Literary and musical composition “The Earth is our home. Scenario of a literary and musical composition with theatrical elements “Flowers - the smile of nature” Competition of literary and musical compositions on ecology

Scenario of the literary and musical composition “Earth Day”

1 presenter: According to tradition, Earth Day is celebrated in the spring, when the earth awakens from winter hibernation. On the day of the spring equinox.

2 presenter: This holiday, like a hymn to life, hope for the healing of the planet, is celebrated in all countries of the world.

1 presenter: The first Earth Day celebration took place on March 21, 1970 in the USA. In our country, the “Bell of Peace on Earth Day” campaign has been held since 1998.

2 presenter: And it all starts with the sound of the Peace Bell, the meaning of this ceremony is that during the minute while the bell rings, people think about what they must do to save our planet, realize themselves as citizens and improve the lives of all living things on the ground.

The bell rings

1 presenter. Today we celebrate the birthday of the Earth - our common home.

2 presenter. Tell me, is everything around us also our home?

1 presenter. Our village is located on the river.

And across the river you can see a forest in the distance.

Gardens and fields stretch towards the forest,

Our Earth is very beautiful!

2 presenter. True, she is beautiful, but where is she?

1 presenter. In Russia, this is our country.

2. presenter. Well, where is the country?

1 presenter. Like all countries on our planet!

2 presenter. What is the name of our planet?

1 presenter. Earth!

2 presenter. We are talking about the fact that the whole Earth is our common home!

“The Earth Doesn’t Sleep” Music: Vyacheslav Dobrynin Lyrics: Roberta Rozhdestvensky

Performs 6th grade.

(Song “The Earth Doesn’t Sleep”)

1 presenter. There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,

The sun, rain and thunder, forest and sea surf live in it.

2 presenter. Birds and flowers live in it, the cheerful sound of a stream,

You and all your friends live in that bright house.

1 presenter. Wherever the roads lead, you will always be there.

This house is called the nature of our native Earth.

2 presenter. Look how nice it is, the house you live in!

The land, which has been dear since childhood, is called the Motherland.

Look how good it is, the region in which you live!

Our land Music: D. Kabalevsky, lyrics: A. Prishelets

(Song “Our Land”)

1 presenter “I look at the globe - the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me: "

2 presenter “You take care of us, take care of us....!”

1 presenter “In the troubles of the groves and forests”

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask...”

1 presenter “The deep river is sad,

2 presenter “Take care of us, take care of us...!”

1 presenter “The deer stopped its run:

"Be a Man, man

We believe in you - don’t lie..."

2 presenter “You take care of us, take care of...!”

1 presenter “I look at the globe - the globe, so beautiful and dear.”

Together: “And lips whisper; “I won’t lie, I will save you, I will save you...”

Song "Forgive Earth"

I love my land... How strange it is to hear this:

After all, every person loves his own land!

But the sky here is blue, the sun is higher and May is lilac-colored here!

Summer smells of rain and hay, the river calls with coolness.

And autumn is dressed in gold. Clouds float in wisps.

Winter beckons into the distance like a ski track, the snow crunches on a frosty morning...

And the river will overflow its banks in April. The forest is noisy in the spring...

I love my land

I've seen a lot of places, and you can go around half the world,

But I don’t think I can find anything closer and dearer than my native land!

Song "Native Land"

1 presenter. A damp lump of earth breathes in my palm. Earth... This is a true miracle. The only thing that is above all. The earth is the mother of all generations, the cradle of humanity. The earth gives us spiritual and physical strength.
2 presenter. The ancestors of the Russian people, the ancient Slavs, affectionately called the land “Mother Earth”, “mother of the cheese earth”, because earth, along with air, water and fire, is one of the main elements of the universe. It is she, the earth, who feeds, gives water, clothes, undead. In due time it blooms blue with flowers, envelops us with coolness, drying the sweat of fatigue from us. It is she who accompanies the astronauts on their distant space journey.

Song "Hymn to the Earth"

1 presenter. And of course, when cosmonauts fly off into space, they always look forward to returning to Earth.

Song "Grass near the house"

My land! Cut up, torn.
And your chest is torn by armor...
But you fought to the death, like soldiers.
Which she covered with her head.

And they walked, defending the Fatherland.

And they had the same goal
Clear the earth of the fascist pack.
Faith led them forward in victory!

The earth is now blooming and becoming prettier,

The fierce battles are left behind,
But the wounds still turn black
In some places on the ground of my chest.

Song "Native Land"

The doom bell rings over the world,
Disturbing the memory, remembering the grief,
The face of the gray war is cruel and terrible,
Like a raging sea in a storm.

Japan has been mourning for many years now

Known to people are Hiroshima, Nagasaki,
But there is no ban on tragedy,
There are nuclear chopping blocks everywhere.

Humanity doesn't want to understand

That life is the most sacred thing in the world,
It can be cut off instantly
In the crucible of an explosion or in the thick of battle.

We cannot count all the sacrifices and trials,

But the arsenals and training grounds are intact,
Chernobyl devastating news
A warning to new generations.

The millennium has begun to count down,

The twenty-first century walks across the earth,
May his children have better luck
And a ray of sun greets them every day.

Song "Before it's too late"

2 presenter: Every day the fauna of the globe becomes poorer by one species of animal.

Presenter 1: Every week we lose one plant species forever.

2 presenter: 20 hectares of forests are cut down per minute.

1 presenter: 5 million tons are emitted into the earth's atmosphere every year.

2 presenter: About 10 billion tons of oil enter the waters of the world's oceans every year.

1 presenter: An environmental disaster hangs over every person!

2 presenter: How often, in the daily bustle, in the pursuit of momentary success, we sometimes forget about the eternal values ​​that are the foundation of our lives. Such lasting value is the surrounding nature.

1 presenter: Sorry, Earth, sorry, sorry, sorry….

We people have offended you so much,

We have to bear the burden of conscience for this:

They looked at a lot... and didn’t see.

Michael Jackson video clip

We will not let you become ashes and cinders

To what is called earthly beauty.

May the sky above the earth be peaceful,

May childhood always laugh loudly!

.: - Our planet Earth is very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields are our dear home, guys!

Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world.

We will scatter clouds and smoke over her, we will not let anyone offend her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens and flowers

You and I need such a planet.

The night passed as if the pain had passed,
The earth sleeps, let it rest, let it rest.
The Earth, like you and me
There, ahead, is a long journey, like life.

I'll take this big world

Every day, every hour of it,
If I forget something,
It's unlikely that the stars will accept us.
If I forget something,
It's unlikely that the stars will accept us.

I will take the twitter of earthly birds,

I will take the splash of good streams,
I will take the light of thunderstorms,
Whispering winds, empty winter forest...

I will take the memory of earthly miles,

I will swim in ripe, thick flax.
There in the distance, there, near the blue stars
The sun of the Earth will shine on me.

The literary and musical composition is dedicated to the 140th anniversary of M.M. Prishvin and environmental protection. The philosophical and ideological views of M. M. Prishvin were reflected both in his works of art and in the “Diaries”, which the writer himself considered the main book of his life. Prishvin kept his “Diaries” for almost half a century, from 1905 to 1954. The last entry dates back to a few days before the writer’s death, which occurred on January 16, 1954. In the diary entries there are observations and reflections of a thinking Russian intellectual, in them there are observations on nature, man, himself, and time.The work of Mikhail Prishvin is imbued with a deep ecological meaning. “For others, nature,” the writer believes, “is firewood, coal, ore, or a dacha, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents have grown.” These thoughts remain relevant to this day. As attentive as he was to nature, Prishvin treated man and society. After death, such a concept as “ecology of the soul” appeared, although many pages of Prishvin’s prose are devoted specifically to the ecology of human souls.The process of personality formation in general and environmental education in particular should be based on works of literature. Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, and intelligence. Man and nature: philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples paid tribute to this eternal and always relevant topic. But, perhaps, it has never been as acute as in our days, when the threat of an environmental crisis hangs over humanity and the problem of greening human material and spiritual activity has become a vital necessity.


Slide captions:

I found my favorite thing to do: search and discover the beautiful sides of the human soul in nature.”
Prishvin's eyes were, rather, the eyes of his soul, and their vigilance and ability to see
the unusual is the property of a true artist and philosopher.
Literary and musical composition “Ecology of the soul”
and ecology
nature", dedicated to 140-
since the birth of M.M. Prishvina
After all, my friends, I write about nature,
I myself only think about people.
Let's save our souls together
Then we ourselves will survive on Earth!
“I am filled with happiness, I want to open everyone’s eyes to the possibilities for a person to live beautifully...”


Literary and musical composition “Ecology of the soul and ecology of nature”

Goal: to promote the development of ecological thinking of students;

Increasing cognitive interest in natural science and humanities subjects; implementation of interdisciplinary connections.

The entire speech is accompanied by a presentation (Appendix 1)

Reader 1:

I see wonderful freedom,

I see cornfields and fields.

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land!

I see giant mountains

I see rivers and seas.

These are Russian paintings

This is my homeland!

I hear the lark's songs,

I hear the trill of a nightingale.

This is the Russian side,

This is my homeland!

Reader 2:

“Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking with it,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy more than a hundred years ago. Look around, see what unique beauty surrounds us! Huge majestic rivers, calmly carrying their clear water into the seas and oceans; forests, dense and impenetrable, such that fairy tales were entangled in their branches. Imagine an immense blue sky, in which bird songs are heard in various modes and voices. And how the summer meadows delight with their velvety greenery, how much delight the flowers evoke, enchanting us with their uniqueness.


I lean towards the blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in it: it is only Ivan left from the previous double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya.

In truth, Ivan is not a real flower. It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. Only yellow Marya is a real flower with pistils and stamens. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on the autumn ground, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas. Marya’s case is much more difficult, that’s probably why she fell before Ivan.

Nature for me, fire, water, wind, stones, plants, animals - all these are parts of a broken single being. And man in nature is the mind of a great being, accumulating strength to gather all nature into unity.

My notes about nature often lead me to think that the train of our human life moves much faster than nature, and that is why it happened to me that, writing down my observations in nature, I write about the life of man himself.

This is how I write now, that there is a high desire to give one’s soul for other people and oneself become the good of history! So you, nature lovers, when in the forest you absent-mindedly pick up a piece of resin and enjoy the aroma of a healing balm, remember that this balm is used to heal trees, whose entire life has a constant desire for light, and man has his own balm: poetry.

Reader 2: Man himself can only see his real face in the mirror of nature,” says M. Prishvin. You must learn to look into this mirror, learn to see yourself and others in it. Attitudes towards nature divide people into two camps. On those who understand and love her, and others: cruel, greedy, who thoughtlessly destroy the world around them. There is so much horror of hopelessness in Rozhdestvensky’s words: “There is less and less of the surrounding nature, more and more of the environment.”

Reader 1: An immoral attitude towards nature leads to the destruction of man himself. “The most dangerous poacher is in the soul of each of us,” wrote V. Astafiev. Therefore, a person’s inner beauty should include feelings of love for his native nature.

Song based on the song “Moments”(slide 16)

Don't think about nature from above,

The day will come, and you yourself will probably understand

Mother nature is close to us,

And every moment, and every moment.

How hard it is for us to live without flocks of birds

And without rain during the summer heat,

Perhaps we will save our native land,

Probably, probably, probably

Every moment has its own reason,
Its own bells, its own mark.
Moments give someone shame,
To whom is infamy, and to whom is immortality!

Reader 2:

We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected, they must be opened and shown.”

Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests and mountains - we will protect our forests and mountains.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

Reader 1:

Prishvin’s word is unusually modern, he wrote about nature and is known as a singer of nature, but to think so is the same as entering a forest and being sure that it is intended only for relaxation.

Prishvin “...Why do I write about animals, flowers, forests, nature? Yes, because I found my favorite thing to do: look for and discover the beautiful sides of the human soul in nature. This is how I understand nature as a mirror of the human soul: only man gives its image and meaning to the beast, the bird, the grass, and the cloud... I am filled with happiness, I want to open everyone’s eyes to the possibilities for a person to live beautifully, to breathe so sunny. frosty air, watch and listen to lilies, guess their music...

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.”

They read rap. (Slide19)

1 verse.

May the sun always shine

The meadows are turning green,

May the river always be clean

Let the flowers bloom

Leaves are blooming

And clouds are floating across the sky


This world was given

Millions of years ago

We ask all the guys

Verse 2

On a beautiful planet

The children will be happy

Admire the forest and green fields.

We'll save it for ourselves

For friends and for mom

Home is what we call Earth.


Reader 2:

But the life of nature follows its own wise, deep laws.

There are beautiful trees that retain their foliage until the frosts and remain green after frosts until snowstorms. They are wonderful. So there are people who have endured everything in the world, and yet they themselves become better and better until their death.


Get up, my friend! Gather the rays of your happiness into a bundle, be brave, start the fight, help the sun! And for tens of thousands of years people lived on earth, accumulating joy, passing it on to each other, so that you would come, pick it up, gather its arrows into bundles and rejoice. Be brave, be brave!

All participants sing the song “Let's Save.” (Slide 22)

We live in the same family,

We should sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same line

Fly in one flight.

Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Tolerant and kind!

But let her dashing

No fate befell.

Let's save

There is sturgeon on the rods.

Killer whale in the sky,

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

If you are destined to breathe

We have only air.

Let's all go

Let's unite forever.

Let's get our souls

Together we will save

Then and on Earth

We will save ourselves!

Goals: contribute to the formation of the concept of “nature” as a common home, skills of reasonable behavior and careful attitude towards it; attract children's attention to environmental problems; teach to understand and feel the beauty of nature through poetry, music, and play; improve children's speech; develop fantasy, creative imagination, communication.

Equipment: costumes - “Path”, “Hedgehog”, “Butterfly”, “Bear”; flowers “Bell, Clover, Chamomile, Cornflower, Carnation”; models of trees (spruce, birch, oak, maple), mushrooms, berries; posters with rules of behavior in the forest; Children's drawings.

Preparatory work: learn poems about nature, riddles about animals, flowers; learn songs to the music of E. Arkhipova “Song of the Butterfly”, “Summer Song”, “Song of the Bells”, “Song of the Daisies”, “Song of the Carnation”; introduce the game “Guys and the Bear”, organize an exhibition of children’s drawings on the theme “Take care of nature!”

Children are invited to the hall.

HOST. Children, today I want to talk to you about what surrounds us, more precisely, about nature. I want to help you see what nature is like. But she is beautiful, mysterious, generous! But not all guys notice this. And they don’t think: will nature be worse if each of them, while collecting nuts, breaks a branch or picks 3-4 flowers, or catches a single butterfly?

Yes, nature will be worse! Every wasted branch, every plucked flower, every caught butterfly is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if you inflict one such wound, another - your comrade, a third, fourth, fifth - someone else - what will happen to nature?..

Let us now go for a walk in the forest, field, meadow, to think together about how to preserve and protect nature from destruction.

To the song “Merry Morning” (R. Boyko - V. Viktorov), children walk freely around the hall in pairs. A girl runs ahead of them - “Path”.



Tell me where are you leading?

GIRL - "Path".

I'm leading you to a fragrant meadow,

What does it look like a carpet?

I lead you to where the river is

Runs over the stones

And it’s lively above the water

Swifts are flying by.

The children continue to walk with the song, and the children of the older group, dressed in flower costumes, come out into the middle of the hall and sit down in random order. The preparatory group children stop.

HOST. Children, it seems that we have come to the meadow with you. Look how beautiful it is around us, how many flowers there are! Do you know what these flowers are called?(Children's answer.)We'll check now.

Flower children ask riddles and sing songs.


I love the July heat

I'm purple, cutout,

If only the edges were copper,

I would ring all day long.

"Song of the Bells"


I am a one-time flower, fluffy

And I melt fragrant honey within myself.

All people admire me

And they know that I... (red clover).


The sun beats on a blade of grass,

With the wind it breaks into the sky.

But not hot at all

White rays of the sun!

"Song of Daisies"


Rye is earing in the field,

There you will find a flower in the rye

Bright blue and fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.


Everyone knows us:

Bright as a flame

We are namesakes

With small nails.

Admire the wild

Aloe... (cloves).

"Carnation Song"


If they bloomed in the field

Only white flowers

I'd be tired of admiring

They will soon be you and me.

If they bloomed in the field

Only yellow flowers

You and I would get bored

From such beauty.

It's good that there are daisies

Roses, asters, cornflowers,

Dandelions and porridges,

Forget-me-nots and frying!

It's good that they don't look alike

People with eye and skin color.

How beautiful the colorful world is,

Multi-colored globe!

A. Shlygin

Round dance "Summer Song" (E. Arkhipova - Y. Polukhin). A girl in a butterfly costume runs into the hall and “flies” over the flowers.


Guys, look, a butterfly!

Specks on the wings

Double antennae -

The butterfly opened

The eyes are blue.

Flying out of the leaves,

Hovering over the clearing,

Enjoys life

Enjoying the sun!

“The Butterfly Song” (E. Arkhipova - N. Kozlova). The butterfly flies away and the flowers run after it.

HOST. Children, let's try to live in such a way thatEartharound us remained generous and beautiful, so that they murmuredonThere were clean streams, flowers bloomed, birds sang. Therefore, I order you not to pick wild flowers or break branches of trees and bushes.


Open your eyes!


Growing wildly

Strawberries are blooming.

Don't tear it!

And don’t tear your love -

Night violet.

Don't do the stick

In case of

From a small prickly fir tree.

Don't pick the flower

Better yet, say:


Lily of the valley,

colored carnation,


Don't disappear

Growing wildly!

L. Nikolaenko

HOST. And now you and I will go into the forest. May be,usbe lucky enough to see some rare animals.


On a narrow path

The day is filled with music.

Birch music,

Light as a lake.

Boiled with leaves

Blue branched.

Having fun, dressing up.

Come and rejoice!

Game “Guys and the Bear” (E. Tilicheeva - N. Naydenova).

HOST. Children, have you ever walked through the forest calmly, without running around? Don't yell, don't scream, just sit quietly under the tree. If you sit quietly in the forest, you can see a lot of interesting things. What, for example? Tell me . (Children's answers.) Well done! Now let'sLet's listen to the birds, these singers of the Earth, its fields, forests, meadows. After all, no onelbetter than birds can tell how beautifulourEarth.(The voices of birds are heard in the recording.)

Song " Listen to the birds" (Ya. Dubrovin - E. Ruzhentseva) (there is a knock

Woodpecker). Song "Master Woodpecker" (S. Banevich - E. Ruzhentseva). In the hall

children appear in squirrel and hedgehog hats.

HOST. The squirrel said to the Hedgehog.


You're a slacker, I see.

Don't sit without work

Go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Winter is not scary for us,

If you have a supply of mushrooms.

(The hedgehog walks through the forest, picks mushrooms and sings).Song "At the Forest Path" (S. Banevich -

R. Korotkova). Song "Forest Friends" (Kotlyarovsky - R. Korotkova).


I got up early

And - into the grove lightly.

Birch trees are waiting for me there,

Hiding in the cold.

They all grow together

Their whole family

And the smallest one is

My age.

I'll be seven very soon

And she is already seven years old.

She only needs a scarlet ribbon

There is not enough in the braid.

Thanks to every thread

For what grows here!

Thanks to every bird

For singing here!

ANDclubfoot jackdaw,

Even though I laugh at her

ANDeven the evil nettle,

Even though I'm afraid of her...

They are my neighbors

They are my relatives.

ANDthey all have this

Thank you from me!

N. Sakonskaya

HOST. Children, stand in a circle and let’s dance around the birch tree.

Round dance "Around the birch tree" (lyrics and music by E. Arkhipova).

(Pedagogical situation with a chick.)


Be healthy, green forest!

Stand in formal attire.

Desks, books and notebooks

You gave us green forest.

So that it doesn't disappear in the world

Forest beast and bird too,

Prosper our good friend,

Be healthy, green forest!

E. Agranovich

HOST. Children, what proverbs do you know about the forest?


Forest- wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

LEUlove, love nature, you will be forever dear to the people.

Enemynature is the one who does not protect the forests.

There is a lot of forest - don’t destroy it, a little forest - take care, no forest - plant it.

He who cuts down the forest dries the places, drives the clouds away from the fields and cooksheaps of grief for yourself.

The groves of the forest - the whole region is beautiful.

The plant is a decoration of the earth.


HOST.And now I propose to hold a quiz about the life of animals and plants. A team of children from the preparatory group and a team of children from the senior group will participate in it. Of course, children in the preparatory group know more, but the questions will be more difficult for them.

Questions for the senior group

1. Which flower turns into a ball?

- Rose.


- Chamomile.

2. Why does a hare change his fur coat when winter comes?

- To surprise everyone.

- Because he likes to dress up.

Wants to be invisible to the wolf and fox.

3. Is a whale an animal, an insect or a bird?

Questions for the preparatory group

1. Why does a hare have big ears?

- To hear better.

To avoid overheating.

– For braking when cornering.

2. Why does the snake show its tongue?

- He's teasing.

-Looking for prey.

Regulates its body temperature.

3. Why does the ostrich hide its head in the sand?

- Because of fear.

-Looking for food.

(Pedagogical situation: review of the poster)

Children learn certain rules and draw appropriate conclusions.

HOST. Thank you very much everyone for participating. It is very good that you know so much, because it is simply impossible to protect nature without knowing anything about it.

Children, you probably realized that nature ismostman's main assistant. But due to the fact that not all people know about this, that they are ruthlessly cutting down forests,pollutewater and air, beautiful plants are often torn, andanimalssometimes cruelly exterminated for the sake of fur and meat, natureVerysuffers greatly. Many plants and animals thatmetoften, but now they have begun to disappear, they are included in the Red Book. Thisthe book is called that because the color red issignaldanger. The plants and animals listed in this book are in great danger: they may disappear forever from the face of the Earth, and the Red Book takes them under its protection. Children, but it is not only rare animals and plants that need to be protected. We also need to protect those, of which there are still many, which are not yet included in the Red Book. These are the well-known squirrel hedgehog, tit and woodpecker, and many other animals, birds and plants. Their life often depends on you, on your behavior in nature.

Destroying bird nests, killing animals and insects, shooting birds and destroying anthills is unacceptable! But you can do none of this and still cause harm. If you run through the forest, make noise, climb trees, you disturb animals, drive birds away from nests in which eggs have already been laid. You trample down valuable and rare plants, which then break and dry out.

Now people all over the world have realized that the nature of our planet is in danger and are trying in every possible way to help it. It’s not for nothing that April 22 is declared Earth Day.

HOST. And what do people do on this day?(Children's answers .) And the people of the Earth donate all the money they earn to keep animals in zoos, to build and organize new nurseries and reserves. A lot of money is spent on refurbishment of factories and factories so that they do not pollute the air and water.


We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly...

All this is called nature,

Let's always take care of her!


In the meadows there are sunny-colored daisies,

Such that it is brighter to live in the world...

All this is called nature,

Let's be friends with nature!


Raindrops are flying, ringing, from the sky,

Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog...

All this is called nature,

Let's give her our hearts!


The farewell waltz dances with the summer wind,

The evening star is trembling in the window...


All this is called nature,

Let's love her always!

The song "Who is the merry-merry?" (A. Larin - Y. Moritz).

HOST. Our excursion has come to an end. Now, guys, it's time for us to go home.

(Children leave the hall to the music).

Literary and musical composition “Ecology of the soul and ecology of nature”

Goal: to promote the development of ecological thinking of students;

increasing cognitive interest in natural science and humanities subjects; implementation of interdisciplinary connections.

The entire speech is accompanied by a presentation (Appendix 1)

Reader 1:

I see wonderful freedom,

I see cornfields and fields.

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land!
I see giant mountains

I see rivers and seas.

These are Russian paintings

This is my homeland!
I hear the lark's songs,

I hear the trill of a nightingale.

This is the Russian side,

This is my homeland!
Reader 2:

“Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking with it,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy more than a hundred years ago. Look around, see what unique beauty surrounds us! Huge majestic rivers, calmly carrying their clear water into the seas and oceans; forests, dense and impenetrable, such that fairy tales were entangled in their branches. Imagine an immense blue sky, in which bird songs are heard in various modes and voices. And how the summer meadows delight with their velvety greenery, how much delight the flowers evoke, enchanting us with their uniqueness.

I lean towards the blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in it: it is only Ivan left from the previous double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya.

In truth, Ivan is not a real flower. It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. Only yellow Marya is a real flower with pistils and stamens. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on the autumn ground, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas. Marya’s case is much more difficult, that’s probably why she fell before Ivan.
Nature for me, fire, water, wind, stones, plants, animals - all these are parts of a broken single being. And man in nature is the mind of a great being, accumulating strength to gather all nature into unity.
My notes about nature often lead me to think that the train of our human life moves much faster than nature, and that is why it happened to me that, writing down my observations in nature, I write about the life of man himself.
This is how I write now, that there is a high desire to give one’s soul for other people and oneself become the good of history! So you, nature lovers, when in the forest you absent-mindedly pick up a piece of resin and enjoy the aroma of a healing balm, remember that this balm is used to heal trees, whose entire life has a constant desire for light, and man has his own balm: poetry.

Reader 2: Man himself can only see his real face in the mirror of nature,” says M. Prishvin. You must learn to look into this mirror, learn to see yourself and others in it. Attitudes towards nature divide people into two camps. On those who understand and love her, and others: cruel, greedy, who thoughtlessly destroy the world around them. There is so much horror of hopelessness in Rozhdestvensky’s words: “There is less and less of the surrounding nature, more and more of the environment.”
Reader 1: An immoral attitude towards nature leads to the destruction of man himself. “The most dangerous poacher is in the soul of each of us,” wrote V. Astafiev. Therefore, a person’s inner beauty should include feelings of love for his native nature.
Song based on the song “Moments”(slide 16)

Don't think about nature from above,

The day will come, and you yourself will probably understand

Mother nature is close to us,

And every moment, and every moment.
How hard it is for us to live without flocks of birds

And without rain during the summer heat,

Perhaps we will save our native land,

Probably, probably, probably
Every moment has its own reason,
Its own bells, its own mark.
Moments give someone shame,
To whom is infamy, and to whom is immortality!

Reader 2:

We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected, they must be opened and shown.”

Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests and mountains - we will protect our forests and mountains.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.
Reader 1:

Prishvin’s word is unusually modern, he wrote about nature and is known as a singer of nature, but to think so is the same as entering a forest and being sure that it is intended only for relaxation.
Prishvin“...Why do I write about animals, flowers, forests, nature? Yes, because I found my favorite thing to do: look for and discover the beautiful sides of the human soul in nature. This is how I understand nature as a mirror of the human soul: only man gives its image and meaning to the beast, the bird, the grass, and the cloud... I am filled with happiness, I want to open everyone’s eyes to the possibilities for a person to live beautifully, to breathe so sunny. frosty air, watch and listen to lilies, guess their music...

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.”

Reading rap. (Slide19)

May the sun always shine

The meadows are turning green,

May the river always be clean

Let the flowers bloom

Leaves are blooming

And clouds are floating across the sky

This world was given

We ask all the guys
Verse 2

On a beautiful planet

The children will be happy

Admire the forest and green fields.

We'll save it for ourselves

For friends and for mom

Home is what we call Earth.
Reader 2:

But the life of nature follows its own wise, deep laws.

There are beautiful trees that retain their foliage until the frosts and remain green after frosts until snowstorms. They are wonderful. So there are people who have endured everything in the world, and yet they themselves become better and better until their death.

Get up, my friend! Gather the rays of your happiness into a bundle, be brave, start the fight, help the sun! And for tens of thousands of years people lived on earth, accumulating joy, passing it on to each other, so that you would come, pick it up, gather its arrows into bundles and rejoice. Be brave, be brave!

All participants sing the song “Let's Save.” (Slide 22)

We live in the same family,

We should sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same line

Fly in one flight.

Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Tolerant and kind!

But let her dashing

No fate befell.

Let's save

There is sturgeon on the rods.

Killer whale in the sky,

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

If you are destined to breathe

We have only air.

Let's all go

Let's unite forever.

Let's get our souls

Together we will save

Then and on Earth

We will save ourselves!



Developed by:

Chemistry teacher Chemistry teacher

“There is less and less of the surrounding nature,

more and more for the environment"

R. Rozhdestvensky

Talking about ecology today is

This means that we are not talking about changing life

as before, but about her salvation

V. Rasputin

Target: - lead students to think that the attitude towards nature of each of us is a measure of human value;

To make you think about the fact that an immoral attitude towards nature leads not only to loss of health, but also to the moral destruction of a person.

Tasks:- show the general problems of the topic: “Man and earth, man and nature”; the sound of this theme in life, in literature, in journalism, in music;

- answer the question: “Does humanity perceive the problem of the relationship between man and nature as the main problem of the modern world?”;

- to form in students responsibility for the future of the country according to the principle: I am a person, you are a person, we are people;

- highlight the environmental problems of our region;

- develop a sense of patriotism and spirituality;

- cultivate the ability to be compassionate and not indifferent to what is happening around us.

Equipment, visibility:

1. Book exhibition “Wounded Earth”.

2. Stand “Plants and animals listed in the Red Book”.

3. Album with reproductions of paintings about nature.

4. Demonstration of slides about the pollution of recreation areas in our city.

5. Musical scenes from the work “Seasons”, songs about the Earth.

6. Drawings by students on the topic: “Save Planet Earth.”

Presenter 1:“Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking with it,” he wrote more than a hundred years ago. Look around, see what unique beauty surrounds us! Huge majestic rivers, calmly carrying their clear water into the seas and oceans; forests, dense and impenetrable, such that fairy tales were entangled in their branches. Imagine an immense blue sky, in which bird songs are heard in various modes and voices. And how the summer meadows delight with their velvety greenery, how much delight the flowers evoke, enchanting us with their uniqueness. V. Soloukhin once wrote: “... he who has flowers in his hands cannot do anything bad.” For every person, nature was not only a landscape that formed aesthetic taste and fostered an idea of ​​beauty, but also ideas about the naturalness of human existence were associated with thoughts about nature.

The harmony of the social and natural in life is the harmony of mind and heart, reason and feeling.

Music is playing.

1 reader: Flies - Earth

From sunrise to sunrise

Year after year

At the speed of moments

Great -

At the feet of a pedestrian

And the drip point -

In the Universe.

Reader 2: United!

With five continents

And with broods of different islands

Swaddled softly by clouds

Fanned by a thousand winds.

The song “Earth in the Porthole” is performed by the group “Earthlings”

Reader 3: I am Earth

Rotating in Space, in captivity of its orbit,

Not a year, not two, but billions of years

I'm so tired... my flesh is covered

Scars of wounds - there is no living place.

Steel torments my earthly body,

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,

All that I had and have,

A person considers his good.

Reader 4: Why are people so afraid of each other?

Have you forgotten about the Earth itself?

After all, I can die and stay

A charred grain of sand in the smoky haze.

Is it because, burning with vengeance

I rebel against the forces of thoughtlessness,

And, shaking Tver with an earthquake,

I give my answer to all grievances.

And it is no coincidence that they threaten the volcano

They pour out the pain of the Earth with glory...

Wake up, people!

Call on the countries

To save me from death!

Presenter 2: How many charming lines have been created by writers and poets about nature. “Man himself can only see his real face in the mirror of nature,” says M. Prishvin. You must learn to look into this mirror, learn to see yourself and others in it. Attitudes towards nature divide people into two camps. On those who understand and love her, and others: cruel, greedy, who thoughtlessly destroy the world around them. There is so much horror of hopelessness in Rozhdestvensky’s words: “There is less and less of the surrounding nature, more and more of the environment.”

Clean rivers and lakes, wild forests, unplowed fields, animals and birds are becoming fewer and fewer. Therefore, scientists, writers, reserve workers - everyone who is constantly connected with nature, ring all the bells so that all people on earth think and worry. “There is no man who is like an island on his own; every person is part of the land, part of the continent, and if a wave carries a coastal cliff into the sea, Europe will become smaller...And therefore, never ask for whom the bell tolls: it rings for you,” wrote J. John.

Today we understand that nature is not limitless, because in relations with it man has crossed a moral line. Pollution of the natural environment is the biggest disaster in the life of not only humans, but all living things. This tragedy is generated by man and directed against man.

Presenter 1: ecology is the science of the relationship between plant and animal organisms and the environment. In the mid-20th century, due to the increasing human impact on nature, ecology acquired particular importance.

Presenter 2: An immoral attitude towards nature leads to the destruction of man himself. “The most dangerous poacher is in the soul of each of us,” wrote V. Astafiev. Therefore, a person’s inner beauty should include feelings of love for his native nature.

Song based on the song “Moments”

Don't think about nature from above,

The day will come, and you yourself will probably understand

Mother nature is close to us,

And every moment, and every moment.

How hard it is for us to live without flocks of birds

And without rain during the summer heat,

Perhaps we will save our native land,

Probably, probably, probably...

1 reader: I love you big time

But please, listen to me

Don't kill the last taimen,

Let him walk in the dark depths.

Don't destroy the last swamp

Spare the hunted wolf

So that something remains on Earth

What makes my chest ache.

Reader 2: Our scientists have determined that more than 200 billion CO2 and more than 700 million tons of dust gaseous compounds have already been released into the atmosphere. Sulfur emissions amounted to 231 million tons, resulting in acid rain that poisoned the water in many reservoirs. Forests, the “lungs of the planet” in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Mediterranean, have perished.

The increased use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides has led to soil erosion. Every year, 7 million hectares of arable land are lost. Dry areas of the Earth are subject to devastation. Every year, an average of 6 million hectares of cultivated land in Africa, in the Aral Sea region, are devastated.

Presenter 1:“For example, the land and people. Mutual dependence is undeniable: man gives his labor to the earth, and he gives the fruits. This is everywhere on the globe. I want to understand my land not in general terms, but specifically, does it give a special character to a person? Perhaps it is not the wide sky being obscured by either mountains or forests, the bright, spacious distances that a person sees from the cradle to the churchyard give him a special openness of soul and generosity of nature. Perhaps it is the calmly majestic rivers and sun-drenched forests that give rise to a special kindness and gentleness in him. Perhaps my statement will be controversial, but many years of observation have led me to the conclusion: a person most likely breaks away from his moral anchors when he leaves the source that feeds him.” After the problems of peace and war, the problem of man and earth, man and nature is the most important in our time.

Reader 2: The gray ocean is humming alarm bells,

He harbors a grudge deep down,

Black rocking spots

On a steep, angry wave.

People became strong like gods

And the fate of the Earth is in their hands,

But terrible burns darken

The globe is on its sides.

We have long “mastered” the planet,

The new century is sweeping ahead

There are no more white spots on Earth

Will you erase the black ones, man?

Presenter 1: What are the environmental problems of our region?

Is the Nizhnevartovsk region sometimes called a wounded land? Why? And here is the answer:

100 grams of soil in the Gulf of Ob contain 10 grams of oil

In the Ob itself, oil exceeds the permissible limit hundreds of times

For more than ten years now, Lake Samotlor has been dead; there is nothing in it except oil.

It will take at least 500 years to restore the normal ecology of our region.

Presenter 2: Yuri Valla, a hereditary reindeer herder, hunter, wonderful writer, a native inhabitant of our region lives according to the laws of nature. He tries to preserve those crumbs of culture that still remain in the memory of the northern peoples. Yuri Vella created a whole series of works dedicated to the ecological conversations of his homeland; the poet called them “forest pains”, and it’s probably impossible to say more precisely.

1 reader: Oil, oil, oil floats along Varegan.

The boat, nets and oar were soaked in oil.

You'll cut a pike,

Knife in oil.

There is nowhere to go for water for the kettle.

The neighbors came running with disastrous news:

Even the crow's belly grew fat,

The cloud in the sky also turned black.

There are oil blots on the black hem,

My forest is crossed out with a black stripe.

Little fawn of childhood, why are you crying bitterly?

I will wash your grimy nose with dew.

Reader 3: I appeal to all living

Different countries and different dialects,

For the sake of the life of the centuries to come

Declare a universal holiday:

"An environmentally friendly day on Earth."

Reader 4: If the holiday is successful

You can arrange your strength

Conspire reliably for people

And arrange for the joy of people

A year without a shot, days of calm,

A year without torture, careful nights

Then, forgetting about wars,

"An ecologically clean year on Earth."

1 reader: And the Earth will bloom perfectly

Out of the bloody circle will come out

You will gradually unlearn

On earth, kill each other.

People! It's up to you!

The song “Forgive me, Earth” is playing