Number in the style of KVN for Teacher's Day material (grade 10) on the topic. Scenario "KVN dedicated to Teacher's Day" KVN for Teacher's Day unusual

Festive KVN for Teacher's Day

Ved. Our dear teachers! Today our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day! This holiday is yours, and therefore your students’. Teacher's Day is a national holiday, because all people were students, and every person had a teacher, without whom his entire future life could not have taken place, to whom he is in unpaid debt. Only over the years do we understand how much patience, energy and effort our teachers spent to raise us as worthy people!

Say thank you to the teacher

Openly, from the heart!

It's from the school threshold

Meet the kids.

And year after year, as a friendly class,

The teacher leads us.

He believes in what is not in vain

He will give his love,

Will light hearts, spread wings

To native students,

That knowledge does not become covered with dust,

And gold at your feet

Fall humbly with a full cup

Let it be destined!

Say thank you. In our life

Such a teacher is everything!

Provision of the jury - 9th grade students: Anita Karazhegitova, Anelya Karazhigitova, Arman Sitekov, Azamat Dosumbaev.

Ved. So, the command presentation. 3 teams of teachers are called to the stage! Introducing our teams: name, motto and team logo. This competition is not judged.

1 competition “Comic questions”

  1. Why is a student kicked out of class (out the door)
  2. What brainless heads are always needed? (Pin)
  3. In which month do women gossip the least? (In February)
  4. When can a fool be smart? (When silent)
  5. What can’t a person live without? (No name)
  6. What branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)
  7. How many nails does a well-shod horse need? (Not at all)
  8. What will happen to a red silk scarf if it is released to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet)
  9. What will a crow do after living for 3 years? (The fourth will live)
  10. Why does a hunter carry a gun? (over the shoulder)
  11. Where can't you find dry stone? (In a river)
  12. When do people have as many eyes as there are days in a year? (January 2)
  13. What will you never get tired of doing for the rest of your life? (Breathe)
  14. A hunter walked past the tower, and there was a clock on the tower. He fired. Where did he end up? (To the police)
  15. In what popular story is there an attempt on the hero's life three times and only on the fourth time does he die? (“Kolobok”)
  16. Which actor was the first to play the role of an auditor in the comedy “The Inspector General” (There is no such role)
  17. Why buy new boots? (Because they are not given for free)
  18. Why does a fox look back when a dog or wolf is running after it? (Because there are no eyes on her back)
  19. Continue the song using the first word: when, where, why, why, who, what.

2nd competition “Imagine”
Teams take turns drawing cards with the names of animals, birds, fish or insects, and must depict these animals as a team. It’s difficult to determine the winners here, but a lot of laughter and fun awaits you. Imagine, for example, what a team portraying cockroaches or woodpeckers will look like.

3rd competition "Geographical"
The competition requires a globe. Team captains take turns spinning the globe and, without looking at it, point their finger anywhere. Now the team’s task is to depict on paper as much information as possible about the country that the captain hit with his finger (if the captain ends up in the ocean, he chooses the country closest to this point). It could be local residents, nature, attractions. The team that paints the most detailed picture of the selected country wins.

4th competition "Musical"
Homework. Each team takes turns showing a musical number. Artistry, originality, clarity, and quality are assessed.

5th competition “Depict a fairy tale”
Each team is given a fairy tale. You need to get ready in 5 minutes. Then show a dramatization of the fairy tale.
1 team - Kolobok
Team 2 - Turnip
Team 3 - Teremok

6th competition “New Russian School”
The student in the role of a teacher, the teacher in the role of a student, act out a scene in class. The task of the “teacher” is to receive the diary, the task of the “student” is not to give the diary.

7th competition "Exam"
Mathematics Count the money offered to you while answering my questions clearly and quickly


  • Yours full name?
  • When were you born?
  • How many years have you been working at the school?
  • What date is today?
  • How many years are left until 2009?
  • What are your children's names?
  • What color is the sun?
  • Capital of the Czech Republic?
  • What color do you like?


  • Who is your friend?
  • What class are you in?
  • What is two and two?
  • How old are you?
  • What holiday is today?
  • How is your mother's name?
  • What is the name of the math teacher?
  • How many years will it take you to finish school?
  • What is your name?

Russian language
Say it correctly: they will call, scanty, rust, quarter

(we name the names of poets and writers)
Alexander Sergeevich (Pushkin, Griboyedov)
Mikhail Mikhailovich (Zoshchenko, Prishvin)

(I call the event - you are the date, I call the date - you are the event)
1380 (Battle of Kulikovo)
June 13 (Independence Day)
First World War (1914)
Decembrist revolt (1825)
- We call “Yes”, “No”

Do you believe that watermelon is a berry (Yes)
Do you believe that the ciliate shoe is an Italian shoe? (No)

- Do you believe that Newton is a great French scientist? (no) English
- Do you believe that diffusion is the penetration of one substance into another upon contact? (Yes)

8th Pantomime competition

Teams learn items from each other.

  • computer
  • bike
  • schoolboy's briefcase
  • washing machine
  • balloon.
  • hat
  • crib
  • armchair

9th competition "Who's Who"
I give photographs of students to teachers, photographs of teachers to students. Find out who is who.
Warm-up for teachers
Modernized proverbs
Music competition "School songs"
Dance competition
(performed behind the leader, correct movements and activity are assessed)
Black box (School supplies) (pens, notebooks for gifts)

KVN script dedicated to Teacher's Day - page No. 1/1

Municipal educational institution Petropavlovsk secondary school

OH, yes we are!

KVN script dedicated to Teacher's Day


primary school teachers:

Ivanova O.A.

Tsymlyakova N.L.

1: Let autumn be here for a whole month,
Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday.

You won't find a more beautiful time...

The rustling of linden alleys,
The holiday enters the ringing blue
My friends are teachers.

2: Strict and affectionate,
Wise and sensitive,
For those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
Those who are considered middle-aged.
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches you to achieve victories in work,
To everyone whose proud name is teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

And our holiday will begin with a performance by primary school students.

(poems, song “Our School”).

1st presenter.
We don't go to school in vain:
It’s impossible without science.
You will enter life illiterate -
You'll be gone in a minute!
To avoid mistakes,
You need to develop your mind.
And you can check it in the game -
Will it be easy or difficult?
We invite you now
Play for a fun time.
We have been thinking for a long time about what to give you something that no one has ever given. After all, no matter what we give, it still won’t express our feelings and gratitude to you. And then we decided that everyone who will be on stage today will give you a piece of their heart.

And now we invite the following participants to the stage.

7th grade students will perform the song “Corner of Russia”.

2nd presenter: The script of the school KVN dedicated to Teacher's Day is traditionally rich in jokes, funny competitions and songs. And the most interesting thing is in the script we're talking about about the confrontation between two teams. So - schoolchildren and teachers, let's compete!
Business Card Competition
1st presenter. According to the good old tradition, the first competition is a greeting. And evaluate our competitive program there will be a respected jury consisting of... (presentation of the jury).
While the teams are working, 10th grade will present us with the sketch “The Day of the Tormentor.”

Team greetings: name, motto, wishes to opponents. The jury evaluates the competition.

Competition "Know-It-All" (or "Warm-Up")

The facilitators ask questions to the teams in turn. The team's task is to give a quick and correct answer.

Quick poll:

1. What is an incident?
a) cactus;
b) case;
c) pot.
2. What is ragweed?
a) pizza;
b) rust;
c) simple mushrooms.
3. What is compost?
a) fertilizer;
b) dried fruit compote;
c) cargo.
4. What is a lancet?
a) leaf;
b) knife;
c) forceps.
5. What is lethargy?
a) prayer;
b) sleep;
c) plant.
6. What is maize?
a) rice;
b) corn;
c) suit.
7. What is a handcar?
a) cart;
b) dirt;
c) galoshes.
8. How many rescuers are there in the cartoon “Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers”?
a) five;
b) six;
at seven o'clock.
9. What is a cavalcade?
a) decoration;
b) a group of riders;
c) a poem.
10. What is a fireball?
a) blow;
b) meteorite;
c) illness.

The jury evaluates the competition. And on our stage we have the following participants of our holiday: 6th grade and the skit “Teacher’s Work Kit”, as well as the guys will perform the song “The Life of a Modern Teacher”.

Competition "Entertaining dictation"

2nd presenter. And now - an entertaining dictation. We invite literate people to a fun event!

One representative from each team is invited to participate in the competition. The task is to write the following text from dictation:
“At noon, on the plank terrace, the freckled clerk’s wife Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate registrar Thaddeus Apollonovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes, and then gave him tea with lump sugar, adding half a lemon.”
The jury evaluates the competition.
9th grade students perform in the skit “An Incident at School.”
Competition "New Schedule"
1st presenter. One day a new director was appointed to a school. He was a very unusual person, and so he decided to redo and change everything at school. And he began to redo everything with the names of school lessons: he was very tired of the old names. So in the school curriculum, instead of reading, letter composition appeared, and instead of drawing, smearing appeared. Help the cheerful director and come up with new names for the lessons.
- mathematics;
- music;
- physical training;
– labor;
– chemistry;
foreign language.
The teams are given one minute to think, after which the captains read out their answer options.

The jury evaluates the competition.

The song “Teacher” is performed by an 11th grade student.

Competition "Understand Me"

2nd presenter. How often teachers do not understand students, and students cannot understand what teachers require of them. Will they be able to understand each other today? Now we will find out.

The task is to recognize an encrypted concept from several characteristic descriptions. The presenter reads out the characteristics one at a time. Once the team is ready to give an answer, the captain raises his hand.


1. You can’t do without it. It's hanging on the wall. If I’m sick, my mother tells me: “Call Masha and find out...” It’s compiled by the head teacher. (Schedule of lessons.)
2. All the students love her. During it, girls run after boys and vice versa. When it starts, everyone “flies out” of the office. (Turn.)
3. They are different: obedient and disobedient, poor students and excellent students, girls and boys. They have different names. They have rest: in winter, spring, summer and autumn. They love to shout, the bad ones shout out first and always in the wrong way. (Pupils, schoolchildren.)
4. He is always missing at school. Some people like to eat it. It makes you dirty. You can't do without it at the board. (Chalk.)
5. This takes place at school. The director is speaking there. They are deciding something there. Someone is being scolded there. (Teaching council.)

The jury evaluates the competition.

5th grade performs. "Scene from school life».

Competition "My Ideal"

1st presenter. What is he like - an ideal student? What qualities do our students want to see in their teachers? We will find out this in our next competition.

The task is to indicate the quality of a teacher (or student) for each letter of the alphabet. Thinking time – 3 minutes.

Examples: A – accuracy; B – frugality; B – consistency; G – hospitality, humanity; D – friendliness; E – naturalness; F – cheerfulness; Z – shyness; I – sincerity; K – beauty; L – curiosity, love; M – mercy; N – spontaneity; O – optimism; P – obedience; R – joy; C – willpower; T – tact; U – zeal, intelligence; F – fanaticism; X – good specialist (student); C – determination; H – philanthropy; Ш – playfulness; Ш – generosity; E – energy; Yu - humor; I am brightness.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Competition “The poet’s soul cannot bear...”

Teams are offered cards with rhymes written on them, blank paper, and pens. The task is to write a poem with the suggested rhymes in five minutes.

disciples are martyrs;

locker room - dump;
lesson - for future use;
teacher - ruler;
call - deadline;
mouth - sandwich;
chalk - blushed;
the diary drooped.

The jury evaluates the competition based on wit and the number of rhymes used.

Competition "Jumble"

1st presenter. What kind of mess is this?

Here they made a mess out of words!
I order you:
Put everything in its place!

The task is to find out the words.

– quinlyka (vacation);

– hand (lesson);
– akbtien (office);
- in advance (change);
– apprat (desk);
– oskad (board).

The jury evaluates the competition.

“Question and answer - that’s the whole secret!”

One team asks another question taken from a song, and the other team must choose the answer, but from a different song. Then the teams change roles.

1. Where is my black-eyed one, where? (Where the river quietly splashes.)

2. What should I give you, my dear man? (A million, a million, a million red roses).
3. When we leave school yard? (Saturday evening, evening, evening.)
4. Where does childhood go? (We will go to Komarovo for a week before the second one.)
5. Where does the Motherland begin? (From the blue stream.)
6. Where did the circus go? (I don’t see anything, I don’t know anything, I won’t tell anyone anything.)

The jury evaluates the competition based on wit and speed of responses.

And at the end there is a song performed by the school choir “Crane Song”.

The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find your way to the children,
May success await you on this path!

Script for KVN for teachers


Leading: Hello, dear students and teachers! We, too, were once students and continue to be students at heart. And, besides, you, our students, are always nearby and do not allow us to forget about school years. Today we would like to remember those days when we ourselves were just like you. Don't you know everything about school life yet? Then we go to you!

Our team is called: Eternal Student.

Our motto: Don't cry, don't be afraid, don't scream (you chose the path - now be silent)!

The song (little by little) is sung by everyone in turn:

We were studying once

The black eye was clearly jinxed.

But we didn't get nervous

Little by little we got used to it.

I wrote the test

I lost my pen somewhere.

But I didn't get nervous

Little by little I got used to it.

Tomorrow I take the test

I can't open my mouth.

But I won't be nervous

Three and two, all three and two.

I rarely get five

Little by little I'm getting used to it.

One day I don't understand

Miraculously I got five.

But I didn't get nervous

Little by little I got used to it.

I'm learning, I'm trying my best,

I'm aiming for an A.

The teacher did not expect

Test, control, test.

But I'm getting more and more depressed

Little by little I'm getting used to it.

Little by little, little by little…..

Leading: And now we will attend class hour. The teacher gets to know his students.

Teacher: Guys, I would like to know more about you. Please tell us what your parents do.

Vanya: My dad is the director of the enterprise.

Ira: And mine is the financial director of the company.

Masha: My mother is the chief accountant.

Igor: And my dad is a turner at a research institute

Friendly laughter.

Teacher: Guys, guys, it’s not nice to laugh when a person is in grief.

The lesson begins. The student puffs sings a song (gr. Prime Minister, “Tanya + Vanya”):

I'm sitting at my desk again,

There is a thick fog in my head.

I say everything is fine

Disorder in the head.

They ask so much

That it's time to go crazy.

Perseverance makes my hands cramp

And my head is shaking.

The assignment in the notebook is equal to two.

Problems and tests – equals two.

The report suffered a sad fate,

And I feel this is not the limit.

It's minus thirty outside the window,

But my head is smoking.

Fly off the page

All familiar words.

How long will it last

This crazy rhythm.

If we try really hard

We'll burn from the effort.

Physics and chemistry, logic, aesthetics.

This is tomorrow, and now it’s simple arithmetic.

The report has not been corrected - still two.

The test for the year is equal to two.

Patience and strength come to their limits.

Perhaps the hospital is now my destiny!

The call from class. The students run out into the street.

Vanya: Guys, let's go to the cafe and have a snack. Otherwise my head hurts and I have no strength.

Ira: I won't go. I have no money. I'm saving.

Vanya: So what! Let's go anyway. No one is forcing you to eat.

Masha: Can you imagine what she has come to with her savings?

Vanya: Until what?

Masha: She teaches the alphabet for the blind.

Vanya: Why?

Masha: And to teach lessons in the dark, without turning on the electricity.

Leading: We showed you a short excerpt from our school life. So may it never end.

Song (all sing together):

Solar circle, sky around.

Life is good and wonderful.

I passed all the tests, feel free to go for a walk.

In general, not time, but paradise!

May there always be sunshine

May there always be heaven

May there always be school

Let us always be!

Time has passed, but not gone

The feeling of this school time.

So be proud just like us

Because you are a student too!

May there always be sunshine

May there always be heaven

May there always be school

Let us always be!


Leading: Dear friends! Do you want to know how students turned into teachers? Then we invite you to the star factory. Let's welcome our presenter, Masha Grebenshchikova, and get to know our participants.

Getting acquainted.

Masha G. (raps):

The start is great, you are our first,

As they say, the shots are approximate.

Here's a task for you to do correctly.

Passing all the tests is the most important thing.

Day or night, the work is yours.

Can we call you masters?

Leading: Let's see how Lyuba copes with the first task.

Lyuba puffs over her notebook.

Lyuba sings ( song "When I become a cat"):

Glare outside the window, okroshka in my head,

There are three minutes left until the bell rings.

Hesitantly at the blackboard, I press a piece of chalk,

How can one overcome this science?

My heart whispered, I said:

Probably only to the next life

I will become a teacher, na-na-na-na...

A path like this is difficult - to give knowledge to people.

Will I be able to do all this?

I throw up my hands, I almost cry,

Who should I expect an answer from?

Yes, of course, it’s difficult, but it’s still possible,

My heart whispered, I said:

Probably only to the next life

I will become a teacher, na-na-na-na...

Probably only to the next life

I will become a teacher, na-na-na-na...

Leading: Yes, this task is not easy for Lyuba. But let's see what other manufacturers are doing.

1 conversation .

Vanya: I read so much about the dangers of smoking.

Ira: So what?

Vanya: Since the New Year I decided to quit.

2 conversation.

Kolya: Yesterday I went to the park and saw a pretty girl walking with a dog.

Julia: So what?

Kolya: I decided to meet her. I come up and say: What a good dog you have.

Julia: And she?

Kolya: She left me her mongrel and left.

Ira: Guys, we need to study if we want to become teachers.

Everyone disperses, sits down at the tables and begins to study.

Masha G. (raps):

It is clear that everyone wants, tries,

Trying to do the task well.

But, as usual, it’s not a punishment,

I'll give you another test.

If you enjoy working together,

Then prove that you are a team!

Leading: Let's see what the manufacturers answer to this. But what is it? Are they really going to compete with the chocolate hare of the Russian stage?

Students sing (song “Chocolate Bunny”):

Slowly, little by little, we approached the finale.

We still found patience and strength within ourselves.

We now know science and don’t howl in anguish.

In general, very soon we will be excellent specialists!

We studied, were not lazy and worked as hard as we could.

So what if we ate too much scientific henbane?

Someone was madly touching the tips of their ears,

Someone smiled stupidly, even if they sewed on the strings!

We will be specialists - VO!

We can handle it easily, oh-oh-oh...

Shortcomings and mistakes melt right before our eyes.

We are talking about textbooks and books - ah-ah-ah!

It is impossible to tear yourself away from scientific phrases and words.

Carefully, piece by piece, we turn into specialists.

We overcame everything, we did everything, we managed,

We will be specialists - VO!

And with a chocolate hare, like with a paper rabbit,

We can handle it easily, oh-oh-oh...

Masha G. (speaks rap):

What can I say – the team is excellent.

This is everyone's personal merit.

Each of them is a professional,

But together they reached the finals!

Leading: Congratulations to our factory owners, they have achieved success and become teachers!

Everyone sings together (song: “Anthem of the Star Factory 1”):

Everyone was thinking about what to do, who they should be, where to go.

But in the end the paths turned out to be the same.

We all work together, here we are all one family -

Dads, moms, brothers, sisters, in general, good friends.

I know you're a good guy, and I don't care either.

And we eat, as if it’s tolerable, and we scold well.

We tried our best together, and together we reached the finals.

In general, it turned out great - I got it and you got it.

You've got it, let's teach the people!

Work is not a concern for us, because we are all one family.

We love our work and our work is not in vain.

And nothing scares us, neither the students nor the rush.

So what if we hit it - I hit it, and you got it.

We are happy to work for you from call to call.

Let them hit, let them hit, because that’s what we are experts at.

Economics and law, mathematics, in. language

We hope, guys, that success finds us all!

It's cool you became a teacher, you got it,

You've got it, let's teach the people!

Leading: Goodbye, guys. See you again! (On lessons).


-Our dear teachersI! Today our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day!

This holiday is yours, and therefore your students’.

Today we are holding a comic KVN between teachers and students, dedicated to Teacher's Day. We congratulate all our teachers and wish them happiness, health, and creative success!!!

A team of students (9 grades) and teachers (7 teachers) took their places.

And we will start our event with a VIDEO SURPRISE, which was prepared by the students of our school for their favorite teachers! So, all attention to the screen!

We are starting KVN!

Presentation by the jury: Dear participants! To evaluate the competitions, we have assembled an honest jury: ..... Today, instead of the usual ratings, the jury will put “LIKES”, as a result, the chairman of the jury will count the number of likes the teams have received and thus identify the winner!

1 COMPETITION. "Greetings": come up with a team name and motto.

Jury scores


1.The more you pick, the bigger it gets? (hole)

2.Who doesn’t get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (bald)

3.What kind of person can stop a speeding car with one hand? (traffic police inspector)

4.Which hand is more convenient to stir tea? (with a spoon)

6. Why is a student kicked out of class? (out the door)

7. When do people have as many eyes as there are days in a year? (2January)

8. What will a crow do after living for three years? (the fourth will live)

Jury scores

3 COMPETITION “One day in the life of a teacher and student”

We invite you to choose one representative from the team with well-developed artistic talent, (choose) The student needs to pantamify one day in the life of the teacher! And for the teacher, one day in the life of a student. I will read the text, and you will perform the actions. All clear? Then let's start with a team of students.

Jury scores

4 COMPETITION. "Math Lesson"

Why study mathematics? That's right, to be able to count money.

Exercise: Teams are given a bag of coins. Who can count the amount in the bag faster?

Jury scores

5 COMPETITION. "Musical Change"

It's time to get moving, namely dance, which, by the way, is good for your health!

Assignment: Music will play, and we will tell the teams which part of the body needs to perform the movements. You have to navigate and come up with interesting moves. So, let's count down: three, two, one - let's start!

1st melody. Teams dance with one hand...

2nd melody. Teams dance so that there are as few feet on the floor as possible...

3rd melody. Teams must dance with their bellies...

4th melody. Teams dance only with their heads...

5th melody. Teams dance with only their feet...

6th melody. Teams dance with their shoulders...

7th melody. Teams dance with their eyes...

8th melody. But now all parts of the body are dancing!

6 COMPETITION. Captains' competition "Extended group"

The captains' task is to help the first grader get ready for a walk. Attributes: coat, jacket, boots, boots, two scarves, two hats, two pairs of mittens, two sweaters. All clothes are folded in a large box. The jury evaluates the speed and quality of dressing.

7 COMPETITION. Competition "New Schedule"

Leading. One day a new director was appointed to a school. He was a very unusual person, and so he decided to redo and change everything at school. And he began to redo everything with the names of school lessons: he was very tired of the old names. So in the school curriculum, instead of reading, letter composition appeared, and instead of drawing, smearing appeared. Help the cheerful director and come up with new names for the lessons.

- mathematics;

- music;

- physical training;

- foreign language.

The teams are given one minute to think, after which the captains read out their answer options. The jury evaluates the competition.

8 COMPETITION. Black box.

You don't know what's in this box. We give brief description this subject. Each team can ask 3 questions about the subject, to which we will answer: yes or no.

1 item (piece of chalk) – FOR TEACHERS

One piece of what is now in the box is never enough. And sometimes they don’t give more because there is a shortage. Everyone needs this, as it helps with caries, and they also say with bruises, sprains and fractures.

2nd subject (class magazine) – FOR STUDENTS

If you took it without permission and took it home, you would be punished under an article of the Criminal Code. But you have the opportunity to admire this thing every day, every hour, every minute. You can admire it from afar, secretly dream about it, and sometimes, very, very rarely, you get the chance to touch this thing.


What kind of mess is this?

Here they made a mess out of words!

I order you:

Put everything in its place!

The task is to find out the words.

– quinlyka (vacation);

– hand (lesson);

– akbtien (office);

- in advance (change);

– apprat (desk);

– oskad (board).

The jury evaluates the competition.

then sums up the entire game

This concludes our KVN. We sincerely thank everyone who took part in it! The jury gives the floor

Ved: Attention! Attention! Our microphone was installed in the Togur NOSH on the occasion of the celebration of Teacher's Day. Today is a festive KVN. So…

We are starting KVN. For whom? For what?

Let him not leave aside. Nobody, nothing.

Let it not solve all problems.

It won’t solve all problems, but it will make everyone happier.

Everyone will have more fun.

Ved 2: Today teams of students and teachers are competing. Today you will have to compete in resourcefulness and ingenuity, and answer interesting questions. I wish you all good luck and, of course, victory!

Ved 1: Now let me introduce our jury:

Galina Valerievna Ulybina – Deputy Director for HR

Albina Nikolaevna Vasilyeva – head of the library

Novikova Anastasia – Chairman of the Government of the School Parliament

Elizaveta Petrovna Shulepova – school director and chairman of the jury

Ved 2: So, a team of students will start KVN.

I declare the KVN called “You are all teachers from God” open. I ask a team of students to take the stage. We're starting the competition!



Whether it's a two or a five, we don't care. All sorts of different things are not contagious (everything).

Better yet, lie down and play a little. All sorts of different things are not contagious (everything).


Welcome to the team...(all) "Inveterate Losers"

Captain: Who believe that (all in turn)

If you haven’t eaten the jam, you won’t be in the mood. -eat more jam - don’t ruin everyone’s mood!

Don't study, don't work, just live and have fun! - your health is fine, so don’t do exercises!

And most importantly, studying well is just stupid!


I represent our team (the captain names the participants who come forward)


Bells, bells, doo-doo, maybe I won’t go to school today.

Sonya Zasonina:

Wake me up at four or half past five, I still won’t wake up, even at half past nine.

Shpargalkin sisters:

But we don’t care, but we don’t care, we’re not afraid of deuces and stakes.

But why teach, but why cram – we’ll copy all the lessons anyway.


For lateness, the reason for being late will be made up. Yesterday I got caught in a spider's web, and now I found a meteorite.


When I dreamed about the number five, I came up with everything myself. Beautifully descended into the diary, she, she, she.

And I didn’t close my diary. Let it shine for me. What a pity that all this happened in a dream.


Mom told Kolya: “People are at school, people are in the field, you’re in bed all day.”

Kolya: “I’m tired of you, you can see, I’ll go to the field and lie down there.”

(talking to each other)

Who will fly into space then? will it open new laws of physics?

Who will discover new stars? who will teach the children?

(look at each other) (everyone)

Of course we are. But we don’t know anything! We can't do anything. We will learn! We will improve!

Captain: Because we (all)

We are not astronauts or physicists, and we have no bitter regrets.

And of course, we are still schoolchildren, yes! And warm greetings to you.

Do not refuse us the courtesy to fight us to the end,

Otherwise, yes, our minds and kind hearts will perish in obscurity.

We are still gnawing on the granite of science, cramming and learning everything in a row, in a row.

We can overcome all the loads and we have no barriers at all.


We invite a team of teachers to play KVN with us.

(teachers come on stage)

(“Designs wall newspapers, solves crosswords, puzzles”)

In vain the mother waits for her son to come home, he solves problems at school,

Wave after wave of multiplication tables flies past our ears.

In vain, the children are waiting for their mother to come home, she is sitting in class,

A swarm of crosswords and puzzles flies over her even in her sleep.

It’s fun to walk along the corridor together and it’s better for us to study in unison.

I will do my best so that you learn, so that you are friends, smile, and are kind.

(“Helps as much as he can”)

I'm on the run all the time, helping as much as I can.

I run after the truant, I help those who lag behind.

I can write with a pen, but I can’t talk about it. I'll help anyway.

(“Heals with carrots and sticks”)

It’s a hard day for me - I don’t have a minute, I have to scold everyone, what a joke!

And then you have to do everything the other way around, you have to praise everyone, and there’s a lot of work to do.

(“Always takes tears from everyone into his vest”)

Drip-drip-drip, from your cheeks onto your dress, drip-drip-drip, no need to cry,

Do you have such grief that it’s worth crying over?

Neither because of twos, nor because of threes, nor because of boys, nor because of girls.

There is no point in crying out of resentment or frustration; there is no need to cry.

(“Pumps muscles and knowledge into brains”)

So that they don’t get tired of saying: “We need to learn Russian, mathematics,

I boldly declare to you, gentlemen, exercise machines are power,

They will always help you, who does not want to voluntarily study,

I’m used to using any means!”


Our motto: “We stick our nose into any question” (sing)

We were born to make a fairy tale come true, To put school reforms into practice,

And we need to make every effort so that thought shines in our children.

Closer and closer and closer, our hearts strive for you.

And in every teacher our love for students breathes.


Today we are waiting for fun and jokes, we will not be bored here for a minute, and laziness will never overcome

(all) Expedited assistance is always with you.

2. Ved: Well done to both teams, let's applaud them again. And I announce the next competition “WARM-UP”. A mental workout where participants must show off their wit and sense of humor.

Both teams are invited to the stage.

"O.D." Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there in total? (8)

"U.P." Why is a student kicked out of class? (out the door)

“O.D” Why does a person walk on and a turtle crawl on? (on the ground)

"U.P." What rocks are there in the sea? (dry)

"O.D." What can't be returned? (time)

"U.P." What can you cook but can't eat? (lesson)

"O.D." What's the first thing you do in the morning? (you wake up)

"U.P." A hunter walked past the tower, and there was a clock on the tower. He fired. Where did he end up? (to the police).

3. Ved 2: The “Warm-up” competition has ended and we are moving on to the next competition, which is called “WHO IS FASTER”.

I will ask all team members to mix. And at my signal, each team must line up as quickly as possible in a line according to height. The captains must shout: “Team...formed.” So, let's start. Stirred. AND…. started.

Ved 1: While the jury is preparing to sum up the results of the three competitions, we will play a game FOR ATTENTION. Let's see who is more attentive, students or teachers. The game is conducted by Natalya Mikhailovna. The audience plays along with the contestants.

(Summing up the results of the jury of three competitions)

4. Ved 2: Let's move on to the competition "HOMEWORK" - "FANTASY IN SCHOOL MOTIVES."

The “Accelerated Help” team is invited to the stage.

Fragment No. 1
A math teacher explains how to solve equations.
Watchman(enters): Natalya Ivanovna, come to the phone.
Teacher. I'm busy, I have a lesson.
Watchman. Should I pass it on?
Teacher. Who's asking? Man or woman?
Watchman. Man.
That's what they would have said right away. I'll be right there. Guys, solve the examples on page 135 from No. 1 to No. 99.

Fragment No. 2 Lesson in a Georgian school.
Teacher. Givi, tell me, dear, what is an os?
Givi. Wasp is such a big striped fly.
Teacher. No, Givi. The big striped flies are bees, and wasps are what the Earth revolves around!

Fragment No. 3

A young teacher to her friend.

One of my students completely tormented me: he makes noise, misbehaves, disrupts lessons!

Does he have at least one positive quality?

Yes! He doesn't miss classes!

Team "Inveterate Losers"

Fragment No. 1

Teacher.Why were you late for class?
Student. It's never too late to learn.

Fragment No. 2.

Father:How are things at school?

Son:I don’t talk to the father of the poor student.

Fragment No. 3

In class, everyone writes an essay on the topic “If I were a school principal.”

Teacher: Why don’t you write, Vovochka?

Vovochka: And I'm waiting for the secretary.

5. Ved: I am announcing the next competition “GUESS THE VOICE”.

Both teams are invited to the stage. In turn, each team is invited to listen to the voice of school staff in the recording. After listening, the teams must name who owns this or that voice.


  1. For Teacher's Day, the school administration decided to increase wages by 200% (Andreeva O.L.)
  2. From October 15, a beauty salon and fitness club begins to operate at the school for teachers (Andreev A.V.)
  3. Starting tomorrow, maintaining class registers and personal files of students is canceled (Volkova O.V.)
  4. After KVN, everyone is invited to a festive banquet. The clearing is covered by a dining room (T.A. Beimler)


  1. From this day on, I no longer give bad marks, you can draw whatever you want (Novoseltseva N.N.)
  2. Give each student a computer in the new year (Korzhov A.V.)
  3. Scientists have long noted the beneficial effects classical music on health status (Semykina V.V.)
  4. Autumn has arrived, the leaves are falling, birds are flying to warmer regions (Vasilieva A.N.)

Ved: The jury speaks to sum up the results of the three competitions.

(word from the jury)

6. Attention! Attention, friends! I am announcing the sixth competition.

Feel free to answer my questions and score points for your team. "OVERTAKES"

Each team must answer questions in 30 seconds.


  1. Box for pens and pencils (pencil case)
  2. Schoolchild's bag (briefcase, satchel)
  3. A figure with all sides equal (square)
  4. Letters that do not make a sound (ь,ъ)
  5. Winter holiday month (January)
  6. Break between lessons (recess)
  7. School room (classroom)
  8. A figure with 3 sides and 3 angles (triangle)
  9. First letter of the alphabet (A)
  10. the student's very first book (primer book, alphabet)
  11. Student's favorite grade (A)


  1. Sports room (gym)
  2. With its help you can increase your salary (grade)
  3. Teacher's weapon (pointer, deuce)
  4. Needed for writing on a blackboard (chalk)
  5. Who pays salaries (accountant)
  6. Head of school (director)
  7. A figure without corners (circle)
  8. One side of a sheet of paper (page)
  9. No amount of money can buy it (health)
  10. Requirement to be fulfilled (order)
  11. There is a fabulous bird that brings it (happiness)

Vedas: A Word to Summarize of this competition provided to the jury (word from the jury)

Ved: We will continue KVN and start a competition for captains. I ask the captains to come up to the stage.

Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside

We saw small fish, not just one, but whole ones....7.

When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night,

Take it and repeat it once at night, twice, or better yet...10.

A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion,

Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command one, two...3.

One day I had to wait for a train at the station for more than 3 hours.

Ved: While the jury is summing up the results, dear teachers, allow me, on behalf of all students at the school, to congratulate you on your professional holiday.

1 student:

We congratulate you on your holiday. Never grieve about anything.

And we wish you never to get sick, a happy life, success in everything.

2nd student:

We wish you happiness in your family life. May your children love you deeply

Let misfortunes pass you by, And let every hour be sunny.

3rd student:

Let fun, luck, and love for each other settle in your house.

We wish you happiness, health, of course, Smart and competent students!

(song) (summarizing the results of KVN jury)