The husband of the singer Pelagia Ivan Telegin. Ivan Telegin and Pelageya divorced due to adultery

Pelageya’s husband Ivan Telegin appears in photos with his wife very often. But recently a photo appeared on the Internet in which Ivan kisses a pretty brunette. Fans decided that the fact of betrayal was obvious. Who is this mysterious girl, and is the marriage of the singer and the hockey player falling apart at the seams? Pelageya herself gave an interview and commented on this compromising situation.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin: a love story

Ivan Telegin is a talented hockey player who plays for the national team. At the last Olympics, he and his team showed a brilliant performance and brought Olympic gold to our country.

Pelageya – performer folk songs, singer in the folk and folk-rock genres. She gained enormous popularity after the release of the grandiose project “The Voice” in 2011, where she acted as a mentor to the contestants.

Two years ago, Ivan Telegin and Pelageya got married. Family life was very successful; a child was born in the marriage. Recently, everyone was excited about scandalous footage of an athlete kissing another woman. Has family happiness really come to an end, and in 2019 the spouses will break up due to infidelity?

Beloved by millions singer and mentor popular project"Voice" for a long time remained silent about her personal life. But in 2016 it became known that the performer was having an affair with young hockey player Ivan Telegin. The couple met at the beginning of the year. Rumors of a romance began to spread after the young people were spotted having dinner at a restaurant. Soon a photo was published in which Pelageya was posing at a match in a T-shirt with her lover’s name, and then it became clear that people had a warm relationship.

At first, this novel caused heated discussions on the Internet. It turned out that Ivan left his past lover with infant in his arms and in every possible way refused to help his common-law wife and son. Many began to call the singer nothing more than a homewrecker. Pelageya herself did not comment on this situation, which caused even more condemnation from Internet users. Only some time later, in an interview, she said that she did not take Ivan away from the family. According to the “Voice” star, the hockey player had already broken up with his former lover at that time. At the time of the meeting, he was a free man. The singer admitted that her conscience would not allow her to break up someone else’s family.

In the summer of 2016, the lovers formalized their relationship. In the photo with his wife, Ivan Telegin, Pelageya’s husband, always looked very happy. Six months later, family happiness became even greater: the couple had their first child, daughter Taisiya.

Family life of Ivan Telegin and Pelageya

Two years ago, Pelageya accepted a marriage proposal from Telegin. The singer often appeared at social events and showed off a ring on her ring finger. At first, she preferred not to talk about her relationship with the then 24-year-old national team athlete. Moreover, then the scandal about Ivan’s departure from the family was in full swing, and accusations rained down on the singer as a homewrecker.

The mentor of the “Voice” project introduced her chosen one to her family, who was received very well. Soon a wedding took place, which journalists learned about only a week later. The newlyweds tried not to advertise the celebration, which took place in a restaurant on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, and the registration itself took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office. Only close friends of the couple were present, including hockey player Igor Makarov and his wife Lera Kudryavtseva.

After all the ceremonies, the couple went on vacation to Greece. They began to appear more and more often on the Internet joint photos Pelageya's husband Ivan Telegin and his wife, in which the lovers demonstrate their happiness.

A few months later, news publications began publishing photographs of pregnant Pelageya. She, like a loving wife, tried not to miss a single important match with her husband’s participation. At one of these hockey meetings, journalists photographed the singer with a noticeably rounded tummy. Now it has become clear to fans that the couple will soon have a baby.

In January, the couple had a daughter, who was named Taisiya. Pelageya quickly got into shape after giving birth. Fans thought that she would “disappear” for at least a year and devote herself entirely to motherhood. But a month later the singer came out with her husband. Pelageya’s husband Ivan Telegin was photographed with his wife at one of the evenings of the Comedy Club program.

On the set of the “Smak” program, the folk singer said that they were happy in their family life. True, the spouses do not have much time for each other. From the very morning, when his wife and daughter are still sleeping, Ivan goes to the ice to train, and in the evening the singer herself is often busy until late filming. Nevertheless, the spouses manage to exist harmoniously and pamper their charming daughter with their attention and love. Pelageya often comes to many competitions where Ivan participates. She considers her husband a real hero and supports him in everything.

Scandal, latest news

After the Olympics, where the hockey player became the Olympic champion, rumors spread about Ivan’s betrayal. A certain girl named Karina published a photo with Ivan, where she hugs the Olympic hero. Of course, this photo did not become a reason for accusations against Ivan. Internet users thought that this was just a fan expressing her joy and gratitude to the athlete for the victory. But that was only the beginning.

After some time, footage appeared of a brunette kissing Telegin on the lips. Ivan celebrated the successful completion of the Olympic Games and his birthday in the restaurant. Pelageya was not seen next to him, but there was a girl, Karina, who was not shy in showing her feelings for married man. These pictures raised a storm of discussion.

Followers began vying with each other to accuse Ivan of treason, and tried to understand who this mysterious stranger was. Even more fans were interested in the question - how did Pelageya’s wife react to all this?

The singer did not remain silent for a long time and commented on the scandal. Pelageya called Karina a “girl of easy virtue” and said that neither she nor her husband could be held responsible for the behavior of such women. There was no betrayal, the girl was just too open in her behavior. Also, the mentor of the show “The Voice” hastened to reassure fans and assured that there would be no divorce.

“Everything is fine with us,” this is how the singer responded to numerous gossip. Pelageya said that she and her husband are now going to the Kremlin for the award ceremony for the Olympic champions.

Indeed, it seems that the delicate situation could not make a dent in family life. In February and March, just after scandalous story, many joint photographs appeared where the spouses spend time together and look absolutely happy. For example, recently there was a joint meeting with Vladimir Putin. At a reception with the President, Ivan Telegin was thanked for the gold medal. In gratitude for Olympic Games in Korea, he received a cash bonus of 8 million rubles and a prestigious BMW car. The head of state also congratulated the athlete on his 26th birthday and presented him with a memorial book by the brilliant hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov.

The personal life of singer Pelageya may have undergone changes. As Life learned, the singer’s heart has not been free for a long time. Pelageya is dating a player of the CSKA hockey team, 24-year-old Ivan Telegin.

The publication posted a video in which the star of the show “The Voice. Children,” after a tiring filming, spends the evening in the company of her lover in a Moscow restaurant.

Over dinner with a hookah at the establishment where the couple had arrived, Ivan Telegin carefully hand-fed Pelageya while the singer gently stroked Ivan’s shoulders.

The couple spent about four hours in the restaurant and left the restaurant at three in the morning. Telegin got behind the wheel of Pelageya’s car, and the lovers went home together.

It is noteworthy that the video footage shows that the singer’s ring finger is decorated with a ring.

In addition, Pelageya began to attend hockey matches, and Ivan Telegin came to his beloved at the “Voices” studio.

Let us remember that in 2012 Pelageya divorced the director. Comedy Woman Dmitry Efimovich. Their marriage lasted two years.

As for Ivan Telegin, two months ago the CSKA hockey club congratulated its striker on the birth of his son.

“The entire team of the professional hockey club CSKA congratulates army forward Ivan Telegin and his wife Evgenia on the birth of their son!

The boy, whom his parents decided to name Mark, was born on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. The newborn’s height was 52 cm, weight – 3 kilograms 750 grams,” reports

Hockey player of CSKA and the Russian national team Ivan Telegin became quieter and lower than the grass at home

26-year-old hockey player Ivan TELEGIN, who was kissed on the lips by a pretty brunette Karina LEBEDEVA at his birthday party, apparently felt guilty before his wife. The athlete became quieter and lower than the grass at home.

He fulfills all the whims of his wife, even picking up a vacuum cleaner. And also Ivan Telegin, who plays for CSKA - one of the richest clubs in Russia, began to give gifts to the singer Pelageya expensive jewelry.

On the one hand, the hockey player’s legal wife is very happy with such gifts.

Of course, it’s nice when your husband gives you jewelry,” said Pelageya. “This speaks volumes about his attitude towards me.” I know that Ivan is a generous man.

However, some of Pelageya’s colleagues felt that in this way Telegin“atones for sins.” Passions then played out in earnest. A video of a kiss with a sexy brunette hit the Internet, the angry singer caused a real scandal for her husband, and Karina Lebedeva called her “a girl of easy virtue.”

As it turned out, Ivan and Karina are fellow countrymen and studied together at school No. 52 in the city of Novokuznetsk. Their mothers talked with each other for a long time and still sometimes call each other. According to Karina, she knew Telegin back when many of her accusers on the Internet were walking under the table and did not know how to write the word “hockey”. The guys had been friends since childhood, played together in the yard, and sometimes ran away from class together. Lebedeva remembers very well how Vanya, as a schoolboy, dreamed of joining the Russian national team and becoming an Olympic champion. When his dream came true, she was sincerely happy for her friend. Karina claims that at a party in a restaurant she kissed Telegin on the lips, because at that moment she was overwhelmed with emotions. She had no intention of creating problems for Ivan, much less taking him away from the family.

At the hockey player’s birthday, Ivan and Karina kissed, forgetting about those present. Photo:

I haven't forgotten about my son

Several years ago, Lebedeva moved from Novokuznetsk to Moscow and tried herself in the modeling business. She found a young man who fell in love with Karina with all his heart and to whom she reciprocated. The couple was already thinking about getting married, but last November tragedy struck - Karina’s fiance died in an accident. She turned black with grief. One of those who helped the girl survive that difficult period was Ivan Telegin. He knew her boyfriend.

Now do you understand why Lebedeva was so overwhelmed with emotions at Telegin’s birthday?

Let us add that the former common-law wife of a hockey player Evgenia Nour, whom he abandoned pregnant for Pelageya, recently accused Ivan of not helping their common son Mark at all. But now Telegin transfers 50 thousand rubles a month to support his son. Evgenia thinks that this is not much. But still better than nothing.

Singer Pelageya always protected her personal life from prying eyes. The fact that the 29-year-old mentor of the show “The Voice. Children" found her happiness in the arms of 24-year-old hockey player Ivan Telegin, only those closest to her knew. As StarHit managed to find out, there were good reasons for this - just recently, a player from the CSKA team was tied by marriage. In early February, unsuspecting colleagues on the ice congratulated Telegin on his newborn son. The boy, who was given to the hockey player by his wife Evgenia, was named Mark.

However, the birth of the first child did not save the family from collapse - after training, Ivan was not in a hurry to go home to his wife and baby, but to go on dates with a blond artist. Only recently did Telegin put the finishing touches on love triangle, announcing a divorce.

“Vanya got divorced, but still doesn’t want to advertise his relationship with Pelageya. At least until the end of the hockey season,” youth team player Nikita Oleynik confirmed to StarHit.

The couple, however, does not seek to hide their relationship from their colleagues. For example, lovers recently came together to film the “Voice” project. “They appeared on the set holding hands,” crew members told StarHit. - During the break, Vanya sat down next to Pelageya and took a place in the red chair. They left together."

In addition, the singer Lately began to be often noticed at the games of the CSKA hockey team. A few days ago, Pelageya attended the decisive match of the final series of the Gagarin Cup “CSKA - Magnitogorsk “Metallurg”, where she actively cheered for her beloved man.

The star's mother, defending her daughter's honor, prefers to refute the information that her heir's chosen one was married. “Vanya was not married,” snapped Svetlana Gennadievna. By the way, Telegin may indeed soon change his single status again. The most attentive fans have long noticed the ring on the singer’s ring finger. This will also not be the first marriage for the artist. In 2012, two years after the wedding, Pelageya divorced Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich.