Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of paired voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of paired voiced-voiceless consonants Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants exercises

Sections: Speech therapy

At the present stage, one of the problems faced by teachers working in primary schools is the ever-increasing number of children with various disorders in speech development, which prevent children from fully mastering knowledge and mastering educational material. And, accordingly, the sooner speech therapists work to identify and then eliminate identified speech deficiencies, the faster and easier the child will be able to begin to fully assimilate program tasks, the less likely it is that these deficiencies will be transferred to the reading and writing processes.

The proposed experiment presents material for planning correctional work on the formation of differentiation between voiced and voiceless using the example of sounds [s] - [z]. Lack of sonority of consonant sounds, mixing them with deaf sounds in their oral speech, and as a result, the appearance of letter substitutions is one of the problems that arises in children with unformed phonemic processes.

The organization of the correction process is built taking into account specific learning goals. In speech therapy classes, to achieve maximum results and high cognitive activity, work techniques are used that put the child in a position in which he makes his own decisions. To increase interest in classes, verbal and visual material is selected taking into account the interests of children, and some tasks are played out. The proposed exercises also train mental processes, such as attention, perception, and thinking. The successful solution of correctional problems also depends on the psychological climate, the psychological atmosphere that surrounds the child. Naturalness, ease, and comfort of the environment will also help increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

Work to overcome the violation and restore stable differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants is carried out in the following directions:

  1. Development of the ability to auditory differentiation of appropriate sounds.
  2. An exercise in using them correctly in speech.
  3. Prevention of letter substitutions.

Lesson 1.

Organizing time:“Clap when you hear the [Z] sound.”

A) The speech therapist names a sound series consisting of only two sounds: [S] and [Z]: s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s , s, etc.

B) The speech therapist names the syllable series: sa, zo, sy, zu, zy, su, za, zy, sy, zo, etc.

Part I:

Exercise 1. Repeat after the speech therapist:

Task 2. Guess the riddles. (When each riddle is solved, a picture of the answer is posted on the board).

A) He walks long, his mouth has fangs, his legs look like pillars,
He’s huge like a mountain, did you find out who he is?...( Elephant).

B) What kind of forest animal stood up like a column under a pine tree?
And he stands among the grass - his ears are bigger than his head?...( Hare).

C) He touches the clouds with his wing in the boundless ocean.
It turns around - under the rays it casts silver.....( Airplane).

D) The whole universe lives in it, and an ordinary thing...( TV).

D) We walk at night, we walk during the day, but we won’t go anywhere,
We strike regularly every hour, and you, friends, don’t hit us...( Watch).

E) She doesn’t speak, doesn’t sing, but whoever goes to the owner, she lets him know...( Dog).

G) If you roll it up, it’s a wedge, if you unfold it, it’s a damn thing... (Umbrella).

H) The hut was built without hands, without an axe...( Nest).

Task 3. Place the pictures in their places: in the house where Dunno lives (right side of the board) place pictures with sound [Z], and in the house where Skomorokh lives (left side of the board) place pictures with sound [C]. When completing the task, each child names the picture he has chosen and justifies his choice. The answer pictures from the previous task are used.

Task 4. The speech therapist invites the children to come up with what other pictures with the sounds [S] and [Z] Dunno and Skomorokh could have.

Physical education minute:

The speech therapist invites children to stand near their chairs and perform the following actions: sit down if he names a word with the sound [S], and jump if he names a word with the sound [Z].

Part II:

Exercise 1. The speech therapist names the syllables, and the children write them down in a notebook: in the left column with the letter “C”, in the right column with the letter “Z”.

Su, for, as, us, zo, zy, sa, zu, etc...

Task 2. Copy the words by inserting the missing letter “S” or “Z”. Underline the letter “C” with one line, the letter “Z” with two lines.

Task 3. Copy the sentences, inserting the necessary words according to their meaning.

The girl's name was…….
Redhead in the forest…….. .
(fox, Lisa)

In the morning on the grass…….
Beautiful in a vase..... .
(rose, dew)

Sitting on a tree….. .
There is black in the stove.......
(owl, ash)

Need water……. .
No need for a dog... .
(to anger, to drain)

Summing up the lesson:

Assessment of children's activities.

Lesson 2.

Organizing time:“Raise your right hand if you hear the sound [Z] and your left hand if you hear the sound [S].”

A) The speech therapist names a sound series consisting of different consonant sounds: S, D, P, Z, K, Z, B, Z, G, S, T, Z, K, S, T, Z, etc.

B) The speech therapist names the syllabic series: sa, tu, zo, by, sy, zu, go, vu, zy, su, pa, for, zy, do, fy, ga, sy, zo, etc.

Part I:

Exercise 1. Complete the word by adding either the syllable –sa or the syllable –za.

Task 2. Change the word according to the example: carts - carts...

Task 3. Pictures are put on the board, the names of which contain the sounds [S] and [Z]: bison, hare, napkin, owl, corn, tray, helmet, birch, pump. The speech therapist asks the children to name the pictures and determine the dull or voiced sound heard in these words.

Task 4. Game “Be careful.” Pictures from the previous task are displayed in a linear row on the board. Children are asked to remember how they stand. Then the children close their eyes, and the speech therapist at this time swaps the pictures. Having opened their eyes, children must remember and name the order in which the pictures were placed. The game is repeated several times.

Physical education minute:

The speech therapist hands out cards with the letters “C” and “Z” to the children. Assignment: while moving around the office, listen carefully to the words the speech therapist calls. Having heard a word with the sound [S], those children who have a card with the letter “C” should stop and raise it up, and if the speech therapist names a word with the sound [Z], then those children who have the letter “Z” stop and raise the card "

Example words: samovar, steamboat, sun, trousers, alphabet, cricket, tomato, plate, fence, donkey, call, cat, music, mask, book, teeth, class, angry, teapot, swallow, Pinocchio, laughter, shower, castle etc.

Part II:

Exercise 1. From the words written on the board, write down only those in which the consonant in the middle of the word is deafened. Choose test words for them. Sample: fairy tale - fairy tale.

Close, masks, putty, fishing line, paint, vase, low,
bowl, birch tree, kid, pointer, pussy, bandage, sausage.

  • The first snow fell.
  • A birch tree grew near the house.
  • Birds fly away in autumn.
  • There is a finch on the tree.
  • Sand was brought to our yard.
  • Zina was sledding.
  • The table is in the corner.
  • Elderberry in the garden.

Task 4. Retelling the text based on the picture.


Winter came. The ground was covered with snow. A bunny sits by a birch tree. The poor bunny is hungry. No more green cabbage. The bunny began to eat birch bark.

(The text is taken from the book by A.N. Assmus “Collection of exercises for children with pronunciation deficiencies” M., 1959).

Summing up the lesson:

Assessment of children's activities.

Lesson 3.

Organizing time:“Listen to the sound series and name those syllables that are repeated twice”:

Part I

Exercise 1. Listen to the syllables, write them in two columns: with the letter “S” on the left, with the letter “Z” on the right:

Sa, so, zu, sy, for, os, zo, su, zy, us, sy,
Call, dream, evil, svu, know, sound, dreams, hundred.

Task 2. There are two houses with pockets on the magnetic board. On one house the letter “C” is written, on the other the letter “Z”. Each child has an envelope with a picture. The child, having named his picture, must put it in the pocket of the house that corresponds to the named sound. Sample list of pictures:

Teeth, socks, headscarf, snake, goat, suit,
boots, bell, star, bench, mimosa, etc.

Task 3. Come up with and write down the words:

A) With the letter “C” in the middle of the word;

B) With the letter “Z” at the beginning of the word.

Task 4. Form new ones from these verbs using the prefix ZA–. Write down the resulting words. Underline the letter “C” with one line, the letter “Z” with two lines. Example: pour - fall asleep.

Physical education minute:

Children perform movements with the words:

Hush, hush, Zoya is sleeping, but an angry mosquito is flying.
He will bite Zoya, and he will not let Zoya sleep.
We'll chase away the mosquito because it's time to sleep.

Part II.

Task 1. From the words on the left, draw arrows to the words on the right and suitable in meaning. Underline the letter “C” with one line, the letter “Z” with two lines.

Task 2. Retelling the text using reference pictures.

This is the nest.

The little one Zoe was beautiful umbrella. Once Zoya under an umbrella walked along fence Suddenly a strong wind blew and carried away umbrella behind fence. Grew behind the fence birch. Zoya climbed over the fence and sees her umbrella on a birch tree. Some birds carried him away and made him nest.

(According to L.P. Uspenskaya and M.B. Uspensky “Learn to speak correctly”, M., 1995, text adapted).

Task 3. Repeat the tongue twisters:

A) The donkey was angry today, he found out that he was a donkey.

B) There is a cart of oats and a goat next to the cart.

Summing up the lesson.

Assessment of children's activities.

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1 State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities, special (correctional) general education boarding school. Small Push CONSIDERATIONS of an open speech therapy lesson. Topic: “Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants. Sounds d-t.” People's work.

2 Goal: to teach children to distinguish the sounds [t] [d] in isolation, in syllables, in words, in sentences by ear and correctly designate them in writing. Objectives: - to train students in clear differentiation of phonemes [T-D] based on the sonority of deafness, based on conscious control over the work of the organs of articulation; - eliminate specific writing errors associated with mixing the letters D-T; - activate, enrich and clarify vocabulary, word formation skills; - develop auditory and visual perception, attention, memory, thinking, interhemispheric interactions; - to cultivate observation of linguistic phenomena, love for the native language. Equipment: presentation, ball, worksheets, pens, toy. GCD. 1. Organizational and preparatory stage. Good morning, the day begins, First of all, let's drive away laziness. Don't yawn in class. And work and write. -Hello guys. Today there are guests at our lesson; they came to see how we can clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds of our native language and write correctly. A) Group cohesion game “Wish” (children pass each other a soft toy and say a wish). L.: Guys, now we’ll play with you. Who is this? Children: Teddy bear. L.: We pass the toy to each other and say a wish. I'll start, and you continue. So that you are always kind, etc.

3 Conclusion: what words did you say? (kind). And now they smiled and sat down. B) Clarification of spatio-temporal representations. -What season? -What month of winter? - What day of the week? -What time of day? C) Task to eliminate the optical form of dysgraphia. Look, you have letters on your desks. Tell me which letters are written incorrectly? Well done! Listen to me carefully. 2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. L: You will find out where we will conduct the lesson if you make words from letters. Here on the board there are letters of two colors, different in size. Let's make two words from yellow letters, starting from the largest to the smallest. (Children make up the word “Town”), from brown letters, starting from the smallest to the largest (Children make up the word “masters”). Slide 1 - yellow letters starting from large to smallest, slide 2 - brown letters starting from the smallest to the capital letter Let's read in chorus: “Town of Masters.” (slide 3) -Today we are conducting our lesson in the “Town of Masters” and sounds live in it, and which ones we are now learning. A) Differentiation of isolated sounds [D-T]. If you look at the map (slide 4), the map hangs under the words “Town of Masters”, we will see that this town has two parts, yellow and brown. And different sounds are constantly heard. On the yellow one you can hear ringing sounds, and on the brown one you can hear dull sounds, but between the streets there is another street where both voiced and dull sounds live. L.: What sound are you talking about? (Tsvetkov S. talks, and the speech therapist points to articulation) (slide 5).

4 Using the front edge of the tongue, hit the upper gums. The sound is a short sound, an explosive sound. The sound without a voice is dull. Children: Sound [T]. L.: Let’s pronounce the sound [T] in chorus, one at a time, look in the mirrors. Describe the sound [T]. Children: consonant, deaf, hard. Speech therapist. How can we prove that we are deaf? Children: Fingers on vocal cords, throat does not tremble. L.: Name the words where the sound [T] is at the end of the word. Children: Cat, bridge, mouth, leaf. Speech therapist. And now, what sound is mentioned (Alina Gubanova talks, and the speech therapist shows) (slide 6) Let’s hit the gum with our tongue. We will add a sonorous voice. Speech therapist. Let’s pronounce the sound [D] in chorus, one at a time, look in the mirrors, characterize the sound [D]. Children: Consonant, voiced, hard. Speech therapist. How can you prove that you are sonorous? Children: Fingers on vocal cords, throat trembling Speech therapist. Name the words where the sound [D] is at the beginning of the word. Children: House, firewood, friend, smoke. Speech therapist. Let's repeat it in chorus and individually (slide 7). On the slide are the sounds [D] with a bell and the sound [T] without a bell). Conclusion: how are the sounds [D-T] similar and different? Children: Similar in place and method of education, differ in the participation of the voice.

5 Speech therapist. Therefore, today we will learn to distinguish between the sounds [D-T] and the letters Te-De in writing. 3. Learning new things. A) Comparison of the sounds D and T with their graphic representation. Speech therapist. What letter represents the sound [D]? Show this letter among the written letters. (slide 8) What letter represents the sound [T]? Show this letter written. (slide 9). B) Differentiation in syllables. L.: Accompanying speech by raising a yellow or brown signal, we will clearly and correctly pronounce the syllables at my direction. (Slide 5) - ta-da-ta - da-ta-da - tu-doo-tu -doo-tu-doo -you-you-you-you -to-do-do-do C) Work on separate sheets. L.: Look at the desks, you have sheets with tasks. Listen to my task. Look at the first task (slide 8 appears, distribute the words in two columns in accordance with the sounds [D-T]). Seryozha, repeat the task. Bucket, winds, cloud, blew, knock, smart, country, hit, fog, doors, dozed off, whistle, trumpet, girlfriend, grass. Let's check how you completed the task. 4. Speech therapy physical minute. Slide 7 We perform exercises on interhemispheric interactions.

6 Ball game “Add the syllable Yes or Ta.” Lopa_, nature_, child_, thief_, mountain_, mach_, boro_, goose_, dark_, sword_, pose_, deaf_, free_, simple_, star_, care_, cold_, demon_, punishment. 5. Differentiation in words and sentences. L.: Guys, why don’t we have a city, but a town? Children: Because he is small. Which part of the word made the word small, turning the city into a town? Children: Suffix approx. L.: Who lives in our town? Children: Masters. L.: Who is the master? Children. A person of any profession who knows his job perfectly can be called a master. L.: Can a student, a young worker, a small master be called a trowel? Speech therapist and children: No, you can’t. L.: A young, novice assistant is called an apprentice (the word appears on slide 8). Speech therapist. Is there a word for trowel? Children: yes, but it means the name of the instrument (slide 9). Speech therapist. Who uses a trowel? Children. Bricklayer, plasterer, painter. Speech therapist. Now we will guess what professions people live in the city using pictures. What is this?. Children.broom. Speech therapist. What professions do people use a broom? Children: janitor.

7 Speech therapist. In which town will we place the janitor to live? Children: the janitor hears the sound [D] on the yellow side. Speech therapist. Make up a sentence with the words janitor, broom. Children: the janitor sweeps the yard with a broom. Speech therapist. What is this? Children: letter telegram newspaper Speech therapist. What professions do people deliver letters and newspapers? Children. Postman. Speech therapist. Place a postman in the desired town. Children. The postman hears the sound [t] on the brown side. Speech therapist. Make up a sentence using the word postman. Children. The postman brings letters. Speech therapist. What is this Children.medicine. Speech therapist. People of what professions give us medicine, treat us? Children: doctor. Speech therapist: where do we put the word doctor? Between the streets there is a sound [D] and a sound T. Children: in the word doctor you can hear the sound d and the sound [T] Let's place this picture between the streets. Speech therapist. Make a sentence with the word doctor. Children. The doctor treats children. Conclusion. Name people's professions. What professions do people work in our school? And in what profession names did you hear the sounds [D and T]. 5. Consolidation of the studied material. a) working with words as paronyms.

8 Speech therapist. Tell me guys, can one sound or letter change a word? Let's check (we work with paronymous words, first orally, then in writing). Let's replace the sound [t] in the last word with the sound [d]. We work in pairs, you have sentences - read your sentence Seryozha, and in meaning, whoever hears the same suitable rhyme - read your sentence (words are on the slides, and then sentences appear. Tom-house Tver-door Rafts-fruits Creators-palaces Let's call we will build a house for housing. There is a city called Tver in the house. Rafts float along the river. Creative architects are building wonderful palaces. by pronunciation? And by meaning? b) differentiation [d-t] in sentences. Speech therapist. Who built the palaces? Who is an architect? An architect is an artist and a builder, but he does not build a building, but invents its structure, so he is a creator. Is there a palace in our city, who lives there? Let's highlight the first sound in the words: Weaver Work Morning Doctor Children: This is the word work. Speech therapist. True work. Why is he the most important in the town of craftsmen? Let's give a few minutes to the word labor. Guys, not only adults should work, but you too. Name synonymous words for the word labor. Children: Business, work, knowledge.

9 Speech therapist. Name the antonym words for the word labor. Children: Laziness, idleness. Speech therapist. Now let’s remember the wisdom of the people about work. On the board you can see the beginning of four proverbs and their endings. The letters T and D are missing from the text. Children read the deformed text. On the slides Without ru and you won’t find a fish - (from the river) What kind of ru y - (akieplo y) ate mas era - (afraid of sya) nervousness and ru - all over ru) 6. Result. Reflection. -Did we work well? -What did we learn in class? -What new did you learn from our lesson? - During your work, none of you made a single mistake, so I am sure that you will not make mistakes in the Russian language lesson.

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Dolgova Lyudmila Valerievna Municipal budgetary educational institution “Lyceum 22 “Nadezhda Siberia”, Novosibirsk LESSON SUMMARY IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, 2nd GRADE. “UNPRONOUNCABLE CONSONANTS AT THE ROOT

Difficulties in differentiating phonemes that have acoustic-articulatory similarities in younger schoolchildren lead to confusion of letters in written speech. Confusion indicates that the writer identified a certain sound in the word, but chose the wrong letter to represent it. Based on acoustic-articulatory similarity, paired voiced-voiceless consonants are often mixed: b-p, v-f, d-t, z-s, g-k, sh-zh. The peculiarities of the pronunciation of the sounds of these pairs are in the same articulatory patterns.

In this case, voiced consonants are pronounced with greater participation of the voice than voiceless ones. In the flow of speech, especially when pronouncing words in a whisper, when students dictate to themselves, the differences between these sounds are “blurred.” The child is guided by articulation, and the insufficiency of phonemic representations and differentiations, characteristic of children with speech impairments, is decisive in the occurrence of this type of specific errors. Mixtures are observed in a clear position: “tender”, “kartovel”, “shuravel”, “rough”, “troubled”, “worked hard”. Errors are persistent.

In order for correctional work to be effective, it is necessary to comply with the following general didactic requirements and principles of correctional speech therapy: consistency, phased formation of mental actions, systematicity, reliance on different analyzers, and an integrated approach. Let's consider the system of correctional work using the example of paired consonants s-z:

1. We select sounds from words in the initial position using subject pictures.

2. We clarify the articulation and sound of the mixed sounds. At the same time, we rely on visual, auditory, and kinesthetic analyzers. We correlate sounds and letters using mnemonic techniques. This is especially important for first-graders, who experience instability in correlating phonemes with graphemes, and the connection between the meaning and visual image of a letter has not been strengthened. For example, the sound “Z” is the song of a mosquito. When pronouncing a sound, place your palm on your throat and feel the vibration of the vocal cords.

3. Differentiate sounds and letters in syllables. Types of tasks:

  • Read syllables according to syllable tables in pairs, selectively (only with the letter s, z)
  • Show (write) the first syllable in the words: teeth, soups, north, zebra, hare, sled, hear, evil, beets, stars, etc.
  • Show (write down) the last syllable of the words: carry, carry, frost, scales, benefit, dew, etc.
  • Show (write down) the second syllable of the words: they threw, cut, mowed, drove, called, sent, kid, donkey, etc.
  • Come up with a word that begins with the given syllable.

4. Differentiate sounds in words. Types of tasks:

  • Read and write the words, inserting the missing letters S, Z.
  • Read and write the words, adding appropriate syllables:
    SA-ZA: va__, gla__, Li__, li__, past__, o__, flask__, miracle__, next__, gro__, pol__, polo__.
  • Replace the underlined letter with S or Z, getting a new word:
  • Complete the syllable patterns of words indicating the letters S, Z: drifts, glittered, smeared, through, green, gold, pine, stepped, strawberry, etc.
  • Distribute pictures (words) in two columns according to the presence of sounds S, Z.
  • Puzzles. Write down the answers, make a syllable diagram or encrypt them, indicating the serial numbers of the letters S, Z

a) Not caring about the weather, he walks around in a white sundress,
And on one of the warm days May gives her earrings (Birch) - Z5

b) Gold coins fall from a branch (Autumn leaves) - C2 C3
Why then is he considered a bird? (Ostrich) - С1С6

c) Striped horses play hide and seek all day long. (Zebras) - Z1

  • Working with pairs of words in which the sounds and letters S, Z are semantic distinguishers:

b) insert the letter in the context: prickly ro_a, cold ro_a; _pouring water, _pouring the dog.

c) Complete the sentence with a word from the pair:
Mows the grass..., plucks the grass... (scythe, goat)

d) Make up a sentence with each word of the pair.

5. Differentiate sounds and letters in phrases and sentences.

  • Insert the letters c, z into words, phrases, sentences (proverbs):

  • Make up phrases using words from brackets:
  • Insert letters into phrases. In which words do the consonants require checking?
  • Insert the missing words into the sentences - the names of the pictures:

The children blinded... The older sister went to…. On... Zoya forgot her scarf.

  • Find errors in the sentences:

On the branches of a birch tree we noticed a nest of bullfinches. The dragonfly daisy has golden eyes.

  • Make sentences from the words:

a) Sonya knows a lot of fairy tales, interesting ones; b) feeders, children, hang, trees, on;

6. Differentiate sounds and letters in texts.

  • Write down the text, inserting the missing words with the letters S, Z into the sentences.

It's cold... . Snow covered the ground white... (what?). Aspen and (what?) ... put on ... (what?) fur coats. Tall... (what?) grew by the porch. Snow... (what is it doing?) in the sun with bright sparkles. Frost (what did?) glass... (what?) patterns. The kids are running... (with what?) up the hill.

Words for reference: tablecloth, birch trees, snowdrifts, sleighs, snowy, tall, shines, sparkles, sparkles, painted, decorated, fabulous, intricate.

  • Statement of issues and plan.

Tuzik. Vasya has a dog Tuzik. Tuzik is sitting by the fence. Vasya gives him bones. Tuzik is gnawing on bones.

Birch. There is a tall birch tree in the garden. There is a finch's nest on a birch tree. He carried leaves into the nest. The finch sings loudly.

Brave Thrush. The cat Vaska strayed from the house. He began to look for his own food. Once the cat noticed a thrush's nest. Vaska’s eyes sparkled. He climbed right up to the hollow and put his paw in. Drozd rushed at Vaska. He began to peck him on the nose and eyes. The cat got scared and started running.

Gourmand. The cat Marquise was very strange. She loved sweet honey. Once the Marquise was basking in the sun. Then she smelled a familiar smell. The cat opened her green eyes and moved towards her cherished goal. In front of the hive, Marquise stood on her hind legs. She stuck her sweet little face into the hive. And suddenly there was a loud cat squeal. The marquise rushed into the bushes.

Plan. 1. Strange cat.
2. Familiar smell.
3. Left without honey.

Makarova O.A.

Municipal government educational institution "Comprehensive school No. 9 for students with disabilities"

G. Egoryevsk, st. Vladimirskaya, 1a

Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants

IN ( IN ) – F(F )

Speech therapy correction grade 4

Conducted by a speech therapist

Makarova Olga Alexandrovna

Subject. Differentiation В(Вь) –Ф(Фь) in syllables and words.

Goals. develop the ability to correctly pronounce and distinguish [v], [f.] in a strong position, in oral and written speech, through working with models and words, playing “ball”; designate them in writing with the corresponding letters.

    improve phonemic analysis and phonemic perception through the game “bells” and “cipherers”.

    We continue to develop fine motor skills, visual attention, logical thinking, auditory and visual memory, through the game “button”, “extra word”

    clarify children's vocabulary through explanation of unclear words.

Equipment : lettersV-F, mirrors, buttons for the game “button”, models of bells and headphones, diagrams and characteristics of sounds, pictures, cards with words, computer


I. Organizational moment.

Each student is given pictures with [v], [f.] at the entrance.

Hello guys. The one who has the pictures with the heard task will sit down

    with [f] at the beginning of a word (fountain)

    with [in] at the beginning of the word (bath)

    with [f] at the end of the word (closet)

    with [in] in the middle of a word (peacock)

II. Repetition of covered material.

Guys, let's remember what we went through in the last lesson. (Voiced and voiceless consonants)

Let's repeat. How are consonants formed? (tongue and lips)

How are voiced and voiceless consonants formed? (voiced consonants are formed when a “bell” begins to ring in the throat, and for voiceless consonants the “bell” is silent)

That's right. Well done.

How else can you check the operation of the “bell”? (You can close your ears and under your fingers we will feel a trembling - “waves” are voiced, and if they are not there, then these are voiceless consonants)

Well done!

Setting the lesson goal.

Guys, tell me what is the first sound in a word?mittens, flashlight? ([v], [f]). So, what sounds will we distinguish today in class? (V – F)

Well done! Now let’s compare the articulation of the sounds V-F, take the mirrors in your hands and pronounce alternately the sound V, the sound F

III. Articulation refinement [f], [v] .

Where do these sounds live? (on lips and teeth)

What can we say about the sound B? (It is consonant, voiced, hard). What can we say about the consonant Вь? (it is consonant, voiced, soft).

What is the F sound? (it is consonant, deaf, hard)

What can we say about the sound Fb? (it is consonant, deaf, soft).

Right! Well done.

[f], [v] - what do these sounds have in common? (labial-dental, consonants, fricatives, have a soft pair).

How are these sounds different? (by spelling, by sonority - deafness).

Distribution of pictures under symbols. SLIDE 2

IV. Consolidating the pronunciation of an isolated sound. Development of speech breathing and voice.

Physical exercise.

Bubble game (children stand in a circle or perform hand movements while sitting at a desk)

Blow up the bubble, get big, stay that way and don’t burst! (children, at a signal, expand the circle, then move closer to the center, releasing air with noise: f-f-f-f.

Guys, now let’s depict how the mill turns (twirl their hands and make the sound: v-v-v-v).

V. Development of tactile sensations.

Tell me, how do we designate these letters in writing, what elements do these letters consist of? How is the spelling different? Let's define it, look at the board...

Arms akimbo, he dances dashingly

F - big dandy

What does the letter F look like: a child stands “hands on hips.”

What does the letter B look like?

On the letter B I will travel around the whole world,

After all, the letter B is a bicycle.

What else does the letter B look like?

Lay out the “duty” letters from buttons on velvet paper (I tell everyone exactly which one), and the neighbor, having closed his eyes, determines by touch what kind of letter you have laid out, come up with a word with these letters.

VI. Development of phonemic hearing and perception.

Now let's rest. You all have models of a bell and an earphone on your desks.

I pronounce the words, and if you hear [f], raise ..., and if [v], then .... It's clear?

Flag, crow, cow, air, head, clutch, station, fruit, kvass.

VII. Differentiation [f],[v] in syllables .

Open your notebooks. Write down today's date.

a) I dictate syllables and sound combinations, and you must write down the first letter of each syllable on a line.

Va, you, fa, fu, vo, you, fy, va, flu, fla, vla, fla, vro, flo, fly, vka.

b) divide the notebook into 2 parts:

Write down the following syllables in the required column: va, fa, fu, you, fy, you, fo, vu.


Game “Ball” I throw the ball and pronounce the syllable VA, the child throws it to me and replaces the consonant with - FA.

WH... FU... WA.. YOU... FO... FU... WU... VE..

V 111Development of visual attention and memory.

A table is posted on the board:






Look carefully at the table, try to remember the first 3 lines, write it down from memory.

Game “button” (to expand the volume and fields of vision . Laying out the letter B or F. The neighbor on the desk with his eyes closed recognizes the letter by touch.

1X. Development of phonetic analysis

Game “Cryptor”Slide 7 Heroes of fairy tales Vovochka and Fedora

Slide 8

Fedora and Vovochka wrote down the words, but mixed up all the letters. Let's help them put things in order. By clicking, we read the newly obtained words.

Gymnastics for the eyes

2nd option

I read the words, and you write down in your notebooks only the “duty” letter and mark with a number the place where it stands. Pictures will help.

Words:snort, sweatshirt, jacket, bed, napkin, cotton wool.

F-3, f-1.3; f-3, v-4, f-4, v-1.

Slide 9

Let's decipher the words and distribute them to Vovochka and Fedora.

X . Working with didactic material.

Cards for children. Letters V–F are missing from words

Koro_a, s_yokla, _utball, _ether.

Tu _li, _ontan, ko_ta, sli_a.

Agon, ko_rik, _ishka, _odopad.

Aprica, _ialka, slo_a, kon_eta.

X 1. Consolidation of what has been learned in the lesson.

Add a word. (The child who guessed the word goes to the board and writes it down).

    brave, toothy, fanged gray…. (wolf)

    hungry - moos, well-fed - chews, gives milk to all the children... (cow).

    four guys are sitting in one fur coat, and the fifth in a fur coat is standing to the side... (mitten)

    hoots at night, flies, sleeps during the day, rests...(eagle owl)

Let's make a graphic diagram.

XII. Homework.

Draw a mitten and a candy.

XIV. Lesson summary

Well done!

What did you like most about the lesson?

Speech therapy session

for the correction of dysgraphia for fmn.

for 3rd grade

on this topic :

“Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants [ c -z].

Paronymous words."



teacher speech therapist

Municipal educational institution "Rkityanskaya secondary school No. 1"

Belgorod region

Zhernovaya Natalya Vladimirovna

TOPIC: “Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants [ c -z].

Paronymous words."

TARGET: automate the skill of distinguishing between voiced and voiceless consonants [Z] - [S].

TASKS: 1. Learn to differentiate the sounds [Z] - [S] by sonority - deafness, relying on articulatory, visual and motor sensations.

2. Develop skills in sound-letter analysis and phonemic perception, self-control skills.

3. Develop spelling vigilance.

4. Cultivate interest in classes and form positive learning motivation.

5. Enrich children's vocabulary.


1. Organizing time

Hello children. Sit down.

2. Development of SMR.

1. Self-massage of hands and fingers.

1) self-massage of the back of the hands;

2) self-massage of palms;

3) self-massage of fingers.

This finger is grandpa

This is grandma's finger.

This finger is dad.

This finger is mom.

This finger is me.

2. Drawing by points.

From the top point down, count 1 cell and to the right 1. Place a dot.

From the top point down, count 1 cell and to the left 1. Place a dot.

Connect all 3 dots.

From the bottom left point down, count 2 cells and to the left 2 cells. Connect the dots.

From the bottom left point downwards count 4 cells and to the left 1 cell. Connect the dots.

Count 2 cells down from the bottom left point. Connect the dots.

From the bottom left point to the right, count 8 cells. Connect the dots.

From the bottom right point up, count 2 cells. Connect the dots.

From the bottom right point up, count 4 cells and to the left 1 cell. Connect the dots.

What happened. KETTLE. - How does he whistle? (ssssss)

Who came for tea? MOSQUITO. How does it ring? (z-z-z-z)

3. Topic of the lesson.

We will learn to distinguish sounds (Z and S).

4. Differentiation of consonant sounds.

Say the sound (Z), (S):

what happens to the lips - (h), (s)-in a smile.

where is the tongue located – (h), (s) – behindteeth and the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth.

Bring the back of your hand to your mouth.

What did you feel: (h), (s)–the air stream is strong and cold.

Place your palm on your throat. Say what's happening.

(h) –vibration of the vocal cords, voice.

Conclusion: (h). (c) – consonant sounds, not sung. But (z) is voiced, and (s) is deaf.

5. Hatching.

What color should we paint the mosquito? GREEN.

What color should we paint the teapot? BLUE

6. Main part

1. Game exercises.

A) The teapot and the mosquito decided to talk:


How do you agree? (Firmly).


What do the consonants sound like? (Soft).

Conclusion: (N, H) can be hard or soft.

B) Development of phonemic hearing. (With a ball).

Determine the place of the sound in the word.

Exhibition, beauty, bison, goat, glass, vase, kvass, honeycomb, horror, teeth.

B) Graphic dictation.

Plums, fence, tail, bell, shop, shepherd, make up, star.

Currants are ripe in the garden.

The fox climbed into the garden.

D) Add a syllable.

FOR or SA: li..., li..., ko..., past..., ...pog, ...mok, ...disgusting, ...pogi,,

PS or SY: but..., wa..., ro..., volo..., moro..., strekko...,zano..., zano..., on...on, on...on.

2. Physical pause. Kettle.

I am a teapotChildren stand with one arm bent, like
grumbler, busybody, madman,
the spout of the teapot, the other on the belt.
I'm showing off my belly to you.
The tummy is inflated.
I boil tea, bubble and shout:
They stomp with both feet.
“Hey people, I want to have tea with you.”
Make inviting movements

right hand.

3. Sound-letter analysis of the word. Working with words - paronyms.

A) “Hide and Seek”: what words were hidden?




How are the words different? (Letters S, Z).

And the words have different meanings. (Paronym words).

What question does the word BUNNY answer? (Who?)

What question does the word SAIKA answer? (What?)

Make up phrases.

SAIKA (which one?): sweet, aromatic.

BUNNY (which one?): fluffy, gray.

B)Before writing, massage with a pencil.

B) Make up sentences with words - paronyms.

Insert the words that make sense.

Tooth soup. Zoya got sick with a root... Grandma cooked a delicious...

Goat-braid. Zina has a curvy... Wandered into the garden...

Rash-swell. It's scary in the swamp... The patient developed a red rash...

Salt and pour Cucumbers need... brine. I need to pickle cucumbers for the winter.

Anger - drain. No need... a dog. The remaining water can be...

4. Physical pause.


A mosquito is ringing around me!
I'll quickly grab the newspaper...
Hit! Hit! Another blow!
It's ringing! ….But there is no cup

5. Independent work on cards after analysis.

1. Insert a letter.


Winter is upon us. There were...silt frosts. ...ina in...yala...anki and went up the hill. She rode...ankahs down the slide. Tre...or was running after her. Not afraid...I...ina Moro...ah.

7. Summary of the lesson.

What did you do? What sounds did you learn to distinguish? What words did you come across?

8. Relaxation.

Well done. They worked well and actively.