Cultural chauvinism. What's happened

How often do you hear categorical statements like “All women are fools and bitches” or “All men are bastards and bastards.” Moreover, please note, not “some” or “many”, but “all women” and “all men”. Everything! Like this!

Fundamental contradictions between men and women sometimes seem insoluble and even reach the point of absurdity. But if we look at all this from a spiritual and philosophical point of view, based on the theory of reincarnation, then much will become clear.

A person lives on Earth many times, gaining experience in male and female incarnations and at the same time developing the corresponding character qualities. Male incarnations develop qualities such as activity, determination, and courage. And thanks to female incarnations, softness, tenderness, the ability to care, love and forgive develop.

Thus, a person must develop two types of energy - male (Yang) and female (Yin). Eastern philosophy never contrasts Yang and Yin and does not claim that one of these energies is better or worse than the other. They must be in harmonious interaction.

No wonder there is such a saying: “Lord! Give me strength to overcome what I can overcome. Give me the patience to endure what I cannot overcome. And give me wisdom to distinguish one from another." In other words, a person needs both Yang (strength) and Yin (patience) energy - which must be demonstrated depending on the situation.

In order for a person to more successfully develop the qualities of each of these energies, he is born several times in a row as a representative of the same gender. And then the situation changes, and he will develop opposite qualities. This is necessary for balance and harmony of energies. At the same time, a person’s spiritual growth gradually occurs.

While a person is at a low spiritual level, the typical features of a “male” or “female” character that he develops will also be of a low level. If he is a man, then he will be brutal, rude, aggressive and tough. And if this is a woman, then she will be weak, capricious, and touchy.

At the initial stage spiritual development men and women have very pronounced differences in character - therefore they are not able to understand or appreciate the other half. And then mutual claims and accusations appear, as well as attempts to prove one’s own superiority over the “enemy,” that is, gender chauvinism.

In the female version, the example is various ladies' pulp books like “How to train a man.” And in the male version, this is the trilogy “Woman: Guides for Urban Cynics”, author Vis Vitalis.

What is the difference between ordinary psychology books and gender chauvinist propaganda? Regular neutral text looks something like this:

“In ancient times, men went hunting or to war - and at that time women waited for them in a cave or in a hut. Therefore, men are better at navigating in large open areas, while women are better at navigating in small, enclosed spaces. For example, men can find the right street in an unfamiliar city using a city map faster than women. And women always know which drawer of the closet this or that thing is in.”

This is simply an objective statement of facts. At the same time, psychologists will definitely say that this applies to “most men” and “most women,” but not to “all men” and “all women.” Because there are quite a lot of exceptions to the general rule.

And gender chauvinism uses such information to declare the undeniable superiority of one’s own sex, as well as the complete worthlessness of representatives of the opposite sex.

Gender chauvinists prefer to give assessments only in the area in which they themselves are strongest. For example, men consider women stupid because they are poorly versed in technology. And women consider men stupid because they can’t remember that there is borscht in the red pan and compote in the blue one.

Gender chauvinists try to portray members of the opposite sex as stupid, primitive and narrow-minded people, vicious, inferior individuals, and so on. It is in such cases that we hear statements like “All women are fools” or “All men are bastards.” After all, people who are at a low spiritual level are simply not able to understand those who are different from them. As a result, real “gender wars” break out.

In the “gender wars,” everyone is rooting for their team, just like at a football game. There is not and cannot be an objective view here (any chauvinist - gender or national - is always biased). The same actions are evaluated either positively or negatively, depending on who did it. Either “Our team scored a goal, well done!” or “Our opponents scored a goal for us, bastards!” Such a war can continue indefinitely, and there will never be winners.

However, in the future, gaining reincarnation experience in male and female incarnations and gradually advancing in one’s spiritual development, a person becomes more tolerant of members of the opposite sex.

A man who has gone through and learned the experience of not only male, but also female incarnations will no longer be rude and aggressive. He is able to feel subtly, be caring and affectionate. Such a man does not suffer from a male superiority complex; he understands, loves and respects women. At the same time, he remains a real man - strong, courageous and decisive.

And a woman who has gone through quite a lot of experience in male incarnations will not be quarrelsome, weak and capricious. She has good logical thinking and a wide range of interests, she is quite active and independent. She respects and understands men. At the same time, she successfully engages in purely women's affairs, takes care of the family, knows how to be attractive and feminine.

Men and women who are at a fairly high level of development always notice each other and are drawn to each other. They are not inclined to express rude definitions towards the opposite sex. Because they know that there are women and women. And there are men and Men.

The concept of "chauvinism" arose in the mid-19th century in France. The word itself is formed on behalf of an old soldier of the Napoleonic guard, a semi-legendary personality - Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, who became the hero of more than one vaudeville. Chauvin, as they say

Some historians, while still a young man, went to serve in the imperial army, was wounded seventeen times and did not acquire much wealth in his entire life. However, until the end of his days he idolized Napoleon and did not hesitate to innocently express this out loud, which earned him popularity and ridicule not only among the military, but also among the civilian population. The old soldier Chauvin was so patriotic that instead of a sheet he laid out the tricolor imperial banner and slept on it.

This is the history of this term. However, there is still no clear opinion about what chauvinism is - the formulations are too vague. Some say that this is an extreme degree of nationalism, others - an aggressive misanthropic ideology, and still others - a kind of racism. However, analogies with nationalism are not entirely correct. First you need to understand chauvinism, what purposes does it serve?

According to historians, chauvinism is not an ideology, because there is no clear systematization, rigid guidelines, specific means of achieving the goal and claims to scientific value. Chauvinism is an emotional component that characterizes an atmosphere of intolerance in society, in contrast to

nationalism. The roots of the emergence of these two ideological movements are also different: the latter, as a rule, originates in an oppressed nation and manifests itself in demands for respect for national interests, in the desire for the development of its people, that is, it carries a positive connotation. Chauvinism is the prerogative of the dominant nation and is manifested in contempt for all other peoples, in the desire to suppress or even physically destroy small assimilations.

Chauvinism is especially dangerous when it becomes the official policy of the state, that is, supported and justified legally. More recently, in the 30s and 40s, humanity witnessed what a political system based on an extreme form of chauvinism - Nazism - brought with it. In our country, this term became well known thanks to the Social Democrats, who zealously fought against

great-power chauvinism and built a new international society.

So, we figured it out, on a nationwide scale. However, this word is also used to define social stereotypes. For example, there is male and female chauvinism - two types of sexism. Each of them is characterized by the fact that discrimination occurs; the opposite sex is declared incapable of anything and is to blame for everything, its rights are insignificant or non-existent. It’s probably not worth explaining what male chauvinism is. Throughout history, in many cultures, the predominance of the stronger sex in all areas of life was considered the norm, but the emergence of feminism and women's desire for equality marked the beginning of criticism of this state of affairs. Female chauvinism occurs less frequently and in milder forms due to physiology and character traits - at the verbal level.

The concept of "chauvinism" arose in the mid-19th century in France. The word itself is formed on behalf of an old soldier of the Napoleonic guard, a semi-legendary personality - Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, who became the hero of more than one vaudeville. Chauvin, as some historians write, went to serve in the imperial army as a young man, was wounded seventeen times and did not acquire much wealth in his entire life. However, until the end of his days he idolized Napoleon and did not hesitate to innocently express this out loud, which earned him popularity and ridicule not only among the military, but also among the civilian population. The old soldier Chauvin was so patriotic that instead of a sheet he laid out the tricolor imperial banner and slept on it.

This is the history of this term. However, there is still no clear opinion about what chauvinism is - the formulations are too vague. Some say that this is an extreme degree of nationalism, others - an aggressive misanthropic ideology, and still others - a kind of racism. However, analogies with nationalism are not entirely correct. First you need to understand what chauvinism is, what purposes does it serve?

According to historians, chauvinism is not an ideology, because there is no clear systematization, rigid guidelines, specific means of achieving the goal and claims to scientific value. Chauvinism is an emotional component that characterizes an atmosphere of intolerance in society, in contrast to
nationalism. The roots of the emergence of these two ideological movements are also different: the latter, as a rule, originates in an oppressed nation and manifests itself in demands for respect for national interests, in the desire for the development of its people, that is, it carries a positive connotation. Chauvinism is the prerogative of the dominant nation and is manifested in contempt for all other peoples, in the desire to suppress or even physically destroy small assimilations.

Chauvinism is especially dangerous when it becomes the official policy of the state, that is, supported and justified legally. More recently, in the 30s and 40s, humanity witnessed what a political system based on an extreme form of chauvinism - Nazism - brought with it. In our country, this term became well known thanks to the Social Democrats, who zealously fought against great-power chauvinism and built a new international society.

So, we figured it out, on a nationwide scale. However, this word is also used to define social stereotypes. For example, there is male and female chauvinism - two types of sexism. Each of them is characterized by the fact that discrimination occurs on the basis of gender, the opposite sex is declared incapable of anything and is to blame for everything, its rights are insignificant or non-existent. It’s probably not worth explaining what male chauvinism is. Throughout history, in many cultures, the predominance of the stronger sex in all areas of life was considered the norm, but the emergence of feminism and women's desire for equality marked the beginning of criticism of this state of affairs. Female chauvinism occurs less frequently and in milder forms due to physiology and character traits - at the verbal level.


What is Chauvinism

Chauvinism is a term traditionally used to denote extreme bias towards a cause or belief, despite more reasonable or alternative points of view. Initially, the term was used to refer to political views or beliefs, but over time, it also began to be used in combination with other ideas.

What is CHAUVINISM - meaning, definition in simple words.

In simple words, chauvinism is some form of rejection or intolerance towards people who belong to a different group or share a different idea. In some way, chauvinism includes various forms and other forms of intolerance.

Etymology (origin) of the term.

The term comes from French word"chauvinisme", which most likely stems from a man named Nicolas Chauvin. Chauvin is said to have been a loyal soldier in Napoleon Bonaparte's army and, even after suffering numerous injuries, remained fiercely loyal to Bonaparte even after his defeat. Although there is historical documentation to support the existence of the real man, he only became famous after being included in various songs and acting productions. Chauvin has been used as a figure to represent undying, illogical bigotry about his nation and beliefs.

Chauvinism - examples, types.

In most sources, it is customary to refer as an example to national chauvinism, that is, to the idea of ​​​​the superiority of one nation over others. But besides this, there are many other excellent examples. It could be:

  • Racial chauvinism– in this case, intolerance is aimed at certain races, the ideas that they promote, the policies they pursue, and so on;
  • Religious chauvinism– as is clear from the context, in this case, “aggression” is directed at people professing a different religion. Apart from this, their religion is not recognized as a religion at all. It is criticized and persecuted as a false religion or heresy;
  • Sexual (Gender) chauvinism– this point should include relations between men and women, namely the aspect of humiliation of one sex by representatives of the other. The most striking example is “male chauvinism”, widespread in some Arab countries. It is no secret that in these countries women are not considered equal to men and are forced to submit to various rules and restrictions.


The term "male chauvinism" became popular during the efforts of feminists and advocates equal rights for men and women throughout the 20th century. Chauvinists are those men who believe that men are superior to women, be it mentally, physically or in any other way. The term has been used so often that many people have come to associate "chauvinism" as a synonym for "male chauvinism" and often mistakenly assume that any chauvinistic views are inherently sexist or misogynistic.

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What is chauvinism as a phenomenon in society? This concept is used in many areas of life and is closely related to politics, social life, and interpersonal relationships between men and women. Chauvinism carries a destructive principle and is based on sharply negative emotions.

Chauvinism - what is it?

The history of the term “chauvinism” dates back to France during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. The soldier, Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, remained a devoted supporter of his emperor until the very end. The name became a common noun and was transformed into a term. Chauvinism in its basic meaning is an ideological concept that is based on the belief of the superiority of one nation over another. Aggressive policies and pressure are methods used by supporters of chauvinism to incite ethnic hatred.

Who are chauvinists? Unlike nationalism, where “all peoples are equal,” chauvinists see their nation as endowed with special, exclusive powers and rights. Fascism is one of the terrible manifestations of chauvinism, a crime against all humanity. The result is the death of millions of people of different nationalities, large-scale destruction of cultural and material property.

Chauvinism - psychology

The concept of chauvinism is used by psychologists of different schools. The psychotraumatic experience of upbringing, based on suppression, lays the foundation for the child to further self-affirmation in negative ways. The boy can learn the result of a destructive relationship between father and mother (beatings, humiliation) and carry this program further into his future family. What “male chauvinism” is can be clearly seen in eastern countries, where education was initially built on male superiority over women.

Chauvinism and xenophobia - differences

At their core, both phenomena, chauvinism and xenophobia, contain an affective component - (hatred, hostility, contempt). Xenophobia - a broader concept - is a person’s fear of loss, dissolution of his ethnicity. The paranoid fear of xenophobes extends to everything alien: nations, races, cultures, religions. Chauvinism is a form of xenophobia that aggressively and violently opposes the interests of one’s own nation to the detriment of others.

Signs of chauvinism

IN modern society Open discriminatory acts are illegal and criminally punishable. Political movements based on chauvinistic tendencies will never lead to mutual understanding, openness, and peace between peoples, and therefore will not enjoy the support of the majority of people. The consequences are devastating: war, genocide. In its individual form, chauvinism is present as a “belief system”, mainly among men. Signs of a chauvinist:

  • a male chauvinist actively “fights” against chauvinism, blaming others for it except himself;
  • considers himself free from nationalist prejudices;
  • exaggerates the “greatness”, “otherness” and “interestingness” of his people;
  • elevates the temperament of his nation;
  • believes that all nations “a priori” should love and admire his nation, he is offended when met with indifference;
  • accurately notices the shortcomings of other ethnic groups, but does not know the real advantages and traits of his people.

Types of chauvinism

If we consider for clarity a specific example from history, then in Russia XIX– XX centuries “Great-power chauvinism” - an expression denoting the dominant attitude of the empire towards other peoples, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, was opposed to nationalism and, as a dangerous ideology, began to be supplanted, but as social chauvinism exists in third world countries. Today, when defining what chauvinism is in other social and public categories, experts distinguish several varieties:

  • religious (confessional);
  • domestic;
  • racial;
  • age chauvinism;
  • gender;
  • language.

Gender chauvinism

Regardless of the sphere of manifestation, chauvinism is based on the suppression and domination of some over others, infringement, and inequality of rights. A worldview based on gender discrimination is called gender or sexual chauvinism. The difference in natural essence between a man and a woman creates inequality in political, economic and social manifestations - this is the ideology of sexism. They play a key role in maintaining sexual chauvinism.


Men can experience tender feelings and sympathy towards women, but at the same time do not consider them equal to themselves; part of the reason lies in psychological differences. Male chauvinism is a term (another name is sexism) coined by American feminists. The writer N. Shmelev considered male chauvinism an integral part of a man. Without realizing it, a man can tell a joke about a “stupid woman” or “evil mother-in-law” at any moment.

Characteristic manifestations of male chauvinism:

  • a man's word is a woman's law;
  • the man is the head of the family;
  • reason, logic and intelligence - the difference between a man and a woman, in whom only feelings prevail;
  • a man is always right;
  • for a man - the appearance of a mistress is encouraged, for a woman - this is censure by society

Female chauvinism

At the end of the 18th century. Women in European countries began to declare their equality with men. The phrase of the American suffragist Abigail Smith Adams: “We will not submit to laws in which we did not participate, and to an authority that does not represent our interests” has gone down in history. Feminism is an ideological movement that has been gaining strength and scope over the course of several centuries. During this time, women managed to achieve equal rights with men:

  • occupy leadership positions;
  • suffrage;
  • military service;
  • choice of any profession;
  • free choice of sexual partners.

All this helped women strengthen their position in society, become useful and influential. Female chauvinism is a concept that arose relatively recently. Unlike feminists, who recognize the rights of men and strive for equal rights with them, chauvinists devalue the role of men and emphasize their superiority. Men say that women also infringe on their rights and see discrimination in the following:

  • early retirement age compared to men;
  • lower standards of physical activity;
  • the need to remove hats in the theater, church - a woman does not need to do this;
  • A woman can make the decision to terminate a pregnancy on her own.

Chauvinism in the modern world

Preserving their traditions, way of life, religion, language, music is a normal desire of people of any nationality. High level moral, spiritual development helps to see the benefits and beauty of all the diversity of the world cultural heritage. Cultural chauvinism promotes its heritage as the only one and superior to other cultures - it impoverishes.

Chauvinism in the Bible

What is modern chauvinism? There is no consensus between sociologists and other specialists. The origins of this phenomenon go back centuries. Male chauvinism in Christianity is based on the legend of the creation of the world. God created Adam first, and from a rib he created Eve for him - as a consolation. Expulsion from Paradise occurs through the fault of Eve, who tasted (succumbed to the temptation of the serpent) an apple - the fruit of knowledge. “All troubles come from women!” - this stereotype has not outlived its usefulness even today.