The best English courses for self-study. The fastest way to learn English

Learning is easy when the process is interesting. English can become your favorite language if you choose the right teaching method. Clear, effective, fast - every student dreams of finding such a program. Tests can be cracked like nuts, dialogues are fluent in English, retelling new episodes of “Sherlock Holmes” in the original - all this can be achieved if you follow the right course. In this article we will talk about methods created by professional linguist teachers. Each program has its own characteristics. Relying on the description, it will be easier for you to choose the most suitable option.

8 Best Methods for Learning English

“Polyglot” system

The absolute leader of our list is the method developed by Dmitry Petrov. Marketers of the project demonstrated the effectiveness of the program using the example of 8 students who mastered the language in just 16 lessons in a reality television format. The essence of the technique is constant communication. Even the theory, which is usually studied from a textbook, is spoken out. From the very first lectures, students begin to speak the target language. With each subsequent time, the skills become stronger, the vocabulary is replenished, and grammatical rules are learned.

Classes are held in the classroom, in a group. Students are given a topic for conversation, and mass communication begins. Hobbies, favorite movies, plans for the weekend, pets, memories of childhood - the conversation can be on any topic, the main thing is to talk, talk, talk. And do it beautifully and correctly.

Dragunkin's technique

This is one of the effective methods of studying in English, which allows you to quickly master the basics and reach a confident conversational level. The program is designed with an express format in mind. The grammar is presented in a general way, without delving into the subtleties of the rules. Phonetics introduces you to all the key points that need to be taken into account in colloquial speech, learning to read and pronounce transcriptions correctly.

If you are learning a language from scratch and want to quickly master its basics, the Dragunkin method is ideal. There is also a program for advanced students. But one point is important here: if you previously learned the language using a different method, Dragunkin’s system may raise many questions. The peculiarity of the course is its terminology and interpretation of the rules. The developer presented English grammar according to his own system: he combined all the exceptions into a separate group, created a clear diagram for articles and irregular verbs, created new categories of words, logically connected with each other.

Each topic logically replaces the previous one, and the complexity increases gradually. The author proved that learning English using standard school textbooks is a long and complex process. Everything is much simpler than it seems. The main thing is to find the right method.

Pimsleur technique

This quick method of learning English from scratch is an option for those who need American English. The uniqueness of the program is that it not only helps you learn a foreign language, but also trains your memory well and expands its resources. The mechanics of the course are in audio lessons. All a student needs to learn English using Pimsleur is headphones and a tablet with a program loaded on it, consisting of 30 lessons.

The lesson consists of listening to material: dialogues, monologues, repetition of phrases and speech patterns. First, the announcer speaks, then the student repeats the words and sentences, the next phrase consists of part of the worked phrases and new ones - this is how it is formed in layers lexicon. Without notes or textbooks, in memory.

Schechter method

This modern method Learning English works completely differently than classical methods of learning information. Each student receives an individual approach and a search for the keys to motivation. Schechter's program received recognition in the highest circles of government and show business. This course is chosen by famous politicians, public figures, athletes and artists. The process is effective and at the same time pleasant, not much like a lesson.

The lesson is held in the format of a conversation, discussion of current events, hobbies, lifestyle, and goals for the future of students. The emphasis is on independent work with information - the formation of speech patterns and pronunciation. You say - the teacher delicately corrects. It’s so easy to understand what the mistake is, to hear yourself and learn the rules.

Berlitz method

The program allows you to quickly master the language, but it is considered one of the most expensive. The BERLITZ course can only be taken abroad - this is the essence of the methodology. You find yourself in a new environment that requires the activation of communication skills in English. You will have to learn not only to speak, but also to think in a foreign language. This is one of the most mature programs, created 200 years ago. It is still in demand today.

What is the essence of the method:

    Getting to know English begins with conversation. Communication with the carrier is the basis of the process. First, the student speaks, and then begins to read and graphically practice letters.

    Grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary are also learned during a conversation, which is by no means academic in nature. Communication in classes takes place on topics abstracted from linguistics: first love, funny incidents from life, vivid memories from childhood. Teachers strive to make the conversation interesting. This is how the student develops an interest in the language.

    No Russian. You won’t hear your native words until you return home. English only. Even if it’s clumsy and wrong at first, it doesn’t matter. Every day your skills will improve.

    Textbooks, workbooks, and audio materials that you used at home will not be useful here. The program is unique; other tools and techniques are used.

Rosetta Stone Method

Lightweight and quick way understand and remember new material. No rules, tables or diagrams. You get to know English at ease, as if you were doing a hobby. Classes are held in a conversation format. You listen, play associations, let them pass through you and try to construct sentences on your own. Several repetitions and new phrases and speech structures will appear in the vocabulary. The program is built from simple to complex. It will not be difficult even for those who are not familiar with the English alphabet.

The peculiarity of the methodology is the absence of translation and rules. The student becomes familiar with the meaning of words in context. Suggestions are given in projection of the life situations that we face every day. Even without knowing the meaning of the word, it immediately becomes clear. You first digest the material yourself, and then the teacher explains the controversial points.

Lex program!

This technique will be useful to those who are already familiar with English, know how to correctly compose sentences, and have a command of grammar. The main function of Lex! - enrichment of vocabulary. You install the program on your computer or laptop and start studying. On the monitor you will see words, sentences, phrases that you will need to remember to reproduce (written and oral). In combination with the training material, there are tests to determine the level that has been achieved in Lex!. This allows you to understand how much has been covered and what awaits you ahead.

In addition to learning English, the technique trains memory, which is useful for students of all ages.

Muller method

This innovative technique taps into the conscious and subconscious sides of our thinking. Stanislav Müller turned to neuropsychological techniques that help activate previously hidden capabilities. It is based on two techniques - the holographic memory method and the super-learning system:

    Holographic memory helps the student to highlight the main thing and develop the ability to intensively assimilate new material. The student begins to logically build the flow of knowledge and conveniently systematize every detail of it.

    The superlearning system allows you to speed up the learning process. the material is absorbed easier, faster and energy-efficient. The technology intelligently calculates the workforce, and the learning process is not tiring.

The technique is ideal for students aged 16-18 years. When learning English with children, it is better to give preference to other programs.

Tips on how to quickly learn English on your own

Whatever method you choose, additional practice of the material is required to consolidate knowledge. Especially in problematic moments. If you feel a gap, it needs to be filled in time. Let's give useful tips that will make your training as effective as possible.

  • Get a personal dictionary. This could be a simple notebook in which you will write down complex words and rules that you cannot remember and get confused when constructing a sentence. But writing it down does not mean closing it and forgetting. Periodically, you need to look through the notebook and pronounce words and phrases, first to yourself, and then out loud. Three to four times a week will be enough.
  • Record yourself on a voice recorder. This is necessary in order to understand how correctly you pronounce sounds and their combinations in various transcriptions. An excerpt of text from a book, a chapter from a textbook, a poem - use the genre at your discretion. The main thing is to pronounce the words clearly and try to make intonation accents.
  • Stickers to help. Once you've completed the topic, write down the main points on a sticky note and paste it in the most visible places in your home: on the refrigerator, door, wall near the computer. The more often the notes appear before your eyes, the faster you will consolidate the material.

  • Speak more English. Even if there are no native speakers around you, conduct a dialogue with your loved ones, parents, brothers and sisters, and friends. Ask them regular questions in English only. And help with the answers. This way you will feel like both a student and a teacher, and check your level to see how capable you are of seeing and correcting mistakes.

And do it for joy. The attitude with which you sit down to study your textbooks is very important. Information is absorbed much easier when you want to accept it. Good luck in your studies!

Due to its prevalence, the English language has acquired a large number of methods and ways of studying it. You can learn English from books or through everyday communication, with a teacher or independently, in special schools or . The chosen methods of learning English depend on the wishes and capabilities of each individual student. So that you do not get lost in this diversity, we have collected for you the most popular teaching methods and methods.

Classic methods

In Group

Group classes are held in language schools. Learning English in a group is effective for several reasons: there is a language environment, a group of like-minded people, experienced teachers (several native speakers are required), and the necessary equipment (training programs, interactive whiteboards, special players for listening).

It's hard to argue with these benefits, but group classes also have disadvantages. The most important of them is that the lesson time is divided among all group members. Even if the group is very small, the teacher’s attention, and therefore the focus of the lesson, is still divided into several parts. Technically, you do not practice English for the entire hour and a half of the lesson, but only for a short period of time that the teacher devotes to you personally. The rest of your time is spent not learning the language, but watching how others learn. Which, of course, is not useless, but not nearly as effective.

In general, language schools are good mainly because of the language environment: it is difficult to find another place unless you go to an English-speaking country where you can communicate a lot in English, especially with native speakers. And it’s very useful to communicate with Russian-speaking people in English.

Group classes are well suited for those who want to overcome the language barrier and improve their spoken English. They can also be suitable for beginners, although in this case it is better to have at least some basic knowledge of the language.

With a tutor

The main advantage of classes with a tutor is a personal approach. A competent tutor individually adjusts or creates an English language learning program from scratch in accordance with the knowledge and goals of each individual student. And an excellent tutor will also make adjustments to your character and temperament. In fact, a tutor is the most effective method of learning, especially if you meet with him regularly.

There are also disadvantages to working with a tutor. The services of really good teachers are not cheap. In addition, there is always a chance of character mismatch.

Lessons with a tutor give the best results in terms of grammar and listening comprehension. Meetings with a Russian-speaking tutor are an ideal option for those who are starting to learn English from scratch.

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Here you have complete freedom of action in choosing the time and duration of classes, training programs and methods of control. No one will force you to study something that is not interesting; you can always skip a lesson or study extra in your free time. This sounds like an ideal option.

However, there are pitfalls here too. At self-study you need to have enough self-discipline to practice regularly. In addition, it is difficult for a person who is not familiar with teaching methods to create an effective curriculum. Of course, there are thematic online resources and tutorials, but they cannot replace a live teacher who right moment will indicate errors.

If you are able to study English regularly, do not miss classes and strictly follow the plan, self-study will be effective.

Self-study is a good and effective way to develop reading and writing skills.

Author's methods

Pimsleur method

Let's start with the now classic method, developed in the 60s of the last century by the American linguist Paul Pimsler. Professor Pimsleur has created a course with which you can master spoken language in a short time foreign language.

All lessons are audio recordings lasting 30 minutes. This is exactly how much time, according to the professor, is necessary in order not to lose concentration when studying. Initially, this method was designed for learning Greek, German, French and Spanish. However, its versatility has made it possible to adapt it for learning other languages, including English.


  • You only need an mp3 player (phone, player, tablet, computer);
  • while listening to audio lessons, do other things at the same time;
  • say goodbye to the language barrier.


  • forget about grammar, reading and writing;
  • perception of information only by ear;
  • little vocabulary - up to 500 words in one course.

Schechter method

Igor Yurievich Shekhter moved away from the traditional attitude to the study of foreign languages. He believed that cramming words, phrases and rules - last century. It is necessary for a person to speak a new language himself. Students are encouraged to listen and memorize meaningful phrases to subconsciously understand the structure of language.

The peculiarity of this method of learning English is interactive classes in which students, improvising, act out skits and dialogues.

The course is divided into 3 stages with increasing difficulty.


  • development of communication skills;
  • covering all aspects: grammar, speaking and vocabulary;
  • loyal to students: mistakes are made at the first stage.


  • the lessons are not structured: the teacher only determines the direction of the lesson, but does not control it;
  • duration: each stage lasts 100 hours, and there is also a break of up to 3 months between stages.

Frank method

Ilya Mikhailovich Frank, a Germanic philologist and teacher, developed a special way of learning a foreign language. This method is based on reading books in which sentences in English are alternated with translations into Russian.

Learning a language in this way allows the student not to be distracted every time looking for the right word in the dictionary, losing the thread of the story. With each page read, the student pays less and less attention to the Russian translation, and, in the end, reads without it. With Frank's method, you can easily learn vocabulary and phraseological units and remember the rules for constructing sentences.


  • learning rate;
  • a large amount of vocabulary;
  • convenience: read on any device with a monitor: phone, tablet, laptop, PC.


  • no control and self-control;
  • fail to learn spoken language;
  • does not teach to speak;
  • don't learn grammar.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a program designed to teach a foreign language to migrants. It is based on a principle similar to the Schechter method - learning a foreign language occurs intuitively. There are no consistent rules and themes, no mindless learning of words and phrases. Instead, the program immerses the student in a language environment, encourages communication, and develops associative thinking.

There is no Russian translation in Rosetta Stone - understand what it's about we're talking about, will have to be done from context and with the help of images.


  • information is presented in visual and audio format and is easy to remember;
  • the program shows errors and offers to go through problematic topics again;
  • control your learning progress - all your actions are saved;
  • covering all aspects: grammar, speaking and vocabulary.


  • You can only study on a computer; a microphone is required;
  • few topics, some vocabulary is not used in everyday speech;
  • tasks are sometimes too simple;
  • assignments in the form of tests: the student does not write himself, but chooses one of the options.

Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Yuryevich Petrov is a polyglot, philologist and translator, who became famous for his own program on the Culture channel, dedicated to the study of foreign languages. His methodology is focused on group classes. The purpose of this technique is to instill in students a love of foreign languages ​​and create comfortable conditions for learning.

From the very first lesson, students speak English in order to immediately immerse themselves in the language environment. At the same time, the topics for classes are chosen not abstract, but concrete: everyone talks about themselves, their environment, interests, etc.


  • individual approach;
  • conversation training;
  • getting rid of the language barrier from the very first lessons;
  • covering all aspects: grammar, speech and vocabulary.


  • You can’t study on your own;
  • the technique is designed to master only the basic level;
  • Little attention is paid to reading and writing; spoken language is given priority.

Dragunkin method

Alexander Nikolaevich Dragunkin is an odious person outside of linguistics, but when it comes to teaching English, he is a professional in this. Dragunkin proposed simplifying English grammar, reducing it to 51 rules for convenience. These rules do not contradict the official classification and make the grammar simpler and clearer.

Dragunkin moved away from the classic English pronunciation. English speech, he is sure, is easier to adapt to Russian pronunciation than to study all its phonetic features.


  • the methodology is aimed at Russian-speaking students;
  • in a short time you can learn spoken language and learn to read passably;
  • complex rules of grammar are presented in a simplified form.


  • not all linguists recognize the method as correct, since it contains too many simplifications and unifications;
  • You can only learn a language to an intermediate level;
  • It will not be possible to master the correct, “classical” pronunciation.

Video about ways to learn English:

Learning a new language is complex and has individual characteristics. While some are banging their heads against the wall, trying to memorize at least “my name is Vasya,” others are already easily reading Hamlet in the original and communicating with foreigners at ease. Why is the learning process so easy for them? Are there any special secrets to mastering a foreign language? You will learn about this below.

How we learn a language

When someone says that he is unable to learn new language, then I would like to object in response.

Anyone can learn a new language. This ability is hardwired into our brains from birth. It is thanks to her that we unconsciously and naturally master our native language. Moreover, being placed in an appropriate language environment, children are able to master a foreign language without any stress.

Yes, then we go to school, learn grammar and punctuation, polish and improve our knowledge, but the basis of our linguistic skills is precisely the foundation that is laid in early childhood. Please note that this happens without any tricky techniques, language classes or textbooks.

Why can’t we, as adults, just as easily learn a second, third, fourth language? Maybe this linguistic ability is inherent only in children, and disappears as they grow older?

This is partly true. The older we get, the more our brain's plasticity (its ability to create new neurons and synapses) decreases. In addition to purely physiological obstacles, there is one more thing. The fact is that the process of language acquisition in adulthood is fundamentally different from that of childhood. Children are constantly immersed in a learning environment and gain new knowledge at every step, while adults, as a rule, set aside certain hours for classes and use their native language the rest of the time. Motivation is equally important. If a child simply cannot live without knowing a language, then an adult without a second language is quite capable of existing successfully.

This is all understandable, but what practical conclusions can be drawn from these facts?

How should we learn a language

If you want to quickly and efficiently master a foreign language, then while studying you should try to follow some simple tips. They are aimed at minimizing the effect of age-related changes in your brain, and will also help you go through the entire process as easily and quietly as children do.

Spaced Repetition

This technique allows you to better remember new words and concepts. It lies in the fact that you must repeat the studied material at certain intervals, and the further you go, the smaller these intervals are. For example, if you are learning new words, they should be repeated several times during one lesson, then repeated the next day. Then again after a few days and finally fix the material after a week. Here's what the process looks like on a graph:

One successful application that uses this approach is . The program is able to track which words you have learned and reminds you to repeat them after a certain time. At the same time, new lessons are built using material already studied, so that the knowledge you gain is consolidated quite firmly.

Learn a language before bed

Learning a new language requires, for the most part, simply memorizing large amounts of information. Yes, for grammar rules it is advisable to understand their application, but basically you will have to learn new words along with examples. For better memorization, do not miss the opportunity to repeat the material again before going to bed. A study by American scientists confirmed that memorization before bedtime is much stronger than in a lesson held during the day.

Learn content, not just language

Teachers with extensive experience know very well that abstract learning of a foreign language is much more difficult than if it is used to master some interesting material. Scientists also confirm this. For example, an experiment was recently conducted in which one group of participants studied French in the usual way, and the other taught one of the basic subjects in French instead. As a result, the second group showed significant progress in listening comprehension and translation. Therefore, try to be sure to supplement your studies with the consumption of content that interests you in the target language. This could be listening to podcasts, watching movies, reading books, etc.

We are all constantly busy, and finding time for full-time activities is not so easy. Therefore, many people limit themselves to 2-3 hours a week, specifically allocated for a foreign language. However, it is much better to practice, albeit for less time, but every day. Our brain does not have such a large RAM buffer. When we try to cram the maximum amount of information into it in one hour, overflow quickly occurs. Smaller but frequent sessions are much more beneficial. Special exercises that will allow you to study at any free moment are simply ideal for this.

Mix old and new

We try to quickly advance in training and gain more new knowledge. However, this is not entirely correct. Things progress much better when new things are mixed with already familiar material. This way we not only learn fresh material more easily, but also reinforce the lessons we have learned. As a result, the process of mastering a foreign language occurs much faster.

We often feel confused when we need to make a decision about something new to us. How to choose a good team for repairing an apartment, which school to send your child to, and how to learn English? Everyone around is aggressively imposing their methods - who to believe? To get a complete picture of the issue, you need to study the facts. We want to take the liberty to honestly tell the whole truth about the ways we know of learning English.

We will look at the four most effective ways to study: on your own, in a group, with a private tutor and in an online school. We’ll talk about their cost, advantages and disadvantages, and at the end we’ll present pivot table so you can make an informed decision.

First, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our simple diagram for pre-selection training format.

Now let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each method of learning English.

Your own pace

The ability to 100% adapt to your schedule and individual pace. You are your own teacher and student.

Lack of self-discipline

Few people can force themselves to exercise regularly. If you learn English in bursts - once every couple of months for almost 5 hours at a time, then this will not bring any tangible benefit. You need to study systematically, at least 2 times a week for 1 hour.

Minimum financial investment Need for personal contact

The online format is not suitable for everyone. For productive classes, some people need the personal presence of a teacher, which provides great emotional support. And that's normal - all people are different.

Own learning platform

Some schools conduct training via Skype, others use their own developed online classes, in which you can both communicate with the teacher and use text, video and audio materials, and do homework.

Immersion in a communication environment

Many schools provide you with the opportunity to communicate in conversation clubs, watch webinars, read blogs, use apps and online simulators - all without interrupting your English skills. Teachers also constantly communicate with colleagues, take exams and improve their qualifications.

Classes with native speakers

Many schools provide the opportunity to study with you - you will be able to hone your pronunciation, master the grammar and vocabulary that foreigners actually use. At the same time, methodologists and school managers control the work of speakers, and lessons with them will not turn into conversations for life.

Who is it suitable for?:

  • Lean

    Online school is usually more expensive than group courses, but cheaper than private English tutors.

  • Time conscious

    Something will always require more of your attention, be it work or children. Online school fits your schedule, not the other way around.

Who won't suit it?:

  • Small children under 9 years old.

    Their restlessness requires the personal presence and attention of the teacher.

  • For those who are distrustful of new technologies and prefer traditional ways of learning a language.


A lesson of 45–50 minutes with a Russian-speaking teacher costs from 500 to 800 rubles, with a native speaker - from 1,200 to 1,400 rubles. Many online schools provide various bonuses and promotions: you can get lessons at a significant discount or even for free.

Where to begin:

You can study

Every person who wants to learn a language has a question: “What method should I use to learn?” Now there are a huge number of courses for adults and tutors on the market who offer their services. And each of them teaches using their own methodology, claiming that it is the most effective.

Unfortunately, most methods are not like this. And contrary to promises, language learning lasts for several years and does not give the desired results. How to avoid disappointments?

Today we will talk about 5 main methods of teaching English and see what results you can get by studying them. In the end, you will understand which technique suits you best.

1. Special techniques (25th frame, hypnosis, associations, songs)

A lot of people want to learn English quickly and easily. In this regard, quite unusual methods have appeared on the service market, promising amazing results without requiring much effort.

How are classes structured?

This, of course, depends on which learning method you choose. For example, training using the 25 frame method is carried out by watching a video. However, all such activities have common feature: no effort required and devote a lot of time to learning the language.

What is the efficiency?

There are no easy methods for learning a language. All these methods are not effective. How many people have you met who can tell you that they learned English using frame 25?

You may be able to remember a certain number of words. However, they will not teach you how to use the language, that is, write and speak it, construct sentences correctly, or understand your interlocutor.

What is the result?

You will be able to learn a number of words. But you will not get the promised “magic” result.

2. Classic method of teaching English

Remember her? It was this method that we were all taught at school, university and in many courses.

How are classes structured?

The main focus of the classes is on studying the theory of the English language. Up to 90% of the lesson time is devoted to this. During classes, students read stories, translate them, do written exercises, listen to audio and sometimes watch video lessons. About 10% of the lesson time is devoted to speaking skills.

What is the efficiency?

Many people have experienced the effectiveness of this technique. After training, a person can write, read, translate and knows the rules in theory.

But learning English this way is the same as learning to drive a car, studying the structure of the engine, without getting behind the wheel. After all, later, when a person gets behind the wheel, he will not be able to drive.

After training using the classical method, when faced with a foreigner, you will understand that even if you can understand him, then you are not able to answer and formulate your thoughts.

What is the result?

This technique can give you only theoretical knowledge, but you won’t be able to speak the language. Important point: the whole theory without practical application is forgotten very soon. This is why people remember almost nothing when they take long breaks from studying.

How long do you need to study?

This directly depends on your goal. Typically, completing one level takes 6 months. Training from entry level to intermediate level will take approximately 2.5 years.

3. Classes on a computer using special programs

This method is very similar to the classic one. The only difference is that textbooks and the teacher are replaced by a computer and programs.

How are classes structured?

During classes you work at the computer:

  • read and translate;
  • do exercises;
  • take tests to consolidate theoretical knowledge;
  • watch training videos;
  • Learn to understand speech by ear using audio.

Almost no attention is paid to speaking skills either.

What is the efficiency?

Just like in the classical method, the emphasis is on studying the theoretical part. If you want to learn to speak, then you need to understand that doing tasks on the computer and watching videos will not teach you this. Therefore, faced with real life with English, you will find that you cannot express your thoughts in English and formulate sentences correctly.

What is the result?

You will know the theory, understand what is being said to you, but you will not be able to speak the language yourself.

Time frame for obtaining results:

Your training may last for many years. In addition, if you work at the computer on your own, the learning will be slower than with a professional teacher. Since only a teacher can clearly explain the material, correct and explain your mistakes, and, if necessary, help you figure something out.

4. Immersion in the language environment

This method was previously considered the only way to speak English. This statement appeared thanks to the classical teaching methodology. After all, people only taught theory, with almost no training in speaking skills. And abroad they finally started talking and got results.

How are classes structured?

Training takes place abroad. Classes are held in the morning and afternoon, and in the evening you have free time.

During the lessons you:

  • Understand the theory;
  • Doing written exercises;
  • Speak a lot of English;
  • Discuss various topics.

It is worth noting that Russian speech is completely absent in such classes; all lessons are held in English.

What is the efficiency?

This form of training includes a huge amount of speaking practice. You speak English not only in class, but also in your free time, completely immersing yourself in English. Accordingly, training is very effective. But this also has its downsides.

1. This method is suitable for people with a language proficiency level of at least intermediate. For beginners, this will be a lot of stress. They simply will not be able to understand what is being explained to them. No one here will explain the rules in Russian.

2. The price of studying abroad is usually 3-7 times higher than studying courses in Moscow. In addition, you need to take into account the costs of food and leisure.

Read more about in what cases this technique is most effective.

What is the result?

For people with high level fluency in English, this method will undoubtedly give excellent results: a person will definitely learn to express his thoughts and think in the language, increase his vocabulary and improve pronunciation.

Time frame for obtaining results:

Of course, the first results can be obtained after 1-2 weeks of training. But to achieve visible results you will need training: from a month or more. In this case, you will significantly improve your English.

5. Communicative methods of teaching English

This technique is very popular today. At the same time, there are many supposedly “communicative” techniques that are not.

In this paragraph we will analyze the methodology of our course, which is called ESL (English as a Second Language). This will allow you to understand the basic principles that underlie all true communication techniques.

How are classes structured?

By studying this method, a person begins to speak English from the first lesson. And this does not depend on the student’s level of language proficiency. Naturally, for beginners, very simple topics and basic rules are taken, which are practiced in classes.

80% of the class time is devoted to the practical part and 20% is devoted to theory. There is no point in learning a lot of theory and not using it. After all, it is important not only to know, but also to be able to apply this knowledge in practice.

For example, time is explained to a student Present Simple. The teacher explains in what cases we use this time and how it is formed. And then students, with the help of special speaking exercises, consolidate this theory in practice. At home, all students are required to do their homework.

What is the efficiency?

By practicing every piece of theory learned in practice, a person learns to apply all this knowledge. All the rules are laid out in your head on the shelves and are perfectly remembered.

What is the result?

By studying the communicative method, you will not only understand all the theory, but also learn to read, write, speak and think in English.

Time frame for obtaining results:

If you start learning English from 0, then:

  • 1 month of training is needed to start speaking.
  • It takes 6 months to reach the levelpre-intermediate (goal - English for travel).
  • 9 months to reach the level intermediate (goal - English for work).
  • about 12 months to improve your knowledgeup to upper-intermediate/advanced level.

So, now you know the features of the basic methods of learning English. Some of them are effective and really give results, while others are unlikely to help in studying. Some are focused on imparting knowledge, while others are focused on imparting knowledge and developing skills.

The most important thing when choosing a technique is to understand why you need English, and, based on this, choose the option that suits you.