Lev Ivanovich Davydychev. About the writer Lev Davydychev according to documents from the state archive of the Perm region Lev Davydychev history

L. I. Davydychev is a famous Ural writer. L. I. Davydychev is a famous Ural writer. Born in the city of Solikamsk, Perm Region on January 1, 1927. Born in the city of Solikamsk, Perm Region on January 1, 1927. There were many books in the house, and the boy began to read early. There were many books in the house, and the boy began to read early. After seven-year school, Davydychev studied at the Perm Oil College. After seven-year school, Davydychev studied at the Perm Oil College. Then he worked at the Krasnokamsk oil field. Since 1946 - in newspapers, at the Perm book publishing house and studied at the university by correspondence. Then he worked at the Krasnokamsk oil field. Since 1946 - in newspapers, at the Perm book publishing house and studied at the university by correspondence.

And now the decision has matured: I need to write. And now the decision has matured: I need to write. But Lev Ivanovich did not immediately become a children's writer. He found the key to the child’s soul when he himself became a father and composed funny stories for his son. But Lev Ivanovich did not immediately become a children's writer. He found the key to the child’s soul when he himself became a father and composed funny stories for his son. His first book for children, “The Wizard of the Dacha Village,” appeared in 1952. His first book for children, “The Wizard of the Dacha Village,” appeared in 1952.

And then dozens of books were published in Perm, Moscow and abroad - in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria. And then dozens of books were published in Perm, Moscow and abroad - in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria. Films were made based on them and performances were staged... Films were made based on them and performances were staged... Once a writer said: “If we were to collect all the heroes of my books, then, perhaps, they would not fit in my apartment.” A writer once said: “If I were to collect all the heroes of my books, then, perhaps, they would not fit in my apartment.”

Books “Hands Up! Or Enemy1" "Uncle Kolya - priest Popov - cannot live without football" "This dear Lyudmila" "Dirty Fedotik" "Lieutenant General Samoilov returns to childhood" "The difficult life of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and repeater, full of hardships and dangers" " Lelishna from the third entrance"

“Dear boys and girls! Choose any path in life, any profession that you like. Be anything but lazy. They do a lot of harm to themselves and others. Be kind. Try to help others more often than asking for help for yourself. In general, to become smart and understand everything, you need to live life. So I wish you to live it in labor, worries and joys" L. Davydychev

Do you know how to prolong your life? Do not know? Don't be upset, I didn't know either. But recently I read another story Lev Ivanovich Davydychev « My friends, buddies » and now I know the answer to this important question. So, if you are interested, then you can find out too. At the same time, find out how to fight nettles, where the village of Nizhnye Petukhi is located and how to get rid of the habit of telling lies. However, from the story « My friends, buddies » there is so much more to learn!

In general, books Lev Ivanovich Davydychev I like very much. I don’t know about you, dear readers, but the works of this writer always brighten my soul, lift my spirits, and see life in completely different colors. About one of the popular stories « » we have already said on the pages of BiblioGuide . Style Lev Ivanovich Davydychev easy, the words are simple, and events fly quickly and swiftly, as in the life of any boy! And if the author introduces us to school life boys, then « My friends, buddies » allow you to reveal the boyish secrets of summer holidays.

And summer, as every real kid knows, is very short! Therefore, you should not miss a single important day! Apparently Lev Davydychev knows firsthand about the lives of boys, so he described every important day of the main character of the story, Pavlik Merkushev, 7 years old. No events were missed. And even a lecture on the history of the village of Nizhnie Petukhi Lev Davydychev I also wrote it down just in case. Because any boy knows that the story in every person’s life is very important! Especially when you really want to know why the Roosters are Lower, and where have the Upper and Middle Roosters gone? Just don’t think that this lecture was invented by some Murashkin! What a dreamer of dreamers! Liar of liars! It’s a pity that they don’t give medals for endless inventions and don’t publish articles about liar heroes in the Ogonyok magazine! As for the lecture, it was given by a real historian! And his name was Pyotr Petrovich Zolotarev. So, the history of the village of Nizhnie Petukhi is in good hands!

If one of the readers wishes to object and suddenly declares in the comments that there is no such village in the world!, then this means that the dream of the architect Uncle Semyon has come true! Because it was he who planned in his drawings how the village would grow into a resort town. There should even be a circus in it! True, the boys never managed to catch and train the green tigers, but they certainly won’t have to look for anyone willing to sell tickets to the show!

Do you know how real brave boys at the age of 7 behave when they are attacked by a land pirate? I didn't know either. Now I know. It turns out that they are not so scary, these land pirates! The main thing is to give them a worthy and fearless rebuff when meeting them!

Did you know that cows are even very intelligent creatures? Imagine, they know the address of their place of residence! And they don’t want to enter someone else’s yard for any reason! Even if you ask them very politely!

Yes, I’ll tell you, boys are brave people. But as soon as you start talking about girls, or even worse, start being friends with girls, then you need super-courage! But not every boy can do this!

In a word, Pavlik Merkushev had enough events that summer. Either the all-terrain vehicle had to be built, or the mystery of the bearded man had to be solved... But most importantly, Pavel was finally able to overcome his cowardice and make friends... with girls! Don't believe me? I didn’t believe it right away either. But... that's what I wrote Lev Davydychev, and he knows everything about boyish friendship!

Have fun reading!

I read it in a collection, so this is a review of the collection.

Adults pay attention!

I had a bitter misfortune here, the reader bucked like a naughty animal and threw everything off! Everything that was acquired through backbreaking labor! All quotes... three... five. Good quotes, by the way, instructive.

Let me start by saying that I read a collection of three works. This is probably important because under the same cover there is only “My Friends, Buddies,” but I thought that if there is a collection, then there may be stories about the same characters, so I need to know more. But it turned out that common topic these are only children, their parents and the police with tigers) But there are no main characters flowing from story to story. But all the little heroes and everyone for whom the author writes are his friends and buddies)

The first story is “My friends, buddies.” A very summer story, with small chapters, each of which covers one day of the main character Pavlik Merkushin, which he spent in Nizhnye Petukhi.
Do you know what is beautiful about all three stories by Lev Davydychev? That he makes adults look funny. He points out their shortcomings, exaggerating a little, but his children remain the same children who sometimes do not understand what these adults are telling them and why they behave this way.
Here a character appeared who suspected everyone of bad things. An old woman in a pioneer Panama hat. She and the boys in the lower roosters are all fighters, you can’t pass by - you’ll end up in cuffs, and the sellers hang the children. But there are also adults who help, explain, and occupy the younger generation.
I don’t know about you, but in the summer there really is a time in the village when there seems to be nothing to do, but you really want to, but for me this time quickly became busy because we had a vegetable garden! And then the boys, they had all gotten to know each other, found out who was stronger without even fighting, they tried to catch the green tiger, although they caught a bully, but at least it was something) They dug a hole to catch the tiger. They were already chickening out when a girl was nearby and the boys were teasing. We even listened to a lecture about the Lower Roosters, but our hands are still itching to get things done! And then they come! Adults! And they offer an occupation that would seem not noble, to pull out nettles, but things are going with difficulty, everyone wants to be commanders, no one wants to be with girls, but if we unite, it’s better, Pavlik thought, he told the adults about his worries, and so it turned out , that he is already a commander over a large detachment and those who fled come back again because it is authoritative to work together under the command of a boy, when he not only commands girls, but also adults, and at the same time it is so useful to rid the Lower Roosters of stinging nettles!)

The second story is “The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a second-year student.” Educational. It’s not very clear here, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s autumn or spring. It is important that the boy Ivan is a second year student and is not moving anywhere. He would be sick and asleep. He even tried to deceive doctors and invent illnesses. And he really wants to perform great feats when he grows up. But how can you do them if you don’t study? And then the class decided that they did not agree with their comrade disappearing and gave him a tow in the form of a fourth-grade student with an intimidating build. But you can’t take Ivan so easily, he ran away and will run away. So it wasn't easy for Adelaide. Either you catch a boy, or you run into his grandmother.
By the way, the grandmother here has a negative element, because she believes that when her Vanya grows up, then she’ll take up her homework, but for now, he’s little. And my grandmother was so hysterical when Ivan got up in the morning, cooked breakfast himself, and even woke her up. And then, how insidious she has become, she will pretend to be sick, then she will see that the boy has overslept, but does not wake him up, because she has stuck her horn and believes that no one will need her unless someone is such a drone, because that if everyone copes without her, then oh that’s it.
All adults should poke this grandmother in the eye so they can see how they look from the outside.
The boy, of course, did not go without difficulty, but he began to improve, so I hope that he has truly grown into a MAN!

The third story (my favorite) is “Lelishna from the third entrance.” I love it for its variety of characters of all ages. And there are also a lot of revealing moments. And there are a lot of beautiful thoughts from the author.
We just recently talked in our family about the usefulness of certain things, for example, films and cartoons. And our Kolya even wrote a post about the usefulness of good cinema, when he watched the Soviet-era film “Children at Sea” and honestly said that such a film gives you strength! Shouldn’t he know this? At that time he was working two jobs. Or like the cartoon "Lego Batman", which only distracts attention and does not give strength. And it seems that the child will be carried away by the Lego constructor, but he will actually ask for toys, not cubes, and what will he learn? Why do we have to fight evil with our fists? Do you remember in every Soviet book or cartoon they tried to rehabilitate evil? Because it's more responsible! The author talks about the same usefulness through the policeman Gorshkov, who at the beginning of the book spoke about the uselessness of the circus, that there is no benefit from it, a miner, a tram driver is there, but a magician is not, but then he said:

“- I’m ashamed to say, but I go to the circus almost every evening. Voluntarily.
- Yah?! - the guys and grandfather were amazed.
“Almost every evening,” Gorshkov repeated, “or rather, every evening free from work.” Pulls me there. I understood what was going on. People go to the circus to relax. Gain strength for tomorrow's work day. The viewer sits, looks at Eduard Ivanovich and thinks: strong, that means he’s a man! He's not afraid of lions, but I was afraid of the hooligan the day before yesterday. It also seems like educational work is working."

This is how the circus, books, films should be. It’s a pity that its creators began to forget about this. And the author’s discussion about the meaning of the book and the writer is also wonderful!

"Every parent dreams that his child will grow up good, kind, useful people, faithful.
But just as sometimes children can be bad, so it happens with books.
And just as parents are called to school when their children misbehave, we, the authors, are called to account.
If you weren't afraid of the word "textbook", I would say that books are textbooks.
Yes, yes, textbooks! You can learn to live by them.
If, of course, there is a desire."

So, of course, I liked everything! The only thing I didn't like was that main character very bad with decisions. How can I explain, it cannot be said that she is doing the wrong thing, there are simply clear, solid decisions made! And there are solutions of a crybaby, when “well, grandpa needs me more,” “well, it’s not that important to me...”. This is very bad, because then this is exactly what happens, not because of love for the grandfather, but because of the downtroddenness of the person himself, when he denies himself even the simplest thing - ice cream, when there is money, desire, and opportunity. But this, by the way, is also indicative!

I learned to be cheerful...

For the anniversary of L.I. Davydycheva

Lev Ivanovich Davydychev... His books are loved and read in Russia and abroad. Films have been made and performances have been staged based on his works. The cheerful and wise friend of children and adults would have turned 90 years old on January 1, 2017. He lived a short but very eventful life. For almost thirty years this wonderful man and writer has not been with us. But we still pay tribute to the sparkling talent of our fellow countryman - writer, publicist, playwright - Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.

The future writer was born in 1927 in the city of Solikamsk, Perm Region, into a family of philologists. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of writing books, but the path to writing turned out to be neither easy nor short. Young Davydychev suffered a terrible hardship - Great Patriotic War. While still just a boy, Leva dreamed of running away to the front as a volunteer, but it didn’t work out, he was still young. It was also difficult in the rear. They were hungry, they worked a lot and hard, and they also had to study. I finished the seven-year school and entered the oil technical school. But Leo’s soul was not in favor of his acquired profession. I wanted something else. I wanted to write! Connect your life with the word, literary work.

And he came to journalism. He started at the newspapers “Zvezda” and “Bolshevik Smena”, worked at the Perm book publishing house, and at the same time studied by correspondence at the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Perm.

His first book, dedicated to children, was published in 1955, it was called “My Friends, Buddies.” Full of sparkling humor, boyish prowess, carelessness - it immediately found a response in the hearts of young readers. And when in 1962 “The arduous life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student, full of hardships and dangers” appeared, the children’s delight knew no bounds. Everywhere they read this book out loud or silently, the laughter was unimaginable.

Lev Davydychev loved to invent, he invented a magnificent plot. And behind the plot discovery a whole chain of adventures was built. Davydychev really wanted to write in such a way that his books would be read by parents and children, so that both could find answers to their questions in them. Lev Ivanovich Davydychev died in 1988.

Children and adults of several generations know and love Davydychev's books. They have been published in large numbers in many languages ​​of the world, performances have been staged based on them, and feature films have been made. The writer's children's creativity is a celebration of laughter, fun, humor, a real celebration of childhood.

The material was prepared by T. G. Lobanova.

Works by L. I. Davydychev, available in the collection of the PKDB named after. L. I. Kuzmina:

The Wizard of a Dacha Village and Other Tales / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1952. − 52 p.

Lieutenant General Samoilov returns to childhood: a novel for children / L. I. Davydychev; artist V. Averkiev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1985. − 380 p. : ill.

The hum of long-distance trains: five notebooks of stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Regional Publishing House, 1961. − 208 p. : ill.

My friends, buddies; Life of Ivan Semenov; Lelishna; Hands up! or enemy No. 1 / L. I. Davydychev. − [Reprint]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1976. − 592 p.

My friends, buddies: humorous stories / L. I. Davydychev; artist G. Valek. − Moscow: Children's literature, 1981. − 318 p. : ill.

The soul is out of place: seven notebooks of stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1965. − 292 p. : ill.

Uncle Kolya - priest Popov - cannot live without football: story: [for younger. school age] / L. I. Davydychev; [art. S. Mozhaeva]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1980. − 198, p. : ill.

The life and suffering of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater / L. I. Davydychev; [art. A. Eliseev]. − Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2015. − 163, p. : color ill. − (Funny stories at school and at home).

Life of Ivan Semenov; Lelishna: stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1990. − 278, p. : ill.

The life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student: a story / L. I. Davydychev; artist O. Bazelyan. − Moscow: Pushkin Library: AST: Astrel, 2005. − 411, p. : ill. − ( extracurricular reading). − Contents: The life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a repeater; Lelishna from the third entrance. − The life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater; Lelishna from the third entrance.

Ivan Semenov; Uncle Kolya - priest Popov; General Shito-Kryto and others: [stories and novels for children] / L. I. Davydychev; [art. V. Bushuev]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1986. − 357, p. : ill. − Contents: Hands up! or Enemy No. 1: a novel; Stories: The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater; Uncle Kolya - priest Popov - cannot live without football.

How a bear ate porridge / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1954. − 8 p. : ill.

Lelishna from the third entrance, or the Tale of a kind girl, a brave boy, a lion tamer, a loser, nicknamed Para, a funny policeman and others interesting personalities, which there is no way to list in the title, because it turned out to be too long / L. Davydychev; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2005. − 207, p. : ill.

Lelishna from the third entrance / L. I. Davydychev; [art. E. Volodkina]. − Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2015. − 288, p. : ill. − (Funny stories at school and at home).

The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student, written on the basis of the author’s personal observations and stories that he heard from participants in the events described, as well as a certain amount of fantasy / L. I. Davydychev; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2006. − 110, p. : color ill.

The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student; My friends, buddies; Lelishna from the third entrance / L. I. Davydychev; artist G. Valek. − Moscow: Eksmo, 2011. − 540, p. : ill.

The difficult life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student, full of hardships and dangers: a story / L. I. Davydychev; artist G. Sokolov. − Moscow: Machaon: Azbuka-Atticus, 2016. − 142, p. : color ill. − (Cheerful company).

My friend sparrow: fairy tales: [for before school age] / L. I. Davydychev; [art. H. Avrutis]. − 2nd ed. − Perm: 2nd book printing house, 1965. − 52 p. : ill.

Stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Sverdlovsk: Sverdlovsk Book Publishing House, 1972. − 272 p. : ill.

Tales and stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1978. − 239 p.

Hands up!, or Enemy No. 1: novel: [for medium. school age] / L. I. Davydychev; artist S. Kalachev. − Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1989. − 269, p. : ill.

Hands up!, or Enemy No. 1: novel: [for medium. age] / L. I. Davydychev; artist R. Bagautdinov. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1972. − 429 p. : ill.

Hands up! or enemy No. 1: the novel is a little detective, and even with a scientific and medical bias, and even with a prologue, but without end... / L. I. Davydychev; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2006. − 270, p. : color ill.

The longest moment: stories and stories / L. I. Davydychev; [art. V. Kapridov]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1988. − 282, p. : ill.

Random companion: a story and stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1975. − 287 p. : ill.

The old man and his great love/ L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1965. − 32 p. − (Stories about Soviet people).

The suffering of a second-year student Ivan Semenov: a story / L. I. Davydychev; artist A. Shahgeldyan. − Moscow: Strekoza-Press, 2005. − 125, p. : color ill. − (Student's library).

Difficult love: a story / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1955. − 280 p.

At the ringing streams: stories / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: [Perm Book Publishing House], 1953. − 79 p. : ill.

Someone else's suitcase: [for children of primary school age] / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1959. − 28 p. : ill.

Grimy Fedotik: stories for children / L. I. Davydychev; [art. N. Gorbunov]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1983. − 125 p. : ill.

This Sweet Lyudmila: a novel for children and some parents / L. I. Davydychev. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1982. − 316, p. : ill.

This sweet Lyudmila: a novel for children and some parents / L. I. Davydychev; [art. O. Davydycheva]. − Perm: Master Key, 2007. − 255, p. : color ill.

in the publication of which he took a direct part:

Magic basket: poems and fairy tales by writers of the Kama region / E. Trutneva [and others]; artist A. Stolbova; [comp. And the preface. K. B. Gasheva]. − Perm: MT Perm, 2015. − 118, p. : color ill.

Green miracle: [poems about the Russian forest, trees, about the feelings and thoughts inspired by them] / [comp. L. Davydychev; artist E. Derbilova]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1991. − 221, p. : color ill.

Kolchanov, A. P. A cheerful life: stories and stories / A. P. Kolchanov; preface L. Davydycheva; artist V. Vagin. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1969. − 497 p. : ill.

Expectation: stories of Perm writers / [comp. L.I. Davydychev]. − Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1986. − 351 p. − Authors: I. Baygulov, V. Batalov, O. Volkonskaya, V. Vorobyov, M. Golubkov, L. Davydychev, A. Krasheninnikov, L. Kuzmin, I. Lepin, L. Pravdin, O. Selyankin, V. Sokolovsky, G. Solodovnikov, A. Speshilov, V. Chernenko.

Davydychev, L. I. The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and second-year student; Lelishna from the third entrance: excerpts from stories / L. I. Davydychev // Literature of the Kama region: a reader for the beginning. school : textbook allowance. − Perm, 2000. − P. 68-81: ill.

Davydychev, L. I. My familiar sparrow: [story] / L. I. Davydychev // Literature of the Urals: textbook. manual textbook. type for beginning school − Ekaterinburg, 2006. − P. 348−355.

Comp.: ch. bibliographer S. Yu. Shtele.

Tarutina Daria

The Perm region is our homeland, and Perm writers were born here, lived and wrote their wonderful works. Lev Kuzmin, Vladimir Vorobyov, Evgeny Permyak, Lev Davydychev.

I chose the theme of the project “The Life and Work of Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.” Firstly, in the first grade we were given Davydychev’s book “Hands Up or Enemy No. 1”, and secondly, when I read the books of this author, I really liked them.

I set myself target: learn more about this wonderful writer, get the kids in your class interested in Davydychev’s work, create electronic presentation about the life and work of L.I. Davydychev, hold a quiz.






Performed by Daria Tarutina

Student of 4th grade

Secondary school No. 3

Berezniki, Perm region


Yashchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

Berezniki 2010

Formulation of the problem.

The Perm region is our homeland, and Perm writers were born here, lived and wrote their wonderful works. Lev Kuzmin, Vladimir Vorobyov, Evgeny Permyak, Lev Davydychev.

I chose the theme of the project “The Life and Work of Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.” Firstly, in the first grade we were given Davydychev’s book “Hands Up or Enemy No. 1”, and secondly, when I read the books of this author, I really liked them.

I set myself target : learn more about this wonderful writer, get the kids in your class interested in Davydychev’s work, create an electronic presentation about the life and work of L.I. Davydychev, hold a quiz.


  1. find biographical and autobiographical materials about the life and work of L.I. Davydychev
  2. collect information about the writer’s work and study it;
  3. read books by L.I. Davydychev;
  4. create an information book;
  5. make an electronic presentation together with the teacher;
  6. present a defense of a class project at a school-wide conference.
  1. I started the project by visiting the school library and immediately encountered certain difficulties, since there were no biographical materials in the school library.
  2. Then I turned to the teacher and read the books she recommended to me.
  3. I went to the children's library, the Uralkali library and others.
  4. I was looking for necessary information on the Internet: biographical facts, portraits, photographs.

Then I re-read his works. I thought about why these works are so unusual.

The result my work was an information book about the life and work of the Perm writer L.I. Davydychev, then, when the children in my class re-read Davydychev’s books, I conducted a quiz on one of his works, “The Life of Ivan Semyonov.”


Davydychev Lev Ivanovichborn January 1, 1927 years in the city Solikamsk, Perm region. Since 1939 he lived in Perm, graduated from a seven-year school. And from 1941 to 1945 he studied at oil technical school in the geological department, where he took his first steps in his literary activity, was editor newspaper of geologists “Run”, satirical magazine“Pseudomorphosis according to Crocodile,” in which, as his fellow student at the technical school Matveev writes, it was not only the students, but also the teachers.After graduating from college, I worked for a year operator at the oil field in the city of Krasnokamsk.And there he soon wrote hisfirst work“Bottle of Oil”, which was published in one of the Perm magazines. In 1946 he entered theFaculty of History and Philology, Perm State University.1946 was the beginning journalistic activities of L. Davydychev. He is a reporter for the Perm newspapers Zvezda and Molodaya Gvardiya. And in 1952 it comes outfirst book for children"The Wizard of the Dacha Village" “I started writing with fairy tales, because it seemed that fairy tales were the easiest to write...much later I realized that this was the most difficult,” says the author.

In 1959, a book of stories by L. Davydychev, “Alien Suitcase,” was published in Perm. The most successful of them (according to critics) are “Girl with Three Braids”, “Reva”. In the story "Roar", perhaps first time humor becomes the means that unobtrusively educates the reader.

On the day of his sixtieth birthday (January 1, 1987) in the newspaper “Zvezda” L.I. Davydychev says: “At meetings with readers, I am constantly asked how many of my books have been published. But I never counted. But before my 60th birthday I finally decided. And I got 45. But these are editions and reissues. And in its pure form - fifteen . That works out to two years of work per book. This is on average. It doesn’t work faster.”(1, 135)

Lev Davydychev is known to us primarily as children's writer. “The Life of Ivan Semyonov”, “Lelishna from the Third Entrance” - these names immediately come to mind when we hear his name. Based on his works, cartoons, films, and theatrical performances. Davydychev's works were published not only in Russia, but also in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria.

Based on the story by L.N. Davydycheva "Hands up! Or Enemy No. 1» directed by Vladimir Grammatikov in 1981 A musical film was made this year. The following famous actors starred in it: Georgy Vitsyn, Tatyana Peltzer, Irina Muravyova and others. Grammatikov's films were once recognized as the best in the section of children's and youth films at international festival in Moscow and San Sebastiano, and “Hands up! Or Enemy No. 1,” according to the unanimous recognition of critics, was the leader at the All-Union Children’s Film Week in Minsk.

L.I. Davydychev was repeatedly elected executive secretary of the Perm Regional Writers' Organization, and was a member of the board of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR. For a fruitful literary activity awarded the medal "For valiant work in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin." In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, in 1977 - a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In 1985, the Writer was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.”

Winner of the regional Arkady Gaidar Prize.

A portrait of L.I. Davydychev adorns the foyer of the Perm Regional Children's Library named after. L.I. Kuzmina (the portrait was painted by the Honored Artist of Russia, Perm artist Stanislav Kovalev).

On November 24, 1988, L.I. Davydychev passed away. He died of a heart attack. His heart could not withstand the load that accompanied his creativity.

2007 in the Perm region was declared the YEAR OF L.I. DAVYDYCHEV.

October 9, 2008 a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia (Sibirskaya St., 30) with the inscription: “They worked in this house in the 20th century writers : Victor Astafiev, Vladimir Vorobyov, Mikhail Golubkov, Lev Davydychev , Nikolay Domovitov, Lev Kuzmin, Lev Pravdin, Vladimir Radkevich, Alexey Reshetov."
The initiators of the installation of the board were students of class 10 "B" of the Perm gymnasium.

What are the features of Davydychev’s works?

  1. With every new work humor is getting more and more strong point creativity of L.I. Davydychev.

The fairy tale “About the mouse with a golden tail, about the mouse with a silver tail and about the mouse who had no tail at all” begins with a dialogue that is already funny to read:

“I went into a zoological store and asked:

Are there any tigers?

Yesterday we sold them all,” the seller replied, “now we’ll have to wait until the new year.”

Long, - I said, - are there any interesting animals?

As much as you like. Here are the hedgehogs.

No, I don't need a hedgehog. What if I don’t notice and sit on it? I would like a softer animal."

The real skill of the writer was manifested in all his subsequent books. For example, in the book about Ivan Semyonov there were a lot of funny moments.

  1. The full title of the work is “The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and second-year student, written on the basis of the author’s personal observations and stories that he heard from participants in the events described, as well as a certain amount of fantasy” 31 WORDS! And in this -one more feature creative manner writer. The story about Ivan Semyonov was completed in 1961, and four years later a new one was ready - “Lelishna from the third entrance, or the story about a kind girl, a brave boy, a lion tamer, a poor student nicknamed Para, a funny policeman and other interesting personalities, to be listed in There’s no way to name it because it’s already too long” (38 words).

In 1969, the story “Hands Up! Or Enemy No. 1,” the full title of which has 59 words!

  1. And Davydychev is also a great inventor. If he wants to say something very important, he comes up withunusual line. Sometimes the letters are arranged in a column, sometimes diagonally, in steps, scattered, from right to left. Individual words in works are written with repetition of letters or syllables. Here are some examples:
  1. Ivan didn’t notice the girl, tripped over her and fell head over heels, counting the steps with his head.
  2. WE LEFT IVAN in second grade



  1. Under the heat


How glad I was!

  1. Horror!
    Ivan overslept!
  1. The reader will definitely re-read the thought so framed, because he understands: the author emphasizes the unusualness of the situation.
  2. Before Lev Ivanovich, no one had played so selflessly in prose with lines and fonts, punctuation marks (at least in Perm). And so in 1962, the Perm book publishing house, having suffered greatly with the unusual layout, published a book about Ivan Semyonov.
  3. It was published in Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, Kyiv, Moscow, and Perm three more times ( last time- in 2004).

A brief history of the creation of the film “Three and a half days in the life of Ivan Semyonov”

In the early 1960s, Perm writerLev Davydychevwrote a story that is dashing in form and daring in content. The title alone is worth it - “The difficult life, full of hardships and dangers, of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and second-year student.”

In 1966, Perm television filmed Feature Film entitled "Three and a half days in the life of Ivan Semenov - a second-grader and a second-year student."

Director: Konstantin Berezovsky.

Screenwriter: Lev Davydychev.

On main role They chose an ordinary Perm boy -

Vova Sparrow. Although he doesn’t look at all like Ivan Semyonov from the book.

According to the book, Ivan Semyonov is lanky. Director Berezovsky did not immediately like the short Vladimir Vorobey, but Lev Davydychev immediately approved him for the main role as soon as he saw him. By the way, Vladimir, unlike his character, was an excellent student and went in for sports, playing in the city team in the “Leather Ball” and “Golden Puck” tournaments. At first they planned to do Ivan’s makeup exactly according to the book, including painting freckles. However, this was abandoned; the character turned out to be colorful anyway.

The film turned out to be successful.

Vovka Sparrow gained lifelong fame. Forty-three years have passed, but Vladimir Vatslavovich is still invited to schools and libraries to talk with children and teachers and talk about the filming of the unique Perm film.

“The idea of ​​making a film about Ivan Semenov at the Perm television studio arose immediately after the publication of Lev Davydychev’s story. However, Perm television workers at that time had no experience in filming feature films. However, like director Konstantin Berezovsky, who came to work at the Perm studio television from Ufa. But after reading the script, and then the book itself, Berezovsky agreed to work on the film, setting the only condition - to give him a year to train young actors. Every week at the television studio, the children were taught acting, and the acquired skills were consolidated with the help of television performances. Most of the guys later played in “Ivan Semenov”.

The first Perm full-length film was released on April 1, 1966. At the same time, he became a laureate at the First All-Union Television Film Festival in Kyiv, and the young actor Volodya Vorobey received a prize for the best performance of a child role. The picture seemed to many miraculously , including from an economic point of view: its creation took 33 thousand rubles, which was 7 times cheaper than films created in capital studios. How much "Ivan Semenov" earned at the box office - and it was also watched abroad - only the state knows.

Songs are composed and composed about Ivan Semenovcontinuation. Children and adults willingly draw and sculpt it:
- artist Valery Averkiev (1976);
- second grader Evstrakhin Rudik (2001);
- artist Olga Davydycheva, granddaughter of the author (2004);

Writer Vladimir Kirshin (2003).

Ivan Semenov's dreams of fame came true. IN last years the Permians' love for him increased even more. Writers Vyacheslav Zapolskikh and Vladimir Kirshin, for example, createdSociety of Friends of Ivan Semyonov- for “propaganda and development of Perm literature, search and support of young talents.”

And in 2003, a monument was even erected to Ivan. The sculpture by Nikolai Khromov, carved from a single piece of granite, now stands in the park near the puppet theater.

Let's face it: former performer role was skeptical about “his” monument, calling it uninteresting: “This is not a monument to Ivan Semyonov, this is a sculpture depicting a schoolboy. Has nothing to do with Ivan Semyonov”

Vladimir Vorobey advocates that the city have a monument to Lev Davydychev and an alley named after him, in which many famous heroes of the talented children’s writer would settle, including Ivan Semyonov, but another.

A writer's museum has been opened in Perm school No. 2. Students from Perm School No. 2, where the film was filmed, are finishing the design of the “Museum of Children’s Books of the Kama Region” and the literary cafe “Ivan Semenov”. The culprit of these endeavors was Olga Davydycheva, the writer’s granddaughter. She, the heiress, inherited his huge archive, many paintings, books and manuscripts. She offered all this to Perm art gallery, where she was informed about the existence of humanitarian school No. 2. It was there that about 40 paintings with dedicatory inscriptions of artists, Lev Davydychev’s library moved - most of the books also with author’s dedicatory inscriptions, an archive of manuscripts and a typewriter on which the famous children’s writer worked. The literary cafe “Ivan Semenov” has already opened on the ground floor of the school, in the design of which was attended by the actor who played the role of a second-grader and second-year student in the film of the same name, Vladimir Vorobey. Photographs of Ivan and stills from the cult children's film look out at visitors from the walls. According to the school administration, the cafe should become a meeting place for high school students, various literary evenings, and intellectual games.

At the initiative of the Governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov, a tradition arose of giving books by Perm writers to all first-graders of the Perm Territory. So, in 2004, a book about Ivan Semenov was republished, in 2005 - “Lelishna from the third entrance”, in 2006 - “Hands up! Or Enemy No. 1,” in 2007. - “This dear Lyudmila.” These books contain original illustrations drawn by Olga Davydycheva (the writer’s granddaughter).She admits that in the publishing house, when they were working on the book, there was an atmosphere of laughter - laughter could be heard from every corner.

The works of L.I. Davydychev are still loved and read by children.


I believe that the goal I set has been achieved. I learned a lot of interesting things about L.I. Davydychev, created an electronic presentation about his life and work, interested the children in my class in the work of L.I. Davydychev, we watched the film “Three and a half days in the life of Ivan Semyonov”, I gave a quiz on the book "The Life of Ivan Semyonov."


  1. A bottle of oil. Story. ()
  2. The wizard of the holiday village. Sat. stories. ()
  3. Warm hearts. Tale. ()
  4. By the ringing streams. Sat. stories. ()
  5. Like a bear eating porridge. Fairy tale. ()
  6. Tough love. Tale. ()
  7. My friends are buddies, or the Tale of how the guys lived in Nizhnye Petukhi. Tale. ()
  8. Why the girl cried: Three notebooks of stories. ()
  9. Someone else's suitcase. Sat. stories. ()
  10. My friend sparrow. Fairy tale. ()
  11. The hum of distant trains: Five notebooks of stories. ()
  12. The life of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and second-year student, is difficult, full of hardships and dangers. ()
  13. Lyolishna from the third entrance. Tale. ()
  14. An old man and his greatest love. Sat. stories. (