Moldavian wedding: how to do it correctly? Moldavian wedding - the process of celebration, rituals Traditions of a Moldavian wedding in English.

Have you had the opportunity to visit the extraordinary Moldova, get acquainted with all its traditions and mentality? An unforgettable journey, beautiful places, and vibrant locals await you. However, one problem that may arise while traveling is not knowing the language. To prevent this unpleasant factor from ruining your vacation, we provide you with a wonderful Russian-Moldovan phrasebook, which is freely available on our website. Everything here is thought out to the smallest detail. There is nothing superfluous in our phrasebook, so that you don’t flip through dozens of pages with unnecessary phrases. We have collected in this phrasebook only the most necessary and important sections with frequently used phrases, so that you can comfortably communicate in the Moldovan language without making much effort.

When traveling across the expanses of Moldova, you will undoubtedly want to visit famous places, go to a restaurant, rent a hotel room, but in order to do all this, you need to at least know the basic phrases of the Moldovan language that will help you with this. There are a lot of such phrases and words, so we have created compact sections that will include the basis of communication, thanks to which you can explain what you need without any difficulties, everything you need for this, just go to the appropriate section and select a phrase or word what needs to be said in a given situation. Below is a list of these sections.

Common expressions

Good evening!Bune seara!
Good morning!Bune diminea'tsa!
Good afternoonBune ziua!
Hello!Bune ziua, bune seara, minok!
I wish you good luck and happiness!Mink!
We greet you!Ve salutem!
Greetings!We salute!
Let me greet you on behalf of...Permi'tetsim se ve salut yn numele...
Welcome! (welcome!)Bine ats venit!
Welcome!Bukurosh de oa’special!
Glad (glad) to see you!Bine you (team) gesit!
What a pleasant meeting!Che plachere!
Long time no see!Well neam vezut de un kar de an!
Goodbye!La revedere!
All the best (all the best!)Kubinet!
Good night!Noa'pte bu'ne!
Till tomorrow!Pe myine!
Be healthy!Se fits senetos
Be healthy!Se fiy senetos!
I wish you good luck and happiness!Ve doresk sukche's, ferichire!
Happy Stay!Ramy'nets ku bine
See you soon!Pe chickens'nd
Hope to see you soon!First, we don’t lead yn chickens!
Please say hi to your friend.Transmi’tets, ve rog, saluter, priye’tenului
Goodbye! goodbye!Adi'yo!
Have a nice (bon) journey!Drum boon!
Young woman!Dudu'e/domnişoare!
Young man!Ti'nere!
Dear friends!Drudge Prietene!
Can I ask you…?Pot se ve rog...?
Can I ask you...?Pot se ve yntreb...?
Let me ask you...?Ym dats voe se ve intreb..?
Tell me please..Spunetsim, ve rog...
Be kind….Fitz amabil...
Allow me please...Permitetsim (datsim voe), ve rog...
do you know each other?Ve kuno’ashtets?
Do we know each other.Not kunoashtem.
Meet me!Fa'chet kunoshtintse!
What's your last name?Kare este numele dumnevoa’stre de familie?
What is your name?Kare este numele dumnevoaster?
What is your name?Kum ve numits?
My last name…Noumele meu de familie este...
Let me introduce you...Datsim voe se ve prezint…
My friendPe prietentul meu
My friendPe pritena mea
my wifePe soci'ya mea
My wifePe nevasta mea
My husbandPe sotsul meu
My husbandPe babatul meu
My sonPe fiul meu
my daughterPe fiika mea
My fatherPe tatel mea
My sisterPe sora mea
My brotherPe fratele meu


We arrived in Moldova..Am sucking yn Moldova...
With the delegationQu o delegation de spécialism
To the international conferenceLa o konferinze internationale
With a group of touristsKu un group de tourism
On vacation/holidaysEun konchediu / eun vakatse
Please tell me where...street, hotel, museum, park, theater, exhibition?Spunetsim, ve rog, unde este...strada, hotelul, muzeul, parkul, theaterul, exposition?
How far is it...bus stop, taxi rank, pharmacy, square?Este de parte... station de autobus, station de taximeter, pharmacy, piaca?
How to get to…?Kum se poate azhunje la...?
How does is called?Kum se numeshte achasta?
What is this?Why do you eat achasta?
Excuse me, what did you say?What's wrong, what's wrong?
What are we talking about?/What's the matter?Despres what is a vorba?
What's happened?Che sa intimplat?
Who you are?Chine sontets dumneavoastre?
Who is he/she/?Why do you eat dynsul/dynsa?
What do you want?What's wrong?
What is your/his/her last name?Kare este numele dumneavoastre/al dynsuluy/al dynsey
What is your name?Kare este prenumele dumneavoaster?
How is your health?Kum stats ku senetatea?
Where are we going tonight?Unde merjem diseare?
What time is it now?Whoa este chasul?
How are you?/How are you doing?Che mai fačets/godfather o ducets?
My sincere congratulations!Feliciter cordiale!
Happy New Year!La mult anh!
Happy Birthday!La mult anh!
Congratulations...on your arrival in our country/in our city!Ve felicit...ku okaziya sosiriy dumneavoastre yn tsara noastre/in orashul nostra!
I wish you happiness and health!Va doresque minor shi senetate!
Good morning!Se fie yntrun chas bun!
For your health!Eun senetatea dumneavoastre!
Cheers!Eun senetatacha ta!
For the health of everyone present!Eun senetatea tutulor chelor de face!
For our friendship!Pentru Prieteniya Noastre!
Thank youMultsumesk!
Thank you!Multsumesk!
Thank you/you!Ve / yts / multsumesk!
Thank you for attention!Multsumesk pentru atentsiye!
Thank you very much!Multsumesk frumos (ve foarte multsumesk)
Please! (response to gratitude)Ku plechere/ forever pentru che!
I agreeSynt de acord
With pleasure!Ku plachere!
I can'tWell sweat
I don't wantWell vreau
You are not right!Well, here you go!
Incredible!De nekrezut!
This is wrongWell, yes, kiar asha
Excuse me, please!Skuzats, ve rog!
What a pity!Che packat!
I am very sorryRegret foarte mult
Please accept my apologies!Ve rog se primit skuzele mele!

In public places

Bus repair stationReparations auto-moto/reparat,ii auto-moto
Veterinary pharmacyFarmacie veterinara`
Gas stationPeco
Ticket officeCasa de bilete
BistroBuffet express
Used book storeAnticariat
Tourist OfficeAgent,ie de turism
County Tourism OfficeOficiul judecean de tourism
Newspapers magazinesZiare, reviste
DeliShop alimentar
Grocery storeAlimentara
Grocery storeProduse alimentare
Women's hair salonCoafor
Child's worldLumea copiilor/lumea copiilor
Mirrors.glassOglinz.jamur/oglinzi. Geamuri
Pre-sale ticket officeAgent,ie de voiaj
Book ShopLibra`rie
Leather goodsMarochina`rie
Commission shopConsignat,ie
ConfectioneryCoffee shop/cofeta`rie
Canned foodCanned food
Sweets, confectioneryBomboane, dulciuri
Medicinal plantsPlante medicinale
First aid stationPunct sanitar
DairyProduse lactate/produse lactate(brinzeturi)
Currency exchangeSkimb de valuta`
Shoe workshopAtelier de inca`lt,a`minte
Vegetables. FruitsLegume. Fruit/legume. fruit
Optics. GlassesOptics. Okelar/ optica. Ochelari
Bus stopStatie de autobuz/ stat,ie de autobuz
Present. SouvenirsKadoor. Amintiri/cadouri. Amintiri
Semi-finished productsSemipreparate
Mail. Post officePost office Ofichiu poshtal/ pos,ta
Bee productsProduse apicole/ produse apicole
Shoe repairCizma`rie
Sporting goodsArticole sportive
Inquiry OfficeBirou de information/ birou de informat,ii
Tobacco. Tobacco productsTutun. Tutundzherie/tutun
PayphoneTelephone public
FabricsTextiles. Stophe/textile. Stofe
Department storeShop universal
Household goodsArticole de menaj
Art GalleryGaleriile de arte/ galeriile de arta
Artistic craft productsArtizanat
Flowers (flower shop)Flori(florarie)/ flori(flora`rie)
WatchChasur/ ceasuri
Jewelry repair shopDjuvaergerie

In transport

Walking around the cityPe jos prin oras,
Please tell me how to get to...?Spunetsim, ve rog, kum se azhunje la....?
In approximately how many minutes can you get to...?Eun kyte minute approximative, se poate azhunje pe zhos pyne la...?
What's the best way to go?Kum se azhunnje mai bine?
Take trolleybus No.... And go to....Luats sau troleybuzul numerul…. Shi merjem pyne la….
Go straight, back, left, rightMerdzhet drept ynainte, ynypoy, la stinga, la drepta
It is far from here? (no. It's not far)Este de parte de aich? (well. Well, este de parte)
I really want to get acquainted with such an interesting cityDoresque foarte mult se kunosk un oras de interesant
I wish you success!Ve doresk sucches!
Thank you, goodbye, all the bestVe multsumesk, la revedere, cu binet


Gogoshar (sweet pepper variety)Gogoshar/ gogos,ari
PeasMazere / maza're
CabbageVarze/ varza’
PotatoPotato/ cartofi
KohlrabiGulie, gulii/ gulie, gulii
LeekPraz/ praz
CarrotCarrot/ morcovi
cucumbersKastravet/ castravet,i
PepperArdey/ ardei
ParsleyPatrunjel / pa’trunjel
TomatoesRoshiy/ ros,ii
Green saladSalata’ verde
BeetSfekle / sfecla’
PumpkinDovleak/ dovleac
BeansUskate beans / fasoleuscata’
Green beansBeans verde


Common Expressions

Give me please…Datsim, ve rog... / dat, i-mi, va’ rog...
…2 kg of potatoesDoue kilogram de potato
...half a kilo of onionsAbout jumetat kilogram de chape
...a bunch of green onionsAbout legature de chape verde
... 3 kg applesTrey kilogram de mere
Please let me know...Kinteritsim, ve rog
...big watermelonUn pepene verde, mare
...this melonAcest pepene galben
...two lemonsDoue lamy
...a kilogram of pearsUn kilogram de pere
...three kilograms of plumsTrey kilogram de prune
How much should I pay for everything?Why do you need to pay the pentra?
What is the price?Kyt coste?
I like/dislike thisAchasta yum cry / num cry
Where is the cash desk?Unde este casa?
I would like to buyAsh vrea se kumper
Show me please...Aretatsim, ve rog...
Please show me...Fits Bune, Aretatsim


1 Un, unu / unu, un
2 Doi, doue / doi, doua`
3 Trey/ trei
4 Patru/ patru
5 Chinch/cinci
6 Shase/ s,ase
7 Shapt/ s,apte
8 Wholesale
9 Noua/ noua’
10 Zeche/ zece
11 Unsprezece/ unsprezece
12 Doisprezeche/ doisprezece
13 Treisprezece
14….19 Paisprezeche…….nouesprezeche/ paisprezece……. Noua'sprezece
20 Douezech / doua’zeci
21 Douezeci shi unu/ doua’zeci s,i unu
22 Douezechi shi doi/ doua’zeci s,i doi
30 treizeci
31 Treizeci s,i unu
40…..90 Patruzeci….. Nouezeci/patruzeci….noua’zeci
100,101, 200, 300….900 O sute, o sute unu, doue sute, trey sute…..noue sute / ….o suta’…..
1000, 1001, 2000, 5000, 10000 O mie, oh mie unu, doue mii, chinch mii, zeche mii/ ….. O mie……
100000 O sute de mii / o suta’ de mii
1000000 Un million


General expressions - this section will help you greet one of the local residents, say goodbye, call young man, woman or child if you need it.

Tourism is a very important section for tourists. Having opened and read it, you can find out the name of the person you need, ask how to get to the stop, ask about someone’s well-being, ask what time it is. You can also express your indignation or, conversely, admiration. In addition to the above, this section contains many more important and useful words and phrases that will help you find mutual language with the population.

Places – this section gives you the opportunity to quickly and easily navigate the area. You can find out where you are, how to get to the bus stop, hotel, and even to the women's hairdresser. This section has translations for almost any establishment you may need while traveling.

Transport – general phrases that will help you get on the appropriate tram, trolleybus or minibus. Also thanks to this section you will learn where to find a taxi or rent a car.

Vegetables – If you are a lover of tasty and healthy food, this section will come in handy for you. Here you will find a translation of any vegetable that can be purchased on the Moldovan market.

Fruits – a section that includes all kinds of fruits that are sold in supermarkets and markets in Moldova.

Everyday expressions are phrases that are most often used in shops and markets, which are also very important to know or have their translation at hand. Thanks to our phrasebook, you can find out the cost of certain products, ask how to get to the checkout, ask the seller to weigh the goods.

Numbers – A section that indicates the translation of numbers, starting from one and ending with a million. Translating numbers can be very useful when traveling.

Ordinal numbers – translation of ordinal numbers.

A short Russian-Moldavian phrasebook is an indispensable assistant for tourists, vacationers and travelers in Moldova.

The phrasebook lists not only elementary words and expressions (translated “yes”, “no”, “thank you”, “good afternoon” - with pronunciation in Moldavian), but also thematic vocabulary specially selected for tourists.

In particular, using the Russian-Moldavian phrasebook, you can briefly tell about yourself, clarify the location of the desired object in the city (station, museum, beach, store) and ask how to get there. The Moldovan phrasebook also includes numerals; everyday expressions for communication in shops and food markets; names of fruits, vegetables, local dishes.

All words and phrases are arranged into thematic and situational blocks to make the phrasebook easy to use.

Common expressions

Good evening! Bune seara!
Good morning! Bune diminea"tsa!
Good afternoon Bune ziua!
Hello! Bune ziua, bune seara, minok!
I wish you good luck and happiness! Mink!
Hello! Salut!
We greet you! Ve salutem!
Greetings! We salute!
Let me greet you on behalf of... Perm "tetsim se ve salut yn numele...
Welcome! (welcome!) Bine ats venit!
Welcome! Bukurosh de oa "special!
Glad (glad) to see you! Bine you (team) gesit!
What a pleasant meeting! Che plachere!
Long time no see! Well neam vezut de un kar de an!
Goodbye! La revedere!
All the best (all the best!) Kubinet!
Good night! Noah "pte bu"ne!
Till tomorrow! Pe myine!
Be healthy! Se fits senetos
Be healthy! Se fiy senetos!
I wish you good luck and happiness! Ve doresk sukche"s, ferichire!
Happy Stay! Rams "nets kubin"
See you soon! Pe chickens"nd
Hope to see you soon! First se we don’t lead yn chickens”nd!
Please say hi to your friend. Transmi"tets, ve rog, saluter, priye"tenului
Goodbye! goodbye! Adi"yo!
Have a nice (bon) journey! Drum boon!
Young woman! Dudu"e / domnisoare!
Girl! Feti"tso!
Boy! Beetsa"shule!
Young man! Ti'nere!
Dear friends! Drudge Prietene!
Can I ask you...? Pot se ve rog...?
Can I ask you...? Pot se ve intreb...?
Let me ask you...? Ym dats voe se ve intreb..?
Tell me please.. Spunetsim, ve rog...
Please... Fitz amabil...
Allow me please... Permitetsim (datsim voe), ve rog...
do you know each other? Ve kuno "ashtets?
Do we know each other. Not kunoashtem.
Meet me! Fa"chet kunoshtintse!
What's your last name? Kare este numele dumnevoa "stre de familie?
What is your name? Kare este numele dumnevoaster?
What is your name? Kum ve numits?
My last name... Noumele meu de familie naturale...
Let me introduce you... Datsim voe se ve prezint...
My friend Pe prietentul meu
My friend Pe pritena mea
my wife Pe soci "ya mea
My wife Pe nevasta mea
My husband Pe sotsul meu
My husband Pe babatul meu
My son Pe fiul meu
my daughter Pe fiika mea
My father Pe tatel mea
My sister Pe sora mea
My brother Pe fratele meu


We arrived in Moldova.. Am sucking yn Moldova...
With the delegation Qu o delegation de spécialism
To the international conference La o konferinze internationale
With a group of tourists Ku un group de tourism
On vacation/holidays Eun konchediu / eun vakatse
Please tell me where...street, hotel, museum, park, theater, exhibition? Spunetsim, ve rog, unde este...strada, hotelul, muzeul, parkul, theaterul, exposition?
Is it far...bus stop, taxi rank, pharmacy, square? Este de parte...station de autobus, station de taximeter, pharmacy, pyaca?
How to get to...? Kum se poate azhunje la...?
How does is called? Kum se numeshte achasta?
What is this? Why do you eat achasta?
Excuse me, what did you say? What's wrong, what's wrong?
What are we talking about?/What's the matter? Despres what is a vorba?
What's happened? Che sa intimplat?
Who you are? Chine sontets dumneavoastre?
Who is he/she/? Why do you eat dynsul/dynsa?
What do you want? What's wrong?
What is your/his/her last name? Kare este numele dumneavoastre/al dynsuluy/al dynsey
What is your name? Kare este prenumele dumneavoaster?
How is your health? Kum stats ku senetatea?
Where are we going tonight? Unde merjem diseare?
What time is it now? Whoa este chasul?
How are you?/How are you doing? Che mai fačets/godfather o ducets?
My sincere congratulations! Feliciter cordiale!
Happy New Year! La mult anh! or An nou felicit!
Happy Birthday! La mult anh!
Congratulations...on your arrival in our country/in our city! Ve felicit...ku okaziya sosiriy dumneavoastre yn tsara noastre/in orashul nostra!
I wish you happiness and health! Va doresque minor shi senetate!
Good morning! Se fie yntrun chas bun!
For your health! Eun senetatea dumneavoastre!
Cheers! Eun senetatacha ta!
For the health of everyone present! Eun senetatea tutulor chelor de face!
For our friendship! Pentru Prieteniya Noastre!
Thank you Multsumesk!
Thank you! Multsumesk!
Thank you/you! Ve / yts / multsumesk!
Thank you for attention! Multsumesk pentru atentsiye!
Thank you very much! Multsumesk frumos (ve foarte multsumesk)
Please! (response to gratitude) Ku plechere/ forever pentru che!
Yes Yes
Fine! Binet!
I agree Synt de acord
With pleasure! Ku plachere!
No Well
I can't Well sweat
I don't want Well vreau
Never! Nichodate!
You are not right! Well, here you go!
Incredible! De nekrezut!
This is wrong Well, yes, kiar asha
Excuse me, please! Skuzats, ve rog!
What a pity! Che packat!
I am very sorry Regret foarte mult
Please accept my apologies! Ve rog se primit skuzele mele!


Bus repair station Reparations auto-moto/reparat,ii auto-moto
Pharmacy Farmacie
Veterinary pharmacy Farmacie veterinara`
Grocery Bakenie/ba`ca`nie
Bar Bar
Gas station Peco
Ticket office Casa de bilete
Bistro Buffet express
Hospital Spital
Used book store Anticariat
Bakery Franzeleriye/franzela`rie
Buffet Buffet
Tourist Office Agent,ie de turism
County Tourism Office Oficiul judecean de tourism
Guilt Vinuri
Exhibition Expozit,ie
Newspapers magazines Ziare, reviste
Haberdashery Haberdashery/galanterie(mercerie)
Deli Shop alimentar
Grocery store Alimentara
Grocery store Produse alimentare
Hats Pelary/pa`la`rii
Hotel Wanted/hotel
Women's hair salon Coafor
Delicacy Delicatese
Child's world Lumea copiilor/lumea copiilor Oglinz.jamur/oglinzi. Geamuri
Toys Zhukarii/juca`rii
Pre-sale ticket office Agent,ie de voiaj
Cafe-bar Cafe-bar
Book Shop Libra`rie
Carpets Covoare
Leather goods Marochina`rie
Sausages Mezeluri
Commission shop Consignat,ie
Confectionery Coffee shop/cofeta`rie
Canned food Canned food
Sweets, confectionery Bomboane, dulciuri
Coffee Cafea
Medicinal plants Plante medicinale
First aid station Punct sanitar
Milk lapte
Dairy Produse lactate/produse lactate(brinzeturi)
Meat Carne/carne
Currency exchange Skimb de valuta`
Shoe workshop Atelier de inca`lt,a`minte
Vegetables. Fruits Legume. Fruit/legume. fruit
Cloth Imbra`ca`minte
Optics. Glasses Optics. Okelar/ optica. Ochelari
Bus stop Statie de autobuz/ stat,ie de autobuz
Salon Freezerie
Beer Berariye/bera`rie
Present. Souvenirs Kadoor. Amintiri/cadouri. Amintiri
Semi-finished products Semipreparate
Mail. Post office Post office Ofichiu poshtal/ pos,ta
Bee products Produse apicole/ produse apicole
Bird Peser/pa`sa`ri
Shoe repair Cizma`rie
Repair.... Reparations/reparat,ii.....
Shirts Camesh/ca`ma`s,i
Stock Deposit
Sporting goods Articole sportive
Inquiry Office Birou de information/ birou de informat,ii
Bags Send/pos,ete
Tobacco. Tobacco products Tutun. Tutundzherie/tutun
Payphone Telephone public
Fabrics Textiles. Stophe/textile. Stofe
Knitwear Knitwear/tricotaje
Decorations Podoabe
Department store Shop universal
Fruits fruit
Bread Piine
Household goods Articole de menaj
Art Gallery Galeriile de arte/ galeriile de arta
Artistic craft products Artizanat
Flowers (flower shop) Flori(florarie)/ flori(flora`rie)
Watch Chasur/ ceasuri
Jewelry repair shop Djuvaergerie


Walking around the city Pe jos prin oras,
Please tell me how to get to....? Spunetsim, ve rog, kum se azhundzhe la....?
Approximately how many minutes does it take to get to...? Eun kyte minute approximative, se poate azhunje pe zhos pyne la...?
What's the best way to go? Kum se azhunnje mai bine?
Take trolleybus No.... And go to.... Luats sau troleybuzul numerul.... Shi merjem pyne la....
Go straight, back, left, right Merdzhet drept ynainte, ynypoy, la stinga, la drepta
It is far from here? (no. It's not far) Este de parte de aich? (well. Well, este de parte)
I really want to get acquainted with such an interesting city Doresque foarte mult se kunosk un oras de interesant
I wish you success! Ve doresk sucches!
Thank you, goodbye, all the best Ve multsumesk, la revedere, cu binet


Eggplant Vinete
Gogoshar (sweet pepper variety) Gogoshar/ gogos,ari
Peas Mazere/ maza"re
Zucchini Dovlecei
Cabbage Varze/ varza"
Potato Potato/ cartofi
Kohlrabi Gulie, gulii/ gulie, gulii
Onion Chape/ceapa"
Leek Praz/ praz
Carrot Carrot/ morcovi
cucumbers Kastravet/ castravet,i
Pepper Ardey/ ardei
Parsley Patrunjel / pa "trunjel
Tomatoes Roshiy/ ros,ii
Radish Ridichi-de-luna"
Green salad Salata verde
Beet Sfekle/ sfecla"
Pumpkin Dovleak/ dovleac
Dill Marar / ma "rar
Beans Uscate beans/fasoleuscata"
Green beans Beans verde
Horseradish Hrean/hrean
Garlic Usturoi


Apricots Caise/caise
Quince Gutui/ gutui
Oranges Portocale
Watermelons Pepeni verzi
Bananas Banana
Grape Poame
Cherry Vishine/ vis,ine
Pears Pere
Melons Pepeni dalbeni
Strawberries Fragi
Raisin Stafide / stafide
Strawberry Kepshun/ ca"ps,uni
Lemon Lamy / la "mii
Raspberries Zmeure/zmeura"
Nuts Nouch / nuci
Peaches Piersich/ piersici
Plums Prune
Currant Koakeze / coaca "ze
Dates Kurmale/ curmale
Apples Mere/mere

Everyday expressions

Give me please... Datsim, ve rog.../ dat, i-mi, va" rog...
...2 kg of potatoes Doue kilogram de potato
...half a kilo of onions About jumetat kilogram de chape
...a bunch of green onions About legature de chape verde
... 3 kg apples Trey kilogram de mere
Please let me know... Kinteritsim, ve rog
...big watermelon Un pepene verde, mare
...this melon Acest pepene galben
...two lemons Doue lamy
...a kilogram of pears Un kilogram de pere
...three kilograms of plums Trey kilogram de prune
How much should I pay for everything? Why do you need to pay the pentra?
What is the price? Kyt coste?
I like/dislike this Achasta yum cry / num cry
Where is the cash desk? Unde este casa?
I would like to buy Ash vrea se kumper
Show me please... Aretatsim, ve rog...
Please show me... Fits Bune, Aretatsim


1 Un, unu / unu, un
2 Doi, doue / doi, doua`
3 Trey/ trei
4 Patru/ patru
5 Chinch/cinci
6 Shase/ s,ase
7 Shapt/ s,apte
8 Wholesale
9 Noua/noua"
10 Zeche/ zece
11 Unsprezece/ unsprezece
12 Doisprezeche/ doisprezece
13 Treisprezece
14....19 Paisprezece......Noua"sprezece/ paisprezece....... Noua"sprezece
20 Douezech / doua "zeci
21 Douezech shi unu / doua "zeci s,i unu
22 Douezech shi doi / doua"zeci s,i doi
30 treizeci
31 Treizeci s,i unu
40.....90 Patruzeci....noua"zeci
100,101, 200, 300....900 O sute, o sute unu, doue sute, trey sute.....noue sute / ....o suta".....
1000, 1001, 2000, 5000, 10000 O mie, oh mie unu, doue mii, chinch mii, zeche mii/ ..... O mie......
100000 O sute de mii / o suta" de mii
1000000 Un million


In the comments, you can supplement the phrasebook with useful phrases for fellow travelers in the Moldovan language - with translation into Russian.

A Moldovan wedding is very similar to weddings in other European countries, but ancient rituals are still revered here. For example, Moldovans rarely hold celebrations during the harvest. Weddings also do not take place during Lent. Depending on the region, traditions vary slightly. So, in the south, the bride went to the groom’s house after the engagement, and in the north only after the wedding.

How it all begins

The formation of family relationships begins with matchmaking. Matchmakers come to the bride's house and announce the young man's intention to marry the girl. When the couple's parents agree, a day of engagement is set in a couple of weeks. It is held in the bride’s house, where organizational issues related to the wedding celebration are resolved.

In all regions of Moldova, it is customary to invite only close relatives to the engagement party. On this day, a modest feast is held for the guests who will become witnesses at the wedding; the amount of money required for the wedding is also agreed upon, and it is distributed between both parties.

A week after the engagement, a reciprocal ceremony is held at the groom's house. Here, too, a small feast is held and the final nuances of the organization are discussed. Also on this day, the bride is presented with gifts: often national bread, towels and wine. During the return engagement, the newlyweds are chosen from among the invited guests to marry the newlyweds. The parents of the bride and groom give the people they want to see in this role butter rolls as a sign of invitation. It is considered impolite to refuse it, so an invitation is always accepted with gratitude. But the imprisoned parents do not have the right to vote, they do not participate in organizing the wedding.

A special topic of discussion during the return ceremony was the topic of dowry. Not infrequently, many disputes arose on this basis. In the central region of the country, it was customary to give palaces, carpets, towels, bed linen and other utensils. The guy was given a plot of land to build a house, materials for this, a horse and more.

Moldovan wedding celebration traditions consist of several national customs. These include the ritual days of “sifting flour” and “cutting out a shirt for the mother-in-law.” The first ritual is always scheduled for Thursday, as housework is honored on this day. A girl and a boy are invited to perform the ceremony. They put coins in a sieve and pour flour, the kids sift it, and take the coins for themselves as payment for their work. Dough is kneaded from this flour and rolls are baked for the newlyweds and their parents. The second ritual involves cutting out a shirt for the groom's mother. She comes to the bride in advance along with other women and cuts out a shirt for herself, and the bride must embroider it before the wedding day. All these rituals take place in a humorous and cheerful manner.

How is the wedding going?

Previously, the wedding celebration always began on Sunday and lasted from two to three days. It begins at the bride's house, where the groom arrives in the morning. While the bride's relatives entertain the participants in the wedding train, the bride is dressed in the outfit brought by the groom. When she is ready, she goes out to the young man and presents her gifts on a roll - a shirt embroidered by her and a belt.

Before the wedding ceremony, several more rituals take place. First, the newlyweds ask for forgiveness from their parents and receive a blessing for the wedding. Then the ransom of the Moldovan bride takes place. It represents the arrival of the groom at the bride's house, when a symbolic payment for the dowry is given. All this happens in a fun way, with competitions and guest participation. Before going to the registry office, the newlyweds break up the kalach and treat all unmarried and unmarried guests. When the wedding procession leaves the gate, the mother of the bride throws wheat and sweets after the newlyweds so that they live in prosperity and love.

The groom's parents welcome the newlyweds cordially, with prepared treats. The newlyweds cross the threshold of the house under a roll of bread, which is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The mother-in-law wraps a towel around the bride and groom and leads them into the house.

Next comes the turn of the wedding feast. A Moldavian wedding, the music and dancing are very fiery, and the celebration itself lasts for several days. In the afternoon, all guests leave the house and go to the gate to meet the bride's parents and the seated parents.

In the evening, the feast begins, at the beginning of which the seated parents and newlyweds walk along the table, holding candles, and stick them into the wedding rolls. They also carry out a ritual of tying, when the bride price is paid to the groom, not the bride.

During a Moldovan wedding, relatives and imprisoned parents are treated with great respect. They are also visited after the celebration.

A Moldavian wedding is one of many national weddings in the world. Having absorbed a special character and southern flavor, it became one of the most enchanting and colorful. None of the weddings are planned in a hurry.

Young people need at least a year to plan and prepare all the details of the future celebration. You must select a date by church calendar, be sure to bypass fasting, invite the nashauls (the second main couple at the wedding, advisers to the young family), bake bread, prepare homemade wine, etc. Let's talk about all the details right now.

Moldovans begin the first official conversation about the upcoming wedding at the bride's matchmaking ceremony.

Matchmakers are sent to the young woman's house. Their responsibilities include a detailed description of all the advantages of the future groom and posing the main question.

Matchmakers should anticipate the answer in advance by finding out about the parents’ intentions to marry off their daughter. Mandatory days for matchmaking were: Thursday, Saturday or Sunday, if major church holidays did not fall on them. They were considered successful. Traditionally, there are several matchmaking requests when:

  • the bride is represented as the prey, and the groom as the hunter;
  • bargaining is carried out between the groom and parents for the bride as for a commodity;
  • the fact is stated that there is a bride and groom.

In all these cases, the participants clearly communicate the intentions of the parties by performing certain actions prescribed by custom. According to faith, this helps protect the future family from misfortunes. A positive response to matchmakers is the transfer of any item of the bride into the hands of the groom. His presence, by the way, is not necessary.

But most young people do not miss the opportunity to participate in this ritual.

At the end of the matchmaking, the day of engagement and the day of the final answer are set. The time difference between them can be a week. The total time to think and change a decision is two weeks or more.

On the day of the engagement, the bride's parents came to the groom's house, checking the veracity of the matchmakers' words about his condition and ability to run a household. At the set table, the details of the future wedding, the day, the number of invited guests, etc. were discussed.

The bride's dowry was definitely discussed. If within the allotted time the groom or his parents abandoned their intentions, the bride could, if she wished, perform a special ritual “On the stove”. He gave her the right to annul the refusal herself and marry her fiancé, even against the will of his parents.

If the refusal occurred on the part of the bride’s parents, she could simply be “stolen.”

Wedding preparations

The most crucial moment in preparing a wedding celebration in Moldova is the choice of weddings. This is the second couple, whose presence is as mandatory as the presence of the young. Without them, the wedding simply cannot take place.

Making a choice is not easy; there are special criteria. Thus, a married couple who:

  • necessarily older than the young, but younger than their parents;
  • has family ties with young people;
  • fairly wealthy;
  • ready to become a patron and mentor of a young family.

Gingerbread cookies, rolls or other rich pastries serve as an invitation letter in this role. Refusal is considered a sign of disrespect, so generally the couple accepts the gifts and agrees. The duties of nashauls include assistance in organizing a wedding, supporting the newlyweds during the celebration and helping them during their future family life. In fact, they become second parents for the young. Today, the role of nashaul can also be played by acquaintances of married couples, friends of parents or newlyweds.

The next stage of preparation is submitting an application to the registry office, booking a restaurant, final collection of the dowry, clarifying the details of the script for the celebration itself, etc.


The morning of the wedding day begins with the bride price. This custom is very similar to Russian, the only difference is the name of the witnesses.

The groom represents the bride, and the groom represents the groom. They are the main ringleaders of the ransom. Competition program and the groom’s questions are always developed by the groom; if desired, Nashaula can help her.

Ransom must be fun. The introduction of roles as on the day of matchmaking is encouraged. The bride is “goods”, “doe”, “forest fairy”, the groom is “merchant” or “hunter”.

Much attention is paid to props and decoration of the bride's house.

Required attributes are:

  • embroidered towels;
  • ribbons and fabrics;
  • flower crowns;
  • rolls.

Modern posters, questionnaires, poems, jokes and much more are also woven into the traditional ransom. It all depends on the imagination of the bridesmaids, because it has nothing to do with the preparation of the ransom.

A feature of the Moldovan ransom is that it is accepted not only in money, but also in sweets, baked goods, and symbolic gifts. The next step is official registration at the registry office. Next, if everything has been carefully planned, the wedding ceremony takes place in a church or temple. This is an important point.

The day before, the young people must confess and receive communion. This is a prerequisite for a wedding.

Some temples also host preliminary talks on the values ​​of seed life, and attendance is welcomed and encouraged.

The bride must enter the temple with her head covered, so it is worth putting on a veil or shawl in advance. A wedding wreath does not count. It will have to be changed. You should also not enter the temple after drinking wine. Therefore, the newlyweds are not served alcohol until the end of the official ceremony.

After the official part, it is time for the festive banquet. Usually it is held in a restaurant or in the groom's house, because... after the marriage is registered, the bride goes to live with him. According to tradition, on the way to the restaurant, children unexpectedly pour a bucket of water at the feet of the bride and groom, this means an obstacle in their lives.

It is important to go through it with a smile. From this moment the solemn part begins.

She is always full of fun and enthusiasm. Traditional competitions and rituals are held. There are toasts and a variety of music. Everyone is sure to dance and sing.

The romantic wedding music of the first dance of the newlyweds, the “chora,” deserves special attention. It is chosen several months before the wedding and is performed with special reverence, becoming a symbol of the family.

After the dance there are toasts to new family, parents and children. There will definitely be choral singing. The Moldavian wedding drinking song adds a special flavor to the celebration. It not only wishes the newlyweds happiness and love, but also talks about the difficulties of family life.

A Moldavian wedding lasts until the morning. And it is celebrated for three days.

After the wedding

The second day after the wedding is considered parenting day. It starts at two o'clock in the afternoon and lasts until the evening.

In this video they will tell you everything about the traditions of a Moldovan wedding:

On this day, it is customary to come in more modest clothes, and parents and nashauls choose very old things, since, according to tradition, they can be beaten with nettles or smeared with mud. If they don't want it, they'll have to buy it off. On the second day’s table they put a strong chicken soup-broth with homemade noodles - “zamu”.

On this day they ride on carts and hold fun moving competitions and, of course, dance, dance, dance.

This is a Moldavian wedding. Revelry, cheerful, with a nod to tradition and faith. Would you like to participate in such a wedding?

"The Wedding Planner"

Usually, preparations for a wedding begin a whole year before the appointed date. The newlyweds must decide on the date and look at the religious calendar (it is advisable that there is no fasting on this day, otherwise problems with the wedding may arise). Then the amount that the newlyweds can afford to spend on the celebration is calculated, a list of guests from the bride and groom is drawn up, organizational issues are resolved (choice banquet hall, churches for weddings, etc.) About six months before the wedding, our witnesses are selected. Nanashi at a Moldavian wedding are significant figures; usually a married couple is invited as a nanashi, older than the newlyweds, but younger than the parents. It is desirable that our family be strong and become an example for the newlyweds. Our responsibility is to help a young family with advice and educate them in family difficulties.

Morning of the wedding day: dressing the groom

After the groom is dressed with the help of his friends and a witness, he goes to get the nanashi. The wedding invitation ceremony takes place in our house. The tradition implies that the groom, wearing a long towel embroidered in the national style, hands over the rolls to his mother and father. Receiving rolls from the hands of the groom means the consent of the married couple to become nanashi for the newlyweds. Of course, they usually agree in advance, but that's tradition. At a Moldovan wedding there are two more important figures - witnesses from the bride and groom. An unmarried friend or brother of the groom is called a vornichel, and a bridesmaid (or unmarried relative) is called a groomsman. Then everyone goes to pick up the bride.

Dressing the bride

An important part of the wedding ceremony is the dressing up of the bride. Her friends help her with this. The action is accompanied by a song in which the bride says goodbye to the girls, games, parents, sisters and home.

Bidding for the bride

When the groom, his witnesses and nanashi arrive at the bride's house, a traditional bargaining takes place. The ritual implies that a sharp knife is stuck into the door frame, like a gate. If the bride agrees to get married, then verbal consent is not required from her. Instead, the groom silently takes the knife out of the door frame and makes way for the groom. This is followed by blessings of the young parents. Then everyone goes to the registry office (or church). By the way, not long ago, an unspoken tradition for newlyweds after a wedding ceremony or marriage registration became a walk through the Military Glory Memorial and laying flowers. And only after that everyone goes to the banquet hall.


At the entrance to the hall, the newlyweds are greeted by their parents with rolls of bread in their hands. The newlyweds break off a piece of kalach, dip it in salt and feed each other. The essence of this tradition is to “annoy” each other before starting their life together. Then the guests enter the hall, and at the entrance they are met by nanashi and witnesses. Guests enter in pairs, give flowers and say congratulations to the newlyweds, wishing them a strong marriage. They say, while raising their glass homemade wine. Then they give the floor to the young people. They thank the guests and invite everyone to the table. Further scenarios are different. The only thing that unites Moldovan weddings in this sense is the obligatory dancing to folk music(it is important that the music is performed live!). And, of course, various competitions - stealing the bride, and maybe even the groom, and similar entertainment.

Gifts for newlyweds

The next ritual begins around midnight. The newlyweds, together with their parents and parents, walk around the hall in a circle, stopping near each of the guests. Nanashka holds a basket in her hands into which guests throw money (as much as they can and want). For each guest, the musicians perform a separate melody in the national style. Guests say toasts, holding a glass of wine offered by the father of the bride or groom. Then a break is announced for a while, the guests dance, and the nanas count the first “profit” of the newlyweds. Then the amount is loudly announced - after all, this is the start-up capital of a young family! The newlyweds bow low to the guests and thank them. By the way, usually young people spend this amount on a honeymoon or improving their home.

Bride undressing

After a few more hours, the final ritual begins. It is called “undressing” the bride - the wedding attributes are removed from the girl. The veil is given to an unmarried girl. The groom, by the way, is also “undressed” - the wedding bouquet is removed from his suit and given to his single friend in the same way. Those who received the bouquet and veil dance to slow national music.

Then the celebration continues with another original tradition. The groom sits on a chair and places a pillow on his knees. The bride sits on this pillow. The girl is tied with a scarf and an apron. This is a kind of commemoration of her transition to the role of mistress of the house and keeper of the hearth.

Guests approach the newlyweds and give them gifts. If these are items of clothing or bedspreads, blankets, bed linen, then they are put on the newlyweds or wrapped around the new married couple. Then the newlyweds are released from the “cocoon” of gifts and dance with the guests. The celebration ends with the bride cutting the cake. It is important that each guest gets a piece of cake from the hands of the new hostess.

“I demand that the banquet continue!”

Usually the festivities continue on the second day after the wedding. On this day, only close relatives and dearest guests are invited. According to tradition, the bride should be dressed in an apron and headscarf. An important element of the second day should be the serving of a hot dish - national chicken broth - zama. Well, then the fun continues with the classic feast.