Control test “The Great French Revolution. Test. The Great French Revolution History test on the topic of the French Revolution



Verification terminology work

"The French Revolution"

7th grade

Vagu Maria Viktorovna,

history and social studies teacher

Saint Petersburg

Explanatory note

Vagu Maria Viktorovna

Material name *

Test "The Great French Revolution"

Class (age) *

Academic subject *

New history.1500-1800

The name of the textbook, educational program (UMK) indicating the authors to which the resource belongs

New story. A.Ya.Yudovskaya, P.A.Baranov, L.M.Vanyushkina. 7th grade.

Type of resource (presentation, video, text document and others) *

Text Document

Technical equipment (computer, interactive whiteboard, etc.) *

Objectives of the material *

Test students' knowledge on the topic “The Great French Revolution” (paragraphs 25-27).

Brief description of working with the resource

(at what stage is it supposed to be used, form of use: individual, group, etc., at the discretion of the author). *

Frontal test work after studying paragraphs 25-27.

List of used literature.

A.E.Beznosov, Yu.V.Kushnerova. Story. Russia and the world. 7-8 grades. Educational and methodological manual. M., Bustard, 2001

Test on the topic

"The Great French Revolution", 7th grade

1. The French celebrate their national holiday:

2. As a result of the coup of the 18th Brumaire, the following became consuls:

a) Barras, b) Sieyes, c) Napoleon

3. The following were in favor of ending the war and abolishing the price ceiling:

a) “extreme”, b) “moderate”, c) “rabid”

4. Overthrow of the monarchy in France:

a) Constituent Assembly, b) Directory, c) Jacobins

6. Prominent figures of the Jacobin Club were:

a) Robespierre, b) Marat, c) Louis XVI

7. The head of the National Guard was:

a) Napoleon, b) Mirabeau, c) Lafayette

8. Place in chronological order:

a) march on Versailles, b) capture of the Bastille, c) execution of Louis XVI, d) introduction of the revolutionary calendar, e) execution on the Champs de Mars

9. By what principle are the rows combined:

a) Marat, Danton, Robespierre;

b) “mountain”, Gironde, “swamp”

10.Rank political figures in order of increasing degree of radicalism:

a) J. Roux, b) J. Danton, c) O. Mirabeau, d) M. Robespierre, e) J. Brissot

11. Match the concepts and definitions:


11.1. supreme legislative body

A. revolutionary tribunal

11.2. price and wage restrictions

b. sections

11.3. supreme court

V. National Convention

11.4.revolutionary non-government


11.5. organ of revolutionary political investigation

d. Committee of Public Safety

11.6. local authorities

e. Public Vigilance Committee

11.7. local governments in Paris

and. municipalities

12. In the wake of discontent, a group of agitators emerged, who received the name “mad” from the Girondins; their leader was called the “Red Priest.” He demanded the introduction of the death penalty for profiteering. Who are we talking about?

9. a) “Mountain” of the Convention, leaders of the Jacobins, b) groups of the Convention

11.1. -c, 11.2. -g, 11.3.- a, 11.4. -d, 11.5. -e, 11.6. -w, 11.7. -b

7th grade

Option I

1 task. Test

2. Select the name of the educator:

1) Loyola; 2) Montesquieu; 3) Calvin; 4) Cromwell.

2) subordination of parliament to the king; 3) absolute power of the king;

4) national oppression.

4. The beginning of the Great French Revolution is associated with:

1) with the capture of the Bastille by the Parisians; 2) with the creation of the republic;

3) with the adoption of the Declaration of Human and Civil Rights; 4) with the execution of Louis XVI.

1) USA, England; 2) Russia, USA;

3) Spain, Sweden; 4) Prussia, Austria.

6. The French queen who was executed during the revolution was named:

1) Maria; 2) Marie Antoinette; 3) Elizabeth; 4) Henrietta Maria.

1) proclamation of the republic; 2) the beginning of revolutionary wars;

3) the beginning of Napoleon's Egyptian expedition; 4) introduction of maximum prices.

8. Select the name of the Jacobin:

1) Diderot; 2) Rousseau; 3) Danton; 4) Alba.

1) abolition of maximum prices; 2) liquidation of the monarchy;

3) people's dissatisfaction with unrelenting terror; 4) execution of the king.

1) terror began against the Jacobins; 2) introduced a maximum price;

3) restored the monarchy; 4) adopted a law on “suspicious” people.

1) the ideas of the revolution influenced the development of Europe;

2) the revolution had an impact only on the development of France;

4) the revolution was not accompanied by significant human casualties.

2 task

1. Match:

1) adoption of the first Constitution of France; a) 1789;

2) execution of the king; b) 1791;

3) the capture of the Bastille by the rebel Parisians; c) 1792;

4) establishment of the republic; d) 1793;

2. What is the name of the work that became the anthem of the French Revolution?_____________

3. What was the name of the newspaper publisher, nicknamed the Friend of the People, killed by the noblewoman Charlotte Corday?________________________________________________________________________________

As a result of hard work on himself, inspired by a high goal, he turned from an ordinary lawyer into an eloquent speaker, statesman, and visionary politician. He considered the implementation of his ideas about the republic, about revolution, about morality to be the sacred duty of humanity. This man knew no mercy or leniency towards his opponents.

His power lay in perseverance, his strength in inflexibility: dictatorship became for him the meaning and form of life. But the more mercilessly he ruled, the more discontent he caused. He alienated everyone: some by sending the Girondins to the scaffold, others by throwing the heads of extreme radicals into the guillotine basket. The Committee of Public Safety was not content with the fact that he threatened the welfare of its members; ambitious people believed that he was blocking their path to the heights of power. On 9 Thermidor, when he was about to make a speech at a meeting of the Convention, he was not allowed to speak. At 6 o'clock in the evening that day everything was already decided: he was sent to prison, and a day later - to the scaffold.__________________________________________________________

3 task. Working with a document.

French Constitution of 1791

There is no longer any nobility, no class distinctions, no feudal order, no titles or advantages arising from this order. There is no longer any sale or inheritance of any public office.

The Constitution provides the following natural and civil rights:

1) all citizens have access to places and positions without any differences other than those arising from their abilities;

2) all taxes are subject to distribution among all citizens evenly, depending on their condition;

3) the same offenses will be punishable by the same penalties.

The Constitution also provides:

the freedom of everyone to express their thoughts verbally or in writing, as well as to perform the rituals of the religion to which they belong;

freedom of citizens to assemble in public places, remaining calm and without weapons.

Legislative power is entrusted to the National Assembly, which is composed of representatives freely elected by the people for a specified term.

The form of government is monarchical. Executive power is entrusted to the king. The executive branch cannot make any laws.

If the king stands at the head of the army and directs it against the people, then he should be considered to have renounced royal power.

Justice will be administered duty-free by judges elected for a term by the people.

    The abolition of what features of the old society is enshrined in the Constitution?

    What natural and civil rights does the Constitution provide?

    What freedoms of citizens are proclaimed in the document?

    Who owns the legislative, executive and judicial powers?

Test “The Age of Enlightenment. The French Revolution",

7th grade

Option II

1 task. Test.

1. The Age of Enlightenment is called:

1) XVI century; 2) XVII century; 3) XVIII century; 4) XIX century

2 . Select the name of the educator:

1) Marat; 2) Voltaire; 3) Guiz; 4) Drake.

3. Cause of the French Revolution:

1) national oppression; 2) subordination of parliament to the king;

4) the privileges of the first and second estates, the lack of rights of the third estate.

4. The meeting of representatives of the three classes in France was called:

1) Cortes; 2) Sejm; 3) Estates General; 4) Zemsky Sobor.

5. Troops tried to suppress the Great French Revolution:

1) Russia, USA; 2) Prussia, Austria;

3) Spain, Sweden; 4) USA, England.

6. The French king executed during the revolution was named:

1) Louis XIV; 2) Louis XV; 3) Louis XVI; 4) Charles I.

7. During the Jacobin dictatorship the following happened:

1) creation of the Directory; 2) a trip to Versailles;

3) introduction of revolutionary terror; 4) liquidation of the monarchy.

8. Select the name of the Jacobin:

1) Nelson; 2) Robespierre; 3) Talleyrand; 4) Mirabeau.

9. The reason for the collapse of the Jacobin dictatorship:

1) defeats of France in wars; 2) execution of the king;

3) seizure of power by Napoleon; 4) a split among the Jacobins.

10. As a result of the Thermidorian coup:

1) trade restrictions were lifted; 2) introduced a maximum wage;

3) abolished feudal duties; 4) adopted the first Constitution.

11. The significance of the Great French Revolution:

1) liquidation of feudal-absolutist orders;

2) for the first time in history, women received voting rights;

3) the revolution limited the development of the capitalist economy;

4) the revolution had an impact only on the development of France.

2 task

1. Match:

1) adoption of the Declaration of Human and Civil Rights; a) 1789;

2) the coming to power of the Jacobins; b) 1791;

3) adoption of the first Constitution of France; c) 1792;

4) Thermidorian coup; d) 1793;

2. What is the name of the law that ordered that all sympathizers of the pre-revolutionary order be kept in prison?__________________________________________________________

3. What was the name of the general who commanded the French army during the conquest of Northern Italy and Egypt?_______________________________________________________________

4. Determine which of the figures of the French Revolution we are talking about.

This man was one of the most popular Jacobins among the people; he was called the Friend of the People. He was awarded this honor for his energetic defense of the cause of the revolution on the pages of the newspaper of the same name. He became a journalist during the years of the revolution; he was previously a doctor and scientist.

He insisted on deepening the revolution and branded famous leaders of the Constituent Assembly as traitors. Criticizing the aristocracy and feudal orders, he was convinced that society should be ruled by a dictator. He considered terror to be the main means of deepening the revolution. At the same time, he believed it was impossible to eliminate social inequality by opposing the policies of the Paris Commune.

3 task. Working with a document.

1. All people are born free and equal in rights. Social differences can only be based on common benefit.

2. The purpose of every political union is to preserve the natural and inalienable rights of man. These rights are freedom, property, security and resistance to oppression.

3. The source of all supreme power is always found in the people. No institution, no person can exercise power that is not directly derived from the nation.

4. Freedom consists in the right to do everything that does not harm another...

5. Law is an expression of the general will. All citizens have the right to participate personally or through their representatives in its formation. The law must be equal for everyone.

10. No one should be worried about their beliefs, even religious ones, if their manifestations do not violate the public order established by law.

15. The company has the right to demand a report from each official regarding the part of management entrusted to him.

16. A society in which the enjoyment of rights is not ensured and the separation of powers is not carried out does not have a constitution.

17. Since property is an undoubted and sacred right, no one can be deprived of it except in the case of an undoubted social necessity established by law and subject to fair and preliminary compensation.

    What human rights are considered natural and inalienable?

    From whom does supreme power come? What rights does society have in relation to officials?

    What role does the law play in society?


A history teacher

Vagu Maria Viktorovna

GOU secondary school No. 334 of St. Petersburg

Test on the topic “The Great French Revolution”. 7th grade

1.The French celebrate the national holiday:

2. As a result of the coup of the 18th Brumaire, the following became consuls:

A) Barras, b) Sieyes, c) Napoleon

3. The following were in favor of ending the war and abolishing the price maximum:

A) “extreme”, b) “moderate”, c) “rabid”

4. Overthrow of the monarchy in France:

A) Constituent Assembly, b) Directory, c) Jacobins

6. Prominent figures of the Jacobin Club were:

A) Robespierre, b) Marat, c) Louis XVI

7.The head of the National Guard was:

A) Napoleon, b) Mirabeau, c) Lafayette

8.Arrange in chronological order:

A) march on Versailles, b) storming of the Bastille. c) execution of Louis XVI d) introduction of the revolutionary calendar e) execution on the Champ de Mars

9.By what principle are the rows combined:

A) Marat, Danton, Robespierre

B) “mountain”, Gironda, “Swamp”

10.Rank political figures in order of increasing degree of radicalism:

A) J.Ru. b) J. Danton, c) O. Mirabeau. d) M. Robespierre, d) J. Brissot

11. Match the concepts and definitions:

11.1.supreme legislative body a.revolutionary tribunal

11.2.limitation of prices and wages of the b.section

11.3.highest court in.National Convention

11.4.revolutionary government of the city maximums

11.5.organ of revolutionary political investigation d.Committee of Public Salvation

11.6. Local government bodies e. Public Vigilance Committee

11.7. self-government bodies in Paris, municipalities

12. In the wake of discontent, a group of agitators emerged, who received the name “mad” from the Girondins; their leader was called the “Red Priest.” He demanded the introduction of the death penalty for profiteering. Who are we talking about?










9.A) “Mountain” of the Convention, leaders of the Jacobins, b) groups of the Convention


11.1.-B, 11.2.-G, 11.3.-A, 11.4.-D, 11.5.-E, 11.6.-F, 11.7.-B

12. Jacques Roux


A.E.Beznosov, Yu.V.Kushnerov “History. Russia and the world. Tests. 7-8 grade." Educational and methodological manual, M., Bustard.2001

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I option

I . Match dates and events:

1. 07/14/1789 a) adoption by the Constituent Assembly of the Declaration of Rights

2. 08/26/1789 person and citizen;

3. 07/09/1789 b) the beginning of the Great French Revolution;

4. 06/02/1793 c) proclamation of the Constituent Assembly;

d) establishment of the Jacobin dictatorship.


1. estate; a) executive power vested in five directors;

2.sans-culottes; b) the name of patriots, revolutionaries of the period

Great French Revolution;

3. Directory; c) groups of people with certain rights and

responsibilities passed on by inheritance;

4. Thermidorians; d) people who came to power on 9 Thermidor and spoke

for a republic that protected property and

freedom of enterprise;


1. As a result of the coup of the 18th Brumaire, the following became consuls:

a) Barras, b) Sieyes, c) Napoleon

2. Overthrow of the monarchy in France:

3. Jacobins are supporters of:

a) absolute monarchy (king of the state);

b) constitutional monarchy and republic;

c) an independent state headed by a president.

4. Name of the executed king:

a) Louis XIV;

b) Charles Stuart II;

c) Louis XVI.

5. The main reason for the revolution:

a) crisis of absolutism;

b) in economics;

c) financial crisis;

d) plague epidemic.

Test on the topic:

"The Great French Bourgeois Revolution"

II option

I . Match dates and events:

1. 08/10/1792 a) conspiracy against Robespierre;

2. 07/27/1794 b) the end of the Great French Revolution;

3. 18 Brumaire 1789 c) establishment of the Directory in France;

4. 1795 d) overthrow of the monarchy;

II . Match the terms and concepts:

1. National Assembly. a) the body of the Parisian city government in

VFR times;

2. Paris Commune b) Supreme legislative and executive body

power during the first French Republic;

3. Convention; c) a meeting of representatives of the 3rd estate, who announced

themselves as representatives of the entire nation July 17, 1789;

4. Jacobins d) supporters of revolutionary rule,

established revolutionary terror.

III . Choose the correct option:

1. Prominent figures of the Jacobin Club were:

A) Robespierre, b) Marat, c) Louis XVI

2. The head of the National Guard was:

A) Napoleon, b) Mirabeau, c) Lafayette

3. Which areas were conquered by the young 26-year-old general Napoleon during the reign of the Directory:

a) Australia and Austria;

b) China and Japan;

c) England and Africa;

d) Italy and Egypt.

4. During whose reign the Constitution was adopted, which was enshrined in the French Republic, but abolished universal suffrage:

a) during the reign of Louis XIV;

b) during the reign of the Girondins;

c) under the rule of the Jacobins;

d) on the board of the Directory

5. What was proclaimed by the 1st Constitution of 1791:


1. What classes was society divided into in France?

A) Clergy, philistinism, merchants, nobility

B) Nobility, philistinism, peasantry

B) Clergy, nobility, everyone else +

D) Merchants, clergy, nobility, townspeople

2. How many pensions did the Marquis de Otishan receive?

3. Number of peasants by the 70s. XVIII century in France.

4.The essence of the Peace of Paris in 1763.

A) Elimination of the Absolute Monarchy in France and the assassination of King Louis XV

B) France gave up most of its colonies and renounced its claims to India and Canada +

C) France paid an indemnity to Germany in the amount of 2 million francs.

D) France gave Alsace and Lorraine to Germany

A) Louis XV +

B) Louis XVI

B) Marie Antoinette

D) Jacques Gurgo

6. Name the year that became famous for the march of the poor to Versailles “for bread.”

7. The reason for the convening of the Estates General, which had not met since 1614.

A) War with Prussia

B) The treasury is empty +

B) Death of the King

D) Capture of the King

8. What class of deputies appointed themselves to the National Assembly?

9. What did Count Honore Gabriel de Mirabeau, the spokesman for the hopes of the 3rd Estate, call for?

A) Destroy absolutism +

B) Come up with a new constitution

C) Eliminate the first two estates

D) Burn Paris

10. After what event did the king accept the legitimacy of the National Assembly (Constituent)?

A) Storming of the Bastille +

B) Varena crisis

B) Shooting in Nice

D) Capture of the king by supporters of the Constituent Assembly

A) Green

B) White +

B) Red

12. The first line of the decree adopted by the Constituent Assembly.

A) The Constituent Assembly abolishes the estates

B) The Constituent Assembly abolishes the feudal order +

C) From now on we are all equal and have equal rights

D) Freedom, Equality, Unity

13. On what basis were the deputies of the Constituent Assembly divided into right and left?

A) the right are supporters of moderation and order, the left are supporters of change +

B) rightists - have more rights

B) right - 1st and 2nd estates, left - 3rd estate

D) the right are supporters of change, the left are supporters of moderation and order.

14. When was the first constitution adopted in France?

A) Sep. 1791 +

B) Aug. 1971

B) Oct. 1972

D) Sep. 1792

15. Which faction are we talking about: they were determined and sought to strengthen their influence thanks to the victorious war.

A) Jacobins

B) Girondins +

B) mad

D) Maximilians

16. Which faction are we talking about: a club consisting of the bourgeoisie, Robespierre and Marat enjoyed great authority.

A) Jacobins +

B) Girondins

B) mad

D) Maximilians

17. What faction are we talking about: a club whose leader was a priest who demanded the introduction of punishment for profiteering.

A) Jacobins

B) Girondins

B) mad +

D) Maximilians

18. Which faction are we talking about: this club was demanded to be arrested by the lower classes of the city, calling them “suspicious.”

A) Jacobins

B) Girondins +

B) mad

D) Maximilians

19. How did the Girondist Brissot’s proposal to “declare war” affect the king?

A) French victory in the war, residents rejoice, the king is again on top

B) Defeat, the king is imprisoned, the monarchy is overthrown +

20. Which faction won and established revolutionary terror?

A) Jacobins

B) Girondins +

B) mad

D) Maximilians

21. What is the name of the highest legislative body in France?

A) Paris Commune

B) Convention +

B) Committee of Public Safety headed by Marat

D) Tribunal

22. What were patriots supposed to wear as a sign of support for the Republic?

A) Phrygian cap and tricolor cockade +

B) Phrygian cap and shoulder bandage

B) Three-color cockade and patch on clothing

D) Bandage on the shoulder and patch on clothes

23. Who fought under the slogan “Freedom or death”, wanting to secure the acquired land for themselves?

A) commissioners of the Convention

B) Girondins

B) soldiers of the republic +

D) gendarmes of justice from the Jacobins

24. What was the name of 1793?

A) the first year of the Republic

B) second year of the Republic +

B) first year of freedom

D) second year of freedom

25. What holidays did the French begin to celebrate in non-leap years after the revolution?

A) Genius, Labor, Actions, Rewards, Opinions +

B) Genius, Labor, Action, Reward, Revolution

B) Action, Reward, Revolution, Capitalism

D) Genius, Labor, Action, Revolution, Communism

26. When was the conspiracy of the Convention carried out against the head of the faction that previously ruled in parliament?

A) 9 Thermidor +

B) 7 Brumaire

B) 7 fructidor

D) 9 nivoz

27. After the coup, the New Convention transferred executive power to this body.

A) peace tribunal

B) directory +

B) executive body

D) legislative branch

28. This commander believed that an army in war should feed itself.

A) Napoleon Bonaparte +

B) Jacques Rousseau

B) Napoleon II

D) Anne-Louis-Christian de Montmorency-Tancarville

29. To whom was the power of the 18th Brumaire transferred?

A) to the Convention

B) Three consuls +

B) Grand Tribunal

D) One Consul

30. “Liberty and Equality are too great blessings to be the property of France alone.” The author of this phrase?

A) Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu

B) Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire

B) Denis Diderot