International Mother's Day is all about the holiday. Mother's Day in Russia: date, history of the holiday, how to celebrate, congratulations in verse When is the holiday the day of beautiful mothers

Most people love their mothers, but for some reason they only congratulate them on International Women's Day on March 8th. This happens because few people in Russia know that the official Mother’s Day was established back in 1998, 20 years ago. And even fewer Russians know when it is celebrated. the site will tell you about this wonderful holiday and offer options for congratulations.

The history of Mother's Day

Even in pagan times, mothers were especially revered, various festivals were held in their honor, and women were treated much worse. Later, in the 17th-19th centuries, during modern history existed in Great Britain there was Mothering Sunday, then women who had children were congratulated.

In the USA, Australia and some other countries, people attach carnations to their clothes on Mother's Day. Moreover, the color of this flower is important; if the carnation is white, the person’s mother has died, any other color means that the mother is alive.

In Russia, this holiday became official in 1998 after a government decree. The initiator was the Committee State Duma for Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The symbol is the forget-me-not. It is noted that 10 years before the official recognition of the holiday, Mother's Day appeared in Baku - on the initiative of teacher Elmira Huseynova.

When is Mother's Day celebrated?

The United States was the first to make this holiday official. Then, by decree of President Woodrow Wilson, the day of celebration became the second Sunday in May. Other countries also did so later, such as: Estonia, Mexico, Ukraine, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and others.

In Armenia, Mother's Day is always celebrated on April 7, on the first Sunday in May - Lithuania, Portugal, Spain. In Russia, every last Sunday of November (in 2018 it is November 25).

How to celebrate Mother's Day

Every family has its own traditions, someone covers festive table and home gatherings, some take part in promotions and other events, children give their mother cards, flowers and sweets. In Russia, on Mother’s Day, the All-Russian social campaign “Mom, I love you!” is held, people are given postcards that they can present to their mothers, and others are also held holiday events. A symbol of the action and the holiday itself, like Peter. TV I wrote earlier - forget-me-not. This flower, according to legend, brings back the memory of people who have forgotten their loved ones.

In kindergartens and schools, educators and teachers make crafts with children, organize concerts where they sing songs to mothers and read poems.

Happy Mother's Day greetings in verse

All women who are called mothers

Let them definitely smile today.

And may today sons and daughters

Gently kiss mommy's cheeks!

Let mothers' troubles pass by.

You took care of your children at all costs,

After all, you are now always responsible for them.

Let your children be grateful!

There is no one dearer and dearer

May the Lord always help you in everything!

Don't let tears touch your eyes,

And the children love you very much!

I really want it to be on the planet

All mothers lived happily.

Always make the children happy

So that everything cherished comes true.

Mother's Day is a wonderful holiday.

Our deepest bow to all mothers.

Let happiness shine in their eyes,

Let the sky be clear.

How important it is to know that your mother is nearby,

Feel the support, the warmth.

After all, life is sometimes stubborn,

But with mom it’s always bright for us!

There is nothing closer or dearer than mother,

Our mother has been taking care of us since childhood.

We may have gotten older, but still

Mom’s heart is a stronghold.

And on this day of all mothers of the planet

We want to hug and wish:

You can see the sunrises longer

And never lose heart!

Mom, dear, dear, dear,

You're the only one I have.

And on Mother's Day I wish you

Long life, love, warmth in the soul.

I hug and kiss you tightly.

May you live in abundance and without troubles.

I won't stop loving you

There is nothing more precious to me than you.

Congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

Happy Mother's Day! With all our souls and sincere hearts we wish all mothers, future and present, good health, happy eyes, good night, affectionate smiles and many, many wonderful and unforgettable moments! Thank you for life, for support, for love and a soul full of warmth!

Beloved mom! Happy Mother's Day and a big hug to you. You are the best, wisest, gentle, beautiful mother in the world. I love you because I have you, because you are exactly who you are. I wish you eternal youth, unfading beauty and only a friendly mood. I kiss you warmly and hug you! Let's celebrate this holiday together and go where we have long wanted.

Motherhood is a great miracle. With the birth of a child, a lot changes in a woman’s life, new priorities and tasks appear. Motherhood is not only about bathing in love and joy, but also about daily work. Let every mother feel loved, needed and protected. Let her know that at any moment she will find support and understanding among her family. Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day. I wish you daily hugs and kisses from children, I wish you ringing laughter and sunshine of smiles in the house, I wish you family holidays, picnics and trips that your sweet children will fill with joy, happiness and faith in miracles.

Photo: pixabay
Video: VMA RUSSIA/ Youtube

For many, it is a revelation that in Russia there is a separate holiday - Mother's Day, which is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of the last month of autumn. In 2018 it will be the twenty-fifth of November. Mother's Day has been celebrated in Russia for twenty years now, since the celebration was officially established in 1998.

This holiday is young for Russia. However, all over the world (at least in most countries) Mothering Sunday has been celebrated for the fourth century - an analogue of our Mother's Day.

This holiday is equally loved in all countries of the world, and there is nothing unusual about it. Everyone has a mother, which means Mother’s Day can be celebrated not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The purpose of the Mother's Day holiday is to draw attention to the problems of mothers in our country. Although, in an amicable way, to solve all the problems associated with motherhood, you need to celebrate this date every day.

If you are not enough for every day, then at least once a year you can find the most pleasant, warm and beautiful words for your beloved mothers and congratulate them on their Day. If you think one day a year is not enough, add International Mother's Day to your holiday calendar. It is celebrated in European countries, the USA, Japan and Canada every second Sunday in May.

Give your mothers some nice, beautiful gift. Let them feel your love this holiday. Official date When Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia it is considered the last Sunday of November. Don't forget to congratulate your dear and beloved mothers on the holiday! Happy Mother's Day in Russia - the last Sunday of November

Interesting Facts:

  • Tribute to the hard work of mothers has been paid since ancient times, where mother cults existed. This served as the basis for the modern celebration. IN Ancient Greece they revered the mother of all gods, Gaia, while the Romans revered Cybele.
  • During the Middle Ages, the role of the mother was highly respected. This is how Mothering Sunday was held in Great Britain, on which children who worked away from their parents were allowed to visit their family, which happened once a year.
  • In the USA, the appearance of this holiday is associated with the death of Mary Jarvis, which greatly influenced her daughter. After her mother's death, she wrote to the Senate proposing the introduction of an official Mother's Day, and it was formally recognized in 1910.

In each country, of course, it is traditional to give flowers to mothers, but in the USA and Australia they pin carnations on clothes, depending on the color of which, they pay tribute to living or deceased mothers. In Russia, the symbol of Mother's Day has become the forget-me-not, which, according to ancient beliefs, has the ability to remind forgotten loved ones.

Characteristic of Mother’s Day is the “Mom, I love you!” campaign, which includes various events. In addition, it is typical to hold festive concerts in government institutions, such as kindergartens or schools, where children delight their parents, as well as the organization of mass concerts with the participation of stars.

In many areas, management encourages heroine mothers with medals, certificates, and monetary rewards.

Day dedicated to mothers is considered international, despite the fact that in all countries (and there are more than 23 of them), it takes place on different dates. Although for our country Mother's Day is relatively new holiday, but despite this, he is respected and revered.

Where was Mother's Day celebrated for the first time?
The first holiday, called “Mother’s Day,” took place in Baku. During the school holiday concert, Elmira Javadovna Guseinova, a teacher of Russian literature and language, suggested that the school students hold it annually. The proposal was picked up by many newspapers, as well as schools in Russia.

Let them not be considered fiction
I heard this from the sun:
Roses bloom in our hearts,
While the mother's heart beats.
Oh mom! Towards the worlds
Walking through sunrises and thunderstorms,
I wish all mothers
Give away your scarlet roses.

Let the thunder of separation, partings
Silenced by the strings of love.
And the meeting, with a gentle touch,
It will affect all your thoughts.
My dear mommy,
Today is only your holiday -
Happy Mother's Day, my dear,
Live happily, sing with your soul.
I wish you affection and hope,
Good health to you.
Let the dream, covered with snow,
Paints with a brush on fate.

This is the day of the whole Universe,
It is ancient and modern,
We congratulate the mothers,
We wish you love from the children
Mommy is the most important thing in the world,
Remember this, children!
Praise your mothers
They are the most important, the wisest.

Mom, beloved, dear,
My priceless treasure
There is nothing more precious to me in the world,
What is your mother's heart?
I would embroider your portrait in gold,
If only you were even more beautiful.
I will shout so that everyone around can hear:
“I want you to always live.”

There is nothing more important than a mother in this world,
And the loss of this person can no longer be replaced,
Therefore, you must always remember this
And love your mother a hundred times more!
I promise to come to you more and more often
Not only on holidays to give you flowers,
And on this International Mother's Day,
I will say that the best mother on the bill is you!

As a mother, there is no one else I love,
You help me live happily in the world,
And today I ask you only one thing,
You will live a very long time, my dear!
Mother's Day is just a wonderful holiday,
After all, mom is our closest person,
So may your destiny be as wonderful
Be healthy and happy for another century!

Sometimes we thoughtlessly spent your warmth,
And you forgave us all our stupid actions,
Today, on Mother's Day,
We will congratulate you every minute.
Mommy, you are our most important person,
Today we congratulate you on Mother's Day,
Well, I want to tell you about the most important thing,
I love you, and I will never betray you for anything!

The life of any baby begins with a mother’s smile and tears of joy. Mom's touch, her voice with which she sang lullabies, the unique smell, strong and tender hugs - these are the most valuable memories of any son or daughter. Every child simply adores the woman who gave him this world, and therefore there is no need to skimp on warm words and congratulations on Mother’s Day. Mother's Day is a holiday for pregnant women and women who have already given birth, that is, those who have already experienced and survived the pangs of birth for the sake of their child and those who are yet to do so.

When is it celebrated?

Every country in the world celebrates Mother's Day differently. Mother's Day in Russia acquired the official status of a public holiday only recently, but has already become a favorite among all Russians, as it cannot leave anyone indifferent. On January 30, 1998, the then President of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 120 “On Mother’s Day,” in which he tied the date of celebration to the last Sunday of November. Accordingly, Mother's Day 2014 will be celebrated on November 30th. Thus, our state has recognized the invaluable role of the mother in the life of every person.

Who's celebrating

Every pregnant woman and one who has already given birth in Russia is a heroine who has gone through all the difficulties and obstacles to become a mother. There is nothing more difficult and important in life than giving birth new life, which will ultimately become the most important and valuable thing in this universe for a woman. Mother's Day in Russia is a holiday of eternity, which touches the thinnest strings in the soul, those threads or ropes that connect everyone with the most important person - mom, mommy, mommy. On this day, every son or daughter is simply obliged to surround their mothers with care and attention and try to return to them at least a small part of the love invested in them.

A little about the profession of “mother”

Officially, in our country there is no such profession as mother, because it cannot be learned at school or university. When you hold your baby in your arms for the first time in the maternity hospital, life changes into “before” and “after”. A colossal responsibility for another life is placed on a woman’s shoulders, and her best quality: kindness, care, love, dedication, boundless and simply angelic patience.

Mom is a calling, it is strength of spirit, wisdom, restraint. Mom is like the President, only on a family scale, she is the commander in chief, responsible for food, security, education and development, cleanliness and order in the house and for many other issues that are invisible at first glance. It's not easy for all mothers and they need family support.

Traditionally, concerts, promotions and other events are held on Mother's Day. I would especially like to highlight the All-Russian Social Action “Mom, I love you!” As part of the campaign, throughout the holiday week, activists distribute promotional cards depicting a bear cub holding a forget-me-not in his hand.

Forget-me-not is a flower from legends, which, according to folk wisdom, has magical power and helps people remember forgotten loved ones, relatives and friends.

  • Celebration in Russia
  • When is Mother's Day 2019 celebrated?

    The day dedicated to all women who have children is celebrated every year, and it does not have a strictly established date. To find out when Mother's Day 2019 is, you need to look at the calendar in advance.

    Interesting! The symbol of the holiday is a teddy bear and blue forget-me-nots.

    In Russia, mothers receive congratulations and gifts on the last Sunday in November. On November 24, every child will be able to offer warmth and care to their closest person.

    Celebration in Russia

    According to history Russian Day mothers, it began to be celebrated officially in 1998. However, this event has been celebrated for more than 30 years all over the world.

    One of the teachers at a school in Baku was the first to propose approving a holiday in Russia. The main aspect for her was the opportunity to express grateful feelings to her mothers, who gave life to the child and became the closest person. All the teacher’s colleagues agreed with her and supported the proposal. So, in 1998, Mother's Day was celebrated on the territory of the educational institution.

    For reference! A global holiday dedicated to mothers appeared in the United States at the suggestion of an American woman who lost her mother.

    Soon, all intentions for this holiday, which was currently only valid within the framework of an educational institution, were sent to all printed publications that talked about the educational process in many institutions. Many people liked this innovation, after which all schools in Baku and educational establishments other cities.

    Until the moment when the holiday was officially adopted, for several years almost all schoolchildren were waiting for the event and thoroughly preparing for it. There was no strictly fixed day of celebration, so each school set its own date for the celebration. The organization of the event began at the beginning of the school year, the children prepared a performance and made gifts.

    Certain schools held dance parties to honor mothers. In addition to dancing, various competitions, competitions and tasks were organized.

    By 1998, the Russian authorities decided to approve the event as an official holiday with the award, by presidential decree, of the date of celebration - the last Sunday day of November.

    According to tradition, on this holiday every child should visit his mother and present her with a memorable gift that will symbolize love and care. Many people present bouquets of flowers.

    World holiday Mother's Day

    The November event, dedicated to honoring mothers, is considered exclusively Russian. In many countries this day is celebrated in May. Main country Where this holiday has federal significance is the United States.

    You don’t need to know what date Mother’s Day is celebrated in Russia in order to visit the closest person in your life. This can be done on any other day just like that, without a reason or gifts.

    There is a very important day in the Russian calendar for all people on the planet. It does not apply to public or religious holidays. Nevertheless, thanks to him, you can express your feelings to the person who gave life. Mother's Day 2018 will once again show how much we love our mothers.

    Mother's Day in 2018: what date is it in Russia

    In 2018, Mother's Day falls on November 25th. This year Mother's Day will be celebrated at the official level in Russia for the 21st time.

    Mother's Day is a holiday for women who already have children and those who are preparing to become mothers. Mothers play an important role in the continuation of the human race. They not only bear the child, but also engage in its upbringing and development of its character and personality. Mother's Day is dedicated to all women who have children, as well as pregnant women in Russia.

    At the official level, Mother's Day in Russia was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998. The initiative to establish the holiday was put forward by Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A. Aparina.

    When is Mother's Day in Russia

    The holiday is celebrated on different dates every year. Only the day of the week and month remain unchanged. Usually it is the last Sunday in November. In 2018, the celebration falls on 11/25/18.

    For Mother's Day, our country has been hosting the all-Russian social campaign “Mom, I love you!” for several years now. During the pre-holiday week, as part of the promotion, promotional cards are distributed, which can be sent by mail or simply given to your mother. The symbol of the action is the forget-me-not - a legendary flower that, according to legend, has the miraculous power of returning memory to people who have forgotten their loved ones.

    Due to the youth of the holiday, any unified culture of its celebration in Russia has not yet been formed. The only rule is that on this day you must meet or call your mother and say words of love. This tradition is also trying to take root: men buy flowers and give them to all the women along the way, especially young mothers with strollers.

    When is Mother's Day in Ukraine and the world in 2018

    This holiday in Ukraine does not have a fixed date - it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

    Mother's Day in our country is not a public holiday, and it is not a day off. However, since 2000 it has official status.

    Together with Ukraine on May 13 this year Mother's Day will be celebrated in 85 countries, including the USA, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Finland, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Switzerland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Japan, Canada, Australia , Brazil, India, Cuba, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Turkey.

    A week earlier than in Ukraine – on the first Sunday in May– Mother’s Day is celebrated in Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Angola, Spain, Mozambique and Cape Verde.