The best method for learning English. Self-study of English

The study methodology provides quick and high-quality results in English in foreign language schools, where they conduct an intensive immersion course in the speech, culture and traditions of the country. In essence, this is an express teaching method, because... in a limited time, students must become imbued with a foreign environment and turn into true British or Americans.

Fundamental features of the technique:

  1. Language school is a communicative teaching method. Communication always takes precedence over reading, writing and grammar. In this case, the emphasis is placed more on spoken language than on formal English.
  2. The use of cases is actively practiced. They represent game situations and discussions that promote the involvement of each student in the lesson process.
  3. Knowledge here is taught by a direct native speaker, and students will have to completely forget about such concepts as native speech and translation. All communication is carried out only in a foreign language.
  4. The student can choose individual training or classes in general groups.

If you do not take into account the financial side of the issue, this method has practically no disadvantages.

Conversational approach (Schechter)

Learning is based on the perception of foreign speech as a native language. That is, the author seeks to develop in the student the ability to use English subconsciously, without thinking about the correct construction of grammatical structures or appropriate vocabulary.

This skill is developed with the help of cases and situational thinking: small sketches are played out in which each student must pronounce his own line. At the same time, the speech of the conversation participants is spontaneous; no one prepares remarks in advance and does not know the topics of the cases.

Such classes are held daily, the lesson duration is 3 hours. The course is divided into 3-4 stages, each of which takes a month to complete. Between stages there is a break to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Gunnenmark selections

This course for self-study of English is a set of techniques that make it easier to master the basics of the language.

The method is based on the analysis of “speech stamps”, i.e. The author suggests studying only the most important and frequently used rules, phrases and words in communication. The textbooks are called “Minigram”, “Minifraz” and “Minilex”. All material is additionally illustrated and voiced by native speakers, so the method is considered an ideal basis for starting to learn English.

Students regulate the duration and frequency of classes independently.

English from films, books and songs

It is worth mentioning such interesting methods of learning English as watching movies, listening to songs and reading books in the original.

Yes, combining personal interests with studies helps develop a passion for studying and become truly passionate about the language. But don’t think that you will turn on your favorite movie and immediately understand all the characters’ lines. In fact, this is very painstaking work.

Even films with subtitles are very difficult to understand, because... You often have to stop playing a file, look for translations of misunderstood words, and write new expressions into your dictionary. The same goes for songs and books in English in the original. Therefore, before embarking on such a technique, sensibly assess your strengths. We would recommend starting such work no earlier than mastering the intermediate level of knowledge (Advanced).

Interactive games and mobile applications

No less useful in learning innovative technologies, which are based on gaming techniques.

Electronic platforms present the material in an accessible form and carefully monitor the consolidation of the information received. For example, if you are gaining vocabulary and learning flashcards, mobile applications will definitely check the assimilation of information in several parameters: listening comprehension, writing and pronunciation.

Among the most popular online services, mobile applications and computer programs it is worth noting:

  • Duolingo;
  • RosettaStone;
  • Lex!;
  • Bussuu;
  • Lingualeo.

All of them use game methods of teaching modern English. For successful actions, users are rewarded with game points, and errors in answers lead to a decrease in rating and constant repetition of material. By the way, the repetition system is based on a deep analysis of user behavior: the success of memorization and the frequency of occurrence of a given word are taken into account.

Interactive applications are a great help in learning a language, but you cannot rely only on the use of programs. We recommend combining gaming methods with thorough grammar lessons.

How to choose your own method of learning English?

To summarize the analysis of English teaching methodology, it is necessary to choose the best of the presented methods. However, this can only be done on an individual basis. The choice of the right technique depends on you, but we can only recommend the criteria from which to build.

So, when choosing a method of learning English, you should take into account factors such as:

  • level of own preparedness;
  • the amount of time you are willing to devote to classes;
  • financial opportunities;
  • own priorities and desires.

We also recommend that you conduct an analysis of your own senses of perception. You need to understand how it is easier for you to perceive information: by ear, by reading textbooks, using video lessons, in a playful way, etc. If you choose a method that suits your mindset, character and interests, successful study will happen by itself.

Good luck in learning a foreign language and see you again on the pages of the site!

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By the end of the twentieth century, English had finally secured the status of a language of global importance. In most schools in the world, its study has become compulsory, and teaching methodology has begun to develop by leaps and bounds. Not everyone could afford to attend courses, which prompted the emergence of the first method of self-studying English. Subsequently, many authors have attempted to create a program for effectively learning English on their own, but we will focus on the 8 most popular ones.

Schechter method

In this method of learning English, the basis is not the classical “from theory to practice” model, but the reverse, more natural system of perception. It is extremely similar to how we learn native language. The author gives an example of how small children learn to speak - after all, no one explains to them the rules for constructing sentences, cases and parts of speech. In the same way, Igor Yuryevich Shekhter suggests learning English.

The essence of modern methods of learning English is that from the first lesson, students are given a certain task, for example, to learn about the profession of their interlocutor. Next, all students act out so-called “studies”, where they try on various roles and try to solve the problem. Due to the fact that communication occurs between people with approximately the same level of language proficiency, the fear of using foreign speech, which occurs when communicating between a teacher and a student, disappears.

This English language technique consists of three stages: on the first, lexical units, words and expressions are given, and only then, on the second and third, the use of grammatical-syntactic structures is corrected. The system has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness in this moment is one of the most successful from the point of view of educational psychologists.

Pimsleur method

Dr. Paul Pimsler developed a special system of thirty-minute lessons, designed not only for the perception of information, but also for its reproduction. Each lesson is narrated by two people: our compatriot and a native English speaker. Thanks to this, as well as a special memorization technology, any student learns up to a hundred English words and expressions. The essence of the lesson is to sequentially complete tasks that are spoken by speakers.

The undoubted advantages of the technique include its portability - you can perform audio tasks anywhere: standing in a traffic jam, heading to work, on the subway on the way to a date, or lying in bed before going to bed. The downside will be the lack of high-quality pronunciation testing and knowledge acquisition.

Dragunkin method

A feature of Alexander Nikolaevich Dragunkin’s system is its focus on the native Russian language when studying any foreign language. Very boldly calling English simple, the author claims that its roots go back to the Old Russian language, especially the system of grammatical tenses. Students of Dragunkin's course learn new words transcribed in Russian letters, and grammatical structures are divided not into 12 tenses, which we know from school, but into past, present, future and their variations.

Alexander Nikolaevich has his own network of schools where you can take three types of courses: basic, short and conversational. For self-study, the book “ Small jump into English”, which outlines the linguist’s innovative approach to language learning. Using his system, you can easily understand the use English verbs, remember the rules for using articles and easily master the basic principles of sentence construction. However, Dragunkin’s method has many negative reviews criticizing the pronunciation and the insufficient amount of theoretical knowledge.

Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov claims that you can learn English in 16 hours. True, the author further clarifies that we are not talking about mastery of the language at the level of a native resident of Great Britain, but about basic knowledge. His lessons are enough to survive in an English-speaking environment, explain your needs and understand the answer.

English language methodology " Polyglot» Petrova has proven its effectiveness in live TV channel "Culture" (since 2010 - "Russia K"). The basis of the technique is artificial immersion in the language environment. From the first lesson, show participants are required to speak a foreign language. To do this, the author provides the necessary lexical minimum on a given topic, as well as models of speech structures. Most of the lesson is devoted to repeated repetition of given structures, their “honing” and, thus, lasting memorization occurs.

Frank method

Ilya Frank is the author of an original method of learning English, based on reading literature adapted in a special way. Small fragments of text are presented with consecutive translation in brackets. So one large sentence is divided into separate phrases, and as soon as the reader finishes reading the phrase, the translation is immediately given in brackets. In this way, it is possible to compare the original text and the translation and fill in the meaning of those words that were not previously known. After the entire fragment is read in parts with translation, the same text follows, but without the “crutch” - the Russian analogue.

Using Ilya Frank's method, the student learns the meanings of new lexical units subconsciously, as well as ready-made patterns of use and construction of phrases. The main disadvantage of the method is the accumulation of only passive knowledge in English - the adapted texts do not provide exercises for applying the acquired knowledge. It is worth using the methods of learning English according to Ilya Frank as an additional means of increasing vocabulary.

Umin Method

Having published the book " Foreign easily and with pleasure", Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Umin (Umryukhin) on 50 pages outlined the method of motor and auditory engrams of pronouncing and perceiving phrases in English automatically. The author calls engrams “memory traces” that help the brain more easily assimilate information. Based, like Schechter, on the example of speech learning in young children, as well as on his research into the mechanisms of human brain During his studies, Wuming developed a system of daily classes. According to him, by studying just 15-20 minutes a day, you can achieve significant success in a year. If you increase the duration of classes to 1-1.5 hours, then within a year you can begin to speak English at the same level as a native speaker.

Zamyatkin method

Book " It is impossible to teach you a foreign language"became a revelation for many. In it, Nikolai Fedorovich Zamyatkin reveals the reasons for unsuccessfully learning English at school, and also describes the method of “matrix tai chi”, which actually helps to learn a foreign language. His methods of learning English are based on gradual immersion in the language environment and the formation of an artificial “information hunger” - the brain’s need for new information.

According to the method, first you listen to dialogues, then read books, and then watch English-language films. Each stage is worked out carefully; it takes 3-5 days to listen to one dialogue in order to parse every phoneme and understand every word. By incorporating meditation techniques, you can achieve amazing results. However, the author honestly warns that “there is no miracle” - mastering the language will take a lot of time and a significant level of self-discipline.

Rosetta Stone Method

The last technique on our list will appeal to those who spend most of their time at the computer. A specially developed computer flash program gradually immerses the user in a foreign language environment, just as children are immersed in the world of adults. The stages are designed with a tendency towards gradual complication, the student moves from simple to complex. First, individual items are offered for memorization. simple words, then more complex lexemes are given, then speech structures are introduced, and then syntax and grammar.


The methods of learning English described above can really help you learn English on your own, but only to a certain level. Do not forget that to use it effectively, you need to be able to not only understand text and speech by ear, but also master conversational skills. And it is almost impossible to independently determine how correctly certain words are pronounced. From this it follows that effective learning of English requires at least an interlocutor (who can be found in our conversation club). But it’s best if this interlocutor can not only talk, but also competently explain incomprehensible moments of speech and can act as a mentor, and our English teachers via Skype will cope with this task perfectly.

Our school offers its students a comprehensive approach to language learning. On individual lessons Difficulties with grammar will be successfully resolved. Group classes in a conversation club and webinars will help you develop your English communication skills. The online simulator will help you usefully kill time between classes and repeat the material you have covered. New vocabulary You can learn from articles on a wide variety of topics, and you can prepare for communication at work or a new place of study in specialized courses.

In any case, the rolling stones gather no moss, so join us soon and you will love English as much as we do.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Or personal communication. It is important to have an idea about possible options learning - this will help you choose the most convenient method for you. Consider the following methods and their advantages:

Classroom activities

Depending on personal preference, some may be more suited to a traditional learning environment. Classes in a traditional setting provide the opportunity to actively interact with the teacher and can be useful for those who want to gain additional training. Classroom activities also allow you to interact with other students and work in groups.

Audio lessons

This method is gradually becoming outdated, as many people come to the conclusion that it is difficult to master the language using this method alone. However, good ones often offer audio materials to give a better understanding of pronunciation and dialects.

Audio recordings are often used to supplement the curriculum, however, there are also full audio lessons for those who find it easier to learn a language by ear.


Books are often used as additional material to become more familiar with the language. For those who are learning a language on their own, they can be an excellent means of mastering the English language at an acceptable pace, without the restrictions and commitments that are present in other forms of learning.


DVD training programs are a very popular tool and can be effective if followed regularly and correctly. Those who will appreciate the flexibility and freedom that DVD courses provide.

However, not being able to communicate with the teacher or other students can create problems. If studying is difficult and it is difficult to move forward. DVD courses can be great for those who already know the basic material but want to brush up on their knowledge.

Online training

The online teaching method has proven itself well among both teachers and language learners. With flexibility and convenience, it is well suited for those who cannot maintain a classroom schedule but can. However, this method assumes that the student has basic Internet skills.

Having an understanding of the different methods of learning English will help you choose the one that suits you best. What study methods have you tried? Tell us about your experience in the comments to this article.

Friends, many of you probably had a desire to start learn English for free without outside help or any paid educational courses.

And that's great! After all, learning a foreign language expands human consciousness, opens up opportunities for travel and communication with people from other parts of the world. Believe me Having mastered another language, you will begin to think and perceive the world around you differently!

However, judging by the experience of most students, some people give up trying to learn English due to a lack of self-discipline and simple laziness! And indeed, an abundance of all kinds of rules and bad memories from school curriculum training discourages all desire to learn!

We decided to help everyone learn English on your own and prepared the 7 best ways to master it. These methods significantly save time and simplify understanding of grammar, and most importantly, they are free!

Using these methods and devoting at least 1 hour a day to studying, in a few months you will master the basic principles, replenish lexicon and will be able to speak freely on general/simple topics with native speakers.

1. Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is a famous linguist, translator and public figure who speaks more than 15 languages. He developed a course of 16 video lessons that can be found on the Internet in the public domain (episodes of the “Polyglot” program on the Russia TV channel). You can watch video tutorials.

In addition to the course of video lessons, there is a free mobile application for learning English using the method of Dmitry Petrov.

The effectiveness of Dmitry Petrov's method: the material is presented in a very simple and understandable form, thanks to which the fear of tenses, verb forms, etc. is quickly dispelled. In a short time you will gain communication skills, plus you will practice basic language algorithms until they become automatic.

2. platform

A free international language learning platform without premium packages, advertising or webinars, which was launched in 2011. The training system is built in the form interesting lessons based on gamification, as they progress, students help translate websites, articles, etc.

The basis of training is Dualingo skill tree, through which users advance by completing tasks and earning experience points. The platform has many functions, such as completing tasks against time, etc. In addition to the web project, Duolingo has a mobile application. On Dualingo you can learn not only English, but also German and French, and soon Spanish and Swedish will also be available.

Duolingo efficiency: According to research, 34 hours of Duolingo training provides the same reading and writing skills as a semester of study (130 hours) in higher education. educational institutions. Currently, many teachers in schools use the Dualingo program. The project provides excellent skills for speech recognition and translations.

3. Movie mania with subtitles

The method is based on watching your favorite films and TV series with double subtitles, but in English dubbing. It turns out that you simultaneously hear English speech and see the writing and translation.

The main point is making the right choice series and films. Beginners need to watch films in which simple dialogues and there is no use of specific words. Many people call the famous series “Friends” ideal for watching with double subtitles.

Efficiency of the method: quickly remember new words and phrases, master pronunciation. However, to feel the effect, you need to watch quite a lot of episodes or films.

4. Ilya Frank method

This method involves learning a language by reading books in English without a dictionary. You read and remember due to the repetition of words in the text of books.

In addition, for interesting reading, it offers explanations with translations of each sentence. Just download Ilya Frank’s books and read them at any time convenient for you. You can see what the text in the book looks like in the picture below.

The effectiveness of Ilya Frank's method: Frank's learning is ideal for memorizing words. You read a book and as you learn, you begin to skip the explanatory inserts. According to reviews it is said that if you read 1-2 hours a day, then in a year you will be able to read English books in the original without any problems.

5. Alexander Dragunkin method

Alexander Dragunkin developed his own method of teaching English, in which he abandoned the traditional classical study of the rules of reading words, replacing it with Russified transcription.

In his method he also developed 53 “golden” grammar formulas, which differ from the classic ones. Dragunkin offers his vision of language learning and an understanding of grammar that will be simple and understandable for beginners.

To get started, we recommend watching the 3-hour video tutorial, under which you will find a link to many teaching materials and Dragunkin tables to help with learning.

The effectiveness of the Dragunkin Method: the main advantage of Dragunkin’s method is that the material is presented in a very accessible form for “dummies.” All the material (tables, rules) by Dragunkin is systematized, making it easy to remember.

6. Dr. Pimsleur Method

Dr. Pimsleur's method is based on listening, when the student listens to dialogues, constructs phrases and reproduces them from memory. Course of Study consists of 3 parts, each of which contains 30 lessons(audio material + text).

The important point is that learning using the Pimsleur method requires great concentration. In particular, it is impossible, for example, to combine training with being in public places, because Often, as part of training, it is necessary to repeat after the speaker.

The effectiveness of Dr. Pimsleur's method: training using this method is perfect for those who have poor pronunciation. The course using Dr. Pimsleur's method perfectly develops memory and promotes good recognition of English speech (especially dialects).

7. YouTube training

In addition to the above methods, we will leave for you several excellent YouTube channels for learning English. Each of them has its own training program that will help you master English.

Puzzle English- an excellent channel with a wide variety of grammar lessons, language learning tips, lessons on correct pronunciation, etc.

English like clockwork is an entertaining channel where language learning is carried out through jokes, games, music, films, etc.

OXANA DOLINKA— a channel of the user of the same name, where a girl teaches English and focuses on live modern language, as well as the nuances of spoken English when traveling.

English at Steve Jobs School- a channel where short lessons touch on certain topics of the English language, as well as dialogues in films, talk about metaphors in English, etc.

Albert Kakhnovskiy- a channel where English is taught by the famous Raymond Murphy.

Efficiency of the method: Learning English on YouTube channels is easy and fun. Studying does not oblige you to anything and you can devote as much time to studying as you wish.

Learn English on your own not easy! Most people note that it is often difficult to overcome their laziness, remember this! Do not succumb to the provocations of your consciousness to abandon your studies!

Due to its prevalence, the English language has acquired a large number of methods and ways of studying it. You can learn English from books or through everyday communication, with a teacher or independently, in special schools or . The chosen methods of learning English depend on the wishes and capabilities of each individual student. So that you do not get lost in this diversity, we have collected for you the most popular teaching methods and methods.

Classic methods

In Group

Group classes are held in language schools. Learning English in a group is effective for several reasons: there is a language environment, a group of like-minded people, experienced teachers (several native speakers are required), and the necessary equipment (training programs, interactive whiteboards, special players for listening).

It's hard to argue with these benefits, but group classes also have disadvantages. The most important of them is that the lesson time is divided among all group members. Even if the group is very small, the teacher’s attention, and therefore the focus of the lesson, is still divided into several parts. Technically, you do not practice English for the entire hour and a half of the lesson, but only for a short period of time that the teacher devotes to you personally. The rest of your time is spent not learning the language, but watching how others learn. Which, of course, is not useless, but not nearly as effective.

In general, language schools are good mainly because of the language environment: it is difficult to find another place unless you go to an English-speaking country where you can communicate a lot in English, especially with native speakers. And it’s very useful to communicate with Russian-speaking people in English.

Group classes are well suited for those who want to overcome the language barrier and improve their spoken English. They can also be suitable for beginners, although in this case it is better to have at least some basic knowledge of the language.

With a tutor

The main advantage of classes with a tutor is a personal approach. A competent tutor individually adjusts or creates an English language learning program from scratch in accordance with the knowledge and goals of each individual student. And an excellent tutor will also make adjustments to your character and temperament. In fact, a tutor is the most effective method of learning, especially if you meet with him regularly.

There are also disadvantages to working with a tutor. The services of really good teachers are not cheap. In addition, there is always a chance of character mismatch.

Lessons with a tutor give the best results in terms of grammar and listening comprehension. Meetings with a Russian-speaking tutor are an ideal option for those who are starting to learn English from scratch.

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Here you have complete freedom of action in choosing the time and duration of classes, training programs and methods of control. No one will force you to study something that is not interesting; you can always skip a lesson or study extra in your free time. This sounds like an ideal option.

However, there are pitfalls here too. At self-study you need to have enough self-discipline to practice regularly. In addition, it is difficult for a person who is not familiar with teaching methods to create an effective curriculum. Of course, there are thematic online resources and tutorials, but they cannot replace a live teacher who right moment will indicate errors.

If you are able to study English regularly, do not miss classes and strictly follow the plan, self-study will be effective.

Self-study– a good and effective way to develop reading and writing skills.

Author's methods

Pimsleur method

Let's start with the now classic method, developed in the 60s of the last century by the American linguist Paul Pimsler. Professor Pimsleur has created a course with which you can quickly master spoken language in a foreign language.

All lessons are audio recordings lasting 30 minutes. This is exactly how much time, according to the professor, is necessary in order not to lose concentration when studying. Initially, this method was designed for learning Greek, German, French and Spanish. However, its versatility has made it possible to adapt it for learning other languages, including English.


  • You only need an mp3 player (phone, player, tablet, computer);
  • while listening to audio lessons, do other things at the same time;
  • say goodbye to the language barrier.


  • forget about grammar, reading and writing;
  • perception of information only by ear;
  • little vocabulary - up to 500 words in one course.

Schechter method

Igor Yurievich Shekhter moved away from the traditional attitude to the study of foreign languages. He believed that cramming words, phrases and rules - last century. It is necessary for a person to speak a new language himself. Students are encouraged to listen and memorize meaningful phrases to subconsciously understand the structure of language.

The peculiarity of this method of learning English is interactive classes in which students, improvising, act out skits and dialogues.

The course is divided into 3 stages with increasing difficulty.


  • development of communication skills;
  • covering all aspects: grammar, speaking and vocabulary;
  • loyal to students: mistakes are made at the first stage.


  • the lessons are not structured: the teacher only determines the direction of the lesson, but does not control it;
  • duration: each stage lasts 100 hours, and there is also a break of up to 3 months between stages.

Frank method

Ilya Mikhailovich Frank, a Germanic philologist and teacher, developed a special way of learning a foreign language. This method is based on reading books in which sentences in English are alternated with translations into Russian.

Learning a language in this way allows the student not to be distracted every time looking for the right word in the dictionary, losing the thread of the story. With each page read, the student pays less and less attention to the Russian translation, and, in the end, reads without it. With Frank's method, you can easily learn vocabulary and phraseological units and remember the rules for constructing sentences.


  • learning rate;
  • a large amount of vocabulary;
  • convenience: read on any device with a monitor: phone, tablet, laptop, PC.


  • no control and self-control;
  • fail to learn spoken language;
  • does not teach to speak;
  • don't learn grammar.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a program designed to teach a foreign language to migrants. It is based on a principle similar to the Schechter method - learning a foreign language occurs intuitively. There are no consistent rules and themes, no mindless learning of words and phrases. Instead, the program immerses the student in a language environment, encourages communication, and develops associative thinking.

There is no Russian translation in Rosetta Stone - understand what it's about we're talking about, will have to be done from context and with the help of images.


  • information is presented in visual and audio format and is easy to remember;
  • the program shows errors and offers to go through problematic topics again;
  • control your learning progress - all your actions are saved;
  • covering all aspects: grammar, speaking and vocabulary.


  • You can only study on a computer; a microphone is required;
  • few topics, some vocabulary is not used in everyday speech;
  • tasks are sometimes too simple;
  • assignments in the form of tests: the student does not write himself, but chooses one of the options.

Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Yuryevich Petrov is a polyglot, philologist and translator, who became famous for his own program on the Culture channel, dedicated to the study of foreign languages. His methodology is focused on group classes. The purpose of this technique is to instill in students a love of foreign languages and create comfortable conditions for learning.

From the very first lesson, students speak English in order to immediately immerse themselves in the language environment. At the same time, the topics for classes are chosen not abstract, but concrete: everyone talks about themselves, their environment, interests, etc.


  • individual approach;
  • conversation training;
  • getting rid of the language barrier from the very first lessons;
  • covering all aspects: grammar, speech and vocabulary.


  • You can’t study on your own;
  • the technique is designed to master only the basic level;
  • Little attention is paid to reading and writing; spoken language is given priority.

Dragunkin method

Alexander Nikolaevich Dragunkin is an odious person outside of linguistics, but when it comes to teaching English, he is a professional in this. Dragunkin proposed simplifying English grammar, reducing it to 51 rules for convenience. These rules do not contradict the official classification and make the grammar simpler and clearer.

Dragunkin moved away from the classic English pronunciation. English speech, he is sure, is easier to adapt to Russian pronunciation than to study all its phonetic features.


  • the methodology is aimed at Russian-speaking students;
  • in a short time you can learn spoken language and learn to read passably;
  • complex rules of grammar are presented in a simplified form.


  • not all linguists recognize the method as correct, since it contains too many simplifications and unifications;
  • You can only learn a language to an intermediate level;
  • It will not be possible to master the correct, “classical” pronunciation.

Video about ways to learn English: