A lot of positivity and positive emotions. Positive emotions mean you are on the right track! Do people really only experience stress in negative situations?

Positive and positive emotions indicate that a person feels joy, satisfaction, is optimistic about a bright future.

Let's take a closer look at those states that can cause positive emotions, and how to call them on yourself.

Concept and characteristics

Positive emotions - what are they?

The very word “positive” already speaks for itself; this is what brings feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

Emotions are a psychological process in the human body that caused by a number of factors:

  • environment;
  • People around;
  • children, grandchildren;
  • holidays;
  • meeting nice people;
  • good weather and so on.

Everything that brings positive feelings to a person is the factors that cause positive emotions.

Emotion is characterized by psychologists as a process in the body of a psychological nature, which has an average duration and completely depends on the subjective perception of the world.

That is, each of us has some internal installations that can cause joy and a feeling of happiness.

For some, these factors are noticeably narrowed and limited; such people are usually called pessimists.

For others, on the contrary, even unnoticed moments can bring joy. Everyday life moments:

  • Birdsong;
  • bright sun;
  • kind word.

This optimists or those people whose attitude is to love life as it is. This is a rare breed of people, the so-called optimists in life, who can rejoice in things that are common in the understanding of most people.

But they experience real joy from these ordinary things and objects and receive positive emotions much more often than those who do not notice them.

Psychologists share two closely related concepts: positive emotions and positive emotions. Even though they are very similar, positive It is customary to refer to those emotions that are caused in a person by factors that bring him inner pleasure or pleasure.

TO positive More relevant are emotions caused by the evaluative criteria of either the person himself or the people around him.

A person can evoke positive emotions in himself by tuning himself in a certain way.

What are they?

To be satisfied with what is happening in your life, to experience inner harmony and positive emotions is what everyone should strive for.

After all, as you know, negative thoughts and negative emotions lead to internal imbalance, causing disturbances not only in the psychological state, but also in the physical one.

The human body has a clear structure interconnected systems, and if one of its components fails, the others also begin to fail.

Why do doctors often determine when diagnosing a disease? the main cause of a particular disease- increased nervousness, constant, negative thoughts?

It is negative emotions that give impetus to the development of various diseases.

Therefore, always be in good shape and think, and live with positive emotions - very important for every person.

Let's take a closer look at the types of positive emotions. Main classification consists of a list of the following positive emotions:

  1. - the greatest satisfaction with everything that happens.
  2. Joy is pleasure from what is happening.
  3. Tranquility - calmness and inner harmony.
  4. Desire to achieve your goal.
  5. Hope is a dream + positive expectations.
  6. Admiration is a feeling of enjoyment of other people's talents, things, nature, etc.
  7. Interest is the desire to conquer new horizons.
  8. Surprise from pleasant events.
  9. Reverence is great respect and awe from someone or something.
  10. Relief after solving life's problems.

All these positive emotions can be received from external factors, but you can also develop these feelings within yourself and not wait for an opportunity, but be able to notice what would cause at least one of these emotions.

How to get it or where to get it?

Everyone must have had days “when you give up and there are no words, no music, no strength”.

On such days there is nothing to please you and nothing special to do.

Main- do not allow this internal state to swallow you whole. This can lead to mental illness.

As you know, “saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves,” which means we need to do something about it and get these very positive emotions from somewhere.

Here a number of tips, which can help cope with blues, apathy and even call on positive emotions to help yourself:

In the process of tuning into positive emotions, it is important to give yourself the mindset that you are a happy person simply because you live and have many options to diversify your life and see the good even in ordinary things.

For example, you went outside - the weather is rainy, windy, nothing predicts an improvement in your mood, but note that Autumn nature, even in the rain, is full of colors and shades.

Take a walk through the park and enjoy the colors of golden autumn. The internal attitude will definitely work, and you will move away from your dark thoughts and experiences.

Words that evoke a charge of emotion

You can also set yourself in a positive mood and use words, which you can repeat both out loud and silently.

Remember the movie “I am the most charming and attractive”, where the heroine of Irina Muravyova constantly repeated these words, and became self-confident and self-sufficient.

Indeed, the words that we pronounce even mentally affect our subconscious. giving the body impulses of a different nature. As the proverb says: “Tell a man he’s a pig a hundred times and he’ll grunt.”.

And if you tell yourself that you are a self-sufficient, happy person, then on a subconscious level completely different pictures will be drawn that will confirm the correctness of these words.

It’s not for nothing that Buddhists practice mantra reading, when positive words heal a person from the inside and create a positive aura around him. And Christians repeat prayers, which instills optimism and positivity in them.

Words that will help you become happier include:

  • Gratitude;
  • happiness;
  • joy;
  • inspiration;
  • success;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • uniqueness;
  • confidence.

You can do it yourself come up with a simple text which you say several times a day, for example: “ I am very grateful your parents.

What was born. I'm confident, self-sufficient a person who is not afraid of difficulties.

I can overcome everything, I am strong and have my own opinion. I know how to enjoy even the little things and share this joy with others. Life really is full of pleasant surprises and happiness.”

Don’t be afraid to tell yourself words that evoke positive emotions in you, even on a subconscious level.

Even if you feel internally that you are not yet ready to enjoy the little things, then After a while, you will learn to truly enjoy them, if you engage in this kind of training.

How to set yourself up for positivity?

And further It’s worth setting yourself up for a number of things:

  1. Don't be offended.
  2. Don't slander.
  3. Don’t turn to alcohol or, even worse, drugs to escape depression.
  4. Perceive reality as it is.
  5. Don't engage in self-searching.
  6. See the good even in negative things.
  7. Believe that everything is really great.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into two equal parts- in one column write what is negative for you in this moment, in the second - all the advantages of your life.

If you don't forget to write in the second column such points as the opportunity to live, breathe, walk, communicate, the presence of relatives, friends, colleagues, nice people, beautiful places near home, the opportunity to change your life at your discretion, the opportunity to love and give love to others, and so on, then there are advantages in your life will be noticeably longer.

And the disadvantages will seem so small that you won’t want to pay attention to them at all.

Know how to be happy this will help maintain not only a calm, balanced internal psychological state, but also physical health.

Think positively, then life will sparkle with new colors, and positive emotions will help you avoid both major and minor troubles.

Positive emotions as a powerful source of energy:

(psychological educational program)

With this article I want to remove a heavy burden from the hearts of each of us. After all, many (let’s face it) experience a latent guilt complex due to the fact that they allow themselves to experience...negative emotions.

Someone inspired us that a person should be “white and fluffy,” and if “Jupiter” is angry, then “he is wrong.” It is clear who instilled this heresy in us - kindergarten teachers who want no one to make noise, fight, yell, pour compote on their territory, or make other difficult scenes.

Yes, for a large part of society that has power, it’s easier this way - when people don’t make noise, but strive for the whiteness of an angel’s wings.

But life is not a kindergarten, and this requirement is anti-scientific (and inhumane). It's just ridiculous. Life requires us to master the “full range of colors”...

And then the Supporters of the Ideas of Positive Thinking arrived... These are “those” ladies - spiritual sisters of “educators” kindergarten"... These ladies have amulets on their necks, rings with pentagrams on their fingers, and they (posing as either Juna or the Voice of the Cosmic Mind) hiss to us: “Be kind, be fluffy - otherwise your wishes will not come true. Karma will go bad, and in general you will die in terrible agony."

And so both of them inspired us that worrying is harmful. And appealing to the "new spirit" new era New Age”, for the “age of the coming Aquarius” they are trying to impose on us this old, non-working idea: “Be a good boy, and bonuses will come in your life”...

How can you get rid of the feeling of guilt that you sometimes get angry and are sometimes unhappy, despite the fact that you read books designed to instill in you unearthly “harmony”?

And you need to read at least sometimes the psychology textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education! This is what you need to do, comrades, even if your profession is not a psychologist. For what? Well, we read laws or books on medicine, even though we are not doctors or lawyers - we are forced by life circumstances...

You need to give yourself an educational course on the basics of psychology, going over the top of at least the simplest, most basic concepts, and not disdain this “gray science” in the cover of the Prosveshcheniye publishing house. Then no obscurantists and no social police, always proceeding only from their own interests, will inspire us that the earth rests on three pillars, therefore it is advisable to have an image of a whale on your desktop as a talisman.

So, negative emotions...

Attention! In this article, I do not encourage you to rejoice in anger, depression, guilt, fear and contempt... I do not encourage you to give up the fight against the WORST IN YOURSELF. I just want to show why THIS exists, why we NEED it in our lives, why we CAN’T do without it and how to use it SMARTLY.

Negative emotions can devour and DESTROY a person if he fails to keep them in check. But if a person SILENCES them in himself and is SHAMED about them, negative emotions will “devour and destroy” him much sadder and more hopeless...

Well, now - educational program

So, the first food for thought. The number of negative emotions (7) significantly exceeds the number of positive emotions (2)...

Why are there so many of them? And why " good emotions" few?

Negative emotions play a huge positive role in the survival of both the individual and the community of individuals.

They are an alarm signal for the body.

Negative emotions also last longer than positive ones (Have you noticed?)

And why?

But because the alarm must sound as long as necessary - until the danger is eliminated.

A positive emotion is also a signal. But the signal is simply the return of WELL-BEING. And that’s exactly why positive emotions don’t last that long.

What do all the negative (negative) emotions do?

They signal that some of our needs are not satisfied. So that we can assess the degree of failure in achieving the goal.

And without this, how would we understand that we are “going in the wrong direction”? Well, think for yourself!

Negative emotions warn: behavior is unsuccessful! And they redirect the body to search for NEW WAYS to well-being.

Among other things (and representatives of all psychological schools agree on this), negative emotions contribute to personal growth.

How does a person differ from an animal here? Attention!

Unlike an animal, a person can himself CAUSE and HOLD his negative (negative) emotions! It would seem - why does he need this masochism?!

And this is done for maintaining intentions which cannot be satisfied right now - so that a person does not forget that he once wanted something...

It is negative emotions that support the existence of such things as CREATIVE ACTIVITY and SPIRITUAL GROWTH.

Once on the way home, Odysseus and his team of sailors landed on the island of lotus eaters - eaters of the magic lotus...

Some sailors ate this lotus and immediately... forgot who they were and where they were going. This was the Isle of the Blessed. Odysseus looked at their smiling faces and, in horror, ordered his entire crew to flee the island. Having acquired Eternal Happiness, the sailors from Odysseus's ship paid expensive price- they have ceased to be individuals, people!

Ten Basic Emotions

Surprise is the only neutral emotion. (Considered the mother of all emotions and all civilization. She “awakens” the sleeping (and therefore dead) mind. Surprise is the mother of Philosophy, the ancients said).

Positive emotions

  1. Joy.
  2. Interest.

Negative emotions

  1. Sadness.
  2. Anger.
  3. Disgust.
  4. Contempt.
  5. Fear.
  6. Shame.
  7. Guilt.

Do you want to get to know each of these fury sisters better? Do you want to know what positive role they play in our lives? Do you want to stop being afraid and ashamed of them?

Do you want to respect yourself in any condition? Learn to look condescendingly at others and forgive them for their behavior?

Then read a detailed analysis of all negative emotions in the following material - in the Continuation and Ending.

Elena Nazarenko

​​​​​​​ Positive emotions are a concept with a very unsettled meaning. Generally, "positive emotions" means the same thing as "positive emotions", but there are some differences between these concepts.

Perhaps, by “positive” emotions, feelings and states, it makes sense to understand everything that has a pleasant emotional background and is experienced as this or that pleasure.

Usually these are the emotions that a person experiences when achieving a goal, when he gets what he wanted.

But “positive” emotions, feelings and states are a little different. These are emotions, feelings and states that receive a positive assessment from the person himself and/or others.

As a rule, these are emotions born of a person’s positive attitude, coming from loving, cooperative and friendly people.

However, it is difficult to give a list of positive emotions. It may be daydreaming, etc., but these same emotions may sometimes not please others at all, and sometimes even cause protest in the person himself.

Attraction to your loved one and impatience of passion - these emotions and feelings are extremely positive when this is in the plans of both you and your loved one. If these feelings are inappropriate and have to be hidden, then such soul-tearing emotions and feelings can hardly be called positive.

Most positive emotions are quite the same as positive emotions, and “joy at meeting” is usually both a positive and a positive emotion. However, sometimes there is an obvious discrepancy between positive and positive emotions.

The pleasure of eating is a positive emotion, but the pleasure of eating can irritate someone who wants to lose weight, and a person may consider food pleasure to be a negative, harmful experience for themselves.

On the other hand, if dissatisfaction with oneself prompts a person to get off the couch and start doing something, he will evaluate the negative experience of “dissatisfaction with oneself” as a positive state for himself.

Positive emotions and creating an atmosphere of communication

When two people meet, one of them always turns out to be the one who creates one or another emotional atmosphere. Which one? Indifference, closedness, isolation? Dissatisfaction, indignation, irritation? It is probably better if you are the author of the emotional atmosphere, and you will be able to easily create a confident, positive attitude. But which one? And how to learn this? Cm.

It says: like attracts like. By thinking about debts and illnesses, you attract them into your life. When you experience positive emotions- even more positive things come to you. And this is true in all areas of human life.

If you constantly worry that you don't have money, you're afraid that you won't be able to pay off your debts, then you won't be able to achieve a state of abundance.

If you constantly expect that you can have a fight with someone close to you, this is most likely what will happen.

If you experience negative emotions, then you are in a state of stress, which means your health suffers inexorably.

What kind of happiness can we talk about if you are captive of negative emotions?!

Getting ready for the next lesson "Workshop of positive emotions" In the book “Ask and You shall Receive” by Jeri and Esther Hicks, I found an illustration of the “Emotional Scale”.

Your thoughts create feelings, feelings create vibrations, vibrations bring thoughts into reality. If your thoughts are negative, they will cause negative emotions and negative energy, which leads to stress and illness. Positive thoughts will create positive energy and lead to health, harmony and abundance.

Positive emotions lead you in an upward spiral. Negative emotions trigger the process of falling down. Using this scale you can easily understand where you are at different points in your life, and in which direction you are moving - towards health and success, or towards stress and problems.

Positive emotions

Main types of positive emotions:

  • Flow, inspiration, creativity, open thinking, initiative
  • Humor, enthusiasm, surprise
  • Gratitude, respect, recognition of others
  • Love, friendship, awareness of a higher purpose
  • Forgiveness, understanding, compassion
  • Joy, fun, enjoying the moment
  • Generosity, service, kindness

What to do to increase positive vibrations and rise up the spiral?

Positive emotions help you relax, be in a state of harmony, find creative solutions and easily achieve your goals.

Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct connection between thoughts and body that leads to long-term health. IN last years a branch of science has been developed - PsychoNeuroImmunology, which studies how thinking affects the health and condition of the body. Scientists have confirmed that emotions “turn on” various diseases and lead to dysfunction of the body’s organs.

Exercises and practices that lead to relaxation and harmonization of brain activity, such as meditation, visualization, positive thinking, Emotional Release Technique, lead to a change in the charge of emotions from negative to positive, and act on the human immune system.

How to get positive emotions

This is one of the simplest but incredibly effective methods that works quickly and quietly, with results that exceed expectations.

The effectiveness of Emotional Release Technique makes it one of the fastest growing methods of self-control and personal growth. It is no coincidence that most Teachers from the film The Secret love this technique and use it regularly to manage emotions, achieve goals, achieve a state of harmony, and improve health. Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Louise Hay - they all speak very highly of meridional tapping.

By doing daily meridian tapping exercises that will help you maintain POSITIVE EMOTIONS, you will be able to constantly be in a state of harmony, a feeling of joy and happiness. You will be in the Flow, which means health and well-being will become your true friends.

Having mastered the Emotional Release Technique, I fell in love with it at first sight! After that, I read dozens of books, watched hundreds of hours of videos, finished best courses from leading practitioners, took part in Pamela Bruner’s training in the USA. Now the process of acquiring new knowledge has been enriched by my own experience. After all, more than 200 people have already been trained in my “Forward to the Dream” and “Laser Marketing” programs.

Each of my programs is unique! In addition to the fact that I use my rich life experience and knowledge, only in Katerina Kalchenko’s author’s program you can become so deeply and fully familiar with the Technique of Emotional Liberation. And I am proud to say that I am the First Russian-speaking expert on achieving success with the Emotional Release Technique.

In April 2013, at the request of graduates, I opened

- a community of people who want to continue to maintain their thoughts and emotions in a state of positivity, moving in an upward spiral. After all, it is much easier and more fun to do this in the company of like-minded people.

A month has passed and the results are impressive for all participants! Now they can control their happiness with their fingertips!

If you want to learn how to manage your emotions and move upward, to happiness and joy, then in our « » You are always welcome!
You can join from the beginning of each month.

Tags: Meditation exercises and techniques, Emotion management, Psychotechniques and exercises

Hello dear reader. In order to show the relevance of our conversation today, I want you to stop reading the article for a few moments and answer the question: “What emotions are you currently experiencing?”
Have you thought about it? Did you answer?

Now let's see what problems often arise when answering this question.

  • Many people answer this question in the following way: “Yes, I don’t feel any particular emotions right now, everything is fine.” Does this mean that there really are no emotions? Or does it just mean that the person is poorly aware of his emotional condition? The fact is that a person always experiences emotions, every moment of his life. Sometimes they reach high intensity, and sometimes their intensity is low. Many people pay attention only to strong emotional experiences, and do not attach any importance to low-intensity emotions and even do not notice them at all. However, if emotions are not very strong, this does not mean that they are absent.
  • Another possible answer to the question posed is: “Somehow I feel unpleasant. I feel uncomfortable." We see that the person is aware that there are unpleasant emotions inside, but he cannot name which ones. Maybe it's irritation, or maybe disappointment or guilt, or maybe something else.
  • Often our question is answered like this: “I feel like it’s time for me to get up from the computer and get to work” or “I feel like this article could be useful to me.” Many people confuse their emotions with thoughts and desire to do something. Trying to describe their emotional state, they describe everything except emotions.

Meditation exercise for understanding emotions

When working with clients, I often use a meditation exercise to help them better understand their own emotions. It is so effective that I decided to make an audio recording so that anyone could use this technique. The mechanism of action of the exercise is based on the connection between emotions and bodily reactions. Any, even the most insignificant, emotion is reflected in the body (read more about this). By learning to listen to your own bodily reactions, you can become more familiar with your emotions.

You can do the exercise right now. Here's the entry:

After you have learned what emotions are and easily learned to describe your internal state You may be interested in exploring yourself more deeply. For example, you may want to figure out what positive meaning emotions can carry that, at first glance, are absolutely meaningless and even harmful. Read about this in the next