wink and a hand indicating “okay” (after all, you are planning something unusual, but very interesting). You need to invite trusted girlfriends to such a bachelorette party. Those who will be able to truly “have a blast” at a bachelorette party. If you invite “glamorous” girls, they will die of boredom and will not appreciate your efforts.

3. Write the number on the card (then you will draw gifts in the lottery). You can also indicate your call sign and password in the postcard: I AM A MACHO! SKIP! Answer: WE ARE RELAXING TOGETHER TODAY, COME IN!” Or come up with your own call sign.

4. On the appointed day and hour, all the friends gather at the appointed place. The girl who comes says the password, the presenter answers everyone.

Details - gifts for girls: a corkscrew, a bottle of beer, a set of tennis rackets, large family underpants, a beer mug, triple cologne, a shoehorn, a toy car, a hammer, a travel guide suitcase (an old suitcase), task cards, maps, dominoes.

Medals with ribbons of different contents:

  • “The most competent MACHO”;
  • "The strongest MACHO";
  • “The Most Gambling MACHO”;
  • "Lucky MACHO";
  • "The Neediest MACHO";
  • “MACHO is the winner of the CROCODILE!”;
  • “The most famous MACHO!”;
  • "The most prepared MACHO."

The table is set (manly style): plastic plates, disposable tableware, themed napkins.

Among the treats: fried sausages, uncut tomatoes (or cut into large slices), shish kebab, beer (non-alcoholic), crackers, chips. There are flags on the tables with the inscription “WE RULE!”

Leading the party (best friend of the bride)


“Friends, today is an unusual meeting. Today is a magical day. We will prove to men that women know how to relax! That you can go anywhere with women! What's interesting about women! I invite each of you to come up with a name for yourself. Today we are different! After all, our best friend is getting married. We need to prepare her perfectly for family life. So, today call me Natash (Natasha). (The girls call themselves either male names, or come up with derivatives of their own name. For example: Olya - Oleg, Sveta - Sveton, Masha - Magnit, Polya - Polen, Nastya - Nats, Anya - Anton, Zhenya - Zhenek, Sasha - Sashok, etc.
I suggest you start having fun. In order to get started, we need a magic suitcase - a guide. And the hero of our holiday will choose” (opens the suitcase, takes out the task).

Task No. 1 “Letter”

Every girl refers to herself (as a girl) after five years. We write from ourselves as a boy. We imagine how your life might turn out over a period of time. You can write to each other. Then we seal it well and give it to the person most responsible for safekeeping, so that after five years the letters can be opened and read aloud.

Task No. 2 “Playing chicken”

For this game, everyone takes off their shoes and takes turns writing the word “chicken” with their feet (taking the pen in their toes). After this, the bride must guess where and whose entry is. The girl who made the most beautiful entry receives the medal “The Most Competent MACHO”

Task No. 3 Game "Arm Racing"

Who said that girls are the weaker sex? Let's check. Everyone splits into two people. The girls measure their hand strength. The losers step aside. The winners compete again. A medal for the strongest player. "The Strongest MACHO"

Task No. 4 Playing cards

The game takes place for real. You can lose once, or you can lose several. The most important “sharpster” is revealed and the “Most Gambling MACHO” medal is awarded

Task No. 5 Game “Never”

Everyone sits around. The bride begins. Girls must admit to each other that they have never seen, eaten, heard, smelled, done, felt, thought, spoken, worn, etc. The most original answer receives the “Most Needy MACHO” medal

Task No. 6 Play “Crocodile”

Two presenters are selected. One leaves the room. The other girl stays with everyone. The remaining friends think of a word (necessarily related to men). The task of one girl is to show this word with facial expressions, gestures and body movements. The other girl’s task is to guess the word.
Based on the results, the medal “MACHO – winner of the CROCODILE!” is awarded.

Task No. 7 Game “Real Men”

Each player has a plaque with the name or title of the male hero attached to his back.
These are the heroes:
Leonardo de Caprio, Pinocchio, Batman, Terminator, Spider-Man, RoboCop, Sherlock Holmes, Nikolai Baskov. The presenter calls the names of the playing characters. Girls must find out who she is while listening to the music in 2 minutes. The presenter interviews the players. The winner is revealed. He is awarded the medal “The Most Famous MACHO!”

Task No. 8 “Test for the Bride”


“Today we have to test how our best friend is ready for marriage and give her friendly advice. Test one: Say the name of your future husband. Now name the tender words with which you will greet your loved one every day from work. Each word begins with the letter that makes up the name." (the girls advise along the way)


“You passed the first test. Let's move on to the second:
-What do you do in some everyday situations?
Situation 1. You went to bed. Tired after work. My husband does not come home alone. With tipsy colleagues. The husband asks to set the table for his friends. Your actions.
Situation 2. Your husband is going bowling with friends. Leaves you at home. Your actions.
Situation No. 3 You want romance. My husband will never understand this. How to direct it in the right direction.
Situation No. 4: You were about to have a “crazy night.” When you went to get ready for the bath, your husband fell fast asleep. Your actions?"


“You passed the second test. Third.
To prevent your husband from going to his friends, you must come up with erotic names for the dishes that you will serve him. Let's practice coming up with names. Drinks first. Now the first courses, the second. Desserts.
And the last test. Tell me what hobbies of your husband you can share between the two of you. Where will you go together? (The bride completes all the tasks, gives answers to questions. The girls give her advice from themselves.


“You passed the tests with dignity, we present you with the medal “Most Prepared MACHO”
It's time for real fun. Girlfriend, accept a gift from us!” (a pole dancer performs his lap dance. Or a stripper)

At the end of the evening, the bride thanks her friends and plays a festive lottery.

1. Corkscrew (The necessary thing, which is never there at the moment of need)
2. A bottle of beer. (One of the most useful and desirable gifts for a man the morning after a fun holiday)
3. A set of tennis rackets. (Great item for meeting men)
4. Family underpants (garage for a man's most prized possession)
5. Beer mug (a real friend for you, you can always offer it to your boyfriend)
6. Triple cologne (a product for external use on the chest and more...)
7. Shoehorn. (A spoon with which to eat is not recommended)
8. Children's car (the dream miniature of any normal man)
9. Hammer (a tool for testing men. If he knows what to do with it, then you can pay attention to the man).

We end the bachelorette party with a handshake or a general song about friendship.
Don't forget about the photo shoot. And although men don’t particularly like to be photographed, they can still be promoted for “this.” Moreover, you are real friends with men, which means they will be friends with you. The stronger sex also sometimes likes to exercise women's affairs, remember this. Good luck!

Don’t have the time or desire to create your own bachelorette party script? We will help solve this problem! In this article you will find completely ready-to-use scenarios that will make your bachelorette party fun. You will learn what you need for this, what entertainment and games you can choose, how to dress and much more. We have collected the most creative ideas for saying goodbye to “freedom”.

Modern Brides allow themselves to order hosts for a party. The bride can also participate in the preparation and holding of the bachelorette party. But traditionally the pre-wedding party is organized by the witness, who is also the best friend.

In the opening speech the witness should congratulate her friend: “Today is a joyful and sad day for us - we are “losing” a friend! Soon you will change your status as a bride and become a wife. But before that happens, we invite you to have fun the way only free girls have fun!”

Like any other event, ready script The bachelorette party should consist of an introduction, main part and conclusion. The holiday opens with a speech by the presenter.

The girls also solemnly swear that the groom will never know about everything that happened at this party.

Main part A creative bachelorette party involves listing funny incidents from the life of the bride, holding competitions, fortune-telling, making toasts and preparing scenes that require some acting skills from the bride and her friends.

End the party You can launch Chinese lanterns. If you are planning a budget holiday, then ordinary homemade airplanes with wishes written on the wings will do. The bride's plane should be the last to fly away.

Unusual option- holding a holiday lottery. Various souvenirs are used as gifts. These could be scarves or T-shirts with funny inscriptions, for example, “I’m giving my friend as my wife.”

Scenarios for themed cool hen parties

We will talk about a pajama and foam party, as well as a bachelorette party in Russian folk style.

Pre-wedding pajama party idea

This is the simplest, inexpensive and funniest option. Maybe like this. Here you can read how to do this. This article contains many other interesting ideas.

Cloth. The most appropriate outfits for the bride and her friends are comfortable pajamas.

Musical accompaniment. The music chosen is not the most modern; it is better if these are compositions that everyone present knows by heart. You can choose music from the 90s or early 2000s.

You will need:

  • camera;
  • combs, elastic bands, hairpins;
  • party hats;
  • food, alcohol;
  • chocolate medals for the most active;
  • prizes for participation in competitions.

On the table you can place bright disposable dishes, lay out treats and put alcoholic drinks (wine, liqueur, martini).

At the beginning of the bachelorette party best friend congratulates the bride on the upcoming holiday. The girls do beautiful hairstyles for each other and take pictures. Such photographs can be safely shown later to friends and relatives.

Competitions. The most popular entertainments are pillow fights, twister, pajama parade, and pantomime. The winner receives a chocolate medal.

The main rule of a pajama party- go to bed no later than one in the morning and be sure to all be on the floor together.

Unusual bachelorette party in Russian folk style

You can hold such a bachelorette party at home. The rooms are decorated with candles. According to tradition, the bride says goodbye to her free life for a long time. It is better if the bachelorette party lasts for several days.

Cloth. Spacious long sundresses and bright ribbons.

Musical accompaniment. Russian girls sing folk songs who know.

You will need:

  1. Special suits.
  2. Cosmetics (shampoos, masks, scrubs).

After such a party you need to go to bed before 21:00.

The bachelorette party takes place in several stages:

  • Admiring. The bride and her friends go to a public place: a club, bar, cafe. The girls try to “beg” a compliment for the hero of the occasion, and in gratitude they treat them with delicious food or drinks.
  • Farewell to the old life. The bride gives her friends things that she will not use in family life, tells the story of their appearance and the reason for parting with them. Clothes and accessories inappropriate for the title of “wife” are the first to go.
  • Mourning. The bride and her guests say goodbye to her free life. In principle, any plaintive song will do, but you can also use “complaining songs” from Russian collections folk art. The main thing is tears.
  • Visiting the bathhouse/sauna. This is the bride's immediate preparation for the wedding. Girls make masks for themselves, take care of their skin and hair. In this article you can find more interesting ideas on.

Organizing an interesting foam party

Unlike the previous version, this bachelorette party is very modern. It is usually held in a nightclub. The organizer is her best friend, but the staff of the establishment helps her.

Cloth. Light dresses and comfortable shoes. If the bachelorette party is taking place at a resort, feel free to wear swimsuits and flip-flops. Minimum makeup.

Musical accompaniment. Dance rhythmic music - Cheri Cheri Lady, Club Bass Bea, It-s Not Right But It-s Okay, etc.

You will need:

  1. Good mood.
  2. Extra money (for cocktails and food). Each girl should have approximately 1000-1500 rubles with her.

Main entertainment- this is alcohol and dancing. You can order a stripper (as an additional option), which will cost about 2,000 rubles.

For those who are planning to have an active bachelorette party in the city, this video will help:

How to have an original bachelorette party in the style of “Sex and the City”

This is a reason to relax and once again feel like a real woman. The bride and her friends spend the whole day in the city.

Cloth. Beautiful stylish dresses and high heels.

You will need:

  1. Good mood.
  2. List of places to visit.
  3. Car, if possible.
  4. Reserve money for spa treatments, cafes and shopping. You will need approximately 3,000 rubles depending on your appetite.

Since morning the girls go shopping. The bachelorette party continues at the spa. You can visit an art exhibition.

The bride is allowed flirt with attractive men. The party ends in a beautifully furnished café or lounge bar over refreshing drinks and intimate conversations.

Good fortune telling for a bachelorette party

Among the most original are the following:

  • fortune cookies- the friends need to bake the treat themselves and put notes in it;
  • fortune telling by book, for which it is better to take something fun;
  • fortune telling with candles;
  • fortune telling by ring- the hero of the occasion is predicted how many children she will have in marriage;
  • fortune telling on gifts- the bride, by asking questions, finds out what awaits her after the wedding.

Funny contests and games

We offer the most interesting options.

Question answer

Here's the flow of the game:

  1. A sheet of paper is divided in half, and then into several small pieces.
  2. Questions are written on one part of the paper, and answers to them are written on the other. You get two stacks.
  3. The bride and her friends take turns taking out notes with questions and answers for them.

Who is who

The bride comes up with a nickname for each of her friends. He attaches notes to their foreheads. The girls ask the participants leading questions, and they only answer “yes” or “no.”

Swallowed the laugh

The friends stand in a circle and start laughing. When the bride drops her scarf on the floor, everyone should immediately calm down. The one who couldn't stop loses. The winner receives a prize from the bride.


The girls sit in a circle and pass a lit match to each other. The one in whose hand the fire goes out answers the bride’s tricky questions. If the match goes out on the hero of the occasion, she answers.

Life story

You will need a pen and a sheet of paper. The friends take turns writing down unknown and funniest facts from the bride’s biography. After each entry, the sheet is folded so that the next girl does not see what the previous one wrote. When the sheet has passed around the circle, the witness reads out the resulting story.

Do you want to organize a really cool bachelorette party? Watch the following video to inspire some original ideas:

Unbridled fun and good mood to you!