Peach seed oil for hair. External vitamin therapy: use of peach oil for intensive nutrition and saturation of hair with beneficial substances Hair mask with peach oil and vitamin E

When restoring weakened hair that has lost its vitality, experts advise using peach oil for hair. Its ability to revive dull strands, improve the supply of nutrients to the roots and prevent fragility has been known for a long time.

It can be rubbed into the skin, applied to hair, combined with other ingredients, and prepared nourishing and healing masks. To achieve maximum effect, you need to choose the optimal method of application, use proven recipes and follow the advice of a cosmetologist.

About the effectiveness of hair oil

The main advantage of peach seed oil is its relatively low cost and high efficiency. This can be explained by the ease of production and composition rich in chemical compounds.

The liquid contains vitamins:

  • A – retinol – restores and treats brittle and split ends;
  • C – ascorbic acid – helps improve immunity;
  • E – tocopherol – participates in the production of collagen, gives the rods strength and smoothness;
  • B3 – niacin – helps preserve natural color, helps restore shine, is present in medications used against early gray hair;
  • B1 – thiamine – indispensable in the fight against seborrhea;
  • B2 – riboflavin – retains moisture in the hair;
  • B5 – pantothenic acid – helps strengthen the roots, prevents hair loss, gives additional volume to the hair;
  • B6 – pyridoxine – treats fragility;
  • AT 9 - folic acid– increases the resistance of the rod to harmful factors;
  • B12 – activates growth, awakens dormant follicles;
  • K – moisturizes hair.

Peach is small and also rich in phospholipids necessary to accelerate intracellular metabolic processes. They awaken frozen follicles and promote growth.

Along with these substances, it is rich in vitamins:

  • iron – thanks to which blood vessels dilate, blood circulation is normalized, which improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells;
  • phosphorus – gives elasticity;
  • calcium – necessary to restore the damaged structure of the rod. It is also effective in treating damaged hair ends;
  • potassium – protects cells from dehydration.

Fatty acids present in oil:

  • arachine;
  • palmitic;
  • linoleic;
  • palmitoleic;
  • linolenic;
  • oleic;
  • stearic

They create an invisible film on the surface, moisturize, and restore damaged rods.

Features and Benefits

Peach seed oil is in first place among hair healing and restoring products. Cold pressing retains all beneficial properties. When using peach oil for hair, the strands are restored.

They become silky, soft, strong, thick, shiny. Its peculiarity is that it contains many useful compounds that have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

The advantages are considered to be its consistency, due to which the oil quickly penetrates into the structure, without leaving marks on clothes and skin, and a pleasant aroma.


  • versatility of use;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • harmless to hair;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • providing adequate nutrition and hydration.

How to apply correctly

Applying peach oil for the first time can sometimes be difficult. Lack of knowledge of the rules of use may not give the desired effect. The instructions will help you not to be disappointed with it. It includes little feminine tricks. By following these recommendations you can get excellent results.

A certified product purchased at a pharmacy will help you achieve maximum effectiveness. This will protect you from buying stitched or counterfeit products of low quality, which at best will be useless, and at worst, will cause harm.

Before use, the oil must be heated to 35-40 0 C using a water bath.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

If the mask contains ethers or eggs, it is not heated. When heated, the mass will curdle and the esters will lose their beneficial properties.

The product is applied before or after washing the strands. Lower your head down and rub the mask into the roots with light massage movements. If you need to prevent baldness and activate growth, fight dandruff or strengthen your hair, you can stop here.

To give smoothness and restore shine, use a thick comb to distribute the composition over the strands. Also, lubricating only the rods with the product will help heal damaged ends. Then secure your hair and put on the bag. Wrap in a warm towel (due to this, the hair will begin to warm up, which will activate the effect of the mask).

The exposure time is determined at your own discretion. Leave the mask on for 2 hours or overnight. When combining peach oil with other ingredients, it is recommended to keep the composition for no more than 40 minutes.

To make rinsing easier, slightly moisten your palms and lather the shampoo. Use decoctions of medicinal plants as a rinse: chamomile, nettle, burdock.

See also: healthy recipe for hair and facial skin (video)

When fighting baldness and dandruff, use the product twice a week, and for preventive purposes – once. The therapeutic course is 10-15 procedures for both cases.

Recipes for the best peach oil masks

There are many different peach oil-based masks designed to treat hair. We offer several popular and highly effective recipes using peach oil.

Egg yolk

This composition will restore shine to your hair and make it manageable. The mask is easy to wash off and does not require the use of shampoo.

Beat the yolk or 2 quail eggs and 2 tablespoons of peach seed oil. Distribute the product throughout your hair. Put on the bag and insulate it with a towel. Rinse off with warm running water after 30 minutes.

With cottage cheese

You will need 1 tsp. peach oil, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese. If desired, you can add 1 tsp. May honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. To achieve a more uniform structure, you can use a mixer.

Cover washed hair with the resulting mixture, wrap it in a bag, then with a towel. It is recommended to wash off the composition after half an hour.

Oil and natural honey

This miraculous composition contains only two ingredients, but it will help make your strands soft, smooth, and eliminate dandruff.

Mix one tablespoon of May honey and peach oil, heat in a water bath to 40 0 ​​C. Apply to curls with massaging movements. Distribute evenly, wrap in a bag and insulate with a scarf. Wash off the composition after an hour using shampoo under running warm water. Therapeutic course – 2 months twice a week.

With mustard

Mustard warms the skin and increases blood flow to the hair roots.

To make the product you need: cooled and filtered chamomile decoction, 10 g of mustard powder and 50 g of decoction. Separately mix 10 g of honey with 50 g of peach seed oil. Combine both mixtures. Stir and leave for 20 minutes. The composition will thicken slightly due to the swelling of the mustard. The resulting substance is applied only to the roots and washed off after 15 minutes.

Moisturizing hair ends

Brittle and dry hair occurs due to insufficient hydration. This causes splitting and breaking off the ends. To prevent this process they need to be moistened.

Experts advise using nutritional formulations 1-2 times every 7 days, 1-2 hours before washing.

If the ends are dry, do not apply the product to the roots. In cases where the skin also suffers, the composition is distributed over the hair and rubbed into the roots. Then put on the bag and wrap it with a towel. After 1-2 hours, the medicinal composition is washed off with shampoo.

There is another way. After washing, apply peach seed oil to the wet ends, wetting your fingers in it. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times every 7 days.

You can also go to a salon and cut off the damaged ends. For preventive purposes, carry out this procedure for two weeks. This will help prevent new damage.


The only serious prohibition against using peach oil and masks based on it is the presence of an allergic reaction to their components.

To test yourself for such a manifestation, you need to drop 2 drops of the product on your wrist, from the inside. If after 15-20 minutes the skin does not turn red, itching or discomfort appears, then the product is suitable for use.

Expert opinion

Selyutina Marina Valerievna

MiracleMed Medical Center, 23 years of experience

In case of chronic skin pathologies and head injuries, you should definitely consult with a specialist about the possibility of using traditional medicine advice.

Many hairdressers widely use peach oil for hair to treat depleted and dry curls. This product perfectly moisturizes the scalp, fills the strands with strength and gives them shine. In many home remedies, this essential oil is used to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Why peach?

The oil is extracted from seeds, which are full of useful microelements and vitamins. The effect after its use is no worse than after keratin treatment, and most importantly - much cheaper. Simply apply a small amount of it to your hair, it is especially useful for ends that are split or broken. Useful components will perfectly strengthen your hair and give it shine.

Benefits of peach oil:

  1. accelerates hair restoration after chemotherapy;
  2. helps accelerate hair growth;
  3. effectively fights dandruff;
  4. gives volume to hair;
  5. contains almost everything A, D.

How to use peach oil

Massage is no less effective; in this case, peach oil is used for hair growth, as a kind of catalyst for the process. A head massage should be done during the waxing moon, according to folk signs, this is especially useful. Warm up slightly to a pleasant temperature required quantity oils and rub into the skin with soft circular movements. Regularity is necessary for effectiveness, so sessions are at least twice a week.

It is difficult to say which is better for hair, peach or, but masks made from peach are more effective due to the presence of natural antioxidants in it that are beneficial for hair and skin, the same as in green tea. We will need:

  • olive oil (it will slightly soften the effect of peach);
  • dimexide (sold in any pharmacy, necessary for deeper penetration of beneficial substances into the hair);
  • peach oil (you can buy pharmacy oil, but it is better to give preference to something special for hair; the Clean Line company has been very successful in its production);

Mix all this thoroughly and apply it to your hair, trying to rub it in with gentle movements. Leave on hair for at least 40 minutes, then rinse carefully without touching your eyes. This is especially useful for split ends.

If you need to “wake up” dormant hair follicles and thereby speed up hair growth, you can also add burdock oil and a drop of capsicum tincture to the ingredients. Do not leave it on your hair for a long time, and most importantly, do not overdo it with the concentration, otherwise there will be a burn. The laudatory reviews of many girls once again confirm our words.

Using peach oil for hair can also solve the problem of hair loss. Mix burdock and peach oil in equal proportions and rub into hair. Do not rinse off for at least a couple of hours, carry out the procedure every two days, or before each wash. You can replace it with one, which is aimed at combating hair loss.

Many natural hair shampoos contain peach oil; it not only has a pleasant aroma, but also has beneficial properties, because in addition to restoration, it is also used for dandruff. At any homemade shampoo You can add a couple of drops of the product, this will not deteriorate the cleaning properties, and the hair will begin to improve during washing.

No less famous is rinsing your hair with water and peach oil. For hair and skin care, this is simply a universal remedy that can be used every day. You just need to take a spoonful of oil per liter of warm water or herbal decoction, and rinse your body and head with this liquid.

Application for dry hair

You can often see coconut or almond oil in recipes, but not many countries can buy it, so in the CIS countries it is better to replace it with peach oil, which is no less effective for dry hair.

Peach kernel extract helps with problem skin head: pimples on it and acne. And if, in addition to your hair, you lubricate your face with it, then you can forget about pale and flaky skin, but for such purposes it is better to purchase Estelle peach oil for hair.

For dark, dry hair, it is very useful to mix this oil with plantain decoction. For a glass of the drug you need to take two or three spoons, depending on the structure of the strands. For fair hair, you can use chamomile decoction, which is especially useful for rinsing your hair at night.

Tips for using peach oil:

  • after it there is no need to smear your hair with balm or conditioner;
  • it is much more effective if water in recipes is completely replaced with decoctions;
  • It is recommended to use at least twice a week;
  • It is best to alternate the use of peach and burdock oils.

Natural shine, pleasant lightness, rich color - all these are indicators of healthy and well-groomed hair. Different cosmetic products and lengthy styling do not always give your hair a healthy look. But natural products care never fails. Among them, peach oil takes pride of place. Using the method of mechanical compression of peach fruit seeds, very healthy oil, but filtering is performed before using it. Rich, delicate, nourishing oil has a light aroma and pleasant taste. Widely known for its beneficial properties among pharmacists and cosmetologists. In folk medicine, this drug is used for treatment.

Composition and beneficial properties of peach oil

The acids contained in peach fruits, namely palmitic, stearic, linoleic, oleic, make hair much stronger and treat split ends. The beneficial components in its composition help eliminate inflammation, stop hair loss and tone up blood circulation, accelerating the growth of hair follicles. Useful significant elements and other necessary components, such as phospholipids, carotenoids, tocopherols, together with vitamins A, B, E, P, nourish hair follicles, which contributes to rapid growth hair and improving it appearance. And fatty acids, which are the main substances contained in peach seed oil, have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. Peach oil has restorative, softening and nourishing properties. With its regular use, after some time, the hair structure improves, shine appears, dandruff and flaking disappear, it stops becoming electrified and is easy to comb.

Using peach oil for hair

It also happens that the scalp becomes dry, and the hair looks too dull and breaks along its entire length, and begins to feel like straw. In such a situation, peach oil can help, as it effectively performs regenerating and moisturizing functions, which promotes rapid hair growth. The product easily solves complications such as oiliness, excessive hair loss, and dehydration. Experts advise applying the product to depleted, brittle strands. To do this, peach base is added to shampoos.

Rinsing with warm water and lemon juice has a good effect. The resulting mass is excellent for treating hair during hot periods. The product slows down the aging process (it accelerates in the summer), which prevents the strands from drying out from sunlight and salt water.

Peach oil copes well with the problem of combing. Easily restores hair structure after perm and coloring, strengthening and giving strength, making it more manageable.

Applying the mask in its pure form:

  1. If it is necessary to strengthen the roots, accelerate growth or get rid of dandruff, the product is rubbed into the scalp.
  2. You can add various vitamin complexes to peach oil, for example, A or E. This will only enhance its beneficial properties.
  3. In order to get rid of split ends, you should lubricate them with oil twice a week for one month.
  4. The product makes strands more manageable. Thanks to this, they are easy to comb, which is very important for long hair.

For hair ends, peach oil is a real savior. It is necessary to heat the resulting mass in a water bath and thoroughly distribute it onto split ends. The effect will be visible after several procedures if you follow regular use for four weeks.

A little peach has a beneficial effect on the skin, it applies well, is easily absorbed and makes it soft and moist, and also perfectly removes dryness, itching, and does not cause an irritant reaction.

How to apply peach oil to your hair, basic rules

As a rule, difficulties arise when first used. The result may not turn out the way it is imagined due to ignorance of the simple rules for applying peach mass. You can easily avoid disappointment if you follow these short instructions, which include the minimum requirements:

  1. It is better to buy the drug in pharmacies or trusted stores. This way you can protect yourself from buying an expired product or a counterfeit product, which as a result will turn out to be completely unnecessary and can cause severe damage to your hair and scalp.
  2. Like any cosmetic product, peach oil is most activated when used at high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended, first of all, to slightly heat the product to 40 degrees in a water bath or low heat. If eggs or essential oils are added to the mask, it should not be heated, as the egg may curdle. And essential oils will lose their beneficial properties.
  3. The product can be applied regardless of whether the hair is clean or dirty. To do this, you need to lower your head down and gently rub peach seed oil into the root zone with light massage movements with your fingertips. If the goal is to accelerate hair growth, get rid of hair loss, dandruff, and strengthen hair roots, then you can stop at this point, since the procedure done will not be enough. An equal distribution of liquid along the entire length, without lifting your head, using a special comb will help restore shine and make strands manageable. If you want to cure split ends, then just soak them in peach oil.
  4. The listed rules are considered the most difficult stages of the procedure. Now you should carefully and calmly, without pulling your hair, collect and fix it on your head, the main thing is that it does not fly apart. Put a special cap or plastic bag on your head. Wrap a warm terry towel around the cap. This is necessary to raise the temperature, under the influence of which the applied product is activated more quickly.
  5. You can choose the time to use pure peach oil at your discretion. But it is worth considering that for a slight effect, the mask can be kept for no more than half an hour. For hair that is in a painful state, the mask is applied overnight and left until the morning. But it happens that there is very little free time, in which case the mask must be kept on for two hours.
  6. Do not wash off the mask under high pressure of water, as fats will repel water. It will be enough to apply peach extract with shampoo without water, as a result of which foam will form. After this simple way The mask can be easily washed off.
  7. Ultimately, you need to carry out a special rinse; for this, ordinary warm water will not be enough. It is best to make decoctions of calendula, immortelle, St. John's wort, birch buds and other medicinal herbs. To prepare the solution, you can use lemon or vinegar.
  8. A hair mask with peach oil can be done twice a week to treat very painful hair, and once as a preventive treatment. The full course will consist of up to fifteen masks, after which it will be necessary to change the product to another. This is done to avoid the scalp getting used to only one active product.

Peach kernel oil has many beneficial properties. The product provides the opportunity to apply complex treatment for different hair types, and is also an indispensable ingredient in care products: massage products, aromatherapy, masks and compresses.

To get quick and good results, you need to use this natural remedy regularly, and after each course take a short break.

Contraindications for use

Peach oil, as a rule, does not cause any negative reaction, inflammation or itching. The peach fruit product may not be suitable for people with individual intolerance to this component. Before applying the drug, you must make sure that there is no allergy to this component. To do this, apply a little oil to your wrist and wait two hours. If there is no itching, redness or rash, the skin feels great, then this product can be safely used.
A peach mask can slightly lighten your curls. And if the mask is applied to colored hair, the color becomes rich and bright.

Hair mask recipes

Mask-compress for hair growth

To make a mask you will need:

  • any essential oil;
  • Peach oil;
  • liquid dimexide, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Add two tablespoons of essential and peach oils to the container, then mix the contents, then add dimexide, which gradually dissolves. Dimexide in this case helps to enhance the effect of the beneficial properties of oils, which helps them penetrate deeply into the skin. Rub the resulting mask into the scalp in a circular motion, then wrap it in a plastic bag or plastic wrap, and insulate it with a regular warm towel on top. The mask lasts approximately 40 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and balm. It is not recommended to use this mask for rooting hair growth more than three times a week.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair

For the mask you will need:

Lemon juice is mixed with peach oil. The beaten egg yolk is added along with the glycerin liquid. Then all components should be mixed well until smooth. The resulting mass is applied along the entire length. The head is insulated with a bag; you need to keep the mask on for about an hour. Then rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

For hair ends

To treat damaged, brittle ends, peach oil can be used several times a week. For the mask, nothing other than peach oil is required; it must be carefully applied to split ends. Cosmetologists recommend cutting off split ends. Most likely, you won’t be able to “glue” the ends together, but the peach mass will be able to protect them well.

It is impossible to say with complete confidence that using many different shampoos and cosmetics, some of them will undoubtedly cure your hair. If you use natural and healthy peach oil in combination with other ingredients, you will get a good effect that helps provide complete hair protection. This inexpensive product will make your hair look healthy and luxurious.

Composition of peach oil. How does peach oil help hair? Precautions when working with peach oil. Effective recipes masks based on peach oil. Oil combing.

For hair:

  • gives hair elasticity and shine;
  • helps against dandruff;
  • reduces hair loss;
  • tones the scalp;
  • relieves inflammation.

Chemical composition

Let's look at the composition of the oil in detail.


Peach oil gives hair elasticity and shine

Contains vitamins:

  • Retinol: has regenerating properties, relieves hair from brittleness and “seals” the ends.
  • Cobalin or vitamin B12 and B5: stop hair loss, activate dormant hair follicles.
  • Ascorbic acid or vitamin C and B9: protects hair from the external environment, such as temperature changes.
  • Niacin or vitamin PP: fights to maintain natural color.
  • Thiamine or vitamin B1: has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Pyrodoxine: reduces hair loss.


  • Potassium. Moisturizes and protects hair from moisture loss.
  • Iron. Increases blood flow to the skin, improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Phosphorus improves hair condition.
  • Calcium improves cell regeneration and restores damaged hair.
  • Phospholipids activate hair growth and also enhance metabolism.

It contains arachidic, steric, linoleic, palmitic acids. They prevent moisture loss and protect hair from exposure environment.

How to use

  • The oil can be used at any age; it is considered hypoallergenic.
  • Masks with this product should be made no more than 2 times a week.
  • It is better to wash off the oil not with water, but with shampoo.
  • The oil works effectively when heated. Therefore, it should be heated to a temperature of 40°C. You should not do this if the mask contains an egg: it will curdle and the essential oils will lose their benefits.
  • It is recommended to buy oil at a pharmacy or specialty store.
  • During rinsing, you can use herbal decoctions, such as chamomile.
  • Peach oil can be applied to dirty or clean hair.
  • In its pure form, the oil can be applied for 10–20 minutes or left overnight.

Peach oil for hair: methods of use

Let's look at some of the recipes.

Increased growth

To enhance hair growth, rub the oil into your head an hour before washing your hair. This massage should be carried out for 10 minutes.

The oil strengthens and restores hair, stimulates the hair follicles and restores blood circulation.

To enhance hair growth, rub the oil into your head an hour before washing your hair.


The oil reduces hair loss and strengthens hair.

Add 1 tsp to peach oil. burdock product. Apply the resulting composition only to the scalp.

Restoration of structure

Rub the heated oil thoroughly into the hair roots. Before the procedure, wet your hair. A few tablespoons of the product is enough.

You can apply oil along the entire length with a flat comb with sparse teeth.

Relief from dryness

This recipe for dry skin will reduce split ends and provide nourishment.

  • 1 tsp. ;
  • 1 tsp. ;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Apply the mask to your hair for 15 minutes. To avoid staining your clothes, you should throw a towel over your shoulders. Wash off the composition with a mild shampoo. Use no more than once every two weeks.

Getting rid of fat

The composition eliminates oily shine from hair, makes it manageable and smooth.

  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 1 tsp. water.

Apply to washed hair for 15 minutes.

How to useto get rid of damaged ends?

This product can be used on damaged and split ends.

The oil is applied only to the ends 40 minutes before washing your hair or for 7 minutes on already wet hair.

You can also combine peach oil with burdock oil. They must be taken in equal proportions, for example, 1 tbsp. l. Add 6 drops of rosemary ether to the resulting mixture. You need to walk with the composition for no more than 10 minutes.

Making balms, ointments and masks

Peach oil can be used to enrich finished cosmetics. To do this, you need to take a little balm or mask for one application and add 1 tsp. oils Stir the mixture and apply to hair.

How to useduring a head massage?

Massage with oil helps normalize blood circulation and helps soften crusts, which will make the combing process safe.

Precautions and contraindications

Peach oil should not be taken if you have problems such as:

  • for oily hair type;
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe seborrhea.

Before using the product, you should check for allergies. To do this, do not apply a large number of oil on the bend of the elbow. If the skin is not red, then the product can be used.

Those with oily hair type should not get too carried away with procedures with peach oil. The fact is that the hair can become even fatter. However, you can make nourishing masks twice a week.

Effective mask recipes including peach oil for hair

Butter with honey

This product can be used if your hair is damaged or has split ends.

  • 15 ml kefir;
  • 15 ml honey;
  • 30 ml and peach oil;
  • 3 drops and .

Apply the mixture for 20 minutes.

With egg

After dyeing, the hair becomes thin and weak. You can also use a peach product to strengthen them and lock in the color. This mask is also suitable for curly hair.

  • 1 egg;
  • 5 ml white wine;
  • 5 ml oil.

Hair should be processed along the entire length and heated with a hairdryer for about 3 minutes. You need to sit with the mask for 15 minutes.

With rye bread

For hair loss, mix:

  • 15 g rye bread pulp;
  • 25 drops of peach oil;
  • 20 ml ryazhenka.

Rub the product into the scalp for 4 minutes, then wrap with film and a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse the composition from your hair.

With cottage cheese

This version of the mask restores damaged hair.

  • 4 tsp. cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. peach oil.

The mixture can be applied to hair daily for 20 minutes.

With cognac

It nourishes the hair and scalp and also increases blood circulation.

  • 1 tsp. cognac;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. main component.

After applying the mask to your hair, your head should be insulated with a towel. After 30 minutes, wash off the mixture as usual.

With mustard

This mask is used to enhance hair growth. It also nourishes and moisturizes the scalp.

  • 50 ml water;
  • 1 tsp. mustard;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 egg yolk.

The resulting mixture must be applied to the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Insulate with a warm towel. The mask must be washed off after 15 minutes. The frequency of repetition of the procedure is 3 times a week.

A popular mask with sugar for enhanced hair growth and restoration.
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peach oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. warm water.

Apply this product to your hair. After 15 minutes, the composition must be washed off.

With oatmeal

For split ends and oily ends, you can use a mixture with oatmeal. It should be applied to the hair roots. To enhance the effect, the ends of your hair can be lubricated with pure oil.

  • 10 g cognac;
  • 20 g oat flour;
  • 10 g butter.

The resulting composition should be applied for 30 minutes. Cosmetologists recommend making a mask no more than once every 15 days.

With mayonnaise

This mask can be used if your hair is very damaged.

  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 30 g table mayonnaise;
  • 50 ml cold peach oil.

The composition should be applied to the roots and distributed along the entire length. You should stay with this mask for no more than 30 minutes.

With lemon oil

This mixture can be used if your scalp is oily and prone to dandruff.

To prepare the mask you need to mix:

Rub the resulting mixture into the skin and leave for several hours. You can add ground rolled oats.

A lemon oil mask can be used if your scalp is oily and prone to dandruff.

With vitamin A

Mask for treating dry and damaged hair, to add shine.

  • 30 g olive and peach oil;
  • a few drops of vitamin A.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix two types of oils and heat them to a temperature of 30 degrees.
  2. Add vitamin A to the oil.
  3. Apply the product to the scalp and hair.
  4. Insulate your head.
  5. You should stay with the mask on your head for no more than an hour.

Additional procedures including peach oil for hair

Let's consider what other procedures can be done to achieve the desired effect.

Protective oil combing

Oil combing can be used as a daily procedure to add shine and volume to hair. You should spend at least 10 minutes on it. For combing, you should take 1 tsp. oil and apply it to the comb. Lower your head, distribute your hair into strands and comb each separately for about a minute.

The hair may be greasy at first, but as you comb the product will be absorbed. As a result, the oily shine disappears, and the hair itself will be transformed the very next day.

An invisible film will protect your hair from negative impact environment. Cosmetologists recommend not to wash off the oil from your hair at the end of the day. This procedure should be performed for two weeks.

Oil combing to enhance color

To enhance hair color, you can also resort to combing with the addition of chamomile or ylang-ylang ether.

To prepare, mix 1 tbsp. l. peach oil with 7 drops of ether. The resulting mixture should be applied to a comb in small portions and a head massage should be performed.


Grind 30 g of oat flakes to a powder. Add 20 g of peach oil. The mixture should be mixed and applied to the scalp.

Massage for 9 minutes. Then the mixture must be washed off.


A peach rinse can be used to treat scalp sores or dandruff.

To carry out the procedure, you should mix 2 tbsp. l. peach product and one serving of hair rinse. To enhance the effect, you can add avocado oil and jojoba oil to the resulting mixture.

Eyebrow and eyelash care

To make eyelashes more expressive and eyebrows thicker, it is not at all necessary to resort to professional cosmetics or extension. For these purposes, you can use peach oil - it accelerates hair growth and strengthens its roots.

Classic application

Oil can be applied to eyelashes or eyebrows using a mascara brush or in the form of compresses.

This option for using oil for eyebrows and eyelashes is classic.

  • Remove makeup.
  • Apply the product to eyelashes and eyebrows using a mascara brush or a cotton swab. You need to be careful not to get the oil into your eyes.
  • Blot excess oil with a cotton pad. Too much oil on your eyelashes can create a puffy eye effect in the morning.

Oil can be applied to eyelashes or eyebrows using a mascara brush.


Oil application method:

  • Clean eyebrows and eyelashes from dirt and cosmetics.
  • Soak cotton pads in peach oil and apply them to your eyes and eyelashes.
  • Keep for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Remove excess oil with a napkin.

Compositions for eyelashes

For better eyelash and eyebrow growth, you can find a large number of recipes on the Internet. Let's look at them.


This composition helps strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows and also accelerates their growth.

To prepare the mixture, mix:

  • 1 tbsp. l. banana pulp;
  • 1 tsp. peach oil;
  • 30 ml of burdock root decoction.

Apply this product to your hair for about 2 hours.

Burdock mask

The components of this mask nourish and moisturize the scalp, and aloe has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tsp. peach oil.

Apply to hair for an hour with massage movements. Distribute the remaining mixture along the entire length with a comb. After an hour, wash off the composition.

Revitalizing mask with aloe

If the eyelashes are not lush and practically do not grow, then you can use a mask made from calendula tincture and castor oil. The same mixture can also be used for hair care.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. calendula tincture, 0.5 tsp. aloe juice and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours.

With castor oil

This mask can be used if hairs are not growing well.

  • 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peach oil;
  • 0.5 tsp vitamin E and A.

This product is applied to the hairs for 20–25 minutes.

With fish oil

With fish oil, you can prepare a nourishing mask that has the effect of accelerating the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows.

To prepare this remedy, you need to mix the contents of 3 capsules of fish oil with 0.5 tsp. burdock, peach, olive, castor oil. To enhance the effect, you can add vitamin E and A to the composition.

You should stay with this mask for no more than 30 minutes.

With parsley

This mask nourishes and accelerates hair growth.

  • finely chopped bunch of parsley;
  • 1 tsp. aloe juice;
  • 1 tsp. peach product.

Fold the napkins in such a way as to form a pocket where you need to place the mask and apply it to the eyelashes and eyebrows area. This procedure should be carried out daily for 2 weeks. The time spent with the mask is 15 minutes.

With Vaseline

This mask will enhance eyelash growth.

  • 1 tbsp. l. peach oil;
  • on the tip of a tsp. Vaseline.

Apply the product to eyelashes and eyebrows with a cotton swab. Wash off after 15 minutes.

With mineral oil

Mix 1 tsp. peach oil and 3 drops of mineral oil. Apply for 15 minutes.

Rules for selection and storage

· Before purchasing, you need to study the composition of the product. It must contain 100% oil without any impurities and full information about the method of receipt.

· This product can be stored in open form for no more than 3 months.

Beautiful hair and eyelashes are the adornment of any girl, but, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of such “wealth.” It often happens that hair begins to break, fall out and lose its natural shine and elasticity, and eyelashes become sparse, thin and, in addition, discolored. This is due to various factors, such as an insufficiently balanced diet, the use of decorative cosmetics and hair dye. To correct the situation, girls resort to various means, including natural ones. Peach oil, which is obtained from its seeds, is very popular. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, thanks to which it can bring hair and eyelashes into excellent condition.

What are the benefits of peach oil for hair?

Peach oil has a complex effect on hair. It decides whole line problems:

  • intensively nourishes hair;
  • has a moisturizing effect;
  • helps reduce hair fragility, positively affecting its structure;
  • saturates with vitamins and minerals;
  • promotes elasticity;
  • increases hair thickness;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin of the scalp;
  • tones;
  • helps cope with dandruff.

All this is achieved thanks to a unique composition containing a large number of useful substances, including fatty acids, which are essential for healthy hair. When making peach oil, all components are preserved, since this product is obtained by cold pressing - the most gentle method.

One of the features of peach oil is its hypoallergenicity, which makes it suitable for almost all girls. It is important that even the oiliness of the hair does not matter at all for the possibility of using this product. It can be used by both owners of dry and oily hair. The oil obtained from peach seeds is so light that if used correctly, it has absolutely no effect on the oiliness of the hair, of course, if you do not overdo it with the amount of product.

A quality product must consist of 100% peach seed oil

Homemade hair cosmetics based on peach oil

Peach kernel oil can be used without adding other substances, applying it to areas that require care, including the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes, or you can make homemade cosmetic products based on this oil, which, thanks to the additional active components included in the composition, will have an even more effective impact.

When preparing homemade oil products, remember that the oil is slightly warmed in a water bath until warm (but not hot) before application. This will activate its properties and improve the absorption of the active components of the product.

Mask for hair growth with the addition of Dimexide


  • peach oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Dimexide solution - 1 teaspoon.

This product contains a solution that must first be purchased at the pharmacy. There is no need to be afraid of using it, as it does the job of improving the absorption of the main active ingredients of the mask without causing any harm. Olive and peach oils (slightly heated in a water bath) must be mixed. Add Dimexide to the composition. Rub the resulting product into the scalp for 5 - 10 minutes, using massage techniques. After this, the head is covered with film and a towel to provide warmth.

The exposure time of the mask is 40 minutes. Then it must be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

The product should be used once a week.

Growth mask with cognac


  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 3 teaspoons of cognac.

It is known that, like peach oil, cognac is an excellent remedy for stimulating hair growth. Well, if you combine these two ingredients, the result will be much more effective than when using them separately. Whipped egg yolks It is necessary to add peach oil heated in a water bath and mix thoroughly. After this, add cognac to the mixture and treat the scalp with it. Cover your head with the mask applied for 40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

It is optimal to use this product 2 times a week. Course - 1 month. After this, a month's break is required.

At the same time as solving the problem of slowing hair growth, this remedy can also be used to transform it. In this case, the product covers not only the skin. It is rubbed into the hair, trying not to miss a single section. The result is elasticity, smoothness and shine.

Depending on the purpose of use, peach oil can be applied to the scalp, all hair or just the ends.

Moisturizing mask


  • fat cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 teaspoons;
  • peach oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

This product helps moisturize the scalp at a deep level, which promotes the growth of healthy, strong hair. Cottage cheese must be ground with honey until a product of uniform consistency is obtained, to which peach oil is added. The composition is applied to the scalp. After this, you need to cover your hair with film.

Exposure time is 30 minutes. After it expires, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Frequency of use: once a week, regardless of hair type.

For dry and brittle hair

  • peach oil - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • vitamin A - blister (10 capsules).

To treat hair fragility, a heated mixture of ingredients is applied to the skin of the scalp, and at the same time to the hair itself, paying special attention to ensure that the ends are completely processed. After this, provide warmth (wrap your hair with film and, for example, put a cap on top of the film).

Exposure time - 1 hour. Frequency of use: 1 time per week.

After each use, the mask must be thoroughly rinsed from the hair, otherwise a greasy film will form on it, which will give it an unkempt appearance.

Split ends treatment


  • peach oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vitamin A - 10 capsules;
  • vitamin E - 10 capsules.

All oils must be mixed well. First of all - peach and olive. After this, warm up and add vitamins to the mixture. The ends of the hair are treated with the resulting mixture. Then wrap it in cling film, and on top (for convenience) in foil.

Exposure time - 2 hours. Do the procedure as needed, but preferably no more than once a week, otherwise the ends may become unkempt over time.

It is necessary to remember that if the ends have already been split, then, alas, they cannot regain their previous appearance. In any case, they will have to be cut off. This recipe will, first of all, help prevent further education split ends.

Video: how to properly apply oil to hair

Anti-dandruff recipe No. 1


  • peach oil - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon essential oil - 6 drops;
  • grapefruit essential oil - 6 drops.

Essential oils are added to peach juice after heating it in a water bath. Next, the entire surface of the head is processed. The hair itself does not need to be treated, as it has nothing to do with the formation of dandruff.

The exposure time is one and a half hours, after which the composition can be washed off. The product is used once a week until results are obtained.

Anti-dandruff recipe No. 2


  • peach oil - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • crushed cereals- 5 tbsp. spoons

All ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which is applied to the scalp and left for one hour. This mask must be washed off very carefully, since oatmeal obtained from flakes is poorly washed out of the hair. You may have to wash your hair twice. You need to use the product once a week until you get results.

Peach oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Peach oil can also strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. Moreover, its action is based on the same principles as when strengthening hair. The oil has a similar effect on the hairs of eyelashes and eyebrows, nourishing, moisturizing them and saturating them with useful substances. Among other things, the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil can reduce irritation that occurs in the eyelid area from the use of decorative cosmetics, and the tonic properties can relieve eye fatigue.

When using peach seed oil for eyebrows and eyelashes, the following results were noted:

  • hairs stop falling out and become stronger;
  • their structure is more dense;
  • the color is much richer than before using the oil;
  • growth accelerates, they become thicker.

By the way, the use of peach oil also has a positive effect on the skin of the eyelids, since the product that gets on it at the time of manipulating the eyelashes works better than any cream.

To apply oil to eyelashes it is very convenient to use a brush from an old mascara

Revitalizing eyelash mask


  • aloe vera juice - a couple of drops;
  • jojoba oil - 1 drop;
  • avocado oil - 1 drop.

Peach oil needs to be taken room temperature. Add the rest of the ingredients to it. Soak two cotton pads in the resulting mixture and place them on your eyes for 20 minutes. It is very good if the compress covers the eyebrow area, since their hairs also need nutrition. The product can be used every other day for one month, after which you can take a month off.

Some people have a tendency to develop swelling in the eye area. The use of oils to restore eyelashes is one of the factors that provokes this problem. As a rule, swelling occurs if the oil is used in the evening, that is, before bedtime. Therefore, it is recommended to use peach oil in the morning or afternoon. However, if your eyes do not swell, you can replace your makeup remover with oil in the evening. The condition of eyelashes and eyelid skin will improve every day.

To activate eyelash growth


  • peach oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • burdock oil - 1 teaspoon.

This recipe is well suited for girls who want to make their eyelashes thicker and longer. The oils included in its composition are mixed. Cotton pads are soaked with them, which must then be placed on the eyes for 30 minutes. The product can be used every day, but not longer than one month. After this, take a break for a couple of months.

Eyelash strengthening

To treat eyebrow and eyelash hairs, it is not at all necessary to prepare products with a complex composition. You can do without any additional ingredients at all. You just need to apply peach oil to your eyelashes and eyebrow hairs from time to time (at least once a day). If you have an old mascara brush at hand (of course, washed well beforehand), then the whole procedure will take no more than 10 - 20 seconds.

With regular use of peach oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, the result will be noticeable within 2 weeks

Men can also use peach oil

Since peach seed oil has a beneficial effect on hair regardless of its location (on the head or on the face), it is excellent for beard care. As a result, it is possible to stimulate its growth and increase its density.

For this purpose, peach oil is mixed with burdock oil in equal proportions. The composition heated in a water bath is rubbed into the skin with intense movements, after which it must be left for 1 hour and then washed off. The product can be used every other day.

To make your beard color richer and darker, you just need to distribute a couple of drops of peach oil through your hair.