Bay leaf symbol. Laurel wreath as a symbol of triumph

The famous Ovid in his Metamorphoses tells that Apollo, who lived among people, fell in love with the nymph Daphne and constantly pursued her. One day, after defeating the serpent Python, Apollo met the young god of love Eros with a bow and arrows and joked with him: “Why do you need a bow and arrows, baby? Are you really thinking of surpassing me in the art of shooting?

This mockery offended Eros, and he sent two arrows in revenge. The first, the arrow of love, pierced Apollo, and the second, killing love, hit Daphne. Since then, Daphne has always run away from Apollo. No tricks helped him. Exhausted by suffering and eternal persecution, Daphne turned to Father Peneus and Earth so that they could take her image away from her. After these words, she turned into a laurel bush (a curious fact is that in Rus' until the 18th century, the bay leaf was called “daphnia” (“laurel” in Greek is “daphne”).

The saddened Apollo from then on began to wear a wreath of evergreen laurel on his head. In Greece, homes were decorated with laurel leaves to refresh the room. Laurel branches were placed in mattresses to encourage prophetic dreams. There was a belief that laurel saved from lightning strikes.

Thus, it is a known fact that the Roman Emperor Tiberius, during thunderclaps, put on a laurel wreath and crawled under the bed. The laurel was considered a sacred tree; the heads of the winners were decorated with its wreaths. Ancient Greece. For several thousand years this tradition has been preserved in other countries, for example in England. From the word “laurel” comes the word “laureate” - “crowned with laurels.”

The magical properties of bay leaf

There are a lot of secrets to using bay leaves as a magical remedy, and everyone believes that it can bring him many positive changes in life. Bay leaf is used for love rituals, in order to attract a “soul mate”, monetary rituals (it is believed that the plant is directly related to a person’s financial well-being and literally “attracts” money to itself), as well as in order to get rid of any damage and fulfill one’s cherished desires.

Bay leaf is often symbol of wealth and prosperity. That is why laurel branches are often hung around a home or workplace (office, store, workshop) to attract customers and cash flows into action. It is not uncommon for a bay leaf to be present in a person’s personal belongings, for example, in a wallet. This way you can attract success to yourself, which will accompany you not only in business, but also in your work.

A good sign is to take take a bay leaf with you and put it in your pocket(as close to the body as possible) to succeed in an interview or meeting, to be noticed and recognized for your abilities, to be hired or promoted. To prevent the leaf from getting dirty and sometimes tormented by an overly stuffy aroma, you can wrap it not just in a handkerchief, but in a piece of red or green color (red attracts good luck, green attracts money).

Many athletes, even before the announcement of the results in competitions, carry a bay leaf with them, which, in their opinion, brings victory and well-being in competitions, as well as recognition and a self-sufficient life.

There is one ritual that allows you to achieve the desired wealth with the help of bay leaves. This ritual should be performed at home or in the workplace. Choose a large and whole bay leaf, without holes, cracks or damage. On the back side (not glossy), write your wish with a pen or pencil (“get rich”, “receive a bonus” or, for example, “repay a debt”). This sheet should be burned and its smoke spread throughout the room.

Another method invites you to write your wish related to well-being on a piece of white paper and roll it up into a tube, tying three beautiful and undamaged lava leaves to the “roll.” This amulet should be kept in a secluded place at your work or home. Only after the desire is fulfilled should the amulet be burned and its ashes scattered over fertile soil (garden, vegetable garden).

There is a conspiracy for money with bay leaves. With its help, you can count on good luck in the monetary sphere and the growth of accumulated funds. To perform it, you need to take a beautiful container and put a large denomination coin into it. Each coin lining must be accompanied by a laurel leaf lining. When placing a coin in a container, you must say where the money will come from. This could be a gift, an inheritance, good earnings or a sudden find. After the ritual, the container is closed and shaken. At the same time the conspiracy is said:

“Money for money, but poverty is beyond the threshold, profit is with me like a laurel on a bush.” Afterwards, the container with the spoken coins is placed in discreet place, away from prying eyes. If money comes to you exactly as promised, then each time you receive money, do not forget to gratefully put a coin and a bay leaf into your piggy bank.

There is another conspiracy to use bay leaves for money. In order for you to always have money and increase your capital, you should choose a large and whole leaf of laurel. This leaf should be rubbed between the palms of both hands, asking the laurel tree to help you in any financial matters. Then you need to apply a little bit of any essential oil so that its smell merges with the smell of laurel. After this, the sheet must be placed in the place where the money is stored. At the same time the words are spoken:

“Money to money, wealth to wealth.”

Bay leaves will attract cash flows and protect you from unnecessary spending. The enchanted plant can be placed in a wallet so that money can be transferred and not transferred. Such rituals attract cash flows and stimulate a person to learn how to earn good money himself.

Bay leaf is used very often to attract money. In order for there to be money in the house, there is another ritual; for it you need to take seven large and undamaged leaves of the plant. The leaves should have long stems. These legs are tied with red woolen thread. Either a bill or a coin is tied to the thread, symbolizing monetary energy. This kind of amulet is hung above the front door with the words:

“Money goes into the house, but poverty is beyond the threshold.”

A bay leaf spell for money is best done and read on a waxing moon. It is believed that it is in this phase that flows open that help increase profits and material well-being.

Why do they put a bay leaf in a wallet, and with what words of conspiracy?

Putting a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money and prosperity should also be done “correctly” so as not to incur any consequences. negative energy and not have the opposite effect. Of course, you can do without any rituals and simply mentally wish yourself success, but reading a conspiracy to attract wealth will be much more effective. Such conspiracies are best read during the waxing moon, sitting alone and in silence with a lit candle.

IMPORTANT: You must believe in the ritual itself and in every word spoken, so that your ritual is sure to be effective.

This turns out to be a magical and powerful ordinary bay leaf that everyone has at home.

Noun, number of synonyms: 6 laurel crown (1) laurels (9) laurels of the winner (5) ... Synonym dictionary

Laurel wreath- Book Same as the Laurel Crown. The poem “Supreme Bliss” did not make a very strong impression on the public. The laurel wreath has already been woven for the author, but still invisibly (Karamzin. About Bogdanovich and his works). We also talked about art. How… … Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Or a laurel branch since Greco-Roman antiquity, a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The triumphants wore a laurel wreath; the ships of the winners were decorated with laurels. On special occasions, the entire people were married to L.; During sacrifices, priests wore...

Laurel wreath- among the ancient Greeks and Romans, a symbol of victory, triumph, glory. A laurel wreath was decorated with faces who won in various competitions and competitions (discus throwers, runners, poets, speakers, musicians). The tradition has survived to this day.… … Architectural Dictionary

Laurel wreath- A wreath of laurel leaves as a symbol of victory, triumph (the ancient Greeks and Romans awarded such a wreath to winners in various competitions and competitions) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Book Symbol of glory, victory, reward. F 1, 53 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

Laurel wreath- from the ancients Greeks and Romans symbol of victory, triumph, glory. L.v. the faces of those who won various victories were decorated. competitions and competitions (discus throwers, runners, poets, speakers, musicians) ... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

LAUREL WREATH- The dream foretells victory in all areas of activity. Imagine being given a bucket full of laurel branches (see Bucket)… Big family dream book

Or the branch of L., since Greco-Roman antiquity a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The triumphants wore a laurel wreath; the ships of the winners were decorated with laurels. On special occasions, the entire people were married to L.; the priests wore laurel during sacrifices... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

And (obsolete) LAUR, laurel, laurel. 1. adj. to laurel in 1 value Laurel Grove. Bay leaf (dried laurel leaf with a strong aromatic odor, used as a seasoning for dishes). 2. in meaning noun laurel, laurel, units. laurel, laurel... Dictionary Ushakova


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Laurel is associated with masculinity, strength, the will to win and power. This plant was dedicated to the solar gods. Laurel branches and wreaths woven from it served as attributes of symbolism associated with the veneration of Jupiter and Apollo. Apollo was considered the patron saint of poets, actors and musicians, so the winners of competitions in literary grace received laurel wreaths. The laurel crown symbolized the genuine, timeless talent of the recipient. Laurel was also an attribute of the god Dionysus. In this regard, he acted as a symbol of ecstatic pleasure, otherness, magical powers and supernatural revelation.

The symbolism of the laurel is closely connected with the myth of the god Apollo and his unfortunate beloved Daphne. The cult of this female plant deity was quite widespread, but later almost completely merged with the cult of Apollo. There is information about holidays specifically dedicated to the laurel that took place in Thebes - Daphnephoria.

An ancient Greek myth tells the story of the beautiful nymph Daphne, the daughter of the earth goddess Gaia and the river god Peneus, who vowed to remain chaste. The lover Apollo followed her everywhere, and in order to avoid dishonor, Daphne had to ask her father to turn her into a laurel bush. Since then, laurel has become the favorite plant of the god Apollo, his attribute. The myth of Daphne echoes the motif of the dedication of the laurel to the Vestal Virgins, who took an eternal vow of celibacy. Thus, laurel symbolizes innocence and purity.

It was believed that laurel trees served as intermediaries between gods and people in the transmission secret knowledge There was a tradition of planting laurel bushes around the temples of Apollo. It was believed that in the rustling of these trees, initiates could read divine messages and omens of the future. Laurel was a versatile plant, very widely used in sacrifices and numerous rituals. The traditional headdress of the priest during the performance of the cult was a laurel crown. The laurel became a symbol of special supernatural power, magic, divination, clairvoyance and prophecy. Laurel branches and laurel garlands were also used in ritual actions, for example, laurel branches were often thrown into the fire along with the burnt victim, which gave the event a special solemnity.

The special symbolism of the laurel as a sacred plant of the god Apollo is manifested in its use by the Pythia, the soothsayer Delphic Oracle. To find out their fate and ask advice from the prophetess Pythia, kings, heroes, and mere mortals came to the temple of Apollo in Delphi. In the sanctuary, hidden from prying eyes, on a cleft in the rock that emitted poisonous gases, there was a tripod on which the Pythia sat . She prepared for divination for a long time. This procedure was preceded by three days of fasting and ritual ablutions. During fortune telling, a laurel crown was placed on the Pythia's head, and before starting the prophecy, she chewed laurel leaves.

Laureate's wreath
A laurel wreath is a symbol of victory, perfection, complete triumph over one’s own weaknesses and over an opponent. In antiquity, laurel wreaths were awarded to warrior heroes, as well as to poets who won competitions, who were patronized by the god of arts Apollo. The goddess of victory Nike was represented by the ancients as a beautiful woman placing a laurel crown on the hero’s head. The word "laureate", meaning the winner of an artistic or scientific competition who has received high recognition and a prize, comes precisely from the Latin "crowned with laurel".

The sweet taste of victory, deafening applause, world fame and enthusiastic exclamations of admirers in honor of conquered peaks and new open horizons... All this is inextricably linked in our minds with such stable expressions, like “to win the palm,” “to be kissed by Fortune,” and “to put a laurel wreath on your head.” All this has become so familiar and ordinary for us that few people even think about the meaning of the words listed, much less delve into the history of their appearance. Nevertheless, it is the awareness of the simplest truths that often turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks, and therefore it is sometimes very important to understand the essence of them.

Appeal to flora

Like many other realities of our modern life, such a concept as a “laurel wreath” originates in Ancient Greece, at the very origins of our cultural traditions, beliefs and views on art and the world in general. You don’t need to be an expert in biology to understand what this expression actually means.

The name of this item is quite obviously related to one of the ancient symbols, borrowed from the world of flora, - the laurel tree, common in the Mediterranean. However, the history of the emergence of this symbol is much more complex and romantic. In order to understand the essence of the meaning, one should turn to Greek mythology.

Connection with the golden-haired god

For a person who understands Antiquity, a laurel wreath is inextricably linked with the name of Apollo - the son of the powerful Zeus and the goddess Leto. Traditionally, this representative of the Greek pantheon is depicted as a beautiful young man with a bow in his hand and a harp behind his back. Thanks to his amazing beauty, grace and masculinity, he is considered a kind of ideal of male stature and appearance in general. And the famous laurel wreath adorns the head of Apollo, the appearance of which is associated with a romantic, but tragic story love.

Arrow of Eros

According to myths, the beautiful son of Zeus, in addition to a keen eye and the gift of foresight, also had an excessively large conceit, for which he later had to pay. Eros, who decided to teach Apollo a lesson, pierced his heart with a magic arrow of love, and the young man was inflamed with love for the daughter of the river god Peneus, the nymph Daphne.

Fate was not favorable to the beautiful god, and the girl did not share his feelings. Obeying the torment of his heart, Apollo rushed in pursuit of Daphne, but was never able to catch up with her - exhausted, the nymph called out to her father, asking him for help and salvation. Peneus responded to the plea of ​​his beloved daughter in a very unique way - Daphne’s thin frame was covered with bark, her hands turned into branches stretched to the sky, and her hair changed to green bay leaves.

Realizing that he was not destined to be with his beloved, the son of Zeus wove a wreath in memory of his unrequited feelings for the beautiful nymph, which later became his symbol and permanent attribute.

First sign of victory

Nevertheless, the ending of this rather sad story turned out to be not so gloomy. Everyone knows that a laurel wreath is a symbol of victory in modern world. This is precisely the meaning that the ancient Greeks put into it when they rewarded the best participants in the Pythian Games, which were held to honor the god of beauty and sunlight, Apollo. Since then, the world has made it a tradition to crown the head of the winner with a wreath of this evergreen plant with a sad history.

Laurus and other peoples

This tree had deep meaning and power not only for the Greeks and Romans, who inherited their traditions. The laurel wreath also had another meaning. For example, residents ancient China he symbolized eternal life and revival.

In the Christian tradition, this tree is almost inextricably linked with the funeral ceremony, since laurel wreaths were usually used at funerals.

Becoming a symbol of victory

Few people know, but modern understanding This unique decoration appeared largely thanks to the Great French Bourgeois Revolution. It was then that the laurel wreath - a symbol of victory - became such, entering heraldry. In the 18th century, the branches of this plant decorated the coat of arms of the French Republic, and then the banners of other countries.

Value conversion

It is no secret that the ancient Greeks and then the Romans paid great attention to sports, organizing numerous games and grandiose competitions. Decorating the head with a laurel wreath as a reward was in those days only available to outstanding wrestlers or, for example, spear throwers.

Nevertheless, times change, and traditions change along with them - in the modern world, not only athletes, but also prominent figures culture, art, science and even journalism every now and then are awarded the privilege of crowning their heads with a wreath of laurel leaves.

The biggest difference is that today it has become more of a common figurative expression than an actual material embodiment of the victory won. However, medals, cups and certificates decorated with this floral ornament, today it cannot be called a rarity at all. The symbol of victory, which arose in the distant times of Antiquity, has survived to this day, transformed over time, but without losing its greatness.