A small house with a hip roof. Projects of houses with a hip roof

The appearance of the house directly depends on what kind of roof it has, whether it looks luxurious or not. However, we should not forget that, first of all, the roof should not perform an aesthetic function, but a protective one. The hip roof design is very popular, especially for one-story houses; it is one of the types of hip roofs.


The advantages include:

  • Lack of vertical end walls and pediment.
  • Best wind resistance.
  • Less susceptible to destruction than other types of roofs is the eaves area.
  • High rigidity thanks to angular ribs.
  • You can install overhangs that protect the walls and façade from weather influences (rain or snow).
  • Aesthetically attractive appearance, solidity, solemnity.


Regardless of the fact that there are a number of advantages of a hip roof, we should also not forget about the disadvantages. One of negative qualities It will become difficult to install this type of roof, because it is much more difficult to install than a gable roof. Due to the difficulties in installation, it is logical that the cost of a hip roof will be higher.

It should also be noted that the end sides of the roof reduce the attic area, so it is not recommended to build an attic under such a roof. If you make an attic here, you need to pay special attention to the windows, as they can let moisture in, causing puddles to appear.


A traditional hip roof has straight rafters and angled ribs that extend all the way to the ridge. The roof overhangs have a uniform height, set in advance. In general, the two roof planes resemble a trapezoid, and the end planes are adjacent and externally resemble a triangle.

A hip hip roof is a hipped roof, the ribs of which converge at one upper point. Danish or Dutch half-hip - the upper part of the short slopes is equipped with pediments.

A hip sloping roof is a hipped type of roof, which is called a mansard roof. This type of roof is the most difficult to construct and install, but it is under it that you can place a large and spacious attic. A sloping roof is the most expensive, however, its use is the most rational.


  • The length of the slope from the eaves to the ridge.
  • Area, taking into account the chimney pipe and skylights.
  • Overhangs, paralets and firewall walls.
  • Junctions of sheets (in the case of roll roofing), as well as standing seams.

If the roofing material used to cover the hip roof is metal tile, then the length of the slopes must be reduced by 0.7 meters.

Calculating the area of ​​a hip roof is very difficult and it is not recommended to do it yourself. It is best to involve professionals who can accurately calculate the area using a computer program and take measurements.

For maximum accuracy, the roof is conditionally divided into several parts, after which the area of ​​each of them is calculated and finally summed up. This method is optimal because it is simple and reliable, and the possibility of error is completely eliminated.

Correct calculation of the area affects not only the strength and reliability of the structure, but also the cost of construction, since it is calculated required quantity all materials: wood, roofing, etc.

It is also important to take into account the technical parameters of the coating, its thickness and length. All this directly affects the weight of the roofing and the ease of its installation. For example, ceramic tiles are heavy, it is necessary to create rafters and install sheathing, but for flexible tiles all this is not required, since they are relatively light in weight.

Nuances of the rafter system

The rafter system and its design need to be given special attention, since its installation is much more expensive and difficult in comparison with a pitched or gable roof. This design requires the installation of special rafters (sloping diagonal) oriented towards the corners of the walls.

Diagonal rafters are much longer than standard ones; they rest on the rafters of the slopes (springs). Consequently, these rafters are subject to 1.5 times more load than traditional rafters. In this regard, you need to pay special attention to the choice of wood, which should be of the highest quality. Sloping rafters are constructed using the mating method so that they can cope with the load placed on them.

The process of pairing diagonal rafters will allow:

  • Get long continuous beams.
  • Gain high strength that can cope with loads due to its double cross-section.
  • Unification of standard sizes of parts that are used.

Installation stages

Sequence of hip roof assembly:

  • Construction of the Mauerlat. This concept hides an ordinary wooden beam, the cross-section of which is 100*100, 100*150 or 150*150 millimeters. Important Feature– the timber must be solid, knots and cracks are unacceptable.
  • Mauerlat fastening. It is connected along its entire length not end-to-end, but into an overlay, after which the corners are secured with metal corners, plates and brackets.
  • Installation of the ridge, racks and side beams. The ideal width to height ratio is 1:2. Thus, the beams will practically not be deformed and will be able to last long years. The rafter beam is selected in a similar way.
  • Installation of rafters and cutting them to height. Installation of slanted rafters with a large cross-section.
  • Installation of ordinary rafters. Corner rafters must have a large cross-section, since they have an increased load and must cope with it efficiently.
  • Installation of the remaining rafters. All of them must be solid or special linings must be installed at their joints. The wooden elements are overlapped using metal corners. At the junction of all the elements, it is necessary to install support notches that strengthen the roof structure.

After this, all that remains is to choose the type of roof and begin the final work. It should be noted that the process of assembling a roof frame is labor-intensive and requires special knowledge and skills, so it is better to hire professionals.

The hip roof is often used in the architectural designs of country houses built in the European style. Its design is not only reliable, but also very aesthetic. Moreover Taking even its simplest version as a basis, you can diversify it with various elements that will become a kind of decoration for the entire structure and a sign of sophistication of style.

A do-it-yourself hip roof, the drawings of which need to be selected or prepared in advance, can be done independently, but one craftsman clearly cannot cope with such a volume and complexity of work.

What is a hip roof?

The most widespread a simple scheme of a hip roof consists of four slopes, two of which have the shape of a triangle - they are called “hips”. They are located at the ends of the building and connect the ridge to the cornice. The two frontal planes in the shape of a trapezoid have a large area and a slope, which is also located from the ridge to the cornice.

Hip roof - top view

It should be noted that there are half-hip roofs - they are also classified as the Dutch type. In this case, during construction, the cornices of the end slopes are located much higher than the front ones. The installation of such a roof is usually carried out in cases where a living space is installed in its space.

Hip Roof Design Basics

The traditional hip system consists of certain components and elements, which are always installed in the same way and are the basis for more complex roofs of this type. This figure shows just such a design, which includes the following parts:

1 - A corner rafter or rib is always placed at a smaller angle than the same, but intermediate elements of the system. For such a roof structure, boards with a cross-section of 50×150 mm are suitable for both side and intermediate rafters.

2 - Short rafter legs are secured not to the ridge, but to the corner rafter board. They must have the same slope as the intermediate rafters.

3 - The ridge in this case has the same cross-sectional size as the rafter legs.

4 - The rafters that converge and join at the corners of the ridge on three sides are called central rafters.

5 - Intermediate rafters are the legs that connect the ridge and the trim running along the top of the building and form the cornice.

In the following diagram, in addition to those already mentioned, you can see the structure of other structural elements.

  • After the rafters, you can consider the rack that supports the ridge and is installed at the connection of the two beams. These elements are not always used; sometimes they are simply replaced with other supporting parts, for example, in cases where the space under the roof must be free if it is planned to arrange a room in it.
  • The tie is the element that holds the rafters together. Most often, it also acts as a floor beam.
  • The filly is mounted to the installed rafter legs to increase the roof overhang, which will provide protection from precipitation for the gap under the roof and the upper part of the walls.
  • The wind beam is attached to the rafters obliquely on the side of the roof that is considered windy. Sometimes it is installed on both trapezoidal slopes.
  • The spigot or short rafter leg is used only in a hip structure and is attached to the corner rafter.
  • Mauerlat is present in any rafter system and is a bar that is attached along the entire perimeter of the walls of the building.
  • The sprengel is another part of the system, giving it rigidity and relieving the load from the walls. It is installed diagonally, relative to the corners of the building, and secured to the Mauerlat.
  • The struts are installed at different angles to the rafters, depending on whether the attic will be used to create an additional room.
  • Rib, diagonal or side rafters can be installed either on one end side of the roof or on both sides, depending on the intended design.
  • Runs in given In this case, the distance between the fastening of the rafters to the ridge beam is called - it will depend on the weight of the selected roofing material and the expected snow load in the area of ​​construction.

Stages of work on installing a hip roof

If a hip structure is chosen for the roof of the house, then work on it must be carried out in strict sequence:

  • Any project begins with drawing up a diagram of the rafter system.

  • The next step is to calculate all the parameters, which will depend on the width of the distance between the walls of the house and the presence of capital partitions inside the building.
  • Next, according to calculations, purchased necessary materials and the tools needed for the job are prepared.
  • Then comes the preparation for strapping walls for installation of rafterssystems - flooring waterproofing material.
  • The walls are being marked for installation of the rafter system.
  • The most important stage - installation the entire system in accordance with the design.
  • Final stage - device roofs.

Preparing the roof diagram

The roof layout can be different - it will depend on the imagination and capabilities of the owner of the house, as well as on the location of the walls of the building. When drawing up a diagram, you also need to take into account the fact that the more complex the roof structure, the more material it will need, and the longer the installation of the system will take.

If the design is very complex, then the best option would be to seek help from professionals who will help you correctly calculate the thickness and number of elements necessary for the reliability of the system. Of course, drawing up such a project will take some time and certain financial resources will be spent, but it is better to use the development of specialists than to act at random and end up with an unreliable design.

Calculation of system parameters

If you decide to rely on your own strength, then when making calculations, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • The reliability of the load-bearing walls and foundation of the building over which the roof will be erected.
  • Type of rafter system (sloped or hinged).
  • The cross-sectional size of rafters and bars for other elements of the system.
  • The angle of inclination of the slopes and the distance of the run between the rafters.
  • Dimensions of elements such as protrusions and openings for chimney pipes, ventilation, windows.

To calculate the exact proportions of the structure, you can use formulas specially developed for this, which will make the roof reliable and durable. Designation of parameters in formulas:

S is the total area of ​​the roof slopes;

h is the height of the system from floor to ceiling;

d - length of side or diagonal rafter legs;

e - length of intermediate rafters;

a is the distance between the rafters along the length of the building;

α is the slope angle;

b - the distance between the rafters on the end hip side.

Formulas for calculating the construction of a simple hip roof are as follows:

  • Skate height:
  • Length of intermediate front rafters:

  • Length of end and hip rafters:

  • Roof slope area:

Having calculated the main parameters of the system, you can, based on them, purchase materials for construction.

Materials for roof construction

To install the rafter system, you will need not only well-dried high-quality wood, but also metal fasteners, as well as roofing nails, self-tapping screws and anchor bolts.

  • From metal elements, you will need to purchase corners and fasteners of various configurations, which will help make the structure more reliable and strong.

One of them is the sliding mount. It is installed at the bottom of the rafters, thus securing them to the Mauerlat. By installing it, you can eliminate the risk of deformation of the roof system when the load-bearing walls shrink.

Another long-used fastening is staples. They connect different parts of the system, for example, rafters and floor beams or a mauerlat if the roof is being erected, for example, on a building that has long since shrunk.

  • To make wooden elements you will need:

Particular attention is paid to the quality of wood for system installation

- to lay the Mauerlat you will need a beam with a cross-section of 100×150 mm;

— the rafters and ridge are made of timber with a cross-section of 50×150 mm. Builders involved in the construction of rafter systems recommend installing the entire system from timber or boards of the same cross-section - this guarantees the strength and reliability of the building;

- a sheathing of boards is placed on top of the rafter system, the cross-section of which should be 25x150 mm.

When choosing wood for a rafter system, you can rely on a table compiled specifically for this purpose. It shows the permissible length of rafters (in meters) made of coniferous wood (larch, spruce, cedar, pine), depending on its quality, the cross-section of the timber and the average snow load in a given region.

VarietySectionDistance between rafters in mm
mm300 400 600 300 400 600
1.0 kPa1.5 kPa
Higher38×893.22 2.92 2.55 2.81 2.55 2.23
38×1405.06 4.60 4.02 4.42 4.02 3.54
38×1846.65 6.05 5.28 5.81 5.28 4.61
38×2358.50 7.72 6.74 7.42 6.74 5.89
38×28610.34 9.40 8.21 9.03 8.21 7.17
1 and 238×893.11 2.83 2.47 2.72 2.47 2.16
38×1404.90 4.45 3.89 4.28 3.89 3.40
38×1846.44 5.85 5.11 5.62 5.11 4.41
38×2358.22 7.47 6.38 7.18 6.52 5.39
38×28610.00 9.06 7.40 8.74 7.66 6.25
3 38×893.06 2.78 2.31 2.67 2.39 1.95
38×1404.67 4.04 3.30 3.95 3.42 2.79
38×1845.68 4.92 4.02 4.80 4.16 3.40
38×2356.95 6.02 4.91 5.87 5.08 4.15
38×2868.06 6.98 6.70 6.81 5.90 4.82
2.0 kPa2.5 kRa
Higher38×894.02 3.65 3.19 3.73 3.39 2.96
38×1405.28 4.80 4.19 4.90 4.45 3.89
38×1846.74 6.13 5.35 6.26 5.69 4.97
38×2358.21 7.46 6.52 7.62 6.92 5.90
38×2862.47 2.24 1.96 2.29 2.08 1.82
1 and 238×893.89 3.53 3.08 3.61 3.28 2.86
38×1405.11 4.64 3.89 4.74 4.31 3.52
38×1846.52 5.82 4.75 6.06 5.27 4.30
38×2357.80 6.76 5.52 7.06 6.11 4.99
38×2862.43 2.11 1.72 2.21 1.91 1.56
3 38×893.48 3.01 2.46 3.15 2.73 2.23
38×1404.23 3.67 2.99 3.83 3.32 2.71
38×1845.18 4.48 3.66 4.68 4.06 3.31
38×2356.01 5.20 4.25 5.43 4.71 3.84
38×2866.52 5.82 4.75 6.06 5.27 4.30
  • In addition, you will need to buy roofing material, insulation and vapor barrier film, which is laid on the rafters under the sheathing. A soft covering is traditionally chosen as a roofing material for a hip roof structure - it is easier to attach it to the complex configuration of such a rafter system. Under such a roof it will be necessary to make a plywood flooring.
  • You also need to purchase one for wood processing before starting installation.
  • You may need steel wire with a diameter of 4 mm to secure some elements in the load-bearing wall.

Prices for various types of timber

Tools for work

You need to prepare in advance not only all the necessary materials, but also tools, since without them the work will not be possible. To install the rafter system you will need:

  • A hammer, preferably with a nail puller.
  • Electrically charged screwdriver.
  • Mallet - a rubber or wooden hammer. It may be necessary for some operations on leveling and fitting wooden elements.
  • A wooden strip 1.5–1.7 m long for bringing individual units to one level.
  • Marker or pencil for marks.
  • Jigsaw, hacksaw and power saw.
  • Construction level, plumb.
  • Roulette and ruler.
  • Chisel for gouging out grooves.
  • Planer - it is better to have both a regular and an electric version, since it is more convenient to work at heights with a conventional tool, and large surfaces can be processed below using an electric one.

Carrying out installation work

The figure shows a simplified diagram of a hip roof, which can be used as a guide when installing the system.

The work is carried out in stages and without any haste, with each step carefully thought through, since the design of a hip roof is quite complex.

The first step is to prepare the wood by treating it with an antiseptic solution and drying it well. When the material is ready, you can begin installing the system.

  • Installation of the system begins with installing and securing the Mauerlat around the perimeter of the load-bearing walls. It must be laid on a layer of waterproofing material.

  • After installing the Mauerlat, markings are made on it, according to previously made calculations. To make the marking as accurate and visible as possible, bright markers are used or beacons are driven in in certain places.

It is very important that the distances marked on one wall are identical to the markings on the opposite wall, otherwise the floor beams and other elements will be laid unevenly.

The key to success is proper marking
  • Next, the floor beams are laid. They can be mounted on walls next to the Mauerlat or on a fixed beam below the wall surface.

  • Then the Mauerlat is fastened with puffs, which help relieve the load from the load-bearing walls.

  • After the floor beams have been laid, experienced craftsmen advise covering them with planks without securing them to the beams. Such flooring is needed for comfortable and safe work.

  • The next step will be installing the racks. They are secured to tie rods or floor beams.
  • The racks are fastened on top with a ridge beam, and the rafter central legs from the end hip sides of the roof are also attached to it.
  • Next, intermediate rafters from the front roof slopes are marked and screwed.

  • Then follow the diagonal rafters that connect the ridge and corners of the building. If necessary, additional racks are installed under them.

  • Sprigs or short rafters are fixed to the diagonal rafters. They are installed at the same distance from each other as the intermediate ones.
  • Depending on the design, other supporting or reinforcing elements may be built into it, for example, struts or trusses, as well as a wind beam.
  • If the rafters are installed and end on the mauerlat, then they are extended with additional elements - “fillies”, they will create a canopy over the wall.

Flooring roofing material

The structure of the roofing “pie” of a hip roof
  • Before moving on to the next step of installing the elements necessary for the roof, you need to mark the location of window openings, holes through which smoke exhaust and ventilation pipes will be brought out, an entrance to the attic space or an exit to the balcony. They are framed with additional slats, filling them around the perimeter of the planned openings.
  • Then the roofing “pie” is installed on the rafter system. The work is carried out in the following sequence:
  • A vapor barrier film is stretched and secured on top of the rafters
  • Next, sheathing slats are screwed onto the rafters on top of it.
  • Insulation is placed between the slats, which is covered with windproof materials (for example, thick polyethylene film).
  • Then, the counter-lattice should be secured.
  • The next stage will depend on what coating material is chosen. If, for example, metal tiles are used, then they can be screwed directly to the counter-lattice slats. When choosing a soft roof, it is necessary to lay plywood or OSB sheets under it.

Complex components of a hip roof system

I would like to draw attention on complex components of the rafter system, the installation of which always raises many questions.

  • can be carried out by several types of rigid fastenings:

- using metal corners installed on both sides of the rafter leg;

- nails driven at an angle through the rafter into the mauerlat;

— special staples;

- sliding fastenings.

  • The connection of rafter legs on a ridge beam can also be done in different ways:

- by placing them on top of each other over the timber and securing them together with bolts;

- arrangement of special recesses on the rafters for rigidity when installing them on the ridge;

- adjusting the rafters at the selected angle on the ridge and fastening them with wooden or metal plates on both sides.

  • Another very complex knot is the connection of the ridge beam with the rafter legs. These elements must have reliable mating and fastening, since the durability of the hip side of the roof depends on this.

— The ridge beams are laid on the racks and fastened on both sides with overlays made of boards.

— Diagonal ones are cut out at the desired angle and secured to the ridge beam and intermediate rafters. In the same way a second rafter going to the other corner of the house is also installed.

Prices for various types of fasteners for rafters

Rafter fasteners

Video: secrets of hip roof design

If there is no experience in the construction of such a complex architectural element of a building as roofing, then it is recommended to use the help of qualified specialists. Moreover, this point concerns not only the hip roof structure, but also all others, since any type of this structure has its own characteristics with complex connecting nodes.

It must be remembered that the long-term service life of the entire structure will depend on the reliability of the roofing of the house, so its construction must be treated with maximum responsibility.

The aesthetic characteristics of the roof are an important component of the image of a residential building. No one will argue with this. But whatever you say, the strength and reliability of the roofing structure is more important. Therefore, developers carefully choose its shape. The hip roof in this regard has excellent characteristics. One- and two-story house designs with a hip roof look especially good if their area is large enough. At the same time, the four-story structure gives the house some kind of solidity.

If living quarters are to be organized under a hip roof, then dormers and windows become an integral part of it. They will provide illumination to the rooms during the daytime. It should be noted that a hip roof will be larger than a gable roof with the same area of ​​the building itself. Therefore, the costs of its construction will also be higher; these are not only financial costs, but also temporary ones.

Hip roof project - design features

What are the features of the hip roof itself? Its design consists of four slopes: two trapezoidal, two triangular. All of them are connected to each other by a ridge beam. But when choosing a hip structure project, you must first of all pay attention to the angle of inclination of the slopes. The thing is that the angle of inclination of the roof elements allows rainwater and melt water, which is the main indicator of quality for roofs. In principle, the angle value is quite wide, it varies from 15° to 65°. Why such a wide range?

Attention! An increase in the angle of inclination of the roof requires an increase in its structure, and therefore an increase in the amount of building materials used. The roofing design must take this into account.

Features of the rafter system

A hip roof project for a house is basically a rafter system project. By the way, this applies to all types of roofs for houses. What do designers propose in this regard? Option two:

  1. Hanging rafter system. What is its essence? These are rafter legs that rest on the external walls of the house. Such a structure has a small margin of strength and stability. True, it is precisely such projects that are very popular among private developers today. But the whole point is that this is the most economical option in terms of the cost of building materials, plus the ease of erection of the structure. But maintaining and repairing this building is not easy. Therefore, experts recommend using such roof designs only for simple tasks, where it is precisely determined that the loads on the roof will be minimal.
  2. Sloping rafter structure. It differs from the first in that it uses additional supporting elements that support the rafter legs. That is, it turns out that the rafters not only rest on the walls of the house, but are also additionally supported by racks. Therefore, the design is more stable compared to the first option. Of course, this increases the consumption of building materials, but such a structure is easier to repair and maintain, and has increased strength characteristics. Therefore, projects of such roofs are becoming increasingly popular today.

How to make a hip roof project for a private house

When starting to build a house, you need to take care of its design. This document is quite serious; it is the one that will provide the necessary characteristics of the stability and strength of the roofing system. This is especially true for hip roofs. Therefore, it is best to order a project from a specialist. It's a guarantee, it's high quality, but it's a lot of money.

You can do the project yourself, however, you will have to remember the institute course on descriptive geometry if you studied at a technical university. It would be nice to remember the resistance of materials. It will be necessary to make a drawing of the hip roof, ideally if the roof is drawn in several projections. Even better if you can create a 3D format. Let's face it, it's not that simple.

The third option is to use a special computer program to create a project for the hip roof of your house, which today can be downloaded from almost any construction site dedicated to the roofs of houses. It’s easy to understand, and the developers give you the opportunity to try using the program several times for free. By using multiple programs, you can increase the number of times you try to make a DIY project.

If you decide to design the roof of your house yourself, then you must take into account some very important nuances.

Calculation of hip roofs of houses

The design of hip roofs of houses must be carried out taking into account certain calculations. Usually the amount of lumber is calculated: rafter legs, sheathing, support posts and so on, roofing material, hydro- and vapor barrier, as well as a thermal insulation layer.

As for all materials, not counting wooden products, their calculation is based on the area of ​​the slopes of houses. And since this is a triangle and a trapezoid, look at the photo below, where the formulas of these figures are described.

Therefore, it will not be difficult to calculate all this yourself. As for lumber, you will have to take into account the features of a hip roof. Namely: the angle of inclination of the slopes, the area of ​​the building itself (this especially applies to the width and length of the building). That is, the smaller the width of one-story or two-story buildings, the smaller the triangular slope of the roofs of the houses. And as projects for hip roofs of houses show, it is the triangular slope that requires the least consumption of materials.

Conclusion on the topic

Designing hip roofs for modern homes is an important component of a well-built home. It is a correctly completed project that makes it possible not only to be confident in the quality and reliability of the structure, but also to save money on the purchase of building materials and the labor time that a contractor will spend on building a house. And if you assemble the roof of the house yourself, so to speak, with your own hands, then its design will make the work you are doing simplified. The project is not difficult to understand; the main thing is to understand the dimensional parameters of the structure and take into account the types of building materials used.

As you know, the vast majority of private buildings have a pitched roof, usually a gable roof. Many generations have passed since this type of roofing frame was invented, therefore, people have already become accustomed to it. But despite this, several decades ago many developers decided that they were already tired of this type of building, and it was time to change something. The gable roof was replaced by one-story houses with a hipped roof. In this article I will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of such a rafter system, its structure and its varieties.

Advantages of a house with a hipped roof

Before considering the pros and cons, we need to say a few words about definitions. A hip roof has another name in the roofing industry: “hip”. It is divided into several varieties, but I will talk about them below. As you know, everything is learned by comparison, so I will point out the advantages of four slopes, comparing them with a simpler design: a gable rafter system.

  • The hip rafter system can be classified as correctly structured. There are no vertical end walls (gables and gables), therefore, air resistance is reduced significantly. This type of roofing system is suitable for areas where there are hurricane-force winds with sharp gusts. In addition, its eaves overhangs feel more comfortable and collapse more slowly.
  • The corner ribs that converge near the supporting ridge beam have increased rigidity, so enormous efforts will have to be made to deform the hipped roof.
  • The hip roof has a significant area. In addition, cornice overhangs can be extended far beyond the load-bearing walls, thereby creating a canopy that will protect the walls of the building from the effects of precipitation.
  • From a distance, your house will not seem so huge, since the roof does not stand out with its height. This can be useful when the appearance of your site does not allow for the placement of large structures.
  • A hip roof can accommodate almost any roofing material on its surface, but many developers prefer to cover it with soft products.

IMPORTANT: If you live in an area with a lot of rainfall, then due to the ability to create large eaves overhangs, a hipped roof is one of the best possible options.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Creating a hip roof is somewhat more difficult, since it contains many more elements. In addition, the amount of materials increases the price tag. But again, due to the lack of gables, the stone work is reduced, so this needs to be studied individually.
  • If the finished building has roof windows located at the ends, then during heavy rain they must be closed, otherwise a large puddle will form on the floor.
  • Due to the design of the roof frame, part of the attic space will be “eaten up”. This point is especially important if you want to create an attic floor.
  • Most developers install skylights on the hips to let natural light into the attic floor. If you are planning for the same, then you need to know one fact. Be sure to check this window before precipitation begins. If it is not closed, water will easily flow inside the room, which can seriously damage things inside.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to install dormer windows along the hips, then it is better to make them vertical. In construction this is called a "bat". Ondulin or metal tiles are ideal for this type of roof.

This is what projects of one-story houses with a hipped roof look like:

Structural elements

A hip roof consists of planes intersecting each other. The two end planes are triangles and are called hips. As for the facade ones, they have a trapezoid shape and occupy the vast majority of the entire roof space. The roof slope of this roof varies from 15 to 60 degrees. This steepness allows you to place almost any roofing covering on the surface.

The structural side of such a roof must necessarily include the following elements:

  • Horse. It is difficult to imagine any pitched roof, if you do not take into account the shed roof, without this element. Due to the fact that there is quite a lot of lumber in the roofing frame, it is better to install a ventilated ridge. This way, natural ventilation will have fewer problems, and moisture will disappear faster.
  • The stingrays themselves. By the way, depending on the design of the building, the area of ​​the roof parts may differ from each other.
  • Cornice and gable overhangs. These sections of the roof are designed to drain falling precipitation from the walls of the building. They are created by attaching fillies to the ends of the rafter legs.
  • The rafter system is the frame of the entire roof and must be made of durable wood. The ideal material for this is coniferous trees.
  • Drainage system. Despite the fact that most private buildings have only one floor, sediment drainage is a prerequisite for the operation of the building. Otherwise, a situation may arise when the foundation simply cracks due to exposure to moisture.
  • Snow holders are selected depending on the roof covering. They can be different types, so it all depends on the region where you live.

Example good home with a hipped roof you can see in the photo above.

Types of hipped roof

Many types of roof structures have long been invented, but relatively recently they were collected into a certain system, where the main ones were noted and the subtypes were sorted out.

The hip roof has four varieties:

  • Standard four-slope system. There is nothing superfluous here, so to speak, a classic. There are four slopes, triangular on the sides and trapezoidal on the facades. All planes are assembled at the top point and form a ridge unit. The peculiarity of this design is that the length of the ridge is significantly less than the length of the entire building. Oddly enough, the rafter system of a standard hip roof belongs to the category of increased complexity, so it can hardly be assembled on your own without proper preparation.
  • Half hip Dutch. Looking at such a roof, you can immediately establish the similarity with gable roofs. The fact is that the Dutch system has two large trapezoidal slopes, and reduced hips are built at the ends of the house. Thanks to this, you can install ordinary skylights at the ends, which are much cheaper than attic ones.
  • Danish half-hip system. There are four slopes here, which in their shape resemble trapezoids, but they differ in size. The hip part of such a roof begins just below the ridge element, and on top of it is a small triangular pediment. It can be used to insert a skylight or dormer window.

  • Mansard roof with four slopes. This design has two triangular hips and two broken slopes, the slope of which can be changed at your discretion. This is convenient if you need to make high ceilings in the attic floor.
  • Surely, you have come across square houses with a hipped roof. This type of rafter system is called a tent system.. It requires fairly high stability, so it is made from isosceles triangles. This variety differs from its analogues in that all parts of the roofing plane are equal to each other and are a triangle. In addition, on such a roof there is no need to install a ridge element.

IMPORTANT: House designs with a hipped hipped roof must be created taking into account passages for artificial ventilation. Without aerators or deflectors, moisture will accumulate in the attic.

A two-story house with a hipped roof will look very beautiful and massive; after looking at the photo above, you will definitely say the same.

Composition of the rafter system

In the photo of one-story houses with a hipped roof, you can see their beauty and design, but the most important thing is hidden inside. The rafter system is the basis of the entire roof; everything rests on it. As mentioned earlier, durable wood species, namely coniferous, are best suited for creating a frame. But Despite all its qualities, any natural material is subject to rotting and decomposition. To prevent this, lumber is treated with antiseptics, and fire retardants are applied to them to increase the degree of fire.

The “skeleton” of this roof has the following elements:

  • Support beam or otherwise Mauerlat. The entire weight of the structure is distributed over it, after which it goes along the walls and goes into the foundation.
  • Racks are supporting components. They are placed on a beam or bed and prevent any deformation of the rafter legs.
  • Rafters. This type of roof has two types of rafter elements in its arsenal: diagonal and row. The former form the beginning of the hip slope, and the latter perform supporting functions on the trapezoidal slopes.
  • Puff. This function is performed by the beam. It is located horizontally and pulls together a pair of rafter units so that the walls of the building do not move to the sides under the load.
  • Strut. A beam that is installed at a certain angle in relation to the rafters.
  • Upper run. An element connecting the upper ends of the racks. At its core, it is a support for the rafters.
  • Lathing. It can be either solid or discharged. Everything will depend on the roofing materials used.

If you are far from construction, then you will have to hire workers, otherwise you risk doing something that is not according to technology and collapsing the entire roof structure.

The roof structure for a house should be selected taking into account its number of floors and architecture. Today, many developers choose. Its reliability is quite high. Such roofs look impressive and solid. They are usually installed above large houses. One- and two-story houses with a hip roof look especially attractive.

If you plan to create living quarters on the attic floor, you should equip the roof with window openings. This creates optimal room lighting. A hip roof is more of a gable roof, although the area of ​​the building may be the same. For this reason, the costs of its construction are higher. The hip roof project must take into account many nuances, so its creation should be taken with the utmost responsibility.

Roof features

Hip roofs have several distinctive features. It consists of several combined slopes of different geometries. They have a trapezoidal and triangular shape. The connection of the slopes occurs using a ridge beam. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a hip roof project is the angle of the slopes. This indicator affects the removal of precipitation and melt water. The angle can be either 15 or 65 degrees. This characteristic depends on many factors that should be taken into account when installing a roof:

Attention! The angle of the roof slope can only be increased by increasing the roof structure as a whole. Such a decision will entail an increase in material consumption.

Features of the rafter system

The design drawing must indicate the parameters of the rafter system. This applies to any roof. There are 2 main options for rafter systems used for hip roofs:

Once the hip roof project has been determined, you can begin installing the roof for your own home.

Nuances of construction

Before starting construction, an accurate design drawing should be prepared. Such a document is required when creating a reliable roof. The strength and stability of the roofing system will depend on the accuracy of the calculations. The hip roof receives special attention due to the complexity of its design. It is better if the project is completed by a specialist. In this case, the work will be done with high quality, and it will be guaranteed.

You can complete the project yourself, but to do this you will need to have basic knowledge descriptive geometry. In addition, you should be aware of the resistance of different materials. A drawing must be completed. It is better to draw the roof in several projections. It’s great if a 3D project is completed. This design looks especially attractive on one- and two-story buildings.

Another option is to create a house project with a hip roof in a special program. You can quickly figure it out on your own. To create a high-quality project, you can use several programs.

If you decide to complete the project yourself, you need to take into account several important nuances:

If all these subtleties are taken into account, building a hip roof will be much easier.

Calculation of hip roofs

Before work, you need to consider the amount of materials that will be needed to create the roof. Taking this indicator into account, design is carried out. Usually they calculate how much roofing, vapor and waterproofing, rafter legs, support posts and thermal insulation material will be needed.

The quantity of all materials is calculated taking into account the area of ​​the slopes. Since they are triangles and trapezoids, you need to become familiar with the specific formulas for these shapes.

Self-calculation will not take much time. When calculating the amount of lumber, it is necessary to take into account the features of the hip roof. These include the choice of slope angle and building area. The smaller the width of the house, the smaller the area of ​​the triangular parts of the roof will be.

Construction of a hip roof

You can build a hip roof with your own hands quite quickly. To do this you will need to follow a special algorithm. First, the Mauerlat is installed. A log or beam is chosen as this element, which is laid on top along the perimeter of the wall. Then you need to follow this algorithm:

A hip roof is often covered with metal tiles. To complete the eaves overhang, you will need to install fillies on the trusses. They should be fixed in the center of the composite type rafters.


Before building a hip roof, you should draw up an accurate design. This is necessary to ensure the reliability and stability of the structure. In addition, this approach will save on building materials and reduce time costs. If the roof is created by yourself, its design is carried out according to a simple scheme. The main thing is to understand the scheme. It is better to entrust the drawing of a hip roof to a professional.

Sergey Novozhilov is an expert on roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.