Intercultural and folk centers. The role of cultural centers in the development of bilateral cultural cooperation

N. M. Bogolyubova, Yu. V. Nikolaeva


Features of bilateral cultural relations modern Russia with foreign countries is to create favorable conditions for opening branches of various organizations involved in the promotion national culture and language abroad. In modern scientific and analytical literature one can find various designations applied to them: “foreign cultural, cultural-educational, cultural-information center”, “foreign cultural institute”, “foreign cultural institution”. Despite the differences in the terminology used, these concepts refer to organizations created with the aim of promoting the national culture and language of a particular state outside its borders and maintaining its international authority through the development of cultural ties.

The concept of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation “Foreign Cultural Policy of Russia” notes the special role of such organizations in modern international relations. The document emphasizes the need to provide cultural centers of foreign countries with maximum opportunities to demonstrate their national culture in Russia. “This process is of great importance not only in terms of familiarizing the Russian public with the cultural heritage and cultural values ​​of other countries and peoples, but also for the formation of a befitting reputation for Russia in the world as an open and democratic state.. One of the main tasks of Russia’s foreign cultural policy is the formation the image of our country as “one of the world’s cultural centers, a venue for authoritative international exhibitions, festivals and art competitions, tours of the best foreign groups and performers, meetings of representatives of the creative intelligentsia, cultural days of other countries”2. Many of these events are organized with the direct participation of foreign cultural centers that opened in our country as a result of democratic reforms.

World practice shows that many countries now have similar organizations, but the largest, most authoritative and active are the cultural centers of France, Great Britain, and Germany. It was these countries that were the first to realize the important role of culture as an effective foreign policy tool. Currently, foreign cultural centers have been created by many countries: Spain, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries, the USA. Asian states are actively developing their cultural centers: China, Japan, Korea. Thus, in the fall of 2007, the Confucius Institute was opened in St. Petersburg state university. The increasing role of these organizations as participants in modern cultural exchange is confirmed by the constant growth of their number, expansion of geography and scope of activity,

© N. M. Bogolyubova, Yu. V. Nikolaeva, 2008

an increase in the volume of work, as well as a variety of forms and directions of activities carried out by them.

Foreign cultural centers can rightfully be called the most important actors in foreign cultural policy. The activities of such centers, as a rule, are part of the cultural mission carried out by the consulate and diplomatic missions of the country abroad. However, unlike other diplomatic bodies, foreign cultural centers have certain specifics. They are the ones who most effectively contribute to the formation of a panoramic view of the culture of their own country beyond its borders, make a significant contribution to the preservation of a multicultural picture of the world, carry out great work to foster respect for representatives of other cultures, involve a wide range of participants in dialogue, cultivating a sense of tolerance attitude towards representatives of other cultures. And finally, through the activities they carry out, they enrich cultural space the country in which they work.

From the point of view of scientific issues, the study of foreign cultural centers as an actor in international relations is novel and is still under development. We have to admit that there are no serious, generalizing works on this topic in both domestic and foreign science. A theoretical basis has not been developed, the question of developing a definition of the concept of “foreign cultural center” is open, and their role in modern international relations has not been studied. On the other hand, practice shows that it is foreign cultural centers that currently carry out a significant amount of work to develop intercultural relations and implement the tasks of foreign cultural policy. Based on existing experience and based on the specifics of the activities of these organizations, the following definition can be proposed: foreign cultural centers are organizations of various statuses that set as their goal the promotion of the national culture and language of their country abroad and realize this goal through a variety of cultural and educational programs. These organizations may differ in institutional features, sources of funding, areas and forms of activity. Some of them work closely with the ministries of foreign affairs of their country (for example, the British Council, the French Institute, the Goethe Institute), some are organizations independent from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (for example, the Alliance Française, the Dante Society). Despite their differences, they are united by a common goal - to create a positive image of their country outside its borders, using its cultural potential.

The first cultural centers as an independent actor in international cultural relations appeared in late XIX V. In the post-war period, the network of cultural centers in the world constantly expanded. Their scope of activity began to include numerous events aimed at a wide audience, such as exhibitions, international film and music festivals. Their work in the educational sphere expands and becomes more complex during this period. Nowadays, foreign cultural centers have firmly taken a place in the modern foreign cultural policy of many states. The purpose of these centers is consistent with the objectives foreign policy the country they represent. Cultural centers use education, science, and art as a tool to achieve their goals. Despite the different directions and forms of work, as a rule, three main directions can be distinguished in their activities: educational, including linguistic, cultural, and informational. Regarding nature

There is no consensus among scientists about these organizations. However, most of them consider foreign cultural centers to be public institutions, one of the functions of which is “the socialization of individuals in the process of development cultural heritage other countries by accumulating information resources, expanding access to them with new information technologies and methods of involving people in an active understanding of the surrounding reality in order to develop intercultural competence and tolerant thinking in them”3.

The active work of foreign cultural centers in Russia dates back to the 90s. twentieth century, when new conditions created the opportunity to open various public organizations. The analysis of their activities is indicative both theoretically and practically. As a theoretical problem, the phenomenon of foreign cultural centers is of particular interest for understanding the features of the foreign cultural policy of foreign countries, the mechanisms for its implementation and the development of our own model for the implementation of cultural exchange aimed at creating a positive image of the country and its people abroad. In practical terms, the work of foreign cultural centers can be considered as an example of the implementation of cultural ties and the promotion of one’s culture abroad. Currently, many centers and institutes have opened in Russia, representing the culture of different countries of the world. There is also a tendency towards a constant increase in their number, expansion of geography, directions and forms of work. In St. Petersburg, for example, cultural centers of many countries are currently represented: the British Council, the German Goethe Cultural Center, the Danish Cultural Institute, the Dutch Institute, the Israeli Cultural Center, the Institute of Finland, the French Institute, a branch of the Alliance Francaise Association, etc. It is planned opening of the Cervantes Institute, representing the culture of Spain. All these organizations work to enrich the cultural life of our city and introduce St. Petersburg residents to the culture of the country they represent.

Among the foreign organizations opened in Russia, the greatest interest, from our point of view, is the work of cultural centers in Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries, which have their representative offices in St. Petersburg. The principles of their organization and features of their work can serve as unique models for implementing the process of promoting their national culture and language abroad. In addition, the activities of some of them most clearly demonstrate the problems that these organizations sometimes face in Russia.

One of the largest foreign cultural centers with numerous representative offices in Russia is the British Council. Activities of the British Council in the territory Russian Federation is regulated by the Russian-British Agreement on cooperation in the field of education, science and culture of February 15, 1994. The first representative office of this organization was created in the USSR in 1945 and existed until 1947. The British Council branch was again opened at the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain in USSR in 1967. In the Soviet Union, the British Council was primarily concerned with supporting teaching in English. The intensification of the cultural activities of the British Council began after perestroika. Currently, the main direction of the cultural policy of the British Council in Russia can be called education. The British Council carries out various educational programs, including conducting internships, student and teacher exchanges, organizing advanced training courses, providing

scholarships for studying in the UK, conducting English language exams. A significant place in the activities of the British Council is occupied by pilot and innovative projects that are of strategic importance for the successful solution of key tasks of education reform in Russia. For example, the British Council proposed a project related to civic education. A number of projects are aimed at reforming the teaching of English in the Russian primary and secondary schools, promoting democratic values ​​in education through civic education and a democratic style of governance.

Among the cultural events of the British Council, it is worth noting the touring performances of the Chik bai Jaul theater on the stage of Maly drama theater in St. Petersburg, an exhibition of contemporary British sculpture and painting in the halls of the Russian Museum, a production of Benjamin Britten’s opera “The Turn of the Screw” at the Hermitage Theater. An annual project of the British Council in St. Petersburg has become the New British Cinema Festival, held in the spring of each year. Recently, the British Council opened a discussion club “Fashionable Britain”, which holds round tables for those interested in the modern culture of the country and current trends in the life of British society. For example, one of the discussions was devoted to tattoos4.

In the early 2000s. Difficulties arose in the activities of the British Council related to determining its legal status in Russia from legal and financial points of view in connection with the adoption of the law on non-profit organizations5. Based on this Federal Law, in June 2004, in relation to the British Council, the Federal Service for Economic and Tax Crimes (FESTC) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation brought charges of tax evasion from funds received as a result of the implementation of commercial educational programs6. In 2005, the financial side of the problem was resolved, the British Council compensated for all losses associated with non-payment of taxes. However, it should be emphasized that to date there is no special document defining the status of this organization. Thus, the problem associated with the insufficient development of the regulatory framework regulating the activities of the British Council on the territory of the Russian Federation still remains relevant.

The activities of the British Council can be considered as a kind of independent model of organizing a foreign cultural center. This is due to the fact that the British Council goes beyond the traditional scope of work of such organizations. He places his main emphasis on various innovative projects, largely focused on cooperation with government or business structures. For example, he is involved in a program to reform the education system of the Russian Federation, in contrast to the Goethe Institute, which is focused primarily on helping to study German culture. The British Council is an example of an authoritative cultural center, whose activities solve the entire range of tasks corresponding to the foreign cultural policy of the state, in contrast to the “French model”, based on the involvement in the process of promoting national culture of a significant number of organizations, among which the main functions are distributed.

Another model of organization with similar tasks can be considered using the example of the Nordic Council of Ministers, which represents the culture of the Scandinavian countries abroad. It is an intergovernmental consultative organization established in 1971, whose members are Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden. The northern territories also take part in its work: the Faroe Islands and Åland

islands, Greenland. In February 1995, the Nordic Information Office began operating in St. Petersburg. The main goal of the Nordic Council of Ministers is to develop and strengthen regional cooperation, create and develop contacts with central and local authorities. The organization coordinates projects and scholarship programs in the Nordic countries, conducts seminars, courses, cultural events, and develops cooperation in the fields of science, culture and art. This organization carries out its activities in the following areas: political and economic cooperation, culture and education, protection environment, the fight against international crime. In the early 90s. culture, education, and research projects were identified as priority areas of activity.

The main issues included in the programs of the Nordic Council of Ministers in our country reflect the priority areas in the interaction of the Nordic states with Russia. These are, first of all, environmental issues social policy and health care, projects for the study of Scandinavian languages ​​and various cultural projects. The activities of the information bureau of the Nordic Council of Ministers in St. Petersburg are mainly aimed at popularizing the culture and teaching the languages ​​of the Nordic peoples. Thus, days of Nordic languages, film festivals of directors from countries that are members of the Council of Ministers, exhibitions of photographs, drawings by Russian and Scandinavian artists have become traditional. In 2006, the project “Sweden: Upgrade” was launched. It represents a journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow through the Vologda region and the Volga region. Its goal is to present the image of a new Sweden, to introduce Russians to Sweden's new achievements in economics, science, culture, education, art and tourism. Meetings between Russian and Swedish businessmen, scientists and cultural figures, organization of concerts, exhibitions, and film screenings are expected. Thus, as part of the program, the trade and industrial exhibition “Swedish Brands and Feelings” was held in the Central Exhibition Hall “Manege” in St. Petersburg in March 2006 with the participation of the largest Swedish companies. In April of the same year, the choreographic evening “Andersen Project” took place at the St. Petersburg Conservatory with the participation of Danish and Latvian ballet troupes, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of G.-H. Andersen. The ballet “The Girl and the Chimney Sweep”7 was staged.

The Nordic Council of Ministers can serve as an example of another way to organize the work of a cultural center. A special feature of its activities is the unification of the efforts of participants aimed at achieving common goals that are relevant for the entire region in matters of foreign cultural policy. Moreover, most of the member countries of this organization have their own foreign cultural representations: the Swedish Institute, the Finnish Institute, the Danish Institute of Culture, the Northern Forum, etc. From our point of view, this example can be used to create a similar interstate structure with the participation of CIS countries that have common goals in terms of implementing foreign cultural policy and common cultural traditions formed even before the collapse of the USSR.

Of course, the given examples of French cultural centers, the British Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers do not exhaust the full picture of foreign cultural centers represented in Russia and St. Petersburg in particular. No less effective work is carried out by other similar organizations - French cultural centers, the Goethe Institute, the Institute of Finland, the Italian Institute of Culture. Analysis of the work of such organizations allows us to make whole line conclusions. Exchange

through the line of cultural centers, it has features that are associated, first of all, with the promotion of its own culture abroad and the creation of a positive image of the country. To solve these problems, such areas of cooperation as culture and education are traditionally chosen. These tasks are most effectively solved in the form of touring exchanges, exhibition activities, educational grants and programs.

The presence of an extensive network of foreign cultural centers in Russia reflects the interest of many countries in cooperation with our country. At the same time, the experience of foreign cultural centers in Russia indicates certain difficulties. Firstly, the problems that have arisen in the work of the British Council indicate the need to clearly define the legal and financial status of these organizations. Secondly, the absence of a single leadership center and a single program often leads to duplication of activities of the mentioned organizations. Perhaps developing a general concept of their work, ordering them and uniting them into one complex institution would make it possible to increase the efficiency of their activities and improve interaction with each other. Thirdly, attention is drawn to the unbalanced distribution of these organizations among Russian regions. This seems relevant, given the geographical features of Russia, in which there are many remote regions that are not covered by processes of active cultural exchange. Cultural centers are located mainly in the European part of Russia, while Siberia, the Far East, and the Urals represent a huge segment of cultural life in which there are no foreign centers.

And finally, there is an uneven representation of foreign cultures themselves in Russia, since not all modern states have strong, competitive cultural organizations to carry out high-quality, effective work to promote their own culture abroad. However, despite certain problems, the activities of foreign cultural centers are an integral part of modern cultural exchange and allow many people to better learn the culture of other peoples and become familiar with the spiritual values ​​of their foreign contemporaries.

Of course, cultural centers are one of the examples of modern cultural cooperation, developing in various directions and forms. Their example testifies to the desire to institutionalize and formalize issues of foreign cultural policy both in Russia and abroad. In the new millennium, the world is faced with numerous problems that require urgent solutions - terrorism and xenophobia, the loss of national identity in the context of globalization. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop dialogue, build new principles of cultural cooperation, so that another culture does not cause wariness, but actually contributes to the enrichment of national traditions and mutual understanding.

Russia’s desire to give representatives of foreign cultures the opportunity to express themselves, to form among Russians an idea of ​​its diversity, and to develop a sense of respect for representatives of other cultures can also contribute to the solution of a number of political problems that are relevant to our country. Many interethnic conflicts, including terrorist attacks, arise as a result of misunderstandings and ignorance of foreign cultural traditions, which entails hostility and interethnic tension. Cultural ties, being a means of “soft diplomacy,” help smooth out and mitigate such contradictions, which is especially important to take into account at the beginning of the new millennium, when cases of terrorism and extremism have increased significantly.

1 Theses “Foreign cultural policy of Russia - year 2000” // Diplomatic Bulletin. 2000. No. 4. P. 76-84.

3 Public administration in the field of culture: experience, problems, development paths // Materials of the Rep. scientific-practical conf. 6 Dec. 2000 / Scientific. ed. N. M. Mukharyamov. Kazan, 2001. P. 38.

4 The British Council //

5 the federal law dated January 10, 2006 No. 18-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” // Russian newspaper. 2006. January 17.

6 BBC Russia. The British Council is expected to pay taxes. June 2004 //

7 Nordic Council of Ministers //

Department of Culture of the Yugorsk City Administration

Municipal budgetary cultural institution



"center of national cultures"



"Center of National Cultures"

Full project name

"center of national cultures"

Reasons for developing the project

Target program “Implementation of events in the field of culture of the city of Yugorsk for years”

Resolution of the Yugorsk city administration dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “Prevention of extremism, harmonization of interethnic and intercultural relations, strengthening tolerance in the city of Yugorsk for years to come”

Order of the Department of Culture of the City Administration of Yugorsk dated March 29, 2012 No. 45 “On approval of the Regulations on the city competition of innovative socially significant projects in the field of culture”

Relevance of the project

1. There is an increase in migrants in the city of Yugorsk;

2. Lack of a center for resolving organizational issues in the field of culture aimed at achieving practical results in the preservation, creation, dissemination and development of national cultural values

3. There is a lack of knowledge on various issues of interethnic interaction and tolerant behavior among the population;

Project goal and objectives

Organization of cooperation between cultural institutions and national cultural communities of the city in order to harmonize interethnic and intercultural relations and strengthen tolerance in the city.

1.Improve the mechanism for managing the national and cultural communities of the city.

2. To promote the adaptation and integration of migrants into the cultural and social space of the city, the development of the culture of the indigenous population.

Stages and timing of the project

year 2012:
First stage Organizational and implementation – April-May;

Second phase Main – June - December;

Third stage Summarizing – December.

Implementation mechanism

Cultural and leisure activities

Project staffing

Artistic director

Director of public events


Leaders of club formations

Final results of the project implementation

Activities within the framework of the project are carried out on the basis of a plan approved by the municipal budgetary cultural institution and agreed upon by the center of national cultures.

Evaluation of the results and performance indicators of the main activities of the project, their effectiveness is carried out in accordance with the established criteria.

To ensure analysis of the effectiveness of project activities, monitoring the progress of its implementation quarterly municipal institution culture presents a report on the progress of the project.

During the implementation of the project, a number of external and internal risks may appear.

Possible risks:

The consequences of insufficient coordination can be:

lack of a common understanding among participants of their role in the implementation of the project;

In order to minimize project risks, the following activities are planned:

monthly adjustment based on the results of the implementation of the project activities;

informational, organizational, methodological and expert-analytical support for ongoing activities, media coverage of the processes and results of the project implementation

1. Project implementation stages

Problem solving project "Center of National Cultures" is expected to be implemented in stages. Tentatively, the following stages can be distinguished:

1st stage.

Organizational and implementation

April May

2nd stage.



3rd stage.


For the effective implementation of the assigned tasks, the leading direction of activity is determined at each stage with the inevitable interconnection of solving secondary tasks

First stage provides:

Leading direction - search for active forms of inclusion of society in the process of managing the cultural and social environment:

· updating the activities of public organizations and national communities;

· development of possible mechanisms for creating a center of national cultures;

· search and use of PR technologies in interaction between national communities in matters of organizing cultural leisure;

· attracting potential opportunities for social partnership;

· drawing up a unified interaction plan.

Second phase provides:

Leading direction - formation of cultural heritage through family values, traditions and national holidays

· use of existing internal reserves of national traditions and values;

· unleashing creative potential through events

· creating conditions for the development and implementation of traditions through cultural and leisure events

· introduction of a measurement system to assess the achievements and participation of residents based on questionnaires;

· updating and organizing available resources to involve residents in the formation collective plan events through participation in online forums;

Related activities:

· expansion of the range of cultural and leisure services;

· expanding the range of city institutions involved in partnerships;

· effective use of the cultural institution’s facilities for holding events with residents;

· formation among residents of the need to preserve, create, disseminate and develop cultural values ​​in the field of folk artistic creativity and cultural and leisure activities.

· improving the management system for organizing cultural recreation for residents;

The third stage provides:

Leading direction - the creation of a Council that makes it possible to spread the ideas of preserving cultural diversity and developing interethnic ties in the field of culture to residents of the microdistrict and city.

· creation of optimal conditions for attracting potential opportunities for social partnership of city institutions to form interethnic ties in the field of culture

Related activities:

· creation and application of a collective “bank of ideas” in social interaction;

2. Activities carried out during the project



District budget

Leading direction: Search for active forms of inclusion of society in the process of co-management in the sphere of culture and the social environment

Planning and organization of the Center's activities

Creation of a PR program for the Center for Organization of Activities

Publications, videos

Organization of public presentations of the project

Development and implementation of an action plan for organizing leisure time


Involving representatives of various city institutions in the activities of the Center

Creation of a sociocultural mechanism that allows disseminating the ideas of national culture to family audiences, residents of a microdistrict, city

Active involvement of the population in traditional national events

Creation of the Council

Organization of leisure time for the population and education in close cooperation with city institutions and national communities.

Presentation of a public report on the implementation of project activities, receiving feedback

Second phase June-November

Leading direction - formation cultural heritage through family values, traditions and national holidays

Joint planning and organization of the activities of the “Center of National Culture” as one of the conditions.

Creation of a Council of the most active representatives with the aim of organizing the exchange of experience on issues of organizing cultural leisure

Public protection of the results of the project implementation, organization of feedback from the population

3. Expected results of the project implementation

1.Creation of a Council of the most active representatives for the purpose of planning and organizing the activities of the “Center of National Culture”, exchanging experience on the organization of cultural recreation.

2. Drawing up and approval of a unified work plan.

Upon successful completion of the project, it is possible to develop a model for implementing a cultural and leisure program with subsequent replication in neighboring cities. The path to a positive change in society's attitude towards issues of interethnic culture lies through the implementation of such projects, the first step of which could be the creation of a center of national cultures in the city.

4. Resource support for the project

Personnel conditions:

Artistic director;

Director of public events;

Artist – designer;

Leaders of club formations;

Annex 1

Cost estimate for the implementation of the project “Center of National Cultures”


Name of expense items

Amount of costs, rubles



Off-budget, targeted

Acquisition of fixed assets for the development of material and technical base (computer, office equipment)

Making national costumes

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation24.00.01
  • Number of pages 153


1.1. ethnicity in the formation and development of national culture

1.2. Ethnic culture: concept and principles of study

1.3. Intercultural dialogue of different ethnic groups



2.1. Legal prerequisites for the creation of national cultural centers

2.2. Value guidelines for the activities of national cultural centers and communities

2.3. Prospects for the activities of national cultural centers of Buryatia

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “National-cultural centers as a factor in the stability of intercultural relations in a multi-ethnic society”

Relevance of the research topic. The leading principle of state cultural policy in modern Russia is the recognition of the equal dignity of the cultures of all peoples of Russia, as well as strengthening the integrity of Russian culture by creating different conditions for their preservation and development. This made it possible to transfer part of the functions of ethnic and cultural self-determination of peoples into the hands of the nationalities and ethnic groups themselves. However, the migration processes of recent decades, the increasing multi-ethnicity of the population, both in megacities and in national subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the new nature of international contacts have led to the separation of ethnic cultures.

National cultural centers (NCCs) and communities play an important role in optimizing national relations. The main goal of these national associations was the development of ethnic cultures, the preservation of their native language, customs, traditions, forms of leisure, historical memory of its people, consolidation of ethnic communities.

The relevance of studying the activities of national cultural centers and communities of Buryatia is due, firstly, to the multinational composition of the population of the republic, where, according to statistical data, Buryats, Russians, Evenks, Ukrainians, Tatars, Belarusians, Armenians, Germans, Azerbaijanis, Chuvash, Kazakhs, Jews and representatives of other nationalities.

Secondly, thanks to the activities of the NCC, socialization and ethnic identification of the younger generation occurs. Thirdly, NCCs perform the functions of leisure institutions.

And fourthly, the problems of intercultural dialogue cannot be solved without studying the specifics of ethnic cultures from the perspective of cultural discourse.

Based on this, research into the activities of national cultural centers is undoubtedly actual problem both at theoretical and practical levels. This problem becomes even more urgent if we take into account the fact that the NCC is consolidated by people not only of different nationalities, but also of different faiths: Catholics and Orthodox, Buddhists and Muslims. It was these circumstances that predetermined the topic of this study.

The degree of development of the problem. Great importance for this study have classical and modern works foreign and domestic scientists devoted to cultural exchange, problems of relations between nations and the state, ethnic groups. In the global dialogue of cultures, the authors of the structural-functional school, the cultural-historical school and cultural anthropology stand out.

Currently, representatives of Russian history, ethnography, sociology and cultural studies have accumulated a huge amount of scientific material reflecting the study of various aspects of national and ethnic cultures [159, 38, 169, 148, 165, 44, 68, 138, 39, 127].

The social and philosophical aspects of the problem under study are one way or another touched upon in the works of philosophers I.G. Balkhanov, V.I. Zateeva, I.I. Osinsky

Yu.A. Serebryakova and others. Factors in the formation of ethnic morality were analyzed by S.D. Nasaraev and R.D. Sanzhaeva.

Issues of Russian state cultural policy found their expression in the works of G.M. Birzhenyuk, G.E. Borsieva, Mamedova E.V. and etc .

Development of methodology and techniques for the formation of the ethnoculture of the population as an integral condition for the consolidation of the nation on modern stage and the problem of interethnic communication and dialogue as a cultural dominant are devoted to the dissertation research of G.M. Mirzoeva, V.N. Motkina, A.B. Krivoshapkina, A.P. Markova, D.N. Latypova et al.

The first approaches to scientific research into the activities of national cultural centers on the territory of Buryatia are presented in the joint work of A.M. Gershtein and Yu.A. Serebryakova “National Cultural Center: concept, organization and practice”. This work presents full information about the structure, specifics and activities of the NCC.

In 1995, the work of E.P. appeared. Narkhinova and E.A. Golubev “Germans in Buryatia”, which reflected the activities of the German Cultural Center. Three collections published under the editorship of E.A. testify to the life and activities of Poles on the territory of Buryatia in general and the Society of Polish Culture. Golubeva and V.V. Sokolovsky.

Availability of housing scientific literature in certain areas of activity of the NCC allowed the author to carry out this dissertation research, the object of which was national cultural centers and communities as public associations.

The subject of the study is the activities of the NCC of Buryatia, aimed at the formation and maintenance of intracultural and intercultural communication of cultures in a multinational republic.

The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the activities of the NCC as a mechanism of the national-cultural policy of Buryatia.

The set goal involves solving the following tasks: determining the status of the ethnic group in the formation of national culture;

Identify the principles of studying ethnic culture;

Analyze the forms of intercultural dialogue of different cultures; identify legislative framework the emergence and functioning of national cultural centers on the territory of Buryatia;

Consider the axiological basis for the activities of national cultural centers; determine the prospects for the development of the activities of national cultural centers.

The territorial and chronological boundaries of the study are determined by the territory of Buryatia as a multinational republic and 1991 (the date of the emergence of the first NCC) to the present.

The empirical basis of the study was various documentation related to the activities of 11 national cultural centers and communities located on the territory of Buryatia, namely: Jewish Community Center, Center for German Culture, Society of Polish Culture “Nadzeya”, Armenian Cultural Center, Korean National Cultural Center, Azerbaijani community “Vatan”, Tatar National Cultural Center, Evenki Culture Center “Arun”, All-Buryat Center for Cultural Development, Russian Community and Russian Ethnocultural Center. Among them are legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia; charters, plans, reports and programs of the NCC. As well as the results of the author's tests and observations.

The methodological basis of the dissertation was made up of philosophical, ethnographic and cultural concepts of domestic and foreign researchers who identified general patterns of the genesis and development of ethnic groups (S.M. Shirokogorov, L.N. Gumilyov, Yu.V. Bromley, etc.); the views of anthropologists, historians and cultural scientists who consider ethnic culture as an expression of universal human values ​​and the historical experience of the people.

The analysis of the activities of national cultural centers is based on the theoretical achievements of representatives of the activity school (M.S. Kagan, E.S. Markaryan, etc.); axiological approach and sociocultural design (A.P. Markova, G.M. Birzhenyuk, etc.) in domestic cultural studies.

The specifics of the research object and the stated goal necessitated the use of the following methods: sociological (interviewing and observation); axiological and forecasting method.

Scientific novelty of this research work is:

1. in determining the status of an ethnic group in the formation of national culture;

2. in identifying the principles of studying ethnic culture;

3. in the analysis of forms of intercultural dialogue of different ethnic cultures;

4. in identifying the legal basis for the activities of national cultural centers on the territory of Buryatia (laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the concept and regulations of the Republic of Belarus);

5. in determining the main value priorities of the activities of national cultural centers;

6. in substantiating the basic culture-creating elements of the translation of ethnic cultures during the period of globalization.

Practical significance dissertation research. The materials obtained during the study can be used in the development of special lecture courses for students receiving the specialty of ethnoculturalist, ethnosociologist and ethnopedagogist. The conclusions reached by the author of the dissertation can help in the development of social and cultural programs conducted by national cultural centers and communities.

Approbation of work. The results of the study were reflected in reports at the City scientific and practical conferences “Urban family: modernity, problems, prospects” (December 2001, Ulan-Ude) and “The future of Buryatia through the eyes of the young” (April 2002, Ulan-Ude); Interregional round table“Research and forecasting of the development of staffing in institutions of the socio-cultural sphere of Eastern Siberia” (November

2001", village Mukhorshibir); International scientific and practical conference "Cultural space of Eastern Siberia and Mongolia" (May 2002, Ulan-Ude); "Leisure. Creativity. Culture" (December 2002, Omsk). The main provisions of the dissertation work are set out in 7 publications. The research materials were used when delivering lectures in the course “Cultural Studies” for students of the Faculty of Business and Administration of Social and Cultural Activities of the East Siberian University. state academy culture and arts.

The structure of the dissertation includes an introduction, two chapters of three paragraphs each, a conclusion and bibliography.

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  • Social and pedagogical foundations for the formation of ethnoculture of youth: Based on materials from the Republic of Tajikistan 2001, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Latypov, Dilovar Nazrishoevich

  • Ethnocultural identity as a socio-philosophical problem 2001, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Balykova, Aryuuna Anatolyevna

  • System of professional training of specialists in ethnocultural activities 2007, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Solodukhin, Vladimir Iosifovich

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory and history of culture”, Gapeeva, Antonina Vladimirovna


In this dissertation, we analyzed the activities of the NCC as a mechanism of the national-cultural policy of Buryatia. The analysis allowed us to come to the following conclusions.

“Ethnic” is considered as a factor that plays a structure-forming role for the nation. Understanding “ethnic” as the “external form” (“outer shell”) of a nation would be a clear simplification of the problem. Ethnicity represents an integral system and exists in the presence of internal connections in which tradition and language perform integrative and protective functions. And from this point of view, the origins of any national culture are rooted in a pre-existing ethnic group.

The dissertation research proves that ethnic characteristics form the main national characteristics; the ethnic is interpreted as a fundamental structure-forming factor, since it is from the ethnic group that the entire national culture grows. Ethnicity is the core of national culture.

A more precise study of the concept of ethnicity is impossible without clarifying the so-called “local types of cultures.” The local type of culture is characterized to a greater extent by the presence of linguistic and cultural (information) connections that lead to an awareness of the unity of a given community.

Awareness by any people of their national culture begins with the correlation of the subject with a certain ethnic group, which ensures its cultural integration. Social-normative culture is formed on the basis of moral and legal norms, which are developed by peoples throughout their history.

The concept of “national” is used, firstly, in the meaning of “state” (national income, national armed forces, etc.); secondly, as a derivative of the term “nation”; thirdly, in a narrow sense, implying nationally specific properties of both historical communities (nation, people) and individuals (nationality). Such multi-layered nature of this concept means that it may not always be used adequately.

In our understanding, the specificity of the national and the essential feature of the national are expressed by the concept of national culture. In any national culture, ethnic components play a significant role. Unlike ethnic culture, membership of which is determined by common origin and directly carried out joint activities, national culture unites people living over very large areas and deprived of direct and even indirect family ties. The boundaries of national culture are set by the strength, the power of this culture itself as a result of its ability to spread beyond the boundaries of tribal, communal, and directly personal ties and formations.

Today, national culture is studied primarily by that area of ​​humanities that, unlike ethnography, deals with the collection and study of written monuments - philology. Perhaps on this basis we judge the emergence of a national culture primarily by the fact of the birth of national literature.

So, nations arise as a result of the “atomization” of an ethnically homogeneous mass, its “splitting” into many individuals connected not by consanguinity, not by communal-patriarchal, but by social relations. A nation grows out of an ethnos, transforming it through the isolation of individuals, their liberation from those “natural connections” of origin. If in an ethnos the general awareness of “we” prevails, the formation of rigid internal connections, then in a nation the importance of the personal, individual principle is already increasing, but together with the awareness of “we”.

The activity approach to the study of ethnic culture makes it possible to structure ethnic culture and explore the parts of ethnic culture that make up its system. The traditional culture of ethnic groups, due to its most important characteristics, has enduring universal significance. In the conditions of Buryatia, it consolidated the most significant material and spiritual achievements of the peoples, acted as the custodian of their spiritual and moral experience, their historical memory.

In ethnic culture, traditional values ​​contain thoughts, knowledge, and understanding of life in unity with folk experience, attitude, and goal aspirations. Distinctive feature ethnic culture as a mechanism that carries out the process of accumulation and reproduction of universal human values ​​is that it is based not on the force of law, but on public opinion, mass habits, and generally accepted taste. .

The ethnic culture of Buryatia is diverse both in essence and content, and in forms of manifestation. For many centuries, peoples accumulated and passed on to subsequent generations the necessary moral, labor, artistic, political and other values. Traditional culture has absorbed such important norms of universal morality as humanity and dignity, honor and conscience, duty and justice, honor and respect, mercy and compassion, friendship and peacefulness, etc.

Ethnic culture makes it possible to introduce everyone to values ​​and achievements that are of an enduring nature. It contributes to the formation of the spiritual and moral image of the individual, the development of his value orientations and life position. It nourishes a person like a spring.

Ethnic characteristics form the main national characteristics. Ethnicity is an integral system and exists only in the presence of a rigid internal connection, in which ethnic tradition and language perform an integrative function. The origins of any national culture are rooted in the historical conditions of the formation of the ethnic group. Without ethnic self-awareness, the development of national self-awareness is impossible.

The dissertation work emphasizes the connection between the national and the universal, since the national without universal human content has only local significance, which ultimately leads to the isolation of the nation and the fall of its national culture. The role of the personal principle in national culture is determined not only by the introduction of each person to the total sum of national knowledge, but also by the value orientation of the individual and the nature of his activities in society. National culture cannot but include elements of universal human culture, since this is what ensures the possibility of the exchange of spiritual and material values ​​between different cultures and their real contribution to the global culture of the entire human race.

Ethnic culture makes it possible to introduce everyone to values ​​and achievements that are of an enduring nature. It contributes to the formation of the spiritual and moral image of the individual, the development of his value orientations and life position.

National cultural centers belong to a type of community based on common interests. It is characterized by a significant degree of unity based on the common interests of its members. NCCs arise after people realize such a community of interests in the course of collective actions to protect and implement them. The community performs such important functions as socialization - transferring knowledge, social values ​​and norms of behavior to people through family and school; social control - a way to influence the behavior of community members; social participation - Team work community members in family, youth and other community organizations; mutual assistance - material and psychological support for those in need.

The activities of national cultural centers are based on the task of reviving and maintaining national cultures. The activities of national cultural centers of the period under study can be called traditional, within the framework of which predominantly educational, recreational and communicative tasks are carried out.

Having a large number of NCC, today, the Assembly of Peoples of the Republic of Buryatia does not fulfill any of the assigned practical tasks.

National cultural centers in the 21st century will be able to carry out their activities subject to expansion from simple revival and preservation to the search for adaptive means in a multi-ethnic society. National cultural centers have a great future for the foreseeable period, but this future can only exist under certain conditions. The main condition for achieving the goals outlined by national cultural centers is the will for national consolidation and spiritual revival on the part of all representatives of a given people, all its ethnic and socio-professional groups living in Buryatia.

An analysis of the documents showed that the need to adopt the law “On National-Cultural Associations in the Republic of Buryatia” is determined by the implementation of the Concept of State Ethnic Policy in the Republic of Belarus. The Concept also provides for the development and implementation of special programs in all areas of national relations and in the field of culture. The ethnocultural policy of Buryatia bears the stamp of Russian cultural policy, hence the problems of determining the status, functioning of national cultural centers as a cultural institution, and developing intercultural programs for interaction.

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The article is devoted to the study of the activities of national cultural centers and the degree of their effectiveness in the Irkutsk region. The activities of national organizations are connected with many aspects of the life of an ethnic group in a multinational environment and are aimed at strengthening the unified cultural space of the region.

Key words: national cultural center, type of national associations, population mosaic index.


Article is devoted to studying of activity■ of the national and cultural centers and degree of their efficiency in the Irkutsk region. Activity of the national organizations is connected with many aspects of activity of ethnos in the multinational environment and directed on strengthening of uniform cultural space of the region.

Key words: the national-cultural center, type of national associations, an index of mosaic the population.

The concept of national policy in modern Russia is focused on building and strengthening tendencies for the equal functioning of cultures of peoples within a multinational state. However, the real situation is characterized by complex processes and manifestations of intolerant behavior, xenophobia, ethno-fanaticism, or, conversely, ethnic indifference.

Destructive forms of intercultural communications in a state with historically established multinationality, with high level mosaic national composition caused by increased socio-economic tension and pose a serious threat to statehood. Violation of the mutual respectful attitude towards each other of people of different nationalities in modern conditions manifests itself in the form of crimes committed on the basis of national hostility, in the form of public events that convey the interests of a monoethnic group. Manifestations of nationalism, chauvinism, and religious intolerance indicate radical activity and the destruction of the principle of “unity in diversity.”

The most effective ways of improving society under these conditions are seen to be ensuring social stability, establishing and disseminating the principles

You can be calm if you have someone to pass on your cultural heritage to

X. Murakami

tolerance, creating conditions for equal social and national-cultural development of all peoples of Russia. These methods require the activity of the national intelligentsia, focused on the preservation and development of ethnocultures, and are associated with the activities of national cultural organizations.

conditioned by its historical,

economic, political, household, sociocultural specifics. Activities of national and cultural

organizations in a multi-ethnic region implements the provisions of the concept

state national policy, protects the interests of peoples, strengthens the common cultural space of the region.

According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice for the Irkutsk Region and the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug (UBAO), as of January 1, 2012, 89 national associations were registered in the region, 24 of which operate in Irkutsk. This list includes national-cultural autonomies, several cultural centers, and national communities. The reasons that motivate the creation of national associations are different and are a condition for choosing the type

organizations. NCCs can be created to support fellow countrymen coming to the region. Such functions are performed by the public Kyrgyz national-cultural

organization "Friendship", Irkutsk regional public organization "Union

Tajiks" and other centers focused on supporting cultures, most often the peoples of the Caucasus.

Also represented in the region are NCCs, in whose activities the state, the historical homeland of migrants, is interested. Such organizations include the Lithuanian National Cultural Center "Švyturys" ("Lighthouse"), the Irkutsk regional public organization "Polish Cultural Autonomy "Ognivo", and associations of other European nations.

The third type of institutions represents the interests of indigenous and small peoples of the region and the state as a whole. According to statistics, in any region that includes national autonomies, organizations of this type are numerically predominant. The goals of such institutions are aimed, first of all, at supporting national republics such as Buryatia, Yakutia, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, etc. This type of national associations can be created for the purpose of cultural unification of people of one nation, carry out integrative tasks, and can also see as their goal the development of national language, customs, crafts and cultural activities.

The most ambitious goal of most cultural centers, regardless of type, is

popularization of traditional cultures of the peoples of Russia. This problem is solved through the organization and holding of national holidays and events that introduce the population to the customs and rituals of various ethnic groups. Information about such events, their form and content is covered by ethnic media, publications of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism. These holidays involve not only members of the organization, but also representatives of other nationalities, everyone who is interested in the customs of the peoples of the region.

Among the national cultural centers operating in the Irkutsk region, the majority are represented by associations of the following peoples: Buryats - 25 NCCs, which is 28.1% of the total number of all 89 national organizations in the region; Ukrainians - 2 NCCs or 2.2%; Tatars - 7 NCCs or 7.9%; Belarusians - 11 NCCs or 12.4%; peoples of the Caucasus - 11 NCCs or 12.4%; Evenks -4 NCC or 4.5%; small peoples of the North -] 1 NCC or 12.4% of the number of national cultural institutions operating in the region.

In the ratio of the number of national-cultural regional organizations, a large share is occupied by centers for the preservation of the culture of the Buryat people. There is a natural correlation in the region:

the number of nationalities - the number of centers and organizations with a national-cultural bias. The higher the first criterion, the larger and wider the second one, respectively (see table.

Table 1

The ratio of the numerical representation of nationalities and the number of NCCs in the Irkutsk region

Number Number % of number

Name of the nationality that created the NCC in the region, NCC in the NCC in

people region region

Buryats 80565 25 28.1

Belarusians 14185 11 12.4

Small peoples of the North (Mari, Tofalars, 2995 11 12.4

Evens, Komi)

Tatars 31068 7 7.9

Evenks 1431 4 4.5

Poles 2298 3 3.4

Ukrainians 53631 2 2.5

Peoples of the Caucasus (Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Uzbeks) 17454 11 12.4

Lithuanians 1669 2 2.5

Chechens, Ingush 1044 1 1.1

Chuvash 7295 1 1.1

Teams of national centers solve complex problems in matters of educating the population, developing the cultures of their peoples, and provide courses for the study of national languages. Sunday schools and training courses have been organized in Irkutsk native language. Most cultural institutions carry out this work systematically and in an organized manner. The difficulty of language teaching lies in the narrowing of the scope of application of the formed language competencies. The publication situation remains difficult fiction, newspapers, magazines in national languages. A few periodicals are educational and integratively oriented. The narrowly pragmatic focus on linguistic ecology significantly narrows the readership of these publications. Among young people, the information need is realized through Internet resources and publications of the central press, however, the importance of publications in national languages ​​is difficult to diminish. Periodicals in the national language are evidence of the preservation of culture and confirmation of the vitality of the language. Many organizations have their own official websites, which contain information about the main activities of the center and a calendar of events. The site allows registration for native language courses and hosts a forum, which means that consolidation along national lines is not the only criterion for establishing a social circle. In modern conditions, all means are important to preserve traditional cultures, including high-tech information systems.

There are quite a lot of directions in the activities of the NCC with a systematic approach, among them such important aspects as: publishing activities, consulting for the purpose of education among youth, preserving folk crafts, strengthening ties with the peoples of the region, forming and strengthening the principles of tolerance, holding national holidays, acquaintance the population of the region with the culture of the ethnic group, and, of course, the preservation of the language as evidence of the culture of its people.

The activities of cultural centers that protect the interests of the peoples of the region are connected with many aspects of the life of an ethnic group in a multinational environment, but the effectiveness of these structures is often reduced as a result of the desire to

integrate participants according to the criterion of nationality. As a result, as a rule, only representatives of this ethnic group know about the culture of a particular ethnic group, about cultural events, and about the traditions of sociocultural activities. Since the tasks of centers focused on the preservation and development of national cultures of small peoples include the popularization of traditions, familiarization with the specific features of their culture, and the establishment of principles

tolerance in a multiethnic environment, the scope of sociocultural influence should be expanded.

In order to study the situation around the national and cultural institutions of the Irkutsk region, a sociological study was conducted in February 2012. The survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire, the sample size was 630 people. The respondents were urban and rural residents of the region of equal number of groups. The objective of the study is to identify the population’s attitude towards national centers. The questionnaire contains 15 questions in five blocks. The first block is information about the respondent, the second block is about the traditions of the cultures of the peoples inhabiting the region, these are questions about whether the population knows about the activities of the NCC, what is the source of this awareness and whether respondents consider their activities effective. The third block of questions is focused on identifying the priority tasks of the NCC in the understanding of the residents of the multinational region, as well as searching for potential sources of increasing the historical

cultural cognitive base in the consciousness of a multicultural society. The fourth is questions to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the presence of a knowledge base of culture, the history of one’s people and interest in the national cultures of neighboring peoples. And the fifth block of questions is devoted to identifying the degree of need for the work of the NCC and, as a consequence, the preservation of traditional minority cultures as evidence of the spiritual identity of the region.

The focus group consisted of urban and rural residents of the youth age group (from 17-25 years old). The survey participants included applicants and students of the Angarsk State Technical Academy, the National Irkutsk State Research technical university and graduating students from schools in the Osinsky, Nukutsky and Alarsky districts of the UOBAO. Numerical ratio of respondents

distributed as follows: in the cities of Irkutsk and Angarsk - 225 people, in the districts of UOBAO 405 respondents were interviewed, of which: in the Osinsky district - 110, in Nukutsky - 140, in Alarsky - 155 people.

Urban and rural populations, in our opinion, have different amounts of information about national signs, traditions and specific features of the cultures of small peoples of the region. For this reason, respondents are representatives of both types of settlements. The type and status of a socio-territorial community and the level of population density determine the degree of possibility of interethnic contacts. In terms of the level of mosaic of national composition, rural objects differ from the urban level by a slight advantage. The indices of population mosaic, and, consequently, the level of intensity of interethnic contacts, as mentioned above, are approximately equal throughout the region. But the presence of closer social relations due to the greater compactness of the settlement provides the opportunity for a deeper acquaintance with the cultures of neighboring peoples. In the countryside

The level of interest

locality, people know everything about each other, how a neighbor lives, what events are happening in his life today, what rules of everyday life and social interaction are decisive, what signs are considered traditional and are especially revered, what holiday events occur and how they are celebrated. The activities of the NCC in rural areas are more obvious to residents, therefore the work of such organizations in rural areas is perceived in the minds of the population as more effective.

Questions about the need to preserve traditional cultures in both urban and rural settlements are perceived equally highly: 82.2% of city residents and 100% of rural residents are convinced of the obligation to preserve all examples of ethnocultures of the Cis-Baikal region. The majority of respondents associate the immutability of national-cultural

“relief” with the activities of the NCC, national autonomies, diasporas and other organizations. According to the survey data (see Table 2), 71.1% of urban respondents and 93.3% of rural youth understand the need for the work of national institutions.

table 2

elenny in the activities of NCC, %

Question City Rural

“yes” “no” “don’t know” “yes” “no” “don’t know”

Do you consider it necessary to preserve the traditional cultures of the peoples of your region 82.2 4.4 13.3 99.6 0 0.4

Do you consider the work of national cultural centers necessary 71.1 6.7 22.2 93.3 0.9 5.8

Would you like to take part in the national holiday of any people in the region 57.8 22.2 20 88 1.8 10.2

Are you interested in the culture of other peoples 66.7 24.4 8.9 90.2 0.9 8.9

Are you interested in the history of your people 77.8 8.9 13.3 99.6 0.4 0

Can you say that you know the history of your people 37.8 35.5 26.7 67.1 12.9 20

People of different nationalities and religions have long lived in Eastern Siberia, so public organizations of citizens united by interests based on nationality remain in demand. The activities of the NCC do not lose relevance in modern conditions. The goals and objectives of national-cultural autonomies are related to the revival of national identity, they

focused on preserving the identity, traditions and historical and cultural heritage of their people, promoting the development

national language, crafts, applied arts. In general, NCCs are designed to satisfy the cultural, educational, socially significant, moral needs of a multicultural region.

Most of the respondents, regardless of the type of settlement, show interest in the culture of their own and other peoples living in close territorial proximity: 77.8% of urban youth show interest in the history of their own and 66.7% in the history of other peoples, the answers of villagers are distributed - 99.6% and 90.2% respectively. It seems that

the results confirm the presence of a correlative dependence in the cognitive base of the individual: an individual’s interest in culture cannot be limited by the framework of his own ethnicity. In other words, interest in one’s culture implies an increase in knowledge through a comparative approach, which requires recognition of the cultural characteristics of other peoples. Understanding the difference in the general and, to a greater extent, specific features of foreign and national-cultural formations, one can understand the foundations of one’s own culture.

It is important to say that the manifestation of interest in the history and culture of their people in both types of socio-territorial communities is higher than the indicators of subjective assessment of existing, already formed knowledge in this area: twice as much among urban youth and one and a half times among rural youth. In rural areas, getting to know the traditional way of life is not just an educational task, it is a daily experience of mastering the norms of social interaction. For this reason, the desire to attend national cultural events of any ethnic groups in the region is also more expressed among rural respondents: 88% compared to 57.8% among urban residents. Based on sociological research data, the compactness of residence and the low population of rural areas determine the degree of interest in preserving traditions and historical and cultural heritage, in

revitalization of the national language as a sign of the identity of a particular people.

Also, by analogy, the research questionnaire included the question: “Do you think the level of knowledge about the culture, customs, and traditions of the peoples living in your region...?” The following answers were received: “high” - 2.2% of city residents and 9.3% of rural residents; “satisfactory” - 31.1% and 44%; “unsatisfactory” - 66.7% and 46.7% of respondents, respectively. Thus, a total of only 33.3% of respondents from urban settlements and 53.3% from rural ones can recognize and evaluate their awareness and competence in this issue. All sociocultural

The characteristics of a rural territorial community in this regard also naturally turned out to be more effective.

It should be noted that the assessment of competence in the field of ethnography and local history given by respondents during the survey is still subjective in nature,

because given on the basis of self-determination. It is quite difficult to check how well this assessment meets the requirements of objectivity under the conditions of the survey method, but an attempt was made to verify the data obtained. The questionnaire includes the question: “What national holidays of the peoples living in your region (except Russian) do you know?” The answers correspond to the option obtained on the basis of self-assessment and are due to the low degree of mosaic

Pre-Baikal region (many nationalities live, but their share in the total number is too small to increase the level of mosaic of the national composition and, at the same time, the degree of intensity of interethnic contacts). The consequence of these features of the region is awareness of the national and cultural traditions of the two peoples, who numerically dominate after the majority group of Russians. These are the Buryat and Tatar peoples originally living in Siberia, who are represented in the region by 3.1% and 1.2%, respectively (according to the 2010 census). Recognizable holidays in the urban environment: Buryat Sagaalgan - 35.5% and Surkharban

24.4%, Tatar-Bashkir Ramadan - 13.3%; in rural areas: Sagaalgan - 95.6% and Surkharban

86.7%, Ramadan - 46.6%.

The source of obtaining information about the fundamental characteristics of the traditional cultures of the ethnic groups of their region are various forms and methods of broadcasting, such as television, the media, the activities of the NCC, etc. (see Table 3).

The family is of great importance in matters of national and cultural education. In the primary sphere of socialization, not only traditions and the order of their implementation are recognized, but also the semantic, substantive side

ritual actions performed. The family has the opportunity not only to become familiar with the rules, but also to take part and implement them independently.

Activities of national and cultural

organizations in the Irkutsk region are very diverse, but their effectiveness in the urban environment is not high, only 2.2% of respondents received knowledge about ethnocultural characteristics from NCC events in their city, and 26.7% were able to take part in such events. Peculiarity

functioning of the NCC in the city is a focus on representatives of one’s ethnic group,

which, of course, reduces the effectiveness of the transmission of traditional cultural forms, prevents the spread of a positive image of culture in a multi-ethnic environment, and prevents its implementation in life strategies

principles of tolerance. Expanding the circle of sociocultural influence could solve many problems associated with growing social tension in the region.

Table 3

Methods and sources of informing the population about the traditions of national cultures, %

From what sources did you learn about national holidays?

On television 64.4 32.9

At school, technical school, university 20 95.6

From fiction and journalistic literature 17.8 48.4

From newspapers and magazines 46.7 24.9

From events of national cultural centers 2.2 93.8

From my own observations 22.2 49.8

In the family (took part in the holiday) 26.7 83.1

From Internet resources, official websites of national institutions 8.9 5.7

The main types of areas of work include not only cultural and educational, but also socially oriented, educational, research, publishing,

human rights, etc. In the opinion of the respondents, the most important function of the NCC is the preservation of traditions and customs

Popular performances!

peoples of the region - this is the opinion of 48.9% of urban and 94.2% of rural respondents. The preservation of traditions and their retransmission to a new generation are understood equally highly in the minds of the respondents, regardless of their place of residence. Other goals and objectives of national cultural organizations noted by the population during the survey are indicated in Table 4:

Table 4

region about the tasks of the NCC, %

What, in your opinion, is the main task of national-cultural centers urban-rural

Introducing residents to the national cultures of the region 44.4 44.9

Teaching children the traditions of their people 33.3 78.2

Preservation of national culture 42.2 83.1

Preservation of traditions and customs of the peoples of the region 48.9 94.2

Preservation of the native language as the basis of national culture 20 52

Preservation of the people 4.4 66.2

Popularization of national cultures and their customs 15.6 22.7

Other 2.2 3.1

Your answer options, classified in the “other” column, are associated with the formation of a synthetic function that would combine everything listed in the table. Respondents recognized the need for an integrated, comprehensive approach, which seems to be the most effective in a multicultural environment. In addition to sources of obtaining information on the issue under discussion, respondents were asked to find the most productive method, a way to increase their own level of national-cultural competencies. The majority of urban respondents, namely 48.9%, consider attendance at speeches and public events of the NCC to be effective, another 24.4% wanted to take part in such actions.

Unfortunately, the results indicate a low degree of readiness of the youth group to independently search for information. Urban and rural respondents prefer to feel support from national and cultural institutions, local governments,

public and religious organizations.

The activities of these structures are especially important for maintaining the status of national groups, for their development and, of course, for linguistic ecology, i.e. to preserve the native languages ​​of the peoples of the region. The languages ​​of small peoples in modern multicultural regions with a predominance of the majority Russian language need care from the NCC and require special support measures. There are certain conditions

functioning of the language in the community, which can be considered as factors contributing to the preservation of national languages: significant size of the language group; compact settlement; living in original habitats; Availability

literary tradition; the presence of public organizations operating in

national language; functioning of language in the family; the attitude of members of a language group to national languages ​​as a value.

Table 5

Potential sources of information about the national cultures of the region, %

How, in your opinion, could you increase the level of knowledge about the culture of your own and other peoples of the region urban village

Independently 24.4 29.7

Studying according to the program at school, technical school, university 31.1 39,

From the media and TV 40 27.1

Attending events of national cultural centers 48.9 84.4

Taking an active part in the holidays of national cultural centers 24.4 80.9

The listed factors in modern conditions have different degrees of mobility. The size of a language group, for example, is not a constant value, the compact settlement of indigenous people and their settlement in their original habitats is common mainly in rural areas, and the presence of a literary tradition, unfortunately, may not be in demand, especially among young people. It is obvious that national cultural centers, societies, and organizations are acquiring a socially significant role, whose representatives, through actions to preserve the languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Cisbaikalia and other regions, instill in the younger generation a respectful attitude towards their native language, expanding the levels of its


The functions of modern national-cultural centers are fully consistent with the provisions of the concept of state national policy and are designed to “reflect the diversity of interests of the peoples of the Russian Federation.” The tasks of the NCC are related to the preservation

ethnocultural relief of the region, with the development of the historically established form

polycultures. A particularly significant function of the NCC in conditions of growing social tension is the establishment of cooperation. Preserving the unique features of material and spiritual cultures helps to strengthen ties with the peoples of the region, the formation and development of the principles of tolerance.


1. [email protected]

2. National policy of Russia, history and modernity. - M, 1997. - P. 647 - 663.

Istomina Olga Borisovna, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Angarsk State Technical Academy, Angarsk, e-mail: [email protected].

Istomina Olga Borisovna, candidate of sociological science, associate professor, department of social sciences, Angarsk State Technical Academy, Angarsk, email: [email protected].

UDC 316.34/35 © I.Ts. Dorzhieva



The article examines the features of the ethnic self-awareness of Buryat schoolchildren and students. Based on the sociological research carried out, the factors of ethnic self-awareness and ethnic self-identification of Buryat children in urban and rural areas are determined.

Key words: ethnicity, ethnic self-awareness, ethnic self-identification, traditions, customs.

An ethnocultural center - the center of traditional culture of the peoples of Russia - must form its own positive image, attracting public opinion to its side. The formation of a positive image can be facilitated by the establishment of awards and prizes for organizations and citizens supporting the institution, as well as the establishment of partnerships and relationships with various social, political and other organizations. Today, cultural and leisure institutions remain a massive and accessible means of introducing people to culture, developing their spiritual potential, a center for organizing holidays, and preserving their own folk culture. The priority direction in the center’s activities should be the development of interethnic relations and cultural exchange not only in Russia, but also beyond its borders at the international level. Team participation folk art centers in republican, interregional, all-Russian, international festivals, holidays allow not only to demonstrate the richness, uniqueness and diversity of the culture of the peoples of Russia, but also contributes to the development of cultural exchange, the preservation of friendly relations, interethnic cooperation, the formation and strengthening of a positive image of the cultural activities of the entire society. In this regard, ethnocultural institutions can use a different arsenal of professional forms of cultural work, for example, create a Gallery national costume with a permanent lecture hall, where samples of national clothing of the peoples of Russia will be collected; hold photo exhibitions folk costume; organize a workshop for sewing Dagestan national costume, hats, shoes, making jewelry, etc., where costumes will be sewn not only for folklore creative groups of the region, but also for village residents, which will attract children and youth to study ancestral crafts, traditions of decorative and applied arts, will serve to preserve folk costumes and cultural development of the village; organize clubs and schools of artistic excellence under the guidance of experienced craftsmen to train young people in order to preserve and popularize traditional folk artistic crafts in places where certain types of traditional folk crafts exist; create workshops for manufacturing musical instruments, teaching this art to children and youth will serve to preserve the continuity of generations with an exhibition of folk musical instruments, where you can conduct master classes with the participation of master manufacturers, famous musicians who know the secrets of instrumental mastery and playing them, and many others; the creation of a cultural project “Books - cultural memory”, which will help preserve the history and traditions of the village, the memory of the people, the personalities who glorified their village and left a mark on Russian culture, to awaken interest and desire to study the multinational culture of the peoples of Russia. This activity will serve patriotic education, the formation of high moral standards and aesthetic tastes, the establishment of universal moral values, the unification of generations, will be facilitated by the involvement of the younger generation in the work of collecting material about the history of the village, its past and present, bearers of folk traditions, masters of decorative and applied arts, which are the property of the national culture, as well as works of oral folk art (legends, sayings, parables, tales, etc.). Holding holidays of friendship, folk costume, national instrument, crafts and folk crafts “Rural Compound”, “Songs and Dances of My People” and other traditional holidays, festivals with the participation of people from the village and many others, can also have a tourist attraction and become objects of acquaintance with ethnoculture, natural attractions of the village, region. The implementation of such artistic and creative projects will contribute to the preservation of the traditional artistic heritage of peoples and the development of ethnotourism. Cultural tourism, in turn, will become a powerful lever in the financial support of artistic heritage, an incentive for the development of folk crafts and crafts, and will give a new impetus for the preservation of folklore groups, because Performances by folklore groups and demonstrations of unique ethnoculture are among the points of attraction for tourists.

Ethnocultural centers - cultural and leisure institutions are called upon to provide: information support, coordination creative activity, enriching intermunicipal and interethnic cultural dialogue through holding events within the framework of cultural exchange (festivals, tours of creative groups in villages, neighboring areas, cities, exhibitions, etc.), systematic study of sociocultural problems, issues of demand for cultural and leisure services by the population, the state of activity of cultural and leisure institutions in the village and district. Cultural workers need to improve the quality of activities of cultural and leisure institutions as centers of interethnic cultural cooperation between the peoples of Russia, attract and develop the cultural potential of the population, creating a positive image of their village and people.

An example of such an ethnocultural center is the Volgograd regional public organization Cossack ethnocultural complex “Heritage”.

The purpose of this ethnocultural center is to:

  • - Preservation and revival of traditional national culture;
  • - Association of Cossack youth;
  • - Cultural and educational activities. Organization of recreation;
  • - Education and development of aesthetic, moral and spiritual qualities, through familiarization with the Cossack culture;
  • - Education in the field of history, Orthodoxy, the national language “Gutora”, culture and traditions of the Cossacks:
  • - Creating conditions for the physical and volitional development of the individual.


  • A) educational center:
    • - Orthodoxy;
    • - Story;
    • - Ethnography;
    • - Ethnolinguistics;
    • - Folklore;
  • B) military sports center:
    • - Parachute training;
    • - Travel school;
    • - Basics of sambo, hand-to-hand combat
    • - military-tactical training.
  • B) folklore and ethnographic studio:
    • - Reconstruction of Cossack rituals;
    • - Study of the singing traditions of the Cossacks;
    • - Household choreography;
    • - Folklore theater;
    • - Folklore ensemble.
  • D) center for design and applied creativity:
    • - Production of thematic souvenirs and household items;
    • - Making jewelry;
    • - Ragdoll.
  • D) center of traditional Cossack clothing:
    • - History of the Cossack costume;
    • - Sewing national clothes of the Cossacks, as well as its transformation into modern conditions(model display, tailoring, implementation).

In addition to Russian national organizations, the numerous and most active public associations in the region are: German, Tatar, Armenian, Chechen, Jewish, Dagestan, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Korean, etc.

The German Cultural Autonomy was established in 1997. Its creation was the result of ten years of development of the Russian German movement in the Volgograd region. Having united into a national-cultural autonomy, Russian Germans, with the support of regional and municipal administrations, began to focus on the development of national culture and language, especially in areas where Germans were densely populated. A German national cultural center was opened in Kamyshin, classes and electives with in-depth study were created in schools German language, national artistic groups. Celebrations of German culture have become traditional. A good base for this was the State Historical and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve “Old Sarepta” in the Krasnoarmeyskaya district of Volgograd, which is the embodiment of the living history of the German colonists of the Volga region. There is a German cultural center, a Sunday school for adults, and other programs here.

The regional national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of Volgograd and the Volgograd region was formed in 1999. This organization is actively working to develop the cultural traditions of the Tatar people, to organize national holidays - Sabantuy, Kurban Bayram, Ramadan.

Regional national-cultural autonomy of citizens of Ukrainian nationality of the Volgograd region was established in 2002. The organization was created to unite the efforts of Ukrainians in order to preserve and develop Ukrainian culture, language, protecting the rights and interests of its members, establishing real equality of Ukrainians with the population of indigenous nationalities, strengthening friendship between nations.

The Volgograd regional public organization “Kazakhstan” was created in 2000, representing the interests of over 50 thousand Kazakhs of the region living compactly in the Pallasovsky, Staropoltavsky, Nikolaevsky, Leninsky and Bykovsky districts. The purpose of the organization: protection of civil, economic and cultural rights and freedoms of people of Kazakh nationality living in the region. The organization develops the cultural traditions of Kazakhs who seek help in solving social problems, supports Kazakh students, and conducts cultural work among them. The organization is in contact with the representative office of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astrakhan. In 2011, the non-profit organization Charitable Foundation “Heritage of Kazakhstan” was created and is already actively operating.

The Volgograd regional public organization “Armenian Community” was created in 1997. The main goals of the organization are the protection of civil, economic, social and cultural rights of citizens, as well as the preservation and study of the cultural and historical heritage of Armenians. With the assistance of Armenian organizations of the region, the Church of St. George was built in Volgograd. Active social and charitable activities are carried out. In 2007, a regional branch of the all-Russian organization “Union of Armenians of Russia” was created. The work of these organizations makes a significant contribution to maintaining the traditions and customs of the Armenian people in the Volgograd region, preserving interethnic peace and harmony, strengthening cultural and economic ties between the Volgograd region and the Republic of Armenia.

The Volgograd city public charitable organization "Jewish Community Center" was created in 1999 to preserve and disseminate the traditions, ethnocultural and religious heritage of the Jewish people, to satisfy the public need for charity and mercy. The Jewish Community Center is the founder of educational institutions - Secondary School "Or Avner" and kindergarten"Gan Geula." The center does a lot of cultural work. The organization promotes its work in the newspaper “Shofar Povolzhya”.

Volgograd regional public organization "Dagestan" was registered in 1999. The main goal of the organization is the implementation and protection of civil, economic, social and cultural freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation - representatives of the peoples of Dagestan living in the Volgograd region. The Dagestan community pays special attention to religious holidays. On the initiative of this organization, volleyball and mini-football competitions are held, in which teams participate different ages from representatives of various nationalities. A traditional mass cultural event was the holding of a large concert in January in the Central Concert Hall of Volgograd, dedicated to the Day education of the Republic of Dagestan.

Koreans began to unite in our region in 2001, when the National-Cultural Autonomy of Koreans in Volgograd was created, its main goal is to revive the language, cultural traditions and customs among Korean youth. Most Koreans are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and melons, as well as the production and sale of Korean salads. On the initiative of the organization, Korean Independence Day was celebrated for several years, when a regional festival of Korean culture was held in Volgograd with the invitation of professional artists. Currently, the Volgograd regional public organization “Center for Mutual Help of Koreans” and the Volgograd regional public organization “Association of Volgograd Koreans” operate in Volgograd.

Officially registered national associations carry out a wide range of activities in the Volgograd region, with a number of main directions.

Firstly, this is an organizational direction: the unification of representatives of a particular ethnic group within one community, the allocation of a leadership apparatus that coordinates the activities of community members and establishes interaction with authorities and other national organizations. Largely thanks to this cooperation in the region, it is possible to maintain a favorable, peaceful environment in the field of interethnic relations and national security.

Secondly, the social direction: assistance to representatives of their ethnic group in difficult life situations, economic support, acceleration of adaptation of migrants temporarily staying or living in the Volgograd region, charitable assistance.

Thirdly, this is a human rights area: providing legal support, assistance in preparing and collecting documents, assistance in obtaining citizenship.

Fourthly, educational and cultural, focused on preserving and maintaining traditions, identity, and the language of a given ethnic community. In many ways, this activity is aimed not only at preserving its own traditions, but also at intercultural exchange and the development of tolerance in society.

Of course, all of the listed areas of activity of national public organizations are of a constructive nature and contribute to the stabilization of the situation in the region, the development of tolerance, and the preservation cultural wealth and diversity of the Volgograd region

The results of these events objectively contribute to the formation of a positive image of the relevant national communities in the public opinion of the population of the region. Each of the organizations unites a fairly large number of residents of the Volgograd region of various nationalities. National public organizations of the Volgograd region are a significant factor that has a significant impact on the socio-political situation in the region. It should be noted that in addition to the direct organizers, citizens of various nationalities representing the active members of the relevant public associations took part in the above-mentioned events. This trend in the activities of NGOs indicates their interest in strengthening interethnic peace and harmony, increasing the level of interethnic tolerance, and developing mutual understanding between residents of the Volgograd region of different nationalities.

And so we conclude: the traditional culture of ethnic groups, thanks to its most important characteristics, has enduring universal significance. In the activities of ethnocultural centers, it consolidates the most significant material and spiritual achievements of peoples, acts as the custodian of their spiritual and moral experience, their historical memory.

In ethnic culture, traditional values ​​contain thoughts, knowledge, and understanding of life in unity with folk experience, attitude, and goal aspirations. A distinctive feature of ethnic culture as a mechanism that carries out the process of accumulation and reproduction of universal human values ​​is that it is based not on the force of law, but on public opinion, mass habits, and generally accepted taste.