Scientific articles in English with translation into Russian. Simple texts in English for beginners

In this section you will find various articles and tips for learning English, notes on personal experience with English, stories and facts from the English language. Examples taken from real life, so learning English will be much more interesting than using boring textbooks.


Four ways to learn a language with books

Let's discuss. What methods did you use? Which ones do you think are the most successful?

1. Read paragraph in English, then in Russian. Try to understand the meaning by reading the English version, do not look in the dictionary, check yourself with the help of the Russian text. This method is considered quite effective.

Using the preposition Since

The preposition since indicates time and denotes the beginning of an action that is still ongoing:

I have been working in the airport since last February.
I have been working at the airport since last February.

Since when did you become a doctor?
Since when did you become a doctor?

Modal verb shall

The modal verb shall has two forms - the present tense (directly shall) and the past tense ( should). Despite the fact that these are two forms of the same verb, each of them has its own characteristics of use, its own suitable situations, so we will consider shall and should separately. Let's start with the modal verb shall.

15 Rules of Motivation for Harvard Students

1. If you fall asleep now, your fancy will appear in dreams, for sure. Although, if you prefer studying to sleeping, your fancy will come true.

2. When you think it is too late, it is still timely.

1. Learning a language requires clear goal. You must know why you need the language. There are many people who dream of learning English throughout their lives. And no matter what courses they attended, no matter what books and tapes they bought, nothing worked for them. English remains the “language of dreams.” This happens because such people do not have a clear goal. By putting it in, you learn a foreign language, first of all, in the area of ​​your specialty.

Adverbs still, yet, already

Have you got your driver's license already?

Adverbs still, yet, already belong to adverbs of time.

Adverb still still translated, adverb yet- already, already- already.

Translation mistakes

Girl from the magazine cover. - The girl from the store wrapper.
Japanese people. - Japanese people.
high school - High cheekbones.

Negative pronouns in English

To negative pronouns in English language The following pronouns include: no, nothing, nobody, no one, none, neither.

Interesting articles in English that will help you learn the language

Do you already have a good enough level of English to read in English? We have selected sites for you with interesting articles in English. They are perfect for learning a language for communication. after all, in fiction High-flown epithets and phrases are often used. which are not suitable for everyday speech. In addition, these articles will help you prepare for international exams.

The book of life

The name of the resource speaks for itself. It contains articles in which you can find answers to important questions that many of us face every day. There is interesting material here about careers, relationships, and self-knowledge. The vocabulary in most of them is not very complex, reading the materials is easy and interesting.

NFB Blog

This is a blog that contains various entertaining and educational projects. The blog has sections: cinema, education, entertainment and culture. Articles are devoted to a variety of films and media mass media. The site is suitable for people with an Advanced level, as the articles contain complex academic vocabulary.


If you are one of those people who try not to read the news because there is a lot of negativity in it, then this resource is perfect for you. Here we collect only positive news from different parts of the world, which will make your soul feel warm.


A site for people who like to develop their ingenuity, expand their horizons and test their knowledge by solving interesting tests and puzzles. In addition to taking ready-made tests, you can create your own. This will help you develop your own speech and learn to formulate thoughts in English.

Khan Academy

As the name suggests, this site is a virtual academy. If you devote your free time to self-education, or are interested in any science, then the material collected here will be an excellent opportunity to learn something new, improving your English. There are many sections on interests: mathematics, science and engineering, economics, programming and computer animation, arts and humanities. There is also preparation for international exams.

Letters of Note

Do you love history, but are you interested in living history rather than boring textbook material? Then you will most likely be interested in this site. Letters and notes from people from the past are collected here. Reading them, you will plunge into bygone days and recognize the thoughts historical figures, for example, there is a letter from Anne Frank, and you will discover something new.


On this site you will find a story that is not written about in school textbooks. Here you can read about which writers suffered from mental disorders, which professions have sunk into oblivion due to technological progress, about hairstyles of the Victorian era and much more.

A resource for all occasions

If you are not interested in the above sites, you can look for “your” resource for learning English here. This is a large selection of English-language platforms, among which you will definitely find a resource on the topic that interests you.

We hope you liked the selection of interesting articles in English. Remember that learning a language should not make you sad; look for materials that will really interest you to learn. We wish you success.

Gift for site readers

Hello, everybody! Today we will talk about one of the most interesting and popular examples of Formal English - Article. What associations do you have with this word? A note about the latest football match in the newspaper or screaming headlines foreshadowing interesting reading in the tabloid publications? Believe me, everything is much more interesting. On this moment the ability to write, and not just write, but write correctly and interestingly in foreign language, are key to successful language acquisition. After all, the task of writing an article on a given topic will almost certainly come across you in an exam to determine your language proficiency, or it may simply come in handy, making you stand out among the crowd of English language learners. Although we try to focus on fluent spoken language in our school, we also focus on developing written language skills. So, let's figure out how to write an article as good as a New York Post editor.

Everything on the shelves: an article under a microscope

What exactly is an article? Let's talk about its main features:

  • An article is an example of writing that is intended to be published in a newspaper or magazine.
  • It is written for a wide audience, so it is important to attract and hold the reader's interest from cover to cover.
  • The article may include funny or humorous stories, descriptions, or indirect language.
  • Its style may depend on the target audience, but if the reader is not known to you, choose Formal.
  • The article must be written in an interesting manner, present facts, opinions and thoughts, and also remember that although this is a formal style, the style is far from a tax report.

Before writing an article in English, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Where is the article going to appear? (where will this article be published) - in a newspaper or magazine?
  • who are the intended readers? (what kind of audience are you trying to attract: adults, students or schoolchildren?)
  • what is the aim of the article (what is the purpose of your article: to inform, advise, describe?).

Depending on the answers to these questions, your article may:

  • describe experiences, events or places;
  • present your opinion and arguments on any matter;
  • compare two concepts, objects, possibilities, etc.;
  • propose solutions to the problem;
  • to give advice.

Never forget what your goal is in a particular article. After all, it is the goal that will determine the further choice of words, as well as influence the structure.

Structure first

The typical structure of an article consists of several main and mandatory parts:

  • Eye-catching title (catchy title). It is these first few words that decide the fate of your article: whether the newspaper editor wants to read it or throw it in the waste paper bin nearby. Therefore, try to grab attention from the very first lines, and half the success is already in your pocket. If your article is in a more formal style, make the table of contents concise and such that it accurately describes the main idea.
  • Introduction. In this part, you define the topic, which will be described in more detail later.
  • The main body (main part). This may include 2 to 5 paragraphs in which the topic or idea is described and discussed in more detail and from different points of view.
  • The conclusion. This last part summarizes everything discussed in the article, highlighting a final opinion, comment or recommendation.

For example, if the topic of your article is “Studying abroad,” first of all, make a list of ideas and information that you can work with. Use strategies for this. After this, your article outline will look something like this:

  • Introduction - Paragraph 1 - Exciting experience, learn about the host country and the people.
  • Main body - Paragraph 2, 3 - Education, friends and language skills. Various problems.
  • Conclusion - Paragraph 4 - Result - independent and self-confident.

Now all that remains is to formalize each idea using vocabulary suitable for your purpose. It is important to remember here that each paragraph has its own “core” (clear topic sentence), which briefly reveals the entire idea of ​​the paragraph. Also, don’t forget that one of the main components of your success will be linking words and phrases. With the help of these lexical units, your article will be balanced and logical, and will help not only express your opinion more competently, but also attract the attention of potential readers. So an article about studying abroad would look something like this:

"Learning About Life

Studying abroad is an exciting experience, giving you an opportunity to learn more about the traditions and culture of the host country and its people. Apart from the excellent education I recieved during three years in England, I also made a wide circle of friends and improved my language skills. I learned how to face and deal with various problems, and as a result, have become more independent and self-confident.

I studied English Literature and this, along with making many friends both at university and through the part-job I had, helped improve my English. Although I already spoke the language quite well, when I first arrived I have trouble understanding some accents and the slang or colloquialisms that are in everyday use. Now I am a much more fluent and natural speaker, and my writing has improved, too.

The biggest problems I faced where finding somewhere to live when I did not know the area well, getting the electricity and phone connected and generally learning to look after myself. I had to get used to shopping, cooking and doing the housework, as well, as studying and working, so I quickly mastered the art of planning my time sensibly. Alhough adapting to living in a new country is not easy, once the initial homesickness and missing the family has been overcome, learning to fend to yourself certainly makes you a more independent person, and definitely more self-confident. My time abroad helped me grow as a person and I feel I could tackle any problem now in a calm and confident manner, without having to immediately ask someone for their help.

To practice everything you have learned about article writing, choose one of the following titles and write your article."

Let's tell you another little secret: when writing articles for our blog, we also use our structure. After reading a few of them, you will understand that everything we advise has been tested on ourselves and is beyond doubt. Online school English language EnglishDom cares about your self-improvement. And now we take up the “pen” and begin to compose masterpieces, because now we know exactly how to make an article in English the best!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Full-text publications in foreign languages:
working papers, articles, book chapters e-Print archive. Project of Cornell University (USA). Archive of articles on mathematics, physics, computer science, statistics, finance. Search by thematic sections. English language.

CogPrints. Archive of materials on philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics. Search by thematic sections. English language.

Department of Economics & Business. Repository of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain). About 800 working papers. Section: Research, working documents. Language Spanish, English.

DOAJ. (Directory of Open Access Journals). Scientific journals with full text of articles on chemistry, physics, mathematics, economics and business, philosophy, law, engineering and technology. There are 337 journals on economics and business. Language English, French, German.

EBSLG. European University and Business School Libraries Project. Working papers on economics and business. Part is freely available.

Economists Online. Bibliographical references to documents, many of which open the full texts. Language English, German, French, Spanish.

EconPapers. Working papers, journal articles, book chapters. Some documents are freely available. English language.

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (Germany). Project of the University Libraries of Regensburg and Munich. Scientific full-text journals in all fields of knowledge, about 1,500 titles in total. Access to some magazines is free. Language English, German.

FINDARTICLES. CBS Interactive Business Center Library Articles from magazines in sections: business and finance, education, computer technology, society. English language.

Fisher College, Department of Finance. College of Economics, Ohio University (USA). Archive of financial preprints since 2006. English language.

Global Price and Income History Group. Project on the economic history of foreign countries (Middle Ages - mid-20th century). English language.

IDEAS. University of Connecticut (USA). Bibliographic database on economic sciences. Contains links to full-text materials: articles, working documents, book chapters. Some of them are freely available. English language.

Institute for Social & Economic Research. University of Essex (England). Institute of Social and economic research. About 200 working papers. English language.

Institutet f?r N?ringslivsforskning . Economic Research Institute (Sweden). Publications. English language.

International Data Base. Statistics on the population of countries of the world since 1951 (demographic and socio-economic indicators). Dictionary. English language.

Internet Public Library. Internet library of the University of Michigan (USA). Publications on various industries, including economics. English language.

IZA. Institute for Labor Studies (Germany). Working papers since 1998. Language: German, English.

LogEc. Erasmus Management Research Institute (Holland). Collection of working papers on management and economics. English language.

National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers. National Bureau of Economic Research in Massachusetts (USA). Work documents. English language.

Online Books Page. More than 15 thousand full-text books and other publications from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) server. Search by author, title and keywords. Material on topics: economics and law, economic theory, economic history. English language.

Online Text and Notes in Statistics for Economists. University of Bristol (England). In the online section educational materials Full-text versions are presented for various levels of education and specializations in economics. English language.

PERI. Research Institute of Political Economy of the University of Massachusetts (USA). Working materials, books, articles. English language.

RePEc. Reports, articles and preprints on economics. Open database of electronic publications. English language.

Scientific Commons. Search for scientific information on various topics that is freely available. Language German, English.

SSRN. Social Science Electronic Publishing. Full-text works in free access on economic theory, accounting, finance, computer science, law, management, marketing, insurance.

Technical Reports and Working Papers in Business and Economics: Library of Congress (USA). Working papers and technological reports in business, economics and law. English language.

The Federal Reserve Board. Federal Reserve System (USA). Working papers on international finance since 1991. English language.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies. Institute for Fiscal Studies (UK). Work documents. English language.

The law school. University of Chicago (USA). Working papers on law and economics. English language.

The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College. Section: Publications. Articles and working materials (1987-2009) on economics, business and finance.

Tinbergen Institute (Holland). Working papers on economics since 2001. English language.

Universitat Zurich. The Institute for Empirical Research in Economics Working Papers (Switzerland). Section: Publications. Language German, English.

University of California eScholarship Repository. Database of the University of California (USA). Journals, books, conference materials, working papers on various sciences are freely available.

University of Oxford. About 800 working papers on economics. English language.

University of Pennsylvania (USA). Economics Working Papers. English language.

Vlerick Leuven Gent. Working papers from Vlerick Leuven Gent Business School (Belgium) since 2001. English language.

Search engines

Search system. Search for monographs on all branches of knowledge in Russian and foreign languages.

Google Patents. Special search engine for patents. The database contains over 7 million full texts of documents.

SciNet - Science search. Scientific search engine and catalog of scientific resources.


SciGuide. Project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A guide to foreign open access scientific resources.

Let's say you already know English quite well. Or so you think. Isn't it time to test yourself and reach a new level? We have selected 10 fascinating sites for you, where you will definitely be able to find challenging, useful and exciting information. So let's get started!

Even if you are not confident in your abilities, when you go to an interesting site, you will not be able to resist translating an article that interests you. And by the way, we have already started doing this for you! Learning English without honing your skills is, you know, not that smart and certainly not effective, so feel free to choose a website and dive with us into the world of information and interesting English!

Scientific English sites

Historical English sites

Social English sites

Entertainment English sites

"It"s better to have played and lost than never to have played at all."
“It’s better to play and lose than not to play at all.”

And you can check how well you know the location of the US states. Can you do that?


You won't go anywhere without bonuses!

On this collection of sites, you can choose the perfect portal for yourself to have fun and practice English in style. We recommend taking the time to immerse yourself in this amazing assortment, with the best entertainment sites on the Internet that cover every possible aspect, be it entertainment news, celebrity gossip, watching English movies online or TV shows, sports, online games, magazines, music, humor, etc. Everything elite that the Internet can offer you for a good time is collected in this collection. Have a pleasant time!

The most viral pictures on the Internet, sorted by popularity for you!

And finally, just find this cow by sound, and life will become more fun! Just make sure you don't have the volume all the way up.

Have fun learning and having fun! We wish you knowledge and fun!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family