Strawberry liqueur with lemon. Strawberry liqueur at home

Classic strawberry liqueur

Proportions are for a 10 liter bottle.


  1. Strawberries – 7 kg
  2. Sugar – 2.5 kg
  3. For re-fermentation: 5 liters of water, 1.3 kg of sugar.

Cooking method

  1. Place fresh, ripe, sorted strawberries in a colander, place them three times in a bucket of water, let them drain, pour them into a large bottle, add sugar, tie the neck with gauze and place in a warm place for 2–4 days.
  2. As soon as signs of fermentation of the liqueur appear, remove the gauze from the bottle, install a water seal, move the bottle to the shady part of the room and keep under the water seal for 12-20 days until fermentation stops.
  3. At the end of fermentation, filter the liqueur through gauze and cotton wool placed in a funnel or colander. Then pour the liqueur into bottles and seal.
  4. To more fully extract the extractive substances, pour boiled and cooled water to +35 degrees into the remaining pulp and leave for 2 days.
  5. Then drain the juice and squeeze out the pulp, pour the resulting juice into a bottle, add sugar, install a water seal and leave for another 15-20 days.
  6. At the end of fermentation, filter the resulting fermented juice through gauze and cotton wool and pour into bottles.

Simple strawberry liqueur


  1. Vodka – 1 l 100 ml
  2. Strawberries – 1 kg
  3. Sugar – 400-600 g

Cooking method

  1. Fill the bottle to the top with clean, dry berries, fill with vodka and leave in a sunny place for 24 hours.
  2. Carefully drain the tincture, pour into a bottle, seal and keep in a cool place. Sprinkle the remaining berries with a small amount of sugar and cover the bottle with gauze.
  3. Leave in the sun until the sugar melts, drain the juice, and cover the berries with sugar again.
  4. Repeat the process until the juice is released. Mix all the juices and tincture in one container, strain the resulting liquid, let it brew in tightly sealed bottles in a dark place until consumed for 20-30 days.

Alternative recipe for strawberry liqueur


  1. Alcohol – 500 ml
  2. Water – 500 ml
  3. Strawberries – 2.5 kg
  4. Sugar – 200 g

Cooking method

  1. Pour dry, clean berries into a large container, add alcohol, cover with gauze, and leave in a warm place for 15-25 days.
  2. Drain the liqueur well, squeeze out the grounds and mix the squeezed liquid with the liqueur.
  3. Prepare, strain well and cool. Pour the sugar syrup into the liqueur, shake several times and pour into bottles for storage.
  4. Seal tightly and keep in a cool place.

Strawberry-cognac liqueur


  1. Strawberries – 5 kg
  2. Boiled water – 10 l
  3. Sugar – 3 kg
  4. Citric acid – 30–40 g
  5. Raisins – 200 g
  6. Cognac – 1 l

Cooking method

  1. Place all ingredients in a large container (the total volume of wort for this recipe will be 17 liters), mix and leave at room temperature for 5-6 days.
  2. Fermentation will be violent, with abundant foam, so the dishes should be filled to no more than 2/3 of the volume. It is desirable that 40–50 g of sugar per 1 liter remain in the finished drink, so during the fermentation process you need to repeatedly taste the fermenting wort and try to at least taste its sugar content.
  3. After 5-6 days, filter the fermenting wort and pour it into liter bottles.
  4. Squeeze out the remaining berries, filter and add to the bottles. Seal the bottles and store in a cool place.

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A fragrant, beautiful liqueur with a sweet taste and memories of summer - what could be better in the cold? However, berry drinks with vodka are great to drink in the warm season, especially outdoors. Their beauty is that due to their pleasant taste and low strength, the liqueurs will appeal to both sexes. In addition, it is a natural and inexpensive alcohol. Strawberry liqueur sounds enticing! So let’s try to prepare it with our own hands, especially since several methods have been invented, you can choose according to your capabilities and needs.

Advantages of liqueur

Why is strawberry liqueur worthy of your attention?

  1. This is a completely natural product made from raw materials that you have chosen yourself. There will be no artificial colors or flavors, unlike industrial analogues, the quality of which cannot be one hundred percent sure.
  2. The taste of the drink is sweet, the color is interesting and rich, and the aroma has hints of strawberry.
  3. The liqueur is easy to drink, it is a drink of medium strength - about 11-20 degrees (depending on various factors, but usually softer than liqueur).
  4. If you do not add alcohol, moonshine or other alcohol from outside and have enough patience, you can get a naturally fermented liqueur that is softer and weaker.
  5. Few ingredients are required for preparation and they are all affordable. Rare devices are also not needed.
  6. Instead of strawberries, you can use strawberries, and the infusion time for the liqueur will even be reduced.

The only disadvantage of strawberry tincture is that it takes quite a long time to prepare, at least a month. However, there are ways to speed up the process, which will be discussed below.

How to make strawberry liqueur?

First way

The strawberry drink in this recipe is prepared according to the formula: liqueur = tincture + syrup. It also suggests that the process can be stopped at one stage, resulting in several different products.

  1. To make a strawberry tincture, take 1 kg of berries or a little more. This is necessary in order to select the ripest and best strawberries. All leaves and stalks must be removed so as not to add unnecessary flavors to the finished drink. Rinse the strawberries well in several waters. It is also advisable to let the berries dry. Now place the strawberries in a suitable glass container and pour in 1 liter of vodka (or alcohol, moonshine). Close tightly and leave for 2 weeks to 1 month, shaking the mixture periodically and monitoring the process. If the main ingredient is strawberries, then the infusion time is greatly reduced - just 1 day is enough.
  2. Pour the resulting strawberry tincture into another bottle and filter. To the drunken berries, which have given off some of the color and aroma to the tincture, add 1 kg of granulated sugar. Shake the jar well to mix the sugar with the strawberries. Place the mixture in a dark place. By taking out and shaking the jar, you will see how the strawberries release juice and the sugar gradually dissolves. After 2 weeks, the syrup can be drained and strained from the strawberry seeds.
  3. Now comes the stage of mixing the tincture and syrup. To do this, it is better to take a larger container. After mixing the 2 drinks, pour them into bottles and close tightly. In principle, you can drink strawberry liqueur right away, but in order to benefit from taste and softness, let it brew for a couple more weeks in a cold place.

At the end of the first two stages, we receive both a semi-finished product for strawberry liqueur and an independent drink - strawberry tincture and strawberry syrup, similar to a low-alcohol liqueur. From the remaining berries you can make a third drink - strawberry juice, although its taste and aroma will no longer be bright. But it’s best not to chase after several birds with one stone, but to prepare a full-fledged tincture, which contains both sweetness and an alcoholic component.

Second way

This method is classic, without vodka, you only need berries and sugar. As a result of their combination, a natural fermentation process will occur, which will result in a beautiful, soft and aromatic strawberry liqueur. For 2 kg of fresh strawberries you will need 800 g of sugar. Sequencing:

  1. Pour clean strawberries into a jar, add sugar, shake well.
  2. Tie the neck with gauze to allow air access and place it in a dark place at room temperature for 3 days.
  3. A sour smell, foam and hissing will appear - this means that the fermentation process has begun. It's time to remove the gauze and put a medical glove on the neck with a small hole in one of the fingers. In this case, the connection between the glove and the can must be sealed; air is not needed at this stage.
  4. Now watch the glove: if it deflates, it’s ready, fermentation is complete. This usually happens within a period of 2 weeks to a month. Filter the liqueur through 2 layers of gauze and cotton wool, once or twice.
  5. Pour the strawberry liqueur into bottles and seal with a cork. You can store it in a cool, dark place for 2-3 years, but there is a high probability that the drink will go away much earlier.

Third way

If you want to try strawberry tincture as soon as possible, then it makes sense to resort to the express method. By using it, you will get results within a day. Here again you will need 3 basic ingredients: strawberries, sugar, vodka. Accessories include durable glass bottles (for example, champagne containers) and a basin for a water bath.

Wash the strawberries, put them in thick glass bottles, and close them tightly with a lid. Place them in a bowl of cold water on the fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and keep in a water bath for about one and a half hours. Don't forget to make sure the water doesn't boil over. Wait until the water in the basin has cooled and remove the bottles with the resulting strawberry juice. Strain it and add 100–300 g of sugar (to taste) and 200–400 ml of vodka to 1 liter of juice. Pour the liqueur into glass containers (now these can be ordinary bottles), seal and let it brew for 24 hours at room temperature.

Quick pour is ready! This drink goes well with tea, coffee, fruits and various desserts - cakes, pastries, sweet pies - are suitable as snacks.

Any alcoholic drink can be bought in the store. But you must admit that it’s nice to put a bottle of strawberry liqueur, made yourself at home, on the holiday table. Strawberries are one of the most delicious and favorite garden berries. What is not prepared from it: compotes, jams, wines and liqueurs. Homemade liqueurs with strawberries made with alcohol, vodka or cognac have a deep color, unique taste and aroma. In addition, these alcoholic drinks in moderate quantities have medicinal properties. Strawberry tincture is taken for anemia, to cleanse the body of toxins, and for weight loss. The recipe is very simple and unpretentious. Any novice winemaker can prepare a pleasant alcoholic drink.

Raw materials for production

Any classic recipe for making strawberry liqueur contains the following basic
ingredients: berries, strong alcohol, water and sugar. Strawberries can be used not only fresh, but frozen and even dried. Moreover, in the latter version, the berries are taken two times less than fresh ones.

To avoid low-quality raw materials getting into the prepared drink, the berries are carefully sorted and washed. It is unacceptable to use rotten, moldy or very small fruits. They will spoil the taste. To ensure the required strength of the strawberry tincture, add vodka or high-quality moonshine. Sometimes diluted ethyl alcohol and cognac are used.

Basic Recipes

The good thing about the classic version of the strawberry liqueur is that you can change the sweetness of the drink to suit your taste. Here you can completely give up sugar.


  • 1 kg of fruit and berry material;
  • 300 g sugar sand (the quantity can be changed);
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Berries and sugar are poured into a three-liter jar and filled with alcohol. The container is tightly closed and placed in a dark place for 35–45 days, at normal room temperature. Shake the jar several times to dissolve the sugar better. Then the composition is filtered through a layer of cotton wool and gauze and bottled. The tincture can be stored in the refrigerator or basement for up to 4 years.

Alcohol liqueur

To prepare strawberry tincture, take:

  • Fresh berries -2.5 kg;
  • Purified water -0.5 l;
  • Alcohol or purified moonshine - 0.5 l;
  • Sah. sand - 1 kg.

The fruits are poured into a clean three-liter jar and filled with alcohol. The neck of the container is tightened with gauze and left in a dark room for 14 days. Then boil the sugar syrup and cool it. The alcohol-berry composition is carefully filtered using several layers of gauze. Strained liquid
mixed with syrup, poured into glass containers and sealed. The aromatic liqueur is left in a cool room for several weeks.

The longer you store the strawberry tincture in the cellar, the more aromatic and tastier it will be.

Cognac drink

This is a kind of homemade liqueur where cognac is added. To prepare it take:

  • 500 g strawberries
  • 500 ml cognac
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • 300 g sugar sand

Mix 150 g of sugar with water in a saucepan. Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Each berry is pierced with a toothpick in advance so that they remain intact during subsequent cooking. They are then added to sugar syrup. Boil everything together for an additional 3–5 minutes. At the same time, add 150 g of the remaining sugar. Then the berry syrup is cooled, poured into another container, cognac is added and closed tightly with a lid. The tincture is placed in the refrigerator or cellar for 30 days. Then filter and pour into another container. Store liqueur in a cool place, protected from natural light for 2-3 years.

Strawberry liqueur with lemon

This recipe is good because the drink turns out to be a beautiful ruby ​​color with a light citrus taste. To make it take:


Prepared berries? sorted and washed, put in a three-liter jar and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for several hours until the juice releases. Then add strong alcohol: vodka, moonshine, diluted alcohol. Leave for 30 days in a warm room. Then filter the drink and add the juice and zest of one lemon. Let it brew for 14 days. Carefully strain the tincture and bottle it for further storage in a cool, dark place. The tincture should be kept for 2 months before use. Shelf life is 2-3 years.

The beginning of summer is strawberry season. And it’s time to prepare a wonderful drink that will decorate any holiday table. And for cold winter evenings, such a liqueur will be just a godsend. A sip of summer in your glass. This is strawberry liqueur. And also variations of this drink.

Have you picked a lot of strawberries? Be sure to try making dry jam from it this year. Don't know how to do this? Then .

Strawberry liqueur, simple recipe

The taste of the liqueur is moderately sweet. The drink itself is slightly viscous. Alcohol content is 27-33%.


  • strawberries – 750 grams;
  • sugar – 450 grams;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid;
  • vodka – 1 liter.


  1. Pour washed and peeled strawberries into a clean and dry jar (3 liters) (if the berries are large, cut them into quarters).
  2. Add citric acid and sugar.
  3. Pour vodka over the strawberries and sugar.
  4. Roll up the lid for preservation or cover with thick nylon (the kind that needs to be soaked in boiling water).
  5. Shake well and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake daily until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. After the time has passed, you need to strain the liqueur through several layers of gauze 2 times.
  7. Close the lid. After a week, you can taste the strawberry liqueur.

Strawberry mint liqueur


  • strawberries – 800 grams;
  • sugar – 600 grams;
  • mint – 20 grams;
  • vodka – 1 liter.


All ingredients and process are similar to the previous version. But let's add some mint coolness to the drink. To do this, add a couple of mint sprigs to the jar before sealing it. Thus, not only a mint aroma appears in the liqueur, but also a light cold aftertaste after consumption.

Strawberry liqueur with banana

A large ripe banana will add a tropical note to the above liqueur. The taste and color of this liqueur are rich and thick. Strawberry flavor and banana aftertaste. What could be better?


  • strawberries – 650 grams;
  • sugar – 420 grams;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • vodka – 1 liter.


  • Peel the banana and chop it finely. Or you can mash it with a fork.
  • Wash the strawberries under running water, peel, mash with a fork, and mix with banana.
  • Mix the fruit mixture with sugar and transfer it to a three-liter glass jar.
  • Fill everything with vodka, seal with a lid (plastic or roll up with an iron key).
  • Let it sit in a dark place for a month.
  • Then we filter the liqueur through several layers of gauze, pour it into dark glass bottles, and seal it.
  • Store in a cool, dark place for at least 2 weeks. After this, the delicious strawberry and banana liqueur is ready.

Important! Do not skimp on the quality of the main alcoholic component of the liqueur, as this can ruin the entire drink.

Strawberry liqueur is one of the most delicious and aromatic liqueurs, but only if it was prepared correctly. We provide you with several cooking methods: the fermentation method, as well as the method of adding alcohol or vodka.

Before you start making this wonderful drink, you need to wash the strawberries and remove all rotten and spoiled berries. Then you need to remove the tails from the fruits. Even frozen strawberries are suitable for making, but they must be thawed thoroughly before cooking.

1. Place the peeled strawberries in jars and fill them with sugar so that they are equally distributed.

2. Pour vodka into the bottles and seal them with sealing caps.

3. Shake the jars and place them in the sun for 1 week, shaking the jars every day until the sugar dissolves.

4. We put the standing jars in the cellar for 1 month, after which we filter the liqueur and bottle it.

1. First, pour the previously peeled and washed strawberries into a jar and add sugar on top.

2. Shake the jar a couple of times and tie the neck of the jar with regular gauze. Place the jar in a warm, dark place at room temperature for 2-4 days.

3. When the strawberries begin to ferment, remove the gauze and replace it with a water seal or a rubber glove with fingers pierced with a needle.

4. Leave the jar to ferment for half a month or a month, until the fermentation process stops.

5. Filter the liqueur through cheesecloth and bottle it.

6. The liqueur should be stored in a dark place with a temperature of 10-15 degrees; under such conditions, the shelf life of the drink is 2-3 years.

Before preparing this liqueur, the strawberries must be thoroughly washed and the tops removed.

1. First, all strawberries must be cut in half.

2. Place the cut berries in a glass jar.

3. Pour sugar (500 g) into a jar and shake it so that the sugar mixes with the strawberries.

4. We tie the neck of the jar with a piece of gauze. To do this, take gauze, place it on the neck and pull an elastic band over it so that it does not fall anywhere.

5. Place the jar for 3-4 days at room temperature.

6. When the fermentation process begins (hissing and the formation of bubbles), remove the gauze from the jar and put on a water seal or a glove with a pierced finger.

7. After 10 days, add vodka and another 500 grams of sugar to the liqueur. Mix everything thoroughly.

8. Place the liqueur in a dark and cool place for 15 days.

9. We pour the drink into bottles and we can start tasting, enjoy!

This recipe came to us from ancient Rus', where this liqueur was made in ovens. This method of preparation is suitable for those who do not want to wait a long time for this drink, but want to immediately get it during the day. The principle of this recipe is that when heated, the strawberries release their juices faster, instead of waiting 10 days for them to do so at their usual pace. This recipe is also suitable for other berries, such as cherries.

1. First, put the peeled and selected strawberries into a glass jar.

2. Pour vodka or 40-degree moonshine into glass vodka so that it covers the berries.

3. Take a regular A4 office sheet of paper and close the neck of the jar with it. We tie the neck with a regular elastic band.

4. Pierce a couple of small holes in the paper.

5. Preheat the slow cooker or oven to 100 degrees for 5 minutes. Then we turn them off and put a jar of our liqueur there. We do this many times until all the strawberries turn brown.

6. Filter the liqueur through a colander or cheesecloth. Add sugar to the resulting strawberry liqueur in the proportion of 100 grams of sugar per 1 liter of liqueur.

7. Pour the liqueur into bottles and taste it.