Mozart's birthplace. The house where Mozart was born

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a prominent representative of the Vienna Classical School. He masterfully mastered various musical forms of his time, had a unique ear and a rare talent as an improviser. In a word, genius. And there are usually a lot of rumors and speculations surrounding the life and death of a genius. The composer passed away at the age of thirty-five. His early death became the subject of controversy and formed the basis of stories literary works. How did Mozart die? What caused his sudden death? And where is Mozart buried?

The composer, whose biography has been of interest to researchers around the world for more than two centuries, died in 1791. It is customary to begin biographies of outstanding people at birth. But Mozart's biography is so extensive that any of the periods is worthy of close attention. This article will focus, first of all, on how Mozart died. There is a lot of speculation. But according to the official version, the cause of death was a long illness. But before we begin to describe last days Mozart, his biography should be briefly outlined.


Where was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born? The city of the great musician’s childhood and youth is Salzburg. Amadeus's father was a violinist. Leopold Mozart dedicated his life to children. He did everything to ensure that his daughter and son received what they deserved. musical education. It's musical. Unique abilities with early years showed both Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose biography is presented in our article, and his older sister Nannerl.

Leopold began teaching his daughter to play the harpsichord quite early. Wolfgang was very young at that time. But he followed his sister's lessons and repeated certain passages from musical works. Then Leopold decided that his son should definitely become a composer. Wolfgang, like his Nannerl, began performing very early. The audience was fascinated by the performance of the child prodigies.

Youth and the beginning of creativity

Since 1781, the hero of this article lived in Vienna. Haydn is a classic. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, along with these great musicians, created works that will never be forgotten. He managed to achieve such heights not only thanks to his innate talent, but also to perseverance and hard work.

How old was Mozart when he died? The composer was only thirty-five. And ten years before his death he settled in Vienna. In this short period of time, Wolfgang has transformed from a little-known musician into

The house belonged to the Webers, whose family had three unmarried daughters. One of them - future wife Wolfgang, Constance. In the same year, when he first crossed the threshold of the Weber house, he began to create the opera “The Abduction from the Seraglio.” The work was approved by the Viennese public, but Mozart's name still had no weight in musical circles.


Soon Mozart married Constance Weber. After the wedding, his relationship with his father went wrong. Mozart Sr. was hostile towards his daughter-in-law until his last days. The peak of Wolfgang's fame was in the mid-eighties. A few years before his death, he begins to receive huge fees. The Mozarts move into a luxurious apartment, hire servants and buy a piano for crazy money at that time. The musician strikes up a friendship with Haydn, to whom he once even gives a collection of his works.

In February 1785, the public was presented with a piano concerto in D minor. “Why did the great Mozart die in poverty?” - sometimes you can hear such a question. What is the basis for the opinion about the financial troubles of the pianist and composer? After all, in the mid-eighties, Mozart was at the peak of his fame. He was one of the wealthiest musicians in Vienna in 1787. Four years before his death, he sent his son to a very expensive and prestigious educational institution. And in the same year, the great pianist joined the Masonic lodge. But in last years the composer was somewhat shaken. However, it was still far from poverty.

Financial difficulties

In 1789, Wolfgang's wife fell ill. He was forced to send her to a medical resort, which shook him financial situation. A few months later, Constance began to recover. By that time, The Marriage of Figaro had already achieved considerable success. Mozart began writing works for the theater. He had written operas before. But his early works were not successful.

The last year of Mozart's life became very fruitful. He wrote a symphony in G minor and received the position of conductor. And finally, I started working on Requiem. It was ordered by a stranger who wanted to honor his wife.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose biography is surprisingly eventful, despite his early death, wrote countless works. He had many students, and during his lifetime he received good royalties from the publication of his works. Shortly before his death, he began to create his last work, “Requiem.” The work captured him so much that he stopped accepting students. In addition, his health suddenly began to deteriorate every day.

How Mozart died was told years later by relatives who witnessed the death of the great composer. Among them was the son of a musician. According to the memoirs of relatives, Mozart suddenly became so ill that he had to call a doctor. And not just any, but the best in Vienna. Indeed, the healer helped the musician. However, the improvement did not last long. Soon Mozart fell ill completely.

Acute millet fever

According to the memoirs of Sophie Weber, the musician’s sister-in-law, after his condition worsened, his relatives decided to call another doctor. The cause of Mozart's death is controversial because his symptoms were so unusual that they did not allow doctors to reach a consensus on the diagnosis.

In recent weeks, the composer's hearing has become more acute. He suffered unbearable pain, even from touching his body to his clothes. Mozart grew weaker every day. And, in addition, his condition worsened due to imperfect medical methods. The patient was regularly bled: this therapeutic technique was considered universal in those days. The cause of Mozart's death might have been established if he had lived in the 21st century. In the eighteenth century, treatment methods were, to put it mildly, ineffective. The death certificate of the genius stated: acute millet fever.

A good part of the Viennese population suffered from this disease at that time. The doctors did not know how to treat him. Therefore, one of the doctors, having visited the dying man, concluded: he could no longer be saved.

General weakness of the body

The life and work of Mozart is the subject of many books, feature films and documentaries. His rare gift was discovered at an early age. But in addition to his unique abilities, Mozart, contrary to popular belief, had extraordinary hard work. Much has been said today about how Mozart died. There is a version that the great musician was poisoned by the envious Salieri. But the composer's contemporaries thought differently.

After Mozart's death, some doctors claimed that he died from a serious infectious disease. His body was unable to fight as a result of general weakness. And Mozart was physically weakened due to many years of work without break or rest.

Over the years, it has become increasingly difficult for researchers to diagnose a musician. There are many contradictions in the records of Sophie Weber and other relatives. It was these circumstances that gave rise to a lot of versions about the death of Amadeus Mozart. Let's look at each of them.


The version that Mozart died at the hands of an envious person is the most common. And it was precisely this that formed the basis of Pushkin’s tragedy. According to this version, Mozart's life and work were surrounded by idleness. Nature allegedly endowed the musician with such talent that no effort was required. Mozart managed everything playfully and easily. And Salieri, on the contrary, with all his efforts was not able to achieve even a pathetic fraction of what Mozart could do.

Pushkin's work is based on fiction. But many readers today do not distinguish the author’s fantasies from confirmed facts. Pushkin's characters argue that genius and evil are incompatible concepts. In the work of the Russian writer, Salieri stirs poison for Mozart because he does not agree with him. He believes that he is sacrificing an idle but gifted composer to art.

The opinion that Salieri is a murderer is considered to be one of the versions also because at the beginning of the nineteenth century his confession was found in one of the church archives, in which he confessed and repented of his crime. There are no confirmed facts that this document actually existed. However, even today, many admirers of Mozart’s work are confident that the genius became a victim of the envy of a “colleague”.


There is another version of poisoning. Her adherents believe that Mozart was sent to the next world by his wife. And one of the musician’s students helped her with this. If you believe the rumors, the passionate romance between Constance and Züssmayr was accompanied by a showdown and extremely emotional reconciliations. The beloved of Mozart's wife was a very ambitious man, if not a careerist. And he could well have entered into a love affair with Constance solely in order to harass his great teacher. But why did Süssmayr need to get rid of Mozart? What would his death give him?

In addition, this version is less plausible due to the fact that after the musician’s death his diary was preserved. And it is evidence of the deepest devotion and love that reigned in the Mozart family.

Ritual murder

And finally latest version. If we take into account only those that talk about violent death, then this one is perhaps the most plausible. As already mentioned, the great musician was a member of the Masonic lodge. Masons, as a rule, help their “brothers”. But they did not help Mozart when he was experiencing severe financial difficulties. They even ignored the death of the composer, without canceling the next meeting as a sign of mourning.

Some researchers believe that the reason for the murder was Mozart's intention to create his own lodge. One of the latest works, “The Magic Flute,” uses Masonic symbolism. It was not customary to demonstrate something like this to the uninitiated. Perhaps Mozart was killed by his Masonic brothers.


It is known where Mozart is buried. At St. Mark's Cemetery. The date of burial remains controversial. According to the official version - December 6. It is widely believed that Mozart was buried in a mass grave intended for the poor. But, according to historians, the burial took place according to the third category. It was not a beggar’s funeral, but it was not a magnificent farewell ceremony for a great composer, pianist, and teacher. As often happens, true fame for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart came after his death.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the masters of classical music. He was born more than 260 years ago - January 27, 1756. His parents were Austrians Leopold and Anna-Maria. His father served as a violinist and composer in the court chapel, and his mother was the daughter of a commissioner-trustee of an almshouse. Their family was large, because seven children were born in it. However, many babies left the world at a very early age. Only Wolfgang and his sister survived.

The childhood of the famous composer was a series of bright and exciting events. This is a story full of music. Already at the age of three, the young prodigy was playing simple melodies on a tiny violin. At the age of four, he tried to compose works himself. At the age of six, the little musician masterfully performed the most complex compositions.

The most important thing in the history of music was that at the age of seven he could name the tones and chords taken on different musical instruments. Little Amadeus also became famous for his improvisation on the organ and harpsichord.

The young musician caused a storm of delight wherever he appeared. His concerts with his sister Maria Anna enjoyed particular success with an appreciative audience.

Life and work of Mozart

The creator of great classical works lived a very short, but very eventful life: only 35 years (the years of Mozart’s life were 1756-1971). However, he was in a hurry to live and enjoy life. Therefore, in such a short time famous composer became an immortal legend.

At the age of fourteen he conquered Italy. In Bologna, Wolfgang Amadeus won a musical competition against experienced musicians who were old enough to be his fathers. The Boden Academy even accepted the young genius into its ranks.

After returning from Italy, young Amadeus plunged into writing. It is difficult to count how many interesting creations the prodigy wrote during this period. With him light hand Many sonatas, symphonies and quartets were born. His most popular works:

  • "Night Serenade";
  • "Rondo in Turkish style";
  • "Don Juan's Aria";
  • Overture to the Opera “The Marriage of Figaro”;
  • both symphonies in G minor No. 25 and No. 40 and others.

Personal life of the composer

Music and women made up everything adult life composer. Beautiful ladies always accompanied Amadeus. First there was Mozart's first love - famous singer Eloise Weber. She skillfully played on feelings young man. But in the end she simply refused his company.

The disappointed composer immediately noticed her sister. The calm and balanced Constance Weber is not a replacement for the hot-tempered and flighty person Eloise? This lovely young lady eventually captured the heart of Amadeus. And a little later - with his wallet. She became Mozart's only wife. Constance idolized her husband. That’s why she turned a blind eye to all the adventures of the ambitious man.

During his lifetime, Amadeus was not famous, although he enjoyed success with the wealthy public. Therefore, his family lived on the verge of poverty. They barely had enough money to keep from starving. Moreover, in 1790, leaving his wife at home, the composer went on a trip.

Mannheim, Munich and Frankfurt became his places of pilgrimage. Here the musician plunged into an extravaganza of sensual pleasures. On for a long time forgot about his wife and children. At some point he felt ashamed. He wrote his beloved Constance a sensual letter of apology. He promised to return to his native nest.

However, typhus became an obstacle to fulfilling promises. He brought down the composer forever in one moment. The death of her beloved was a real blow for Mrs. Mozart. She wanted to leave after him. However, this was not destined to come true. The quiet woman spent her last years with another man. She married successfully and outlived Amadeus by half a century.

From many chronological tables Mozart’s life, compiled by historians, we have selected a list of the most significant dates in the composer’s life:

  • 1769-1771 years - voyage around Italy;
  • 1782 - marriage to Constance Weber;
  • 1786 - presentation of the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”;
  • 1787 - Mozart's appointment as chamber musician and composer under Joseph II;
  • 1791 - writing of the opera "The Magic Flute".

5 interesting facts about Mozart's life that you didn't know about

Interesting events from the life of a musician and composer can be listed for a very long time. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on the most interesting of them.

Wolfgang Amadeus toured with his father from early childhood. The miracle baby entertained the audience in this way: the young composer was blindfolded and began to play the harpsichord. The keyboard was also covered with cloth. However, these tricks did not prevent the virtuoso from extracting a pleasant clear sound from the musical instrument.

The list of 5 facts also includes an unusual case with a cat. At one of the performances, a cat ran out onto the stage towards the little musician. The kid liked the animal so much that he immediately forgot about the audience. Amadeus ran off the stage after the ill-fated cat, and as a result received a scolding from his father. To which he replied that the cat could run away, but the harpsichord would not go anywhere.

Even the church considered Amadeus a child prodigy. Although at that time in Holland music was experiencing persecution. The clergy saw God’s finger in the child’s talent.

Mozart received the Order of the Knight of the Golden Spur from the Pope himself. This award was given to the musician for the flawless rewriting of a complex piece of music. The servant of God was incredibly surprised by the perfection of the musical notation.

Few people know that the son of the great composer lived for about 30 years in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. Here he taught children to play the piano. Franz Xaver Mozart also gave concerts and conducted orchestras in the city. The son of the great composer even wrote several plays based on Ukrainian motifs.

Main photo:

Name: Wolfgang Mozart

Age: 35 years

Place of Birth: Salzburg, Austria

A place of death: Vienna, Austria

Activity: composer, organist, pianist

Family status: was married

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - biography

Mozart experienced success and fame early on and composed more than six hundred brilliant works. Concerts, operas, symphonies and sonatas are performed by orchestras in many countries and are studied in all music schools peace. A great virtuoso who mastered several instruments capable of producing musical sounds. The composer had perfect pitch and an amazing memory.

Childhood, Mozart's family

Wolfgang was born into the family of a violinist who served Count Strattenbach in his chapel at court. Not all of the numerous children born to the Mozart couple were able to survive. The future composer was born an extremely weak baby; his left ear was defective at birth. But all this did not prevent the boy from surviving and glorifying the family and surname of his father. Maria Anna and Wolfgang were born four years apart in age. Children already learned the basics of music at the very beginning of their biography.

The father taught his daughter to play the harpsichord, and the three-year-old child was already listening to the enchanting sounds, approaching the instrument, gradually trying to play some of the melodies he had heard. Seeing how his son was drawn to music, Leopold Mozart began teaching the boy to play the instrument at the age of four. Within a year, the child himself was composing small plays. From the age of six he independently mastered playing the violin. The young musician, like his sister, received an excellent education at home. Wolfgang was a very capable boy who studied any subject with passion.

Mozart's talent

From the age of six, the son delighted the musician’s father with his abilities: Nannerl (that was the name of the girl in the family) sang, and Wolfgang Amadeus inspiredly played his own and other people’s plays. The head of the family decides to go on tour with the children around Europe. Blind concerts attracted the most spectators. Mozart Sr. blindfolded the child, and placed a handkerchief on the harpsichord. The boy did not need to see, he felt the music, he predicted every sound, knew the location of every key on the instrument.

At such performances, the child never made a mistake or was out of tune. This greatly surprised and delighted the audience. Success and material well-being came to the Mozart family, but the trip to the cities dragged on for years. Along the way, in France, four sonatas of the young composer were published in printed form, in England, the youngest son of the great composer Bach gave several lessons to a boy and predicted a great future. All family members were tired of the busy concert schedule and returned to their hometown.

Growing up as a young composer

When young Mozart was 14 years old, his father sent him to Italy. At that time, in one of the cities of Italy, a competition of musicians was held, most of whom were the same age as the father of the teenage virtuoso. At the Academy, Wolfgang was recognized as a genius and elected the youngest academician. All other successful composers began their biography with the title of academician only at the age of twenty.

When Mozart returned to his Salzburg, he completely immersed himself in writing. But no matter how bold his works became year after year, the young composer needed a teacher. This was Joseph Haydn for the musician. Wolfgang easily made friends, since even as an adult he was cheerful and childishly naive. Many have noted that Mozart could funny joke keep the conversation going.

First difficulties

Young Mozart began working as the archbishop of the court and sometimes visited Paris and Germany. Financial difficulties did not allow the whole family to travel. Now the concerts did not seem brilliant to the public, and the composer’s mother, who alone volunteered to accompany her son, died in the capital of France. Wolfgang was tired of being a servant at court, and he moved to the capital of Austria, Vienna. There he created the famous operas about Figaro, the Magic Flute and Don Giovanni.

The fees went up, I came incredible success and the demand for the composer’s music. But soon Mozart’s father died, his wife fell ill, and huge amounts of money were needed for her treatment. There was a change of power in royal family, and the new king did not favor the musician.

Wolfgang Mozart - biography of personal life

In Vienna, Wolfgang met his only wife, Constance Weber, for the first time and for the rest of his life. He lived with her parents in an apartment upon his arrival in the capital of Austria. Against the will of the composer's father, the wedding of the young people took place. Of Mozart's children, only Karl and Franz survived.

The biography of the famous musician ended suddenly. The difficult financial situation and a creeping illness in the form of a fever had a negative effect on the composer’s health.

Death of Mozart

The cause of death, which A.S. Pushkin spoke about in his work, has not been officially confirmed. Composer Antonio Salieri, in fact, was not as gifted as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But the almost miserable existence of the great genius in the last years of his life poisoned his condition more than the poison from the hands of Salieri.

The composer's funeral was not magnificent; he was buried in a common grave. His remains were never found. Mozart's sick wife, who suddenly became a widow, did not say goodbye to her husband. A large procession did not follow the musician’s coffin. The genius of music lived brightly and quickly faded away; he was only thirty-five years old.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg on January 27, 1756. His father was the composer and violinist Leopold Mozart, who worked in the court chapel of Count Sigismund von Strattenbach (Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg). The mother of the famous musician was Anna Maria Mozart (nee Pertl), who came from the family of a commissioner-trustee of an almshouse in the small commune of St. Gilgen.

A total of seven children were born into the Mozart family, but most of them, unfortunately, died at a young age. The first child of Leopold and Anna, who managed to survive, was the elder sister of the future musician, Maria Anna (from childhood, her family and friends called the girl Nannerl). About four years later, Wolfgang was born. The birth was extremely difficult, and doctors for a long time feared that it would be fatal for the boy’s mother. But after some time, Anna began to recover.

Family of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Both Mozart children demonstrated a love of music and excellent ability for it from an early age. When Nannerl's father began teaching her to play the harpsichord, her little brother was only about three years old. However, the sounds heard during lessons excited the little boy so much that from then on he often approached the instrument, pressed the keys and selected pleasant-sounding harmonies. Moreover, he could even play fragments of musical works that he had heard before.

Therefore, already at the age of four, Wolfgang began to receive his own harpsichord lessons from his father. However, the child soon became bored with learning minuets and pieces written by other composers, and at the age of five, young Mozart added to this type of activity the composing of his own short plays. And at the age of six, Wolfgang mastered the violin, and practically without outside help.

Nannerl and Wolfgang never went to school: Leopold gave them an excellent education at home. At the same time, young Mozart always immersed himself in the study of any subject with great zeal. For example, if we were talking about mathematics, then after several diligent studies of the boy, literally every surface in the room: from the walls and floor to the floors and chairs - was quickly covered with chalk inscriptions with numbers, problems and equations.


Already at the age of six, the “miracle child” played so well that he could give concerts. Nannerl’s voice was a wonderful addition to his inspired performance: the girl sang simply beautifully. Leopold Mozart was so impressed by the musical abilities of his children that he decided to go on long tours with them to various European cities and countries. He hoped that this journey would bring them great success and considerable profit.

The family visited Munich, Brussels, Cologne, Mannheim, Paris, London, The Hague, and several cities in Switzerland. The trip dragged on for many months, and after a short return to Salzburg - for years. During this time, Wolfgang and Nunnell gave concerts to stunned audiences, and also attended opera houses and performances of famous musicians with their parents.

Young Wolfgang Mozart at his instrument

In 1764, the first four sonatas of young Wolfgang, intended for violin and clavier, were published in Paris. In London, the boy was lucky to study for some time with Johann Christian Bach (the youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach), who immediately noted the child’s genius and, being a virtuoso musician, gave Wolfgang many useful lessons.

Over the years of wandering, the “miracle children,” who already naturally had far from the best health, became quite tired. Their parents were also tired: for example, during the Mozart family’s stay in London, Leopold became seriously ill. Therefore, in 1766, the child prodigies returned to their hometown with their parents.

Creative development

At the age of fourteen, Wolfgang Mozart, through the efforts of his father, went to Italy, which was amazed by the talent of the young virtuoso. Arriving in Bologna, he successfully took part in the unique musical competitions of the Philharmonic Academy along with musicians, many of whom were old enough to be his fathers.

The skill of the young genius so impressed the Academy of Boden that he was elected academician, although this honorary status was usually awarded only to the most successful composers, who were at least 20 years old.

After returning to Salzburg, the composer plunged headlong into composing diverse sonatas, operas, quartets, and symphonies. The older he got, the more daring and original his works were, they became less and less like the creations of the musicians whom Wolfgang admired as a child. In 1772, fate brought Mozart together with Joseph Haydn, who became his main teacher and closest friend.

Wolfgang soon received a job at the archbishop's court, just like his father. He got a large number of orders, but after the death of the old bishop and the arrival of a new one, the situation at court became much less pleasant. A breath of fresh air for the young composer was a trip to Paris and major German cities in 1777, which Leopold Mozart begged from the archbishop for his gifted son.

At that time, the family faced quite severe financial difficulties, and therefore only the mother was able to go with Wolfgang. The grown-up composer gave concerts again, but his bold compositions were not like classical music those times, and the grown-up boy no longer aroused delight by his mere appearance. Therefore, this time the audience received the musician with much less cordiality. And in Paris, Mozart’s mother died, exhausted from a long and unsuccessful trip. The composer returned to Salzburg.

Career blossoming

Despite his money problems, Wolfgang Mozart had long been dissatisfied with the way the archbishop treated him. Without doubting your musical geniuses, the composer was indignant that his employer regarded him as a servant. Therefore, in 1781, he, disregarding all the laws of decency and the persuasion of his relatives, decided to leave the service of the archbishop and move to Vienna.

There the composer met Baron Gottfried van Steven, who at that time was the patron of musicians and had a large collection of works by Handel and Bach. On his advice, Mozart tried to create music in the Baroque style in order to enrich his creativity. At the same time, Mozart tried to get a position as a music teacher for Princess Elisabeth of Württemberg, but the emperor preferred the singing teacher Antonio Salieri to him.

Peak creative career Wolfgang Mozart's birth occurred in the 1780s. It was then that she wrote her most famous operas: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “The Magic Flute”, “Don Giovanni”. At the same time, the popular “Little Night Serenade” was written in four parts. At that time, the composer's music was in great demand, and he received the largest fees in his life for his work.

Unfortunately, the period of unprecedented creative growth and recognition for Mozart did not last too long. In 1787, his beloved father died, and soon his wife Constance Weber fell ill with a leg ulcer, and a lot of money was needed for the treatment of her wife.

The situation was worsened by the death of Emperor Joseph II, after which Emperor Leopold II ascended the throne. He, unlike his brother, was not a fan of music, so composers of that time did not have to count on the favor of the new monarch.

Personal life

Mozart's only wife was Constance Weber, whom he met in Vienna (at first, after moving to the city, Wolfgang rented housing from the Weber family).

Wolfgang Mozart and his wife

Leopold Mozart was against his son’s marriage to a girl, as he saw in this the desire of her family to find a “profitable match” for Constance. However, the wedding took place in 1782.

The composer's wife was pregnant six times, but few of the couple's children survived infancy: only Karl Thomas and Franz Xaver Wolfgang survived.


In 1790, when Constance again went for treatment, and Wolfgang Mozart's financial condition became even more unbearable, the composer decided to give several concerts in Frankfurt. The famous musician, whose portrait at that time became the personification of progressive and immensely beautiful music, was greeted with a bang, but the proceeds from the concerts turned out to be too small and did not live up to Wolfgang’s hopes.

In 1791, the composer experienced an unprecedented creative upsurge. At this time, “Symphony 40” came out from his pen, and shortly before his death, the unfinished “Requiem”.

That same year, Mozart became very ill: he was tormented by weakness, the composer’s legs and arms became swollen, and soon he began to suffer from sudden bouts of vomiting. Wolfgang's death occurred on December 5, 1791, its official cause being rheumatic inflammatory fever.

However, to this day, some believe that the cause of Mozart’s death was poisoning by the then famous composer Antonio Salieri, who, alas, was not at all as brilliant as Wolfgang. Part of the popularity of this version is dictated by the corresponding “little tragedy” written by. However, no confirmation of this version has been found to date.

  • The composer's real name is Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart, but he himself always demanded to be called Wolfgang.

Wolfgang Mozart. Last lifetime portrait
  • During the big tour of the young Mozarts across Europe, the family ended up in Holland. At that time there was a fast in the country, and music was prohibited. An exception was made only for Wolfgang, considering his talent to be a gift from God.
  • Mozart was buried in a common grave, where there were several other coffins: the financial situation of the family at that time was so difficult. Therefore, the exact burial place of the great composer is still unknown.

Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg into a musical family.

In Mozart's biography, musical talent was discovered back in early childhood. His father taught him to play the organ, violin, and harpsichord. In 1762, the family travels to Vienna and Munich. Concerts by Mozart and his sister Maria Anna are given there. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, and Holland, Mozart’s music amazes listeners with its amazing beauty. For the first time, the composer's works are published in Paris.

For the next few years (1770-1774), Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. His operas (“Mithridates – King of Pontus”, “Lucius Sulla”, “The Dream of Scipio”) were staged there for the first time, and received great public success.

Note that by the age of 17, the composer’s wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

Creativity flourishes

From 1775 to 1780, the seminal work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart added a number of outstanding compositions to his cohort of works. After taking up the post of court organist in 1779, Mozart's symphonies and operas contained more and more new techniques.

IN short biography Wolfgang Mozart is worth noting that his marriage to Constance Weber also affected his work. The opera “The Abduction from the Seraglio” is imbued with the romance of those times.

Some of Mozart's operas remained unfinished, since the difficult financial situation of the family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. Mozart's piano concerts were held in aristocratic circles; the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltzes to order, and teach.

Peak of Glory

Mozart's work in the following years amazes with its fruitfulness along with its skill. The famous operas “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni” (both operas written together with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) by composer Mozart are staged in several cities.

In 1789 he received a very profitable proposition head the court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further aggravated the material shortage.

For Mozart, the works of that time were extremely successful. “The Magic Flute”, “La Clemenza di Tito” - these operas were written quickly, but very high quality, expressively, with the most beautiful shades. The famous mass "Requiem" was never completed by Mozart. The work was completed by the composer's student, Süssmayer.


Since November 1791, Mozart was sick a lot and did not get out of bed at all. Died famous composer December 5, 1791 from acute fever. Mozart was buried in St. Mark's Cemetery in Vienna.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • Of the seven children in the Mozart family, only two survived: Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna.
  • The composer showed his talents in music when he was just a child. At the age of 4 he wrote a harpsichord concerto, at the age of 7 he wrote his first symphony, and at the age of 12 he wrote his first opera.
  • Mozart joined Freemasonry in 1784 and wrote music for their rituals. And later his father, Leopold, joined the same lodge.
  • On the advice of Mozart's friend, Baron van Swieten, the composer was not given an expensive funeral. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was buried according to the third category, as a poor man: his coffin was buried in a common grave.
  • Mozart created light, harmonious and beautiful works that have become classics for children and adults. It has been scientifically proven that his sonatas and concertos have a positive effect on a person’s mental activity, helping to become collected and think logically.
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