Indirect speech in English online. How direct and indirect speech is formed in English

Surely you have more than once had to retell the words of another person in a conversation. How did that make you feel?

At first, most likely, you are not very confident, because you need to take into account many factors: change the order of words in a sentence or not, whether to use other tense forms, or maybe not, whether to choose other words, etc.

How can one correctly translate direct speech in a sentence into indirect speech or correctly convey someone else’s words? Let's find out!

About direct and indirect speech in English

« Direct speech" or direct speech- these are the words of a person, transmitted literally as they were spoken. In writing, direct speech is highlighted in quotation marks, and a comma is placed after words introducing direct speech.
She says, "The lessons begin at 9 o'clock." - She says: “Classes start at 9 o’clock.”

« Indirect speech"("reported speech") or indirect speech- this is speech that is not conveyed word for word, but only in content, in the form of additional subordinate clauses. In this case, the comma separating the speaker’s words from direct speech and the quotation marks in which direct speech is taken are omitted.

She says that the lessons begin at 9 o’clock.- She says that classes start at 9 o’clock.

In direct speech, a person usually speaks in the first person. But in indirect speech we cannot speak on behalf of this person. So we change "I" to third person.

She said, "I will buy a dress."- She said: “I’ll buy a dress.”
She said that she would buy a dress.- She said she would buy a dress.

Exceptions to the rules

As you know, any rule has its exceptions. So it is in indirect speech. These exceptions are not many, but they are worth knowing. So, the rule for coordinating times is not observed:

  • IN subordinate clauses, which express well known fact or the truth.
Didn't say that 22 December is the shortest day of the year.
He said that December 22 is the shortest day of the year.
  • When in a subordinate clause there is modal verbs « must», « should», « ought to»:
I said that I must meet her.- I said that I need to meet her.
  • If the speaker refers to words that have just been spoken:
Kate: "Stay with me, Mark. I will cook something delicious."- Kate: Stay with me, Mark. I'll cook something delicious.
Mark to Elza: "Kate said she will cook something delicious."- Mark Else: Kate said she would cook something delicious.

  • In subordinate clauses introduced by conjunctions when/since, where is the simple past tense ( Past Simple) doesn't change its form:
I answered that I hadn’t met her since we moved.“I replied that I hadn’t seen her since we moved.”
  • If the speaker used tenses Past Continuous, Past Perfect, then they do not change in indirect speech, regardless of the tense of the verb that introduces indirect speech:
"I was working at 6 o"clock." - He said that he was working at 6 o"clock.(if the offer specifies the exact time of validity)
"I had never seen such a big fish before my visit to an aquarium." - She said that she had never seen such a big fish before her visit to an aquarium.

Questions in indirect speech

In indirect speech, questions have direct word order, and the question mark at the end of the sentence is replaced by a period.

General issues are introduced by conjunctions " if" or" whether»:

I asked, "Have you seen my pen?"- I asked: “Have you seen my pen?”
I asked him whether/if he had seen my pen.- I asked if he saw my pen.

Special questions are introduced with question words:

He wondered: “Who on earth would buy this junk?!”- He asked: “Who would even buy this junk?!”
He didn't wonder who on earth would buy that junk.- He asked who would even buy this junk.

A short answer to the question of indirect speech is introduced by the conjunction “ that" without words " yes»/« no»:

She answered, "Yes, I do."- She answered: “Yes.”
She answered that she did.- She answered in the affirmative.

Imperative sentences in indirect speech

Such sentences are used with verbs " say», « tell», « order», « ask», « beg", and the verb is in the imperative mood changes to infinitive form:

Mom told me, "Clean your room."- Mom told me: “Clean up your room.”
Mom told me to clean my room.- Mom told me to clean my room.

The negative form of the verb in the imperative mood is replaced infinitive With preceding particle not.

He said, "Don't run in the corridor."- He said: “Don’t run in the corridor.”
He said not to run in the corridor.- He said not to run in the corridor.

There are many options for conveying indirect speech. In the table we have collected some verbs - “ introduction verbs”, which will help you convey someone else’s speech without constantly using “she said” or “he asked”:

Introductory Verb Translation Direct Speech Reported Speech
agree agree “Ok, I was wrong.” He agreed that he had been wrong.
claim declare “I saw the UFO.” He claimed that he had seen the UFO.
complain complain “You never share any secrets with me!” She complained that I never share any secrets with her.
admit to acknowledge “I was really unfriendly to him.” She admitted that she had been unfriendly to him.
deny deny “I didn’t break your favorite cup!” He denied that he had broken the cup.
exclaim exclaim “I am so happy!” She exclaimed that she was very happy.
explain explain “You see, there’s no point in going there right now.” He explained that there was no point in going there at that very moment.
recommend advise “You'd better stay at home.” She recommended that we stayed at home.
prove prove “See, the system works.” He proved that the system worked.
insist insist “You do need to be present at the meeting.” They insisted that I need to be present at the meeting.
regret regret “If only I could go on a vacation this year.” She regrets that she can’t go on a vacation this year.
state approve “I have never seen the young man before.” The witnessed that she had never seen the young man before.
promise promise “I will be back no later than eight o’clock.” Dad promised that he will be back no later than eight o’clock.
suggest suggest “Shall we spend the evening together?” He suggested that they spent the evening together.
assert approve “Nuclear power is a safe and non-polluting kind of energy.” The scientists asserted that nuclear power is a safe and non-polluting kind of energy.
contend declare “The Earth may be much younger than previously thought.” Some astronomers contend that the Earth may be much younger than previously thought.


Indirect speech and tense agreement are quite difficult topics that need to be practiced. You can, for example, retell an episode from a TV series or convey your conversations with friends in English. When practicing doing this, do not forget about synonyms for the words “say” and “ask” so that your retelling is not monotonous.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

The English language allows you to convey someone else’s statement in two ways: using direct ( Direct Speech) and indirect speech ( Reported Speech). In the first case, we transmit the speech of, for example, another person without any changes. If we turn to indirect speech in English, the content of the text in which is conveyed from a third person, we will have to change, use other temporary forms, words. How to correctly transform direct speech in a sentence into indirect speech or correctly convey someone else’s words?

Features of indirect speech in English

In indirect speech you can convey statements, questions, orders and requests.

  1. If we are talking about a statement (declarative sentence), then we transform it into with a conjunction that. In the past tense, this sentence will undergo some changes according to the rule of tense agreement. The topic “” has its own characteristics and rules; it should be considered separately from indirect speech. You will find more detailed information about tense agreement in English in the article of the same name on our blog. When transmitting someone else's words or thoughts, changes may affect, namely, his correct choice. After all, if there is a person being addressed in a sentence, we replace the verb say on tell.

    He says, “I am thirsty.” – He tells me that he is thirsty.
    He says: "I'm thirsty." – He tells me that he is thirsty.

  2. If we are talking about in direct speech, then we transform the verb in such sentences into indirect speech.

    The teacher says to the students, “Do all the homework in time.” – The teacher asks her students to do all the homework in time.
    The teacher tells the students: “Do your homework on time.” – The teacher asks the students to do their homework on time.

    The instructor says, “Do not turn on this road.” – The instructor warns not to turn on that road.
    The instructor says: “You shouldn’t turn onto this road.” – The instructor warns me not to turn onto that road.

  3. If we are talking about interrogative sentences (you can learn more about what types of sentences there are in the article “”), then we transform such sentences into subordinate clauses according to the following rule:
    • General questions - subordinate clauses are introduced by conjunctions if, whether. The word order is straight.

      He asks us, “Do you believe me?” – He asks whether we believe him.
      He asks us: “Do you believe me?” “He asks if we believe him.”

    • Special questions - a subordinate clause is introduced by a conjunction corresponding to the question word. The word order becomes straight.

      She asked, “When will the bank open tomorrow?” – She asked when the bank would open the next day.
      She asked: “What time will the bank open tomorrow?” “She asked what time the bank would open the next day.

Indirect speech in English also requires the absence of quotation marks, changes in demonstrative pronouns, and adverbs of time and place:

thisthat yesterdaythe day before
thesethose tomorrowthe next day
herethere the day before yesterdaytwo days before
nowthen the day after tomorrowin two days time
todaythat day agobefore
this weekthat week next weekthe week after

You can enter sentences of indirect speech in English using various verbs that will be necessary for your meaning.

Indirect speech

In order to convey the speaker’s speech, that is, to quote him, we use indirect speech.


My mother says “I want a new dress” - My mother says: “I want a new dress.” (direct speech)

My mother says that she wants a new dress - My mother says that she wants a new dress. (indirect speech)

Remember that when we convey indirect speech in the past tense, we follow the rules of tense agreement.

Example: My mother said she wanted a new dress. - My mother said that she wants a new dress.

Indirect speech (statements)

The following verbs are used for statements: to explain, to say, to notice, to add, to tell, to remark, to remind, to inform, and so on.

Examples: He told that he didn`t know about it.

Remember the use of the preposition: to say smth to smb- to say something to someone. (I said the truth to him - I told him the truth); to tell smb smth - tell someone something (Tell me please about your life - Please tell me about your life)

Introductory words are often used in the present tense when:

1) We read aloud, inform: The magazine says that you should work out 3 times a week.

2) We convey the message: What does she say? - She says you have to go

3) We talk about what someone often says: They are always telling how they are happy together.

Orders and requests

In this case, we use the infinitive and introductory words: to command - to command, to ask - to ask, to beg/to implore - to beg, to urge - to insist, to order - to order, to tell - to speak and so on.


General issues

In indirect speech, direct word order is used to form general questions.

Formed using a particle if/whether translated as Russian particle "li". They are introduced with the words to ask, to want to know, and so on.

Special questions

To form special questions in indirect speech, direct word order is also used. Introductory question words: why- why, when- when, which- which and so on.

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Direct and indirect speech - Direct and indirect speech in English
An alternative name for indirect speech in English:
Reported speech

Direct speech expresses someone's speech as it was spoken, without any changes. Direct speech in English is enclosed in quotation marks, which in English are superscripted on both sides.
Indirect speech does not convey someone’s speech verbatim, but expresses the content of this speech in the form of a subordinate clause.

Rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech in declarative sentences

1. Quotation marks and commas after words introducing direct speech are omitted. In indirect speech, the conjunction that can be used, but it can also be omitted.
He said, "I know you from somewhere." - He said (that) he knew me from somewhere. He said, “I know you from somewhere.” - He said (that) he knows me somewhere.
Note: If in direct speech the verb say is used with an object (1) and the preposition to (2), indicating the person being addressed, then say will change to the verb tell without the preposition to. In other cases, no changes are made.
He said to (2) me (1), "I know you from somewhere." - He told me (that) he knew me from somewhere. He told me: “I know you from somewhere.” - He told me (that) he knows me from somewhere.

2. Personal and possessive pronouns change in meaning, depending on the context.
He said, " I(1) can bring you(2) a cup of tea." - Not said (that) he(1) could bring me(2) a cup of tea. He said, "I can bring you a cup of tea." - He said he could bring me a cup of tea.
3. If the verb that introduces indirect speech (1) is in the present or future tense, then the verb in indirect speech (2) remains in the same tense as it was in direct speech.
He says(1), "I visit Lily every Saturday". - No says(2) (that) he visits Lily every Saturday. He says: "I visit Lily every Saturday." - He says that he visits Lily every Saturday.
4. If the verb that introduces indirect speech is in the past tense, then tense agreement is observed.
Note: For a more informed understanding of this rule, it is recommended that you read the material " ".
A. If in direct speech there was a present tense (1), then in indirect speech there will be a past tense (2).
He said, "I go(1) to driving lessons every day." - He said (that) he went(2) to driving lessons every day. He said: "I go to driving lessons every day." - He said that he goes to driving lessons every day.
b. If in direct speech there was a past simple (Past Simple) (1.1) or a past continuous tense (Past Continuous) (1.2), then in indirect speech it will change to the past perfect (Past Perfect) (2.1) or past perfect continuous (Past Perfect Continuous) ) (2.2) respectively.
He said, "I did(1.1) my best." - He said (that) he had done(2.1) his best. He said, "I did my best." - He said he did everything possible.
He said, "I was trying(1.2) to help you." - He said (that) he had been trying(2.2) to help me. He said, "I tried to help you." - He said he was trying to help me.
Note: If in direct speech there is an indicator of the time of the action, then the time in indirect speech does not change, except for such indicators as:
the day before the day before
two months before five months ago
and so on. when they are used, the tense in indirect speech changes to the perfect form (Perfect).
He said, "I bought this car in 2004"He said (that) he bought this car in 2004. He said, "I bought this car in 2004." - He said that he bought this car in 2004.
the day before". He said (that) he had bought this car the day before. He said, “I bought this car the day before.” - He said that he bought this car the day before.

V. If in direct speech there was a past perfect tense (Past Perfect) (1.1) or a past perfect continuous tense (Past Perfect Continuous) (1.2), then in indirect speech it will remain so.
He said, "I had read(1.1) this book by ten o"clock in the evening". - He said (that) he had read(1.1) that book by ten o"clock in the evening. He said: “I finished reading this book by ten o’clock in the evening.” - He said that he finished reading this book by ten o’clock in the evening.
d. If in direct speech there was one of the forms of the future tense (1), then in indirect speech it will change to the corresponding form of the future in the past (2).
He said, "I will have done(1) all work by Wednesday." - He said (that) he would have done(2) all work by Wednesday. He said, "I'll finish all the work by Wednesday." - He said that he would finish all the work by Wednesday.
d. If modal verbs were used in direct speech, then those that have past forms will change and take the past form, and those that do not will remain unchanged in indirect speech.
He said, "I can show you out the Jungle." - He said (that) he could show us out the Jungle. He said, "I can take you out of the jungle." - He said he could lead us out of the jungle.
He said, "I should attend her more." - He said (that) he should attend her more. He said, "I should pay more attention to her." - He said that he should pay more attention to her.
5. If in direct speech there were adverbs of place and time, as well as demonstrative pronouns, then in indirect speech they will change to those that are suitable in meaning.
this - that this - that
these - those these - those
here - there here - there
now - then now - then
ago - before ago - before
today - that day today - on that day
tomorrow - the next day tomorrow - the next day
yesterday - the day before yesterday - the day before
the day after tomorrow - two days later
the day before tomorrow - two days before the day before yesterday - two days ago
last morning - the previous morning yesterday morning - last morning
and so on.
He said, "I will do it the day after tomorrow". - He (that) he would do it two days later. He said, "I'll do it the day after tomorrow." - He said he would do it in two days.

The rule for changing direct speech to indirect in incentive sentences

The imperative action (1), expressed by an infinitive without the particle to in direct speech, will change to an infinitive with the particle to (2) in indirect speech. That is not added in such sentences.
Note: In the negative form, the particle not is used before the particle to.
He asked me, " Close the window(1)." - He asked me to close the window(2). He will ask me: “Close the window.” - He asked me to close the window.
or without indicating the person
He asked, " Close the window(1)." - He asked to close the window(2). He asked: “Close the window.” - He asked to close the window.

Rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech in interrogative sentences

Interrogative sentences in indirect speech are called indirect questions . The question mark is not used in such sentences except in cases where the main part of the indirect sentence is interrogative.
1. Special question (1) (about special and other types of questions - in the material ") in direct speech, when changed to indirect, become an additional subordinate clause (2), which is connected to the main part with interrogative words from the question directly.
He asked me, " Who(1) has brought the letter?" - He asked me who had brought the letter(2). He asked me: "Who brought the letter?" - He asked me who brought the letter.
2. The general question (1) in direct speech is changed to a subordinate clause (2) in indirect speech and is connected to the main part with the conjunctions if/whether (2), while a comma is not used.
He asked, " Do(1) do you know her?" - He asked me if/whether (3) I knew her(2). He asked: “Do you know her?” - He asked if I knew her.
3. Short answers in indirect speech are expressed by an auxiliary (1) or modal verb (2), and the tense of these verbs changes according to the rule of tense agreement (3).
Do(1) do you know her? Do you know her?
No, I don"t(1). - I answered, I didn't(3). No, I do not know. - I answered that I don’t know.
Can(2) do you repair it? Can you fix this?
No, I can"t(2). - I answered, I couldn't(3). No I can not. - I answered that I couldn’t.
Note: In formal speech, short answers are used:
I answered in the affirmative. I answered in the affirmative.
I answered in the negative. I answered in the negative.

Indirect and direct speech in Englishare used to transmit information received from another person. Thisdirect and indirect speech in Englishdo not differ from their counterparts in Russian. However, they differ in other respects.

Direct speech

Direct speech, or direct speech, expresses a person’s phrase verbatim; it is a quotation or conveyance of the essence of a phrase spoken by another person on his behalf.

As in Russian, direct speech in English is framed by quotation marks, but “upper” quotation marks, called English double quotation marks, are used. Instead of a colon before the words of the author at the beginning or a comma and a dash at the end, in English one simple comma is used. The period at the end of the sentence is placed before the closing quotation mark, and not after, as in Russian.

Sentence schemes with direct speech:


The postman said, “I will deliver this letter tomorrow.” - The postman said: “I will deliver this letter tomorrow.”

She asked, “Do you feel comfortable here?” - She asked: “Are you comfortable here?”

“I will not accept his apology,” she said. “I won’t accept his apology,” she said.

Indirect speech

Reported speech (Indirect speech), or indirect speech, is speech that is not conveyed word for word, but only in content, in the form of additional subordinate clauses, without preserving the author’s style.

All sentences that have indirect speech are complex, where the author’s words are used in the main clause, and indirect speech itself is used in the subordinate clause. Question and exclamation marks are not used in indirect speech. There is no comma after the words of the author in English.

Sentence diagram with indirect speech:


The postman said he would deliver that letter the next day. - The postman said that he would deliver this letter the next day.

She asks when you'll be free. - She asks when you will be free.

He said (that) they liked everything very much. - He said (that) they liked everything very much.

All offers indirect speech in Englishcan be translated into sentences in indirect speech. But if the main clause is in the past tense, the subordinate clause must also change its tense to the appropriate one. The rule for coordinating times works here.


A sentence with direct speech needs to be translated into a sentence with indirect speech:

He said, “I have never been to South Korea.” “He said, 'I've never been to South Korea.'

The main part of this sentence is in the Past Simple, the subordinate clause is in the Present Perfect. In indirect speech, it will be translated into Past Perfect according to the rule of the English language: if the verb in the main clause is used in the past tense, subordinate clauses are formed only by past or future forms in the past.

Thus, the result of translating the example sentence from direct speech to indirect speech will look like this:

He said that he had never been to South Korea. - He said that (he) had never been to South Korea.

Changes that have taken place:

  • The verb has moved from the Present Perfect to the Past Perfect.
  • The pronoun has changed.

Indirect speech in English - tablecoordination of times

When time coordination is not required

Cases when the offer andstraight, and inremains at the same time:
  • If in direct speech the main sentence is in the form of present (Present Simple or Present Perfect) or future (Future Simple) tense, then the verb in indirect speech (in a subordinate clause) remains in the same tense as it was in direct speech.


She says, “I want to go for a walk.” - She says: “I want to go for a walk.”
She says that she wants to go for a walk - She says she wants to go for a walk.

I will just say, “You made a huge mistake.” “I'll just say, 'You made a huge mistake.'
I will just say that he made a huge mistake. - I'll just say that he made a huge mistake.

  • If the subordinate clause is in the Past Pefect, then in indirect speech its tense does not change.


My friend said to me, “I had known you before we were introduced to each other.” - My friend told me: “I knew you before we were introduced to each other.”
My friend told me that he had known me before we were introduced to each other. - My friend told me that he knew me before we were introduced to each other.

Mom said, “Tom was tired because he had studied hard.” - Mom said: “Tom is tired because he studied a lot.”
Mom said that Tom had been tired because he had studied hard. - Mom said that Tom was tired because he studied a lot.

  • If the main sentence is Past Perfect Continuous, then in indirect speech the tense of the verb does not change.


My wife said, “We had been dating for 3 years before we got married.” - My wife said: “We dated for 3 years before we got married.”
My wife said that we had been dating for 3 years before we had got married. - My wife said that we dated for 3 years before we got married.

She said, “We had not been traveling till he graduated from the university.” “She said, 'We didn't travel until he graduated from university.'
She said that they had not been traveling till he had graduated from the university. - She said they didn't travel until he graduated from university.

  • If the main clause is in the Past Simple, then in indirect speech the tense of the verb in some cases may not change, which is typical for colloquial speech. When using such temporary designations as the day before (the day before), two years before (two years before), etc., it is preferable to use the Past Perfect.


They said, “We went to the cinema and watched a film.” - They said: “We went to the cinema and watched a film.”
They said that they went to the cinema and watched a film. - They said that they went to the cinema and watched a film.

She said, “I had a cold a week ago.” - She said: “A week ago I had a cold.”
She said that she had had a cold the week before. - She said that a week before she had a cold.

  • If the subordinate clause is in the Past Continuous, then in colloquial speech the tense of the verb may not change.


He said, “I was playing tennis when she called me.” - He said: “I was playing tennis when she called me.”
He said that he was playing tennis when she called him. - He said he was playing tennis when she called him.

Translation of modal verbs fromdirect to indirect speech in English

Direct speech: Will => Indirect speech: Would


The doctor said, “You will get the result of your blood test tomorrow.” - The doctor said: “You will get the result of your blood test tomorrow.”
The doctor said that I would get the result of my blood test the next day. - The doctor said that I will receive the result of my blood test the next day.

Direct speech: Can => Indirect speech: Could


The assistant said, “I can check it for you.” - The assistant said: “I can check this for you.”
The assistant said that he could check it for me. - The assistant said he could check it for me.

Direct speech: May => Indirect speech: Might


She said to me, “I may come, too.” “She told me: “Maybe I’ll come too.”
She told me that she might come too. “She told me that maybe she’ll come too.”

Direct speech: Shall => Indirect speech: Should(suggestions, request for advice, etc.)
Direct speech: Shall => Indirect speech: Would(when talking about the future tense)


She asked, “Shall I open the window?” - She asked: “Maybe I’ll open the window?”
She asked if she should open the window. - She asked if she should open the window.

Somebody said, “I will be there at this time.” - Someone said: “I will be there at this time.”
Somebody said that he would be there at that time. - Someone said he would be there at that time.

Modal verbs that remain unchanged during translationdirect speech to indirect

  • Modal verbs in the past tense:would, could, had to, might.


They said, “There was nothing we could do about that.” “They said, 'We couldn't do anything about it.'
They said that there had been nothing they could do about that. - They said they couldn't do anything about it.

  • Modal verbsought to, needn"t, must.


He said, “They must be late.” - He said: “They must be late.”
He said that they must be late. - He said they must be late.

Features of translating the verb to say into indirect speech

If in a sentence introducing direct speech, the verb to say is used without mentioning the person to whom the speech is addressed, then say is retained in indirect speech. If there is such a person, then say changes to the verb tell.


He said, “Our team lost the game.” - He said: “Our team lost.”
He said that their team had lost the game. - He said that their team lost.

She said to me, “I will wait for you outside.” “She told me: “I’ll wait for you outside.”
She told me that she would wait for me outside. - She said she would wait for me outside.

Changing pronouns during translationdirect speech to indirect speech in English

When forming sentences in indirect speech, pronouns change according to the meaning of the phrase.

Personal pronouns (nominative case):

I => he / she
You => I / he / she
We => they
He / she / it / they => do not change

Personal pronouns (objective case):

Me => him/her
You => me / him / her
Us => them
Him / her / it / them => do not change

Possessive pronouns:

My => his / her
Your => my / his / her
Our => their
His / her / its / their => do not change

Demonstrative pronouns:

This => that
These => those


He said, “I like these shoes.” - He said: “I like these shoes.”
He said that he liked those shoes. - He said he liked those shoes.

How do time indicators change inindirect speech in English

It all depends on the specific situation and the time that is used. For example, in direct speech the author talks about “now,” but if the sentence is in the past tense with indirect speech, then “now” is replaced by “then.”

now (now) => then (then)
here (here) => there (there)
today (today) => that day (on that day)
tomorrow (tomorrow) => the next day (the next day)
the day after tomorrow (the day after tomorrow) => two days later (two days later)
yesterday (yesterday) => the day before (the day before)
the day before yesterday (the day before yesterday) => two days before (two days earlier)
next week / month (next week / next month) => the next week / month (next week / next month)
next year (for next year) => the next year / the following year (for next year)
last week / month (last week / last month) => the previous week / month (week / month before)
last year (last year) => the year before (year before)
ago (back) => before (before that)


He said, “We will meet next week.” - He said: “We will meet next week.”
He said that they would meet the next week. - He said that they would meet next week.

Types of sentences in indirect speech in English

Declarative sentence

To summarize, it can be noted that to translate a declarative sentence with direct speech into a sentence with indirect speech, you need to take 4 steps.

  • Remove the quotation marks and use the conjunction that. In colloquial speech and sometimes in writing, the conjunction can be omitted.

She said, “I will buy a dress.” - She said: “I’ll buy a dress.”
She said that... - She said that...

  • Change the character. In direct speech, a person speaks on his own behalf; in indirect speech, the person will be changed. So, if you need to convey the words of a girl, instead of “I” the pronoun “she” will be used.

She said that she...

  • Agree the tense because in English you cannot use the past tense in the same sentence as the present or future tense. If a person’s words are being conveyed at the present moment, then there is no need to coordinate times. To reconcile the first and second parts of the sentence in the example above, we change will to would.

She said that she would buy a dress.

  • Change the clarifying parts of the sentence according to the meaning.

She said, “I am driving now.” - She said: “I’m driving now.”

When conveying these words, we will not use now (now), but then (then), since we will be talking about a point in time in the past when she was driving.

She said that she was driving then.

Also in the following example:

He said, “I work here.” - He said: “I work here.”

If the person delivering this line is in the same building where he works, then there is no need to replace the word.

He said that he worked here. - He said he works here.

If the person delivering the remark talks about this in another place, then he uses there (there), and not here (here).

He said that he worked there. - He said he works there.

How can you replace say and ask in indirect speech?

Some verbs that can be used to convey indirect speech to avoid the constant repetition of the verbs say and ask:


He said, “Ok, I was wrong.” “He said, 'OK, I was wrong.'
He agreed that he had been wrong. - He agreed that he was wrong.


He said, “I saw a UFO.” - He said: “I saw a UFO.”
He claimed that he had seen a UFO. - He stated that he saw a UFO.


She said, “You never share any secrets with me!” - She said: “You never share secrets with me!”
She complained that I never shared any secrets with her. - She complained that I never share secrets with her .

Admit(to acknowledge)

She said, “I was really unfriendly to him.” “She said, 'I was really unfriendly to him.'
She admitted that she had been unfriendly to him. - She admitted that she was unfriendly towards him.


He said, “I didn’t break your favorite cup!” - He said: “I didn’t break your favorite cup!”
He denied that he had broken the cup. - He denied breaking the cup.


She said, “I am so happy!” - She said: “I’m so happy!”
She exclaimed that she was very happy. - She exclaimed that she was very happy.


He said, “You see, there’s no point in going there right now.” “He said, 'You see, there's no point in going there right now.'
He explained that there was no point in going there at that moment. “He explained that at that moment there was no point in going there.


She said, “You’d better stay at home.” - She said: “You better stay at home.”
She recommended that we stayed at home. - She advised us to stay at home.


He said, “See, the system works.” - He said: “You see, the system works.”
He proved that the system worked. - He proved that the system works.


They said, “You need to be present at the meeting.” “They said, 'You must attend the meeting.'
They insisted that I need to be present at the meeting. - They insisted that I should attend the meeting.


She said, “If only I could go on a vacation this year.” - She said: “If only I could go on holiday this year...”
She regretted that she couldn’t go on a vacation this year. - She regretted that she would not be able to go on vacation this year.


Witness said, “I have never seen the young man before.” - The witness said: “I have never seen this young man before.”
The witness stated that he had never seen the young man before. - The witness claimed that he had never seen this young man before.


Dad said, “I will be back no later than eight o’clock.” - Dad said: “I’ll be back no later than 8 o’clock.”
Dad promised that he would be back no later than eight o’clock. - Dad promised that he would return no later than 8 o’clock.


He said, “Shall we spend the evening together?” - He said: “Shall we spend the evening together?”
He suggested that they spent the evening together. - He suggested spending the evening together.


Scientists said, “Nuclear power is a safe and non-polluting kind of energy.” - Scientists said: “Nuclear energy is a safe and environmentally friendly form of energy.”
The scientists asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting kind of energy. - Scientists have argued that nuclear energy is a safe and environmentally friendly form of energy.


Astronomers said, “The Earth may be much younger than previously thought.” - Astronomers said: “The Earth may be much younger than previously thought.”
Some astronomers contend that the Earth may be much younger than previously thought. - Some astronomers argue that the Earth may be much younger than previously thought.

Interrogative sentence

General issues

General questions in indirect speech are attached to the main clause using the conjunctions if or whether. The word order of an interrogative sentence changes to the word order of a declarative sentence.


She asked, “Do you have any plans for the weekend?” - She asked: “Do you have plans for the weekend?”
She asked if I had any plans for the weekend. - She asked if I had plans for the weekend.

They asked, “Will you visit us tomorrow?” - They asked: “Will you come to us tomorrow?”
They asked whether we would visit them the next day. - They asked if we would come to them the next day.

She asked, “Can you give them a call?” - She asked: “Can you call them?”
She asked if I could give them a call. - She asked if I could call them.

When translating answers to general questions into indirect speech, the words yes and no are omitted.


She asked, “Do you want another cup of tea?” - She asked: “Do you want another cup of tea?”
I said, “No, I don't.” - I answered: “No, I don’t want to.”
=> She asked if I wanted another cup of tea. - She asked if I would like another cup of tea.
I answered that I didn't. - I answered that I didn't want to.

Special questions

Special questions begin with the question words what (what), when (when), how (how), why (why), where (where), which (which). When translating special questions into indirect speech, the word order is the same as in a narrative sentence, and the question word is used to attach a subordinate clause to the main one.


She asked, “What time does the train arrive?” - She asked: “What time does the train arrive?”
She asked what time the train arrived. - She asked what time the train arrives.

He asked, “When did you come?” - He asked: “When did you come?”
He asked when I had come. - He asked when I arrived.

I asked him, “How old are you?” - I asked him: “How old are you?”
I asked him how old he was. - I asked how old he was.

She asks, “Where will you go?” - She asks: “Where are you going?”
She asks where we will go. - She asks where we will go.

Imperative mood in indirect speech

If sentences in direct speech are imperative, then inindirect speech in EnglishThese sentences are translated using an infinitive verb.


Mom said, “Go home!” - Mom said: “Go home!”
Mom said to go home. - Mom said to go home.

If the sentence in the imperative mood is negative, then the negative particle not is placed before the infinitive.


She said to me, “Don’t touch my clothes.” “She told me: “Don’t touch my things.”
She asked me not to touch her clothes. - She asked me not to touch her things.

If direct speech expresses an order, then the verb to say is replaced by the verbs to tell, to order.


The officer said, “Don’t move!” - The officer said: “Don’t move!”
The officer ordered not to move. - The officer ordered not to move.

He said, “Listen to what I am saying!” - He said: “Listen to what I say!”
He told me to listen to what he was saying. - He told me to listen to what he said.

If direct speech expresses a request, then the verb to say is replaced by the verb to ask.


Mother said, “Be careful!” - Mom said: “Be careful!”
Mother asked to be careful. - Mom asked to be careful.

In a subordinate clause in direct speech, it is possible to use incentive words that express an order or request. When translated into indirect speech, they are not preserved.

She said, “Please, don't laugh at him!” - She said: " Please , don't laugh at him!
She asked not to laugh at him. - She asked not to laugh at him.

Conveying the author's words without usingindirect speech in English

In some cases, it is possible to convey the words of another person not using indirect speech structures, but in an alternative way.


He said, “Hello everyone!” - He said: “Hello everyone!”
He greeted everyone. - He said hello to everyone.

She said, “Yes.” - She said: “Yes.”
She agreed. / She confirmed. - She agreed. / She confirmed.

She says, “No.” - She says: “No.”
She doesn’t agree (disagrees). / She denies. - She doesn't agree. She denies.

He said, “I don’t want to answer.” - He said: “I don’t want to answer.”
He refused to answer. - He refused to answer.