Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Automation of the sound L in words and sentences. Summary of individual correctional activities “Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences Summary of automation of the sound l in words breathing


individual lessons in sound pronunciation


sound L in syllables and

in words

Target: pronounce the sound correctly and clearly L in syllables and words.



  1. Form the concept of “consonant sound”, clarify the features of sound articulation L;
  2. Develop skills in forming past tense verbs;
  3. Strengthen the skills of using it. noun in the genitive case form.


  1. Automate sound L in syllables and words.


  1. Develop articulatory and fine motor skills;
  2. Develop phonemic awareness, auditory control;
  3. Develop attention, memory, thinking.


  1. Develop self-control over speech, the ability to listen to speech

Speech therapist.

Methodical techniques:

  1. gaming motivation;
  2. imitative-performing and speech exercises;
  3. games;
  4. encouragement.

Materials and equipment:

Mila doll, ball, cards for determining sound position L in the word

subject pictures: glass, ball, chalk, ball, pencil case, fork, cup, pencil.

Preliminary work:

  1. Formation of articulatory skills necessary for correct pronunciation of sounds L.
  2. Practicing fine motor skills exercises.
  3. Practicing reference sounds.
  4. Sound production L.

Follow up work:

Sound Automation L in pure phrases, in phrases, in coherent speech.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

We got ready for class. Listen to me carefully, try to complete all tasks correctly.

II. Main part.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: We will do exercises for the tongue so that it moves well and correctly and clearly pronounces sounds and words.

Repetition of articulation exercises:

for lips: alternating “Fence” - “Tube”;

for language: “A cup”, “Delicious jam”, “The steamer is humming”.

The child does exercises according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

2. Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Do whatever you call it without mistakes.

Legs, backs and seat – Left palm vertically up.

Here is a chair for your surprise. A cam is attached to its lower part.

The table has four legs, left hand in a fist, on top of the fist

The lid is like a palm on top. the palm drops.

3. Communicate the purpose of the lesson.

Speech therapist: The doll Mila came to our lesson. Today, together with her, we will repeat syllables and words with sound L.

4. Acoustic-articulatory image of sound.

Speech therapist : Let's remember when we pronounce a sound L, what do sponges do?

They smile.

Speech therapist : What does the tongue do?

It rises by the upper teeth to the tubercles (if dental articulation is being practiced). Or:

The tip of the tongue is caught between the teeth.

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound L.

Sound L consonant, voiced, hard.

5. Syllable gymnastics.

The child reproduces a series of syllables for the speech therapist, accompanying the pronunciation with finger exercises “Fingers say hello” (the fingers of the leading hand alternately touch the thumb).

al-ol yal-el al-ol-ul-il

ol-ul el-yul ul-il-al-ol

st-il yul-yol il-ul-ol-al

6. Pronouncing words with a speech therapist.

Ball, small, shaft, hall, gave, chair, chalk, sat down, sang, goal, shaft, floor, was, washed, whined, chalk, led, donkey, goat, beat, drank, pitchfork, glass, pencil case, injection, football.

7. Game to develop phonemic awareness.

Speech therapist: Raise the flag if you hear the sound in the word L.

Words: shovel, machine, saw, bucket, hammer, scoop, needle, scissors, awl,

Broom, brush.

8. Selection of pictures for a given sound.

Game "Pick up and name."

Speech therapist: Mila went to the store. Help Mila buy things that have a sound in their names L.

Subject pictures:glass, ball, chalk, sphere, pencil case, pencil, chair.

Speech therapist: Well done, you made the right choice. Mila is happy.

9. Game “What’s missing?” Using it. noun in R.p.

The pictures selected in the previous game are placed on the typesetting canvas. The child remembers them, closes his eyes, and the speech therapist removes one picture.

Speech therapist: Look, what's missing?

Child: No... (noun in the genitive case).

10. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: I will show and name what I do, and you repeat my actions and tell me what you did.

Speech therapist: Child:

I get up. I wake up.

I put up a chair. I put up a chair.

I raise my hand. I raised my hand.

I'm jumping. I was jumping.

I sit down on a chair. I sat down on a chair.

I take the pen. I took the pen.

I write. I wrote.

11. Game “Many – One”(with a ball).

Speech therapist: Change the word, remember the sound L at the end of a word.

Speech therapist: Child:

tables - table

injection - injections

floors - floor

halls - hall

pencil cases - pencil case

goals - goal

glasses - glass

woodpeckers - woodpecker

12. Determining the position of the sound L in a word.

Speech therapist: Where is the sound hidden in the word? L (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word). Working with a sound line.

Words: hall, lamp, baby, bench, shelf, injection.

III. Summary of the lesson and assessment of the child’s activities.

Speech therapist: Our lesson is over. What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today? You did well today. Mila also liked the way you spoke and completed tasks.

Summary of individual correctional activities.

Topic: “Automation of the sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences”



1. Repeat and consolidate the articulation of the sound [L].
3. Develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and developmental:

1. Fix the correct sound pronunciation in words and sentences.
2. Develop phonemic hearing and perception.
4. Develop visual attention and perception.
5. Development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.


1. Form moral qualities.
2. Cultivate attention to your own speech.

Equipment: pictures-symbols for characterizing sound, su-jok, a set of subject pictures, presentation.

Progress of gaming activities.

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have a guest. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

Everything is buzzing, buzzing, buzzing,
She circles above the flower,
All day long, like a spinning top,
And her name is (Bee).

That's right, this is a cheerful and kind bee. Named Mila. She loves to collect flower pollen and make honey from it. She came to listen to how you pronounce the sound [l].

2. Articulation gymnastics using bioenergoplasty.

Let's do exercises for the tongue. And “Chupa and Chups” will help you with this

(Performing articulation gymnastics)

3. Characteristics and articulation of sound [l].

Take a mirror and pronounce the sound [l]. Look what helps us pronounce the sound [l]? (Lips, teeth, tongue).

When we pronounce the sound [l], what do our lips do? (Lips in a smile).

(A picture is displayed: lips “smile”).

When we pronounce the sound [l], what do the teeth do? (The teeth are visible, they are open).

When we pronounce the sound [l], where is the tongue? (The tip of the tongue is raised tightly and rests behind the upper teeth).

(The picture is displayed: “up arrow”).

What kind of air is blowing from your mouth? (Warm air).

(The picture is displayed: “sun”).

Tell me the characteristics of the sound [l]. What is he like? (Sound [l] – consonant).

Why? (There is a barrier in the mouth - teeth, tongue).

What other sound [l]? (Solid).

What color do we use to indicate a consonant sound? (Blue color).

(The picture is displayed: blue circle).

What other sound is there [l]? (Voiced).

(A picture is displayed: a bell).

Now tell me everything about the sound [l] along the “magic path”

4. Automation of the sound [L] in syllables.

The bee loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And she wants you to sing with her too. (Pronouncing a series of syllables using su-jok)

La-lo-lu Al-ol-ul Ala-olo-ulu
La-ly-le Ol-al-ul Ala-ele-yly
Lo-la-ly Ol-ul-el Olo-ala-yly

5. Automation of the sound [L] in words.

Mila brought with her an envelope with pictures. Choose only those pictures whose names contain the sound [l] and name them.

Call me kindly.

Name “living” objects.

Name “non-living” objects.

Name the picture that is in the lower right corner, between...

6. Finger gymnastics.

Small house on the Christmas tree
A house for bees, where are the bees?
We need to knock on the house,
One two three four five.
I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
Where, where are these bees?
They suddenly began to fly out:
One two three four five!

One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “hive” is pressed against the “Christmas tree”; the child looks into the “hive”.

He clenches his fists. He knocks his fists against each other, alternating hands. He spreads his arms, spreads his fingers and moves them (bees fly.)

7. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences.

Outdoor game "Bumps"

To get to visit Mila, we have to go through an obstacle. Our path passes through a swamp. You need to jump over the bumps and name the pictures. (Child steps on the picture: “I saw a boat”...)

Game "Where the sound was hidden."

Look, here we are on the lawn. How beautiful it is here. Mila flies from one flower to another and collects pollen. The more pictures she collects, the more pollen she will have. We must help Mila collect pictures whose names contain the sound [L]. Determine the place of the sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. (Slide)

Game "It Was - It Was"

It was Mila's birthday and the bee was given many gifts. Let's count how many toys Mila had and how many she now has.

Mila had two dolls, but now there are five dolls.

8. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences using mnemonics.

Mila brought funny pictures. Look at what is drawn and use the pictures to make a sentence.

9. Collect a flower for Mila.

What does a bee like to do most?

That's right, she flies from one flower to another. Let's give a flower to Mila. (Laying out a flower from colored pebbles).

9. Summary of the lesson.

Our adventure has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to the bee. It's time for her to go home to her lawn. What did you like most?

Well done! Mila is very pleased.

Dedlovskaya T.N.,
teacher speech therapist

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Alevtina Bobova
Summary of individual lesson “Automation of the sound L in syllables and words”



1. Activation sound in speech;

2. Automation of sound in syllables, words.

Correctional and developmental:

1. Development of phonemic awareness;

2. Development of breathing;

3. Development of fine motor skills;

4. Development of visual acuity and analytical and synthetic activity.

5. Development of visual functions.

6. Development of the grammatical structure of speech.


Paper sail, object pictures, colored sticks, mirror.

Plan classes.

Organizing time.

1. Articulation gymnastics:

lip exercises:

"smile" (count to 10)

"tube" (count to 10)

alternation "smile"-"tube" (up to 5 times)

tongue exercises:

"Let's brush our teeth"


"The cat laps up the milk"

"Turkey is a talker"

2. Breathing exercises:

"Let's set the sail to sail"

"Let's drink"

3. Determination of the position of the organs of articulation during sound L.

4. Characteristics L sound.

5. Development of phonemic hearing: recognition sound against the background of a syllable and word. A game "Catch sound» .

Build a boat from counting sticks.

7. Pronunciation syllable series.

10. Agreement of a noun with a numeral.


Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Speech therapist. Hello, Radmir! Guess riddle:

Before we ate it,

Everyone had time to cry. (onion)

Look at the pictures and listen carefully to what there is sound in all words? onion, acorn, skis. (with every in a word the speech therapist posts a picture)

Child: L

Speech therapist: Right! Today you and I will say L sound.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

But first we will look at ourselves in the mirror and do exercises for lips:

"smile" (count to 10)

"tube" (count to 10)

alternation "smile"-"tube" (up to 5 times)

tongue exercises:

1. "Let's brush our teeth"(the mouth is open, the child runs the tip of the tongue along the upper teeth from the inside, first from side to side, then along the front incisors from top to bottom).



Target: learn to hold the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.

On account adult:

“1,2,3,4, - you can raise the sail” (the child holds the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth).

On account:

“1,2,3,4,5 – the sail can be lowered” (tongue lowers, mouth closes)

3."The cat laps up the milk".


We make lactating movements under check:

“1,2,3,4,5 – we are like cats again”.

After this we say together:

“1,2,3,4,5 - we are like boys again”.

4."Turkey is a talker"

Target: develop the ability to bend the tip of the outstretched tongue upward.

"We're chatting" tongue spread wide across the upper lip, as if stroking her: "BL - BL - BL"

2. Breathing exercises:

Speech therapist. Now let's set the ship sailing (blow on a paper steamer, inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Well done! Now let's have a drink. Take a deep breath through your nose, mouth closed. As you exhale, sing I-I-I. Exhale through your mouth. First we sing quietly, then loudly. Then quietly, then loudly.

3. Position of the organs of articulation when sound L

Speech therapist: Now look in the mirror and sound like steamship: l-l-l

(child says)

Speech therapist: What do our lips do?

Child: Lips in a smile.

Speech therapist: Is your mouth open or closed?

Child: The mouth is open, the distance between the upper and lower teeth is 1 finger.

Speech therapist: Where is the tip of the tongue?

Child: The tip of the tongue rests from the inside against the upper teeth.

Speech therapist: What kind of air is coming out?

Child: Warm.

Speech therapist: Where does the air flow?

Child: In the middle of the tongue.

Child: Yes, he lives.

Speech therapist: Well done!

4. Characteristics L sound

Speech therapist. Radmir, What is the L sound?? Vowel or consonant?

(child : Sound L consonant)

Is he voiced or deaf?

(child : he is loud)

Hard or soft?

(child : solid)

Now tell me the whole description yourself sound Zh.

(child : L-consonant sound, sonorous, hard)

5. Development of phonemic hearing

Speech therapist. Clap your hands when you hear syllable sound Zh.

la, yes, for, zhi, och, from, lo, uch, shu, ly, tsa, sa, ol.

Speech therapist. You will hear word with sound L - raise the sail pattern, as if the steamer is humming at this time.


6. Exercise to develop visual acuity and analytical-synthetic activity.

Build a boat from colored sticks.

7. Pronunciation syllable series

Speech therapist. Repeat after me, follow me pronunciation:

Al-al-al - too small La-la-la - that's it!

Ol-ol-ol - wash the floor Lo-lo-lo - I'm warm

Ul-ul-ul - the wind blew Lu-lu-lu - on the floor

Il-il-il - mowed the grass Ly-ly-ly - washed the floors

Ate-ate-ate - white chalk

Well done!

8. Development of analysis and synthesis.

Speech therapist. Before you, Radmir, the pictures are upside down. You turn the picture over, name it and say where it is L sound: at first words, middle, end.

(acorn, eggplant, skier, table)

9. Exercise to relieve visual fatigue.

Speech therapist. Now we will set our boat sailing. A wave in the sea will swing it to the right, then to the left, then lift it up, then lower it down. You keep a close eye on the boat so that nothing happens to it, okay?

Performing the exercise:

Starting position – sitting.

1. 5 oscillatory eye movements horizontal: from right to left, then from left to right.

2. 5 oscillatory eye movements vertical: up - down and down - up.

3. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open them for 3-5 seconds.

10. Noun agreement with numeral

Speech therapist. Let's look at this picture. What is this? Let's do the math. (The speech therapist lays out five numbers and a picture of the table in front of the child)

Child. One table, two tables, three tables, four tables, five tables.

11. Formation of past tense verbs of the first person singular.

Speech therapist. Let's play a game "Yakanye". I'll start, and you'll say it as if you've already done it.

I get up - I got up. I write - …

I sit down - I ... I put - ...

I draw - ... I raise - ...

I'm falling -. I'm buying - …


Speech therapist. And so, Radmir, what sound you and I said today? What did you do on class?


Well done today! Goodbye!

Marina Svinolupova
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic “Automation of sound [L] in syllables and words”


Target: automation of the L sound in syllables, words.


Correctional educational: consolidate knowledge of articulatory structure when pronouncing L sound, consolidate the ability to form high-quality adjectives, improve the grammatical structure of speech - the formation of antonyms, improvement sound analysis of words, enrichment dictionary.

Correctional and developmental: develop articulatory apparatus, speech breathing, voice, phonemic hearing, sound analysis, visual perception, thinking, ability to pronounce L sound in words.

Correctional and educational: to cultivate perseverance and interest in further work against the backdrop of successfully completed tasks.

Equipment: A tube with a ball for breathing exercises, pictures depicting objects with sound L, articulation profile L sound, syllabic table, cards with words starting with L at the beginning of a word, cards with words with L at the end of the word, cards with words with L in the middle of the word, cards with pictures of houses and animals.


I. Organizational moment.

L: Hello, Nikita! Before we start our class, I suggest you determine what your mood is today.

(The child chooses an emoticon that characterizes his mood)

II. Facial muscle massage and facial exercises.

L: Knead your cheeks to puff up

We stretch our lips to make them smile

Like ducklings to a duck, let's stretch our beaks

Knead them gently, without touching them with your nails.

With the corners of our lips we lift our cheeks

And then we flow from the nose to the lips

We'll chew sponges and blow up balloons

And let's dance with our lips left and right

The tongue lies under the lip, the fist knocks on the lip

It lies under the other lip, the other fist knocks

We pull the chin and pinch it

And then we run down the neck with our hands

III. Working on breathing.

L: Now let’s blow into the tube; the stream of air must be continuous and long so that the ball flies high and long in the air.

IV. Articulation gymnastics.

1. Smile. Smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count is 5-10. Then return your lips to their original position. Repeat 3-4 times

2. "Fence"

Smile, exposing your upper and lower teeth, which stand on top of each other like a fence. talk to yourself "AND". Keep counting from 1 to 10.

3. “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”

Open your mouth slightly, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say sounds: "five-five-five" and then bite teeth: "cha-cha-cha".

4. Swing. Smile, open your mouth. On account "one-two" alternately rest your tongue on the upper and lower teeth. The lower jaw is motionless.

5. "The steamer is humming". Smile, bite the tip of your tongue and say sound"Y" for a long time. At the same time, a hard sound is heard sound"L".

6. "Needle"

Open your mouth, stick your tongue out far forward, tense and make it narrow. Hold in this position for 15 seconds, then remove it by the lower teeth, do not close your mouth, repeat 5 - 10 times.

7. "Delicious jam"

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip, and then lick your upper lip from top to bottom, moving your tongue behind your upper teeth. Don't move your jaw.

V. Topic message classes.

L: Nikita, you will find out with which sound we'll work today if you guess mine riddle:

Oh, my feet are wet again!

Spilled all over the road

Right on my way

Don't pass, don't pass!

I need a “rescuer - mom”!

There's a big one on the way. !

N: Puddle.

L: Well done, please tell me which one is first sound in the word PUDDLE?

N: Sound L.

L: That's right, today we will learn to pronounce sound L in syllables and words.

VI. Articulation refinement sound. Isolated pronunciation and subsequent characteristics.

L: Let's tell about him. When we say L sound, we have the Lips open - Teeth open - The tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth. The air stream goes along the sides of the tongue - The voice rings (hand on throat) Repeat L-l-l-l-l.

N: L-l-l-l-l

L: Let's remember sound Is L a vowel or a consonant?

N: Consonant.

L: Soft or hard?

N: Solid.

L: Voiceless or voiced?

N: Voiced.

VII. Introduction sounds into syllables, words.

1. Working with the letter L.

L: Today you and I are learning to pronounce L sound, this sound corresponds to the letter L. Please tell me what the sound is different from the letter?

N: We see and write the letter, and we hear the sound and speak.

L: The letter L likes to dress up in different clothes. She can be difficult to recognize. Let's try to recognize her in different outfits. Name all the letters L and underline them.

2. Working with syllabic table.

L: Read syllables






3. Automation of the L sound at the beginning of a word.

L: Now let’s imagine that you and I want to go on a trip and we need to pack a backpack. Look carefully at the pictures and take with you only those things that begin with L sound.

N: Spoon, Lamp, Magnifier

4. Automation of the L sound at the end of a word. A game "Guess"

L: Well done, you did a good job, now let's play a game called "Guess". I’ll now describe the object, and you can guess what picture I’m talking about.

L: Colorful, fragile, hard...

N: Chalk

L: Stubborn, big-eared, cheerful...

N: Donkey

L: Comfortable, durable, pink...

N: Chair

L: Glass, transparent, beautiful...

N: Wineglass.

L: Bright, pink, school...

5. Gymnastics for the eyes

L: Before you continue class, let's give our eyes a rest and do some gymnastics.

So that your eyes are sharper, and so that you don’t have to wear glasses,

I suggest repeating these necessary movements.

Let's look at the distance and under the feet.

Left, right quickly.

I was surprised - what is it? And we will close them quickly.

Now spin around in a circle like a clock hand.

Open your eyes. And again on occupation. Be healthy!

6. Automation of the L sound in the middle of a word. A game "Say the opposite".

L: Well done, now we’ve had a rest, let’s continue. The next game is called "Say the opposite". I will name you pictures and tell you what they are, and you will have to say the opposite. For example: milk can be warm and it can be cold.

L: The wolf is sometimes well-fed, but sometimes.

N: Hungry.

L: The horse is black, but it happens.

N: White.

L: The glass can be empty, but it happens.

N: Full.

L: Hair can be dark, but it can be dark.

N: Light.

L: A person can be elderly, but it happens.

N: Young.

VIII. Work on the formation of phonemic hearing and sound analysis.

L: Let's imagine that you and I are builders and we need to build a house. The house has been built, now we need to move residents in there. Disperse our animals and birds. On the ground floor will live those whose names include: sound L first, those who have sound L second, and at the last those who have sound L last.

(The child places the animals on the floors)

IX. Summing up classes.

L: Well done, you did a very good job today, please tell me what sound did we consolidate today?

N: Sound L.

L: Let's remember sound Is L a consonant or a vowel? Hard or soft? Voiced or voiceless?

N: Sound L consonant, hard, sonorous.

L: Which task did you like best? Why?


L: At home you will be tasked with solving a crossword puzzle. You will need to enter in the crossword puzzle words that end in L sound, and color the pictures.

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Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group “Automation of the sound r in syllables, words and sentences.” Objectives of the lesson: - to train children in correctly pronouncing the sound p in syllables, words and sentences; - strengthen the ability to determine availability.

Summary of the subgroup speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [r] in syllables, words and sentences” Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson. Topic: “Automation of the sound “R” in syllables, words and sentences. Goal: 1) Strengthen the skill.

Image library:

Sections: Speech therapy

Target: automate the sound [l] in words


  • Correctional and educational:
    • clarify the correct articulation of the sound [l];
    • repeat the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] in isolation
    • practice the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables and words;
    • learn to modulate your voice according to strength;
    • continue to learn how to differentiate intonations by ear;
  • Correctional and developmental:
    • develop articulatory and finger motor skills;
    • develop memory, attention, thinking
  • Correctional and educational:
    • cultivate a conscious attitude towards the need to correct sound pronunciation, self-control skills

Equipment: symbol cards: “Smile”, “Fence”, “Window”, “Bridge”, “Sail”, “The steamer is humming”; 3 cards depicting intonations, chamomile.

Lexical material.


1. Organizational moment

D/exercise “Follow the instructions”

Instructions: show your left eye with the index finger of your left hand; with your right hand touch your right earlobe; touch your left knee with the palm of your right hand, etc.

2. Normalization of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus

Articulation gymnastics

Instructions: in front of you are pictures-symbols for performing articulatory gymnastics exercises. Do the exercises in the sequence in which the symbol pictures are located (“Smile” – “Fence” – “Window” – “Bridge” – “Sail” – “The steamer is humming”).

3. Automation of the sound [l] in syllables

Instructions: You and I will play the game “Parrots”. I will pronounce syllables with the sound [l], and you, like a parrot, will repeat after me.


Lola; lu-ly;


Instructions: lo-la-lo; lu-ly-la.

4. Automation of the sound [l] in words

D/exercise “Repeat after me.”

Instructions: I will pronounce words with the sound [l], and you repeat them.

Lamp, noodles, swallow, Lusha, avalanche, shovel, lily of the valley, robe, tent.

D/exercise “Add a syllable.”

Instructions: I’ll name part of the word, and you add the syllable -LA-.

upa-LA, chita-LA, school-LA, kida-LA, wear-LA, offend-LA, see-LA.

D/exercise “Chamomile”.
there is a chamomile in front of you. You need to pick petals with images of objects whose names contain the sound [l] (onion, saw, lettuce, milk, etc.). D/exercise “Say a word.”.

The kitten sewed himself some slippers,
So that you don't freeze in winter... (paws).

It's dark for us. We ask mom
We should turn it up brighter... (lamp).

Lyudmila went to wash her hands,

She needed...

5. Physical exercise
Improvisation of movements.
Left hand - on the shoulder,

Instructions: I'll turn it with my right hand,

On your toes and on your heels,

Now the charging is over.

Instructions: A beetle flew to our class. He flies closer to us, then flies away. Use the power of your voice to show the beetle approaching and then moving away.

7. Normalization of prosody
3 cards contain graphic images of intonations. The cards are on the table in front of the child.
We'll go to the park today!

D/exercise “Which word is extra?”

Instructions: Today we learned how to pronounce the sound [l] correctly. Listen to how the words sound and find the extra word.

Catfish, elbow, tent, smile.

8. Summary of the lesson

Assessment of the child's activity.

– What sound did you learn to pronounce in words? (Sound [l])
– Come up with words that start with the sound [l]
- Well done! For correct answers you will receive a prize - “Swallow” candies.