Homemade lotion (recipes). DIY natural face lotions DIY lotion for problem skin

Greetings, friends. Toning is an integral part of facial skin care. That is why among the fair sex, among creams, masks and other preparations on the cosmetics shelf, tonics occupy a rather significant place. A quality product does more than simply cleanse the skin of impurities. It helps restore the natural balance of the skin, reduces the negative effects of hard water, and effectively fights inflammation, acne and other problems.

Soothing facial toner Evinal

However, often expensive tonics from stores do not perform at their best. The main problem is allergies to ingredients. From this article you will learn how to make your own facial toner with your own hands, recipes carefully preserved by our grandmothers. And you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Moisturizing toner

Recipe 1

  • To 150 ml of mineral water (non-carbonated) add a couple of drops of carrot seed oil, one drop of chamomile oil (or 50 ml of freshly prepared and pre-strained decoction) and a drop of sandalwood oil. Shake well before use. It is prepared quickly, stored for a long time, perfectly moisturizes and cleanses. In addition to facial skin care, it is used for the comprehensive restoration of dry and severely damaged hair.

Recipe 2

  • In a half-liter bottle of mineral water, add 4 tablets of regular aspirin (can be crushed into powder for faster dissolution) and 15 ml apple cider vinegar. The resulting product perfectly cleanses, moisturizes, eliminates acne, relieves inflammation, and tightens pores.

With green tea

To prepare a product that is amazing in its qualities, which will help get rid of pimples, rashes, allergic manifestations, and also improve the health of the facial skin, protect it from negative effects environment, will remove age spots and freckles, you will need:

  • one drop each of acai berry extract and eucalyptus oil;
  • 1 ml geranium oil;
  • 5 drops of tea tree;
  • 3-4 bags of green tea without additives or flavorings.

Brew tea in an enamel container and cover the top with a lid to prevent evaporation. useful material. Wait until it cools down a bit and remove the bags. Add all other ingredients, stir. Can be used regularly, twice a day. Stores well in the refrigerator.

Calming Tonic

Facial skin is often exposed to aggressive environmental influences. Strong wind, frost or, conversely, heat, sun rays, cosmetics... You can go on for a long time. The result is dry, irritated, and flaky skin. A tonic will help calm her down and restore natural balance.

To do this, you need to bring purified or mineral water to a boil, add five drops of rosehip oil and carrot seeds, two tablespoons of chamomile, lavender, and calendula flowers. For greater effectiveness, you can add a little glycerin. Leave to cool, strain.

From rose petals

A given bouquet of roses will wither after a while, but the petals can be used usefully in the future.

We wrote in detail about all the ways to use petals in the article. Today we will only mention how to make tonic from rose petals.

You need to dry them, put them in a jar, pour vinegar so that it covers the petals. Close the lid tightly and leave for several days in a dark place. Strain and dilute with half and half water. Wipe twice a day and you will notice that the skin will become cleaner, healthier, get rid of unevenness and defects, and small wrinkles will also disappear.

Cut one large lemon with the peel and three large fresh cucumbers into small pieces. Pass through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. Transfer the resulting mass into a dark glass bottle with a ground stopper, pour a glass (200 ml) of vodka, seal well and leave in a dark place for 20 days. The bottle must be shaken every day.

On the 20th day, filter the mixture, pour in half a glass (100 ml) of camphor alcohol, and pour the resulting lotion into a clean bottle. In a separate bowl, thoroughly grind the yolks of three eggs and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Pour into a bottle of lotion in small portions, shaking the contents each time. This lotion perfectly nourishes and tones facial skin of all oily types.

Antique watermelon lotion “Astrakhan lady”

The pulp is very ripe watermelon cut into small pieces, place in a glass bowl and mash with a wooden masher. Let the mixture sit for 30-40 minutes, then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. To prepare the lotion, you will need 2 glasses of watermelon juice, which you need to pour into a dark glass bottle, add a tablespoon of salt and liquid honey. Close the bottle tightly and shake the mixture until the salt is completely dissolved. After this, the liquid must be filtered again, pour in a glass of vodka, mix and pour into a clean bottle. Grape juice lotion is prepared in the same way. Lotion “Astrakhan Lady” cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, suitable for all types.

Orange lotion for oily skin

Grate the orange along with the peel on a coarse grater or chop using a blender. Transfer the mixture to a dark glass container, pour in half a glass of vodka, close the lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature for a week. At the end of this period, filter the liquid, pour in 1 teaspoon of glycerin, mix and pour into a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

Mint lotion for oily skin

In glass or enamel pan add 2 tablespoons of dried peppermint herb and 1 tablespoon of dried horsetail herb, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and then simmer the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, add 5 teaspoons of boric alcohol and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice). Filter again and pour into a clean bottle.

Aloe leaf lotion against skin inflammation and acne

Collect 150 grams of fleshy aloe leaves from the lower tier of the plant, place them in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator for 5 days to activate useful properties. Then rinse, dry, finely chop with a knife or grind with a blender. Place in a glass bowl and pour in half a glass of vodka so that it covers the crushed leaves. Leave in a dark place for a week, then strain and squeeze out the liquid through cheesecloth. Use this lotion to wipe problem areas on your face 2-3 times a day.

Balkan lotion for the prevention of wrinkles and aging facial skin

Place 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and 2 teaspoons of dried peppermint and rosemary into a glass jar. Add 10 aspirin tablets, crushed into powder. Pour all 0.5 liters of dry white wine, close the lid tightly and leave for two weeks in a cool, dark place. Strain, filter, pour into a clean container. Wipe your face with lotion 2 times a day for a month. Then take a break for a week, after which the course of treatment can be repeated.

Hello, dear ladies. There are so many things we can do that a DIY facial toner is a no-brainer. There are some interesting ones, simple recipes just a miracle!

Ingredients for tonic

You will find all the components at home, so you can start making.

What is it for? Lotions are designed to cleanse and tone the dermis, so, as you can see for yourself, you can’t do without them!

Moreover, tonic is not a mask, it does not need to be washed off, therefore, it should be ideal for your type of epidermis, not tighten or irritate.

When you see the list of functions, you will be surprised what this simple thing can do. cosmetic product.

Many women do not have a toner at all, thinking that simply washing their face with foam will solve their cleansing problems.

But this is far from true. After all, grease and dirt penetrate too deeply, and lotions prepared at home contain substances that actively destroy this debris.

Daily care with this product will help:

  1. Improve blood circulation;
  2. Remove particles of dead epithelium;
  3. Smooth the skin, quickly relieve fatigue;
  4. Narrow pores
  5. Restore acid-base
  6. Accelerate metabolic processes;
  7. Renew cells, speed up the rejuvenation process;
  8. Slow down aging, improve complexion;
  9. Increase the effectiveness of the cream that is applied after the tonic.

Have I convinced you? So, let's start making!

What do we need?

First of all: still mineral water, as well as vodka or alcohol. If you make a tonic with water, it can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2 days. Alcohol solutions are stored for up to 2 weeks.

For sensitive epidermis, it is better to make a solution with water, since alcohol-containing products can cause irritation.

To prepare it at home, you can take different components.

These can be medicinal herbs: mint, chamomile, linden blossom, sage, as well as citrus fruits, vegetables, rose petals.

Juices of various fruits work well (but only homemade ones), since store-bought products contain sugar and preservatives.

How to use the product

Before applying the product, you need to wash and dry your face. Then use a cotton pad soaked in the solution to walk over your face with gentle circular movements, without stretching the skin.

We begin to apply from the middle of the chin, and then along the massage lines twice a day: in the morning after sleep and in the evening, before bed.

I have written about massage lines more than once in my articles. Many cosmetologists advise applying products with your fingers, as this will stretch the skin less.

It is generally better to apply to sensitive epidermis using a sprayer. After the procedure, lubricate your face with moisturizer.

What's better than homemade tonic?

If you cook it at home, you know that only natural products, which contain nothing but useful things.

A homemade remedy can perform the same functions as a store-bought one, but it is natural, without additives.

Types of tonics

They can be moisturizing, refreshing, mattifying, for problem skin, or cleansing. Prepare it specifically for your derma type, then use it for your health!


Pour 25 g of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave to brew for 1 hour, then strain. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of orange juice, just squeezed.


Take equal amounts of grapefruit, lemon and vodka juices, leave to brew for 3 days in the refrigerator. Use for oily skin.

Banana lotion (moisturizing) for dry skin
Grind 1 banana in a blender, take 2 tsp. product, pour 50 ml of milk into it, stir. Then take 4 layers of gauze and strain. Use the resulting liquid.

For problematic or oily epidermis cucumber lotion is suitable, which is prepared very quickly: grate the fresh fruit, pour 3 tbsp. juice, pour in 30 ml of milk.

For oily dermis: brew 1 tsp. leaf green tea in half a cup of boiling water, cool, then strain, add 30 ml of lemon juice. This lotion is stored for only 1 day.

Matting with parsley: Finely chop 25 g of plant roots, add 250 ml of water, put on low heat, hold for 20 minutes, then strain. Let it cool completely, then pour 1 tsp into the broth. lemon juice.

Cleansing for all types of dermis: 1 tbsp. Pour half a cup of boiling water over any dry herb and let it cool under the lid.

For oily epidermis, cranberry: Mix cranberry juice and water in equal parts.

For problematic dermis: take 0.5 cups of rose petals, pour in 0.5 cups of apple cider vinegar, and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain, add a cup of water.

To normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, simply wipe your face with green tea and jasmine. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tea bag and that’s it!

Excellent product for problem skin - decoction bay leaf . Take 3-4 laurel leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours and use.

For sensitive epidermis It is better to use mineral water as a base, but without gas.

Lotion for all skin types

This product not only perfectly cleanses the skin, but also tones, tightens pores, and protects against the negative influence of air.

What does it include:

  • Apple vinegar.

Take 1 glass of cold water, dilute 1 teaspoon of vinegar in it, mix well. By rubbing your skin morning and evening, you will make your skin smooth, velvety to the touch and matte.

For dry skin

For dry skin types, a moisturizing toner without alcohol-containing components is suitable.

Grind in a coffee grinder cereals(1 glass), pour 2 glasses of very hot milk, leave for 30 minutes, then squeeze out the flakes, and wipe your face with the resulting infusion.

Peel the peach, mash well, take 3 tbsp. puree, add 1 raw yolk to it, pour in 1 cup of cream.

In parting, I would like to wish you not to ignore this miracle product, without which it is impossible to achieve well-groomed skin. Share recipes with your friends and subscribe to my blog together.

Lotion is a product for cleansing facial skin. They are sold in any cosmetic stores, but there are also recipes for making them at home. Lotions can be alcohol-based or without the presence of this ingredient. In any case, they deeply and completely cleanse the skin, giving it rest and preparing it for caring procedures.

Read in this article

The effectiveness of lotions for facial skin

Homemade lotions have more than just the ability to cleanse the skin. Both users of this cosmetic product and cosmetologists note the following points:

In addition, some recipes allow you to prepare lotion with antiseptic properties. This means that even inflamed areas of the skin will receive proper therapy.

The variety of recipes and properties of a cleansing cosmetic product makes it possible to choose the one that is suitable for a specific skin type.

Rules of application

To obtain the desired effect, you should regularly use lotions and do this in compliance with the following rules. You need to prepare the product only for a specific skin type. For oily skin, alcohol-based lotions are most suitable; for dry skin, the presence of this component is strictly contraindicated.

  • Cosmetologists recommend using it every day if your skin is oily. Products should be made based on grapefruit, aloe, lemon and alcohol. In case of pronounced greasy shine, the cleansing procedure can be carried out twice a day.
  • Dry and sensitive skin needs special products made without alcohol, but based on milk, vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils. This lotion composition will simultaneously provide both a cleansing and nourishing effect.
  • Alcohol cleansers can be used for combination skin, but in this case they only treat oily areas of the face. Most often this is the chin, the T-shaped area around the nose and upper lip, and the forehead.
  • Any type of lotion is prepared in advance, since the mixture must infuse for 2 - 3 days. Store the finished product in a dark glass container in a cool place (a refrigerator door is ideal). Before each use, the lotion is thoroughly shaken, since the use of natural ingredients provokes the formation of a thick, dense sediment.
  • The principle of application is simple: a cotton pad is moistened in the mixture, then it is used to make clear movements from the middle of the face to the periphery - from the eyebrow space to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones, and so on.
  • The frequency of cleansing procedures is 2 - 3 times a day. Duration is a maximum of 90 days, after which you need to give the skin a rest for 30 days. Cosmetologists recommend periodically changing the selected lotion.

And most importantly, you need to observe the shelf life of homemade cleaning products:

  • alcohol based – 14 days;
  • without adding alcohol – 3 days;
  • from herbal extracts – 7 days.

To learn how to choose a facial toner, watch this video:

How to make lotion

To ensure that the cosmetic product does not harm the skin, it must be prepared in strict accordance with the recipe.


Such lotions are especially relevant for dry and sensitive skin, although they can be used for any other type:

  • From cabbage leaves. 3 - 4 cabbage leaves (a medium head of cabbage) are crushed in a blender, but not to the point of porridge. They are poured with 200 ml of hot (not boiling water!) milk and left for 40 - 60 minutes. Then the mixture must be strained and stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.
  • From vegetable oils and vitamins. Mix two types of different vegetable oils, for example, from grape seeds and, add 5 - 10 drops of vitamin E oil solution to the mixture. This lotion perfectly moisturizes dry skin, but it should be applied at least 60 minutes before going outside.
  • From plums. You will need ripe fruits, which need to be pitted and mashed into a puree. The mixture is poured with hot water (100 ml per 60 g of fruit), boiled for 20 minutes, allowed to brew for 40 minutes and filtered.
  • From grapes. You need to take the sweet fruits, mash thoroughly and leave for a couple of hours. To 100 ml of strained juice add 5 g of table salt and 10 g of honey, mix everything and infuse for half an hour. This moisturizing lotion needs to be prepared for three times a day.
  • Peach-egg. You need to take one peach (as ripe as possible), mash the pulp into a puree and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 1 to it egg yolk and a little heavy cream (15 - 20 ml). This cleanser is prepared immediately before use.
  • Melon. Melon juice (freshly obtained) is diluted with ordinary mineral water (not salted, in equal quantities) and wiped over the face. This option is suitable for excessively oily skin. If this factor is absent, then milk or heavy cream is added to the juice instead of mineral water.
  • From birch sap. 100 ml of the product should be brought to a boil, then remove the heat and add 15 g of liquid honey to it, mix everything and cool.

The simplest facial lotion with a moisturizing effect is vegetable oil - corn, flaxseed, almond and any other types. It not only cleanses the skin efficiently, but also nourishes it at the same time.


This pharmaceutical product is sold in pharmacies and may have different concentrations. To prepare lotions, use a 1% or 3% solution.
It is easy to prepare a hyaluronic product - you need to add the main component to the basic products:

  • for milk lotions, as well as cream-based ones - 0.1 ml of a 3% solution of hyaluronic acid;
  • for vegetable oils – 0.05 ml of a 1% solution;
  • for fruit and vegetable lotions - no more than 0.3 ml of 3% hyaluronic acid.

In pharmacies you can purchase the main component in powder form. In this case, it is dissolved in water or saline according to the instructions; it is better to heat the liquid used.

For cleansing

If the goal is solely to cleanse the skin of the face, then you can prepare the following lotions:

  • Cucumber. Cut the fresh vegetable into thin slices or strips along with the peel and pour in 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. After 2 days, the lotion will be ready; there is no need to strain it - as it “ripens,” the concentration of cleansing properties will increase.
  • From grapefruit. You need to extract juice from a fruit of the citrus family, add 15 ml of vodka/alcohol and the same amount of lemon juice. It infuses for 3 days, but you can start using it within a day.
  • From strawberries. Ripe berries need to be mashed into puree and poured with alcohol (for 100 g of strawberries, 100 ml of alcoholic liquid). You can use the lotion after 24 hours, but it can infuse for a month, so it is advisable to prepare it in large quantities.
  • Parsley with vinegar. Chop the green mass of the vegetable with a knife. Boil 250 ml of water and pour in the greens (2 tablespoons), simmer over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. After complete cooling, add 20 ml of apple cider vinegar to the lotion.
  • On herbs. You need to take equal quantities of dried sage, coltsfoot flowers and St. John's wort, mix and add pure medical alcohol at the rate of 3 tablespoons of the prepared herbal mixture per 300 ml of liquid. You can use vodka instead of alcohol for preparation, but you will need 150 ml of it.

How to make alcohol lotion without alcohol

For oily and combination skin, alcohol lotions will be effective. They are prepared from any base, for example, from fresh cucumber, strawberries and cherries, black currants, aloe juice, and medicinal herbs. The selected product is simply filled with pure medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:3, respectively.

You can use vodka as the alcoholic component, but in this case its amount is halved. That is, if the recipe specifies 300 ml of alcohol, then 150 ml of vodka is enough.

As for alcohol-free formulations, they can be prepared with water or dairy products (cream or whole milk). Such lotions are stored for a very short time; cosmetologists generally recommend preparing them immediately before use, especially since they do not involve infusion.

Which ones are best for dry, oily skin?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to understand which lotions will be most effective for a particular skin type.


It needs to not only be cleaned, but also moisturized. Therefore, a lotion made from a combination of various vegetable oils, as well as any fruit products with the addition of milk or water, will be useful. Here are just a few recipes:

  • Mix 5 drops each of flaxseed, corn and pumpkin oils, add 2 drops of any essential oil (rosemary, mint, citrus). This cleanser can be stored in a cool place for a long time - up to 30 days.
  • Puree a fresh apple, strawberry, raspberry, peach, apricot - one of the above. Add hot milk or warm liquid cream to it, mix and allow to cool. After this, the mass is filtered, and the resulting lotion is used on the same day. long storage he won't bear it.
  • Mix aloe juice and olive oil in equal proportions. This product can be stored for 5 days in a cool place and helps not only cleanse and moisturize dry skin, but also relieve inflammation.


Involves artificial drying and narrowing of pores. Therefore, all lotions prepared with alcohol-containing products are suitable. Such “cleaners” are stored for a long time, and it is not at all necessary to withstand low temperatures for this.

But cosmetologists warn that too frequent use of alcohol-containing lotions can harm skin health. It would be appropriate to carry out caring procedures no more than once a day and no longer than 30 days in a row. Then they take a break for 20 - 30 days - and you can repeat the course.

To learn how to prepare a toner for oily and problem skin, watch this video:

Pharmacy lotions and professional products

Both cosmetic brands and the pharmaceutical industry produce quite a few types of this product. From the professional line we can highlight:

  • Nivea– lotion with a refreshing, cleansing, moisturizing and softening effect. It has a light consistency, intended for frequent use, suitable for dry and combination skin.
  • Decleor– a cleanser that is ideal for mature skin. During cleansing, nutrition and hydration occurs; can be used for any type.
  • Water Shock– cleanses combination and oily skin, prepares it for caring procedures (for example, applying a mask, cream).

Pharmacy products can also come in handy. Calendula tincture (alcohol), which is diluted in equal quantities, will be effective. clean water and is used as a cleanser for oily and combination skin. There is a cucumber lotion and a tea tree oil “cleaner” - they all perform the described functions.

Regular use of lotions homemade or from the professional/pharmacy series helps maintain healthy facial skin. If you follow all the rules and recommendations of cosmetologists, the effect of cleansing procedures will be noticeable literally within 5–7 days.

Or, which contain purified boiled water or alcohol. Lotion is a water-alcohol solution for cleansing and treating skin problems. In contrast, lotions contain more biologically active components. Therefore, lotions are used for oily skin with acne, comedones, pimples, and also to lighten skin with freckles and other imperfections.
To prepare lotion you will need natural ingredients and an aqueous solution (infusion, tincture or decoction). For lotions, use distilled water, mineral water or alcohol-containing ingredients.
To store lotions, take a dark glass container that you first scald with boiling water. Store the lotion in a cool, dark place for 7 days. It is recommended to make the lotion for 6-12 applications in the morning and evening. Lotions do not require rinsing.
Before making facial lotion,... After making facial lotion, soak a cotton swab in it and wipe your skin. Choose a recipe and enjoy the natural power of lotion!

Lotion recipe

Rose petal lotion

cleansing facial lotion | pink petals | normal skin

Use any pink flower petals. Pour boiling water over a handful of flowers and let sit in a sealed container for 30 minutes. Strain, pour into a clean container and place in a cool, dark place. Use rose petal lotion to cleanse the neck and face, except for areas with protruding blood vessels.

1 hour | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-08-08

Melon lotion for dry skin

cleansing facial lotion | melon, milk, mineral water | dry skin

Mix melon juice with milk and mineral water in equal parts and wipe your face every morning. The lotion cleanses, nourishes and tones the skin well.

15 minutes | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-08-15

Cucumber lotion for freckled skin

whitening body lotion | cucumber, olive oil | freckles

Grate the cucumber on a plastic grater and squeeze out the juice. For cucumber lotion you need 2 tbsp. spoons of cucumber juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Wipe the skin with lotion to whiten age spots and freckles.

5 minutes | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-08-17

Watermelon and peach juice lotion

cleansing facial lotion | watermelon, peach | combination skin

Mix watermelon juice and peach juice in equal parts. Cool in the refrigerator and wipe over dry areas of combination skin. Watermelon cleanses the skin well, and peach moisturizes and nourishes.

1 hour | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-08-25

Cleansing lotion with egg yolk

cleansing facial lotion | egg yolk, lemon, alcohol | normal skin

Beat the egg yolk with 30 ml of lemon juice, add 100 ml of vodka and 50 ml of camphor alcohol. The lotion is used to cleanse the skin of the face.

5 minutes | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-01

Egg and almond cleansing lotion

cleansing facial lotion | egg yolk, almonds, honey | normal skin

1 egg yolk is ground with 1/2 teaspoon of honey, mixed with 50 ml of vodka and 25 ml of camphor alcohol and 75 g of thoroughly ground fresh almonds are added. This lotion cleanses well and at the same time nourishes the skin.

20 minutes | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-01

Lotion with honey for normal skin

cleansing facial lotion | glycerin, honey | normal skin

½ spoon of honey is diluted in 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water and add to 50 ml of 70% alcohol mixed with 5 teaspoons of glycerin and the same amount of boiled cold water. Lotion is used for cleansing normal skin faces.

Lemon lotion

cleansing facial lotion | lemon, glycerin | normal skin

The juice of one lemon is mixed with 2 teaspoons of glycerin and 100 ml of distilled or boiled cold water is added. This lotion is used to wipe normal skin prone to irritation.

10 minutes | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-01

Lemon-honey lotion

cleansing facial lotion | lemon, honey | normal skin

One lemon is finely crushed, mixed with 7 tablespoons of honey and kept in a dark place for 4 days. Then the infusion is filtered and diluted with 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled water. Wipe your face with this lotion, and after 15-20 minutes wash with warm water.

4 days | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-01

Orange lotion

cleansing facial lotion | orange, glycerin, vodka | normal skin

One orange is passed through a meat grinder along with the peel, poured with 100 ml of vodka and infused in a sealed container in a dark, cool place for 1 week. Then filter, squeezing out the remaining raw material, and add 1 teaspoon of glycerin to the tincture. The lotion is used for daily cleansing of facial skin.

Cucumber Cleansing Lotion

cleansing facial lotion | cucumber, glycerin | normal skin

100 grams of cucumber grated on a plastic grater is poured with 100 ml of vodka and infused for 7-10 days. Then filter, add 2 teaspoons of glycerin and 50 ml of boiled cold water. This lotion is used to wipe normal facial skin.

1 week | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-01

Cucumber lotion for skin cleansing

cleansing facial lotion | cucumber, vodka | normal skin

Grate a fresh cucumber and squeeze out 150 ml of juice. Mix with 50 ml of vodka and leave for 1 week. Then strain and use to cleanse your face.

1 week | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-01

Lotion for normal skin

cleansing facial lotion | cucumber, St. John's wort, rose | normal skin

Make a decoction of St. John's wort and an infusion of rose petals. Mix 50 ml cucumber juice, 50 ml decoction and 25 ml rose water. For St. John's wort decoction 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of St. John's wort into 100 ml of boiled water, leave in a water bath for 30 minutes and cool.

1 week | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-01

Honey lotion for aging skin

anti-aging facial lotion | honey, vodka, vinegar | aging skin

To 1 teaspoon of honey add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 25 ml of vodka diluted in 100 ml of distilled water. Wipe aging skin with this lotion 1-2 times a week. It is not recommended to use it if blood vessels appear on the skin.

5 minutes | Ofigenka.ru | 2010-10-04

Orange lotion-tonic

refreshing facial lotion | orange, vinegar | aging skin

The grated zest of two oranges is poured with 250 ml of fruit vinegar so that it completely covers it, and infused in a bright, warm place for two weeks. Then you need to strain and dilute the infusion with distilled or cold boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. This refreshing lotion is used to wipe dry, tired skin. Orange peel helps rejuvenate skin cells.