Water Museum. Museum complex universe of water Museum of water trellis 56

"The Universe of Water" is part of a branch of the center whose work is focused on education and information in St. Petersburg. In order to get acquainted with the exhibitions, you can go to the reservoir, which previously functioned as part of the Main Station.


The Universe of Water Museum in St. Petersburg is quite easy to find. His address: st. Shpalernaya, 56. The one opposite can serve as a reference point. It’s hard not to see such a tall tower even from a fairly long distance.

Three exhibitions are open. Having visited the exhibition “World of Water” in St. Petersburg, you will become familiar with the history of the development of the industry in different countries, as well as in this city. Interesting exhibits include wooden pipes and wells, copper washbasins, ceramic washbasins, photographs and old drawings.

“The Underground World of St. Petersburg” is a project within which there is a multimedia exhibition. To look at this action, you need to head to the annex on the left. You will visit underground, passing along the same paths that water flows.

This journey will begin with water intake from pipes for apartments, and will end with purification facilities. An interesting exhibit is a large model belonging to the city historical center. “The Universe of Water” is a project aimed at introducing a former reservoir with clean water underground. The exhibition is also presented in multimedia form.

Vodokanal of St. Petersburg is a place where you can learn a lot about one of the four amazing elements on which our world is based. Here its healing and destructive properties are revealed.

Exceptional Features

Interesting effects and modern technologies make the story especially interesting. It's interesting to look at the exhibits. They only ask you to refrain from touching. A change in sounds, pictures and light has a good effect. If you decide to visit the exhibitions of the Universe of Water Museum, you will need to join one of the excursions.

Individual reviews are held on weekends. Professionals who thoroughly know their business work here. Interactive activities have been developed for you, in which children from kindergarten age can take part. You can come with your family to a thematic program or to celebrate a specific event, which also does not go unnoticed. The exhibitions will bring great pleasure.

The Universe of Water complex (St. Petersburg) is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.


How did the idea of ​​creating such an interesting place come about? It opened in 2003 in honor of the city's anniversary. presented this generous gift to the citizens. In it, the new united with the old. There is both artistry and functionality here.

People gain new historical knowledge against the backdrop of an industrial environment that also has a special aesthetics and culture. Everything here is imbued with the old traditions of the style of this region. When the project for this place was just being developed, drawings dating back to 1929 were found in the tower of the water supply station. It was written on them that this was the floor plan of the former museum. So before the “Universe of Water” appeared here, a similar complex already existed in this place.

Historians began to delve into the archives, which did not take very long. It turns out that the proposal to create exhibitions here was already considered at a meeting of the city water supply management. The authorities wanted to create a basis for the development of new waterways and illustrate the history of the industry developed over centuries.

Collecting materials

It was planned to include in the exhibition various objects that were used during the creation and operation of the sewer system, as well as illustrations of the unusual damage caused to these mechanisms. We wanted to show the means used to purify water, models, interesting devices and drawings. In a word, we tried to approach the issue in great detail and detail.

In 1901, they compiled a list of those aids and samples that could organically complement the museum. All this was done in order to popularize the plumbing industry, train new specialists, as well as students of educational institutions who visit the walls of the main station.


The whole plan, which decades later was embodied in the “Universe of Water” museum complex, was wanted to be placed on the third floor of the tower, which was not used in the right way in the last century. In 1902 the premises had to be completely prepared. Then 4 cabinets, 4 display cases, a writing table and another one for drawings appeared here.

In the archive you can find information that confirms the constant increase in the number of exhibits. However, when the manager, Gennequin, retired in 1910, information about the museum's work began to dwindle, and a year later it disappeared completely. In 1911, R. Khmelevsky, a site technician, became the manager.


In the 20-30s of the last century, exhibitions dedicated to housing were located in Anichkov Courtyard, where a separate corner was devoted to covering the history of the development of the sewer system and water supply. After that, the Palace of Pioneers appeared there. The mystery remains where the elements of the exhibitions disappeared.

They were not found after checking the funds. After a long break, the “Universe of Water” known to us began its work. In 2006, a forum was held among European expositions of international level in Portugal. At this event, World of Water was recognized for its significant achievements in enhancing the value of the museum's collection. It is this complex that represents Russia at the European Association. In 2008, the 150th anniversary of the water utility was celebrated, which was timed to coincide with the opening of the “Universe of Water” located in the reservoir.

The exhibition “The World of Water of St. Petersburg”, located in the building of the ancient Water Tower, opened in 2003. This was a gift from St. Petersburg Vodokanal to the city in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Northern capital.

The water tower, which at one time began the history of centralized water supply in St. Petersburg, however, due to technical progress, was used for its intended purpose for a very short time. St. Petersburg Vodokanal carried out a major overhaul of this grandiose structure, using modern technologies and breathing new life into the ancient water tower - in recent years this has been one of the most popular global architectural trends.

The studio architects decided to preserve the historical interiors, and move the fire escape and the second elevator into a separate extension, making them the main focus of the reconstruction. The architectural essence of any tower is the upward movement, and the glass vertical reveals this movement, usually hidden from the viewer's eyes.

In the lobby of the tower there is an unusual fountain - a symbol of the St. Petersburg Vodokanal and the world of water in general. The fountain uses a limited volume of water moving in a closed cycle.

The museum complex presents three exhibitions: the first exhibition is “The World of Water in St. Petersburg,” which presents the history of water supply systems among different nations and the history of water supply in St. Petersburg. Among the exhibits are wells and wooden pipes, copper washbasins, old drawings and photographs.

The second exhibition - “The Underground World of St. Petersburg” - is a journey underground, repeating the path of water: from water intake through pipes to apartments - and back to the treatment plant. Here is also one of the largest models of the historical center of the city.

The third exhibition is “The Universe of Water” - everything here is about water. Water as the greatest mystery, water as medicine, water as a destroyer, water as a standard, water as music. The space surrounding visitors is changeable, just as the water itself is changeable: sounds, visuals, and light moods change.

Specialists of the museum complex have developed more than a dozen interactive programs designed for children of different ages - from preschoolers to teenagers. The museum regularly hosts family themed interactive programs, as well as programs dedicated to holidays and events.

The exhibitions “Underground Petersburg” and “The Universe of Water” can only be visited with excursions; weekend excursions are available for single visitors. The exhibition “The World of Water in St. Petersburg” can be viewed either as part of an excursion group or independently.

Operating mode:

  • Wednesday-Sunday - from 10.00 to 19.00;
  • Monday-Tuesday is a day off.

Photo: Museum complex “Universe of Water”

Photo and description

The museum complex “Universe of Water” is one of the new museums in Russia. Located in the Water Tower and the former underground reservoir of the Main Waterworks at 56 Shpalernaya Street, opposite the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg. The tower was erected in brick style between 1859 and 1862 by architects E.G. Shubersky and I.A. Mertz. The museum shows the history, current state and prospects of water supply and sanitation in St. Petersburg, the use of water in everyday life, and the state of water resources.

The museum and exhibition complex “Water World of St. Petersburg” (halls on the 3rd, 4th and 6th floors) harmoniously combines historical and modern exhibitions, the idea of ​​a traditional and interactive museum. You can touch some of the exhibited objects with your hands and see them in action.

The exhibition “The Underground World of St. Petersburg” is a multimedia complex located in the left wing of the Water Tower. Here, in a huge hall, there is a giant model of the city center (scale 1:500), telling the story of the path of water underground. The Neva is depicted on the floor, you can see how rivers flow into it from the right and left sides, how the city is located along its banks and how the dam blocks off the bay. Visitors have the opportunity to go on a journey through the “dungeon”. Together with the water, they go through its entire path: first they end up at a waterworks, then underground, where the pipes are located, then in the basement of a residential building, in the sewer, where the used water ends up, then at the treatment plants and, finally, at the bottom of the Gulf of Finland, on board a submarine. These stages demonstrate to visitors the water cycle in the city and the problems of water intake and wastewater treatment.

The next multimedia exhibition is called “The Universe of Water”. Located in a former clean water reservoir. Dedicated to the theme of water: water as a standard, water as the greatest secret, water as music, water as medicine, water as a destroyer. The space surrounding the museum guests is changeable, like water itself: the visuals, sounds, and light change.

On the third floor there is a historical exhibition consisting of two parts: the first tells about water in the history of human civilization and about water supply and sanitation among the peoples of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Assyria, ancient Rome and Greece and medieval Europe. There is a separate story about water in Rus'. The second part of the exhibition is dedicated to the water supply and sanitation of St. Petersburg from the moment of its formation until 1858.

On the 4th and 5th floors, materials on water supply and sewerage of St. Petersburg in 1858-1917 are collected. It was in 1858 that the history of the St. Petersburg Vodokanal began. The exhibition is dedicated to the design and construction of water supply and sewerage networks, the development of water treatment facilities, and water quality control. Entire sections tell about the use of water in everyday life, vocational training, scientific research, inventions in the field of water supply and sanitation. On the fifth floor, the interior of the office of the manager of the St. Petersburg water pipelines has been restored. There are also stands with biographies of the leaders of the St. Petersburg water supply and sewerage industry of past years.

On the VI and VII floors, the exhibition tells about the water supply and sewerage system of St. Petersburg from 1917 to the present. Chronologically, the exhibition begins on the 7th floor, where there are pre-war materials. The sixth floor tells about the Leningrad Vodokanal during the Second World War, the post-war restoration of water supply and sewerage networks, the subsequent development of water supply and sewerage, and the modern Vodokanal of St. Petersburg. Here you can see the achievements of the company.

Water Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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“The Universe of Water” is an unusual museum complex opened in St. Petersburg on the initiative of the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal”. In 2002, the ancient water tower in the city center underwent a large-scale reconstruction, and the outdated engineering structure began to live a new life. In general, the tower has retained its historical appearance, and a glass extension on the north side with a panoramic elevator and fire escape gave the building a modern look. In 2003, on the occasion of the city’s anniversary, the exhibition “World of Water” was opened in the tower building on three floors with interesting objects telling about the history of water supply in St. Petersburg, its current state and development prospects.

Interestingly, while working on the project, evidence was found that a museum in this building already existed 100 years ago! However, it was not possible to trace the fate of its exhibits.

Another 5 years later, the St. Petersburg water utility presented to the public the multimedia project “Universe of Water” in the premises of the former clean water reservoir of the Main Waterworks and the installation “Underground World of St. Petersburg” in the left extension to the tower.

reference Information


The museum complex has three exhibitions:

  • “The Universe of Water” (a multimedia exhibition in the premises of a former clean water reservoir, which is a unique repository of modern knowledge about water). You can only get here accompanied by a guide: for organized groups - by appointment, for single visitors - according to a schedule.
  • "The World of Water of St. Petersburg" (classical exhibition in the Water Tower building, telling about the history of the emergence and development of water supply and sewerage)
  • "Underground Petersburg" (multimedia exhibition in the Water Tower, which allows you to trace the entire path of water: from the water intake - to the apartments - and to the treatment plants). You can only get here accompanied by a guide: for organized groups - by appointment, for single visitors - according to a schedule.

Interactive programs

Interactive game programs have been developed for children of different ages:

  • "Journey to Kaplandia"
  • "Who Lives in the Tower"
  • "Whirlpool"
  • "In the footsteps of the aqua"
  • "Birthday at the Museum"
  • "Class Holiday"
  • "New Year in the old tower"
  • "Sea adventures on your birthday" (environmental center program)
  • and others

The Museum "World of Water of St. Petersburg", opened in 2003 in the water tower building on Shpalernaya Street (1861), can be called one of the most extraordinary museums in the city. Its exhibits, models, installations, and multimedia exhibitions tell about the history, current state and prospects of water supply and sanitation of the city, the use of water in everyday life, and the state of water resources. The interior of the museum successfully continues the main idea of ​​the creators - preserving the tower as an architectural ensemble while creating a modern museum complex. The glass high-speed elevator in the museum takes passengers to the very roof: the movement of the elevator resembles streams of water that flow to the ground.

Inside the tower, on three floors, there is an exhibition representing the history of water supply from Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to the present day. A water clock, a well, wooden and metal pipes, filters and water intake systems, a control panel, manhole covers, fire equipment are adjacent to metal installations by contemporary authors. And all this variety of objects is united by the theme of water - the most common and simplest chemical compound, without which not a single living creature on Earth can do.

In the left wing of the first floor there is a multimedia complex “Underground Petersburg” - a huge model of the city, illuminated and shimmering with multi-colored lights. The Neva flows on the floor like a wide ribbon; you can see how rivers flow into it from the right and left, how the city is located along the banks and how the dam blocks the bay. When the film accompanying the inspection of the complex talks about water intake and drainage, a network of water supply and sewer pipes is projected onto the map. Guests are then invited on a journey through the "dungeons": first, a "repair well" under the Engineer's Castle, with discovered treasure and rubber rats; further - “basement of a residential building”, here it is shown where the water goes from the apartments; the “sewer” is located so deep that subway trains pass nearby; and a worthy finale to the exhibition is a natural cave with stalactites where bats and ghosts live.

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